115|Corrupt government officials (15)

The emperor really valued Ji Changze very much. As soon as he saw this sweet-mouthed courtier who could do practical things, he handed out a booklet for his wife and mother, and he immediately approved it as quickly as possible, and he also gave it as a buy two get one free. One gave Ji Changze's grandmother a fate.

When Wei Juncan was about to give birth, his will was already on his way.

When the child was able to open his eyes, lying in the cradle, and being teased by Ji Changze holding a rattle, while Wei Juncan, who was still in confinement, was watching with a smile, the purpose came.

Even when her husband became the prefect, Wei Juncan, who came from an official family, knew that she could get her life, but when the divine will really came and she was really a "madam" from then on, she still had a certain kind of dreaming. Surprise.

Ji Changze smiled deliberately and deliberately acted, and bowed to her pretendingly: "The little one has seen Mrs. Congratulations, Madam."

Wei Juncan couldn't be teased by him, and the unreality in his heart disappeared a lot.

Ji Changze said: "Although the father-in-law must have known about this, you still have to tell it personally before it is considered solemn. My mother's mission is about to come. I will repair the book and go to home, and you will write a letter later. Tell your father-in-law and mother-in-law so that they can feel at ease."

Wei Juncan nodded, and after watching her husband go out, he called someone to pick up his pen and ink.

After pondering for a while, I didn't know what to write.

She didn't have children before, and although she respected her parents, she didn't know what they wanted. Now as a mother, every time she hears the babble of her child, her heart becomes soft.

What I think most often is not how this child will get ahead when he grows up, and how he will be admitted to the Jinshi, but hope that his life will be safe and secure, and he does not ask for wealth or rights, as long as he has a good life. It's good to be happy.

Recalling that when she married her husband, her father and mother were frowning. At that time, she thought they were sad for her because they were confused about marrying. Now when I think about it, my parents are worried that they don't understand their husband and fear that they will be treated. She is not good, for fear that she will not be able to adapt to a worse life than before.

I turned around and saw that I didn't dazzle my body in the comfortable sunlight in the morning. I was born in a short period of time. My elbow was chubby. The son was sleeping in the cradle. There was a girl beside him embroidering tiger-toed shoes. Guarding one side.

When the mother gave birth to her younger brother, although she was young, she still remembered a little bit of what her mother looked like when she was in confinement. The wind was not visible to the mother, and the doors and windows were closed tightly, for fear that a trace of wind would come in. I couldn't take a bath because I was cold, and my body would still smell bad. At that time, my mother refused to let Dad enter the house because he was afraid Dad would see the scene.

But now she is doing confinement, because the glass windows are used, even if the windows are closed, the room is not ventilated and will not prevent the outside sunlight from coming in. She is lying on a Kang made specially by her husband, although it is cold now, but underneath But it was incredibly warm, because the room was also hot, and even though I didn't take a shower, I could still wipe my body.

Now the body is refreshed and refreshed, the body is recovered and the mood is good. After the child is born, he is very well-behaved. Although he eats breastmilk, he will be carried by the nanny and the girls when the mess is up. Sometimes the husband will also finish his official duties. Will personally change the diaper of the child.

Happiness is like this, bit by bit, slowly penetrate into my heart.

Even if her husband did not become a prefect, she would still feel very happy that she was still that little weeping willow prefect.

Wei Juncan smiled, dipped the pen with ink, and wrote on the paper: Father and mother kiss...

She wants to tell her father and mother that she is leading a very good life now. Even if her husband is now a prefect and is valued by the sage, she has not been slow to treat her. On the contrary, if someone in the government invites her husband to the brothel, he always refuses strictly. , Never close to other women.

He never believed that when he said that he should hug his grandson or not, he would tease when he should hug and tease. The child is very close to her husband.

Now she is confinement, but the husband did not share rooms with her. At night, the child cries and he will personally get up and coax.

If there was no such accident at the time, but according to the original plan of her parents to find a husband and son in the same family background, even if the other person is good, I am afraid that there is no such good husband.

The girl who was guarding the little master inadvertently raised her head and saw her master writing a letter with a nice smile at the corner of her mouth.

She was also relieved.

The master is in a good mood, and the people under them can live at ease. She must take good care of the little master. The master said, now she is about to marry, but the master told his wife that when she gets married, she will give her The dowry allowed her to go out of the official office.

She has no father and no mother. She sold herself, but she can get the official support when she gets married. How can she not be grateful.

