147|Master of the World (2)

Originally, Aunt Zhao Erniang was at the moment when she was most emotional, and Zhao Yueniang's face turned pale with anger, but when Ji Changze came, all the people present were a little bit stunned.

In just a few seconds, Zhao Yueniang reacted and looked at her cousin in disbelief: "Are you still stealing things from my house?"

My cousin Zhao Meiniang is also unbelievable.

It's just that all eyes were on Ji Changze, who had pierced her so openly.

It's not that she had never thought about what to do if this matter was discovered, but she never thought that it would be Ji Changze who stole the thing to her if she pierced her.

Auntie Zhao's voice was loud. Someone had already watched the show when she came over to make a fuss. Originally, she was just looking carefully, but she didn't expect to see Zhao Meiniang stealing her cousin's house stuff, so she didn't hide it immediately. Just craned his neck and looked at it openly.

Discuss while watching.

"I know that hairpin belongs to Liu family. It was bought by Yueniang when her father just got married. Liu's baby was like something. No matter how hard the days were before, she was not willing to use this hairpin. Now, this Zhao family's second room is really gone, and it's fine if you come to make trouble every day, and you actually steal things from others."

"It stands to reason that the Zhao family's second room had a good life, so how could they steal things."

"You don't know, right? Didn't Zhao Lao Er and Wang always clamoring to marry Yueniang to get the money for themselves? Zhao Yueniang is also a strong personality. I would rather pick up a refugee or let the government match your relatives. They want, but if the family runs out of money, she can only eat for her mother."

As the person who said this said, he gave the person next to him a look of "you know".

In fact, many people in the village can see clearly what Zhao's second room is thinking and what idea they are fighting. After all, they know who these two people are. Before Zhao Yueniang's father had just passed away, the two of them made a fuss. He wanted to divide his brother's possessions.

His wife and daughter are still there, what's the point for a brother of them?

That is, Zhao Yueniang's mother, Liu, was too soft-tempered, and she didn't hold on to allow them to take advantage. Later Zhao Yueniang grew up and began to take care of family affairs. They couldn't please, so she began to smear Zhao Yueniang's reputation in the village.

Many people knew what was going on in their hearts, but they just watched the excitement and didn't plan to manage. The Zhao family's second room was not easy to get along with. They had no relatives with Zhao Yueniang's family, so why would they risk offending the Zhao family's second room? The risk is to help her.

But if they don't stand in line, it doesn't mean they don't watch the excitement.

The people watching the excitement outside whispered and pointed at Zhao Meiniang and Aunt Zhao Er. When Zhao Meiniang was so old, when she was seen with such a contemptuous sight, her face flushed.

She didn't care about anything else, she said the truth with just one mouth:

"What did I steal! Obviously Ji Changze gave it to me!"

For a moment, all eyes fell on the young man named Ji Changze who was picked up by Zhao Yueniang.

The people in the village did not have a deep impression of him. After all, his throat was injured and he could not speak. After he was able to go to the ground, he just wandered around and didn't get along with others.

A homeless refugee, they are not interested in seeing what kind of person he is.

But when I glanced at it today, I found that this young man who was taken in by Zhao Yueniang turned out to be quite good-looking.

It doesn't matter how handsome he looks, but when he stops, the manner of his whole body is completely different from that of the people in the village.

How should I put it? My nose and eyes are in the same place as everyone else, but I look much better than others.

He wore a dress from Zhao Yueniang's father's life, which was slightly more generous, so he looked thinner when he wore it, and his face was pale. With a slightly twisted eyebrow, he looked at Zhao Meiniang who identified himself with a dumbfounded gaze. .

As if it took a few seconds for him to react, he hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head, indicating that it was not himself.

The person is good-looking, even if he shows this wronged anxious look, it is very pleasing to the eye, especially his harmless attitude, which is not like a liar.

Zhao Yueniang regarded Ji Changze as her future husband-in-law. At this moment, seeing his anxious and speechless appearance with her mouth open, she immediately stretched out her hand to protect him behind her.

Looking at Zhao Meiniang angrily: "You are afraid that you are telling nonsense with your eyes open. Changze watched you steal this thing. If he really stole it and gave it to you, then tell me why he would expose you on the spot. "

Zhao Meiniang: "I, I, he gave me this thing, he stole it."

