|The lazy man in the chronology (5)

The people in the village felt that Ji Changze was looking for an excuse to be lazy, and Aunt Ji also felt that he was reading for laziness. Even the best-tempered Aunt Ji did not think that his nephew was really going to read the book seriously.

She is more inclined to Changze, the child who wants to make progress.

The emphasis is on "thinking", not on being motivated.

In the family, except for Grandma Ji who firmly believes that her grandson is as talented as the eldest son, and is a natural student, everyone else maintains a distrustful attitude.

Ji Changze didn't bother about this either, and stayed bored in the house reading his book as usual.

No one else in the Ji family complained. They should still be enthusiastic about fishing and selling for money.

Although Ji Changze opened his head and spent the rest of the time hiding in the house to read, because of his status as the only male in the family, the whole family automatically "opened his head" and converted it into "participating in the whole process."

Even because of Grandma Ji's persistent brainwashing, such as "If it weren't for Changze, our family could not make this money", "The whole village will find such a good place in Changze", "The second and third, you should treat Changze well." "Look at his young age and let our family make so much money", etc.

The more she talked about it, the more she believed it, and Erfang was also full of confidence. The only sober aunt Ji San knew in her heart that Ji Changze never interfered in this matter.

But so what.

The spoiled nephew, even if he does it, he probably won't be able to do much work, maybe someone needs to take care of him.

It's not as good as it is now, he stays at home honestly and does not cause trouble, that is the biggest contribution he can make.

Thinking like this in her heart, Aunt Ji San still followed with a look on her face.

So Ji Changze went to school in the home, even though no one but Grandma Ji believed that he could really see what he was doing.

After such a dull period of time, the fish school did not know whether it was caught or was caught and moved. The Ji family can no longer catch such a large number of fish. They knew that there would be such a day, watching the past. The money is pretty good.

This fish is really aimed at giving them money for the Ji family, and it seems that it will be gone after the Chinese New Year.

Can this money allow them to spend a good year?

With money in her hand, Grandma Ji loosened a lot of money. She held the money and went to the city to buy a few pieces of cloth and made new clothes for the whole family.

Ji Changze kept counting the time. In the original timeline, the original owner saw the little sister brought back by the captain at this time after the Chinese New Year.

During this period of time, he also found excuses to wander around the city for several laps. He knew the third sister and father-in-law who lived in the city, but he still couldn't see any professional begging team. He probably had to wait for the New Year to come.

Either find it yourself or let others find it.

On the second day of the first month, the married daughter took her son-in-law and children back to her natal home.

The three daughters of Ji's family came back this time and they were not the same as before. The joy was written directly on their faces, and their footsteps were a lot lighter.

After all, during this period of time Ji Changze was always running to the city. He would meet the third sister by the way when he went to the city. How could he go empty-handed when going to the third sister's in-law's house? Naturally, he had to mention something.

Sometimes it's home-grown vegetables, sometimes it sells leftover fish, and sometimes it's cut some meat.

Ji's family now has an extra income like selling fish, and Grandma Ji no longer withholds and withholds as before, so she just gives something to her granddaughter. What's the matter?

These are really small things, but for the third sister and eldest sister who lives in the city and town, they are from her natal family.

They don't have land to grow their own, so they have to buy what they want to eat. It is not realistic to raise chickens, ducks and fish by themselves, and their husband's family rarely buys them in order to reduce expenditure.

So when the younger brother sent them these, it greatly increased their family status.

There are really two differences between someone in the natal family and no one. At least the two of them can clearly feel the kindness of their in-laws to them. I don't know how much.

The second sister who married in the village was not because of these vegetables and fish.

When Ji Changze was tired from reading, he went to her, either to talk to her or to her husband. Her husband was originally a scumbag who ate alone and didn't care about the whole family. Every day, he ran east and west, but he didn't have a home.

Second sister Ji is not easy to say anything about him. After all, even she can see that these are the two uncles who are partial to the in-laws, and the husband's heart is upset, so she deliberately refused to work with the in-laws.

