|The lazy man in the chronology (4)

Aunt Ji San and her mother tried to rescue her daughter.

"Don't forget how you told me before. You said that Ji Changze is your mother-in-law as a treasure. It is a dream to expect him to provide for the elderly. That is to say, your mother-in-law, the eldest son was the son of the eldest son. It's also worthwhile. Those who haven't gone to school can still make things out of thin air. Have you forgotten all these things? What kind of regulations are you doing now?"

It can be seen from her stuttering that this time Aunt Ji San and her mother were frightened by her daughter's abnormality.

What else can Aunt Ji San say.

Do you want to say that it is not? I am not taking care of my nephew. I am making an excuse to catch fish and make money.

Her mother, even though she is kind to her daughter, she really doesn't keep her mouth open. If you say this, just wait for it to be spread out.

Aunt Ji San can only hold on to maintain her blindness: "That's because I didn't know Changze before."

Aunt Ji San's mother: "You have watched him grow up since you were a child, and you haven't understood it for more than 20 years?"

Aunt Ji San: "I used to have a prejudice against him."

She racked her brains to search for boasting words in her mind, and tried her best to find an excuse for her sudden disapproval of her nephew.

"I only thought that Changze didn't work. Actually, Changze is like his big brother, smart and smart. He just doesn't like to learn. If he loves to learn, he will definitely be able to make a living, then he will be a college student and go to the public house. The rice is all right."

Aunt Ji San's mother still didn't understand.

"According to you, he is either not smart, or he doesn't learn, then what's the use of how smart he is? He doesn't learn."

Aunt Ji San: ""

Her mother, can you turn your mind more slowly.

Aunt Ji San couldn't tell anything, she could only forcefully hold on to this point: "Isn't Changze young now, he doesn't like to learn? He is still young now, and in the future, he likes to learn. He must be promising. If he is promising, can he still pull me as an aunt?"

Her mother: ""

A young man in his twenties, no one in the village his age has already married.

Just him, because of his lack of focus and his high-sightedness, he hasn't gotten married yet.

Also, isn't this similar to what your mother in-law used to say before?

My grandson just doesn't like to learn, he is clever, and he is still ignorant at a young age. In the future, as long as he wants to learn, he will definitely become a national talent like my boss.

Aunt Ji San didn't see the twitching corners of her eyes and the incredible expression of her mother-in-law, she gave a dry cough and barely held it on.

He said with a guilty heart: "Anyway, mother, don't let your brother go to the captain. Taking care of Changze is voluntary. I watched him grow up. He was injured. Isn't it normal for me to look after him?"

Aunt Ji San and her mother responded with a complicated expression.

No one knows what I think in my heart, anyway, the look in my daughter's eyes was quite sympathetic for a while.

Aunt Ji San: Forget it, let's honor my mother after earning money.

The Ji family went on doing it in full swing.

In the name of taking care of her nephew, Aunt Ji quietly detoured from the mountain to the reservoir, and found the school of fish with Ji Changze, excitedly took out the net and started fishing.

Ji Changze had said that he wanted to go into the water to help, but she refused.

This nephew hadn't worked since she was a child, so what if she didn't help out, she still trusted herself more.

Ji Changze blew on it for a while: "Auntie, you are so kind to me. I am so old and you still love me. I know that auntie treats me as my own son. When I have a good future, I will also treat me. Good sister, support the third sister."

People who didn't say anything to boast before, suddenly their mouths are so sweet, and they definitely don't think this is to make sweet talks for bluffing people, but the truth.

Aunt Ji San suddenly worked harder, and she did not forget to tell Ji Changze: "Changze, you must never come down, the water is cold, and you are still injured on your end."

"Hey, I know the third aunt, don't worry, I won't come down."

Ji Changze seemed to rest idle, but in fact he was still thinking about what to do in the future.

You can't catch fish all the time. No matter how big the reservoir is, there are only so many fish, not to mention their own reservoir.

He held the root grass in his mouth, thinking about it, suddenly a flash of inspiration, picked up the grass in his mouth, and carefully looked at it in the palm of his hand.

In most small worlds, great agricultural experts will appear in this similar period, but in the memory of Ji Changze, there is no such agricultural expert in this world.

The people of the whole country will have to endure hunger for a long, long time before the dawn is ushered in.

Aunt Ji San got more and more eager to catch it. If she didn't want to catch too many and couldn't sell it, she would like to catch it the next morning.

Le Diandian packed the fish in a bucket and walked back. Ji Changze wanted to reach out to help, but she quickly refused.

It's not that she feels sorry for this nephew. Although she has changed Ji Changze a lot, it is impossible to treat him like a son at once.

She is also clever.

Ji Changze has not been allowed to work, if he is asked to carry the fish back, then she will not let Ji Changze rest in vain.

She wouldn't be so stupid to fall short.

"Don't take it, don't take it, the third aunt of this kind of rough work will do."

Ji Changze stretched out his hand several times, but was pushed back.

