|Master of the World (10)

These young people from Beijing are all rich and powerful. Otherwise, the family has no money to donate. They use the best snacks and drinks. In the past, they were mostly to compare what they bought, but they still I have never been shocked like I am now.

Even in the bustling capital, the streets will never be as clean as this village.

Moreover, this village looks like everyone is literate.

Standing on the tall building of the academy, Ji Changze watched from a distance at these young and tender young masters, whispering to each other, looking at the surroundings, and walking towards this side.

"Not bad."

He boasted that Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu, who was accompanying him, were taken aback, and then he was overjoyed and asked; "Could the teacher see any good seedlings?"

"Oh, it's not." Ji Changze said quite confidently: "I just think these students are pretty handsome."

They are all teenagers, and have been spoiled by Jin Zunyu since childhood. Even if they are not good-looking, their skin is absolutely white and tender, and one white covers three ugliness, isn't it good-looking?

Ji Changze was quite satisfied with his group of new students.

"Okay, you two, as Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother, hurry up to receive them."

Two of the students who came today are of relatively high status, one is the son of the Southeast King, and the other is the son of the third princess. Although their status is not a big deal in the royal family, they are still very good when taken outside. of.

The son of the three princesses is Liu Yue. He is the only son of the three princesses and the three horses. He was raised as a beloved baby since he was a child, but the princess's son is not like a daughter, and he can be appointed as the lord of the princess. If you want to be comfortable forever, you have to win yourself.

Southeast King's bastard is even simpler. His life is tall and he seems to be very untalkative, and he is very silent about everything. The big guys got together and chattered along the way, but he just didn't get in once.

But because both of them are royals, Liu Yue still likes to be by his side.

Liu Yue's temperament was nurtured, and he never stopped complaining along the way. One was sad that he was going to be sent to this place, and the other was worried about whether the gentleman in the college would beat or scold others. I am afraid that I will not be able to learn and I will stay in this place forever.

"I heard that the academy will be closed to us for one year. During this year, we don't even ask us to post letters, let alone go to the restaurant. Oh, I really don't want to read books. It is more difficult for me to read books than to go to heaven."

The southeast king's concubine Wan Xingke has not spoken.

As a concubine, naturally there are many compelling things. Regardless of his father is the prince, it is not still difficult to live in the mansion. This time he can come to the college, it is the father and the king who has exhausted all means to plead for his aunt.

There was also a bit of affection along the way. Wanxingke said to Liu Yue: "It is better to study hard instead of thinking wildly."

"What to learn, our family background is enough for us to live a life of food and clothing, why do we have to force ourselves."

Wanxingke: "If our group of people can really rely on their parents for food and clothing for the rest of their lives, how can they be sent out to study."

Liu Yue stopped talking.

Wanxingke is right.

None of those who can really worry about it all their lives have not been sent over.

They are the hearts and souls of parents. If they don't know clearly that their children must stand up by themselves, who would be willing to send such a big young man to a remote mountain village.

Although this small mountain village is not very remote at present.

The young boys tensed their nerves and refused to show their curiosity. They walked forward carefully, observing everything in the village quietly by the way.

Not everyone in this village wears new clothes, but they are more prosperous than the people in Beijing.

And they didn't flinch one by one. They stood there openly when they saw them, neither flattery nor timidity appeared on their faces.

It's weird.

However, Wanxingke saw the mystery after a few glances, and said to Liu Yue: "They are all clean, and they should wash frequently."

The biggest difference between the poor and the powerful is that the children of the powerful have to take a bath and wash every day, while the poor are different. They live a busy life every day, and where there is this idle time, after a busy day, they are tired and fall into bed at night. No energy to wash again.

"It really is."

Liu Yue couldn't wait to crane his neck to see what these people were doing. He was even more shocked when he discovered that the old lady really wrote words.

Is it possible that the people in this village are not really literate?

When they arrived at the gate of the academy, it was Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu who stood there to greet them.

For the two culprits who made them have to travel here to study, many young masters were itching to hate when they saw them. However, Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu glanced at them, and their aura was inexplicably dissipated.

