|Master of the World (7)

Ji Changze, who was considered foolish by the villagers, welcomed two of his students.

Lord Zhang's two grandchildren are not as passionate about learning as Master Zhang, and a lot of age even go to the bookstore to buy books, reading books every day in their free time.

The two are of Yuanzi generation. The oldest is called Zhang Yuan, and the younger is called Zhang Yuanwu. They are the twin sons of Zhang's only son. They are only nine years old this year, but their fame has long been passed down to them.

Speaking of which, I really don't blame these two children. Mr. Zhang was born in a poor family. When he was young, he would never stand up if he didn't work hard. When his son was a child, Mr. Zhang was just a small official. The family didn't make a fortune at all, and he had to rely on himself. Work hard on your own.

The father and son had suffered so much to have their current status. Therefore, they knew the benefits of studying and knew that they had to stand up on their own. They had always been able to work hard without supervision. They were used to this and didn't think about their grandchildren. The son will not like to study.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu are different.

When the two children were born, the Zhang family was already standing in the capital. The grandfather was very talkative in the court, and the father was not bad, and because of the good family style of the Zhang family, their father never had a concubine. There was only one mother in the backyard. Naturally There are no concubines to compete with them.

It has been smooth since childhood. Because of the identity of the father and grandfather, he always calls friends when he goes out. He is the young master at home, and there is no pressure at all. It is strange for a nine-year-old child to study seriously.

Master Zhang was also strict with his son before, and he was reluctant to look at the grandson a generation away, and was quite easy to talk. When he returned home and began to make detailed plans for the future of the Zhang family, he found out that the third generation of Zhang family Has been half-waste.

Fortunately, they are still young and still saved.

Lord Zhang was also cruel to break the two grandchildren back, and took them with them when he returned home, hoping to correct their temperament.

Unexpectedly, these two grandsons are not good at school, and they are very good at fighting him with wits and courage.

Master Zhang walked all the way, and the scholars he met were all who love to study and work hard. No matter where I met two grandsons, I really couldn't cope with it.

This time I just met Ji Changze, a good gentleman who even the villagers would like to teach, and Master Zhang started to think.

Ji Changze has great talents.

This can be seen from that article of policy theory.

What is rare is that he has great talents and is not for fame and fortune. Since Lord Zhang said that he can directly introduce him to the emperor, it is equivalent to letting the frail Ji Changze skip the imperial examination process and enter the DPRK as an official. Ji Changze can refuse without hesitation. , Expressing that he only wants to live in this small mountain village, and his character can be seen.

Such a talent, even if the two bastards didn't learn the knowledge, it would be good if they got a little bit of Mr. Ji's character.

As a result, the two brothers Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu were sneaked up by the grandfather.

They also knew that they were going to study with Ji Changze in this remote small mountain village in the future. Both of them were stubborn, but they didn't express any dissatisfaction on their faces. They both obediently worshipped the teacher's tea and called the teacher.

Ji Changze is still wearing a gray robe today, his complexion is still white, he glanced at the two students gently, and smiled lightly at Master Zhang; "These two children look pretty cute."

"It's just looking at being well-behaved."

Master Zhang sighed, thinking about how he used to fight with his two grandsons, his head hurts. He really doesn't know how to describe the two grandsons, so he can only say to Ji Changze: "These two children are stubborn, sir, don't look at them. I am young and have a lot of mind. I, an old man, can't control them anymore. I don't expect them to learn from the husband. I only hope that the husband can make them understand something."

"It's still a child, and it's normal to have nothing to do with it. It's natural to wait until it's older."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu seem to stand obediently and bow their heads to listen to the training, but in fact their eyes are gurgling joyfully.

They were all relieved when they heard Ji Changze's gentle and good-tempered words.

It seems that this gentleman is a good deal.

Also, I heard that the body is not very good, and the temper is so good that even the villagers are willing to teach, I am afraid it is the kind of temper that can't speak loudly.

Realizing that Mr. Mirai might not be able to control them, the two slack off, and then listened to Ji Changze from above slowly saying that they wanted them to stay here without much reaction.

Although there is definitely no homecoming in the village, there is a big mountain back here, and there is a stream in front of it. When Grandpa is gone, they can go to the mountain to fight and catch fish in the stream.

At that time, not only have fun, but also no longer need to listen to grandpa's nagging. The more I think about it, the more beautiful it becomes.

Ji Changze sat on it, coldly looking at the two students underneath. You looked at me and I looked at you, and the eyebrows were litigating the lawsuit, and the excitement and joy all over his body were about to flutter.

