106|Corrupt government officials (6)

After Ji Changze's operations (instructing others to do things and watch them for themselves), weeping willows are now able to receive foreign tourists well. Various tourist attractions are well prepared, and rows of small houses for tourists have been built.

Master Zheng, who went to the capital to engage in the Yuanhua pancreas business, sent a letter back. Sure enough, many people in the capital are interested in Yuanhua, and most of them are literati.

This is also normal. Although women prefer to use the Yuanhua Pancreas, the Yuanhua petals in the Yuanhua Pancreas that can be clearly seen are still more popular with literati. Of course, the navy's remarks arranged by Ji Changze are indispensable.

Yuan Hua is beautiful and comes with its own fragrance, which makes people feel refreshing. Anyone who has used Yuan Hua Pan will know this. As long as the Yuan Hua Pan is gently wiped in the palm of the hand, the fragrance can last for a day or even longer.

A single petal can have such an effect, if it is a real yuan flower, wouldn't it be even more exciting.

Naturally, they didn't know that the petals were only for viewing. The reason why the Yuanhua pancreas was so scented was because Ji Changze destroyed the flowers. He didn't know how many petals were used to refine the fragrance.

In short, under the misleading of Ji Changze, Yuanhua gradually became the new eulogy of the capital.

It grows well, smells good, and is quite loyal (except for weeping willows, they can't grow anywhere else).

Ji Changze didn't think it was enough, so he wrote a draft and took Wuxian Cheng, who was already bald, to write a legend of weeping willows.

The story is about a woman, nicknamed Yuan'er, who was engaged to her fiance since childhood. The two had a childhood sweetheart. They had a strong relationship and promised each other for life. The fiance went to Beijing to take the exam. Yuan'er agreed with him to wait for him to return. But he was robbed on the way. After being killed by the bandit, Yuan'er did not wait for him to return, and refused to believe that he had left himself behind his treachery. She always waited obsessively, supporting his parents, taking care of his younger siblings, and waiting until the younger siblings grow up and their parents die of life. Standing at the place agreed with his fiance, looking out towards the capital.

Yuan'er is getting old. She doesn't want her fiance to come back and see her haggard face. God is so infatuated with her that she turns her into a tree. Every year in the month of scientific research, the tree will bloom, and will bloom and fall. Just waiting for the return of her sweetheart, she found that she couldn't wait to return, she was sad and defeated, but after a month, the petals fell on the ground.

After that, the fiancé's brother went to Beijing to take the test and found his brother's remains on the road. When he returned to Beijing, he brought it back and was buried under the tree that Yuan'er transformed into. But Yuan'er has not heard the news of his fiance's return at this moment. She is still like that. In the month of scientific expedition, it will bloom and greet the fiance with its most beautiful moment. As soon as the month passes, the lost petals will wither.

After that, my neighbors were deeply moved by Yuan'er, and named this tree Yuanshu, asking for the seeds to be scattered everywhere, but these Yuan trees were not willing to take root and sprout in places other than the weeping willow, and were only willing to stay in the weeping willow and wait for the fiance. Come back home.

She didn't know that her fiance had been buried under the tree, giving birth to small grasses, gently guarding her.

What a touching legend of love, although it was made up by Ji Changze, and it was a bit uncontrollable to figure it out, it fits the current popular fashion very well.

Ji Changze knew that weeping willow had never had this legend before, but it didn't matter. From this moment on, it was a love story handed down from generations to generations.

And although the story is fake, there is still a lot of truth in the content.

The blooming time of the meta tree is indeed exactly the month of the scientific research. The weeping willow has a special geology. The meta tree that can grow well here will indeed die if it is moved to other places. Moreover, the meta tree has associated grasses. This kind of small The grass grows by attaching to the meta tree. Wherever there is a meta tree, there is this kind of grass.

The real phenomenon is mixed with fake stories, enough to make this "legend" true.

Wuxian Cheng, who witnessed the prestigious masters making up an outline on the spot, and forcing himself to write such a lingering and touching love story: "..."

He also thinks this story is quite good. If it hadn't been for the knowledge that weeping willow had no such legend before, maybe he would have believed it too, but the problem is...

"My lord, weeping willow has never happened before. We are like this, I'm afraid no one will believe it."

In fact, Wuxian Cheng wanted to say whether this is too fake, something that no one had mentioned in the past few decades, now that the literati of the capital will come to weeping willow, the legend of the yuan tree suddenly pops out.

