114|Corrupt government officials (14)

I've only heard that wives are expensive by husbands and mothers by sons, but we have never heard of Weng's son-in-law.

Master Wei hasn't been promoted for a long time. He has real skills, but the most indispensable person in the court is people with skills. He will not please his superiors, and he will not delve into it. What merits he has made is even more lofty. Never thought of showing his merits, and being able to sit in the previous position was because the emperor felt that although he occasionally didn't know how to work, he was a pure minister anyway.

Officials, the higher you go, the more difficult it is to get promoted. There are also many people in the courtroom who haven't been promoted for a long time like Lord Wei.

As a result, today, he was actually promoted on the merits of his son-in-law.

At this moment, whether it is a good relationship with Master Wei, a poor relationship or a normal relationship, most of them are envious in their hearts.

The promotion is one, and there is the appearance of your majesty now, which clearly puts the son-in-law of Mr. Wei in his heart, otherwise, how can he come to such a big honor with such a pleasant face.

Throughout the ages, no one can jump from the prefect of Weeping Willow to the prefect of Yuzhao.

Although they all bring a knowledge, their ranks are quite different.

This is equivalent to an elementary school student jumping to the university in a hurry, from a meager official to a person full of real power in his hands.

Although all places under Yuzhao are very poor, the prefect of Anguo is from the third grade.

From the third rank, how many people can't reach the position in a lifetime, Ji Changze is only in his early twenties, and he is already sitting in such a position. If the emperor doesn't believe in him, it must be false.

However, some people think whether this is too much a reward, but the emperor has made an order. At this time, he stood up and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to change a more suitable reward" Isn't that a death?

Anguo's imperial power is supreme. Even Yushi only targeted the emperor when he was not very reliable. Although the current one is not too powerful, it is definitely not wasteful. In addition, Ji Changze's management of weeping willows is indeed With one hand, he is capable and has made great contributions. His old father-in-law is still standing next to him. He opposes it at this time. In the future, this person will get up and be the first to engage them.

Ever since, this matter is so settled.

The emperor is not very surprised. He also has his own little abacus. The fertilizer was presented by Ji Changze. If nothing else, once the fertilizer is used throughout the country, the people will be grateful.

If he gives less rewards, it will inevitably make people feel that they are deducted.

If you give too much, it's not the same. When it is spread out, the Majesty will not say "Your Majesty, you are too lavish", but "Your Majesty has seen fertilizer, because I think it can make the grain harvest and protect the people underneath from starvation. I am overjoyed and rewarded.

This is a story that can be passed down through the ages.

And he didn't just give official posts casually. He had read Ji Changze's "files" and knew what the other party had done with Yuan Huayi and what he had done in Weeping Willow. It was indeed a good official who was dedicated to serving the people. command.

The emperor, who felt that his order was very logical, started arranging fertilizer promotion with satisfaction. He didn't know what kind of prosperity Ji Changze could return to him in the future because of his rigorous trust.

Lord Wei is noble, and he is still happy when he is promoted. He cocked his mouth and went home. He refused Mrs. Wei's offer to put a banquet to celebrate. He stroked his beard with a little pride and pride: "Just promoted to the Imperial Envoy. The doctor was promoted on the basis of Changze's merits, so it's not good to show up."

"Relying on Changze to rise up is also the luck of our Wei family. People are envious. Master, look at which son-in-law in the capital can have the ability of our Changze. The previous Yuan Huayi made me show off. Now He also helped his master to be promoted. I don't know how many people hate Changze for not being their son-in-law."

Mrs. Wei had a sense of exuberance: "I still heard that the third prince's side concubine did not know what was wrong, but the empress reprimanded her, and she was pregnant. It seems that she made a lot of mistakes.

Master Wei stretched his eyebrows when he heard it, and then whispered softly: "Don't talk about this from now on, it's a royal matter, and it's not our beak."

"I know, isn't this just talking to the master?"

Mrs. Wei personally helped Master Wei get rid of the government, her tone was full of relief: "That is to say, Changze is a sensible person, so I did not believe her, but wrote to tell you and me. If it is replaced by someone else, she will arrange it. That kind of thing, no man can have any grudges in his heart."

After Ji Changze and Wei Juncan got married, the girl who deliberately made this round was afraid that Wei Juncan was not enough to step on Wei Juncan. She chewed her tongue in their son-in-law's ear and said that the "accident" at the time was all theirs. Juncan did it deliberately, in order to let the three princes see that they could marry into the royal family.

Had it not been for Changze to believe in Juncan and guessed that this "accident" was also the result of this girl, she wrote back and told them to be careful, after all, although the other party has not become the concubine of the third prince, he has also become a concubine. , After all, it is a royal person, if she wants to do something to the Wei family, they still have to be prepared.

