133|Writing in the Republic of China (11)

Liu Qing's home is a bit lively recently.

At first, he was dismissed in a daze. When he told the news to his family, the whole family was dumbfounded.

Although Liu Qingru didn't make a lot of money in the past, he is also a chief editor. Compared with ordinary people, the money he earns in a month is enough for others to spend a year.

In the past, Liu's family had a very comfortable life, and the two elderly people would take care of their old age. Liu Qingru invited someone to take care of them.

The two elders are not lacking in anything else. Not only are there people around to take care of them. When Liu Qingru is not at home, his daughter-in-law will accompany them. Life is happy. The only regret is that his son and daughter-in-law have not yet had children.

During this period of time, Liu Qingru was proud of Mr. Shenze and Mr. Dongliu in the newspaper, and received a lot more money than before. The whole family was happy, but it was not long before he was so inexplicably fired.

Now the whole family is angry.

His mother said: "How can there be such a situation. At the beginning, when you sent someone to another place, it was not you. Then your newspaper was able to get up. Didn't it depend on your hard work to communicate with the author? Now they have gotten up and used Throw it away if you don't need you, bah!"

His father said: "It seems that this is killing a donkey. I have been reading the novel written by Mr. Shenze these past two days. I thought that businessmen are not all like that. Looking at your boss is such a sinister businessperson just for profit."

They are very unfair for their sons. After all, when the newspaper's business was not good, the son never left and never left. Instead, two heavyweight authors were brought in and supported the newspaper. As a result, the newspaper is now well. Fired their son?

The bridge across the river was not demolished so quickly, right?

Liu Qingru's wife never spoke, but looked at her decadent husband full of worry, and whispered comforting: "It's okay, you have this ability. Where can you go differently? Don't you, it's because their newspaper has no eyesight. "

Hearing her words, Liu Qingru smiled bitterly and shook his head.

If he was young, he could say the last sentence so confidently, but now he is not young anymore, he is still too old, he still drags his family with his mouth, and if the family's funds are out of stock, he should be worried about whether he will be wronged. The family is gone.

What's more, he used to be the editor-in-chief, and every major newspaper has an editor-in-chief. People have been honestly doing so for so long. How could he be parachuted to grab a position as soon as he goes, but if he is only an ordinary employee, he used to be the editor-in-chief before. To please the boss and obey the last arrangement, Liu Qingru didn't know if he could do it or not.

Taking a step back, his rich experience and age may be a benefit in modern times, but during this period, the editors are afraid of him coming to grab his throne, and they will definitely do everything possible to stop him from letting him into the post.

The best outcome is that a new newspaper appears to solicit, but today's new newspapers have people behind them. They have very large backgrounds. There is no kind of people they want, so why bother to come to him.

Liu Qingru became more discouraged as he thought about it. His wife saw it and said softly: "Don't think about it, isn't the teacher's business up? If the job search doesn't go well, the teacher will definitely help."

Although these words were comforting, Liu Qingru felt even more uncomfortable.

He is definitely obliged to help the teacher. After all, the teacher has the kindness to teach him. If he hadn't been taught by the teacher, how could he be the one he is now.

But if he asked the teacher to help him, Liu Qing couldn't open his mouth. He was a man of a lot of age and had a family and started a career, so he asked the teacher to help. This is really, really.

Seeing that he was unwilling, his wife hurriedly stopped talking, only softly coaxed her husband to eat first, and then told him that the family had a lot of savings because of his previous efforts, and that there was no rush to find a job, so just take it easy.

The family took care of Liu Qingru's feelings. They were sitting in the courtyard and eating. Liu Qingru didn't know the taste of food. He sighed and put down his chopsticks and was about to say that he didn't want to eat. Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

The wife said strangely: "Who will come at this time?"

She stood up and opened the door.

The door opened, and Ji Changze stood outside carrying a pot of wine. When he saw her, his face immediately smiled: "This is the sister-in-law, right? I'm Changze, the brother-in-law."

The two have never met each other, but Liu Qingru's wife has heard her husband say many times that she knows that this junior is the eldest son of his teacher. She is very filial and capable. When she heard Ji Changze's self-reported identity, her face hurried. Smiled.

They are worrying about their husband's work now. At this time, the teacher and son who never visit the door suddenly come to the door, and it is easy for the wife to think that he has heard about it.

Whether it is to comfort or help, the husband will definitely be happy.

"You are Changze, come in, come in, Qingru, come see who is here."

Liu Qingru raised his head and saw Ji Changze. He was also a little surprised. He hurriedly stood up and said, "Changze, why are you here like this?"

Ji Changze first met Liu's father and mother and said:

"I heard about the dismissal of my brother, and I want to discuss something with my brother."

Ji Changze brought up the wine in his hand to show him, his eyebrows were full of relief: "Why don't our brothers drink two cups?"

