|Master of the World (6)

Ji Changze has recently fallen in love with talking to the people in the village about the difference between having and not having.

Usually it takes the fortune teller as an example, and then directly cuts into the topic when the non-huan person is fooled by a few words and will treat the other person as a life mentor, but the person who has the chemical will not believe this topic.

As a result, most people in the village regarded Ji Changze as an adult tutor.

His popularity in the village is getting higher and higher, men admire his fame and fame, while women like him for his distinctive temperament and good looks.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if Ji Changze is about to get married now, there will still be many young women walking around the door, wanting to fall in love with him at first sight.

But Ji Changze is more dogmatic. Every time a woman comes to him, he turns around and calls Zhao Yueniang out.

Then he said gently and gently: "It is more convenient for you girls to talk, so I won't bother."

Although this trick is used a lot, it works.

Gradually, the women in the village could only regret to determine that although the master scholar was a good-looking and gentle-tempered man, he was a solid straight man, and he didn't even realize the ambiguity around him.

And Zhao Yueniang was also full of vigilance from the beginning, and then she was completely relieved at the end.

She should rest assured. Although Ji Changze is a talented master and has such a high reputation in the village in a very short period of time, his attitude towards her is consistent and gentle and considerate.

Every time he eats, he rushes to wash the dishes, and sometimes helps with the housework. He has always spoken gently to Zhao Yueniang, and has never spoken loudly.

Such a man, Zhao Yueniang never dared to dream of it.

But now, it's just in front of her.

She just felt that she was living in a honey jar, and she walked much lighter every day, and on such a day, the day for the two to get married had arrived.

On this day, almost the entire village came, and the banquet certainly couldn't be set up and there was no money for it, but the village did not have the habit of setting up a banquet. After all, the big guys had a tight life and couldn't eat it themselves. When it's full, who will set up a banquet for others to eat.

Zhao Yueniang sat in the house happily, her heart full of joy.

Compared with her happiness, Zhao Meiniang is not so good.

No one in the second room came to the wedding banquet.

The second uncle of the Zhao family originally wanted to see the bridegroom official as Ji Changze, but was stopped by the second uncle Zhao.

What are you going to do?

Her Zhao Yueniang certainly did not say bad things about Mei Niang to Ji Changze, otherwise Ji Changze, a scholar, could say such things in the public?

The Zhao family's relatives are good. The Zhao family's uncle passed away early and left no offspring. Liu's family was far away and could not come. It can be said that the second room was the last relative of Zhao Yue's family to attend the wedding banquet.

Didn't they still show their faces and don't want her Mei Niang to attend?

Then she told the whole family not to go. At that time, Zhao Yueniang won't even have a relative to marry him on the day of her wedding, so let's see where she puts her face.

In the end, for the sake of face, it's not that you want to invite them to go over.

If Mrs. Zhao Er's idea was derived from a fortune teller and the whole village needed literacy, it might really be possible. After all, it wouldn't look like the married relatives did not come.

But now.

Zhao Yue's family has long been crowded, and it's hard to even get a foothold. Everyone is beaming, and everyone is happy as if they are marrying their own daughters-in-law and their daughters. Who cares whether the bride's relatives come or not, and there is nowhere to come. Stand.

As a result, the second room just kept the whole family in order from Tian Gang Meng Meng Liang until they were about to have lunch, but they couldn't wait for Zhao Yueniang to find someone to invite them over.

Zhao Meiniang's stomach hurts when she is hungry, she clutches her belly and complains: "Mother, there is no one coming over there, I'm all hungry."

"Wait, Mei Niang, someone will definitely come. How can a bride get married but never see relatives."

Aunt Zhao Er calmed her daughter and said that she would go to the kitchen and get her something to eat.

The faces of the two daughters-in-law are not very good-looking.

Before Zhao Meiniang stole things, the mother-in-law directly told the price of Zhao Meiniang's rouge and clothes in order to get rid of her sister-in-law's charges. With so much money, they would be scolded and prosecuted for changing new clothes every year. Zhao Meiniang actually needed money to buy clothes a year. Spend so much.

Although the treatment of a daughter and a daughter-in-law are definitely different, it shouldn't be so different.

They were already very angry, but now because of Zhao Meiniang, they could go to the wedding banquet and have a good relationship with Xiucai, but now they can only wait here hungry, watching Zhao Meiniang eat and drink.

Not only the two of them, even Zhao Meiniang's two brothers were dissatisfied with this girl.

In the second room, Ji Changze was about to fall apart before he took any shots, he naturally didn't know that he was the official groom.

He was comfortably acting as his groom's official here, but the second room over there just waited until dark, and didn't wait for someone to ask them to attend the wedding banquet.

"Mother, forget it. The people in the village heard that the bridegroom official is a Xiucai Gong, so they must have gone. They are busy over there, so how can we care if we go."

The eldest daughter-in-law finally spoke to persuade; "We didn't make friends with Sanfang before. This time, since Yueniang married a grandfather Xiucai, even if she got up on the other side, we still have a good relationship with others, and we will be able to get involved in the future. Point light."