Lord Wei and Mrs. Wei are not afraid.

Although this woman became the side concubine of the third prince, but the side concubine murdered the family of the minister of the court, this incident broke out, and the royal family would only be the first to disgust her.

Not afraid, but also disgusting.

How important is the innocence of a daughter's family, and she herself is a woman, how could she not know.

Their family Juncan has always acted gentle and never offends others, but she resorted to such insidious methods. Fortunately, she ran into a gentleman like Changze. What if she was replaced by someone else?

In fact, the wife "scheme deeply to seduce the prince", which man can not care.

Now that she knows that she is bad, the empress is not happy, even Master Wei, who has always been magnanimous and careless, is very happy.

Mrs. Wei said: "I don't know if she saw our Juncan become the prefect wife, and the husband's son-in-law was considerate and gentle to her, and what expressions would be when the two of them sounded together. She wanted to harm us Juncan, but instead made her. , To find such a good son-in-law for our Wei family, now even the master, you have been promoted because of Changze, that is, she is in the palace, otherwise I will have to find a chance to see her face."

"That's right." She suddenly remembered something and asked Master Wei: "Now it is Changze's own credit. He has given it to the master. Will the Ji family do it?"

"It's okay."

Master Wei thought earlier than Mrs. Wei: "Changze is the only son, and the Wei family is also a merchant. Even if he wants to beg them for grace, there is nothing to do. I think, when the will comes, he will Please confess my life."

When the will came, Ji Changze did not unexpectedly begin to ask him to seal his order.

When he was in Weeping Willow, he did not cut off his correspondence with Ji's family. At that time, he mentioned whether his parents and elders were willing to come to Weeping Willow and were rejected by his family.

On the one hand, we all know that Ji Changze will not stay here for long, and he will have to change to another place when the time is up. On the other hand, it is also because he does not want to leave a familiar place.

They are living very well now. Ji's family also has an ancestral hall. Ji Changze and his line can only be regarded as a branch. In the past, although they could be spoken, they were definitely not a center, but when he was admitted to the Jinshi, he became an official. , Ji's Ancestral Hall was gradually headed by their branch.

It was just a small clan, and it was a smoke for them to be able to get a jinshi, and they would not care whether the official was small or not. In the court, it could only be regarded as a small shrimp character.

The family members of the Ji family lived in a familiar home, held by the neighbors, and even the officials recognized them. Knowing that there was an official in their family, they were not the kind of insatiable greedy people, but now this is very satisfying.

After Ji Changze knew that they were unwilling to run around, he thought, at this time, Ji's parents are already in the middle-aged and elderly category (although they are only in their early forties), plus the grandparents above, they are tired. Their bodies may not be able to hold them.

He can only say when he writes that if he is recruited to the capital again, Yomo will not be transferred again. At that time, he will buy a big house and take all the elders to live there. Anyway, counting the days, it will be within three years. He can be called to the capital.

It's like a promotion game.

Ji Changze first worked in the prefecture, and when the above (the emperor) found out that he did a good job as a prefect, and with a little special contribution, he could upgrade to the prefect.

When the prefect also made achievements, the emperor would naturally call him back to the capital.

After finishing writing, Ji Changze turned around and wrote this Annunciation letter to his parents and relatives, and then he began to take office.

Of course, he was not polite, he wrote the report and approved it, hoping to take his subordinates to the prefecture.

I can't help but bring them. These subordinates were all carefully trained by him. They are full of skill points. As long as Ji Changze wants to do something, they can start working immediately.

Simply put, he is responsible for thinking, they are responsible for doing it, and they are doing quite well.

How could Ji Changze give up such a good subordinate.

When he went to the state capital, facing the new subordinates, he had to train it again. Many of the things that the subordinates will meet now, he has to watch them and learn again.

Besides, these 18 martial arts are so proficient, only Ji Changze can say that there is no good subordinate that they can't do, and let it be given to others? How can it be.

He sighed at the subordinates who had been called for a small meeting: "Thinking about it, the officer still reluctant to bear you, thinking about taking you to the state capital, what about you?"

The subordinates, headed by the three chiefs of the county prime minister, are in a mixed mood.

It stands to reason that they will definitely be promoted after going to the state capital. This is a good thing and should be happy.

But when he thinks of how much his adult can toss, he can toss a little weeping willow out of flowers, and he can't go to heaven when he goes to the state capital.

The key is that he can go to heaven even if he goes to heaven, and they have to go with them.

But let's not follow it, and I can't bear it. Although I did a little more work with Master Ji, what I did was a little more complicated, and my hair fell a little bit faster, but the benefits were indeed full.

Now, a few of them, which one does not have their own fan team outside.

