|Master of the World (9)

To be honest, when the news first reached the capital, most people who knew the character of Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu laughed.

what? Are they both admitted to Juren? Is this a new joke?

They still don't know what these two brothers look like? Even if they really start to make progress this year, work hard, study hard, and have not laid a good foundation before, it would be good to be admitted as a child student, and it would be a miracle to be admitted to a talent.


This thing is not a Chinese cabbage, you can pick one up by just walking around in the ground.

This is Juren.

Let alone Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu, the two 10-year-old children, even those in the famous scholarly places in Beijing, children who have been studying seriously since the age of five are considered to be ancestral tombs and can pass the exam at the age of fifteen.

How could Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu be admitted to Juren in a year?

Let's talk about those who are not interested in learning.

Isn't that this year just in time to catch up with Long live Kai En, can the Tong Sheng Xiu Cai be praised in the same year?

Although it was a bit rushed to the scene, it is not impossible to be directly admitted to Juren.

When this was said, others would laugh at him.

It has nothing to do with whether they can take the exam in the same year within a year. What is relevant is how the two children suddenly learned.

Don't say anything about worshipping the hermit as a teacher.

He was a hermit, not a god. A year of apprenticeship can get two children who were not interested in learning a year ago to be admitted to Juren. This is even impossible for the most powerful gentleman in the Imperial College.

There was a lot of discussion in the capital, and some people even thought that maybe the two brothers cheated.

Of course, imperial examination fraud is a serious crime. They thought so in their hearts, and no one said it.

In short, a mule is a horse, and it will be clear at a glance when these two children come to Beijing for the exam.

Ji Changze continued his devil education.

But at the time of Chinese New Year this year, he let the two children go back to celebrate the New Year.

This gave Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang a big surprise. It was a temporary decision to let the two children go home for the New Year. The two children had already appeared in the capital not long after the letter was delivered.

When they left the capital, they were still childish, and they looked like they were not of a healthy temperament. Even if they looked good, they were still children of temperament.

But now, how long have they left? When they left, they were full of arrogance, but now they come back with a team of horses and horses. They are wearing comfortable clothes for riding. Two similar faces are full of fierceness. They are young. , So skilled on horseback riding.

When they arrived at the gate of the mansion, even the family who watched them grow up and looked at the two young masters who had changed quite a bit, were a little bit afraid to recognize them.

The two of them stayed with them, threw their whip to the subordinates, and went straight into the inner courtyard. When they saw their parents, they knelt down and said that the children were not filial, and they had not been able to support them by their parents in the past two years.

Both Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang couldn't tell whether they were surprised or surprised.

The child who was still holding their sleeves when they left, crying, don't be separated from their parents, has been drawn in just two years. He has grown a lot and practiced martial arts every day. From the cuteness at the beginning, it turns into a handsome.

The two can no longer be called children, but young men.

Looking at the people around them, they ordered one action one by one, without even stopping at the slightest. It was obvious that they had good commanding abilities.

Mrs. Zhang was still shocked by the huge surprise that her son had become so good. Mrs. Zhang had already held her two children in her arms and cried:

"Look at your skinny people. You have suffered a lot along the way, right? My son."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu was actually very excited to see his mother, but they forcibly held back, sat down with her mother, and coaxed her to say, "Mother, don't feel sad, aren't we all right? We didn't suffer on the road. When it's time to eat, we also eat, and when it's time to sleep, we will stop and rest."

Madam Zhang saw that although the eyes of the two children were flushed, but their expressions stabilized, she was surprised that they both became so stable now.

Thinking that they became Juren at such an age, I feel even more proud.

"My son is really different now. Knowing that you were admitted to Juren, your father almost didn't spray out the tea you just drank in."

Master Xiao Zhang smiled when he heard about himself, "Why it's on my head, don't listen to your mother, she is the one who most dare not believe. All day long, I thought I was dreaming. "

He asked again: "Didn't your husband always ask you to study with him? Why did you come back for the New Year? Could it be that your husband was upset and asked them to send you out?"

If I heard the father say this before, the two children must have been upset, and muttering you would make the husband upset.