He coughed lightly, and looked at the two children with gentle eyes and sighed: "Don't worry, adults, my wish is to open a school. Although I taught people in the village before, I only teach literacy. If the school opens in the future, Yuan Yuan Wu is the hallmark of the school, and I will definitely teach good students."

Haosheng taught these four words, and he said it quite seriously.

Mrs. Zhang couldn't do anything. He nodded: "Mr. Don't worry, these two monkeys will be handed over to Mister. If they don't obey you, you can beat and scold them.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu were originally happy. They frowned when they heard these words. Just when they felt uncomfortable, they heard Ji Changze disapprovingly say: "It's normal for children to be young and ignorant. I always disagree with teaching children to beat and scold."


The two relaxed again, and their hearts were incredibly brisk.

Then when Ji Changze said that they would be closed here for three months, and three months later before they could go home, he didn't express any resistance or anything.

It's better to teach by a gentleman who lives in a village so that he has a good temper and never beats or scolds people than to live in a mansion and be caught by his grandfather from morning till night.

Ji Changze took his two newly released students to send Master Zhang away.

Because Lord Zhang was an official before, although the villagers were curious, they didn't dare to approach. Now they watched him go, they dared to come forward and look at the two children standing behind Ji Changze in a strange way.

The two children were born well. They were made of pink jade, and the clothes they wore were also luxurious. From head to toe, there was an aura of little nobleman. There was an arrogance between the eyebrows and eyes. Although there was no malice when looking at the people in the village, But it is definitely arrogant.

No one in the village has any opinion on the look in their eyes. Isn't it the way the nobles think they are? When they go to the city, even if they are ordinary city people, most of them will look at them with this kind of eyes.

"Master Xiucai, these two little nobles are really grandsons of Master Zhang? Did he really teach you to teach?"

Ji Changze replied gently with a smile: "Yes, uncle feels at ease. Although I now have a disciple, I will still teach everyone how to read every morning and afternoon."

He gently touched the head of Zhang Yuan, who was closest to him, with a gentle smile: "When these two are used to living, you can also let them teach."

Zhang Yuan frowned and avoided Ji Changze's hand: "I don't want to teach them to read. I am the eldest master of the Zhang family. How can I teach these rural villagers."

Ji Changze frustrated, his smile remained unchanged, and he did not scold him, but said tepidly: "Yuan, don't be rude, behave in the world, treat others with courtesy."

The villagers who are said to be rural villagers don't mind.

"It's okay, we were originally villagers, and the little nobleman told the truth."

Although they didn't mind, Ji Changze apologized to everyone one by one.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu stood together, watching their new husband speak kindly to a group of rural villagers, and they both curled their lips, feeling that this gentleman had a better temper.

He was obviously a scholar, but he didn't have the least arrogance of a scholar, which was really despised.

Even if they are not willing to talk to the people in the village, the people in the village don't mind, but they are still very flattering and talk to them with a smile:

"The two young masters live in peace in our village. You two, it is really blessed to be able to worship Mr. Ji as a teacher. Mr. Ji is the best gentleman here. We do not say hello, but we are also very good. We are stupid. He never got angry when he couldn't learn how to teach. He taught patiently word by word. For months, I haven't seen him angry."

"No, Mr. Ji will definitely teach the two little nobles as his own children."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu listened to the villagers' praise of Ji Changze, and their hearts were filled with disapproval.

However, although some look down upon Ji Changze for not being arrogant, but this gentleman's soft temper is very beneficial to them, and it is still acceptable to think about it.

Ji Changze had a conversation with the villagers and brought Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu to his home.

When Mr. Zhang came with his two children, he planned to let them live here. They had enough bedding and clothes, and they were all laid out before they left. Although not as good as Fuzhong, they are definitely It is the most comfortable bed in the village.

He not only brought these, but also brought Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu's bundles and food expenses.

There is a lot of money, and Ji Changze, as a gentleman who has no fame and wealth, is naturally not good at collecting this money.

So he rejected it for several rounds before accepting it.

This money is a huge sum of money for anyone in the village, and it also allowed Ji Changze to jump directly from poverty to well-off.

Zhao Yueniang saw her husband come back and greeted her with a smile: "Husband, you are back, are you hungry? Shall I go cook?"

"Not urgent."

Ji Changze said warmly: "Yuan and Yuan Wu came to the beginning, and they don't understand many things. I will teach them first."

Zhao Yueniang thought that this teaching was to check the homework of the two children.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu felt the same way, so they followed Mr. Xin into the house with peace of mind.

