|The Lazy Man in Chronology (11)

Without knowing that his third brother-in-law was doubting his life, Ji Changze came together the next day and faced the sympathy/pity sight of the expert group.

Obviously, what he said yesterday succeeded in making these seniors guess in the direction he wanted them to think.

Ji Changze boasted in his heart that he was as good as ever, but his face looked like a daze and innocent.

"What do you think of me like that?"

"No, nothing, I just want to ask what you want. Don't worry. Although our country is still developing, the treatment for scientific researchers is still very good. What experiments do you want to do, what ideas do you want, we We must cooperate fully."

In short, it won't let you stay in the village like before, without a decent laboratory equipment. For a genius engaged in scientific research, it is too cruel to not let him do experiments and research.

Experts who love talents secretly thought in their hearts that they would never let Comrade Ji suffer such pain again in the future.

Such a talented comrade should be treasured by the country.


Ji Changze didn't hesitate, his eyes lit up: "Am I a researcher? Then do I have a job?"

The panel of experts saw him look so happy, and his heart was sour.

It's just a job, to make the child happy.

They definitely nodded: "Of course, we have already applied for a telegram to our superiors. Don't worry, Comrade Ji. Although the above news has not been passed, you can definitely enter the job if you make such a big contribution."


This is the first time that Ji Changze, who has always been lazy, smiles like this, and his whole body exudes a happy atmosphere.

Experts: Comrade Ji really likes the life of being able to do research at any time.

Experts from the capital were distressed: "Comrade Ji, don't worry, you can go to the laboratory whenever you want to go to the laboratory in the future. If you want to read a book, there are libraries in general research institutes."

With that said, seeing Ji Changze floating up in joy, he put himself in the place.

If you change to yourself, you have never been exposed to scientific research before, let alone experiment with those materials. Now that you know you can do it whenever you want, you will definitely be impatient to go.

Hey, it is because I am a young man that I am so passionate, understandable.

Thinking, his face was full of expressions of'I understand, I understand', and added: "You can go to the laboratory now, I'll take you there."

Ji Changze: "Why are you going to the laboratory? I won't go."

He still looks cheerful, his eyes are bright: "Since I have a job, what about my salary, how much is paid in a month? Will it be paid now?"

Experts who have also fallen into the brain supplement of the'Comrade Ji Meiqiang miserable': "???"

"...Work, salary?"

"Yeah, don't you have a salary for work?" "Mei Qiang Mian" Comrade Ji is full of smiles, and he is more cheerful than anyone else: "Will it be sent to me now? It would be great if you can send it now? , I want to go out shopping today."

The experts are still a little unresponsive.

Didn't you flatly reject their savings yesterday? Why do you like money today?

Someone couldn't help asking, and Ji Changze glanced at him, as if he was surprised why he asked such a simple question.

"Aren't the solar panels made of your materials? It didn't cost me a penny. Even if you are willing to give me a sheep, it would be very kind, which is not the same as salary."

There is a reason...a ghost.

But seeing Ji Changze's look like "What are you doing so strange is not normal", they still swallowed the rest of the words:

"Does Comrade Ji want to go shopping because he wants to buy something? Don't worry, Comrade Ji, your current treatment is the same as that of old men like us. Just say what you want to eat and send someone out to buy it."

I am eagerly looking forward to the night Ji Changze teaches them to make solar power panels today. The experts don't want this talented comrade to go shopping in such a good time, but he is not embarrassed to say, "Don't go out and stay here and do research." Can only mutter softly and carefully.

Ji Changze: "I want to go to the state-owned restaurant in the city to taste it. I've grown up and haven't eaten in the state-owned restaurant. I have to try it."

"This is easy to say."

One of the experts suggested: "We can let people buy it, bring the lunch box, and pack the food back."

"How about that."

Ji Changze categorically refused and raised his head proudly: "I want to take my salary to a state-owned restaurant to eat. Generally speaking, state-owned restaurants go to those with good jobs. If I don't go there, how can people know that I have money and work? Up."

The experts looked at each other and finally discovered that for this talented comrade, money is more important than work that can be obtained, and the importance of work is definitely a jeopardy.

This is very strange, at least in the eyes of experts from big cities. Although having a good job is very important, it is difficult to do without money, let alone such a large sum of money.

But when I think about his growth environment...

I was said to be lazy since I was a child, and when I grew up, I was said to be worthless. Even if I wanted to visit my sisters, I was maliciously guessed that I was going to eat dinner, and even said that Comrade Ji would never be able to marry a wife.