But now

Zhang Yuan replied: "Father laughed. My husband has always loved me and my younger brother. How could he be angry with us? It's just that my wife is pregnant. My husband is busy taking care of my wife, so naturally he can't take care of us. Just in the New Year, he let us off. , I have to go back until the end of the Chinese New Year."

Mrs. Zhang asked puzzledly: "Your wife is pregnant, how do you take care of him as a man? Is there no girl to take care of it?"

Zhang Yuanwu: "My mother knows something. The teacher and his wife have a deep affection. They had a good relationship before. Now that the teacher is pregnant, the teacher can't wait to do everything by himself. Naturally, I can't take care of my brother and me."

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhang was a little bit envious.

She has a good relationship with Mrs. Zhang, but it is absolutely impossible for Mrs. Zhang to accompany her who is pregnant every day.

Envying, I felt a little more fond of Ji Changze in my heart.

In any case, for a woman, a man who can be considerate to his wife is a good one.

Coupled with the fact that he taught his two sons from their original dudes to what they are now, she is even more grateful.

Parents, although they are happy that their children are excellent, they still want their children to be safe. They didn't ask too much, and they happily ate with the two children, and then they talked about how they spent their lives in the past two years. Wait.

But other people in the capital made a sensation again.

The two children from Zhang's family are back.

I was a young child two years ago, but now he can be alone.

When I visited their grandfather, I was tested for knowledge. One of them was more fluent than the other. The answer was excellent, and the attitude was quite confident. The cousins ​​who grew up with them were shocked when they saw it, and their jaws couldn't close. .

It's not just knowledge. In the old days, the partners asked them to fight. Two years ago, they were still unable to pull the bow without the strength. Now both of them are successful, returning with loads of success, and are in the limelight.

Later, I participated in the running water banquet, and the wine order at the banquet was also very popular. When I had a good time, I even played a tune.

The six arts of gentleman are all proficient.

And this actually took two years.

Two years ago, the big guys knew what they looked like, but they really saw what they looked like now.

What is the ability of the hermit who lives in the mountains to teach two stubborn children like this?

Ji Changze's expectation is not bad, these two children have been taught well, which is his signature.

There is no way, they are too smart, and their previous performance is too poor, which is the same as the prodigal looking back. There were more bastards before, and the benefits would be more conspicuous afterwards.

Even if Ji Changze didn't set foot in the capital at all, his legends are still circulating in every family in the capital.

Children have always been the weakness of every family.

Who doesn't want his own child to be an excellent person, it is best to be able to enter the court in the future, and the official position is higher than himself.

Now that I saw Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu's appearance, my heart was moved.

I heard that Mr. Ji was very young, less than 30 years old. He was a scholar in the former dynasty, and now he became a throne. He was not physically strong, so he lived in the mountains and didn't think about coming to the court to do anything.

But why can one talent teach two Juren?

People didn't understand it at first, but it became clear after finding out about Ji Changze.

This Mr. Ji is really unlucky. He became famous when he was young. He was supposed to have a smooth journey. However, his luck was unlucky and he tried to get a talent. After waiting for three years and three years, three years and three years, his family changed badly. It's easy to drag the body to finish the exam, and the front is destroyed.

Not to mention this Mr. Ji, they also felt that their mentality was about to collapse.

After that, this gentleman seemed to give up the imperial examination directly, lived in the mountains, married a wife, and lived in the mountain village happily. Later, in order to enlighten Minzhi, Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu's grandfather found out and begged to take his two children. Give it to Ji Changze.

In just two years, he made these two children into Juren.

It's only two years! ! !

When I first heard that Mrs. Zhang begged a young hermit in the mountains to teach his children, some people were still disdainful.

What tricks can a former talent teach?

If you really want your child to be well, you might as well send the child directly to the Imperial College. At any rate, this is the court's academy. There are a lot of knowledgeable bosses in it. If these bosses can't teach it, it's a poor family in a mountain. What can former talents of background teach?

The rhetoric at the beginning has now turned into a slap in the face.

A former talent, what can he really teach! !