No way, these two people are not only very knowledgeable, but also better than all of them combined. Archery has spread all over the capital.

No matter how unconvincing the bottom of my heart was, no one said it face-to-face.

"Hello everyone, today. You are tired, we will not start school. The teacher asked us to take you around to get familiar with the school and wait until tomorrow to start studying."

Isn't it just a college, there is nothing to go shopping, after a day of exhaustion, who has the spirit to visit the academy.

The young masters sighed, but the two seniors above did not hear them, and took them to the academy without changing their faces.

"This is the school for studying."

Zhang Yuan pushed open the door of the school and pointed to the whiteboard behind the podium: "This is the whiteboard. During the lecture, the teacher will write the content on it with a black pen for the students underneath to see."

He wrote a word on it casually, and then wiped it off with a special tool: "It's easy to wipe, and it's easy to correct mistakes."

This is a new thing.

The young princes became interested this time, and looked at the new thing with enthusiasm.

Someone asked: "Why is this podium so much higher than other places?"

Zhang Yuanwu replied: "Stand high, see far. The platform is where the gentlemen stand. If you stand high, it will be clear to whoever did not listen and learn well. Students, don't worry, no matter what you do underneath. My husband can see clearly, and he will definitely help you to study well."

Little lords: ""

They looked at Zhang Yuanwu standing above in disbelief. They really couldn't think of them being so handsome, and they could even say such heartbreaking words.

Someone didn't believe it, and quietly stepped forward.

As a result, after standing up, I found that it was really the case, and my heart suddenly became frustrated.

It is conceivable that in class in the future, I can't even be careful to be lazy.

The group of people just visited a classroom and it was stunned. Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu didn't seem to have seen it. Anyway, they didn't learn it, and they stunned.

"This is a place to learn ritual music. There are countless musical instruments in it, all of which are shared by students."

"This is a laboratory, mainly for studying chemistry."

"Etc., etc."

Liu Yue couldn't help asking, "What is chemistry?"

He stared at the strange things in this room with a suspicious line of sight. These things seemed to be made of colored glaze, but all of them were transparent.

Colored glaze is expensive, this thing should not be colored glaze, then what is it?

Zhang Yuan thought for a while, stepped forward and picked up the instrument and mixed some things together. The originally calm liquid bubbling bubbling and flowing out directly. Some of it flowed on the table. He put the paper on the side. Passed it over.

――After a quick moment, the paper was set alight.

The students were so frightened that they all stepped back in exclamation.

Then they watched Zhang Yuanmian with awkward gaze, picking up a measuring cup and holding the paper upside down. The fire was gone and the air could only be slowly extinguished.

After it was extinguished, Zhang Yuan put down the measuring cup and clapped his hands casually: "This is chemistry."

The little lords were all scared.

"You want us to learn this? What if we burn ourselves?"

"Why should we learn this kind of thing, isn't it just a chapter?"

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu don't know either.

But if the teacher lets them learn, they have to learn.

So they Quan didn't hear it, and went straight out.

"This is a racecourse for riding lessons."

"This is the playground, for physical education."

"And here, this garden was specially made to give you swimming lessons."

After walking around in a circle, the faces of the young lords were very ugly.

It's no wonder that they have to be allowed to go home and not allowed to go out. If all these are required to learn, then maybe even the place to eat and sleep is not available. Even the Imperial College has never heard of learning so many things.

The group of people was led to the rest area with ashen faces.

The parents of these people are the fathers of the sponsors, so Ji Changze can't be slow to treat them. The dormitories are two-person rooms, which are spacious and private.

Regardless of how much space the two young men can use, the cheapest place on their side is the land.

"This is the dormitory. There are only five yards for two people. At the moment, there are only five yards. Each yard can accommodate fifty people. You are the first batch of students. There are no other students enrolled. You can choose your own house."

The students who came here happened to be in even numbers. Everyone got acquainted along the way and started to form teams on their own.

Liu Yue and Wanxingke teamed up together.

