132|Writing in the Republic of China (10)

Sometimes fame can be blessed in both directions.

For example, this time, Mr. Shenze's book was bought in their city before, and the newspaper people used it to promote it. Now it is selling well outside, and the people in the newspaper started to promote it again.

Now people on both sides felt that Mr. Shenze's books were very popular everywhere, and naturally they sold even better than before.

Ji Changze doesn't care much about how his books are sold now. Now the money is enough for his family to live a good life without work for a hundred years. Of course, if the money can still be used in a hundred years.

Now he writes books every day, then looks at his little brother, and finally he goes there to listen to the revival of Ji's father.

Yes, now with the capital in hand, Ji's father intends to regroup.

He never kept the secret from Ji Changze, telling this eldest son everything. Ji's plan is perfect. Even Ji Changze can't find any loopholes. Knowing that Ji's father is not a pig teammate but a god teammate, he can rest assured. He no longer pays attention to these books. Sometimes when Jifu meets with his business partners, he just writes and draws on the side.

Ji's father didn't know that Ji Changze was not interested because he knew everything. He thought that his eldest son was not interested in business. He had some regrets, but because of Ji Changze's talent for writing novels, these regrets were a little less.

In any case, this time the eldest son did give him a big surprise.

When the Ji family fell, he thought a lot, but he didn't expect that the person who saved the Ji family in the end would be his eldest son.

Before, some people thought he was stupid, raising children for their elder brother, but now, Chang Ze's performance can slap their faces perfectly.

That is to say, they still don't know who Mr. Shenze is. If they know, hum, they will be surprised.

After experiencing this serious illness, Ji's father remained calm on the surface, but his heart was a little bit more childish than before. Of course, it may also be because some people in the family were seriously ill before and made him feel uncomfortable. It is very urgent. I want to see these people know that his Ji family has re-emerged.

Father Ji did not hide these things from others, and soon the people in the city knew that he was ready to rearrange his family business.

People who have a good relationship with Ji's father are happy, but those who have a bad relationship with him are unhappy.

The most uncomfortable thing is naturally the old master Ji, who had set off with others and knocked down his brother.

Before he was proud of the spring breeze, but the result has not been happy for a while, because Ji Changze's actions have damaged his reputation. No matter how he explains that he thinks that Ji Changze wants to come back to confess his relatives, he will be regarded as deliberately arguing.

Even if someone believed his words, they began to feel that he was too cold-blooded.

After all, it was his own children and younger brother. Now that they are in trouble, Master Ji is not even willing to reach out.

And the most disgusting thing was that he had done such a thing on his own, and he was still cruelly pushing everything to his own son, so that this 18-year-old young man would bear the infamy for him.


Master Ji wanted to rescue him, otherwise he would not send someone to send money directly, but after knowing that Ji Changze not only strictly refused, but also raked in, he decided not to rescue.

Anyway, his reputation is like this, no matter how bad it can go.

At that time, Master Ji could still be rescued. He said that sending money would cause them to be targeted. It would be enough to send someone to watch, but he didn't want to do that.

Obviously he is sending money to relieve his troubles of this good brother, but now it seems like he is begging them, he can't bear this grievance.

Okay, isn't it Qing Gao? Don't you want money?

Then don't hesitate, he will not send the money, he must let them feel that their stomachs are not full enough to eat, and what it is like to have no money to see a doctor when they are ill, and then recall his benevolent Ji Da The master sent the money but was pushed away by them personally, it must feel sour and refreshing.

Master Ji waited and waited, waited and waited with such a mood.

As a result, after waiting for so long, instead of waiting for the poverty and poverty, I waited for the news of my brother's comeback.

Just kidding.

Make a comeback? ?

Where does he come from?

If there is no money, who is willing to cooperate with him.

Aren't all his students in other places? Liu Qingru, the only one who stayed here, still has no money. Where did the Ji family get the money? ?

Master Ji was angry and annoyed. He sent someone out to investigate but couldn't find out anything. He only knew that Father Ji had indeed used money to impress the boss he had cooperated with in the past, and he has been doing it in full swing recently.

Master Ji was angry but couldn't do anything. The opportunity before was not available every day. Now the two brothers of the Ji family are at odds, Master Ji even slander his own son. This matter is full of ups and downs. Countless pairs of eyes are staring at him. If he makes a move at this time, it will overturn in ten or nine times.

But after annoyed for a while, he was no longer anxious.

Father Ji has been silent for such a long time, and he is doing business for the general public. Even if the business starts, who will buy it?

Before he started his business, they were all accumulated old customers. Now that he has been closed for so long, who still knows him.

Thinking about it this way, Master Ji began to calm down again, smoking a dry cigarette and humming a song, arranging his subordinates to pay attention, and when Father Ji opened the door, he must tell him what was going on at the time and how sluggish his business was.

After waiting for a while, the subordinate period Ai Ai came.

Master Ji smoked a dry cigarette; "Just say when you come in, and don't say anything. You still want this master to give you a seat, don't you?"

