|The Lazy Man in Chronology (12)

Although Ji Changze walked very arrogantly, he looked like the second child and the third child, Qi Bing didn't have any other reaction except that his face was panicked because someone was watching them on the side of the road.

After all, Changze used to be like this.

It's just that he used to be alone, no matter how he walked, people wouldn't look at him more, but today is different. There are five sturdy soldiers behind him. Even if he walks seriously, he should fall on them. The sight of this pedestrian will still fall on it.

He has never been watched by so many people like this moment before he grows up. His face flushed red, and he ran all the way to his brother-in-law, squeezing and squeezing and whispering: "Zhangze, others are watching us."

Ji Changze was not ashamed but proud, he was very proud and raised his head: "Brother-in-law, they are envious of us."

The young genius was full of spirited eyes: "When we go to a state-owned restaurant for dinner, they will definitely envy us more, but we have to go and see the four sisters and five sisters first. If the people who adopted them don't mind us, it's fine. I can take my fourth and fifth sisters to a state-run restaurant to eat pork knuckles with braised pork and roast whole lamb."

Qi Bing reminded: "Changze, the state-owned restaurant does not roast whole lamb."

Ji Changze: "Huh, why? Your research institutes have them. How come the state-owned hotel is not a restaurant?"

Qi Bing's cheeks twitched: "It's not that we study all roasted whole lambs, it's because you want to eat roasted whole lambs, so we specially bought them."

Since knowing that his brother-in-law wanted to eat roasted whole lamb, the leader immediately rode out on a tricycle to get a lamb back. Qi Bing's colleagues were very envious when he saw him.

Who doesn't envy such a capable brother-in-law.

The capable brother-in-law suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this. I said, how is the food in your institute so good? I said I want to eat roasted whole lamb, but I really have roasted whole lamb."

Qi Bing: ...so you haven't noticed that you always have special treatment? ?

The military buddies who followed Ji Changze silently to protect him were also a little surprised. When they were sent to protect Comrade Ji, they only knew that he was a rare genius, and they had already researched others before joining the institute. The good things that the country does not have can definitely make a great contribution to the country in the future.

Being sent temporarily to take care of this Chief Ji, they were excited. After all, the fact that such an important person can be handed over to them shows the experts' trust in them.

Therefore, when the experts expressed their hope that they would not relax their vigilance every minute, guarding Chief Ji at all times, and not only protecting Chief Ji's physical condition, but also paying attention to his psychological condition, they all seriously agreed. .

As a result, did the chief know that he has special treatment?

Thinking of what the experts said before, the chief's living environment was not so good, which caused him to be sleepy for a long time, and the way of thinking was different from that of others, they knew it.

The person who was sent to check Ji Changze's information before was one of the military brothers. He knew better than the other military brothers that this is the future of China's scientific research and the hope is not overwhelming, what life has been the life of the head of Ji.

Such a great genius was described by some villagers who didn't know a word as being a lazy and gluttonous person. According to previous information, Chief Ji deliberately broke his wounds in order to avoid joining the trade union, but today he was standing guard in the yard. , It is clear that I heard that Chief Ji is due to the problem of long-term lethargy.

Obviously, every day I have to endure the uncomfortable feelings of others different from my own thoughts, and suffer from all kinds of pains caused by sleepiness, but I am misunderstood like that.

He is only in his twenties this year.

Now I just love to eat and drink a little bit, and the leader is already very strong.

Thinking about it, Brother Jun's eyes became more determined, he must protect the chief, and never let the chief suffer from what he had encountered before.

Ji Changze didn't know what the army brother behind him had made up for, he yawned and fell asleep after getting into the car. He was really sleepy this time. After eating supper last night, he was thinking about what to do next. Make something.

Things that are too forward may not be a good thing. Those who are not forward are afraid that other countries will rush ahead. It is necessary to choose something that fits this era and is suitable for the current development of China.

Ji Changze always believes that what he learns into his mind is his own. With so many worlds, if all the various things in his mind are taken out, it can directly change the entire interstellar, so it is naturally a bit difficult to choose.

Last night, he picked and picked for a night, got up shortly after he slept in the morning, and now he's a lot of sleepy, leaning on the window of the car, he fell asleep in a daze.