Zhao Yueniang looked at her coldly: "Since he has been in our village, he has either recuperated in my house or wandered in the mountains. He has never seen him go anywhere else. Since you said he gave it to you, then I will ask. You, where did he give it to you, and why did he give it to you."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

What does this let her say.

Should she be a woman directly telling that Ji Changze likes her?

If she speaks out, her reputation will be even worse.

She can only bite on the truth to justify; "How do I know why he gave it to me? In short, it is what he gave to me."

Ji Changze gave a dry cough, and after attracting everyone's attention, he pointed at Zhao Meiniang very weakly, and then shook his head at Zhao Yueniang, indicating that he did not know her.

His pale, handsome face was full of innocence and dazedness, with a trace of anxiety, quite a sense of genuine affection.

This look, let alone Zhao Yueniang, even those who watch the fun think Ji Changze is innocent.

"Yeah, if he really stole it to you, why would he pierce you face-to-face, give it to you and snatch it back from your hand, he is free."

"Everyone has made it so clear. If they see you steal it with their own eyes, even if you want to frame someone, don't look for him."

"I said Mei Niang, your cousin's life is already very sad, don't block people, look at you, you should also say kiss right away, how terrible this reputation spreads."

It is not too big to watch the excitement, one by one seems to be kindly persuading, but in fact they are all cynics.

Zhao Mei Niang burst out in anger.

"He gave it to me!!! How much money is in my house? The house just to the west is full of grain. What can I see?!!!"

Mrs. Zhao Er hurriedly gave her daughter a hand: "That is, my daughter has never lacked food and clothing since she was a child. I spend at least half a tael of silver every year just to buy her clothes. The rouge she uses is from the county shop. There are dozens of boxes, how could it be worthy of such a thing."

As soon as these words came out, those who were pointing at them didn't speak much.

Aunt Zhao's heart was relieved, and her eyes became proud.

She was a good hand to control the situation, otherwise she couldn't get so many benefits from Zhao Yue's family. Every time Liu wanted to fight, she could quickly grasp the situation.

For example, Liu told him that her husband had gone out of the house, and that these properties were all done by herself. She said that the two elders had given money when the uncle was separated, and she said that he had a nose and eyes.

She can't show evidence that the two elders have given money, but Liu can't show evidence that the two elders have not given money either.

He went around, and Liu was circumvented by him.

It's the same now. When others say that her daughter steals things, she directly expresses how much the clothes her daughter wears, and how much the powder on her face, to show that Zhao Meiniang doesn't need to steal things at all.

Their family is so rich, how could they be attracted to this little bit of copper and iron.

When the scene was about to be controlled, Ji Changze was still standing behind Zhao Yueniang, silently pointing to his eyes, and then to Zhao Meiniang.

"What are you making! Obviously you!! You gave it to me!!!"

Zhao Meiniang was so angry at his actions that she wanted to make a theory, but she was quickly dragged back by Zhao Eryi's eyesight.

Ji Changze didn't care what aunt Zhao Erniang used, he was standing there anyway, Zhao Meiniang stole it if he was bitten to death.

The onlooker who had just been fooled down by Mrs. Zhao Er was interrupted by Ji Changze, and the conspiracy theory began again.

"If you have money in your family, you can't steal things? The youngest son of the old Hu family in West Village is not stealing things around. His family is much richer than the second son of the Zhao family."

"I just said that their idea was to steal Zhao Yue's family's money. She has no money and now she can't make money. In order not to get hungry, she can only marry her second uncle's family. Up."

"Sorrowful, if Laosan Zhao is still alive, seeing his brother's family bullying his daughter and daughter like this, he must not do it."

When Ji Changze saw that these gossip-loving villagers were talking according to his plan, he started to stand back and pretended to be innocent.

Even if Aunt Zhao Erniang stopped Zhao Meiniang, it was useless.

They were too arrogant before, and did not hide what they wanted to do. This is the handle of the scene. As long as they give the onlookers a reason, they can naturally extend it.

Aunt Zhao Er didn't know what to do.

She said how it is possible to steal things when our family has money. People say that you are not for money, that is for people.

She said it was given by Ji Changze, and Ji Changze did not look like a lie.

Even she began to wonder if her daughter was too anxious, so she stole the things from Zhao Yue's family.

But it is impossible to admit it.