Master Ji likes to ask them to do things, but every time they are done, they never greedy gong. Instead, they tell everyone so generously: Who did this thing? Yes, who did that thing? There is that and that, a few of them work together in partnership.

There is no shortage of money. Even since Master Ji took office, for so long, Ji Changze's 58 confidants have never had to buy rice, oil, and meat. They have red envelopes for their wives, and red envelopes for their children. Children There are red envelopes for the full moon, and the children are in the county kindergarten when no one looks at them. The county government will cover medical expenses even if they are sick and painful.

Last time, a catcher broke his leg when he was going to catch a thief. It was the doctor sent by Master Ji to ask for him.

When I was enjoying it, I sighed every day when I was enjoying it. When I thought of Master Ji's departure, I won't have this treatment in the future. Why is it so uneasy in my heart.

It's like a few social animals are used to living the days when the work is easy but the salary is low. Suddenly a new boss comes down, and the new boss pays them bonuses and wages out of their own pockets, and then pays them by themselves. For welfare, I will give out red envelopes from time to time, pat my chest to make sure that all the things your children go to school will be covered by me. As long as I am your boss, I will take care of you all day. Not only you, but I also help your wives find them. Easy to work with a lot of money, I can even help your children work wherever they graduate after graduation, and I also want to give you a house.

Although everyone feels that the work is hard, but after getting used to it, they are all happy. They feel that such a small life is really comfortable.

Suddenly one day, the boss of the local tyrant was going to another company.

He came over and told the social animals to follow me. The position over there is higher and the salary is better than here. Moreover, there is also a bright spot on the outside. When we get there, I will still be a superior and subordinate, and I will cover you as usual.

There are two roads like this in front of the social animals.

One, stay, but because the boss is too capable, there are a lot of things left here, even if they stay, they will still be as hard as before, and they don't have the various compensation benefits from the boss.

Second, go with your boss and continue to enjoy the happy life covered by the boss.

Is this still optional?

If you haven't felt how happy it is to be covered, some people may think it's good to stay, but they have already experienced the benefits, the sense of accomplishment of signing their own names after doing things, and the family's full admiration of themselves... …

Can't leave it at all!

Wuxian Cheng squinted his eyes and looked at Ji Changze, who was in front of him with a face "I really can't bear you", and felt that he had a glimpse of the truth.

Master Ji must have expected such a day for a long time. It's really overcast.

He snorted in his heart, thinking that this might be the third round of Lord Ji's test, and he was the first to salute: "Xiaguan is willing to go with the adults to the prefecture."

Ji Changze immediately responded to him with a gentle Shangguan smile, and helped him up very closely: "Okay, Wuxian Cheng, don't worry, although it is going to the prefecture, what you are doing is not much different from what you are doing now. , The officer believes in you, you will be able to do well."

Is it almost the same as now?

It seems to be acceptable, but I am used to it anyway.

Wuxian Cheng also showed a smile: "Thank you, my lord, for your trustworthiness. The next official will do my best."

Seeing the two people look like hello and me, the others are anxious.

Okay, you Wuxian Cheng, you are such a chicken thief, we are still hesitating, you stand up so firmly and promise, do you want to behave well in front of the adults and hold us down?

They didn't care about it anymore, and they all stepped forward in a hurry.

"My lord, my subordinates are also reluctant to let them go."

"The subordinates will go wherever the adults go."

"Subordinates are loyal to the adults, and they always follow wherever they go."

Ji Changze chuckled with satisfaction: "Well, well, with you, this officer can be more at ease."

The previous prefect did not make a mistake. He had been writing letters for retirement before. In order to express that "you are a good courtier, I can't bear you", the emperor returned the discount twice, this time for the third time. It happened that he wanted to find a good position for Ji Changze. The Zhezi was just in front of him, and he quickly approved it, and asked Ji Changze to replace it.

As for why the time is so coincidental, why Ji Changze didn't give fertilizer when the adult hadn't handed the third pass, but the other party wanted to retire and he, a petty official, ran to give fertilizer. This is only Ji Changze. know.

Assuming that he was asked to say something, he would probably say something like "coincidences are all man-made" with great peace of mind.

When new officials are appointed, they all have to fight wits and wits with the local rich and powerful and the old fried dough sticks in the yamen. If they are successful, the new officials will have three fires when they are appointed, and they will either be emptied or regarded as mentally retarded.

Ji Changze is different.

When others take office, at most they bring a master, and he takes office with a bunch of subordinates who are loyal to him.

These subordinates are all experienced (trained by Ji Changze), versatile (trained by all kinds of strange tasks), and all of them are loyal (can they be unfaithful? They watched them with their own eyes) What will happen to those who oppose Master Ji?), the Weeping Willow Heavenly Mission headed by Ji Changze took the initiative easily.