The parents were moved, and planned to send their children there too, to see if they could teach a child like Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu.

Don't ask for the exact same, even if only half of them have style and knowledge.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu stopped them and said that he would write a letter to ask her husband what he meant.

Otherwise, Mr. is always too lazy to be uninterested in world affairs. If he rashly lets these children run away, if Mr. refuses to accept them, wouldn't they make a trip in vain.

The letter was quickly delivered to the village under the expectation of the parents.

At this time, Ji Changze was helping Zhao Yueniang to stroll around the village with her.

After Zhao Yueniang became pregnant, he directly bought two little girls back, and was responsible for cooking and taking care of Zhao Yueniang and Liu, but the job of going out for a walk was usually Ji Changze's own work.

He said warmly: "When Yuan Yuanwu returns to Beijing, I am afraid that there will be a large number of people who want to join me. I plan to collect money. When I have money in my hand, I will open a big school, and then let the poor students free of charge. Enrollment."

"The school? Is it in the village?"

Ji Changze nodded; "It's in the village. Isn't there a peach forest behind our village? I will buy that place at that time. They say that the most proud thing about being a husband is that the peaches and plums are all over the world. I work as a school in Taolin. , It's quite consistent."

Zhao Yueniang thought for a while: "Kefjun, you have been reluctant to collect money before, but now you suddenly collect money, will anyone say that you are for money?"

Ji Changze looked upright and his eyes were serious.

"Being a man is not about looking at what others think, as long as you have a clear conscience."

Zhao Yueniang looked at her husband and immediately admired her again.

This is Changze.

In order to be able to teach those poor students who can't afford to go to school, I didn't hesitate to be misunderstood.

No matter how many times, Zhao Yueniang would thank herself for the decision to keep Changze.

If not, how can she be happy now.

Before Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu's letter were delivered, Ji Changze's letter had already been delivered.

The two brothers were speechless after watching.

So, what the teacher means is that he wants a good reputation and everyone wants to give him money. It is best for everyone to give him money while thinking that he is a good person.

Because it takes brains to come up with the best of both worlds, and he taught these two students so hard that he didn't want to use his brains again.

So apprentices, the teacher has always been worrying about you, and this time it's your turn to help the teacher worry about you.

Help me figure out a good way, and then solve this matter, and trust you as a teacher! Come on! !

Add a fart of oil!

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu was expressionless.

This teacher is really terrible.

So the teacher took so much trouble to teach them, just to let the two of them come when he wants to cheat others and is too lazy to think about it?

Although there have been countless alpacas in my heart, who made this my teacher?

The two took a breath of resignation, and began to prepare for the teacher's school.

In fact, think about it, what the teacher said is right, or they don't make money. If they make money, the teacher can use their money directly, so why bother to give it to others.

So in the final analysis, they were not right and so on, how come the teacher got in again.

The people in the capital didn't know how the two men, who looked quite stable on the outside, had a crazy barrage in their hearts, and complained about the Mr. Ji who was praised by them.

They only knew that Mr. Ji, who didn't want to go out of the mountain village, was about to open a school.

Not the kind of literacy, but the real school.

The food and lodging are in the school, and you may not be able to go home for a year or a half after living in. You can only concentrate on studying in the school.

Moreover, he only looked at the qualifications and the degree of learning, and did not charge money.

This is really dozing off and sending pillows! ! !

They were just about to let their children find a way to go to the teacher, this Mr. Ji is about to open the school, and he still doesn't charge money to open, then there is no need to worry that the child will not be able to go to the teacher, just stay in the school.

Parents are happy, excited, and excited.

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu looked very cooperative and told the school what it should look like.

The place where I live should be a bedding to cover the Chase shop. It's okay because it comes with bedding or something.

If you eat, the teacher is so poor, it is not bad to have clear soup and water every day.

There's the sun over there, it's cold in winter, there is no ice in summer, and there is no charcoal in winter, but it's okay. It's okay to read books, it's nothing to endure some hardship.

what? Bring your own? Family gift?