He fell asleep, but the five army brothers had their eyes wide open. They sat beside Ji Changze in a front and back way. The other army brother stood by the car door, with sharp eyes like eagle eyes and glanced in the car from time to time. passenger.

They knew that since the experts were able to send all five of them in one go and hadn't put them on their uniforms, they just didn't intend to let them act low-key.

After all, the existence of Chief Ji is too important. It is still a small place. A low profile means that the probability of someone looking for something is greatly increased. On the contrary, when a high profile is raised, some people will naturally recognize it, instead of running low-key and run into a short-sighted one. It's better to tell everyone that Chief Ji is not easy to mess with.

Seeing that the people in the car were just curious and no one expressed anything, the military buddies were relieved.

It seems that this time is quite stable. The five of them are also equipped with guns, and most people will never look for things blindly.

However, they didn't expect that people would stop looking for trouble, and the Chief Ji they protected came out just for looking for trouble.

When he got off the ground, Qi Bing looked at a dilapidated small street in front of him, and looked at his brother-in-law very suspiciously: "Changze, are you sure you remembered right? I remember that the family who adopted the fourth sister and the fifth sister did not say that the conditions in the house were good. Okay?"

Ji Changze yawned. Seeing that his eyes were about to stay open, Brother Yijun immediately stepped forward and held his arm to prevent the sleepy leader from falling asleep while standing.

"Listen to my third sister. My third sister said that the conditions are good for our family. If you compare it with yours, it won't work. When the fourth and fifth sisters are sent out, our family's poor food cannot be eaten. This family is from the city and has enough food. They can also adopt two daughters. Of course it seems that they are in good condition."

Qi Bing also thought about it. The Ji family had a difficult life before. The daughters in the family gradually got better after they got married. He remembered that when his wife married him, his thin jaws and waist were sharp. It's not as fine as it sounds. At that time, every night when he put his arms around his daughter-in-law to sleep, he was frightened, for fear that he would accidentally break the waist of his daughter-in-law.

Fortunately, he bought some good meat and food almost every week to go back. After eating like this for several years, his wife's pointed chin became a double chin, and there was meat on the waist, but Qi Bing was very relieved.

Ji Changze bought a gift just now when he was changing cars. Brother Jun carried the big and small bags. Now he doesn't have to buy gifts anymore, but he doesn't know why, he stands still.

The military buddies headed by the commander's command. The commander did not move and they did not move. They stood calmly on the spot. Qi Bing didn't know what they were doing at first, but he subconsciously stood there for a while before reacting. "Changze, what are you doing here? Haven't you seen the fourth sister and the fifth sister for too long? Don't be afraid, they are still young now. Give them more food and get some good-looking ones. The fabric asks someone to make some clothes for them, and they must be happy."

Ji Changze kept watching Qi Bing n Bo n Bo finished, and then replied very confidently: "I forgot where they lived."

"...Little girls like those hair ropes and flowers, you just buy some...what??? You, you, you, you don't know where people live and brought us here?" Still teaching how Qi Bing, who was pleased with the girls' experience, almost didn't come up at once.

The always thick-skinned brother-in-law looks a little guilty. His eyes drifted to the left and right, but he didn't go to see the brother-in-law: "At the beginning, the mother said that she would send the four sisters and five sisters away, and was afraid that the few of us would look for them, but refused to give the address. We, I overheard this street. As for which house on this street it is, I don't know."

Qi Bing: "...you, eh, let me say what is good about you, Nagasawa, it's not that brother-in-law said you, you are such an adult, can you first consider whether you want to do something, how to do it, and after you do it What are the consequences of this."

He didn't mean to blame the younger brother-in-law when he said this. He just simply felt that the younger brother-in-law couldn't do this. Although he has found a job now, he still has a lifetime to pass in the future, so he can't stay so naive.

Considering that he is not his own younger brother after all, Qi Bing's tone is extraordinarily gentle when he speaks.

