120|Modern supernatural world (2)

To save people, of course, it doesn't mean to save people.

The parents on both sides were distraught, but Ji Changze was still sluggish. The king's father drove them to the hospital. He stretched out his hand and opened the window to look outside. When the car was near a school, he suddenly said, "Stop." "

The king's father was not in the hospital before, but when he came back, I heard the Han family talk about what Ji Changze had done, saying that the two children might be really fascinated by something. Teacher Ji could see those things and was not afraid. He After saying a few words, those things disappeared for a while, but after almost an hour, I don't know if it was because Teacher Ji had been away for a long time, and the two children began to scream in pain again.

Half-aged children, who have been put on the cusp of their parents since childhood, can bear this pain, crying and crying for their parents, begging for their parents to save them, but they can't see anything, and they can't touch anything, so they can be saved. , Han's father and Han mother thought of Ji Changze, and said that he seemed to be the only one who could save the children.

The father only got such an only son when he was thirty-seven years old. The pain was like eyeballs. He rushed to the door of the police station when he heard this. He had settled his mind even if he let them kowtow to Teacher Ji and kill him. It's okay to change his son's life. I didn't expect that the pennant would be able to move Ji Changze.

At this moment, he was nervous and relaxed again. When Ji Changze called to stop, he subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

The car was parked on this road near the elementary school. Everyone in the car looked at Ji Changze nervously and asked, "Mr. Ji, what do you do for parking?"

Seeing so many eyes, Ji Changze still didn't look like "I have a lot of responsibilities" on his face. He stretched out his hand to open the door and said, "I have to go buy something."

What else to buy? It's a matter of life and death.

The two parents were anxious, but none of them dared to say that Ji Changze was not. So they all got out of the car, as if they were urinating in a hurry. They didn't dare to take big steps, and followed the only savior in small steps. I wanted to open my mouth and say something, but I was afraid that too many questions would annoy my family and would not help anymore, so I could only follow Ji Changze into a bookstore with such anxious expression.

Ji Changze wandered in, wandered around, looked at the top books with a critical look, then picked up a few books, and did not forget to talk to the four people behind him before turning around. One sentence: "Remember to give money."

Waiting to get in the car again, this time Ji Changze didn't make any disturbances, so he closed his eyes with the book as if he was about to rest.

Sitting next to him was father and mother Han. The two looked at Ji Changze carefully and then looked at each other. They didn't dare to talk to him, so they took out their mobile phones to mute them and exchanged WeChat messages.

Mother Han: [Do you see what Teacher Ji is doing? ]

Father Han thought for a few seconds: [It should be thinking about how to deal with those things for a while, calmly and so on. ]

Mother Han: [Yes. ]

Mother Han: [It's all acting like this in TV dramas. The master may have to do something before doing things. Qiao Qiao, our family, can't delay it. I will first search for what we need to do. After a while, Mr. Ji will wake up. Ask him, you can drive to buy it again. ]

Father Han: [Okay, don't worry, this teacher Ji looks like he has two brushes, maybe he is a master hermit, look at his temperament, he doesn't look like an ordinary person. ]

At this moment, he forgot that he had heard his son say that it was Ji Changze who told them that their parents would suffer even if they did not commit suicide, so how they scolded Teacher Ji when they had to die.

None of the four parents said a word along the way, and their breathing was lighter. For fear that Ji Changze would be noisy, they went to the hospital downstairs calmly. As soon as the car stopped, Ji Changze opened his eyes and pulled the car door down.

Mother Han hurriedly followed and asked cautiously: "Teacher Ji, do you think we need to prepare something, such as black dog blood, rooster blood, glutinous rice boy urine, etc."

"No, it's all things in our dimension, it's useless to them."

Ji Changze patted the book in his hand: "Just use this."

Mother Han didn't quite understand. After watching Ji Changze walk to the front, she quietly asked Father Han: "What does this mean? Isn't that book a thing of our dimension?"

Father Han immediately showed an alien (?) running a bookstore. He was a normal human being on the surface, but in fact he would occasionally sell some weird things.

Then he found out that he was in black on the scene.

A group of people hurried upstairs, and when they opened the door of the ward, the two children both showed pain on their faces and breathed hard.

Of course, it seems so in the eyes of these parents.

But in Ji Changze's eyes, it was a group of dark and thin little ghosts joking and covering the mouths and noses of the two children with dry hands, deliberately preventing them from breathing.

They were torturing them deliberately, they didn't even think about letting these two people die. They waited until they couldn't breathe and let go, and watched them breathe several times before continuing to cover them.

Seeing how hard they struggled, the two children couldn't get rid of them. They could only breathe hard and groan with pain, and they became more happy and laughed and jumped around the room.

The parents couldn't see anything, they just hurried over to help their children follow the breath, and turned helplessly to ask Ji Changze: "Mr. Ji, what is this, why are they bothering my children? What do they want? Give it all, can you let them let our children go."

When the little ghosts heard this, the resentment in their eyes became heavier. Under the horrified eyes of the two children, they opened their mouths to reveal the sharp teeth inside, and began to crawl towards them little by little.

Click, click.