This is probably impossible. The teacher likes closed management. You can't get out of school if you haven't learned anything. Outsiders are even more unlikely to go in. Besides, everyone lives in one block. If you really bring your own ice cubes. Nuan Tan, won't it be too eye-catching and make classmates impetuous.

The little hearts that parents want to send their children to school are like being poured with cold water, and it goes out all at once.

But not reconciled.

Even if they are willing to raise their children for the rest of their lives, what should they do when they are old and dead? When you are alive, you are backing the mountain. When you die, isn't it just the trees falling down and the monkeys scattered?

And this child can't be a child all his life.

In the future, they will have to get married, be a husband, and be a father. When being a husband, a lady can bear his ignorance. When a father is a father, don't all future marriages of the children depend on his father's success?

Even if they don't talk about their father, their own marriages don't depend on whether they are good or not.

Isn't Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu the best example?

From the time they returned to the capital, how many people with girls were ready to move.

This is all because of that Mr. Ji's teaching.

But letting their own spoiled children suffer such suffering, they really dare not think about it.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu arranged a support and began to send money to Zhang's house with great fanfare.

To put it bluntly, we don't give this money to you. We want to donate it to your husband's college. Your husband is poor and refuses to accept it. The establishment of a school is definitely a shame. He is willing to do his best. Mr. Let's make the school a little better, and work for the welfare of the students all over the world.

As soon as this happened, each of the parents seemed to have gotten through the two lines of both governors and governors. They were no longer worried or entangled, and they all started to pack their money and send them to Zhang's house.

Mr. Ji refused to accept the money, so he would not accept the money donated to the school.

They are reluctant to endure the hardships of their children, so it is not enough to change the hardship environment.

As long as the money is in place, environmental improvement will not be easy.

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu were well versed in the essence of Ji Changze. While saying don't want it, he accepted the money after rejecting it.

Incidentally, one person made a receipt, one on each side.

He said in a rather embarrassing manner: "Mr. has always been unhappy with wealth. We don't know if he will accept it. We will write down the number today and wait until we go back. If the husband accepts it and uses it to build the academy, it will be natural. Everyone is happy. If he refuses to accept it, we will return it as recorded."

Don't pay it back, hurry up and accept it.

Money is a trivial matter, and our children can't endure hardship.

Obviously it's your own money, but the parents are more anxious than anyone else.

Mr. Ji must not refuse to accept, but must accept the money.

Since ancient times, Ji Changze is really the first to be asked to collect money.

This matter is what he instructed his students to prepare, how could he not accept it.

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu went on horseback lightly when he left, but he followed a convoy when he came back.

Large amounts of silver tickets cannot be exchanged in the small county town. They have all the money in this box, including charcoal gifted by their parents.

This way is enough to be swaggering, but fortunately they hired people from the dart board to follow, or maybe they can make people black.

When he arrived at the boundary, Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu had someone carry the box in, before going in to see the teacher.

Old God Ji Changze was sitting in the upper position, glanced at the box, and asked: "How much money did you get back?"

Zhang Yuan rolled his eyes in the bottom of his heart, took out the account book and handed it over, complaining affectionately: "Is it not easy for you to make money? Don't say anything else, just say that hot pot recipe, if you want to sell it, How can I sell a large sum of money, let alone other things one after another, and refuse to make it on my own. Yuan Wuyun and I were worried along the way when we came back with such a lot of money."

"It's too much trouble to earn on my own, and it doesn't suit my temperament to treat money like dirt."

Ji Changze finished complimenting himself very shamelessly, and looked through the account book: "Oh, there are people who have sent wood. This is really good. I was still worried that the wood on our side was not suitable for building a house."

Zhang Yuanwu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Teacher, don't you make such a fuss? It's as if you love to take advantage of it."

"Why don't you take advantage of the advantage? People are alive, don't do bad things, it's what you want, they gave me money, I am happy, the school is built, they are happy, one part of the money, you have to pay double Why not do it."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

"Do you know what method we use?"

"Just your little heads, what else can you think of except this way."

Ji Changze put the account book aside and took a sip of tea comfortably: "Okay, when the academy is established, set up a monument, how much money these people have donated, and how many things are engraved on it, they are happy to give For money, let's reciprocate. When my school is established, their reputation will rise."