As a result, when he arrived in the house, he saw Ji Changze step forward and lifted the bed that had been made before the people in their house. The speed was so fast that the two of them hadn't reacted, and the bed that had been made was a mess.

The two Xiaodouding looked at Ji Changze dumbfounded, not understanding what he wanted to do.

Ji Changze pointed to the bed at them, and said with a nice smile, "Yuan Yuanwu, make the bed ready."

"Why should we shop?"

Zhang Yuan immediately yelled out dissatisfied: "Obviously you messed up, it's been laid out before."


Ji Changze didn't even get angry at all that his student confronted his master. He still spoke softly and explained in a good voice: "Although this is messing up for the teacher, this bed is for you to sleep in."

"That's what you messed up too. The people in our house have been paved before!"

Ji Changze shook his head disapprovingly: "Yuan, speak well."

Mess up their bed and asks them to make it by themselves, and let them talk? ?

The faces of the two small beans flushed with anger.

"It's not easy to talk! It's obviously you!! We are here to study, but we are not here to do this kind of work done by talented people!"

"In that case, forget it."

To their surprise, Ji Changze did not continue to argue with them at all, nodded, as if accepting that they hadn't made the bed, turned around and walked out.

At this moment, it was like two cockfighting, and the two who decided to fight Mr. Xin to the end were stunned.

The anger that just accumulated just now can't continue to puff, and it can't be discharged.

Zhang Yuanwu still remembered that they still had to sleep here at night, and he called Ji Changze fiercely: "You just left?!"

Ji Changze: "It's time to read a book for your teacher. If you want, you can also read it with your teacher."

Zhang Yuanwu: "You can go. Make our bed first. You messed up this one."

Ji Changze turned around, looked at him gently, and asked with a smile, "So what?"

The two brothers were taken aback by his rhetorical question: "What's the matter? You messed up, of course you have to clean up."

"Who stipulated that I messed up and should I clean up?"

Ji Changze stood there confidently: "This bed is not for the teacher to sleep, it's not messy, and it doesn't interfere with me, why should I clean it up."


He smiled softly: "You said I messed up, is there any evidence?"

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

They looked at the smiling gentleman in front of him with shocked expressions, as if they had seen a little lamb plucking off the skin, revealing the wolf hair inside.

Ji Changze didn't even look at how shocked and unbelievable their sights were. He said slowly, "This is the first lesson for the teacher to teach you. Most people in the world have nothing to do with themselves, except for their relatives. People will help you unconditionally, but your loved ones will eventually leave. You have to learn to solve things by yourself when things happen, instead of relying on others to help. People are not relatives to you, so why can they help you."

When he finished speaking, he sighed: "You are so disrespectful to being a teacher, and you are so dedicated to answering your doubts as a teacher. I am really a good teacher."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

The two young Doudings who had not been involved in the world were completely shocked by Ji Changze's brazenness.

Zhang Yuan also tried to argue with Ji Changze: "But you obviously messed up this bed, so how can you ask for help when you tidy up? That's to make up for it!"

Ji Changze: "I will teach you the second truth as a teacher. It does not mean that whoever pierces the hole must have someone to make up for it, and whoever does the thing must be done again. If this hole only harms your own interests, Others will not go to waste."


He raised his eyebrows: "You said I messed up, is there any evidence?"

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

"We saw it!! Both people saw it with four eyes!!"

Ji Changze: "Then there are people beside you. Can you testify for you?"

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

There are three of them standing in this room, how are they going to find others?

Zhang Yuan was still angry, but Zhang Yuanwu had already begun to look at Ji Changze. After a few seconds, his eyes lit up, he turned to look at the bed, then turned back and shouted in excitement, "Your hand! The mattress faded, your hand" It is stained with color, this is the evidence!!!"

He was proud like a little rooster that had just learned to crowed, and he raised his head triumphantly: "You have nothing to say this time!! I have found evidence!!"

Ji Changze nodded: "Yes, you have found evidence."

Seeing that the two brothers were excited as if they had won a battle, the corners of their mouths were tilted up to heaven, Ji Changze slowly took out the handkerchief from his arms, stretched out his fingers, and wiped off the color.

After that, he threw the handkerchief directly into Zhang Wu's arms, and under his bewildered gaze, he smiled and showed his clean white hands in front of the two of them.

"Look, the evidence is gone."

"Lesson three, before you can't kill you in one shot, don't expose the evidence you found to your enemies, otherwise, tsk tsk."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

They couldn't even dream that there was such a brazen person in the world.

Is this teaching them? ! !

This is clearly bullying them! ! !

Grandpa also said what kind of hermit was the gentleman who was looking for them.