After she gets married, she will return to the mansion and take care of the old lady and the young master for a lifetime.

Ji Changze over there went to the study to write a letter, and sent someone to rush to his hometown.

The messenger is also very familiar, and the adults are very filial. Every time they come up with something new or delicious, they will make a copy and send it to their hometown.

It stands to reason that this is a private order, but the people underneath robbed the head of the errand, and even tried to guess the punch. Only those who win can take it.

There is no other reason, my lord is generous!

It doesn't take long to send a letter. You can also eat and drink at public expense along the way. When you come back, you will not only be grateful, but also be rewarded.

For Wuxian Cheng and the others, this money is definitely not good, but for these poor people with little salary, it is simply a windfall.

So they wished that Master Ji would send a letter a day.

Of course, Ji Changze is not so exaggerated. At most, he sends things to his hometown once a week, because every time the laborers ran around on horseback, he felt uneasy. "A courier" small meeting.

As for how the three people were frustrated and full of resentment... He just didn't look at it. If he didn't see it, it didn't exist, and it was perfect.

When he watched the messenger leave, Ji Changze returned to the house, rubbed his hands, and began to write a letter that was all concealed flattering with a serious face.

Yes, this letter is addressed to the emperor.

Since becoming the emperor's confidant (self-styled), he has given full play to his shameless spirit, and has added a lot of private goods to his own account.

The emperor was actually a hard job. There were too many people underneath, and each of them had to send an invitation to Anzhezi at a fixed time.

Because this is a tradition, and everyone has nothing new. Basically, it started with a dry sentence: Your Majesty Sheng'an, Minister xxx please send you greetings. Recently the weather is good, the Minister will think of you, and the weather is bad, and the Minister will also think of you. Although he was far away, but in the bottom of his heart, Barabara was always thinking of his Majesty.

The stacks of folds are all the same and nothing new. Except for the handwriting and names, they are almost the same. Even if the emperor has eighteen pairs of eyes, he can't come through.

But what can be done, he is not a faint lord, the people underneath are thinking about his special greetings, can he just leave him aside and ignore the hearts of the courtiers?

No way, look at it.

Not only to watch, but also to reply one by one: I know, I see, I know your heart, the weather here is also good, Aiqing pay attention to the body.

It's okay to reply one or two, so many replies, and can't be replaced by others, it's just a tired and hard laborer.

And every time he did these things, what the emperor most looked forward to was to see Ji Changze's invitation to Anzhezi.

The text is humorous, the language is funny, and occasionally I will talk about local interesting things, sometimes mixed with a few food recipes and vividly describe how delicious this thing is, how much happiness after eating it.

In a boring invitation to Anzhezi, Ji Changze successfully stood out with his unique sweet words and became a clear stream in the emperor's work life.

Gradually, even if the emperor didn't know what Ji Changze looked like (I had seen it before but I had forgotten it in his heart at that time), Ji Changze's position in his heart was indeed getting heavier and heavier.

If this is a game of increasing favorability, it is estimated that Ji Changze can always hear the prompts of "The emperor's favor plus three" and "The emperor's favor plus five".

The emperor even couldn't wait to wait for Ji Changze to return to Beijing during the Lunar New Year. Although he couldn't call people back to the capital to come to work, he could just take a stroll.

Because Ji Changze would occasionally mention how affectionate he and his wife are, how gentle and considerate his wife is, generous, kind-hearted and outstanding, and actively helped him share the pressure of supporting the orphanage. Although he is a daughter of everyone, he does not have it at all. Pride and arrogance, when he was the magistrate of Weeping Willow, the county office was very shabby, but she never complained, but secretly used a dowry to supplement her household.

It is precisely because of seeing the lady who is a daughter of everyone that he made a firm decision to make money and improve the environment of the weeping willow. This created the Yuanhua Pancreas, named Yuanhua, and it is also because Yuanhua has always existed in Weeping Willow. Boasting about women's intentions (not until Ji Changze arrived), he felt that it was too appropriate to compare Yuanhua to his perfect lady.

Because of Ji Changze's all kinds of flattery and secret praise, the emperor not only had a good impression of him and his wife, but also had a good impression of Master Wei, who taught such a good daughter.

Speaking of teaching his children, he turned out to be no more than a courtier.

Before, he specially asked the queen to reprimand the third prince who dared to influence the royal selection. Unexpectedly, after the reprimand, the third prince who had been so beloved by the woman immediately neglected her, and even left her in the cold. meaning.