Maybe he knows that he is right, he has always been very cheeky, you say, let you say, Ji Changze, who is impossible to blush, lowered his head silently, and his rare tone was a little guilty and embarrassed: "I, I just want to see the four sisters and five sisters. , After all, I asked my grandmother to send them away. I used to have nothing to do with them. I can't help them. Now I have a salary. I want to buy something for them. I didn't think about it. Don't be angry with the third brother-in-law. "

Ji Changze's voice was very weak, and he knew everything was wrong, but Qi Bing didn't know why it was weird.

But it's useless to think it's weird. There is no such word as green tea in this era, and Qi Bing can't tell Ji Changze Zhenglian's words at all. After a few seconds of doubt in his heart, he was about to say a few more words. When he raised his eyes, he saw Ji Changze raising his head. Look at him.

The white and beautiful face is full of guilt that hesitating to say but hesitating, a pair of once shameless eyes are full of sincerity, and Qi Bing immediately relents.

Yes, my brother-in-law is still young after all. It is normal to be unconsidered. He also wants to see his sisters.

He was opening his mouth to say, "Let's find it all at home," when he suddenly found that the five military elders standing behind Ji Changze were all frowning, looking at him with serious disapproval, as if he had done something. It's the same big bad thing.

"Mr. Qi, the chief just forgot the specific one. We just need to look for them one by one. The matter is not that serious."

"Yes, this street is so long anyway. Chief, don't worry. We will send you to a cool rest. When we find someone to adopt your sister, we will pick you up."

"Is the chief tired? I brought a small bench."

With that said, a soldier looked serious, and he really took out a small bench from the bag he had been carrying, and looked around, chose a shade of a tree to lay down, and treated something like a rare peculiarity that would break at the touch of a tree. Like a national treasure, Ji Changze, who was cautiously supported with a strong body and a ruddy complexion that could kill a fly with a punch, sat on the bench, took out a fan from the bag, and sternly fanned him.

Ji Changze sat comfortably, and praised himself from the bottom of his heart.

I haven't had green tea for such a long time, and I didn't expect that the craftsmanship is still so proficient.

Qi Bing who witnessed this scene: "..."

Although I know that Changze is quite capable now, but should he be so expensive?

It's nothing more than that for a milk doll who needs to be taken care of all the time.

Qi Bing, who thinks he is a rough man, thinks that the scene before him has subverted his three views. It is understandable for the female doll to be treated so carefully, but shouldn't the male baby be beaten and beaten? Otherwise it will never grow up.

Oh no, Changze is not a boy yet, but a real adult man.

He stopped talking, fearing that it would be difficult for Changze to find a wife in the future, and he was afraid that he would be used to eating again like he was in the village before, sleeping and eating. Although he didn't meet very much during this period, he liked it more and more. My brother-in-law is now, but I don't want Changze to become hurt Zhongyong in the end.

Just thinking about how to persuade him, a soldier came to him silently: "Mr. Qi, do you know about the chief?"

Qi Bing: "Huh? What's the matter?"

Seeing him like this, Brother Jun guessed that Qi Bing didn't know.

No wonder, Jun Jun was a little angry just now, Qi Bing accused the chief, of course, he didn't feel that Qi Bing was wrong, but the chief was in a special situation when it came to people and things. I don't know if it was because of the super high IQ or because of his twenties. I spent most of the year sleeping, and my xinxing was originally like a child, and it was not what the chief would like to become like this. How could I treat him with the standards of an adult?

Now that Qi Bing didn't know the inside story, he understood.

Qi Bing is a relative of the chief, and the chief is very affectionate to him. One mouthful is a brother-in-law. Brother Jun thinks about it. He still has to talk to Qi Bing, lest he treat the chief according to ordinary people's standards and make the chief plain. Guilt and low self-esteem.

So he said Barabara.

Qi Bing was dumbfounded.

In fact, he also thought that his brother-in-law was a jerk. He had a thick-skinned and ignorant face. Every day, besides eating, he would sleep, or else he would run into the city. He didn't know that he would also look at the face of his in-laws when his sisters were married. He always acted as a maiden. Run to my sister's house to eat and drink.

After knowing that the reason why the two sisters of the daughter-in-law were sent away was related to Ji Changze's lobbying for Grandma Ji, Qi Bing became even more despondent to this brother-in-law.