"No, no, the little one dare not, the little one dare not."

The subordinate hurriedly pleaded guilty, carefully raised his eyes and glanced at Master Ji before cautiously saying: "The second master is indeed open for business. Just this morning, the young one left early in the morning."

Master Ji urged; "Is there no one? Their faces are green?"

The subordinates trembled: "When I left, many people were there, watching the excitement."

At the end, he didn't even dare to lift his head.

Master Ji froze.

"How is it possible? He hasn't shown up for so long, so those people can still remember him?"

"It's not just the people in the past. Now people in half of the city know that the second master has opened his business. They lined up to buy things, but the little one almost didn't squeeze in."

Master Ji looked at the kneeling young man several times, and after confirming that he was telling the truth, it was his turn to turn green.

"What did he do? What did they do?!!!"

Xiao Si took out a newspaper carefully from his arms and handed it over carefully.

Master Ji snatched it over and found that it was Rouan Daily.

"What are you doing? What are you doing to give me this thing? My damn thing asked you to tell me what they did, so many people came to join in!!"

In fact, Ji Changze didn't do anything.

He just used Shenze's vest to open another novel called Merchant.

The story is mainly about the businessman.

Businessmen are chasing profits. This is something everyone knows, but businessmen are also human beings. Since there are good people and bad people, there will naturally be good businessmen and bad businessmen.

Ji Changze mainly wrote about good businessmen. For example, a certain business man worked hard to do business, and when the war came, he exchanged all his money for grain and sent it to the front line.

Another example is a businessman who used his tunnel to hide hundreds of people when the enemy entered the city. The enemy held a gun to his head and asked him where he was hiding. He gritted his teeth. Said, at the end of the sacrifice, he didn't utter a word.

During this period, the enemy was not without holding gold and silver to lure. Bewildered. If the money was left in peace, he would have promised whatever he promised. But now, he is clenching his teeth and saying, dying. I am Chinese.

When Ji Changze created his image, he portrayed this businessman very stupidly, calculated carefully, loved money, and had a big business, but he still had to care about that little petty favor with the people. He knew that he had money in his family, but he joked that he called twice The dog barked without hesitation when he gave him a hundred oceans.

It was such a businessman who was looked down upon by his peers, contemptuously talked about by the people, and let everyone know that he loved money like life, but at the end of his life he rejected gold and silver, resisted torture, and just protected more than a hundred people.

Isn't he stingy? He is, isn't he a lover of money? So is he.

But he did not forget that he was a Chinese first and foremost.

No matter how much he loves money, no matter how much he wants money, he will never take a penny of these animals that invade China, kill the elderly and children and violate women.

Ji Changze has always been good at sensationalism, and in a few words, people who read newspapers are blushing.

In addition, he wrote some business affairs, unspoken rules, and some business tricks in it. These are all real dry goods. This time is not like the era of information flying in the future. If people want to do business, Either step by step to summarize it yourself, or find a master or someone from the family to bring it.

But there is no such thing as Ji Changze, who wrote directly and carelessly, and the writing is still very correct.

It is the first time for the common people to see this kind of new subject matter, coupled with the various patriotic sentiments written in it, naturally they can't let go, and those who want to do business see the knowledge inside, and take notes while watching. At the end, I couldn't wait to rush to the newspaper to ask who this Mr. Shenze was and why he knew so much about business affairs.

Businessmen like to watch it too.

After all, the reputation of merchants has always been not very good. Everyone thinks that they are profiteering, doing everything for money, and there is no morality at all. It is common to directly cheat each other and stabbing knives. There are other things like unscrupulous goods. of.

Although these things have happened, and a lot of them have happened, they can't overturn a boat at one stroke. They are all innocent.

Of course, they feel that they are innocent. As for whether they are really innocent, only they themselves know.

These businessmen were pleasantly surprised and proud after seeing this story, as if they were the businessmen who sacrificed for the sake of the country and protecting the people. Of course, they were not as stingy as this businessman.

In short, they have a good sense of substitution.

That's right!

We are such people!

There is no business person who does not love money, but loving money does not mean that we have no conscience.

At the critical moment, we are still very reliable. Those with bad conscience are all mouse shit, and we are all soup.

As a result, the group of people who felt that the newspapers truthfully wrote about the real businessmen, bought a bunch of newspapers and sent them to relatives and friends, so that they could get to know the heroic businessmen themselves---.

The sales of newspapers broke through again.

Everyone in the newspaper was so happy, the big boss said that he would add money to them.

Sure enough, this Mr. Shenze is a treasure. Since Mr. Shenze came, their newspapers have almost changed their luck.

The reason that made Ji's business go smoothly was Ji Changze.

He put an advertisement in his novel called the businessman.

One of the merchants here was deceived because he was too kind to do business. He had too little money and had to replenish the goods to sell. A passerby inside kindly told him: You go to Ji's shop to buy, then The things they sell are cheap and good, and because they just opened, you can get as many as you buy. The bargains are very good. If you buy more, you can count on your wholesale price.