It's not that the emperor didn't want to see his son snub the poisonous woman. It was just that you used to mix the oil with honey before. It was just that the queen reprimanded him and turned his face immediately. Not only was it embarrassing, but also very unacceptable.

How could it be said that the emperor is difficult to serve?

If the son still spoils the woman after the queen's reprimand, he will only feel angry in his heart, wondering if the third son hasn't put them in sight, and dare to like the person they hate.

Now that people are obedient and don't spoil them and change their indifference, he gets angry again, thinking that this son used to be clever, but now it seems that clever is clever, just too unacceptable. Is this still his son?

In addition, he was able to spoil the poisonous woman for so long without seeing her true face, which shows that he has no knowledge of others.

Before, he also added this son to the "throne competition list". Now it seems that he has no outstanding ability, secondly he is too scary, and thirdly, he still has bad eyesight. Even the daughter raised by the Wei family is no match for him. Go, and compete for a ghost, stay honestly and be a prince in the future.

The three princes naturally did not know that his father had moved himself out of the "throne competition list", but he could clearly feel that his father had become more and more indifferent to him recently, and the eyes that looked at him no longer had previous expectations. satisfaction.

And all of this started when the father and the queen let the queen reprimand his concubine.

At that time, the emperor father didn't say the reason, he just sent a message to the queen to reprimand her, but the emperor never interfered in the harem, and he had no interest in the concubines and concubines of their sons. This was the first time he took the initiative to ask the queen to reprimand.

It must be that the woman didn't know what she did to provoke the emperor father, but no matter how she asked her, she just cried and said that she had never seen her majesty and had never done anything to offend her.

The third prince had already recorded this account on the side concubine in his heart, and one could imagine that her life was not much better.

I am afraid that she would not have thought of it when she fell below her head. She tried her best to ruin the third prince who was innocent of her rival, but in the end she was deserted for a lifetime.

And being confined in the house, she could still hear the chirping voices of the little girls outside.

"I heard that there is an extra thing called Huo Kang in the palace. It will be very cold tomorrow, but it will not be hot when lying on it. Your Majesty has already used it and ordered the empress to do it too. Now every palace wants to do it too. I don't know if our Three Highnesses can have it."

"His Royal Highness is the queen's daughter-in-law, so naturally it should be. Is this hot kang so powerful?"

"No, it seems that the former prefect of Weeping Willow, who now became the prefect of Master Ji entered, and the glass before, why is this master Ji so powerful? I heard from the little box that his godfather's brother is here. Your Majesty is with him, although Master Ji is released, but your Majesty values ​​him very much."

"Naturally, it should be valued. Master Ji has given his majesty many treasures. Let's not talk about it. Now that the sun is out, I have to go and dry the bedding."

She dumbly listened to the people outside.

She naturally knew who the Weeping Willow County was in the past, and Wei Juncan's husband was also a poor student she found casually.

There are people around her who marry such students. These men, the poorer the family, the more arrogant they are in their hearts. They don't want to marry their own official ladies. Most people think about marrying themselves with their daughters. It is not "how she is so good, how should I cherish it", but "she married me because of how good I am".

When married to a small official family, most of them can't live a good life except those who have their own means and scheming, because they have to face the husband who thinks they are talented, but also the country's parents-in-law who may not know how to write. They don't know how to read, and they regard "excellent" sons as the most powerful people. They feel that when a woman is married to her own family, she should be a cow and a horse. Even the father of a woman should immediately pave the way for the son. If the daughter-in-law's family is helping, they will be proud of it. Their son is great. If he doesn't help, blame his daughter-in-law for not helping.

She watched too much, so she wanted to marry the royal family from the beginning, and become a royal concubine anyway, with a name that is much stronger than others.

As for Wei Juncan, blame her for the bad luck. Whoever made her hit her own hand, who made her so pushy, if it wasn't for Wei Juncan who stole her limelight, how could she have done it.

It is time for Wei Juncan to marry such a person and struggle in the swamp in the next life.

But she can become the side concubine of the three princes, and if the three princes ascend to the throne in the future, she may also become the imperial concubine.

But now, everything has changed.

It stands to reason that we should believe that Wei Juncan is a slut and treats her slowly, and his literary talent is not outstanding. Ji Changze, who should have been a meager official in a small place like weeping willow, has become a prefect, and Wei Juncan is so sacred.

But she was so bad for some reason, even the third princes were indifferent to her.

She was lying by the door, she couldn't figure out why things happened like this.