The Liu family heard that he was here to solve Liu Qingru's work, and their faces were immediately happy, and they wanted to stand up to make room for them.

Ji Changze hurriedly stopped: "Uncle and auntie don't need to be so polite. I am not an outsider. I will go to the house to drink with my senior."

When he entered the house, he and Liu Qingru sat cross-legged on the kang. Liu Qingru's wife fryed a few dishes urgently, and they all tried to give the best to entertain, and the two of them drank with the dishes.

Liu Qingru could still hold on in front of his family. Now that he drank two cups, he was in front of his junior brother who knew everything. The depression in his heart suddenly became unbearable, and he started drinking.

When Ji Changze saw that he was going to drink to death, he hurriedly reached out to stop him; "Brother, don't be stunned, think about it, many people know that you have been fired, if you are stunned, I don't know how many people are waiting to see you. What a joke."

Everyone has a few things about the Qiu family, even Father Ji who has always been kind to others, and Liu Qingru naturally has it. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly; "I want to regain my strength, but now I have nowhere. Go."

Even if the teacher helps, he certainly can't put him in the newspaper. The teacher may help him find a high-paying job, but he prefers to work in the newspaper. He likes this job.

Ji Changze saw that Liu Qingru was not only depressed, but also mourned. He also drank a drink. Then he said, "I heard that brother, you were fired. I wrote to the newspaper and told them that if you leave, I will also leave. Now I am not soft. An Daily News."

Since Liu Qingru was fired, he wandered aimlessly on the street for several laps, and then he returned home. I really didn't know about it, and I was shocked when I heard it.

"Don't be angry. Although Rou'an Daily has been a little bit unsympathetic to me, it has always been very good to you. Many authors can't dream of that share. The big boss really values ​​you very much."

Seeing him anxious for himself, Ji Changze smiled: "Yes, the newspaper is good to me, but the big boss also wants to make money, and always has to divide some of my money."

Liu Qingru sighed, being so childish and helpless for his junior brother: "It's all like this. If he doesn't divide your money, why should he sell novels for you and publicize for you? Even if it's not Rouan, other newspapers do. It's all like this."

He felt uncomfortable for Junior Brother for a while, and then thought that now that the teacher has killed him back, the discomfort is slightly less: "Fortunately, the teacher has reopened now, even if you are not in Rou'an, it doesn't matter if you are not making money, Junior Brother, I know you. It's for me to hold on to the injustice, but it's not as if anyone would have trouble with the money."

Ji Changze patted his senior on the shoulder and nodded earnestly: "Yes, senior, who would have trouble with the money? Isn't it good for us to open a newspaper and divide the money by ourselves? Why do we have to share the money with an outsider, or dismiss you as a bridge Outsider."

Liu Qingru was stunned.

Yes, why don't they open their own newspaper.

Money, what Ji Changze had earned before is enough, not to mention that there is still Ji Father now.

For the future sales, Yuuki Changze is here. What sales do they worry about? This is a golden sign.

And being a boss by yourself will definitely get more money than before.

Liu Qingru was excited for a while and then suddenly calmed down.

"But although we have money, we don't have much background. If we started a newspaper this year without background, we can't get along."

This background should at least be linked to politics or the military, otherwise people can just find an excuse to close your newspaper.

For example, there has been an incident before. A certain newspaper published a big boss's lace news, and sales increased greatly. Another newspaper followed suit. The result was dismal and blocked. The newspaper owner was not convinced to ask about it. I know that behind the newspaper that publishes lace news is another super giant. Even if they are angry, they dare not do anything with the giant. When they see his newspaper, they also write that. They don't have any background. Has his house come yet?

A very alarming fact.

Ji Changze didn't find it difficult to handle this matter. He just said: "Brother don't worry. Of course, I have complete confidence when I say this. Wait, wait, our backer will be coming soon."

Liu Qingru: "?"

He was still in a daze, his wife suddenly came in and said, "Qingru, someone is looking for you, saying that it is the big boss of Rou'an Daily, and that he is here to invite you back."

There was joy on her face, and she was very happy at first glance.

Liu Qingru turned his head to look at Ji Changze, Ji Changze raised the corners of his mouth at him, with a face full of expectation: "Sister-in-law, please come in."

The big boss came in soon, and as soon as he saw a stranger who was stunned, Ji Changze took the initiative to stand up and stretched out his hand to him:

"Hello, I'm Ji Changze, the son of my senior brother and teacher. He called me junior. At the same time, Mr. Shenze and Mr. Dongliu are also me."

The big boss felt like he was struck by thunder, his head buzzing.

Junior Brother

Is the relationship so close?

No wonder his big golden legs are running.

That old bastard actually let him personally drive away Mr. Shenze's senior.

Old thief Ji, I will never end with you! ! !