Anyway, you won't make me feel better, and I won't be an old scalper to help out every day.

Are you not partial to brothers? Let them work.

Honestly speaking, if he did not have a family, it would be no problem to do this, but he married a daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law is still the second sister of Ji Changze.

His parents are eccentric. They find their daughter-in-law to vent their anger if they can't catch the son who is coming and going like wind. It's not about beating or scolding. After all, the daughter-in-law's family lives in the village.

It's just that the dirty work is given to the second sister Ji, and all the delicious foods at home are hidden for the younger son to eat.

Her husband escaped by himself and relaxed, leaving Second Sister Ji to suffer at home alone.

Before the second sister Ji was pulled by Ji Changze and said several times, she did not know after several inquiries overtly and secretly. After confirming that she had feelings for her husband and did not want to be separated, he gave up the idea of ​​kicking off the second brother-in-law. Instead, try to squeeze the opponent, see if you can change it.

The second sister Ji didn't know Ji Changze's thoughts.

She only knew that her husband was not home, but after being dragged by Ji Changze to say a few times, she actually started to know that she was caring for and protecting her.

For this reason, Ji's second sister is absolutely grateful to Ji Changze.

The three sisters lived smoothly and in a good mood. When they returned home, Ji Changze greeted them with a smile. After a circle of sight, he found that although the third sister-in-law was smiling on his face, his eyes were sad.

He thought for a while, and leaned in: "Brother-in-law, what are you doing? Why are you so upset? Is there no hospitality in my house?"

"No, no, there are fish and meat here, and the treats are pretty good."

After being scammed by Ji Changze, the third brother-in-law was really anxious.

The third sister-in-law Qi Bing is a standard human, good-spoken, good-tempered, gentle, and considerate to his wife. The relationship between husband and wife is very good. Now, after hearing Ji Changze's words, he hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head for fear that the brother-in-law might have misunderstood him.

Ji Changze still looked suspicious: "Then why don't you seem to be very happy looking at you?"

Seeing the younger brother-in-law still looked like "Are you unhappy because you came back with my sister", Qi Bing hurriedly explained: "I am not because of this, but because of work."

Ji Changze nodded suddenly, and put a hand on his shoulder, like the two brothers are good: "I understand, I understand, man, it is inevitable that you will be a little unhappy, come, brother-in-law, tell me."

Qi Bing: ""

My brother-in-law has never worked before, so it's useless to tell him.

But maybe Ji Changze's expression is too sincere, maybe it's because of the pressure recently that Qi Bing still didn't hold it back, and said the matter with a sad face.

As I said before, he is a small cadre who is engaged in agriculture, and his status is not high, but not low. He is not slippery, he is gentle, and he is good with colleagues, and he is willing to go to the grassroots level. He is sincere. I am willing to do things honestly, so I have been doing well at work.

But recently, work has encountered difficulties.

"Big White Moth?"

Ji Changze sat next to his third brother-in-law and listened: "What kind of big white moth?"

"That kind of white moth is not from our country. It is passed from other countries. What is it called? What kind of foreign invasion. When I was young, it grew like a caterpillar, and then it became a large white moth, a white moth. It's nothing, mainly because when he was a child, he gnawed crops, leaves, and leaves. It was a mountain county not far from ours. There was already a disaster there. Our county is a thousand-for-all defense. As a result, it is a mountain county not far from us. , I still didn't prevent it. It's okay now. When it's not time to plant the land, I'm afraid that when it's time to plant the land, that big white moth will eat all our food through the winter."

Qi Bing said with a sigh: "You said, we have finally settled down. Seeing that the weather is smooth and the country is peaceful, the insects popped up."

Ji Changze understood.

"So brother-in-law, the county is thinking about destroying them during the winter?"

"If you want to destroy it, you can't destroy it. They are just as big when they become pupae, and you can find some if you look carefully. The previous Qiming County was in the big winter. Basically all the people in the county went to look for it, but the winter was over. I still don't know where a lot of bugs have come out. They can't be killed, nor can they be killed with pesticides. You can only watch them harm food."