Whose hermit is so noble! ! !

Before the two of them exploded, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Zhao Yueniang came in with a plate of peaches: "Husband, what's going on with the peach bedding?"

She looked a little surprised at the bedding, and then at the two brothers standing in front of the bedding: "Did someone from Zhang's house make it before?"

Ji Changze looked back innocently and sighed: "Don't worry about it, let them lay it out by themselves."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu are all bombed.

Obviously Ji Changze messed up, how could he say that as if the two brothers messed up themselves.

Sure enough, when Zhao Yueniang looked at the two small beanies again, the bottom of her eyes was clear, and her gaze turned around on the colored handkerchief in Zhao Yuanwu's hand.

Zhao Yuanwu noticed her sight: "No, this handkerchief is not mine, yes"

Ji Changze rushed to talk: "It's mine, I gave it to Yuan Wu."

Zhao Yueniang suddenly understood that "Zhao Yuanwu's hands were dirty, so her husband gave Zhao Yuanwu a handkerchief to let him intervene."

Zhao Yuanwu looked at her very clear look, and began to feel bad in his heart: "You don't think I got the color on it?"

Zhao Yueniang: "It's okay, just touch some color, kid, I just wash it off."

Zhao Yuanwu: ""

He was too familiar with this tone. He made mistakes in the mansion before, and so did my mother. Although she was helpless, she would help him clean up the mess, and then said something in this loving and helpless tone.

But the problem is that this teacher is willing to help him clean up the mess, but he didn't make the mess at all! ! !

"It's really not me!! Really!! It's him!!! It was he who just messed up our bedding, then wiped his hand and threw the handkerchief to me. If you don't believe me, ask my brother, my brother saw it too!!!"

Zhang Yuan nodded quickly to testify: "Yes, I saw it too!"

Zhao Yueniang didn't take the words of these two children seriously at all, she smiled a little funny, and she reached out her hand and touched the head of the cute little Douding in front of her: "Okay, the teacher doesn't blame you."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Ji Changze: "Why don't they let me make the shop? They are still young. They are newcomers, and it is normal for the young master of the Fuzhong to come to our place. It is normal to lose his temper. Wait until later."

The two small beans exploded even after a second.

"Who lost his temper!! This is obviously he messed up!!!"

"Yes!!! We watched him mess up with our own eyes!!"

Facing the two little young masters with explosive hair, Zhao Yueniang didn't believe it at all. She gave them a helpless look, and then looked at Ji Changze with pity: "My husband, thank you very much."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

What do you mean? ? ! !

What kind of trouble is this "because the students are not obedient, so you are working hard"? ! !

Why is he still working hard! ! !

The two of them were in a madness, and they vomited blood. Ji Changze, who was standing there just now, who was not blushing and breathless, coughed very weakly. He smiled palely at Zhao Yueniang and shook his head. Very weak and very temperamental, said: "How can there be any hard work, it is common for children to be ignorant."

Then, Zhao Yueniang's expression became even more distressed.

Two people: ""

They looked at Ji Changze and Zhao Yueniang in a daze.

As soon as Zhao Yueniang went out, Ji Changze immediately withdrew her weak expression, leaned lazily against the door frame, and yawned.

"Do you know why your wife does not believe that you believe in being a teacher? Because the face project for the teacher is done well, even if I really step on your new shoes in front of your teacher, she will definitely think that I am not careful, but You are about to write the word dude on your face. Since your grandpa left, your nose is not a nose or an eye, and you look down on everyone. If you step on someone else's shoe, even It was unintentional. Believe it or not, 80% of people think you did it on purpose?"

The two almost fainted out of breath.

This has something to do with face engineering!

Obviously Ji Changze will pretend! And also insidiously framed and framed.

Seeing that his two students were about to become pufferfish in anger, Ji Changze accepted it as soon as he saw it.

"Okay, I have taught you enough for the teacher today. You quickly make the bed, and then come out to eat. When I have finished my meal, I will test you, and then I can start studying tomorrow."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu would rather die unyielding.

They are Master Zhang's! ! Why should I succumb to Ji Changze, who insidiously deceived their grandpa! !

Ji Changze: "Whatever you do, the night in the mountains is still very cold. You have to stay with me for three months. If you can accept three months without bedding, you will naturally not mind being a teacher."

Two people: ""

He looked at the two small beanies with satisfaction but didn't dare to get angry. He wanted to get angry but didn't know how to get angry. He looked like he couldn't help but felt quite comfortable.

Sure enough, teaching children is the most enjoyable.

The more skinny a child is, the more interesting it will be to teach.