The newspaper also specifically wrote Ji's address, and if the news is as true as the novel, if the space is not enough, Ji Changze plans to take a photo and put it on it.

Mr. Shenze has a lot of diehard fans, and the novel this time did not disappoint, and the current sales model of buying as much as you want and giving away at wholesale prices is very fresh and naturally attracted. Large crowds.

People have a herd mentality. When there are so many people in the newly opened shops here, most people will come forward curiously and ask what the situation is, until they know that this shop is selling so cheaply. Later, it will naturally join the queue.

As a result, there are more and more people in the queue, and the situation is extremely popular.

Ji Changze did not tell Ji's father when he did this. Ji didn't know. When he opened the business, he still thought that it would be normal to start again. Fortunately, Changze is still there, even if it is. Don't worry if you don't make money at the beginning, etc.

As a result, as soon as the door was opened, the guests who squeezed in almost broke the door.

It took him a long time to ask in a noisy crowd before he knew where these people saw the news. After a busy but very happy day, Father Ji finally freed his mind to think about it.

Nagasawa could actually come up with such an idea.

The child is really smart and filial.

If not for filial piety, would he come up with such an idea to help the family business?

On the way back, Ji's father went to the newspaper office and asked for a newspaper. Why did he say that he wanted it instead of buying it, because the newspaper was sold out again, even if the newspaper office is very experienced recently and printed a lot more than in the past, it still didn't? The enthusiasm of Shinze powder resisted.

Fortunately, Liu Qingru was still in the newspaper office and hadn't gotten off work. Seeing that the teacher wanted to buy a newspaper, he couldn't buy it, so he decisively gave him this copy.

Ji's father read the newspaper as he walked toward his home, and his heart became more and more alarmed as he read it.

Most people read the story, but he sees the business model and various business methods in it.

He couldn't write these things, but Nagasawa was able to write them.

Is his son really a genius?

Ji Fu Yue returned home, and when asked about this, Ji Changze was very innocent and at a loss: "Did you not tell your uncles, dad?"

Father Ji: "? Do you have it?"

"Yes, dad, have you forgotten? Every time you talk to your uncles, I sit next to me and write down your words. This novel is based on your words. Look at this sentence, this Just what you said."

It's been so many days, Father Ji still remembers clearly, but when Ji Changze pointed at him, he was familiar with this sentence, as if he had actually said it.

Seeing him nodding and confessing, Ji Changze found another sentence: "Father, look, this is what you said. I wrote it down when you said it. I also asked if you could write it in my novel. You said yes. of."

This time, Ji's father recognized it quickly.

The memory also came back a little bit, yes, Changze seemed to have asked him, he felt that writing a novel needed material, so he casually agreed.

Is this really what he said? Is he so good?

Father Ji held the newspaper and read it for a long time. He always felt that these words were indeed familiar, but most of them couldn't remember where and how they said it.

Ji Changze said that this is normal: "In order to integrate into the plot, some words have been modified without changing the meaning of your original words. It is normal that I can't recognize them."

"Father, you think, if I hadn't heard you say these things, I'm alone, can I write these things?"

Father Ji looked at the innocent son who stood before him.

It seems impossible.

My son has never been so good since he was a child.

He looked down at the words in the newspaper again. This time, he looked very familiar. It was strange if he had read it so many times. So he was sure from the bottom of his heart that these words were spoken by himself, but Nagasawa wanted to write them. The novel has undergone certain artistic processing, which made him only familiar with it.

After thinking about it clearly, Ji's father suddenly realized.

My son is not a genius, I am a genius! !

After successfully flicking his father Ji, Ji Changze returned to the room, took the newspaper and read it carefully, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

Master Ji must have known about this at this time, but he didn't know what measures he would adopt.

It would be fun if he used the method that Ji Changze had predicted. He still wanted to see the scene where Master Ji wanted to pit others but dug a hole for himself.

Master Ji is indeed planning to make a move.

After thinking about it, he felt that this must be his younger brother student, the ghost named Liu Qingru.

Liu Qingru is the editor-in-chief. Isn't it easy to add an advertisement to it? He was still a student of Ji's father, so he was even more motivated to commit crimes.

A little editor in chief, still wanting to save the person he wants to kill?

Master Ji sneered and put pressure on the newspaper to expel Liu Qingru.

The big boss didn't think so much, but because Liu Qingru offended an official is not his style, he could only give Liu Qingru a sum of money to let him go.

As a result, the next day, Mr. Shenze, his big golden leg, said that since Liu Qingru is gone, he will also go.

This time it was replaced by the big boss, dumbfounded.

What's the situation? Isn't it just a chief editor? Why do you want to go with your legs? What do you want to go, stay and continue to shine and make money for me! ! !

Mr. Shenze only said that where Liu Qingru is, he is there.

Now that's all right, the big boss directly hated Master Ji.