The more Qi Bing said, the sadness on his face became heavier: "It used to be, but I heard that who knew it was coming to us. Fortunately, we have caught up with them over the winter, and we still have time to discuss countermeasures. Recently, we For this matter, I can't think of any solution in meetings every day. I just can't help but think about it. It's not because I came back with your sister."

He hasn't forgotten to explain a few words.

Ji Changze thoughtfully moved his finger: "Brother-in-law, can you have a way to get this guy's pupa? Or a corpse will do."

Qi Bing's face was full of question marks: "What?"

After I asked, I saw my brother-in-law, who had always been lazy and unlearned, smiled and said: "I read books recently, and it is also in agriculture. If you get that stuff, I will study and study. Maybe I can take it. Has the matter been resolved?"

Qi Bing: ""

"Changze, don't think about it. Experts from the capital can't do anything about this. How can you have a way."

Ji Changze is quite confident: "Experts can't help it, it doesn't mean I'm gone, haven't you heard of brother-in-law?"

Seeing his self-confident look, Qi Bing became curious in his heart, what? Is there anything he doesn't know?

He really asked a little expectantly: "I haven't heard of anything?"

Ji Changze: "My dad is a scholar."

Qi Bing was silent for a while, but he didn't wait until the brother-in-law to continue speaking, and then he said dryly: "So what?"

"I am my father's son!"

Ji Changze clapped his hands and said with confidence: "My dad is a scholar and has a clever mind. I have followed my dad since I was a child, so my mind is also smart. I didn't like to study before, but now I'm starting to watch it. Easily."

Qi Bing: ""

How can father and son inheritance be counted like this? ? ?

He really couldn't accept Ji Changze's theory of heredity. He was biased and gentle. He was embarrassed to say to his brother-in-law, "Come on, you don't go to school for more than 20 years. It's strange that you can hold the Buddha's feet temporarily and hold the results." He laughed and said tactfully: "This is not to say that your brain is good. Reading is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

Ji Changze cut off: "Yes, I think so too. Since I was studying, I feel that I am improving every day and I have never regressed."

Qi Bing: ""

You haven't been in before, it's strange to be able to regress.

Over there, Sanjie Ji found them talking, and smiled and asked, "What are you talking about? She also avoided us and said."

"I said my brain is as smart as my dad's business. Didn't my brother-in-law encounter knowledge problems at work? I have been very impressed by reading books recently, and I feel that I can help, so I said to help solve it."

Sanjie Ji looked at her younger brother in surprise: "Zhangze, can you really help your brother-in-law?"

Qi Bing: "In fact"

Ji Changze: "Really!"

Ji Sanjie said with joy on her face and took her brother's hand to boast: "Your brother-in-law is worrying recently. If you can help him, my sister will definitely thank you for taking you to the restaurant for a good meal."

Qi Bing: ""

Not a daughter-in-law, do you believe so?

Sanjie Ji really believed it so simply, thanks to the grandmother Ji who kept talking about her grandson as smart as his dad when they were young.

In addition, when I came back this time, the whole family praised his cousin, saying that he had the ability and his brain was due to the discovery of fish. Ji Changze was very unmodest and said that he was making great progress in his studies, and the third sister Ji automatically spontaneously was in the brain. Li was replaced by a cousin who has the ability to read.

She's ecstatic.

Even if Chang Ze couldn't help, it was a help. The cousin helped Qi Bing, that was to give her a face.

How could he help if it wasn't for her sister-in-law relationship.

Qi Bing over there watched his daughter-in-law not only didn't doubt his brother-in-law's knowledge reserves and learning progress, but was full of joy to let them have a good chat, and said dryly: "Daughter-in-law, you still trust Changze. "

"Of course." Ji Sanjie answered without hesitation: "Zhangze is smart, the whole family knows it."

Qi Bing: ""

No matter how smart you are, you can't be better than an expert by reading a book.