He could only withdraw his hand with a look of "helplessness", and sincerely praised: "Third aunt, you are so kind."

Aunt Ji San has a little frustration.

What is good about her, she wants to create an image that loves Changze in front of her mother-in-law. Anyway, she has done everything, and of course she has to get benefits.

In the end, I didn't expect this child to be so grateful to her, and she was embarrassed to make trouble.

"It's nothing, family."

Aunt Ji San smiled awkwardly, carrying a bucket, and Ji Changze detoured back together, and put the fish in place. While cooking, she waited expectantly for her family to return.

The Ji family were also very excited when they were working today. When they thought that the family could earn money from these fish, they worked a lot more quickly, and they were praised by the captain by name.

People are embarrassed when they are praised. It's Grandma Ji's turn. She's not too proud of her. When the captain talked about their hard work, she raised her head proudly: "Our old Ji's is like this, it's like As my parent Ze said, our family loves dedication, works hard, and works hard for China!!!"

Captain: ""

This proud appearance, as if they were not working in the field but fighting on the battlefield.

Grandma Ji was quite proud of her. When she was working, she took the time to promote her grandson and grandchildren to be more capable and smart.

Looking forward to finding a daughter-in-law for grandchildren through her sales promotion.

However, when the villagers listened to her, they were perfunctory. They didn't mean to believe it at all.

Just Ji Changze? Is he smart? Ha ha.

Ji's family still doesn't know what others think of Ji Changze. When they returned home, they were happy to see so many fish.

Before Aunt Ji San could talk about his contribution, Ji Changze spoke first: "Milk, San Auntie can take care of me. She said that I had a wound on my head and didn't want me to go into the water. These fish were caught by her herself. When I came back, I wanted to help carry the bucket and she said she wouldn't tire me. She brought it back by herself."

Grandma Ji immediately expressed her high praise to her daughter-in-law: "I said that the third child's family is a good one, and I can rest assured of this matter."

Aunt Ji San feels happy in her heart, and she feels even more fond of Ji Changze.

Don't be a little confused by the boy Changze, he still knows to be grateful.

She praised herself, of course, it was not as effective as Changze praised her.

Ji Changze said when the family was counting the fish with joy; "Milk, I want to go to the city with me and buy some books."

Grandma Ji: "Book? What book?"

"Just watch and buy." Ji Changze said solemnly: "I have been injured recently and I can't run casually. I just want to read books and learn knowledge. Didn't I just follow my dad? People say that they have a lot of prospects in school. Maybe I will read the book and I will be promising."

Grandma Ji was so happy.

In her heart, reading requires talent, and her eldest son has talent, and of course the eldest son's son also has talent.

This is why Changze was too lazy to study before, otherwise, he would have read it a long time ago.

The more she wanted to be more beautiful, Grandma Ji excitedly took Ji Changze's arm and walked into the house, and said as she walked: "Oh my dear grandson, you are finally sensible, knowing that you are motivated, buy! Buy! My dear grandson thinks. I will buy all books for you, go, and I will get you the money. It just so happens that if you go to the city today, you can still find excuses for buying books, but I will wait for my parents to come out and take us home in the future. Enjoy the blessing."

Watching her mother-in-law's face is full of happiness, as if Changze can read a book today and be admitted to university tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow can enter the public office and embark on the pinnacle of life:

What do you want.

Is reading such a simple matter?

Changze is so old, he can read words without much reading before, and suddenly he wants to study and make progress, thinking he is Qu Xing.

But thinking so in my heart, Aunt Ji San didn't say it stupidly, otherwise, just wait for her mother-in-law to roll her eyes.

Therefore, when Ji Changze and the others came back, many people saw them with a few books.

I heard that Uncle Ji specially took his nephew to buy books in the city. Everyone's expressions are like this:

What a damn, I didn't study when I was a child, and now I can marry a wife, so what are you looking at?

Someone asked Aunt Ji San.

Aunt Ji San: ""

In fact, she thought the same way in her heart, but she definitely couldn't say it, otherwise the relationship between nephew, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which had just been maintained, would be cold again.

She can only hold on to her guilty conscience, learn what her mother-in-law said, and try to be upright and confident: "What do you know, my father Ze is smart, he used to be a rare learner, now he will definitely have something to learn."

Anyway, if there is something worthless, it's okay if you don't mess with it.

"In the future, those of us who are uncles and aunts can still enjoy the blessing of Changze."

Don't ask for happiness, just don't keep chewing on the old.

"My parent Ze is not serious when he gets serious. Now he stays at home and reads books every day, and he doesn't know how much he can work hard."

In fact, she suspected that this was an excuse that Changze had made for not working, but no matter what, as long as he didn't go out to make trouble, he would be able to stay in the house for a year.

Villager: ""

They felt that Aunt Ji San's mind was not very good.

It's not that Aunt Ji San didn't see how weird they looked at her.

She was full of righteousness on her face, but she was bitter in her heart.

To tell you the truth, I myself, I also feel that I have a problem with my brain.