|Master of the World (3)

After successfully throwing the pot out, Ji Changze began to consider what he would do to make a living.

The imperial examination is definitely not good, too slow, and today's emperor is a good one, the military officials in the court are also relatively normal, the world is flourishing, there is really no place for him to perform.

It's okay to stay in the village, but if you want to live a comfortable life, you need not only to be rich, but also to have a reputation that people don't dare to provoke.

He thought, went to bed when he was sleepy, and fell asleep comfortably.

On the other hand, Zhao Yueniang and mother Liu's over there were counting the money and talking in a low voice.

The Liu family went out to dig wild vegetables today. When she came back, she realized that she had made such a thing. She hated the second room of the Zhao family and killed them. She actually figured out a way to steal money. It was also for Ji Changze to stand up to testify and protect Zhao Yueniang. Feel relieved.

At this moment, while counting the money, she asked at the same time; "Yueniang, have you and Ji Changze agreed?"

Zhao Yueniang nodded: "I've said it before, and when he gets better, he will get married. Seeing that the day is almost the same."

"Just say it, you can see that it will be twenty-five, and you can't drag it any longer. Although he is a refugee, he can't look at his bones, but he will help you today. It's a good thing. Wait until you. Once married, I will live in our old house so that my uncle will not be upset."

Zhao Yueniang frowned: "Mother, what are you talking about? Ji Changze has promised me that when we get married, we will provide you with an old-age care. What are you moving out for?"

"You, I still don't understand, which man would like to live under the same roof with the old lady and the old lady. If your father is still okay, now I am the only one. I am too old and can't do a lot of work. That's nothing. After eating dry meals, my uncle may not mind at first. After a long time, I will definitely not feel comfortable in my heart. Maybe it will hurt you. Look at the houses in our village who don't have sons. Which ones are not like this? There are all kinds of frictions together, so I might as well move out by myself."

Liu patted his daughter's hand and said with a smile: "My mother is already very happy to see you getting married. It's not that you can't live in the old house. My father and I lived there for two years, which was not very good. Is it?"

Zhao Yueniang naturally couldn't agree.

"I don't agree. If you move out if I marry a mother, then I would rather not marry."

She is usually gentle, but she can't bring back ten cows when she encounters what she believes.

Liu has nothing to do with his daughter, so he can only plan to talk about it in the future.

Early the next morning, Ji Changze got up, and as soon as he walked out of the house, he saw Zhao Yueniang working in the kitchen in the yard, and saw him come out and greeted him: "When you wake up, come and eat."

I can't blame the original owner for not wanting to marry someone and not willing to leave.

Not to mention the comfort of living here, there are still people taking care of him, because his voice is still not good, Liu also specially exchanged eggs with his neighbors, and one egg a day, all entered the belly of the future uncle.

These two people can be said to be doing their best to the original owner, only hoping that their kindness to him can be exchanged for the same kindness.

Unfortunately, the original owner is a white-eyed wolf.

But Ji Changze was not. He sat down and directly gave Zhao Yueniang the eggs in his bowl. Zhao Yueniang was taken aback and looked at him in surprise, "Aren't you going to eat it?"

He shook his head and said that he would not eat. After drinking the porridge, he stood up and took the initiative to help tidy up the dishes and wash the dishes.

Zhao Yueniang was even more shocked.

"No need, I'll take it, you are still ill, you should go to rest."

Ji Changze still shook his head, took the bowl resolutely, and looked at Zhao Yueniang with a pity, then turned his head and strode into the kitchen.

Zhao Yueniang was stunned.

Liu's also stunned.

"Mother, do you know what's going on?"

Zhao Yueniang subconsciously looked at Liu's family for answers. Liu's family didn't know what was going on. She could only think based on her poor and her husband's memories.

"I know." After thinking for a while, she clapped her hands: "It must be yesterday that your second aunt and Zhao Meiniang bullied you yesterday and let Chang Ze show it. Men are like this. If you are bullied, he thinks You are pitiful, you will want to take care of you. When I just married your father, I didn't split up. Your second aunt deliberately gave me all the work at home. Your father felt very distressed when he saw it and helped me. dry."

The more she talked about it, the more she felt that it was like this: "It must be the same thing. Before Changze recovered from illness and didn't leave the room much, I didn't see how Erfang bullied us. I saw Zhao Meiniang steal something and slander him yesterday. Doesn't he feel sorry for you?"

Zhao Yueniang hesitated and wiped her hands: "Is that right?"

"Of course this is the case. Men, they all like weak women, especially those like Nagasawa. Although they don't spend much time with each other, it can be seen from the appearance of him when he was slandered yesterday. He certainly doesn't love his temperament. Rivalry, he doesn't like scheming, he has done it himself, and it is naturally the same against you."

After Liu's repeated guesswork, Zhao Yueniang suddenly realized that the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case.

Yes, I haven't seen Changze give her eggs to help wash the dishes before.

It started after the second aunt and cousin came to make trouble yesterday, so Changze likes to be weak?

Zhao Yueniang never does anything bad, but it does not prevent her from making her life better through proper means. She wrote down in her heart what her future husband-in-law likes, while thinking about what she must do to make her husband and wife life better in the future. , While starting to clean up the yard.

The Zhao family's yard is surrounded by fences. From the neighbor's house, you can clearly see the scene in his yard. The old lady of the neighbor Hu's family can see that the man in their house is washing the dishes by Ji Changze. For a moment.

No man in the village would enter the kitchen. Even if Ji Changze was a refugee rescued by the Zhao family, but Zhao Yueniang spent so much money to save him, she also roughly guessed that Zhao Yueniang wanted to marry Ji Changze.

Since he was going to be married, why did he let him wash the dishes?

She shouted a few times to Zhao Yueniang who was cleaning the yard: "Yueniang, Yueniang."