The two people chose the house next to the bamboo forest. They opened the door with their own baggage and went in. The house was very tidy. The beds, tables and chairs on both sides were exactly the same, even the way of placing them was exactly the same.

There are windows on both sides, and the windows are made of glass they had seen in the chemical laboratory before.

Liu Yue originally felt weak and could not wait to shout aloud, but when he found that the windows were made of glass, his expression immediately became energetic. He ran over with great interest, and leaned over the window carefully and reached out his hand to touch the transparency. Glass.

"Although this is not Liuli, it is also a good thing. If it is sent to the capital without knowing what expensive price it will sell, it will be sent directly to the dormitory where we live as a window."

It was the first time that Liu Yue saw this kind of window that allows the sun and light from outside to shine through even if it was closed. He was so excited for a while, he started to wander around the house again after seeing enough.

"This bed is quite sturdy, with guardrails. Is this afraid of us falling?"

"Why there are so many small drawers on this table, it's so fun."

"Why is there a small room behind this screen? Doesn't it mean that we are two of us sleeping in the same room?"

Liu Yue fumbled and fumbled, so he fumbled behind the screen, opened the door, and looked at the pool inside and the squat pit beside him, feeling a little dazed for a while.

He was pampered since he was little, and he used the best latrine to go to the toilet, and he didn't need to deal with it after he was done. The servants took it out to clean up immediately.

So he really didn't know this squat.

"Xingke, come and take a look, what is this?"

Wanxingke frowned slightly when he heard the movement and saw the squat pit. Fortunately, when he turned his eyes, he found a piece of paper pasted on the strange box-sized thing behind the squat pit.

He stretched out his hand and took the paper off. After reading it, his expression was also a little dumbfounded.

"The above said, this is the same as Gong Bucket."


Liu Yue was shocked and looked at the squat pit underneath with disbelief: "They want us to show respect here? Right in this pit? Doesn't you even give us a pail? Then wait until we go to the toilet, what about waving? Disposal??"

Wanxingke was also a little shocked.

Even if he is a bastard, he will not clean up the filth by himself.

He hurriedly took the piece of paper up and down and read it carefully. After reading it carefully this time, he breathed a sigh of relief. After looking around on the water tank behind the squatting toilet, he reached out and pressed down on it. Button.

The water immediately rushed out from behind.

Just now, Liu Yue, who was still whispering that this thing is impossible to use, saw this scene and immediately closed his mouth, looking up and down in surprise.

"Press here to get the water? How did it make it? No wonder there is only a small pit without a bucket, it's amazing, I have never seen such a good thing in the Empress Palace."

Wan Xingke thought of something again. He turned his head and looked at the faucet on the basin. There was a piece of paper on it. He picked up the paper and read it, stretched out his hand to unscrew the faucet, and clear water came out directly.

"There is such a skilled craftsman who can get water out of here."

Liu Yue heard his sigh, and hurriedly leaned over to take a look. He was shocked when he saw this scene.

"How did this work? How much water can be stored in it? There is something in this college."

His previous gloom was wiped out, and he just thought it was fun to look around.

And Wanxingke looked at the faucet silently.

Because of his status as a concubine, he had never seen the day of his life, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Perhaps this college will become a place that will change his life.

The academy officially opened, and Ji Changze named it Zhulin Academy before.

Yes, it is called Zhulin Academy because there is a bamboo forest. It is so simple and rude.

There are not few students who complain about this name, but most of them are attracted by the various novel objects in the academy. When their parents donated money before, they thought the academy was so poor. Now it seems, where is this It's poor.

Mr. Ji can make a lot of money even if he takes out an item from the academy and sells it outside.

Why didn't he sell it?

Naturally because he is not interested in fame and fortune, and is not interested in money anymore.

I can't blame my parents for sending them here, and they have always insisted that Mr. Ji is a real hermit.

For Mr. Ji, who knows when he can go home, the students are better than kittens. They are not stupid. If he offends the dean, he writes a letter back, and his cruel parents might even pay. It really makes them stay home for two more years.

The college officially opened classes, and the students began a happy and painful life.

The gentlemen above can see clearly what little action is done underneath.