Ji Changze waved his hand: "It's okay, just write it."

Believe it or not, the legend.

Just say that Yuan'er became a tree. It's touching to put it in the legend. But if it's now, a person becomes a tree, do you see if the people will be afraid to chop it down and burn it quickly , Shouting monsters with horror on his face.

Wuxian Cheng had to work overtime, but in my heart he still felt that the magistrate, who had been so scheming, was about to overturn his car.

Legends are passed down from generation to generation to be credible.

Hey, but that is true, even if this master Ji is superb, he is nothing but a young man, no matter how deep he is, where can he sink deeply.

Although he was complaining in his heart, the things the boss explained gave Wuxian Cheng Shishi, he didn't dare to do anything wrong, so he could only work overtime to create this "legend".

Ji Changze got the manuscript, arranged a few storytellers, gave them some advice, and let them go.

On the third day, Wuxian Cheng was arrested, and he accompanied the magistrate to inspect commercial streets.

There was nothing when I went to the big shopping street. When I went to the small shopping street, Wuxian Cheng's chin was about to fall to the ground.

Most of the people selling goods in small shopping streets are ordinary small vendors, or the people are picking up vegetables to sell. Since it was developed by the county government, it has been strictly managed. Although everything is sold on the ground, there is nothing dirty. Dirt, after the establishment of this place, the Wuxian Chengjia also liked to come here to buy vegetables. He has been here several times and naturally knows what they sell here.

Can look again now.

"Chaos, chaos is sold. This chaos in my house has been sold for generations. The girl Yuan'er had eaten at my house. She said they were delicious."

Wuxian Cheng: "..."

Fart, he comes to eat this chaos every day, didn't the old man who sells chaos even said that he learned the craftsmanship of chaos from the next county?

"The best jewelry, girl, let's take a look at the jewelry. Look how beautiful this bracelet is. This is the favorite style of girl Yuan'er."

Wuxian Cheng looked at the table that the stall owner was holding, and his eyebrows jumped. He bought this bracelet the day before yesterday. Didn't the stall owner say a new style at that time?

Looking at the other side, the umbrella seller said that the umbrella was engraved with yuan flowers, which symbolized the unswerving love. The seller of sachets said that the embroidery on the sachet was originally embroidered by the girl Yuan'er for the fiancé. There is another one over there. Selling a ring of Girl Yuan'er handed down by his grandfather.

Wuxian Cheng: "..."

He hasn't been here for only three days. Are these people brainwashed?

Wuxian Cheng tilted his head to look to the side of Ji Changze. Ji Changze smiled at him: "It seems that girl Yuan'er has left a lot of footprints in my Weeping Liu County."

Wuxian Cheng: "..."

He always felt that Master Ji seemed to be laughing at him.

With a dry cough: "These are all arranged by the adults? Isn't the person who deceived us weeping willow so good?"

If they were exposed to their fake legends, they would definitely be ridiculed.

Ji Changze made an invitation to him: "You can try it and see if they will admit that these are fake."

Wuxian Cheng went half-believingly.

He walked to the stall owner who sold the ring, picked up the ring and looked at it. The stall owner saw him like this and thought he wanted to buy it. He immediately squeezed out a smile on his face: "Master, this ring is worn by the girl Yuan'er. It was the infatuated woman who was waiting for Liu Lang to turn into Yuanshu. This is a good thing. You really know the goods."

Wuxian Cheng: "You look pretty ordinary."

"Ms. Yuan'er's family situation is not good either. It's normal that this is her ring. Don't you know that, in order to support the old father and mother in Liu Lang's family, Miss Yuan'er gave Liu Lang and her hairpin to pawn. Where does she have money to buy good jewelry, right?"

Wuxian Cheng: "..."

This is indeed very reasonable and very logical.

If he hadn't written the plot of "Yuan Niang Tears Selling Gold Hairpins", he would really believe it.

Ji Changze stood there with his arms folded, watching Wuxian Cheng struggled for a long time before he questioned the authenticity of "Girl Yuan'er", and then was quite angrily pushed back by the stall owner.

"What is girl Yuan'er does not exist! My grandfather's grandfather has seen her with his own eyes, and my grandfather told me personally, saying that girl Yuan'er is really stunning, gentle and kind, and this ring is also used by my grandfather's grandfather. The food was traded with her."

"Do you really buy things? If you don't, please move away quickly. Don't stop me from selling things."

Wuxian Cheng came back with a dazed expression.