If she admitted that Zhao Meiniang had stolen something, how could she marry her?

Looking at Zhao Meiniang next to her, she still looked like "I was wronged", her face flushed, her face was annoyed, and Ji Changze's gaze seemed to be poisoned.

She was also a little angry at the bottom of her heart.

What's the use of pretending to look like this? I didn't know how to discuss it with her before stealing. I stole it and let Ji Changze see it. That's fine. I actually stole the thing and put it in his arms generously. Come to Zhao Yue's family.

She doesn't know how to hide it better!

Doesn't she know to avoid people when she steals?

Can't she say that she picked it up once it was discovered? I have to slander Ji Changze, the accuser, so that the fool doesn't believe it is Ji Changze.

Why did you give birth to such a stupid daughter.

But now, I have no choice but to endure this tone.

Just divert your attention first.

"It's impossible for our Mei Niang to steal things. It's this person who slandered our Mei Niang, Yue Niang, you kept hiding him in the house. You didn't intend to marry him. This person doesn't have a house. If you are unaccompanied, you don't even have a household registration. Now you are still directly slandering your cousin for stealing things. If you marry him, you must be careful to be deceived by others."

Zhao Yueniang, an unmarried girl, definitely can't talk about marrying someone. How can Zhao Yueniang respond when she says this?

Said that Mrs. Zhao's nonsense, that was denied, how could she marry Ji Changze.

Admitting to marry Ji Changze? How can the eldest daughter of Huanghua find her husband by herself? If she dares to speak out, she will be the talker of the villagers in the next three years.

Zhao Yueniang didn't know how to answer for a while. Ji Changze, who had been standing behind her, suddenly stood up, pointed at Zhao Meiniang, then at the hairpin, and finally at his own eyes.

Aunt Zhao Er: ""

After Ji Changze finished pointing, he coughed a few times weakly, and stood behind Zhao Yueniang again.

Anyway, no matter what Uncle Zhao Er said, he made such a move.

Comparing with him, tusk.

Zhao Yueniang was reminded and reacted: "Second Auntie, it is Mei Niang who stole my money. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will go to the clan elder."

Just after speaking, Ji Changze, who was standing behind her, walked forward and shook his head disapprovingly at her.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Meiniang seemed to have caught some big handle, and hurriedly shouted: "He dare not find the clan elder! Ji Changze dare not find the clan elder! If he didn't steal it, why wouldn't he dare!" "

Ji Changze ignored her at all, found a stick directly, and began to write strokes on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"It seems to be writing, he can still write, isn't he a refugee?"

"What's written, I don't know the words and can't understand it, Mr. Hu, if you know you, go and have a look."

This old man can be considered as a senior in the village. He lives next door to Zhao Yue's family. Today, he heard the news and came out to have a look, so he was pushed out to let him read the words.

He also has a good temper, and he really went forward to see it.

When I saw the words on the ground in the past, it was a boast: "Good words, good words!"

It can be written so well on the ground. Ji Changze, who is said to be a refugee, has at least more than ten years of calligraphy experience.

It's weird. It stands to reason that anyone who can read and write is not short of work, so how come they are reduced to a refugee.

He was thinking there, but other people waiting to see the excitement were anxious.

"Say it quickly, what did he write."

Elder Hu was urged, watching the words on the floor and saying: "Report to the official."

"He said the newspaper officer."


As soon as this word came out, everyone else was shocked.

If in modern times, whenever something happens, everyone's first reaction is to call the police to find the police. Uncle Cha, but in ancient times it was different. Most people shunned the government and would never go to the government unless it was something that couldn't be handled. solve.

For example, in Zhao Yueniang's village, if something happens, it is usually handed over to the clan elders to deal with it. Unless it is a death, then it has to be reported to the officials.

Ji Changze actually wanted to report to an official, it was an official, he really dared to think about it.

Ji Changze was still writing, and Hu continued to read.

"When I go to the government office, I add a club and the county magistrate has tried it. You can tell at a glance what the hell is going on."


These words made the villagers shrink their necks.

The club is added and the county judge is required

Zhao Mei Niang also paled in shock.

Ji Changze was upright and fearless, standing there with his back straight, with a look of "Oh, I'm not afraid of doing nothing."

Contrast this with Zhao Mei Niang, whose face was pale with fear, and it is clear at a glance who is more guilty in this matter.