Wei Juncan's husband is obviously a lowly merchant. He should love money, should be arrogant, and should be cold to Wei Juncan when the emperor is far away and Wei Juncan's family can't match it.

But why, he would be so good.

She was not reconciled, nor believed that all the good things in the world could be occupied by Wei Juncan.

Even if Ji Changze treats Wei Juncan well, he is a merchant. Shouldn't parents who should have a clear vision pick Wei Juncan's assassination? Shouldn't their son become the prefect, and they want to reproduce Ji Changze's concubine?


The gray-haired grandfather Ji sat at the door, squinting his eyes while he was basking in the sun, and listened to the person in front of him to please talk to him.

"No, now Master Ji is already a prefect, and I heard that there is still no concubine's room. This is a bit shameful to say. Look at the old lady, my granddaughter Nianfang Sixteen, Xiuwaihuizhong, looks and temperament is not to be said. , I admire Master Ji again with all my heart, you see..."

Grandpa Ji touched his beard and waved his hand: "My parent Ze is not accepting concubines, he is very busy, how can he have time to marry a woman and come home."

The person here looked stiff, and he didn't expect that the reason for rejection could be this.

He would like to say a few more words. Grandpa Ji has already squinted his eyes and began to sit and doze off, and the servant next to him hurries forward; "Master Ma, the old man is getting older, and people are getting more confused. They often sit like this recently. I fell asleep while sitting down. Would you like to come back another day?"

That person didn't dare to wake Master Ji's grandfather, so he could only leave with regret.

When he left, Grandpa Ji immediately opened his eyes and snorted coldly.

Nagasawa often sends letters and things, but he often tells them about the officialdom now. Now he suddenly sits in a high position. I don't know how many people are jealous and want to pull him down. There are many people staring at him in the official office. (It's all his confidant), he has to take care of the state capital, but also to close the things left before the weeping willow. He is so busy every day (either lying or sitting), there is almost no time to return to the inner office. Now, the people who want to pull him down will give him trouble, and send a woman to him (want to please his boss).

Where does he have time to deal with these women, his wife will still not disturb him because of his good relationship with him and his busy schedule, she just wants to make him live a hundred years, but these women who serve people in Israel will not Thinking about it this way, if they really let them into the mansion, I'm afraid they can't wait to squeeze him out.

Anyway, as long as they are grace, they don't care about his body.

For this reason, he was very distressed and repeatedly refused. Fortunately, his wife didn't mind sacrificing her own image, and co-starred with him in a "tigress" scene, which stopped the idea of ​​giving away a woman by the people (all too busy at all. Time to think about how to please the boss).

The old lady is literate. While he felt sorry for his grandson, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, and the hard work he had done, but he directly pushed down the people who wanted to flatter their family and wanted to send women home.

It's not okay to say directly, "These women are like wolves and tigers, my grandson is too busy to deal with them every day." Fortunately, he is old and has a high seniority. Every time the other party wants to say that he is confused or pretending to be asleep. .

He pushed off a rotten peach blossom for his grandson again, he stood up contentedly, and asked the young man next to him: "Does Changze send someone to deliver a letter today?"

"I haven't yet entered the day, but I'm afraid it's just these few days as it counts."

The servant carefully supported the old lady with the highest seniority in the family and asked, "Where is the old lady going?"

"Just go and see your wife and see what she is doing."

Mrs. Tai is making clothes for the great-grandson.

She is getting older, but her eyes are fine. She is sewing her small clothes tightly. Grandpa Ji came and saw him and laughed at her: "What are you doing with this effort, Juncan Changze and the others have many servants at hand." Can the child still lack clothes to wear?"

"If someone else did it, how can my grandma, like me, do it well."

Grandma Ji and Grandpa Ji have been together for a lifetime, and she is not afraid of him, and speaks casually: "I used to be afraid that I wanted to find Changze and couldn't stand the hardships on the road. Now Changze is sending people to send me things in three days. It's as if he is still with us."

The two were talking when Father Ji came.

Because Ji Changze also gave him a supply channel for Yuanhua Pancreas, although there were few, Ji's father realized that his son became a talent, and he was also proud of his career.

When I saw my parents, I saluted them first, and then casually talked about going to drink today. As a result, one person insisted on marrying his daughter to his son as a concubine.

Grandpa Ji and Grandma Ji immediately became wary: "Have you refused?"

"Naturally rejected it."

Ji's father answered quite quickly. Seeing this, the second elder gave him a satisfied look.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

Today is also a day of working hard to protect Nagasawa from being drained.