He went out humming a song in a good mood, and only two little peas were left. Look at me and I look at you.

"Brother, what should we do? Or let's flee back. If Grandpa knows that he dares to treat us this way, he will definitely turn his face on him."

Zhang Yuan's face was calm; "Do you think I don't want to? When we came, we were in a carriage, and we didn't even see the way. Even if we wanted to escape back, do you know the way back? And here is surrounded by mountains, if you are not careful What if we get lost and a beast eats us."

The two of them frowned for a while, Zhang Yuanwu suddenly had an idea, sat up straight, and asked Zhang Yuan; "Brother, do you have any money on your body?"

"We can take the money to buy people from the village, and find someone to send us back."

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up: "Yes!!"

The two brothers hurriedly took out their money and pooled it together. Both of them are not bad, and they even made up a good amount.

They were content to hold the money that they didn't look up to at all before, and thought about it happily: "The money must be enough to make the villagers heart-stirring. Let's go out and find someone."

The two carefully hid the money and ran out quietly with their feet on their feet. They found that Ji Changze was reading in the yard, but at any rate, with his back to them, he quickly held his breath and walked out of the yard carefully holding hands.

They all breathed a sigh of relief as soon as they left the yard.

I was about to find someone. It was just such a coincidence that an uncle passed by with a donkey cart, and the two of them lighted up, hurriedly trot over, gave themselves money, and asked him to send them back to the mansion.

The uncle showed a heartbeat on his face, looking at the money they were holding in front of him, he hesitated: "It's okay to give two little nobles, but can I have more money?"

Both of them were a little angry.

Although they were raised by Jin Zunyu, they are not fools. The fare from here to the city is only a lot. The money they give is more than enough. This countryman is actually embarrassed to open his mouth and ask for more.

But now the situation is pressing. They can only put away the contempt and arrogance in their hearts, and softly pleaded; "Uncle, this is all our money. You can send it to us. When we get home, my grandpa will I'll give you more money."

The villager was dubious: "Really gone?"

The two nodded patiently: "It's really gone."

"No money?"

"I don't have any money. If you don't believe me, you see, we are all empty in our purse."

The uncle nodded as he listened. Before the two brothers were happy that he agreed, he raised his eyes and shouted behind them: "Mr. Ji, this is all their money."

Two people: ""

They looked stiff, slowly, and slowly turned their heads. Sure enough, they saw Ji Changze standing at the door and smiling at them.

Seeing them look over, the gentleman with a smile on the outside also raised his hand and greeted them: "Yuan Yuanwu, it's such a coincidence."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

They were dumbfounded and watched the villager who was begging for money just now walked to Ji Changze and gave all their money to Ji Changze. They smiled honestly: "As expected of Master Zhang's grandson, at a young age, he doesn't let him go Less money, if you meet others, maybe you really want to take them to find Master Zhang."

Ji Changze dipped the money in his hand: "Thank you, Brother Hu, for helping today. If it weren't for you, the two children might have really ran home. They will have to bother their grandfather to come and send it again. That's good. It saves a lot of things."

After finishing speaking, he introduced to the two students with stiff expressions: "Come and meet, this is your Uncle Hu, who lives next door."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

Before they recovered from the sinister world outside, Ji Changze had already said goodbye to Hu's son, and walked back to the house one by one.

Then, one person was stuffed with a book.

"You read the book by yourself first, I want to spot check, if you can't memorize it, hehe."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu gritted their teeth.

"We won't recite, and see what you can do with us. If you dare to do anything to us, don't forget what you told our grandpa! You said you wouldn't beat us! If you dare to do anything to us If you do, Grandpa will definitely not let you go!"

Ji Changze discovered that his two students are indeed of the kind with talents.

Not only smart, but also flexible.

For example, if the situation is not right, I immediately give up and just want to retreat. Now I know that I can't run away if I don't have any money on my body.

But it's still a child, the idea is still too simple.

Ji Changze; "Who said that to punish you must be beaten and scolded?"

The two of them were taken aback, and then both looked at him vigilantly.

Ji Changze clicked on the book he gave them: "Let's take a look at this book. If something is wrong, this book will be used as a tool to punish you."

How can a book be used as a tool of punishment?

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu were quite disdainful.

Waiting for Ji Changze to leave, they opened the book with a little curiosity, wanting to see what's so strange about the book.

This is a law.

It not only describes in detail what cannot be committed, but also clearly writes how to punish after committing a crime.

At the beginning, the two of them didn't care about it, and they turned pale when they looked at it.

