105|Corrupt government officials (5)

Relying on his superb acting skills, in the morning, Ji Changze succeeded in dumping what he should have done by himself to his poor subordinates.

He didn't deliberately make routines either. It was true that these matters were not strictly a matter of the county office, they were all taken back by Ji Changze from outside.

If you just let the people below you do the work for him directly, the Shangguan would have to do the work that he didn't need to do by himself. Even if it was paid, most people would still be unhappy.

In particular, they belong to the existence of "civil servants." Except for the poor ghost of Wuxian Cheng, other people are actually not very open to money.

Of course, they certainly won't refuse to give the money.

Look at how good it is now, just to say a few words, Ji Changze's errand was done for him, and he was happy. Those who helped him with the errand felt that they were the confidants of the county magistrate, and they were also happy.

And he didn't lie either. These subordinates are indeed one-to-one with him in his heart, and he really trusts them.

After all, those who are not in harmony with him have been taken out in the past few days.

Nowadays everyone is happy, it won't work if you don't say a word of perfection.

Master Ji, who was all light and light, licked melon seeds to see the small vegetable garden he had placed in the inner office.

Watering the water, watching others fertilize, put a recliner under the sun, while drinking the juice that was squeezed out, and eating the fresh snacks made in the kitchen.

Ji Changze, who is sunbathing, sighs very much. He is really tired recently and he needs to take a good rest.

Over there, the master book was busy calculating Weeping Liu County. Because of the extra accounting provided by their county magistrates, when the most difficult part was calculated, they wanted to grab Ji Changze and sway, and yelled and asked him why he created so many side jobs.

That's fine for Yuan Huayi. After all, Yuan Huayi has his own account, so he only needs to make an overall plan for the Yin Liang who supports the county government on Yuan Huayi's side.

But look at what good things their Jizhi County has done.

The big and small shopping streets have to collect fees every day, so forget it. After all, the money will be counted as the income of the yamen, and it can be regarded as what he originally wanted to do. It is also a good thing to build an orphanage and nursing home. After all, it is good deeds. In the past, it was to attract foreigners to the weeping willows to boost the economy.

What are these "how to eat delicious experimental seafood", "Does raising cats and dogs increase the happiness of the people", "Guardian protection expenditure", "Birth of the big ship", what the hell is it? ! !

He took a deep breath, and waited until he saw a ledger that said "Expenditure for County Government Personnel This Year", opened the page that he saw, and saw that it clearly stated that Liang's book salary increased to one or two. , When there were boxing benefits later, that qi disappeared miraculously.

The salary of the master book is fixed, and Master Ji will give it a lot, and it must be out of his own pocket. Such a good Shangguan, and treat him wholeheartedly as his own, how can he bear not sharing for the Shangguan.

On the other hand, Wuxian Cheng, who trapped himself in the study every day, gritted his teeth and wrote "Travel Guide", "Top Ten Tourist Attractions in Weeping Liu County", "On the Source of Yuan Flower", "The Role of Big and Small Commercial Streets in Weeping County", etc. Wait and wait, while gritting his teeth, admiring Master Ji's literary talent, he could not think of writing an article like this even if he wanted to break his head.

Wang Catou stepped up the inspection with the people under him. After the inspection, he trained the people in a place where no one was nearby according to the method given by the magistrate. The magistrate actually asked someone to make new clothes for them last time. Specially made protective clothing that can protect vital parts of the body for them.

In the past, the arresting officers looked at the majesty in front of the people. In fact, in front of Shangguan, it was not nothing. Wang Putou has been in the county office for more than ten years and sent away several adults. This is the first time that an adult has taken the initiative to give. They upgrade their protection.

It was also the first time that an adult regarded him as the most trusted person in the county.

In the past, most of the county magistrates were the best with the county princes, and they didn't even look straight at the group of people under them. Now that he has such a rare opportunity to show his face in front of the magistrates, how could he not take it well.

With a serious expression, he walked past the row of arresters who were standing upright: "Give me a firm foothold. Now the county magistrate has said, we must make sure that those petty thieves don't dare to appear, my lord. Not only gave us clothes, but also a bonus, and also bought pork and mutton dishes to our home. We must be worthy of the adult's care."

"If there is anyone who dares to be lazy and can't keep up with the training, get out of here as soon as possible. Don't think that the adult will not be afraid if you don't watch it in person. If you are wicked and slippery, even if I drive you out of the county office directly, I will only praise me for a good job!"

It was the first time that Wang caught his head in the county office for more than ten years. It was the first time he was so prestigious.

And the catchers who were standing upright also hurriedly stood still and straightened as he said.

If they lost the position of catching fast before, although they would feel lost and not too uncomfortable, it is different now.

Since Master Ji took office, their fast-catching treatment has improved by more than a little bit compared to before. Yueyin has risen up and has new clothes and new boots. It looks very energetic when worn on the body, and it is also very face-free when worn out.