Ji Changze wanted to laugh very much, but he resisted it and raised his eyebrows at his unlucky county prime minister: "How?"

Unlucky County Cheng is still very dazed: "...How come, this Yuan'er is obviously a fictional person made up by adults, why do they say so swearingly."

Naturally, it is because of selling peripherals to make money.

As long as you borrow a name, you can turn ordinary things into good things with your own fame, and this kind of mythology is a long time ago, and it is impossible for the parties to come out and ask them for the image rights. This is a good thing. , Who would be willing not to do it.

Ji Changze only needs to arrange a few people to spread the story in the early stage. In the later stage, there will naturally be people under the name "Girl Yuan'er used to be xxx" to maintain the authenticity of this myth.

He patted on the shoulder of Wuxian Cheng, who was obviously the original author, but was criticized by Xianren colleagues for "you know what a fart": "This is really okay. Walk around, you can go back and rest for a few days."

The first group of tourists in the capital have already embarked on the itinerary.

Among a group of literati who wanted to take a look at the legendary Yuanhua falling all over the ground, there was a young man who was not very interested in poetry.

It is Wei Junli, Wei Juncan's younger brother. He is not too old. He is only sixteen this year, but he is already at the age of marriage in Anguo. This time Ji Changze, the son-in-law, sent someone to give the festival gift. Naturally, the Wei family would return the gift. I volunteered to go to the weeping willow to give gifts.

On the one hand, I missed my sister and wanted to see it with my own eyes. On the other hand, I heard about the beauty of Yuanhua and I wanted to see it in person.

Naturally, the reason given to his parents is that he is about to take a scientific examination, and now he is only a scholar of fame, and his brother-in-law is a jinshi who has passed the examination. It is good to ask his brother-in-law for advice.

Although the Wei family knew that he was just looking for an excuse, they also missed their daughter. Since they can't meet with their own eyes, it would be nice to let their son take a look instead, so they agreed.

Wei Junli was cheerful. Seeing that these literati were going to the Weeping Willow to see Yuanhua, he walked with them. They were all about the same age. They talked and laughed and talked all the way, so happy.

He also didn't deliberately say that he was the brother-in-law of Weeping Willow County, and most of these literati only went to Yuanhua. Without asking more, a group of people quickly became brothers and sisters.

When he knew that his brother-in-law was going to take his sister to Weeping Willow, Wei Junli also checked the Weeping Willow County Chronicles, so he knew the style of Weeping Willow very well and knew that this was a really poor place.

When it was about to arrive, seeing it raining, Wei Junli also reminded them kindly: "I heard that weeping willows are raining along the sea, so there is a lot of mud on the ground. You can ask the people to find the inn first, so that the dirty boots will not be difficult to clean and replace."

If you come out to play, you won't be able to bring too many salutes.

Everyone else thanked him for his reminder, and said: "Brother Wei is still thoughtful. He is so clear about the scene of the weeping willow."

Wei Junli was a little arrogant in his heart, but waved his hand quite modestly on his face: "It's nothing, but there are relatives at home here, so I care a little more about the weeping willow."

He showed off like this the first time he went out, and his speech was a little lighthearted.

"I have all come together. In the future, if you have any difficulties in Weeping Willow, just come to find Wei. Although Wei is not as good as everyone, he always needs to know something about Weeping Willow."

Hehehe, pretending to be gentle, so comfortable.

Wei Junli, who was previously controlled by his family to study honestly, rarely pretended to be forced. He only felt comfortable all over. After speaking, he did not put down the curtain and sat back, but continued to look outside.

The carriage entered the city with weeping willows written on it, and then walked smoothly on the concrete road.

A drainage hole was repaired underneath, and the rainwater on the road flowed underground. The road surface was clean and only slightly wet. Pedestrians walked above, and the upper of the umbrella was not wet at all.

The coachman stopped the carriage and asked everyone in the carriage: "Would you like to come down and walk? Weeping willows have the best rainy weather."

Behind him is a misty and rainy pedestrian walking leisurely on the concrete road holding a bamboo umbrella.

You Lang asked what the road was all about. The coachman smiled and replied that it was the road built by the newly appointed magistrate. In the past, everyone hid in the rain and went home. Now that the road is repaired, the rainy weather does not prevent everyone from coming out.

Although no one looked at him, Wei Junli always felt that his eyes were on him: "..."

Brother-in-law, you didn't say that besides doing Yuanhuayi, you also repaired the road.