119|Modern supernatural world (1)

Once Ji Changze arrived in this world, he realized that he had to be serious this time.

Because the original owner was committing suicide at the moment, he silently propped up his slightly weak body, found the medicine box, and skillfully bandaged the place where he had just cut his wrist.

The reason for the original owner's suicide was that he instigated the suicide attempt of two teenagers in the middle and second years as a teacher, and the reason for the attempt was not that he wanted to rein in the precipice, but that there was a policeman on the rooftop where the two teenagers met to commit suicide at the time. After lunch, they found that the situation was not right and saved their lives.

When the two trance-stricken students were sent to the hospital, when they woke up, the parents and the police were there. After a set of words, could the culprit be found out?

The suicide of the original owner is not sin-fearing suicide. After all, although he instigated, he was verbally flanking or implying that even if the two students confessed to him, there is no evidence. He usually acts well, as long as he wants to be innocent, he just I feel that my mask has been punctured. It is like a good student who has been taking a 100-point test. Suddenly one day he only took 80 points. Even if he passed the test, the good student would not be happy. Anyway, he is still alive. There is no awe when I die, and I wonder if there are real ghosts in the world, so I cut my wrists quickly when I go home.

Ji Changze analyzed that the original owner should have psychological problems.

His usual image is gentle and harmless, he speaks gently to students, is considerate to colleagues, respects his superiors, and he is very patient in talking with parents. The reputation in this middle school is very good.

But that was just a mask he put on. The original owner had actually abused him for nearly ten years because of his childhood father, and he had already been mentally abnormal. He disguised himself as a good to perfect person, and it was nothing. The reason was that he just wanted to be like this, and when the mask was at risk of being dismantled, he immediately chose to commit suicide.

As for whether there are real ghosts in the world, it is because the two students chose to commit suicide because they chose to talk to their most trusted teacher, saying that they saw ghosts, and those ghosts are pestering them. They, the two of them were in fear and worry day and night, and their spirits were forced to a state of being on the verge of collapse. Only then were they instigated a little by the original owner and chose to commit suicide.

As for the original owner's purpose of instigating them, he had no purpose, but he hadn't instigated suicide before. He wanted to try to stop the lives of others by just moving his mouth.

Ji Changze recalled what the original owner did. Although there was no evidence that he instigated the two children, they both committed suicide. If you say it, the parents will believe it. In addition, the original owner himself has seen a psychologist. If the police must be there. To investigate, it will definitely be able to find out that he has a mental illness and is extremely aggressive.

In fact, the police are already investigating.

According to the original development, it should be that the police broke into the house after finding out that there was something wrong with the original owner, only to find that he had committed suicide after coming in.

Ji Changze circled the bandage on his wrist, stood up and glanced at the mirror in the bathroom.

The original owner is curious about whether there are ghosts in the world, and it is the two students who really aroused his curiosity. The students in the second phase will occasionally make a few dramas, but I am afraid that even the most skilled actors cannot perform theirs. Frightened and afraid.

It was precisely because they saw that the two of them were really scared, as if they had really seen those things, that the original owner instigated the two students to commit suicide with a calm mentality of "then I will let them die first", and then decided There was no fear when I died.

To put it bluntly, his spirit is abnormal, and his decision to die is as ordinary and simple as deciding what to eat for breakfast today.

There is no need to wash the history of mental illness, all these things are recorded, and the police can definitely find them.

Instigating suicide did not have to be washed away. Two students were indeed instigated to commit suicide by him.

The system came out: [Highly difficult world, the host can buy props to tide over the difficulties. ]

Ji Changze: [Do not buy. ]

The system does not give up: [The system estimates that this world is ssss, and it is difficult for the host to pass without purchasing props. ]

Ji Changze: [Do not buy. ]

I want to get points out of his pocket, but there is no door.


Although it has long been known that the host will probably not buy it, but it is still very worried about what is going on, if it is interested.

After Ji Changze rejected the system, he searched in his own mind and found a skill suitable for the spiritual world.

Every time he arrives in a difficult world, he insists on not buying props. Even if he becomes a stone, he has to practice with his own efforts. Of course, it is not for self-masochism, but for the skills he learned before when encountering similar worlds later. It can be used again.

Think about it, if you buy props when you encounter a difficult world, don't you have to buy props again next time you encounter the same type of difficult world?

Ji Changze is different.

