134|Writing in the Republic of China (12)

In the bottom of his heart, the boss wanted to grind his skin and cramp, and there was a moment of gnashing his teeth on his face. Fortunately, he soon remembered that now he is not standing in front of Mr. Ji, but with a big golden leg. The affection on his face is again. Get up with kind loved ones.

He cherished Ji Changze's hand and hated to let it go if he was not rational, but in order not to make people think he was neurotic, he could only let go of his hand reluctantly.

When I looked at Liu Qingru again, the expression on his face had become so close and so close, he shouted very affectionately: "Qingru, I am here this time, but I am here to apologize."

As he said, he took a careful look at Ji Changze next to him, and added: "The other thing is that I want to invite you back again. I was not good about the previous thing, I will make up for it with you, and I hope you don't care about me. I am here. I promise you that as long as you go back, the treatment will definitely be better than before, and will never be worse."

You can come back quickly.

Then get your younger brother back.

Although the big boss came here before in his heart that he wanted to increase the remuneration to Liu Qingru, he didn't even think about asking him to go back. After all, what he said was born with a golden spoon. No matter how important Liu Qingru is, it is not worth him. Go say something more. But things are different now!

Mr. Shenze is Liu Qingru's real younger brother,

Although the big boss usually doesn't say how domineering, but to them, the people under his hands are rarely so approachable. Liu Qingru is a little flattered, and he opens his mouth and subconsciously agrees. Fortunately, he remembers that he and his younger brothers and brothers have not yet agreed. He said that they wanted to open a newspaper of their own, and only then did they work hard to hold their face down with joy.

Ji Changze replied for him next to him: "Thank you, Boss Zhang, but my brother, he may not be able to return to your newspaper."

The big boss was anxious all at once.

If Liu Qingru said this, he is not so anxious, Mr. Shenze said that he would of course be anxious: "I did something wrong before, but you don't know the inside story. I am also threatened."

The big boss is not stupid. He didn't say that he didn't want to offend Mr. Ji, so he gave up Liu Qingru as the editor-in-chief. Instead, he changed his rhetoric.

In his rhetoric, he is a boss trying to protect the newspaper and Liu Qingru, but there are some villains who just can't see them well. Of course, this villain will definitely be Master Ji.

This evil guy used his power to force him to choose between the life and death of the newspaper office and Liu Qingru. The big boss hesitated very much and was heartbroken. In the end, it was very embarrassing and painful to have to choose Liu Qingru to leave.

And now he came over and wanted to get Liu Qingru back. It was because the situation had changed. He received the news that Master Ji is going to be unlucky. This old bone can no longer threaten the newspaper. No, the big boss came over happily. .

After listening to the very sincere words of the big boss, Ji Changze and Liu Qingru were both silent.

Ji Changze sighed deeply in his heart, how could someone start a newspaper office? Although he never writes chapters, his ability to compose stories is not weak. It is obviously a weighing of the pros and cons and found that Liu Qingru is not worthy of offending Ji Da Master, after driving away the people, I found out that Master Ji was still standing behind Mr. Shenze, and he just let him talk about the ups and downs, with several twists and turns.

Of course, Ji Changze is very kind.

Although he didn't believe a word, this did not prevent him from showing a touched expression on his face in cooperation. He even took the initiative to hold the hand of the big boss and exclaimed: "I didn't expect Boss Zhang to be so kind to my brother. It's very rare for a boss like you in the year to look like you. You can be regarded as showing me a glance today."

The big boss didn't feel ashamed at all, and shook hands heavily: "I have been rewarded and rewarded. In fact, Qingru and I have always appreciated each other. Although he works for me, in my heart, he has always been my friend, precisely because Regarding Qingru as my own person, as soon as this matter was over, I hurriedly wanted to redeem Qingru."

Liu Qingru: ""


He recalled that the boss used to squeeze him on business trips in the slightest inhumanity. He had to work overtime late at night. He was so tired from the business trip that he had to be dragged to write about the various past stories he had seen and heard before he had time to drink. He was deeply aware of what he had learned. It's called no business, no evil.

Look at this thick-skinned man, it really makes people have to say a word of acceptance.

Ji Changze: "Boss Zhang is really loyal, but the brother really can't go back. The lean camel is bigger than the horse. If the brother goes back, what should the uncle do to the newspaper office?"

The big boss choked.

What do you start? Although Grandpa Ji looks a little powerful, if he really does it, there will be a big brother behind him.

He dismissed Master Ji in his heart, but because he could not tell the truth because of his talents, he could only smile awkwardly: "I received the news that he has something to do with him and he can no longer make any moths. You are at ease, if only I'm carrying something."

