|Master of the World (8)

When Ji Changze was pulled out by two children who were walking and complaining, Zhao Meiniang was already scared away.

Even if he didn't see anyone, he could guess who it was just now after listening to the description of the two children.

He smiled, still with a gentle smile: "The person you are talking about may be your sister's cousin, she has always been like this, don't worry, let's go with the bow and arrow."

Madam's cousin?

The two clever children looked at each other.

When they were in the capital, they were many friends. Although they were men, they also loved gossip. Sometimes they gathered together and talked about what happened to their home. There is rarely peace in the back house of the rich and powerful. It is not the concubine who wants to be with you. The concubine's concubine is the master of the family doting on his wife and destroying his concubine.

Anyway, if I really want to hear it, I can't finish listening to it for three days and three nights.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu listened to the excitement and learned a lot.

For example, relatives are not always happy, but also competing, and for example, my sisters will compete and hate each other, let alone cousins.

The two wanted to understand, and immediately stamped a "vicious female partner" on Zhao Meiniang's head.

I can't complain that the eyes they looked at her were wrong. The sister was her cousin, so the teacher should be her cousin-in-law, but she didn't know how to be polite, so she called the teacher's name directly.

The two murmured, and after discussing it, if this person dared to come to them again next time, they would definitely frighten her.

After that, Zhao Meiniang tried harder to come a few times, trying to explain that she just wanted to say bad things about Ji Changze, and absolutely didn't mean to scold them.

However, it does not mean that as long as she works hard, she can succeed.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu have now truly regarded Ji Changze as their teachers. How can their own teachers allow an outsider to whisper.

They didn't do too much, they just dug an earthworm, and when Zhao Meiniang came to them again, they treated them like three-year-old children, and when they were talking badly about their teacher, they made this long and very fat The big earthworm was thrown on her.


Although Zhao Meiniang is a countryman, but when she was a child, her family relied on Zhao Yue's family property to make a small start. She was spoiled at home again, and basically could not go to the ground. She would not feel all right when she saw earthworms, and she was frightened. Keep calling.

This cry was so miserable that it quickly attracted the attention of people around.

The big guy was paying attention to the two little nobles at first, and he hurried over after realizing that the voice came from here, asking what happened.

"They, they threw this on me!!!"

Zhao Meiniang's eyes flushed, and seeing someone coming, she subconsciously assumed her most pitiful posture, hoping to let people stand on her side as before.

If Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu were still in the village for the first time, even if she didn't do this, others would definitely believe that these two naughty young masters did it. After all, is it a child? When anyone was not naughty, even when they were young, they liked to play tricks on little girls like this.

But now is different.

Zhao Meiniang, Xiao Baihua, after Ji Changze's devil education, Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu are even higher than her.

The two immediately stood up, looking neither humble nor overbearing: "We didn't bully her."

"Yes, my brother and I were just endorsing the book. She suddenly ran over and said some weird things, saying that the teacher is not a good person, let us not believe him, and also said that we should tell our grandfather and teacher to bully us and say bad things about the teacher. "

Zhang Yuanwu's voice was crisp and didn't give Zhao Meiniang time to react. Xiao Zui Baba Baba said a series of words: "My brother and I are not angry. I didn't want to listen to her and let her go. Who knew she was so loud suddenly? Scream, I almost couldn't hold the book in my hand."

His voice was crisp and tender, but he was very stable, and he finished speaking methodically, without showing any anger on his face. Everyone who saw him couldn't help but praised his grandson worthy of being an official in his heart.

These two little nobles were a little arrogant except when they came to their village on the first day. Since then, they have always been polite and changed by Ji Changze. They usually don't see them walking around like children in the village, but something is happening. Just read the book when it's okay. Ji Changze has too many homework assignments and there is no time to play.

Sisi was clean, and the grandfather Zhang, who was behind him, was still very polite to ordinary villagers like them.

Who can not like such a child.

No one believes that they are deliberately bullying Zhao Meiniang.

Then she sighed that Zhao Meiniang really didn't give up.

She stole things from Zhao Yue's family at the beginning, but she didn't expect that now that Ji Changze and Zhao Yueniang are married, she is so unwilling to discredit the two men.

She had a bad reputation, and now let these two children expose her to coax Mr. Ji's students in front of so many people, how can she get married in the future.

Seeing that everyone's eyes fell on her, Zhao Meiniang looked at Zhang Yuanwu in disbelief. She couldn't believe that such a nine-year-old child could lie without changing her face.