When he encounters a difficult world, he would rather endure more hardships and time-consuming instead of using props. Instead, he would work hard and learn new skills by himself, learning new skills and hacking magical martial arts abilities. He has learned all the time.

This is different from the props. He learned it by himself and has been engraved in his memory. When the next difficult world of the same type, the knowledge in his mind is enough for him to go directly to the sky, although the world of martial arts cannot go to the heavens. Wind, the ordinary world can't follow the supernatural wind, but he can directly become the world's best master in the world of martial arts. Even in the ordinary world, he can quickly become the richest man even according to the money-making history of ordinary people, which is equivalent to directly playing from the hard mode to the simple mode.

It's always cool not to buy props for a while, and it's always cool not to buy props.

Today, he is so diligent and thrifty.

Ji Changze stayed in the house for a day, and as soon as he came out, he went straight to the hospital.

The two students received too much stimulation. Although they were rescued, they have been mentally unstable, and their vital signs have been higher and lower for a while, so they are still living in the hospital.

Speaking of which, the two students are still growing up. The two are neighbors. Both parents have a very good relationship. They grew up together and went to the same school all the time, so this time they both died together.

At the moment they were the most courageous. They heard that there was a ghost in a room near the school, so they met to go on an adventure secretly, and they made a deadly choice to go in at 12 o'clock in the evening.

This is not a world where ghosts do not exist. One can imagine what they met. Not only met, but also entangled. No matter how bold the two were, they were teenage children. They were tortured on the verge of collapse. Naughty, the parents didn't believe what they said, thinking that they were playing mystery. In desperation, they found the most trusted teacher, that is, the original owner, hoping that the original owner would believe them.

The original owner was dubious. In order to verify "there are no ghosts in this world" and to try to instigate people to commit suicide, he induced two students to commit suicide and told them that if they become ghosts, they must come to him. .

Of course, in order to make these two students who collapsed but didn't want to die so obediently, he also said something else.

When Ji Changze opened the door of the ward, the cheerful and lively student shrank in the quilt with his pale face and blank eyes, and said something in his mouth: "I must die, I must die. If I don't die, they, they will kill." It's for mom and dad..."

He was also tied with a restraint belt to prevent him from committing suicide again. Next to him, the student's mother was watching her son wipe her tears with a painful face, and her husband and three police officers were sitting beside him.

Ji Changze saw it and said with a smile: "It's so lively."

"It's you!!!!"

The student's mother almost turned around and saw Ji Changze's expression in the next second and became angry. She suddenly got up and rushed towards him, her voice full of hatred: "What did you say to my Qiao Qiao!!! You almost hurt Die my child!!!"

The three police officers hurriedly helped her to stop her from stepping forward: "Mother Qiao Qiao, the matter has not been investigated yet. Qiao Qiao has just woke up, and it may not have been done by their teacher."

"Who else besides him!! Han Qiao and Zhengjiao both said that it was Ji Changze who told them that their parents would die if they did not die. If he hadn't said these things, how could they both commit suicide!!"

The policewoman found that even if the parents were in this way, the teacher Ji was still unaffected. Instead, she was calm and mocking. She didn't even look at Han Mu, but went straight around her and held her hands. The white chrysanthemum she was holding was placed on the bedside table between the two children's beds.

This time the son and Han mother exploded again: "What do you mean by bringing the white chrysanthemum?!!! This thing is for the dead!!"

The attitude of this teacher Ji is wrong.

Normal people encounter this situation, it is certainly impossible to have such an attitude.

She approached Ji Changze calmly, trying to stop him as soon as any special situation happened. As a result, Ji Changze didn't mean to get up and do anything. Instead, she set the white chrysanthemum calmly and turned and sat on the bed.

Then he smiled so softly and said to Mother Han: "I was wrong in my judgment. I thought that this bunch of flowers could be handed to the tombstones of Han Qiao and Wang Zhengjiao, but I didn't expect them both to be alive."

Mother Han and Father Han looked at each other, and then the hatred in Ji Changze's eyes grew stronger, and the three police officers instantly increased their vigilance.

Father Han said: "Comrade police, you heard, he admitted, he admitted that he made our family Qiao Qiao commit suicide, you should arrest him soon!!"

Ji Changze's smile deepened. Under everyone's nervous eyes, he took Han Qiao's hand and raised his eyebrows to look at them: "When will I admit that I let Han Qiao commit suicide? I just know they are going to die."

