|The lazy man in the chronology (13)

After Ji Changze took a break, Qi Bing's vision when he came back was completely different.

Distressed, admired, and guilty of misunderstanding my brother-in-law.

Ji Changze knew exactly why he was like this. He still looked unaware on his face, and continued his teasing words: "Brother-in-law, it's my fault to say it, I'll go find it with you."

Qi Bing never noticed that his brother-in-law said, "Come, come, let's go together", but his butt was sitting firmly on the bench and didn't mean to get up at all. Hearing this, he quickly said: "No need, it's so hot. God, what if you have a heatstroke, we just need to find it."

Ji Changze also no longer pretended to shirk, but reminded: "Then when you go to inquire about our relationship with the fourth sister and the fifth sister, the family said that they did not want to let the fourth sister and the fifth sister. They know they are not biological."

Qi Bing was taken aback: "In this case, what reason do we use to inquire?"

The young genius sitting on the bench thought with a pensive expression: "Just say that we are relatives of his family. I remember his man's surname is Hu, and his wife is a textile factory worker."

Remembering so clearly, it can be seen that Nagasawa was reluctant to bear the two sisters.

In the bottom of his heart, Qi Bing confirmed that "Changze is a good brother", and nodded seriously: "Don't worry, Changze, we will find it for you."

"Thank you third brother-in-law."

Ji Changze's face was immediately filled with gratitude, as if suddenly remembering, he added: "Brother-in-law, you remember to say that we are distant relatives of Hu's family when inquiring, I'm afraid we won't come out to see people if Hu's family doesn't know him. ."

Qi Bing didn't expect this just now, and now he has heard what his brother-in-law said, and he is thinking about it in his heart.

What Nagasawa said was right, but he was still a little naive.

It is not enough to show the identity of relatives. After all, they have been poor all over the past few years. Many people are not happy when they see their relatives, but worry that they are here to fight the autumn wind, even at his home.

What if the Hu family misunderstood that they came to borrow money to borrow food.

If they don't show that they are rich and come to give gifts, maybe the Hu family really doesn't want to meet.

Thinking about it, Qi Bing sighed, "Changze is still too innocent", and ran to find the army brother who was standing upright listening to them and told them these thoughts in a whisper.

The military buddies expressed their understanding.

In addition to this reason, there is another reason. Judging from the performance of the chief just now, he obviously cares about the two sisters who were sent out before. Although the chief seems to have no intention of breaking the promise to bring the sisters back, he still It can be seen that he wants to take good care of his sisters.

The brothers of the two children not only thought in their hearts that they were also rich and identifiable, which was definitely good for them, and their adoptive parents would also value the two adopted daughters.

Qi Bing obviously thought the same way. The two sides quickly reached a consensus. They divided the gifts they bought in their hands, and when they scattered them around to inquire, the words would be more artistic.

"Mother, please ask, is there a man named Hu living on this street? His wife is a textile factory worker."

The old lady sitting at the door with the soles of her shoes raised her head and looked up and down curiously. She was wearing a military uniform. She was sturdy, and even had a military brother Mucang around her waist.

The Chinese people have a natural affection for soldiers. Not only is she not afraid of Mucang, she also stood up very excited and excited: "What's the matter, did you find something wrong with his family? Did his family commit a crime? Is there any need? Can I help? Comrade, don't worry, there are three generations of poor peasants in my family. I will definitely be able to help."

Facing such an enthusiastic old lady, Brother Jun was a little bit dumbfounded, and quickly explained: "No, no, his family did not commit any crimes. Our chief is a distant relative of the Hu family. This is not the mess in the past few years and I can't care about it. Now As soon as I stabilized, I came to recognize my relatives. You see, this gift is still in my hand."

The old lady couldn't believe it after hearing this: "Huh? Chief? Hu's family has a relative of the head? Their family has been living in this alley. Why have I never heard of it?"

"From afar, our chief was not the chief before."

Brother Jun's answer was quite reasonable, and the old lady had to put away her "comrade military comrades who went all the way to capture the enemy. Although she was an old, but patriotic and patriotic and loved the party, she cooperated wholeheartedly, and finally succeeded in helping the military comrades catch the enemy." Bad guy, and she has also become an elderly folk hero that everyone admires." This enjoyment.

Quite regretfully, said: "This way, I misunderstood that."

Brother Jun: "Auntie, do you know where the Hu family lives? Can you show us the way?"

"Yes! Of course I can! My son has always wanted to be a soldier. My whole family admires soldiers. Come, wait for me. I will put the soles of my shoes down. Hu's family will live in front. Let me take you. Go, yo, those comrades in the military over there also came with you?"

Seeing the old lady squinting her eyes to look at the other soldiers who were inquiring about, Brother Jun smiled and said: "Yes, we are all going to follow the chief to protect him, here, look, the one sitting over there is our chief. Wait a moment, I'll bring the chief over here."

"This is your chief, he looks so young."

"You are young and promising. If it weren't for such great achievements at a young age, the leader would not send us so many people to protect the chief."

After listening to the military brother's words, the old lady was quite stunned.

What kind of shit luck this Hu's family can actually bring up a relative of the chief.

She has no affection for the Hu family. If it weren't for a military comrade, she wouldn't lead the way.

But looking around again, seeing the curious and envious expressions of the neighbors because she had spoken to the military comrades, the old lady straightened her chest proudly.

She has helped other soldiers and comrades, and this has been going on for a long time.

"Chief, I've inquired, there is a kind lady who is willing to help lead the way, I will help you up."

After speaking, Brother Jun saw the head sitting on the bench's eyes lit up, he stood up while rubbing, and quickly stretched out his hand to help: "Chief, please slow down."

Witnessing that Chief Ji nearly fell on the ground twice, he was really worried that he would fall again in a while.