Zhang Yuanwu was very rude and pierced him: "Are you sure you are thinking that more people will come to send money and things after the incident is spread, just to gain a good reputation?"

Ji Changze smacked his lips.

"I have such an idea, but I didn't let them deliver it. If they rush to deliver it, what can I do? Oh, these rich and powerful people just want to be transparent, and they are very willing to pay for it. Money, you said that people have paid for it, can I not take it? No! Otherwise, wouldn't it hurt?"

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

No matter how long I have been with the teacher, what have I learned from the teacher.

At this moment, the two still couldn't help feeling that Ji Changze had once again refreshed their lower limit of understanding.

The teacher is really, too dogged.

No matter what, the academy that Ji Changze missed was still under construction.

He drew the drawings himself and supervised the work himself.

If you have money, you can build as much as you want.

What's more, the land in this village is still cheap. After Ji Changze teaches that the news of the two people is spread out, the county grandfather will give him a bit of face. When he heard that the gentleman who taught the students is going to build a school, he happily wished to buy it himself. Send it to him under the land.

It's strange that the county grandfather is unhappy.

Ji Changze established a school in the county, and by that time, what talents appeared in the school, such as talents, or even advanced scholars, all of his achievements.

This one was able to teach two ten-year-olds to come out before, but he may not be much better in the future.

Therefore, Ji Changze bought the land smoothly, and the price was much cheaper. A large area was also included.

He is not too big, and the land starts to make people start construction.


Even if he has no money now, wait until he will write on the monument who has donated how much money, and then he will set up the monument at the entrance of the school, so that everyone who passes by this college can read their names and thank them. The contribution to the students has spread, and the big guys will come to him with money eagerly for fame.

These days, as long as there is money, nothing else is called a thing.

The school was built in full swing.

Ji Changze is not the kind of person who insists on poor education. If he has money, he doesn't make the school better. The students are here to learn but not to endure hardship.

The better the conditions, the more powerful and powerful children will be attracted to donate in the future, won't they?

While the school was still being established, Ji Changze began to cultivate talents.

It is impossible for him to be the only husband in such a big school.

It must be taught by gentlemen, and the moral, intellectual, physical, and beautiful must be fully developed.

He digs one here and one over there, but he didn't dig too much.

Anyway, when the school starts, there will naturally be older students. He doesn't believe that these students can't get a partial subject and can't walk the imperial examination road. Then, since they can't get the imperial examination and have their own skills, it is better to stay at the school and be a teacher.

After everything was arranged properly, Ji Changze's eldest daughter was born.

This is a child who is destined to be loved, because she has countless seniors and disciples. When Ji Changze opens this school, it is the master of countless people, the master's daughter, can you not take care of it?

Zhao Meiniang originally thought that Zhao Yueniang's daughter Ji Changze would be unhappy. After all, how much he cares about Zhao Yueniang's child, everyone can see clearly. It doesn't count for walking with Zhao Yueniang every day. She also bought a little girl to make Zhao Yueniang special food for pregnant women. .

The Liu family also enjoyed the blessing. From a village woman who had to wash clothes in the winter, she became an old lady with a girl pinching her shoulders on her back.

The scene where the mother and son were oppressed by the second room seems to be still yesterday, but now, they have lived a good life with Ji Changze.

After knowing that Zhao Yueniang was pregnant, Zhao Meiniang was looking forward to letting Zhao Yueniang have a daughter every day.

Of course, at first she was looking forward to Zhao Yueniang's miscarriage, but seeing her cousin's belly grew a little bit bigger, as long as Ji Changze was with him wherever she went, she didn't need to do anything and she had a special serving girl, she consciously dismissed it. Got this idea.

They have all been carefully served in this way, and it is too difficult to have a miscarriage.

Give birth to a daughter.

Ji Changze is almost 30 years old, and he must be anxious for a son to inherit the family property. If Zhao Yueniang gave birth to a daughter, he would definitely feel dissatisfied. With his current status and status, would it be difficult to find another one?