"Even if they don't die today, and tomorrow, within three days, they will still die."

He cursed that the child would die in less than three days. The Han parents didn't come up and beat him because the police stopped him.

The female police quietly walked around behind Ji Changze, while the other two male police officers held the Han parents while talking to Ji Changze: "What do you mean by this sentence? The doctor has clearly checked the bodies of the two children. Yes, there is no illness, why do you say that they will die in three days?"


Ji Changze's attitude was fairly calm. He took Han Qiao's hand and swayed to the person standing opposite: "You can't see it. At this time, Han Qiao's hand is being pulled vigorously by two ghosts, one from the left and the other. "

"Looking at his expression, is it very painful? He has endured this kind of pain for nearly a month. During this month, when he looks in the mirror, he will see a faceless ghost pinching his neck. When he washes , His head will be pressed into the water. During class, a ghost with long hair and red eyes will always stand in front of him, so that he cannot see the blackboard and the teacher. When he sleeps, he will be dragged under the bed in his sleep. , Pulling his body against the wall, even now, you see that he is resting on the bed, but in fact he caught at least a dozen ghosts on his body, they scratched his head, limbs, and pressed against him. It makes him unable to breathe, and it's you, how long can you last."

Ji Changze did not use any adjectives, nor did he describe how terrifying the appearance of these ghosts, even the tone of voice was calm.

But his words seemed to have magical powers, and everyone present seemed to have seen that scene.

"Who are you lying to! If that's the case, why didn't Jojo tell us, obviously you don't know how to make Jojo like this, you want to kill my son!"

Ji Changze asked them: "Han Qiao really didn't tell you that there are ghosts haunting them?"

Han's father and mother were stunned.

Looking at their expressions, Ji Changze smiled: "Did he say that right? But at the beginning, did you not take it seriously, and you still think that this is Han Qiao deliberately lying to you?"

"This is where those things are great. They won't do too much at the beginning. They lost Han Qiao's homework, deliberately snatched away the pocket money you gave him and thrown it away, and when he was eating, you didn't pay attention. Turning over the food on the table to blame Han Qiao, making a mess of things at home and only Han Qiao is at home."

"In this case, Han Qiao tells you that he did not do it, but the ghost who has been pestering him. Do you think that your child is really entangled by ghosts, or that he is just making excuses? Cover up the crime?"

The people in the house who said this were all stunned.

Including the three police officers, they all began to think about it. If their child told them that it was a ghost in such a situation, they would definitely not believe it. On the contrary, they would think that the child regarded himself as a fool.

And this is exactly what the ghosts that haunt Han Qiao want to see. When everyone doesn't believe Han Qiao anymore, they make other actions. Han Qiao's truth and asking for help are all regarded as lies. A few-year-old child can only bear everything so desperately.

It was obviously daytime, but everyone was in a cold sweat behind their backs.

Especially the father and mother of Han, what Ji Changze said was exactly what happened at home some time ago. They really didn't take it seriously, but instead accused Han Qiao of making excuses. Han Qiao once told them that ghosts were pestering them. He deliberately tricked him and didn't want him to look at the blackboard, but because Han Qiao had always been naughty and didn't like to study, he had lied to them before, and the two had never believed it.

Later, Han Qiao stopped telling them about these things. Sometimes there would be a bang bang bang in his room. They felt that the child was naughty and would open the door to scold them. At that time, Han Qiao would lie down. On the ground, he said at first that something had thrown himself to the ground. Later when they reprimanded him, he slowly got up in silence and listened to them, without saying a word.

Even if reason tells them that there are no ghosts in this world, what happened before and now Han Qiao's state still makes Han's parents feel flustered.

In case.

What if what Ji Changze said is true?

After they turned a blind eye to Han Qiao's cry for help, were those things torturing their children across a wall?

Ji Changze glanced down at Han Qiao's limbs, released his hand and stood up: "They are starting to pull his limbs. Have you heard of the five-horse splitting of the body? Han Qiao is almost being used this torture now."

Han Qiao began to cry, his face was pale, and while crying, he looked at his parents: "It hurts...I hurt so much, mom..."

"It hurts? Where does it hurt? Jojo, Jojo!"

Mother Han didn't know where the strength came from, she madly broke free from the shackles of the male policeman, and desperately ran to her son, touched his face and asked: "Tell mom, where does it hurt, don't be afraid, mom is here, mom is here This."