Although the goods are okay now, but it doesn't matter, wait for him to walk out of the door of Liu's house, ran to his father's crying and crying, crying that he was bullied and threatened, whether it's true or not, anyway, he gave the pot to that bad old man. Then, Dad always loved him, and he would definitely not leave it alone.

When the time comes, will Master Ji have something wrong with him?

Facing the assurance of the big boss, Ji Changze was unbelieving. Holding the big boss's hand, he said with great gratitude: "I know that you and my brother are righteous. You don't hesitate to offend the uncle for the sake of the brother, but the brother has never been a man. You are willing to cause trouble to others. We understand your intentions, but you cannot go to the newspaper office."

The big boss opened his mouth and wanted to continue to stay, but Ji Changze was very excited holding his hand and blocked him back: "We can't harm you!!!"

do not! ! !

He made up those words before.

It's just an old man with superficial beauty, how could he move him.

Seeing Ji Changze's unswerving face in front of him, the big boss regretted and annoyed the complexity.

I had known that Mr. Shenze would refuse to go to the newspaper because of the nonsense he made up. He definitely didn't make up like that just now. He must change the way of making up.

The big boss naturally didn't know that no matter what reason he made up, Ji Changze would still block him back. He regretted it in his heart. After thinking about it, he felt that it was important to have big golden legs on his face.

Forget it! Shameless, let's be honest!

Ji Changze saw that the big boss's expression had changed, and immediately rushed: "You don't need to feel troubled. The seniors have often praised you to me before, saying that you are honest and friendly to others. You are a businessman but never deceive. Excellent you, but the object of admiration in many people's hearts, I saw it today, and it turns out that it is better to see it after hearing it. You are even better than the brother said to me."

Liu Qingru, who once complained to Ji Changze, who only looked at money: ""

He tried to maintain his face and looked at the big boss who didn't know why his face was stiff, and nodded hard, "Yes."

The stiff-faced big boss did not feel the pleasure of being praised at all: ""

Play the ball.

People now praise him for his integrity. He turned his head and said, "I'm sorry I lied to you just now." Then, should Mr. Shenze, who still admires him very much, turn his head and leave.

The big boss is now riding a tiger with difficulty, neither entering nor retreating. The more this is the case, the more he hates Master Ji in his heart.

If it hadn't been for this guy to suddenly come out and ask him to drive Liu Qingru away, now his editor-in-chief and big golden legs can stay in his newspaper.

Bah, wait for Lao Tzu, wait for Lao Tzu to finish this matter, it won't kill you!

He cursed in his heart, but his face was still embarrassingly stiff and didn't know what to say.

I want to stay, I can't even come up with a reason, I want to clarify, but I am afraid that Ji Changze will turn his face directly.

He could only say euphemistically: "But if Qingru doesn't report back to the agency, where do you want to be in the future? Ah, and Mr. Shenze, you are no longer in the newspaper. If you want to publish a chapter again, you have to find the newspaper again. ?"

Yes, that's it. It seems to be casual and casual by the way, and Mr. Shenze can't let Mr. Shenze think that he is here to stay for money.

Ji Changze didn't conceal it, and said directly: "My brother and I are planning to open a newspaper together, so I am not afraid of hurting others."

Open newspaper

Isn't it just that your own golden doll ran out to open a shop?

How can this be, this can't be done!

The big boss was so sad that his face was distorted, Ji Changze didn't see it, and he still sighed: "My father had an accident, and my uncle refused to help. I thought it was nothing. After all, although my father and uncle are brothers, they are separated. It's normal to be willing to burn your body, but now that you said that your uncle was threatening with the newspaper and forcing you to dismiss your brother, you can see that it was because of the rumors in the city before that there was a bit of hatred in your heart. I know that Boss Zhang is a good person, but it is precisely because of this that we I can't even hurt you."

big boss:""

He couldn't wait to open his mouth and shout.

The person you are afraid of is not even a plate of dishes in front of my dad! ! !

I am not afraid of him! ! !

Come, you guys! Come and be happy! Come to make money! !

But he can't.

He is a person of "integrity", how could he tell Mr. Shenze that he was lying to them before.

He could only hold his breath from the bottom of his heart and let out a dry cough: "But I want to help you. Although Qingru has experience, but has never been a family, he opened the newspaper so recklessly. I'm afraid it will not end well. Now the city newspaper The competition is not small. If you two newcomers go in, I'm afraid there will be nothing left to be swallowed."

As expected, Ji Changze showed some hesitation on his face.