How much can the two girls eat? Even if the person who adopted the twin sisters is really rich, it is not their own life. Who knows if they will treat them well after they are sent out.

Of course, the above thoughts know that Ji Changze is actually a genius, and he is not bad at all. On the contrary, he is very capable. It is not because he likes to sleep, but because the people around him can't talk to him, and it's not that he doesn't like his sisters, but he doesn't know. These people are so sophisticated and don't understand the reason why sisters cannot always see them when they are married.

Now think about it, Changze is smart, but he has always been a child. What he did, the children would only think that the child was fun, but when it was changed to Changze, there were only negative things left. criticism.

But imagine that Changze was a genius when he was a child, and the teacher couldn't understand him, let alone other children. Most of him was sleeping, all asleep, and there was no time to learn about the sophistication of people. It seems normal that getting along with people has become the temperament of today.

Then those things in the past seem to be able to be explained.

Before he had come into contact with him in depth, Changze Mingming was pretty good, why did he do those bastards before, and now everything makes sense.

What is delicious and lazy, what is deliberately injured to avoid going to work, what is being pulled around by girl Ji like a blood-sucking leech, are all just people's misunderstandings.

There is also the case of sending away two younger sisters. Before he felt that Nagasawa was cruel enough, but now think about it, at that time, the family could not eat enough to eat, and the two girls would still suffer from starvation if they stayed. Suffering, since they can be sent to good people to enjoy the blessing, why not?

He only saw Nagasawa's cruelty about sending away the two sisters, but did not see Nagasawa quietly writing down the addresses of the adoptive sisters.

If he is really cruel and ruthless, why should he write down the addresses of his two younger sisters, can he still plan to wait until the younger sisters grow up and come to the autumn wind (really).

Suddenly, Qi Bing's inspiration flashed, and he recalled some things in the past.

He only felt that at this moment, the two lines of Ren and Du all went smoothly, and hurriedly ran to Ji Changze to verify: "Changze, you never gave us anything before. Why did you suddenly send it later?"

Ji Changze was enjoying sitting on the bench drinking water that Brother Jun didn't know where he got him from. Hearing this, he answered naturally:

"How can there be a reason? I will give it away if I have one at home."

Ji Changze's answer was almost exactly the same as Qi Bing had just thought.

Yes! Yes! !

Nagasawa treats them as relatives. In his opinion, sending relatives things naturally does not require a reason.

Qi Bing asked again: "You missed your sister too much when you went to my house before."

Since he asked so sincerely, Ji Lvcha Changze will naturally answer sincerely.

He lowered his eyes and looked embarrassed: "I was brought by my sisters when I was at home. After they got married, I was really nobody at home by myself, so I went to look for them."

As if embarrassed, he didn't say that he missed his sister.

But the more you don't say it, the more people think he just misses his sister. After all, he is a man. I am embarrassed to say these things I don't want, so I don't tell them.

Qi Bing felt his mind suddenly cleared up.

That's it! It's all right! !

Although Changze used to eat and drink for nothing, but at that time, Ji's family was going to be poor, and where could they send things over. Later, when their family became wealthy, he immediately started to go to their home twice a day. Did you give away something with the other two sisters?

He had never heard Changze mention his sisters before, but now that he had a salary and was able to stand in front of them, didn't he immediately come to the city to find someone?

Nagasawa is so cheeky. He is just too innocent, naive, and childish. He thinks that relatives don't care about these things. When the Ji family was not well-off, he did not treat his sisters and brother-in-laws as outsiders, so he could go directly to eat and drink. At that time, I still didn't treat them as outsiders. I didn't forget to bring them a portion if I had something delicious.

Yes, this is the truth.

It's not that Changze's former bastard is suddenly sensible now, but that he used to want to repay them but was powerless. Later, when the Ji family became rich, he came to the door with his things.

Nagasawa has always been good, it's just that their thinking is too realistic, and they abruptly think people are bad.

Qi Bing sorted everything out from beginning to end, and it was completely reasonable, one by one, everything was right.

With emotion from the bottom of his heart, he felt boundless pity for this brother-in-law who he had never known before.

How can Nagasawa and Nagasawa be so good.