If it is found that they did not attend class properly, do not corporal punishment, or scold, they will just be included in the cleaning list. When it is time for the lunch break after lunch, the other students will sleep comfortably, they are. Sweeping across the college with a frown.

It also includes the public latrines in the academy.

Public latrines can also be flushed, but they are public after all. In terms of cleanliness, they are definitely not as good as dormitory latrines shared by two students. Therefore, many students would rather hold back and rush all the way to their dormitory after class. Go to the public latrine.

Ji Changze also knows this. After all, he is the son of the rich and powerful. It is normal for a little love to be clean. As long as they run fast, they can do whatever they want.

But it was exactly the same, let Ji Changze discover what they were afraid of.

Don't listen to the class well? Okay, go to wash the latrine.

Lazy skipping class? Okay, go to wash the latrine.

Trying to run out of the wall? Okay, go to wash the latrine.

After two weeks, these students have been honest, like salted fishes that have lost their dreams.

As usual, after the meeting, Ji Changze pulled his two students to discuss what to do next.

"After all their vigor has been wiped out, the next step should be to give them something good, hit a stick and give them a sweet date. They are young. After coming a few times like this, they will naturally behave."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu: ""

They stared at their teacher, and finally realized afterwards: "Teacher, did you do the same when you taught us?"

"Hit a stick and give a sweet date."

"At that time, you were playing a stick when you were playing with us."

"Take us to the mountains to fight for sweet dates."

"Maybe it's also sweet jujube to praise us for being smart."

Seeing the two students, you and I talked with enthusiasm, Ji Changze didn't change his face and didn't feel guilty: "You are really smart, you just told the truth for the teacher."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu: "So I really gave us a sweet date with a stick."

Ji Changze yawned: "Suddenly I'm so sleepy, I'm going to take a nap for the teacher, you guys have to work hard, you have to be careful and serious with these students, and you will have to take care of each other when you enter the officialdom."


After two steps, he came back again: "Just in case, you remember to instigate them more, let them divide into as many camps as possible, otherwise the relationship is too good, and it will be difficult to enter the court in the future."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu understood the meaning of these words.

These students have not yet discovered that their knowledge is rising rapidly, not only written knowledge, but also a lot of practical knowledge, which is enough for them to be a good official after being admitted to the title.

But it is not a good thing that students are too good.

They are all classmates, and they will enter the court together in large quantities at that time, and the affection of eating and living together is placed there, and the feelings are naturally very good.

Your Majesty will be upset at that time.

So many people vent their breath with one nostril, and their feelings are still so good, what do they want to do?

So the best way is to draw a clear line for them, when the time comes, they will target each other and compete with each other, aiming at whether the other party has done bad things, and the competition is who does more practical things for the people and the world.


It is too simple to divide the camp.

Both those who are open-minded and those who are silent do not like each other.

High-status and low-status dislike each other.

Those who like to learn martial arts and those who like to learn do not like each other.

Etc., etc.

This is too simple.

The students who are studying hard still don't know that their future lives have been fully arranged, and even political opponents can arrange them for them.

The students have gradually adapted to the life of studying in Zhulin Academy. I have to say that, apart from the hard work at first, they still liked studying in Zhulin Academy.

After all, the academy not only nurtures their knowledge, although the study tasks are arduous, it does not force them to keep learning, play when they should play, and rest when they should rest. There are a lot of fun things in physical education class. Cuju is even more popular among students. s things.

When they used to be in the capital, these things would hinder their learning if they wanted to play or even be reprimanded. Now it's fine. This is a serious course in school. If they want to play, they can play openly and compete in an upright manner.

Regardless of learning or sports, the winner can make a small request to Mr. Ji.

In the first Cuju competition, the winner was a 15-year-old boy.

He excitedly suggested to Ji Changze that he wanted to go shopping in the city and buy something.

Ji Changze rejected him fairly mildly, but gave him the second best option, allowing him to go to the town to play, and he had to come back before dark.

The young boy walked out with his head upright under the envious eyes of everyone. When he came back, he was followed by two people pushing the cart. On the cart was a roast chicken wrapped in greased paper.