He didn't embarrassed his wife and brother-in-law's face, and finally nodded and agreed.

He turned around and gave the chrysalis to Ji Changze.

When giving it, Qi Bing did not expect his brother-in-law to give a solution. In his eyes, this is the same as a primary school student who thinks he is very good after learning multiplication, but no matter how good it is in the heart of a primary school student, then You can't take the high school exam all at once.

Qi Bing quickly forgot about the incident, and continued to busy checking information, visiting the countryside, and meeting with his boss.

The county's leadership team hasn't had a good year, racing against time and hating that they have to sleep endlessly to deal with this matter, but even if they survive to ascend to heaven, it doesn't mean that they can be dealt with.

Qi Bing's eyes were red, and the whole family felt sorry for him. Even Qi's father, who likes to babble the most, recently tried not to speak when his son was resting and not disturb him to sleep.

He felt that the whole family should take care of his son wholeheartedly at this time.

Therefore, I was very dissatisfied with the daughter-in-law who came back to her natal family at this time.

Qi Bing also knew that the daughter-in-law had returned to her family's home. The reason was that the third sister Ji gave him a pamphlet when she came back. She smiled and said with ease: "Changze has come up with a solution, so just write it here. You quickly use it."

At this moment, Qi Bing was dumbfounded.

Silly daughter-in-law, why do you believe in what Changze said, and he said it is useful, is it really useful?

But seeing his wife become so happy, he couldn't say anything to shock him, so he could only accept the booklet and plan to put it on first, and then turn it over later.

In the end, he put it in the study room, and when the third sister Ji packed his things, he stuffed it into his pocket again: "Look at you, you are lost, this is what can help you, how can I forget to bring it, okay, go to work? ."

Qi Bing watched as the pamphlet entered his pocket: "Yes, why did I forget it? Fortunately, I have you."

Forget it, just be happy to coax your wife.

When he arrived at the work place, he was quickly engaged in work, and the booklet was taken out and placed on the table.

The work in the afternoon was still busy and fulfilling but full of anxiety. When he recovered, he was already anxious to go to the toilet. Qi Bing hurriedly went to the toilet, but he accidentally got the booklet on the floor, so he rushed to go. I didn't care about the toilet either. I thought about picking it up when I came back.

As a result, when he went to the bathroom, the experts sent from above came to pick up the information in person and saw the booklet on the ground.

On it is a line of sturdy words on epidemic prevention measures for the big white moth.

I am afraid it was written by the comrades here. This kind of work enthusiasm is very good.

The white-haired expert was a little relieved in his heart, knelt down and picked up the booklet and opened it and looked at it. After looking at it, the expression on his face became serious and solemn.


Why haven't you tried to go in this direction?

How did you come up with such a good way to use natural enemies to restrain this invading species?

The more he watched, the more excited and excited he became, and he wished to do an experiment on the spot where the natural enemy restrained him. If he wanted to, he would do it. If he was excited, he went back to do the experiment.

After five minutes, Qi Bing came back.

When he found that the booklet on the ground was gone, he was taken aback, and after searching it back and forth several times, he became guilty when he couldn't find it.

Although it is said that the booklet is probably useless, it was the brother-in-law who got it for help, and he lost it without reading it.


When he finally got off work, Qi Bing didn't find the booklet. He heard from his colleagues that the experts from the capital didn't know who had listened to their suggestions. They were very excited to do the experiment. I heard that the method is very novel this time. It is very possible to solve this species invasion, so everyone is very excited.

Qi Bing breathed a sigh of relief, and then became happy.

As long as it can be solved, the food can grow well. If there is enough food, everyone can eat and wear warmth.

"Who made the suggestion? If it works, it would have done a great job."

"I don't know, it's written in a booklet. The expert said it was picked up on the ground and asked who dropped it in a circle, but no one has picked it up yet."

Qi Bing thought it was a coincidence, and joked: "I lost a book this afternoon, maybe it was written in the book I lost."

While speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Oh my god, isn't it really a booklet written by Nagasawa? ?