Even the official knife, although the knife was not changed, it was Master Yuki who looked for someone to make a good show outside. The adult even hired someone specially to boil sweet water to make cakes and put them at the gate of the county government, although the reasons given were these. Sweet water pastries can eat and drink as long as they are public officials of the county government, but in the entire county government, they are the only ones who want to go out on the street and have the most access to the gate. Isn't it just for them to put it at the door?

Not to mention the special protection of their clothes, as well as the boxing gifts that are enough for a family to eat for a month. Of course, a month is counted as very economical.

The most important thing is that now they, and their family, will be looked at them with envy wherever they go.

Ji Changze did it.

Didn't he build some bathhouses in the weeping willows? There are two bathhouses, which are specially used by the public officials of the county government and their families. Immediate family members, such as mothers, fathers, mothers, children, brothers and sisters, can enter as long as they live together.

It is also a privilege, but the bathhouse was built by the county magistrate at his own expense, and they paid for the convenience of the officials themselves, and no one can say anything about it.

For the arresters, this benefit really moved them. Those civilians are respected by others, but the arresters have always been miserable.

It's a month's money, not as much as a clerical job. It's more tiring than a clerical job. The people are still afraid of themselves because they have to deal with danger every day. Those who are slightly better are not willing to treat girls. Get married.

But now it's different. The relatives of the yakuza are also counted as family members by Master Ji. The family members go to the special bathhouse, and there is still a lot of face.

Not only the bathhouses, but the family members of public officials of the county government, go to the small shopping street to set up stalls without charging fees. Although there is only a penny, but who is not happy, there is also Mr. Ji who used to build a pancreas factory, build roads, and build public toilets. In the whole orphanage nursing home, these families of public servants in the government give priority to family members of government officials who provide food and housing and a lot of money for good work.

Several fast-catching ladies are now helping to take care of the children in the orphanage, and they can get the money back every month. They can also go there and eat together.

This is also permitted by Ji Changze. The catchers are under his hands, and the orphanage is opened by him with money. It is not a big deal for a few people to eat, but it can make the catchers who can eat in the orphanage treat him. Take out your lungs.

And here is the ancient times, and the natural class made these benefited people not dare to do things right. After all, Ji Changze was in control of their killing power. If one of them took advantage of it and didn't do anything, then you don't need to think about the end.

Haven't seen Ji Changze's words recently, should all those arresting people do the same as the golden rules?

During this period of time, Wuxian Cheng saw the transformation of the people under his eyes in his eyes, and it was even more affirmed that this master Ji was good at manipulating people's hearts and had a deep heart.

Fortunately, in Master Ji's mind, they are one mind, and he doesn't have to worry about Master Ji playing with people's minds on his own head.

It's also because Ji Changze didn't know what Wuxian Cheng was thinking. If he knew it, he would definitely think that Wuxian Cheng was too complicated to think about.

He has always felt that he doesn't like to figure out people's hearts very much, but isn't it very easy to understand people's hearts? He doesn't have to guess or think, he can know what these people want and what those people want at a glance.

He does these things with the kindness of "don't mind letting you be happy while doing things for me".

Hey, speaking of it, he is too kind to let others do things for themselves and make the other person happy.

Nowhere else is there such a good boss like him.

The good boss, Ji Changze, still eats and drinks every day, goes shopping with his wife, goes to the tourist city to guide his work, and then looks at his vegetable garden. He goes to bed every day and can sleep in bed in the morning to live his little life leisurely. In less than a month, I gained two pounds.

Finally, the three subordinates, a Xiancheng whose hairline gradually moved upwards, a master book with a large amount of hair loss and two large dark circles under the eyes, and a chest muscle and biceps muscles became much stronger. The people underneath either patrol the streets or exercise, and occasionally touch a few thieves' dens to carry out hard-core exercises. They all announce that they have done what Master Ji gave them to do.

Ji Changze was very satisfied.

He paid out of his own pocket and gave them bonuses one by one. He patted his shoulders one by one, his face full of admiration.

"Very well, you have done more than the official expected, and the tourism city has also completely closed. We willow weeping willows can welcome foreign tourists."

He looked at the one in front of him who was in danger of baldness, one who had turned into a national treasure, and the subordinate who had been tanned for more than a little bit, with a gentle smile on his face.

"The official thought that in this huge county government, there is only one credible official, but now it seems that the three of you are the right arms of the official, and you and the official have a true heart."

The exhausted expressions on the faces of the three of them were slightly reduced, and they all showed a bit of pride.

They looked at each other without a trace, and naturally they did not miss the same pride and satisfaction on the faces of the other two.

All three of them are proud and self-satisfied, and they automatically check their seats. They are the "one person" in the "only one person can be trusted" that the only adult said.

Hey, look at them, I don't know that the adults have been with myself before, and I am the first person to be trusted by the adults.

Even if the adults and them are on one mind now, their own heart is still the most advanced.