That's right, he didn't do anything outside on this precious day. He just ate and drank for a whole day. After eating, he packed so many back for his classmates to eat.

These children will definitely not be hungry in the college. They have everything they need to eat and drink, and they have all the nutrients they need. But chickens are usually stewed chickens. Roasted chickens are too troublesome to make, because this group of students has been around for a long time. Haven't eaten roast chicken.

Even if I didn't like it very much before, now I see the green light in the eyes of the roasted corn.

Everyone rushed forward and expressed their gratitude and admiration to the students who even ate and took.

This day is the most beautiful day in the memory of this fifteen-year-old boy.

Everyone thanked him, everyone said they admired him, envied him to go out, and thanked him for bringing food to everyone.

He was happy for a whole day, until the night, sleeping in his own bed, before going to bed, he was especially beautiful thinking that he would be the first in the next kick of Cuju.

With the first person to eat crabs, the emotions of the students became agitated the next day, and they all studied hard and took physical education classes seriously.

Ji Changze is happy to see this.

Isn't that what he wants?

As a result, various competitions began one after another in the academy.

What kind of painting contest, chapter writing contest, poetry recitation contest, etc.

The academy is getting more and more lively every day, and the one, two, three, and four selected can not only make a small request, but also write letters to their homes, and the academy will help send them out.

By now, these victors don't want to leave the academy at all.

The letters they wrote to the family also boasted about themselves in it. More than half of the space was about how they won and what they asked for, and what kind of envy the classmates looked at their eyes.

Later, I will express my parents to rest assured, I will definitely give you the first one again.

This is the time when a young man of this age can cultivate the Three Views. Ji Changze did not expect to teach these people to be old foxes. One or two scheming people in the court are enough. If everyone takes one step and counts as one hundred steps, it will be paid at that time. Don't die indiscriminately.

He only gave these teenagers the correct three views.

You can be arrogant, you can be lazy, you don't want to learn and just want to be a lifelong gnawing old man, but you can't have bad thoughts, and you can't harm others for your own benefit.

Wrong is wrong, right is right, if there is that wrong mind, get out as soon as possible.

As a result, the princes with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty and beauty were released.

Seeing that the time is almost up, they have adapted to this one by one, and Ji Changze has just begun to announce the recruitment of students from all over the world.

Enrolling students at this time, on the one hand, these young lords have learned the basics, and they can help bring them when they come. On the other hand, they are afraid of conflicts between the powerful children and the poor students. Most of the poor children are If you don't take the initiative to provoke trouble, these young masters are not necessarily so.

Now it's different. The young masters are all three-pointed and straightforward, and the focus is on a person first to see what his identity is, and then to look at himself first.

Although they are still a bit arrogant, it doesn't matter, as long as they don't cause trouble, there is no need to force them to lower their bodies.

The enrollment conditions were quickly listed.

No money, board and lodging.

The age should be more than ten years old and less than forty years old.

As long as the signing is to be admitted to the fame, one percent of the salary for the next three years will be set aside to donate to the academy.

When the news spread, a large number of students flocked to it.

Most of them are from poor families, unable to support their studies.

The reputation of Zhulin Academy was made because its director Ji Changze taught two Juren in a short period of time.

The key point: these two people were only eleven years old when they were admitted to Juren, and they knew nothing before they were sent to Mr. Ji.

Such gentlemen, let alone those from poor families, want to come even if they are not bad at home.

However, there is no gold master father standing behind these people. The academy is so big that it is impossible for everyone to accept it. Ji Changze said when he spoke out. He depends on his aptitude, hard work, and foundation. After all, this is not teaching. For a single person, if a group of people have a good foundation, only two or three people will not be able to recognize them. How should this be taught, and how should they be divided into classes.

Ji Changze made it clear from the beginning and set the deadline for registration, but the students still flocked here one after another. The villagers were greeted by Ji Changze before, so they all packed their homes. I started to sell food at a stall again, and I started to collect money to let people stay.