Ever since she was young, she has been stunned for a while, relying on her superb acting skills to sling her peers all the way.

"No, why did you lie at a young age? It became clear that you threw this disgusting bug on me."

Zhang Yuanwu's white and tender face showed a trace of depression, and he directly reached out and handed it to everyone's eyes: "You said we took the earthworms and threw you, but the earthworms are in the soil. Look at my hands. They are clean and dusty. No."

Zhang Yuan nodded in agreement, and also extended his hands.

The hands of the two brothers were all white and spotless, it was really not like they just took the earthworm. Now, no one believes Zhao Meiniang at all.

Zhao Mei Niang almost vomited blood out of breath.

The truth is right in front of her, but she just can't beat the two children, so many people stand here, but no one believes her.

Others persuaded her: "Mei Niang, there are so many people in Mr. Ji's school now, you say you, anyhow he is also your cousin, what you can't do with him, Mr. Ji has a good heart, and people are easy to talk. If you put down your arrogance, okay He apologized, but Mr. Ji will not be held accountable anymore, and you will still be able to be relatives in the future."

With a brother-in-law like Yuuki Changze, as long as the relationship is not too cold, it is too easy for Zhao Meiniang to marry.

It's a pity that the other party was kind, but Zhao Meiniang could only breathe hard.

Why should she apologize! !

It was obviously Ji Changze planted and framed, and these two children, because she thought they were the same as herself at first, and they had seen the essence of Ji Changze, but she didn't expect them to be the same as Ji Changze.

She breathed hard, trying to calm herself down.

No, she can't be rude to these two dead children in the public.

Otherwise, Master Zhang will be offended, can she have a good life in the future?

God knows how hard Zhao Meiniang worked to make her face squeeze a smile: "Yes, I might have read it wrong, don't be surprised by the two little nobles."

"It's no wonder, as long as you don't come to us and say bad things about our teacher in the future, it will be fine."

Zhao Mei Niang; ""

She listened to the whispers of the villagers in her ears and the gaze cast on her, her expression becoming more and more awkward and stiff, and she answered dryly.

Seeing that she "knows that she was wrong", the two little nobles didn't seem to want to let go, and the others slowly dispersed to do their own things.

As a result, there were only three people left in this place.

Zhao Meiniang was taking a deep breath, and she saw Zhang Yuan slowly taking out a handkerchief from her arms. It was stained with the earthworm's soil. She looked at her with wide-eyed eyes, and she smiled quite a bit. Proud: "Fortunately, I brought a handkerchief, otherwise my hands will get dirty."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

She watched Le Diandian, the two young children who had smashed her severely, hand in hand, and ran away with their books.

She was the only one standing under the sun.

Silly, silly, or silly.

No, these two children have become perfect, right? ! !

Ji Changze only learned about it afterwards. He didn't say anything on the surface, and then calmly added a lot of Three Views and Correction lessons to the two children.

The main point is that it is good to have the ability to protect yourself, but remember that it is better to fight back or protect yourself when it is not necessary. If the other party is not bad-hearted, or is an innocent person, absolutely Don't dig pits to bury people in.

He recently felt that his little life was quite fulfilling. These two students are really smart and very resistant. As long as the compliments are in place, they can learn happily no matter how hard they study.

It can be seen what a miserable childhood this z child has, otherwise it would not be so exaggerated.

Ji Changze changed the law to teach them the six arts of gentlemen, the etiquette of eating, clothing, housing and transportation, what walking and sitting postures, human relationships, and court disputes.

This is much more interesting than raising flowers and plants. The two children were raised innocently. With a blank sheet of paper, Ji Changze painted a few strokes on it, and they could grow according to their own ideas.

Of course, as Ji Changze's students, the two have made a breakthrough in IQ.

After all, the ability to learn is strong, which can be seen from the fact that they jointly pitted Zhao Meiniang.

That set of procedures is entirely based on the methods that Ji Changze taught them when they first arrived.

When the three months expired, the two children went back to live in the house for a day, and then they clamored to come back to continue their studies.

This makes Master Zhang happy.

He always chased the two grandsons and forced them to learn. If the chasing is loose, they can run away. If the chasing is tight, the two children will not cooperate.

As a result, he said here that after three months of hard work, let's rest and rest. The two children are not happy about it. Who doesn't let them learn what they are in anxious with, they read books together until the evening, and then the next day they will pay for the money. Go to their teacher.

Master Zhang is pleased.