She didn't know if what Ji Changze said was true, but the mother's heart to protect the child still let her coax Han Qiao while reaching out to hit the air around Han Qiao's limbs.

"What! Go away!! You guys go away! Don't pester my son!!"

Ji Changze closed his eyes and opened them again. Han Qiao in front of him was still crying and struggling, but his limbs and head were standing thin and dark objects. They were laughing and laughing. The harder Han Qiao cried, the happier and sharper they were. The long, black claws grabbed Han Qiao's limbs, and yanked them toward the distance.

This place is like another space. Only Han Qiao can feel the pain. In reality, in the eyes of others, he is just stiff limbs, and there is not even a handprint on his ankle.

Naturally, Mother Han's hand passed by those little ghosts, she couldn't touch them at all, and the little ghost saw that Han Qiao was looking at herself in horror, grinning, showing rows of sharp teeth like sharks in her mouth. , It stretched out its paws and stuffed it into its mouth, looking at Han Qiao with spiteful and greedy eyes, and made a vague voice: "Eat you... bite by bite, eat you."

Just repeating this sentence, while speaking, it climbed onto Han Qiao's body. Under Han Qiao's horrified sight, it opened its mouth like a snake to the point where it was bigger than its face. Lines of fine and dense fangs, inside of which maggots stained with blood and foul-smelling splattered and fell on Han Qiao's face. The maggots fell and began to open their mouths that shouldn't exist, gnawing at the teenager's face. .

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Han Qiao screamed and began to struggle frantically, but no matter how hard he struggled, these little ghosts seemed to stick to him, and they couldn't get rid of it no matter how much he struggled.

Even if he closed his eyes, the pain of being pulled on his limbs, and the malicious laughter, he still followed him.

Ji Changze frowned.

The policewoman who had already approached him heard the person in front of him talking to himself, saying with disgust: "It's disgusting."

what? What disgusting?

As he was thinking about it, he saw Ji Changze stretch out his hand in the direction of Han Qiao and made a gesture of pinching something, his face was full of disgust and disgust: "It has nothing to do with me if you want his life, but you are sick to my eyes. It's related."


Ji Changze crushed the little ghost in his hand.

The kid who was arrogant and proud just turned into ashes. The other kid who was jumping around laughing and laughing were all frightened. They looked at Ji Changze in fear, and didn't dare to do anything to Han Qiao on the bed. .

Han Qiao was let go, began to gasp, and finally stopped screaming.

As soon as Ji Changze finished this action, Han Qiao suddenly fell silent. Even if the other people in the house couldn't see the little ghosts, his heart was still fluttering at this moment.

The policewoman felt frustrated for a while, but thought that there were no ghosts in the world, and forced herself to calm down, trying to quietly control Ji Changze, who looked abnormal.

Seeing that her hand was about to reach out, Ji Changze suddenly turned to look at the policewoman as if she had eyes behind her back. When she was holding her breath and looking at herself nervously, she turned her gaze back casually and looked at the opposite. The two policemen still had gentle expressions on their faces: "Comrade police, do you want me to cooperate with your investigation?"

Policewoman: "..."

When being taken away by the police, Ji Changze did not resist at all. He even followed the three police officers in a submissive manner. Before leaving, he glanced at Han Qiao, who had calmed down on the bed, and smiled gently: "Teacher and student. The teacher reminds you that they are all abandoned by their parents. The more your parents treat you, the more they are jealous of you, and the more they will toss you. If you want a good night's sleep, it's best not to let your parents treat you too much. Well, of course, the best way is to die right away. When you die and become the same thing as them, you can naturally get back with revenge."

The fact that just happened is that people can't help but think about it. At this moment, the hatred in the eyes of the father and mother Han is gone, and only a daze and doubtful remain, just standing in place watching Ji Changze be taken away.

After getting in the car, Ji Changze sat upright. When the policewoman came, the gentleman gave way to the side. The policewoman tentatively asked Ji Changze, "Do you really think there are ghosts in the world?"

"It depends on how you understand it. Ghosts are just what we call them. If I were to tell them, they might be another creature, a creature that is both inferior to and detached from humans."

Policewoman: "Don't ghosts become humans?"