In fact, her mind is not much better. When she said this, she thought that she had a cousin, but it was very good. She was in a good time. If their relationship with Sanfang gets better, she will bring it again. Take my cousin to visit, if you see Ji Changze right

While thinking about it, Aunt Zhao Er refused in one fell swoop.

"Your father and I are elders. How can elders please the younger ones!"

"That is, why do we want us to please them? Besides, Zhao Yueniang is now looking at the scenery. Ji Changze is not a good person. Before, even I was deceived by him. Look, Zhao Yueniang's future will be hard. Up."

In a sense, the mother and daughter are quite determined.

Regardless of whether Zhao Yue's family is poor or rich, they all look down on her.

And firmly refused to touch her light.

Eldest daughter-in-law: ""

She really couldn't figure out what the mother-in-law and sister-in-law thought, could she only bully her if she didn't like Zhao Yueniang?

Now that Zhao Yueniang has Ji Changze as her husband, they can't be bullied at all.

And compared to bullying, isn't it better to suck Zhao Yueniang's blood in the name of a relative? They can not only get benefits, but also make Zhao Yueniang feel bad.

Don't they understand such a simple truth?

Such a simple truth, Aunt Zhao Erniang and Zhao Meiniang really couldn't accept it.

Aunt Zhao Ernang was treated so cherished by her younger uncle because she was jealous of Liu's. She obviously married to Zhao's family as well. Her Liu's is the treasure in the heart of the younger uncle, and she herself is the grass in the eyes of her husband.

Zhao Mei Niang is even simpler.

Zhao Yueniang looks better than her, this is enough to arouse her malice.

What if she looks good? It's not that she stepped on her feet, but she didn't expect that Zhao Yueniang could actually crawl out of the swamp.

The mother and daughter were jealous and refused to admit that they were jealous, so they were reluctant to put down their bodies to please Zhao Yueniang's family.

For Ji Changze and the others, this doesn't have to be a lot of trouble, but for the second room, it makes the rest of the family feel dissatisfied.

They made a mess, and the married life of Ji Changze and Zhao Yueniang went smoothly.

Before getting married, many girls in the village envied that Zhao Yueniang's future husband-in-law was Ji Changze who would be considerate.

I heard that he even washes the dishes and chopsticks at home.

This is a Xiucai Gong.

The man in their family, a talented man like Ji Changze, was not willing to do something that he was not willing to do.

Someone said bitterly before that this is not yet married, and it is inevitable that Zhao Yueniang is a little bit rare, and when he is married, it will definitely become normal.

As a result, after getting married, Ji Changze was still like that, taking the initiative to wash dishes and chopsticks for dinner, helping Zhao Yueniang choose vegetables, and sometimes seeing the two walking together at the foot of the mountain.

Although I don't know what to visit at the foot of the mountain, watching the two walking together secretly and looking at each other is a happy appearance, which is simply happiness in capitals.

After getting married, Ji Changze began to engage in literacy work.

Adults also teach, and children also teach.

Because he had specifically told the villagers about the benefits of learning to read, the whole village paid great attention to this literacy campaign, and the elders even vacated an abandoned house in the village as a classroom.

The village responded very much.

After all, Ji Changze doesn't charge money.

Now the gentleman who teaches children's enlightenment has to stop, he teaches so many people, he does not charge money, and after the news spreads, not only the village does not charge money, as long as they can come to the classroom, whether they are from the village or not, He can teach for free.

As soon as this happened, those in the village who were going to attend literacy classes were grateful, and some people said that Ji Changze was stupid.

He is a scholar. If he opened a school under the name of a former scholar, he would definitely make a lot of money. As a result, he would not charge a penny and teach others for free.

People thought Ji Changze was stupid, but nobody said it.

Otherwise, tell Ji Changze what to do if he wants to collect money. They still want to be taught for free.

Zhao Meiniang thought Ji Changze was stupid at first, but then she felt wrong again.

Ji Changze is definitely not a fool. Otherwise, he couldn't be accused of stealing things directly at the beginning. Such a sinister person with superb acting skills would definitely not be foolish in doing white work.

So, there must be a conspiracy!

However, only Zhao Meiniang in the village thought so.

Including Zhao Yueniang felt that Ji Changze was too kind, and knew that the villagers had no money, so she chose to teach for free. She didn't think there was anything. Ji Changze was not in good health. She didn't expect him to go to the scientific research. Naturally it was impossible to go to the ground. Yes, even though the school can't receive money, not everyone can go to the class with a cheeky face. Everyone will still send some food to Zhao's house. The right is a bundle, and there are a lot of these things together.

Zhao Yueniang was already very satisfied.

Now married, the husband is considerate. Although the family does not say that it is rich and expensive, but it is definitely not short of money. Because of the husband, the attitude of the villagers towards her is not a little bit better. She didn't dare to think about such a good day. miss you.

She is grateful, grateful to such a good husband to marry her.