Zhao Meiniang thought very beautiful, but unfortunately, Zhao Yueniang gave birth to a daughter, but Ji Changze's reaction did not look angry at all.

When she knew that Zhao Yueniang gave birth to a daughter, Zhao Meiniang happily ate an extra bowl of rice, which made her sister-in-law unhappy all afternoon.

In the evening, when she planned to go for a stroll and listen to the village gossip about the fact that Ji Changze gave birth to a daughter, she did not receive the response she should have received.

It stands to reason that people in the village like gossip, especially for children. Whose family is so old and has no children, and whoever has a few children are still daughters, and the parents are short. After the children are finished, they will express themselves. Express your sympathy or gloat.

Zhao Meiniang hasn't been listening to gossip for a long time, and the people in the village are just as brainwashed. After Ji Changze said a few words, he went to listen to his literacy lectures every morning and evening.

Yes, the status of a talented person is high.

But they don't have the foundation. No matter how serious they are, they won't be able to pass the exam. Since they can't pass the exam, what's the point of learning.

Moreover, why do women want to go, don't you know that a woman without talent is virtue?

Zhao Mei-niang despised their way of wasting time and destined to be unrequited. Every time when people in the village went to class, she hid in the house to rest and sleep.

So she couldn't make the trip.

The villagers who originally despised having daughters changed one by one, with a smile on their faces: "Mr. Ji got a daughter. This is really a happy event. Mr. Ji is happy. I went to borrow something yesterday. Mr. Zhuji also personally changed diapers."

"No, Yueniang is enjoying the blessings. She lay in bed and sat for confinement. The delicious and delicious foods were fed and the children were taken care of. Liu said that if the children cried at night, they were all taken care of by Mr. Ji. ."

"It doesn't matter if the child is long, it's like a small dumpling, it's only a few days old, and it's already opened."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

its not right! ! Your style of painting is not like this! !

Shouldn't you say sourly that even if Zhao Yueniang is lucky to marry Ji Changze, isn't it that she can't give birth to a son and be abandoned sooner or later?

Wake up! ! These words are your lines! ! !

Zhao Meiniang tentatively asked, and then got a bunch of surprised eyes from aunts and daughters-in-law:

"What are you talking about? What's the matter with your daughter? Are you not a woman? Isn't your mother a woman? If everyone is going to give birth to boys and not girls, what's the use of having a man? Without a girl, who will give birth to a child? Desperate."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

An aunt nodded in agreement: "That is, you are also a woman. You should also know how hard it is for a woman to live. Even if a man looks down on a woman, you can feel that a woman is useless."

"You are too shallow like this. We are both women. You should also stand in the position of women."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

She thinks these people in the village are crazy.

You didn't say that before! ! Isn't it a boy, a treasure, a girl, a grass, the water thrown out by a married daughter? !

She just hasn't participated in the group chat for more than a year. How come these people's attitudes have changed a hundred and eighty degrees? ! !

This is not the most horrifying thing. The most horrifying thing is that Zhao Mei Niang was shocked to find that the men in the village who had always been patriarchal had also changed.

In the past, the men in the village hugged their own son at most. Daughters frowned from birth. After all, daughters are equal to losing money. After they are raised up, they can't return to their natal family after they are married. They are for other people's daughter-in-law, not for themselves. Raise a daughter.

And if they can't give birth to a daughter, they can't pass on the family, they will get angry too.

She hadn't noticed before, but after careful observation this time, she discovered that the clothes on the girls in the village are much newer, and they have hair ropes tied to their heads. When her father comes back, he will play with them.

This was in the past, but only a few favored girls would receive treatment.

Zhao Mei Niang is one of those few, so she has always been arrogant, proud that she can be favored by a crowd of unfavorable girls. Every time she shows off to them how their parents treat her, and looks at them with envy, she will make She was happy for a long time.

But now, most of the girls in the village actually have this kind of treatment.