There are thousands of miles away, and many poor students no longer have the money to rent houses and buy food. At this time, they can live in the bamboo huts that Ji Changze asked to build temporarily. The environment is definitely not as good as the villagers' houses. In terms of food and drink It is also relatively simple, but they are already very grateful.

Zhang Zhi is one of the poor students living in this small bamboo house.

He is twenty years old this year, and he is also a hapless one. His family has worked hard to provide him for his studies. He is also a talented person. He was already confident that he would be admitted as a child student at a young age. He was going to rush for the exam, but he was caught up in chaos. At that time, the army was in turmoil, let alone studying, it would be nice not to be hungry, and a lot of knowledge was naturally wasteful.

Later, the new king came to the throne and the world was initially decided. As the eldest son of the family, it would be bad if he didn't make money, let alone continue to study with the family's money, and the family couldn't afford the expenses. Zhang Zhidu had already given up and planned. Honestly, I went to be an accountant, but I didn't expect to hear about the Zhulin Academy shortly thereafter.

After all, Zhang Zhi was still unwilling to study hard for many years, but after gritted his teeth and discussed with his parents at home, he still came.

He was not embarrassed to take the money from the family again, carried the noodles, packed up the package, and walked all the way on a pair of legs. When he was hungry, he ate noodles, and when he was thirsty, he drank the water from the stream on the side of the road. At night Either sleep in the ruined temple, or find a tree to climb up.

It can be said that it has been a lot of hard work to get here, and I heard that the test of knowledge will start tomorrow. He was afraid that he would not be able to pass the test, and he hurriedly started to recall what he had learned before.

This is his last chance, he must seize it.

Sleeping next to Zhang Zhi was also a poor student. The two of them only reported to each other after they met, and then they didn't talk. Now he wanted to open his mouth to speak, but when he saw Zhang Zhi's mouth, he didn't say anything, and waited. After Zhang Zhi finished speaking, he whispered: "Brother Zhang, I just went out and inquired about the specific situation of Zhulin Academy. Only then did I know that there were already a group of students in the academy, and all the parents gave it to me when the academy was established. Those who have donated money are all powerful children. If we enter the academy, will they reject us and look down upon us?"

He said vaguely, but Zhang Zhi understood what he meant.

Zhang Zhi was studying in the county when he was a child. It was just a primary school. The students with good backgrounds already looked down on their poor students, and they didn't communicate when they looked down on them. They were still good-tempered students, and even worse-tempered. Not only do I look down on the poor students, but I also try to bully others.

This is true for the wealthy students in a small county, not to mention that these students are all from the capital. It is said that most of the elders in the family are officials in the court, and the second generation of officials is definitely more confident than the second generation of the rich.

Zhang Zhi smiled bitterly: "Don't think too much. The academy is just a place to study. If you are lucky enough to go in, you can study hard."

In fact, he felt that there might be bullying in the college.

But he also made up his mind.

No matter what happens, even if he is ridiculed or teased by others, if he can really continue to study in the academy, he must grit his teeth. If he can't read it, his parents' hard work, these years of hard study will really be wasted. .

One night passed safely, and early the next morning, Zhang Zhi opened his eyes. He didn't sleep well all night. He was always pretending to have something in his heart. For a while, he was thinking about what he would do after he was admitted, and for a while he was thinking about what to do after entering the exam. Can't test how he should go back to face the eager eyes of his relatives.

A group of people were taken into the academy playground. Tables, chairs and pens were already placed on them. Everyone took their seats cautiously. Zhang Zhi naturally did the same. After he sat down a little awkwardly, he raised his eyes to observe the surroundings. The first thing he saw was sitting down. The young man facing them in front.

He was dressed in a gray robe and had a handsome face. He was holding a baby in his arms and coaxing him. Standing next to him were two eleven or twelve-year-old teenagers. What people are talking about.

Strange, isn't this an examination room? No one said why that person would come with a baby.

Zhang Zhishi only later learned that it was Shan Chang Ji Changze from this college who was holding the baby. In his arms was the daughter of the Ji family. Standing next to him was naturally the two very well-known Xiaojuren.