Zhang Yuanwu sat next to his brother in fear: "Brother, he won't use this method to punish us, I'm afraid"

Zhang Yuan is also scared.

But he still reluctantly held on to comfort his brother: "Don't be afraid, these punishments are used to punish prisoners. We were sent to study by our grandfather, and we are not prisoners. If he really dared to punish us like this, grandpa found us. If you get hurt, you can't get around him."

"But there are so many ways that you can't see after the punishment is finished. If he uses this to punish our grandfather for not seeing the injury, I definitely don't believe it."

Zhang Yuan swallowed: "It shouldn't be. We are grandpa's grandson, grandson and an outsider. How could he not believe us."

That's what I said, but the more I said it, the more guilty I was.

What Ji Changze said before kept circling in their minds.

Before they were arrogant and had a bad reputation. They cheated their grandpa so many times to go out to play, and lying is even more commonplace. Looking at Ji Changze, his heart is black, but his face is pure white.

If they both insisted on their own words, the two of them were really not confident that Grandpa would believe them.

"Or, or let's endure it first, and wait until three months have passed, and grandpa comes to pick us up, we won't come again."

"Yes, forbearance, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, and we will avenge ourselves in the future."

Ji Changze stood by the door and listened to the two children in the room. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, showing a smile.

He went out into the yard. Zhao Yueniang was preparing vegetables. She saw him come out and asked, "How is it? Did Yuan Yuanwu figure it out?"

"Figured out."

Ji Changze nodded, very pleased.

"It's just a kid, I just threatened it with copying a book, and they were subdued."

After hearing this, Zhao Yueniang was relieved; "They are willing to cooperate."

"Don't worry, these two kids seem quite convinced of me."

With that being said, the whole village knew that these two little noblemen were not convinced by Ji Changze.

Mr. Ming Mingji taught them kindly and tenderly every day, and he didn't even want to say a heavy word. That attitude can be said to treat them as their own children, but they are still not satisfied.

I have been yelling that Mr. Ji is not good to them, or that Mr. Ji is threatening them.

That's Mr. Ji, he is famous for his temperament. In short, no matter what the two said, no one in the village believed what the two little nobles said.

Oh no, some people still believe it.

Zhao Meiniang believed what the two said very much, and even always felt that she and them had a very common language.

She had planned to approach the two before, and then expose Ji Changze's true face together.

It's a pity that this idea was discovered by Erfang before it could be implemented. People in Erfang dared to bully Zhao Yueniang, but didn't dare to provoke Lord Zhang's grandson. That was a hurry to hold the person down, and repeatedly reiterated that Zhao Meiniang would not be allowed to go. Find those two children.

Everyone in her family knows who she is, and her reputation for stealing hasn't been cleaned up yet, if she offends the little noble again, she still looks like she's married.

Zhao Mei Niang can only be locked up at home to do things in resentment, trying to find a chance to come out and meet the little nobles.

The villagers didn't believe what she said. The villagers should believe what these two young masters said.

Ji Changze didn't know what Zhao Meiniang was thinking about, and always threatened badly. It was not good for the children's physical and mental health, and it also affected the teacher-student relationship. He planned to change it today.

Bring two small ones to fight.

The reason is that they have memorized the entire law very obediently, and they are still very fluent, so they are rewarded for being able to come out and play for a day.

There is a degree of reward and punishment.

This word is a new word for the two children. They have been appreciated since they followed their grandfather to this poor county town. They are either trained or forced to read and write every day. Sometimes guests will be taken out when they come to the palace. To meet guests, not only do they have to go, but also bring their own chapters, and then be severely criticized by the grandfather in front of the guests.

It's no wonder that the two are getting more and more tired of learning. Speaking of being smart, they are smarter than anyone else. They just didn't lay a solid foundation when they were young. When they were finished, the elders hoped that they would grow up, and they would be scolded if they didn't grow well. The negative cycle over time is natural. I don't like reading and studying more and more.

This is the first time that they will be rewarded for studying well.

And it's a reward that the two likes.

Especially when I went out, because I was carrying a bow and arrow, I ran into a villager. The villager was curious: "Mr. Ji, are you taking two little noblemen to fight?"

Ji Changze nodded and smiled: "They are both talented and smart, and they are also diligent and studious. I let them endorse, and they can recite an entire book in these few days. Such a genius, even I have never seen it. After that, I thought about taking them out to play and relax for a day, right as a reward."

The villagers were shocked: "I can recite a book in a few days?!!!"

The two little puppies he looked at with a look of "Oh my God, there are such clever people in the world" are almost floating.