Comrade Ji didn't say anything, but he wanted to prove himself very much in his heart. That's why he was so happy to have a new job.

Ji Changze yawned again: "So sleepy, is there any ice water? I'll take two sips to wake up."

Capital Expert: "...didn't you just wake up?"

"Yeah, but I'm sleepy almost all day long. It's okay. I'm used to it. I remember the kitchen is over there. I'm going to get a glass of ice water."

After finishing speaking, Ji Changze yawned and staggered to the other side. He didn't take two steps, his leg softened and he almost fell. Fortunately, he jumped on the spot for two steps to stabilize his figure.

"It's okay!!!"

"How is it, where did you fall?!!!"

Ji Changze almost fell, but the expert group exploded, and he quickly leaned over to look up and down.

This is the big baby they just discovered, but it must not be dropped!

"Isn't this flat ground? Why did I fall? Let me see if I didn't fall anywhere, right?"

"it's okay no problem."

Ji Changze waved his hand and didn't care too much: "I was too sleepy to hold back and squinted while walking. I used to do this. Before at home, I fell off the mountain and smashed my head. It was nothing serious."

Dropped your head? ?

The panel of experts that was worried about it suddenly became even more nervous.

That's a genius brain that can make solar panels in one day! !

If you fall for good or bad, the loss is not enough to describe it.

"No, no, it's not a joke if you fell your head. Let me help you go to the kitchen."

Ji Changze disagreed: "Why don't you need to support, you are so old, and I don't support you, why don't you still have the reason to support me, it's okay, I haven't fallen 50 times before, but also 30 times. Everyone in my family is used to it. Anyway, I can recuperate wherever I fall."

He was telling the truth that the original owner did often fall here or there, but they all fell deliberately.

The original owner also knows that although Grandma Ji loves him, there is no legitimate reason for not going to work. The original owner is also cruel to herself. In order to be lazy, she will make wounds on her body every three days in order to be able to reason and be confident. Work.

The time Ji Changze came over, wasn't it because he ran to the back mountain and fell down deliberately, hoping to break his leg, and finally landed on the ground with his head sorrowfully, so he died simply and rudely.

The more Ji Changze made such an understatement, the more worried the panel of experts became.

I used to think that Comrade Ji likes to eat and drink is a normal behavior for young people. It doesn't matter if he likes to sleep. Anyway, as long as it is harmless to the body, he can sleep as long as he wants.

But if Comrade Ji, who caused the lethargy, was injured, the nature would be different.

It's okay to fall somewhere else, in case something goes wrong with your brain.

And sleep so long a day...

Even if you are a normal person and sleep so much a day, does it really have no effect on your brain?

Poor Comrade Ji, originally a genius, was forced to be like this by his living environment.

As soon as Qi Bing, who had just adjusted himself, opened the door, he saw the experts look at Changze with pity in their eyes.

In that way, it seemed like Changze suffered some great grievances.

I've just been brainwashing myself for a long time. "Didn't Nagaze have a good time? I say that comfort every day to ensure that everyone is envious, even I want to live such a life, so how could experts sympathize with him? Ze, it must be the Qi Bing that I misunderstood": "..."

"Comrade Qi Bing is here?"

The capital expert saw him as soon as he turned his head. Qi Bing is a relative of Ji Changze, who loves Wu and Wu. These old guys like Qi Bing, a gentle and honest comrade, also have a good impression.

"You happened to be here. Comrade Ji said that he wanted to go out. You are Comrade Ji's brother-in-law, and he often goes to the city. Go with him."

Anyway, he had just witnessed Ji Changze nearly falling on the ground. He was definitely not worried about letting this fragile genius brain, bah, go out alone by a young comrade.

"Okay, then I'll go to our leader to ask for a leave."

Qi Bing agreed without any stumbling, but Changze was his relative, and he brought it in. It was reasonable for him to follow him if he wanted to go out.

He turned his head and was about to go out, and was stopped by the expert again: "You don't need to ask for leave, it's a business matter, you just need to take good care of Comrade Ji."

With that said, he still feels a little regretful. If it weren't for his own age, it would take a long time to take a bus out, and he would want to go with him.

Time is precious, especially for older people like them. If they go with them, they can also discuss solar panels with Comrade Ji during this time on the road.