Everyone at the scene agreed that it was Zhao Meiniang who stole something. Otherwise, could Ji Changze ask the official to deal with it without hesitation?

If Zhao Meiniang heard what they said, she would definitely want to take a bite.

He didn't need a club to add him to Ji Changze, and he didn't need to be tried by the county magistrate. Of course he was not afraid.

She was beaten, but she was the one being tried!

Even if she didn't steal anything, she was scared when she saw the magistrate!

Zhao Meiniang showed her timidity. She didn't want to argue anymore and really went to the government, so she stepped forward in anger and stomped on the money on the ground, gave Ji Changze a vicious look, and said to Zhao Yueniang: "If you don't believe me, forget it. But I kindly tell you that the man next to you is not a good thing, he is very sinister, if you keep him, you will be killed by him sooner or later!"

After speaking, she turned around and ran, but the fast Aunt Zhao Er didn't react.

When she found out that her daughter had just ran away like this, she was almost to death.

What are you running!

Even if you run, you have to take down your reputation for stealing things before you run! !

Now that she ran away without excuse, people would definitely say that she had stolen things, so how could she find her husband's house! !

But she ran away, no matter how much the mother said, what's the point.

Aunt Zhao Er could only glance at Ji Changze and Zhao Yueniang with a sullen face, and turned to leave with a green face.

After chasing out and catching her daughter, she reprimanded: "You said you, what did you run, you ran, others thought you had a ghost in your heart!"

"Ji Changze is going to report to the official. If I don't want to run, I'll wait for the magistrate to interrogate me? I've heard that there are a lot of wrongdoers in the yamen. If I'm taken to the yamen, how can someone directly beat me and ask me to confess? Do it, mother, don't think about it, how could I have suffered such a pain."

"That's true."

Madam Zhao Er nodded and sighed: "You said you are too, how many times my mother told you, don't worry, don't worry, Zhao Yueniang is the grasshopper we hold in our hands, she can't run, you have to get on, that Ji Changze, Looking at the sick person, it is definitely impossible to work. Even if Zhao Yueniang really marries him, maybe she will die in a few days. At that time, we can't marry Zhao Yueniang to a big family as a concubine and sell it to Qing. It's okay in the building, why are you in a hurry."

Zhao Meiniang turned her face unhappily: "Mom, you still said, if you and Dad weren't for your brothers and brothers, the money from the family would be given to them to build a house, can I not even have a dowry money? You can afford to wait for Zhao Yueniang. Widow, I can't afford to wait. If I don't hurriedly sell Zhao Yueniang, will you let me go empty-handed when I get married?"

"Then you can't steal things directly, you set the fire to do it, steal by yourself, and you were seen by others, how can you let me help you save your reputation?"

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

She looked back at her mother in disbelief, "Mother, do you think I stole it?? How many times have I said that it was Ji Changze!! Ji Changze gave it to me!!!"

Aunt Zhao Er sighed; "He Niang no longer needs to pretend, there is no one else."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

"No, where did I pretend?!!! It's Ji Changze!!! It's him!!!"

Aunt Zhao patted her daughter on the shoulder: "Okay, I don't know you yet? You are acting very similar, but if others don't believe me, I can't do anything. Hurry up and tell my mother that you were going to Zhao Yue. How did your mother go when she took the money? See if she can help you deal with this matter again. Also, why are you so stupid that you stole things and don't put them at home? Go to Zhao Yue's family."

Zhao Mei Niang's outraged heart almost stopped beating.

"It really was Ji Changze who stole it! How could I be so stupid to steal things by myself? I have been able to talk to him these days. I let him steal the things. He gave them to me. Who knows how he suddenly changed things. , Mother, you believe me, you believe me!!!"

Auntie Zhao nodded perfunctorily: "I believe you believe you."

Before Zhao Meiniang breathed a sigh of relief, she continued: "Mei Niang, you are still too young. Do you know that you have to know everything about lying? Ji Changze can't talk, how can he talk to you well."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

Aunt Zhao Er continued: "Okay, it's okay, mother doesn't blame you for okay, but you tell me how you stole it, and if anyone else sees it."

Zhao Mei Niang collapsed.

"It's really Ji Changze!!! It's really Ji Changze!!!"

"Mother, you believe me ah ah ah ah!!!"