Most of the people with status are more reserved. Good sons are called Niezi Kenzi, not to mention that they are not good. Since childhood, no one has praised them like this.

The people in the village are different. It's good for them to recognize words by themselves. It is very difficult to learn, and they can only barely recognize a few words by rote memorization.

So when I heard that the two children could have memorized a book in their entirety, it took just a few days, and I just wanted to blow them up into the sky.

The touted bodies of Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu are about to float.

Although the so-called few days of memorizing a book was because I was afraid that Ji Changze would really punish them, he didn't dare to stop for a moment from opening his eyes to falling asleep at night.

But it's so cool to be so praised! !

The little peas straightened their backs, and they looked like "I don't care, I'm very calm" on their faces. In fact, they can't wait to grow their ears on the two of them, listening to them praise themselves.

Ji Changze, who has always been strict with them, always cheats them with a careless attitude towards outsiders, but boasted very generously: "Before I thought that these two children were not talented enough. After teaching them, I found that they were far more talented than ordinary people. I am afraid that Master Zhang is not as talented as it is, but the more talented, the more we must teach well, so as not to go down the wrong path, we must be more strict."

The two children stood upright, their faces were normal, but they were happy in their hearts.

really? !

Are they smarter than Grandpa! !

My husband taught them to be strict because they are much smarter than others! !

It turns out we are geniuses! ! !

The villagers had another rainbow fart. Ji Changze followed along with a few more compliments. When they were separated, he resumed his strictness with the two of them: "Today is relaxed, but you can't slack off, so I will teach you bows and arrows. , You are talented, if you study hard, you will definitely not miss the thing, the one who left empty-handed, go back and copy the book."

Although the task was still assigned and the punishment was still not fulfilled, the two little peasants were full of joy and excitement in their hearts.

Zhang Yuan straightened his spine full of pride, and said proudly: "Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely be able to bring home with me. I will hit a pheasant and give the teacher and wife a stew to drink."

Zhang Yuanwu also hurriedly followed: "I will hit a rabbit and let the teacher and wife eat the rabbit meat."

"Okay, I'm just waiting for your pheasant soup and rabbit meat, but I want to see your gold list titles more than these."

Ji Changze patted their little shoulders: "The vision of being a teacher has always been good. As long as you two study hard, you will be the best scholars, but being bright is not enough. People are most afraid of being weak. , You can't go anywhere. You are not only good students in reading, but also the backbone of martial arts, but you are better than me. In the future, you will use it to practice martial arts in the evening when you are resting."

"Ritual, music, shooting, imperialism, book, number, these are based on your talents, you can learn the best, after a few days, you will teach them one by one as a teacher."

If I heard that I have to learn so much before, the two of them must have a crash on the spot, and it is possible to cry out.

But after being exaggerated for their talents and being so confident and looking forward to the future by the teacher who has never looked down upon them, both Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu were extremely excited.

"Teacher, rest assured, we will definitely study hard!!"

They are the top talents! ! !

What is it to learn such a little thing!

Seeing the two men marching forward arrogantly with their bows and arrows, Ji Changze felt that the days when he watched the students study diligently on their own, and who would not let them learn, they would be anxious.

This time, the teacher-student relationship has been greatly improved.

How about Ji Changze dog.

If he boasted at the beginning, the two would definitely think he was flattering them. Not only would he not listen, but he would also look down on the teacher.

But he first crushed the two of them, and waited until they achieved results before exaggerating. Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu suddenly felt that this was a success achieved by their own personal efforts.

After all, it is a child, how can he be unhappy if he is praised by his own ability.

Coupled with the reward of "playing" for a day, they got close to Ji Changze from the bottom of their hearts, especially after learning that he actually wrote to his grandpa to boast about them.

Happy! ! !

happy! ! !

Grandpa will definitely look at them with admiration! !

When the two children floated to the sky, Zhao Meiniang finally ran out hard, and sneaked to the door of Zhao Yue's family. She squatted for a long time, her legs were numb, and she waited until the two little nobles came out.

They actually came out to wipe the bow. At a young age, they were still the little sons of officials and officials, and they actually had to wipe the bow personally. It can be seen how bad Ji Changze treats them, and I can't blame them for seeing through Ji Changze.

Zhao Meiniang was overjoyed and felt that this was a good opportunity.

She tidyed up her clothes quickly and stepped forward, and when she got closer, she exclaimed, "Yeah!! How can your two young masters do such a rough job!!"

As she said, she grabbed the bow in Zhang Yuan's hand, and said distressedly on her face: "How on earth did Ji Changze take care of you, don't wipe it, let me wipe it."