He has been going smoothly all his life, and when he grows old, he stumbles on the two grandchildren. For this reason, he has regretted countless times that he didn't start the education of the two children when they were young.

When old friends got together and people veiled and implicitly praised his son and grandson, he couldn't even hold back a fart.

The proud Master Zhang wrote a letter happily after the two grandsons left.

Write to his friends in Beijing.

Tell them: My good friend, I am really upset recently. The cause is my two grandchildren. You know before, how annoyed I am for them not to be motivated, but now it's different, I'm looking for it. When a talented hermit taught them, this talent is really amazing. The two skin monkeys only lived with their teacher for three months and then changed their faces. They didn't want to die, and didn't want to escape. After learning, one loves learning more than one.

I stayed for one day when I came back. It was a book that didn't leave my hands. I was fascinated by reading. The next day I disliked our home's lack of reading atmosphere. I hurriedly returned to their teacher. I was happy and worried. After all, these two children At a young age, I am worried that they are so serious about studying and indulging in their studies. Usually they are not willing to rest and play except for the rest time stipulated by their teachers. They are so dull at a young age. What can I do when they grow up?

Your relatives and friends

After writing three letters in a row that appeared to be worrying, but in fact full of ostentation, Master Zhang was refreshed.

Of course, he did not forget to write to his other friends who are also troubled by their children and grandchildren, and ask them to come over quickly to see if they can send their children under Mr. Ji's hands, even if they give up their old face and beg for help. Accept it at home, this is a major event that can change a child's life.

Of course, although it is a kind suggestion, it does not prevent Master Zhang from showing off comfortably.

It was already three months after the letter arrived in the capital, and the adults who received the letter felt sour after reading it.

Is this guy so proud?

It's not that the grandson is sensible, their grandson has been sensible since childhood, and they haven't seen anything to say.

In fact, although Master Zhang is telling the truth, these adults do not believe it very much, or in other words, they think what Master Zhang said is a bit exaggerated.

After all, they have been friends for many years. They know exactly what kind of temper the other's grandson is. Children at this age are stubborn. In addition, Yuan Yuanwu has a wealth of experience in fighting, and he is very arrogant. Let them study obediently?

And after only three short months of learning, it was not even enough to lay the foundation, how come to the mouth of an old friend, it became a reborn.

Unreliable, quite unreliable.

So, the conclusion is that Master Zhang either wanted to brag too much, or he brought his own filter of "My grandson is so good". The two children were just a little bit sensible, and they made him happy like this.

If Master Zhang knew what these old friends thought, he would definitely complain.

What is meant by his own filter? What he said is obviously true.

It was true that the two children were completely reborn in only three months. Even though they were still a little bit naive, they could still maintain stability.

In the capital, not only a few adults received the letter, but Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu's parents also received it.

The two opened the letter and looked at the content, and the reaction was the same as those of the adults, and they didn't believe it.

Don't they know what virtues their son is?

Looking at how Yuan Yuanwu loves learning, the two of them even more disbelief.

Compared to the two children taking the initiative to learn, they are more inclined to have their father standing behind them with a stick to force them to learn.

Mrs. Zhang looked at her, her eyes were red, she took out her handkerchief and wiped her tears, choked up and said, "If Yuan Yuanwu is really like this, it must be because of a lot of hardship. Otherwise, they don't want to think about it. It's good to have fun, how can you read books all the time."

Master Xiao Zhang actually felt the same way, but seeing his wife crying, he naturally couldn't add fuel to the fire, so he could only persuade him hurriedly: "Madam, don't think too much about it. These two children know that being motivated is a good thing. You are still crying."

"Everyone in the world hopes that the children will be more productive, and I am naturally the same. But when I think that Yuan Yuanwu's parents are not around when he is young, they have to study with their husband in the deep mountains and old forests. They will be able to do so in just three months. In this way, I must have suffered a lot, and I don't know how many husbands have been punished."

The more Mrs. Zhang said, the more tears she had, her heart was full of distress; "If they really suffer, I would rather them be mediocre for the rest of their lives, as long as they are safe."

"The man should have suffered more, otherwise it will go smoothly. Now you and I can still protect him. When we are a hundred years in the future, who will protect them? I should stand up by myself." Master Zhang said a few words, seeing his wife still crying, and said with relief: "Don't think too much, father loves Yuan Yuanwu as much as you and me. With a father, they can't suffer much."

But these relief Mrs. Zhang did not listen to her at all.