"What's wrong with the daughter? Isn't the daughter her own bones and blood anymore? Teach them well. When they grow up, they can still be filial to their parents to help the family. Mei Niang, you can't think about it. Whatever the water thrown out by the married daughter, her parents won't Let it come back, can the woman beg them to let in? You think so, in the past, after a girl married out, she was a member of someone else's family. That was a matter of two families. But now, when a girl in our village marries out, her family will help. When the natal family is the first, the in-law's family will naturally help each other when something goes wrong in the natal family. The two sides help each other. Life is getting better and better. The girl can often return to her family's filial piety to her parents. Isn't this the best of both worlds? There is that backward thinking from before."

Zhao Mei Niang: ""

Is she behind? ? ?

Whether she wants it or not, she is really behind.

Ji Changze has been brainwashing people in the village for so long since she refused to attend the class.

People who have not been transformed are easy to be fooled. What's more, Ji Changze, his own status and eloquence are enough to deal with the people in this village, plus the fact that life is getting better and better by listening to him. Gradually, The people in the village themselves didn't realize that they had changed a lot.

People are herd. When you spoiled your daughter before, people might laugh at you for taking a girl movie as a treasure.

But now if you don't treat your daughter as a human being, the whole village will despise you and feel that you are cruel and ruthless. Even the clan elders can come forward directly. If you don't repent, the girl will be taken away. , So that people who have no children under their knees, or who want a daughter, can raise it well.

The people in the village have not discovered that they have gradually possessed propriety, justice, integrity, moral values, and they are no longer flinching because they have knowledge in their stomachs when they go out. They will make people take a high look when they go out.

After their village loves the girl's reputation, more people come to marry. Who doesn't want to marry a daughter-in-law who can bring her own natal help, although the incidental risks are not good for the girls in their village, the whole village will come to find angrily and give birth. The daughter should also be treated well, but it is enough to treat the daughter-in-law, and it is nothing to be good to the daughter. Her own blood and flesh, except for those who are really cruel, will not be thrown away.

The people in the village began to love hygiene and cleanliness. They cleaned up and did not throw rubbish and filth everywhere. They tried hard to read words by themselves so as to teach the children in the family. Even the old lady was holding a branch on the ground. It.

Mr. Ji can say that if you want to be successful in children, adults need to be somewhat capable, and she can teach her little grandchildren if she learns to read and write.

This time Mr. Ji set up a college and hired most of the villagers to work. When working, you, the big guy, will continue to chapter by sentence, which is quite happy.

Unconsciously, the whole village has become a real peach blossom source. Everyone is very motivated to learn, and Ji Changze is brainwashed.

Except for the hapless second room family, they refused to attend the class, so at present, their sadistic views are not consistent with the whole village.

Finally, the vast academy was built.

When the news came back to the capital, the parents were overjoyed, but the students were the opposite. They were pushed out of the house by their parents with a weeping face, and they got into the carriage together weakly to study.

They also knew where they were going, a remote, poor mountain village.

The students who have never been to the mountain village listened to the science popularization they had visited.

The backward and ignorant villagers, the harsh living environment, the ground is full of gold, and when it rains, the ground is muddy and there is no place to stay. They must live in such an environment for at least one year.

Along the way, everyone was sighing, expecting that they were not the material for reading. The Mr. Ji didn't look down on them and let them go. However, they didn't know that although Mr. Ji had a high-sighted vision, he would always repay his kindness. , These parents donated money, don't even want to run, even if they are forced to break them into talents.

"Masters, you have arrived at the entrance of the village. The entrance of the village does not allow the carriage to enter. You have to get out of the carriage by yourself."

Even the carriages can't get in at the entrance of the village, how small this village must be.

The young boys got out of the car with a sigh, and were stunned as soon as they stood still.

The ground under my feet is clean and tidy, and the plaque at the entrance of the village is wiped clean. In the distance, someone is working in the farmland. It is obvious that he is in his 30s and 40s, and his skin is dark, but he is working while he is back. Ancient.

In front, clean children ran by laughing and singing, singing a thousand characters.

An old lady smiled and stood watching them, holding a branch in her hand, writing strokes on the ground.

In the distance, from a distance, you can see the bamboo buildings standing tall, and at the same time they are full of serious academic atmosphere.

This is the remote village that my parents are talking about? ? ? ?