Zhang Yuan was originally wiping his bow and arrow gently and gently. The teacher can say that when they finish the task, he will take them to fight. At that time, he and his brother will try to fight the most objects.

For this reason, the two of them ran out to find a sunny place to wipe their bows and arrows. Madam wanted to help them and refused to let them. She was afraid that Madam didn't wipe them well, so they had to cherish and carefully wipe them. Think of the bow in your hand as a peerless treasure.

As a result, he was wiping like a baby. Suddenly someone appeared to snatch his bow and arrow so crudely. While talking, he rubbed his baby bow and arrow roughly. Zhang Yuan directly exploded his hair.

"What are you doing! Do I know you! What are you doing to grab my bow and arrow!!"

Zhao Meiniang, who was waiting for the little nobleman to resonate and cried to herself, was froze.

No, this reaction is wrong.

What about resonance? Crying? Aggrieved?

She was stunned. Zhang Yuan had already grabbed her bow and arrow, touched it distressedly, and stared at Zhao Meiniang vigilantly and angrily.

Seeing him angry, Zhao Meiniang didn't have time to think about it, she hurriedly squeezed out a smile: "Little nobleman, don't worry, I am not trying to grab your things, I am distressed when you see you working by yourself."

Don't just wipe the bow and arrow, what's so distressing.

This bow and arrow are their belongings, of course, they have to wipe it by themselves. This is the same as in the playbook, the heroes wipe the sword by themselves, and don't let others touch their hands.

If you don't understand, you have to come and show your courtesy. The calculations under your eyes are about to rush out. When they are blind and can't see, this woman is really annoying.

Both Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu didn't like Zhao Meiniang's appearance of treating them as fools, but after Ji Changze's practical teaching, they also learned not to show any signs of their faces no matter what they thought.

"Thank you, auntie, but we want to draw the bow ourselves, so you won't worry about it anymore."

Big, big aunt

Zhao Mei Niang's expression froze, and she almost didn't suffer from internal injuries.

She is clearly a young girl, these two children are blind.

However, she didn't dare to offend the two of them, so she could only smile awkwardly, and cut to the topic: "Little nobleman, I heard that Ji Changze is not good to you, isn't it?"

The two children looked at each other and looked at Zhao Meiniang suspiciously, but no one said anything.

Zhao Meiniang continued: "You know who Ji Changze is, right? He is a good person on the surface, but he is actually a sinister and vicious man, and ah, his vision is not good. He regards a rubbish as a treasure, and he actually likes Zhao."

The two brothers who were patient and listened to her just now couldn't help but exploded again.

If this is one day earlier, maybe they will think that what Zhao Mei Niang said is right, but now

"You have a bad vision! Your family has a bad vision!!"

"Yes!!! Our teacher has a good vision!!! Who do you say is trash!!! You dare to scold us!"

Zhao Meiniang: "???"

"I didn't scold you? Who scolded you?!!!"

The two brothers did not listen.

The teacher complimented the two of them to the villagers, saying that they were talented and that they would take the top prize in the future. The woman ran over and said that the teacher had a bad vision.

It is also said that the teacher regards waste as treasure. The two small peas, who have been criticized by his grandfather and father countless times, are perfectly substituted for the "trash" corner. Others think that their talents are not good enough to make progress. Only the teacher regards them as treasures, saying that they are better than Grandpa is still smart, Zhao Meiniang said so, it's strange that they are not angry.

Thinking of Ji Changze's teachings, Zhang Yuan reluctantly pressed the urge to curse directly, and chose to go back in a more elegant way: "You also say that we are trash, and you don't look at what virtue you are. Do you know all the words? Is there any style to come out? Can you learn the law! You don't even know how to wipe your own bow, you must have never learned archery, and you said that we, you can't even match our hair!"

Zhang Yuanwu: "Yes! My brother is right!"

Zhang Yuan: "Our brother and you have never known each other. You suddenly ran over and said something like this for what you want to do! Do you think our children are good bullies! Do you think we will believe what you say! Don't think I don't know, You are jealous of our talents!"

Zhang Yuanwu: "Yes, you are jealous of our talent!!"

Zhao Meiniang: "I, I am jealous of your talents??"

Seeing that she still didn't admit it, Zhang Yuan gave her a vicious look, took his brother's hand and turned around and ran into the yard:

"Teacher!!! Teacher!!! Madam!! Come out! There is an old and ugly hunchback woman bullying us!!"

Old and ugly

Hunched over

Zhao Mei Niang almost vomited no blood.

How did it become like this! ! !

It is said that these two little nobles also hate Ji Changze! ! !