The father loved the two children, but didn't he also say in the letter? The two children were sent to the village where Mr. Ji lived.

I can't go home once in three months. Naturally, my father can't take care of him.

Still live in the village.

In her imagination, there was a scene where her two sons had a miserable life, hugged each other to keep warm, crying because of homesickness at night, and shouting pitifully for their mothers.

Suddenly, the tears flowed more intensely.

My son, you have suffered a lot.

At this moment, in the remote mountain village, the two brothers sat comfortably by the fire, slobbering from their greedy mouths, and asked after a while; "Is the teacher all right? Is it all right?"

"Can you eat it? Is it okay?"

"It's so fragrant, teacher, it must be cooked. Let's not wait and eat it."

"It really doesn't work. I'll have a mouthful of soup first."

Old God Ji Changze was sitting across from them. Seeing the two students who had been trying to maintain a stable personality, they rushed to catch them with their hands, and raised their eyelids; "What are you in a hurry, wait, wait for your teacher to come. Eat it again."

Zhang Yuan's saliva was greedy, and he smiled at the teacher and said, "Teacher, I'm really greedy, I don't want to worry, but the smell of sitting here keeps blowing into my nose. I really Can't stand it."

"Yes, teacher, my brother ate one more egg in the morning, but I only ate one egg. I'm already hungry, so let me eat it first."

Ji Changze said no.

He looked indifferent, raised his eyes and looked at his two students. Between the movements, the fan who could stand still no matter what happened came out.

"How did you teach you as a teacher? To live in the world is to be calm and calm, no matter how much temptation and temptation, you must be steady, and you must not show a little clue on your face, otherwise In the future, when you enter the court, you can put out whatever face you want in your heart, and the bones can be cleaned."

"Sit up straight, don't move, don't let the green light shine in your eyes, but just eat hot pot, how can you be so greedy."

Ji Changze severely criticized two of his students: "Even if you don't mention these, it is polite to wait for everyone to start before you eat. What's more, it's your wife who is waiting for you. How good she is to you, why are you waiting for her? This monkey is in a hurry, it's really shameful to look at it."

He brushed his sleeves lightly and calmly: "As a teacher, don't you feel very calm, don't you feel in a hurry?"

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

"Teacher, you have started to eat, of course you are not in a hurry."

Ji Changze, who was punctured, did not blush at all. He put a chopsticks and a small green vegetable in his mouth quite calmly, chewed a few times and swallowed with satisfaction, then wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and said slowly: "Who will let you two? Just like your wife, you can't eat spicy food. If you eat a hot pot for your teacher, naturally you don't have to wait for your wife."

That is, Liu always felt uncomfortable eating with these two young masters, so he simply went shopping in the town, bought some goods for the winter, and ate in the town, otherwise, they would have to wait for one more person.

Ji Changze was also bad-hearted. Knowing that the two children were greedy, they deliberately ate slowly. They had to pick up everything slowly, put them in his mouth slowly, and then swallow them slowly.

From time to time, I also comment on it.

"It's tender and soft, and it melts in the mouth."

"It's crispy and delicious when served fresh."

"It's tender and tastes great, let's have another bite."


Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu looked at their teacher eagerly and took one bite after another, and they were still using various adjectives that they could not think without Ji Changze could not say.

Just when they couldn't help protesting, Zhao Yueniang finally came.

When she came in and found that Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu hadn't moved their chopsticks, she was taken aback: "Why don't Yuan Yuanwu eat?"

If Ji Changze is false and kind-hearted and talkative, then Zhao Yueniang is properly true.

In this home, Ji Changze always gave them the coldness of winter, and Zhao Yueniang gave them the warmth of spring, so the two children depended on the teacher. When she asked, they would immediately sue: "Master, let me tell you."

Ji Changze clamped a piece of meat and slowly said, "These two kids will wait until you come back to eat together."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu were taken aback.

This sounded nothing wrong.

They were indeed asked to wait for the wife to come back to eat together.

But the more I think about it, the more I feel awkward.

After thinking for a second, both of them thought of it at the same time.

The teacher is pitting them again! ! What this said was as if they had taken the initiative to wait for the teacher's wife.

Did the teacher think that they were still so easy to deceive and fool them when they first came! !

They were so angry that they opened their mouths to pierce the teacher's tricks.

As a result, before opening her mouth, Zhao Yueniang was held in her arms in surprise.

"Yuan Yuanwu is so good? He waited for his wife to come back to eat. Come on, sit down and eat quickly. You don't have to wait next time."