When Zhao Yueniang heard the movement, she asked, "What's the matter? How can you let him wash the dishes? Could the man enter the kitchen?"

Zhao Yueniang smiled slightly. Although she was not married, she felt a sense of sweetness inexplicably: "I didn't let him go, but he had to wash the dishes himself. Maybe it's thanks to us for taking him in."

Mrs. Hu was taken aback?

thank? So much?

Did Ji Changze never plan to marry Zhao Yueniang?

Otherwise, it will be a family sooner or later, and he will thank him for something.

Thinking about this, she felt a little pity for Zhao Yueniang in her heart. She spent so much money to save the person, but in the end she still didn't keep the person. Why is Yueniang's life so bitter.

Ji Changze came out after washing the dishes and saw Zhao Yueniang talking to Mrs. Hu. After thinking about it, he wanted to step forward, pointed to his throat, picked up a branch on the ground and wrote a word on the ground.

Then he pointed to Mr. Hu, who was basking in the sun in the Hu's yard, and made a sign of please.

"You want our old man to help you see what's written, right?"

Mrs. Hu quickly understood what he meant, and hurriedly turned to call Mrs. Hu to come over.

Ji Changze continued to write a line of words on the ground, which roughly meant that he was about to marry Zhao Yueniang. He heard that Mr. Hu's son lived in the town, and wanted to ask whether the town could apply for household registration.

Zhao Yueniang was listening quietly next to her, she was slightly startled when she heard Hu Lao read about marriage, and she subconsciously looked at Ji Changze.

In the past few days, after Ji Changze was able to go down to the ground, she didn't mention the marriage at all. Don't look at the appearance that she was very relieved to Liu's about this matter. In fact, there was still no decline in her heart.

If this matter is not settled down, she will not be at ease.

And now, Ji Changze personally wrote that he wants to marry her.

Zhao Yueniang relaxed, her face also showed a relaxed expression, but she was not as shy as she was about to be a bride.

She didn't expect how sweet and good her married life would be, as long as she could maintain the life like this.

After all, life has long smoothed out her previous expectations for her future husband, and she is already very satisfied with the age of healthy hands and feet at the same age as her.

The Zhao family prepared vigorously, and the villagers reacted differently when they heard the news.

Not so surprised.

After all, the Zhao family is not wealthy, and if he is willing to spend so much money on Ji Changze's treatment, he certainly cannot be white-haired and kind.

But they are not very optimistic about this marriage.

"A refugee, whose bones are still so weak, I couldn't say anything when I saw him that day, and people still coughed all the time. I am afraid that it would cost a lot of medicine money every day, let alone work in the land."

"Although Zhao Yueniang's family conditions are a bit poor and she can't be born and raised, she has a good appearance. It is still possible to marry a widower who has a son under her knees. She wants to find someone with such a poor body who can't go to the ground and can't make money. What should I do."

"She is still in a hurry. After all, it will be twenty-five soon. When the time comes, the yamen will be married, and she may be worthy of someone."

People in the village talked a lot, and most of them sympathized with Zhao Yueniang.

She was originally capable and well-groomed. She should have no worries about marrying, but she was carrying her own life and life-giving orders. In addition, she also had a bunch of children and troublesome relatives, so she was used to sweeping the house. How could Xue's villagers ask for trouble and marry her home.

Nowadays, if people want to marry a refugee who looks bad at his bones and cannot hold his shoulders and hands, everyone is very embarrassed.

But when Zhao Meiniang at home heard about this, she became even more dissatisfied.

She lost her temper in her own house and didn't want to eat. Aunt Zhao Ernang could only persuade her: "It's alright. Who says that if you marry someone, you can't sell money. A place like Qinglou still thinks of whether it's a virgin. Body? Look like Ji Changze, he must not be able to get off the ground. He will have to take medicine by then. Zhao Yueniang will go down to the ground alone to support two people. How can she be able to hold it, let's wait. Their family must have a bad life, wait until Their family can't open the pot anymore, so my mother sold Zhao Yueniang and exchanged money for you as a dowry."

"That's cheaper for her."

Zhao Meiniang is still full of reluctance: "Although Ji Changze is sinister and cunning, he is good."

"My silly daughter, can someone who looks good and can be eaten? In our village, if you want to marry, of course you have to marry and work to make money. Look at Ji Changze, who has a three-step cough, Zhao Yueniang can count on him to work in the field. Live? What's the use of looking good, she will regret it sooner or later."

Zhao Meiniang thinks about it too.

"Mother, what you said is that, let alone Ji Changze, he is sinister. He obviously stole something and gave it to me, but he pretended to be innocent. Zhao Yueniang fell into his hands, maybe the bones and scum were not left. ."

Aunt Zhao Er sighed: "How many times have I told you that you are useless to take the matter to Lai Ji Changze. On the contrary, it will make others think that you are taking a bite."

Zhao Meiniang: "Mother, why don't you believe me, it is really Ji Changze!!"

Madam Zhao Er was too lazy to tell her.

This silly girl, who is framing people, doesn't know how to choose a suitable candidate.

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

The only thing that made her happy was that Zhao Yueniang was married to Ji Changze, who was insignificant.

She was looking forward to the sad reminder of Zhao Yueniang's married life.

On the day when he went to apply for the household registration, Ji Changze could make a noise. With his throat dumb, he reported his birthplace to the person applying for the household registration in front of his old son Hu.

And the status of the abandoned talent.

Hu's old son shook his hands and his legs softened, and he almost didn't fall on the ground.

This refugee who was picked up by Zhao Yue's family is still a talented master? ! ! ! !

Even the former master of scholarship, he is also a scholar! !

When they went back, news that Ji Changze was a scholar of the past came back to the village. As expected, the whole village was a sensation.