He looked at the big boss "hesitatingly", and asked with a certain degree of uncertainty: "Is it really so scary?"

The big boss nodded his head with no guilty conscience: "It's just that scary."

Yes, yes, that's right, the outside world is too dangerous, you should throw into my arms and make money with me and be happy hahahahaha.

The corners of his mouth have risen a little bit.

Ji Changze: "In that case, I remember that my father's classmate also opened a newspaper in the city. Why don't I seek him to protect our newspaper, and when I make money, I will give a profit as a thank you."

The big boss froze.

How can this be done?

In other words, I didn't tell the person back to myself, but pushed the person to someone else's newspaper.

He also wanted to make up for it, but Ji Changze was already full of "that's it." He happily gave him a thank you: "Thank you, Boss Zhang, for your suggestion. I'm going to find that uncle now."

"Don't wait"

Seeing that Ji Changze really was about to go out, the big boss was anxious, and hurriedly called Ji Changze: "I can do this kind of thing too!"

Ji Changze smiled slyly with his back to him, and when he turned around, he looked blank and innocent again: "What do you mean?"

The big boss gritted his teeth: "You might as well find me instead of looking for someone else. I will help you with the newspaper, and I will invest money in it again. How about the proportion of shares?"

Anyway, you can't divide money in your own newspaper, and it's the same when you go to Ji Changze and their newspaper.

The money may be a bit less, but since the two newspapers are close, it is not uncommon to sell some resources together, right?

At that time, he can either earn the money from Ji Changze and the others, or he can earn money from his side together.

And most importantly, since it is now everyone's newspaper, can Ji Changze write novels less frequently? After all, this time he earned his reputation for his own newspaper, and the newspaper has risen, and his shareholder will only have more money, and he will be able to drive his previous newspaper.

Originally, it was just an impatient thing, but after speaking it out, the thoughts in my mind became smoother and smoother. After thinking about it, I have completely figured out the way forward.

This is totally a win-win situation.

After taking a firm stand, the big boss's firm mentality of persuading both of them to stay in their own newspaper immediately changed to the firm mentality of me wanting to invest in your newspaper.

Although he wanted to agree in one fell swoop, Ji Changze shied away for a while when he did a full set of the show.

"What a shame, you have helped my brother so much."

"Uncle was targeting you. If you help us make him even more hateful, then it's my brother and me."

"There is really no need to invest so much money, our money is enough."

In the end, under the strong request of the big boss, Ji Changze reluctantly agreed to share the interests of his own newspaper by 15%, and the two newspapers could try their best to cooperate.

In exchange, the big bosses will help their new newspaper stand up from being bullied, share their various channels, and invest a lot of money.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ji Changze smiled more sincerely.

The big boss also got the friendship of Mr. Shenze and the supply of the newspaper in the future, and his smile was very kind.

The two talked very happily. After a series of matters were negotiated at lightning speed, they smiled and shook hands with each other. Behind them is Liu Qingru, who can't keep up with the rhythm at all.

Liu Qingru really couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

He didn't understand why he became a big boss to support their newspaper investment and resources.

These three things are supposed to be the most difficult things to do, but Nagasawa said a few words, the big boss is so eager to roar, and if he doesn't settle down quickly, he will be snatched away by others. The matter is settled.

The big boss is gone, and again there are only two brothers left in the house.

Ji Changze sat back and took a sip of wine, and raised his eyebrows at Liu Qingru, who was still in a dazed state: "Brother, don't you have a backing?"

Liu Qingru: ""

He sat down in a daze, his face blank, and after a long pause, he recovered, and asked Ji Changze, "Changze, when did you become so powerful?"

Doesn't the teacher always say that Changze is still too innocent, and that he is too unwieldy?

Ji Changze didn't change his face and ate a mouthful of food: "Brother, what did you say, haven't I always been like this? My father taught you this way since he was a child. Didn't he teach you?"

Liu Qingru: ""

He recalled and found that the teacher had really taught him some thick black studies that were not easy to come up with, but he didn't have that vein. Even if he memorized everything the teacher said, he still couldn't apply it thoroughly. in life.

But isn't Nagasawa always a young master who has fun around? ?

When did he meet this? ?

Seeing Ji Changze drinking happily, and adding that he had just talked about a good deal just before, not to mention this, Liu Qingru could only press down on the confusion in his heart and continued to drink with his junior.

I drank too much and went out to relieve my hand. As soon as I arrived in the yard, I saw my wife looking forward to them. He was greeted with joy when he came out, and pulled him to ask the big boss just now, how are they talking? Now, watching the other side walk briskly, as if he was still very happy.