Seeing Zhao Yueniang's face full of surprise, because she thought they had taken the initiative to wait for her wife to stop eating, and had been boasting that they were sensible, the open mouths of the two children couldn't hold back any words.

Come on.

Madam is so happy, so let's admit it.

They secretly glanced at Ji Changze who was eating, and muttered in their hearts.

The teacher is too overcast.

It's like this every time.

Really, my own students still have to cheat, as if he would be uncomfortable if he didn't cheat others.

Of course, they still don't know at this moment, because they live in such a hot and difficult situation at their teacher's house, they can fall into the pit casually every day, get up, fall in again, get up again and repeat the cycle.

When they entered the officialdom in the future, because they were too good, countless people tried their best to pull them down, but no matter what methods those people used and what methods they used, all the conspiracies could take turns. The two will be quiet next year, but they are like the old fox, just not fooled.

And not only did they not fall into the pit, their patience and endurance were actually much stronger than ordinary people. No matter how big things happened, the facial management never slackened. Even if the sky fell, the two of them could maintain such a steady and calmness. To deal with it with his face.

I am afraid that no one will ever know that the two adults of the Zhang family can keep their faces calm forever because they have been experienced from waiting to eat hot pot again and again.

Ji Changze continues to be his husband.

These two students are really easy to use. Now he has completely delegated the power to teach the villagers. Not only can they cultivate their patience, but also give them a chance to observe the various conditions of life. Most importantly, Ji Changze has won again. Fame doesn't have to work.

These two students are really lucky.

Because the new dynasty was just when talents were needed, the emperor made a special case in order to recruit talents. It was no longer a three-year exam, but a year-long exam.

Among them, the two time periods for the examination of talents are particularly long. If there is someone who is particularly confident in themselves, they can also go to the examination directly after being admitted to the talents.

Of course, no one does this. After all, this requires the ability to recruit people, and each exam is a big difficulty for people. After a half-year rest after the exam, how can there be energy to prepare for the next exam.

But for the two students of Ji Changze, this is a good opportunity.

Ji Changze started his devil education again.

Fortunately, these two children are really smart, and they are also really resistant to beatings. No, they are resistant to learning. As long as you praise them, they are more addicted to learning than anyone else, and they are completely enthusiastic about learning.

So, at the beginning of the second year, Ji Changze let his two students off.

When he was admitted to Tongsheng, Master Zhang was already full of surprises.

He was so excited that he was so excited that he could not wait for an old man to play.

When news came that both of his two grandsons were admitted to Juren, Master Zhang's brain was blank for three minutes.

He has always been strong, and his hands are shaking at this moment. The hands holding the teacup are shaking and shaking, and he almost didn't fall the teacup.

"What you said is true? Yuan Yuanwu, really are all admitted to Juren?"

The subordinates are also full of unreality while being happy, and their voices are floating: "It's the real master! The younger one is really real, our Sun Shaoye has really been admitted to the Juren, and the ranking is very reliable. before!!"

He was also floating, and Sun Shaoye was full of crickets in the house last year, teasing and playing.

At that time, I didn't know anything. It took less than a year for that Mr. Ji to make the two young masters jump directly from the first white body to Juren.

This is Juren! ! !

The next step is Jinshi. If you pass the Jinshi examination, and then pass the palace examination to be elected officials, the two young masters of their family are only ten years old, and they have already walked the road that many people can't make it when they are 40 or 50 years old.

"Really, really juren"

Master Zhang couldn't shake his hands, but he didn't forget what he should be doing now; "Quick, quick, let the carriage go to the gate of the mansion!!"

The next person asked: "My lord, are we going to see Master Sun?"

"Look at Master Sun!! Of course I am going to thank Mr. Ji!!!"

Lord Zhang's voice was trembling.

In such a short time, he can teach his two wicked grandchildren into Juren.

Mr. Ji is not only good-natured, he is also quite good at teaching students!

Such a character is willing to live in such a small mountain village.

How about others indifferent to fame and fortune?

This is the real master! ! !

How did Ji Changze welcome the excited Master Zhang, but in the capital city, I slowly received news that the two children of Zhang's family were admitted to the Juren in a year.

Accompanied by them, they were unable to understand what they had learned before. It was Master Zhang who found a hermit who lived in the mountains and sent the two children to teach.

As a result, after a year of teaching, he went from a white body to a ten-year-old Juren.

The entire capital is a sensation! !