They bit their hands and grinned at humans who were completely incapable of resisting. Numerous bloody maggots fell out of their mouths and went directly into the clothes of the two of them. They opened their mouths and started to chew. bite.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The two children screamed and cried, struggling like crazy, but were tightly bound by their body straps. Seeing their pain, the little ghosts were happy, and their spiteful expressions were slightly withdrawn, and they began to laugh again.

Ji Changze was really so vicious by this scene. He opened the book, randomly selected a page and handed it to the royal father nearest to him. Seeing that he was confused and caught it, he took out the little book in his arms and read it. Write down:

"This is childish, gregarious, short-skinned, skinny and fleshless, with a face like a dry corpse, sharp and small teeth, about two hundred and fifty-one mouthfuls, heavy jealous, and when the heart is jealous, there is a mouthful of maggots in the mouth. Disappear."

The parents trembled when they heard it, and hurriedly asked: "Teacher Ji, how can we eliminate them?"

Ji Changze: "It's not difficult."

"Tongyan is generally a thing made after the death of a child under sixteen. The common characteristic of these children before they are born is that they cannot get the love of their father and mother, or they think they can't get it, and they are more or less jealous. Happy family members of the same age, their jealousy after death turns into childishness. They are just melancholy and can't grow out of a human appearance. At most they can only have a shape, and there is no memory or appearance of the deceased, which supports them. It's that qi, and when that qi is eliminated, they will become what they are, and of course they won't be able to hurt others."

The king's father asked: "Then how can I get rid of that anger?"

Sprinkle chicken blood? Sprinkle glutinous rice?

He licked his lips and asked Ji Changze eagerly: "Do you need a peach wood sword or painted talisman? You said, I will buy you everything immediately."

Ji Changze glanced at him disapprovingly, still being gentle and gentle: "This is not a feudal superstition, nor is it a ghost in folklore. They are all based on scientific evidence, and of course they must be treated scientifically."

Parents: "...Science, science?"

Catch a ghost, are you still paying attention to science?

"Yes, think about it, these Tongyan predecessors are all teenage boys, right, teenage boys, what are they most afraid of?"

The parents shook their heads blankly.

Ji Changze knocked on the book in his father's hand: "Question!"


"Which student is not afraid to take exams and study in class now, come, you each have a book, and read directly according to it."

"Huh? Oh oh oh good."

Although it's a bit nonsense, but Yuki Nagasawa said it so seriously, it seems a little bit stranger to make sense.

The four parents stood two by one bed, opened the books in their hands one after another, opened a page and started reading seriously.

"Find the extreme value of the following function..."

"In the first year of Jianyuan, the emperor first came to the throne, recruiting talented scholars of literature..."

"Correct the essay: y little..."

The little ghosts who were laughing and joking were stunned, they froze for a while, and hurriedly covered their ears frantically to try not to listen anymore.

It's useless, they don't have ears at all.

The four parents also spelled it for their children, the words are round, the pronunciation is standard, and the pronunciation is serious: Jiligulu, Jiligulu, Jiligulu, Jiligulu.

The little ghosts were crazy, and the pressure of learning was like a heavy mountain. They began to painfully grab their skins, and screamed, "————"

While watching their reactions, Ji Changze nodded, and carefully recorded them. After seeing a few parents read for a while, although the black spirits of the little ghosts had disappeared a lot, they did not disappear. He came up with another idea.

"They are jealous of your family relationship, hurry, and show it to them."

The parents put down the books one by one, but after looking at each other, they just didn't know what to do.

It was the royal father who reacted first, strode to his son, pouted and kissed his son with a big mouthful: "Dad loves you the most, and you are the love crystallization of parents."


The jealous eyeballs of the kid closest to the hospital bed all fell out, his body deformed and was still roaring resentfully, and his sharp teeth fell like rain.

Wang Zhengjiao on the bed was a little awake, and shouted in surprise: "Dad, there is a reaction! It has a reaction!"

The king's father was overjoyed and he was excited.

"My dear son, Dad treasures you the most, and I will spend all the money Dad makes!!"

"Tomorrow I will learn your favorite dish, and I will cook it for you every day."

The queen mother followed: "Yes, yes, we will buy you the new sneakers you want right away. As long as my baby son likes it, even the moon mother can buy it for you."

Father Han and Mother Han also started various shows of motherly love and fatherly love together: "Mom loves you so much. Mom saves all your New Year's Eve money for you, and doesn't spend a penny."

"When you go to school, we think you can't sleep as much as you want."

"In my parents' hearts, you are the most important, the most important."

Little ghosts: "Ah ah ah ah!!!"

They screamed and jealously jumped on the spot, but to no avail, none of the four parents could see them, but they were full of their own children.

As a result, they became more jealous.

Ji Changze stood up, his expression full of the majesty and solemnity of the teacher, he sneered, and announced to the group of little ghosts very coldly and ruthlessly:

"A few of you--all failed, and copied the wrong questions twenty times."

Indifferent, ruthless, like a judging machine without emotions.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

This blow was like the last straw that crushed the little ghosts. They were unwilling and resentful, but they could only scream and slowly disappear when they were overwhelmed.

When everything subsided, there were eight more lemons on the ground.

Ji Changze knelt down and picked up these lemons.

It turns out that the heart of these children is lemon, no wonder it is so sour.