Ji Changze: "You can't say that. It should be said that it is a new species born after a person died. Do you know dimensional space? We are three-dimensional creatures, but these ghosts are not. They live in another dimensional space. Four-dimensional space cannot be mentioned. , The two-dimensionality is too low. According to the dimensions we currently divide, there should be no suitable dimensions for them. In most cases, humans cannot see them or touch them, but they can see humans, but they also It is precisely because of the difference in space that they can't touch humans and can't do anything to humans, so in fact, most people can't see ghosts."

"But if something accident happens, it's like Han Qiao. His dimensions blend with those of those little ghosts. He can see them and they can touch him, but Han Qiao's parents can't see them. When Han Qiao endured their torture, his parents couldn't help him at all. Do you understand that?"

Ji Changze's attitude is very gentle, as if a teacher is teaching a class to a studious student, but the policewoman heard it in the clouds, and she was unconsciously taken away by his topic: "But ghosts are not feudal superstitions. ..."

"Ghosts are feudal superstitions. Most of them are made up by people, but these things in another dimension are not. It's like now, when you open the window, there are ghosts outside. A hanged ghost just came out of a man smoking. Floating by, but men can't see it, and hanged ghosts can't touch him. So for men who are still human, ghosts don't exist. Because they can't touch them, they don't exist, but that doesn't mean they really don't. exist."

Policewoman: "..."

She said: "I still don't understand...According to you, ghosts have been living around us all the time, but we can't see them?"

Ji Changze nodded, seeing that she still looked disbelief, and continued:

"Let's tell you this, you know the microscope, right? Just find a thing to zoom in, and you will see the bacteria living on it. In their world, there are many different types of bacteria, and there are groups and wars. Regardless of whether they have a mind or not, we are indeed living in the same world with them, right? Even to be clearer, we can see bacteria every day. As long as we want to observe them, we can buy a microscope."

"Then you say, if they have thinking, do they know our existence? Our relationship with these bacteria is like the relationship between ghosts and people. Ghosts can see people, but they can't see people. What about people? No hell, for the same reason, bacteria can't see people because the system is different."

The policewoman has been stunned: "The system is different? What do you mean?"

Ji Changze: "I want you to see what the universe looks like now, can you see it?"

Policewoman: "..."

Ji Changze: "You still don't understand. Okay, I'm just a little bit simpler. I bought a piece of bread and left it for three months without eating. Bacteria will grow on it. For these bacteria that are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye, How big is the bread? Is it just like the earth to us humans? They are small by themselves, so they regard the bread they see as the whole world. What about human beings who are bigger than bread?"

"Can they see? You can't see it. Get an ant, a praying mantis, and let them see the whole earth. They can't see it. Even if they live on the earth, it's like you are standing now. This is the same as invisible to the outside of the universe or even the entire universe. This is a different system."

"Humans and ghosts have different systems and different dimensions, but if a certain thing happens and the space merges, humans can meet with ghosts. So don't think this is some feudal superstition, this is science, this There are arguments. Believe me, I am a scholar and I will not lie to you."

The policemen sitting in the car: "..."

The policewoman felt that she was about to be persuaded. Fortunately, she quickly shook her head and went directly to the topic: "Then what you want to do when you instigate the two children to commit suicide? Do you know that they almost died? You are their teacher. They trust you before listening to you. Is that how you return their trust."

Ji Changze shook his head, his face still gentle: "I didn't let them die or let them commit suicide, but let them go to another dimension."

Policewoman: "..."

Ji Changze is very righteous: "The space around them has been broken. Those little ghosts are determined to torture them. If you don't stop it, in the next step, even their parents will be dragged into this space. I'm helping. they."

The policewoman felt like she was listening to the cartoon magical girl that she had watched when she was a child: "...The way you help them is to let them die?"

"No, I let them enter the dimension of little ghosts. As long as those little ghosts are killed, they will naturally be safe."

Policewoman: "..."

"Then have you thought about it, let them go to the ghost dimension, no, you let them commit suicide, how do they come back after killing the little ghost?"

Ji Changze smiled gently: "I will try to bring them back."

"Try it? They just jumped downstairs. If they do jump down, people will fall into meat sauce. How do you pull it? You killed them?"

"I also said that this is not death, it's just going to another dimension. I am their teacher. How could I harm them."

"But if the suicide succeeds, they will indeed die in this world!"