At this moment, the subordinates are still in a very good mood. After all, in the new environment and new job, they finally don't have to endlessly issue questions/write articles/eat chicken breasts.

Life is still very good.

Then Ji Changze did a frantic thing.

At his own expense, he used cement to build roads between the weeping willows and the state capital.

The weeping willows are poor, but they are not far from the state capital in the center. It used to be a detour, but now Ji Changze has built a road directly according to the shortest distance.

He was particularly proud and proud to say to his subordinates; "In this way, it will be much easier for you to go back to the weeping willow."

In the words, there is a lot of joy of "How can this official be so considerate".

Subordinates: "..."

So, although they have been promoted and become civil servants in the prefecture, they still have to do the work of weeping willows, right?

No, it should be said that now the work of the state capital must be done, and the work of the weeping willow must also be done.

Seeing his subordinates looking at him with dead eyes, Ji Changze walked over one by one and patted their shoulders to boost morale: "Aren't they all very touched? This officer built the road specially for you."

Anguo's good boss, who else is there besides him.

The subordinates are blindfolded.

Ji Changze: "Although prudent is good, you are sometimes too prudent. Come and come, let's have a small meeting."

The subordinates continued to die.

As soon as Ji Changze saw them, he was so excited. He dragged a few people into the study with great interest and began to give an impassioned speech. No, I thought.

Roughly speaking, do you think that the official wants you to do the work of weeping willows before you build roads? No, the official is now the prefect, in charge of the entire state capital, is there still a few subordinates missing?

The officer brought you to the state capital, except that you don't believe in others, and let you continue to do the work of weeping willow. It is also because we picked up the weeping willow by one hand, and we worked together to make the weeping willow the way it is now ( Wuxian Cheng glanced at Ji Changze quietly, and whispered in his heart: Obviously it's an adult, you talked about it, let's do it), leave it to others, even if the official is relieved, you can't worry about it, right?


You have worked so hard to lay the foundation and sow the seeds, and the fruit will soon be fruitful. At this time, let others pick the fruit. Are you happy?

This certainly has no effect on the official, and the weeping willow is also under the control of the official, but what about you?

If nothing else, it's just the academy. You are gone now. The academy does not have a few gentlemen who can go to a few classes every week. For you, that means not going to class anymore. But for those weeping willows. As far as the students are concerned, the knowledge is absent (Wuxian Cheng stands up straight unconsciously) and the mathematics is superb (Master Liang lifts his chin slightly with a little expression of "I want to be proud but must be reserved") High martial arts (Wang catches his head and straightens his spine) Sir, how much less should they learn?

So, you say, weeping willow, is it necessary to go?

The subordinates nodded slightly proudly.

Ji Changze continued to ask: The affairs of the state government are your own duties. Should you also do the affairs of the state government?

This time everyone nodded their heads a little slower.

But one is my job, and the other is the peach that I have grown so hard. It's a pity to lose any of them, so I grab both hands. The logic seems to be fine.

Wuxian Cheng could see that Ji Changze was playing around with them again, but he was very cool about being played.

No, they worked so hard in Weeping Willow before and laid so many foundations. The academy was able to be established at the beginning. How many brain cells they had consumed and how much hair they lost. When the large and small commercial streets decided to establish, the plan was not known. How many were chosen by Master Ji?

This is all hard work.

Now when it's time to eat the fruit, how can we miss them?

What's more, he is so talented and full of writing and writing. It is also a spring breeze for students. Every day, without Master Ji, he will ask questions at the desk. After Master Ji has pointed out, he will take a test every three days. Every time he goes outside to take physical education classes (named by Ji Changze) In this kind of subjects that don't matter if you take ten minutes less, he will also be very considerate to use fruits and Wang Catch for ten minutes to teach his own class so that the students lay a solid foundation.

He is so good, if he leaves, the students will not necessarily be too sad.

As a good gentleman, do more for the sake of the students.

Wuxian Cheng recalled the great achievements he had done before, and he shut up and didn't expose his superiors.

On the second day, the group returned to the weeping willow in a carriage that was not too bumpy.

He was the first college he went to, looking at his students lovingly through the glass windows.

Ah, they saw him.

When the class was over, Wuxian Cheng took a look at the list of subjects. It was very good. The next class was physical education.

He walked in lightly, and announced that the gentlemen from these county offices would still teach, and with a little pride of "Ah, I'm such a good gentleman", he took out a stack of papers: "You don't have to go outside, come on, and post my new test papers, and do it for a while before going to Mr. Wang's class.

Look, how many of these students welcome him back, and even cry with joy.

Hey, he is really a good gentleman.