Are you so happy after being played by Changze? You deserve to be a big boss, with a good mentality.

Liu Qingru had a good drink and was not drunk. In order to make the family feel at ease, he rubbed his face and told his wife what had been decided.

The wife was stunned for a while, but she quickly caught the point: "We can run a newspaper together. Where does the money from our family put it in."

Opening a newspaper is not a small sum. Even if it is a partnership, the Liu family probably won't be able to get the money.

Liu Qingru smiled and calmly said: "The younger brother said that we don't need to pay for our family, as long as I sit firmly, and wait for the newspaper to start making profits, then I will share 20% of the benefits, which is equivalent to the fact that I can get the money without paying a penny. "

He naturally didn't agree at the beginning, but the younger brother insisted and said that he had no intention of managing. If Liu Qingru was not there, he would not have to spend a high price to hire someone to manage it. If he is embarrassed to take the money, it is good to treat it as a salary.

The wife really reacted very much, covering her mouth in surprise, and whispered in a low voice; "This, is this taking advantage of others, how embarrassing it is."

Liu Qingru didn't know what was wrong, maybe he was drunk, and his heart suddenly filled with infinite pride, and he even started to lift his head up: "The younger brother told me that when the teacher was in trouble, I worked hard to help regardless of the rewards. They, these teachers and juniors, they all remember clearly in their hearts. He also said that since I was able to help their family without anything, now that I have no job, they can naturally pull me."

He should be proud. Although he did not intend to be paid for helping the teacher's family, when the teacher and his younger brother affirmed and acknowledged his contribution, and gave them back, it was like a big prize, which made Liu Qingru Very proud.

"Look, what I said at the beginning, I said that the teacher and the younger brother are not the kind of people who don't remember gratitude. Although today's world is very chaotic, we only need to find the right people and help the right people. I don't have a conscience and don't remember, and I will definitely remember it in my heart."

Seeing Liu Qingru's unsteady footing and being so happy, his wife couldn't help holding him with a smile: "Yes, this is a good deal for a good man. Go to the hut soon. I'll wash your face with a basin of water. Sober up, the younger brother is still young, so it's too late to let him go back alone. When you wake up, you will send him home, thank you teacher and wife again."

"I know, you don't need to be busy, the family won't endure hardship in the future, and I will let you and your parents enjoy the blessing."

Liu Qingru, who was drunk, said a few sweet words, swayed to put water in the hut, and when he came back, he washed his face and felt much more sober.

Back in the house, he helped Ji Changze to take him home.

In fact, Ji Changze, who was only slightly drunk, refused a few times and still didn't refuse. He greeted the Liu family who couldn't restrain their grateful faces after learning the news, and then left with Liu Qingru.

When I arrived at Ji's house, it was actually Father Ji opened the door, and seeing the two of them drunk, their expressions became serious: "How to drink like this, Qingru is also for you, Changze is young, you don't know how to look at him more."

Ji Changze was a little bit dumbfounded: "Father, I'm not drunk. The senior is drunk, and he has to say that the road is unsafe and wants to send me back. I can't push it off no matter what."

"Okay, I will wash my face in the room first. The alcohol in this body will stop smoking sister Huan."

He was gone, only Ji Fu and Liu Qingru were left in the yard.

Liu Qingru was actually already awake, but he was still a little dizzy. Seeing the teacher at the moment, he couldn't help but sigh: "Teacher, Changze is too smart. How did you teach? I used to think, hiccup! I thought he was just playing around, but I didn't expect to be so smart. This is simply a good seedling in business!"

Ji's father suspected that his student's brain was broken.

Is Changze a good seed for business?

So a simple kid, sneer, and jokes are not saying that.

Listening to Liu Qingru's constant praise, he regarded all these words as drunk. Liu Qingru was still saying: "You always said before that you thought Changze was scheming and thought he was too good to deceive, but I watched, he didn't It's good to cheat others, but you are also cheated. Teacher, you are really too demanding of Changze."

Fu Ji responded: "No, I'm not satisfied with him now, and he still has experience."

Liu Qingru sighed: "Teacher, you can't put it so high, Changze is already very good."

"Yes, yes, that's fine."

Father Ji took Liu Qingru out; "I think you are drunk and not light, let me send you back."

Liu Qingru sighed harder.

Hey, I really sympathize with Changze, can it not reach the standard in the teacher's mind?

Ji's father also sighed.

Hey, he was so clever, his son and students were stupid no matter how he taught him.

Even if you are stupid, you have to think that the other is stupid and clever, which really hurts your brain.