"What is the definition of death? Death without breathing? Death by body decay? Death without action? Have you ever thought about it, assuming that death that everyone has always believed is not a real death, the deceased can still think about it, but can never move again , Can no longer control his body, because he can't move, he can't make a sound and open his eyes, but the mind is still there. He clearly hears the doctor's sentence of death, is clearly sent to the crematorium, or is buried, the mind is forever Trapped in a rotten body, lying there forever and ever."

"But no one will ever know about this, because this is the only way to listen to the movement above."

Ji Changze's voice was unwavering, but everyone in the car got goose bumps.

If this is true, listening to the doctor's sentence of death with my own ears, feeling that I am still alive, but being buried again, trapped in a black world forever, with nothing but thinking, it would be terrible.

Seeing that the face of the person sitting on the opposite side turned ugly and pale, Ji Changze smiled with satisfaction; "Such a hypothesis is that it is easier to accept that people's thinking will go to another dimension after death."

After speaking, he asked with some doubts: "Why do you all have this expression? Are you scared by what I suppose? No need to do that. This is just my assumption and has not been verified."

Everyone: "..."

So you said so much to make us believe in the so-called dimensional world?

However, just after relaxing a little bit, I heard Ji Changze say again: "Of course, this idea itself cannot be verified. From a certain perspective, as long as there is no way to verify what I said is wrong, then it has some chances to be right. , Unless you believe that there are really ghosts in this world."

The policewoman rubbed her forehead, feeling that they had brought back a ruthless character this time.

After entering the police station, the conversation did not go smoothly.

Several colleagues who talked with Ji Changze felt their heads are big: "Is this person really the MLM leader you found? He can say too much, if it weren't for my firm will, he would really have to be circumvented by him." Go in."

Another colleague said: "In fact, what he said is still reasonable. For example, he just told me that when he sees the world from the perspective of a snake, he sees the world made up of infrared rays. Some small animals are slow to watch the movements of large animals. Actions, animals see different worlds, but different kinds of animals cannot communicate that what they see is completely different from what other animals see. Does this mean that the world that we humans see is also different? It's like in ancient times that we didn't see bacteria and we thought that bacteria didn't exist. Now we can't see ghosts, but in fact it..."

"Stop it!!"

The older policeman hurriedly interrupted: "Materialism, do you know materialism! Don't be fooled into by a few words. To find out, he instigated the two children to commit suicide. We must have done this. Make it clear, otherwise, if he can't think about it, then go and instigate other children to commit suicide? This is a matter of life and death."

Ji Changze just came out, listened to it with a gentle smile, and said: "Don't worry, I won't do this next time."

Talking policeman: "...Why did he come out?"

The younger generation whispered: "The parents of the two children said they made a mistake, and Ji Changze did not instigate their children to commit suicide."

"Didn't he admit it?"

"Brother, he only admitted that he helped the students enter another dimension, and never admitted to instigating them to commit suicide from beginning to end."


Because the parents changed their minds, Ji Changze never admitted from beginning to end that he instigated a student to commit suicide. The two children now have nothing else but a bad mental state, and he still came out of the police station smoothly.

As soon as I left, I was surrounded by two parents: "Teacher Ji, please save our children."

A male policeman just got off work and witnessed this scene, thinking that Ji Changze must have made such a spot in the hospital before. As soon as he took action, the student who was still screaming screamed immediately calmed down. The guards were eager, and the parents of the two families affirmed I would want Ji Changze to help, and I can't complain that he would change his words and get people out.

But after listening to Ji Changze's brainwashing all the way, although he didn't agree with him from the bottom of his heart, he also had some other opinions about the gentle-looking teacher Ji.

He would definitely not agree to help, otherwise he would just help.

Ji Changze really refused, and the two parents quickly pleaded for an apology: "We were wrong before, Teacher Ji, as long as you help, we don't have any problem with how much money we can give!"

Seeing the gentle-looking man refused again, the male police sighed in his heart. How could such a person with a universe in mind (?) agree to such a foreign object.

Father Wang: "Teacher Ji, I really beg you, as long as you help, not only money, I will send you a pennant!"

Pennant? Hey, I feel sorry for the parents of the world, and he is really rushed to go to the doctor. How could this Ji Changze, who is hard and hard thinking and determined, answer...

Ji Changze: "Okay, deal, save two people, I want two pennants, and you have to sincerely praise me for more than ten minutes."

"Ten minutes per person."