As a result, it is inevitable that experts who cannot go together due to physical reasons look at Qi Bing who is strong and sturdy, and they can't help but bring some envy in their eyes.

Captured the envious Qi Bing: "...?"

There are guards around him, is the guest of the institute, and the experts of the Capital Research Institute envy him?

how can that be possible.

After suspecting that his ears were not working well, Qi Bing began to wonder if the expression in his eyes was not good.

No, soak some wolfberry for a while.

Just before departure, the experts were just like Ji Changze going out to the door, reluctantly to the door, wishing to follow him a few hundred meters.

"Comrade Ji, be careful when you go out. The road here is not very good. Be careful with your steps." Don't knock that precious genius away.

"Come back early. If it's too late after shopping, don't discredit your journey. Just stay in the city. Don't worry, you will be reimbursed for your accommodation."

"Comrade Qi Bing, you must be optimistic about Comrade Ji."

Qi Bing: "..."

For a moment, he almost thought that the respected white-haired experts in front of him had become mother chickens, chugging about asking him to protect his little chicken.

No, even if Chang Ze really made a contribution, what could happen to him as a strong young man.

Just thinking about it, I heard my brother-in-law's very confident voice: "Don't worry, I won't be okay if I go out... eh!"

Ji Changze staggered again and almost fell on the ground.

Expert group: "!!!"

Qi Bing: "???"

Ji Changze stood firm and looked up and smiled at them: "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't notice that this brick is alive just now."

But this time, no matter what he said it was okay, the expert group didn't believe it.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case.

If something really happens, they will cry.

So, twenty minutes later, Ji Changze went out again. He was surrounded by five big-waisted men who stood straight and looked like a brawny man from the army. Behind him fell a dumb and numb Qi soldier.

These five can be regarded as the exclusive soldiers of the experts. They really don't worry that Comrade Ji, a guy who can sleep while standing, simply lent him his soldiers.

After borrowing the soldiers, he hurried to shoot the telegram.

You still have to apply to Comrade Ji for a few professionals to protect him, otherwise they really can't settle down.

Ji Changzelian said, "Oh, no, no, no need to take so many people when I go out. Even if I really fall, it's okay. My skin is thick and thick. I'm nothing. Chief, how embarrassed to let people follow me to protect me."

The expert who loaned out his own military bodyguard really answered: "Why not the chief, don't worry, you are their chief, just let them do what they want."

Ji Changze said, "What a shame..."

While looking curiously at the waist of the other soldier's brother: "You are Makura, right? I haven't seen it yet."

Brother Jun stood straighter: "Looking back, it's Makura."

Qi Bing: "..."

Zai, Zai Changze has become the leader.

He followed Ji Changze out of the yard staringly, and his thoughts were still stuck on'Changze is the head, am I not the head's brother-in-law" when Ji Changze next to him said abruptly: "By the way, brother-in-law, let's go and see Four sisters and five sisters."

Qi Bing didn't react at all: "Huh?"

Ji Changze: "Four sisters and five sisters, aren't they in the city? I remember their address, let's go visit."

Qi Bing then remembered that two girls from Ji's family had sent them out to be their daughters, and they were their own daughter-in-law's relatives. He had heard his daughter-in-law say several times before.

When I recalled it, I hesitated: "I remember your third sister said that the family didn't want us to see the fourth and fifth sisters, saying that they were afraid that the children would not recognize them if they knew that they were not biological."

"It's okay, let's not say that we came to see them. I just paid my salary, gave some gifts to the door, and left after seeing them. I am also working for the country now. Although the four sisters and five sisters I gave it out, it was my sister anyway, so I asked them to eat something my brother bought."

What Ji Changze said was reasonable and well-founded, but Qi Bing just felt that something was wrong.

Seeing that my brother-in-law finished speaking, he walked forward on his own, and he could still hear him saying to Junge: "This Mucang is really real, isn't it? Is a shot loud?"

Qi Bing: "..."

He watched Ji Changze stand in front of him, followed by five big-waisted, round-shaped, sturdy soldiers with a gun and a full body. Among the six, Changze walked out of the brave crab route, and five soldiers stepped forward. Neatly uniform, with sharp eyes, always keeping vigilant and sweeping around.

Along the way, pedestrians on the side of the road gave way in awe.

Taking a good path, Ji Changze just stepped out of the attitude of disrecognizing the six relatives.

Qi Bing finally understood what was wrong.

No, Changze, we are going to give gifts.

Didn't go to smash the place!