The bell rang, and the test paper was posted on the table by the invigilator. Zhang Zhi took a deep breath and looked at the test paper carefully. After a cursory look at the test paper, he breathed a sigh of relief. The content above is indeed basic. It seems that he can take the test. Go in.

Ji Changze hugged his good daughter to sleep, then looked up and carefully observed the candidates.

He squinted and stared at Zhang Zhi for a while, turned his head and said to the two apprentices: "Look at that, the young man in a pudding moonlight shirt with a gray cloth rope on his head."

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Yuanwu looked over, but didn't see anything: "Teacher, what's wrong with him? It looks normal."

"He looks thoughtful, confident when he writes, and his demeanor looks good. He is a good seedling visually. If he is admitted, you will deal with him well. If he is really smart, I will accept him as the third disciple. ."

Zhang Yuan Zhang Yuanwu suddenly realized.

Zhang Yuanwu asked: "Teacher, didn't you say that teaching students was too troublesome and you don't want to teach anymore? Why did you change your mind again?"

"Yes, teaching students is too troublesome, so I don't teach."

Ji Changze is quite righteous: "I accept disciples, your teacher brother."

Zhang Yuan; ""

Zhang Yuanwu: ""

Ji Changze handed her daughter to them, got up and walked around, and came back with a sigh: "This is also named Zhang. It seems that you have fate, and it is right to leave it to you."

Two apprentices: ""

Just now Zhang Zhi was immersed in writing, but he didn't notice that someone had come to see him. After he was done, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After putting down the pen and checking, he was about to check again. He found that in the woods in the distance, there were some students in school uniforms who looked inwardly and saw that he had found it. The one in front of him was still staring fiercely. He glanced.

Zhang Zhi's heart burst.

He guessed that these were the children of the powerful.

Looking at it now, it really is not very friendly.

I just hope they don't go too far.

Zhang Zhishun went to school smoothly and happily, at the same time, he was also wary of those rich and powerful children to do something, but what made him feel at ease was that these young brothers only met him and stared at him. Haven't done anything.

He was still cautious. After the first exam after enrollment, Zhang Zhi came second after his results came down.

Amazingly, after he was admitted to second place, the attitudes of those powerful children changed drastically. When they saw him, they smiled and greeted him, making them frightened, thinking they were doing some trap.

He has long heard that the more powerful people in the family, the less ordinary people will be seen. After all, there are people in their homes, and even if they are stunned, they may not be able to take care of them.

These little brothers obviously rejected him before, but now their attitude has changed drastically. I am afraid that they are really conspiring.

Not only did Zhang Zhi think so, some of the poor students in the academy were also a little afraid of what these little brothers would do.

After all, since Zhang Zhi entered school, these little brothers always looked at him with noses instead of noses and eyes instead of eyes. Especially when he was in physical education class, they would always look at Zhang Zhi with critical eyes, and then look disgusted. Withdraw his sight.

Obviously, other people are just like Zhang Zhi. They are poor students, and they have never seen them like this.

When thinking wildly, the little brother who took the first exam went out, brought a bunch of food back, and personally delivered it to Zhang Zhi. Zhang Zhi looked at the big drumstick in front of him, not knowing whether he should eat it or not.

What if a laxative is spilled on it.

He finally asked, asking why the younger brothers seemed to be very upset with him, whether it was because he did not do well and offended the brothers.

The little brother who just took the number one exam smiled freely and freely: "No, it means that the mountain leader seems to admire you very much. They are afraid that you will take my number one, so I can't go out and bring them things. After all, you look like you. Soft and weak, the mountain leader stipulates that the students who go out must come back by themselves. You can't look at your bones, and you can't bring back too many things to share with everyone. They hate iron and steel, so you don't have to be sad, just go well. P.E., practice more physical strength, and they will naturally like you."

Zhang Zhi, who has made enough preparations for being disliked: ""

He was thinking hard and frightened for so long, but this was the result? That's it? ?

It is said that the arrogant and domineering dude are a group of silly white sweets who just want to eat? ?