Although the husband is weak, he is gentle, kind, easy to talk, and has a solid heart, giving her a great sense of security. He likes to teach, so of course she has to support him.

With the support of his wife, Ji Changze started a happy teaching career.

He teaches differently from other gentlemen. Every gentleman asks others to recite the four books and five classics. He asks others to recite the verses and poems he wrote, and sometimes he also recites some of the policy theories he wrote.

The best one can still get the twenty dollars he contributed personally.

How can there be such a good thing in the world? If you are taught for free, you can still have money if you learn it well.

It is said that Ji Changze really regarded these farmers as his own students, and he carefully taught that he did not accept the points, and even paid back the money.

Every time I saw this young, weak gentleman sitting on the podium, Sisi taught them clearly and clearly, everyone admired it from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the real morality of a teacher.

Ji Changze advocates recitation aloud, so that memory will be strengthened.

As a result, those who attended Ji Changze's literacy class would carry on their backs when they had nothing to do, and when they were idle in the town, they would carry them back when they were working in the city.

Some children learn it as a nursery rhyme and recite them while playing games.

One day, a luxuriously dressed old man was about to go to the bookstore, and he heard a few children at the door of the bookstore carrying a policy theory in a crisp voice.

He didn't take it seriously at first, and as he listened, he couldn't help standing on the spot.

This policy theory!

This policy theory! !

This kind of policy theory was actually memorized by a few children while playing around! !

He hurried to ask a few children where he heard this. After he knew that it was a former scholar in Qingliu Village, Mr. Ji Changze, who had written it for them to recite, he hurried back to the house to let people inquire about it.

Such an inquiries, it was full of surprises.

The evaluations of all the people who came into contact with Ji Changze were surprisingly consistent.

He was mild-tempered and very kind, and he could go to the imperial examination, but he stayed in the small mountain village to develop the people's wisdom.

It is not admirable not to go to the imperial examination.

Teaching students don't charge money, which is not for profit.

Those policy theories that he wrote can be seen by anyone who knows that he is a man of great talent.

Except for the reported weakness, there are no shortcomings.

Such a talent! ! He stayed in such a small place as them! ! !

The next day, when Zhao Meiniang woke up, she heard from her family that Ji Changze had told them to recite the policy and did not know what was going on, so Master Zhang, who returned to the hometown from the county senior, heard it. She rushed here early in the morning, as if she had heard of it. Want to recommend Ji Changze to the court as an official.

However, Ji Changze directly refused, saying that he was not interested in being an official in the dynasty, and just wanted to teach students with peace of mind and open a school.

Obviously being rejected, Master Zhang was not angry, not only was he not angry, but also said that he would give his two grandchildren to Ji Changze to teach.

This is the child of a powerful family! !

Everyone now knows that with these two children as students, Ji Changze has skyrocketed even if he still stayed in such a small mountain village.

Even if he doesn't charge money, he still won't be short of money to spend.

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

She got it! ! Everything is connected! !

She knew it! ! This is Ji Changze's conspiracy, under the guise of free teaching! Let the rich and powerful find him!

The reason for not receiving money is to allow more people to come, and the rewards are paid out of their own pockets to make people memorize what he wrote.

The reason why Ji Changze did this was because he was confident that those who knew would come to him after listening.

The more Zhao Meiniang thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case, and she hurriedly told her family about her findings to prove that Ji Changze really calculated her at the beginning.

I've heard her telling me countless times that Ji Changze, who is stupid and does not charge students but also teaches, is a scheming person. The people in the second room are very calm, um, ah, ah, perfunctory while eating.

Continue the discussion: "This Ji Changze, he said he was stupid at the beginning, but he didn't expect that he still had this luck."

"Why doesn't such a good thing happen to me? Is it true that a kindness is rewarded?"

Zhao Meiniang: "Do you understand? I said that Ji Changze did this on purpose!! He had thought that Master Zhang would be attracted when he didn't charge money!! Those students are what he used to promote himself!! "

The second wife's daughter-in-law directly ignored her: "Mother, Ji Changze, he is definitely going to develop this time, let's go and apologize, first bring the relationship back and talk about it, how much light will he get by then."

Aunt Zhao Er: "Hey, his body is so strong that he will have to cough when he hears that Mr. Zhang comes here. He may be gone when he is there. What's all about it, just wait, even if he doesn't die early. Because of his stupid temperament, teaching a book and paying for it, even if he is rich, he will die."

Zhao Meiniang is still working hard: "He didn't post money at all, he had a purpose, and his purpose was to let others spread the things he wrote, he"

The people in the second room were full and stood up and started to clean up.

From beginning to end, no one listened to what Zhao Mei Niang said, even if they did, they would not believe it.

Ji Changze is so kind and stupid, that is widely recognized by the whole village. Mei Niang is really good at learning. If she wants to wash herself off, she is a different person. It is strange that people can believe her if she catches Ji Changze.

Ji Changze

Hey, it's really foolish for a fool.