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy now, and I won't fall asleep." Ji Changze waved his hand "strongly" without letting Brother Jun help: "Let's go, let's go quickly."

His footsteps are eager, his sleepy face is gone, and the yawn is gone.

When Brother Jun saw this, he was even more convinced that the chief attaches great importance to these two little sisters, and after quietly writing down in his heart, he quickened his pace and followed behind him.

When he arrived at the guide, Ji Changze muttered to the pretty long-looking old lady with a smile to see his appearance. "Auntie, do you really know where Hu's family lives? It's Hu, whose wife works as a textile factory worker. Home."

"It can't be wrong, this street is their family's surname Hu." The old lady straightened her chest, her face was serious, and she did not act as if she was just helping the military comrades with important national affairs.

She said: "His man's name is Hu Erzhu, and his woman's name is Li Cui, right, but Li Cui is no longer a textile factory worker."

Ji Changze asked: "Why? Isn't the textile factory opened well? I recruited workers a few days ago."

The old lady was a little vague: "It seems to be some personal matter."

Seeing her hesitation, Ji Changze guessed that 80% of Li Cui's departure from the textile factory was due to her own problems.

He didn't get to the bottom of the question, just smiled and said: "Then I will trouble you to lead the way."

A group of people walked on this small street. Ji Changze looked good. He was followed by five soldiers with awe-inspiring military uniforms, plus one Qi soldier who looks good at a glance, and this local old lady. This combination attracted enough attention.

Someone boldly asked, "Aunt Qi, what are these military comrades here for?"

The called old lady lifted her chin proudly and said proudly: "This chief is here to find relatives. I will take them."

The man looked at Ji Changze who was pointing at the old lady in disbelief.

Damn, this is actually a chief.

It was the first time in his life that he saw a living leader.

At the moment, he had the same hands and feet, and the road would not go anymore. He stammered and said: "The chief, the chief has relatives here too?"

Ji Changze knew at a glance that they had misunderstood what military commander he was, and he did not explain, so he let others misunderstand him, and he answered with a smile very close to the people; "Yes, distant relatives. I haven't contacted him for a long time. Maybe they don't. I know there are relatives like me. No, I don't recognize the door when I get to the place, so I can only trouble this lady."

"What's the trouble, as long as it can help, we are the military and the people." The old lady listened to Ji Changze's acknowledgment of her "contribution", smiled deeper on her face, turned her head and said to the person who inquired: " You and Hu Erzhu are neighbors. Is anyone in his house now?"

The man was even more surprised: "This chief's relative is Hu Erzhu?"

"Yeah, what kind of luck is it for Hu Erzhu to have a head relative. Is anyone in his family home?"

"Yes, now, his family is at home today, this will be eating in the yard."

As he said, the neighbor naturally followed them, full of envy, as if he could not wait to snatch this chief relative to his home.

Others asked, without the old lady answering, he said sourly in front of him: "Is it a relative of Hu Erzhu's family, or a leader, good fellow, with the protection of five military comrades by his side, so many gifts."

At this moment, there were a few more envious glances.

Hu Erzhu was sitting at the door picking his teeth right after eating. Someone who lived on this street ran over to report to him: "Hu Erzhu, what are you doing sitting here? Your head relatives are here. Don't greet you quickly."

"What is the chief relative?"

Hu Erzhu didn't take this seriously, and put down his hands impatiently: "Aren't you panicking when you don't go to bed at noon and run over and take me to the bath."

"It's true that someone took you off, they came to you with a lot of gifts. If you don't believe it, look at it for yourself, then, see if you see it, there are five comrades in the army next to you."

Hu Erzhu stood up and took a look dubiously, and he saw Ji Changze and his party walking this way.

But even if he saw it, he didn't believe it: "I don't have any chief relatives in my family. There is not even a soldier in my family. Did you hear me wrong?"

"That's right, they came to you. They were looking for Hu, and his wife is a textile factory worker. She still lives in our place. Isn't this the only thing your family's surname is Hu?"

The man ran over to report the letter. He was talking and panting. Seeing that Hu Erzhu still didn't believe him, he added another sentence: "I just heard them say that it is your distant relative, and that they have not been in contact for a long time. Think about it if it's you. Your mother's relatives over there, your mother has been dead for so many years, and your relatives over her have never moved around. Maybe it's hers."

As he was talking, Li Cui, who was complaining about washing clothes at noon, heard what they said, her eyes lit up and she threw down her clothes and came over: "It's probably from mom's side. Do you remember the master? Mom said before. Her natal uncle's house is a soldier."

As soon as Hu Erzhu recalled, his face also showed happiness: "I remember it, my mother said it when she was still alive."

Seeing him, I thought it might be that Li Cui was even more beautiful, and his mean face was almost smiling at this moment.

"The relatives who are so far away can still come to the door and bring gifts. They definitely want to get along well with us."

The chief relatives!

She was still cursing and regretting that she was blind and marrying Hu Erzhu, who was incapable of marrying. Before, she was a textile factory worker and Hu Erzhu was also a shipyard worker. As a result, the shipyard collapsed, and Hu Erzhu had no job and did not look for it. She was stealing The fabrics of the textile factory were also resigned, which makes people still squeezed in such a small ruined house until they reach middle age.

Unexpectedly, Hu Erzhu still has such a good relative. This is the chief, and it must be easy to find a good job for her.

Thinking about it, Li Cui pushed Hu Erzhu: "The head of the house, we still have such a powerful relative at home. That's the chief. The chief should be a lot of money. Someone will come. Please tell them well. Tell him about our family's problems and let him help us. It's best to arrange for our son to be a worker. Also, I heard that the chief drinker drinks malted milk every day. I will take my daughter out in a while, he said Maybe we can give our daughters wheat milk extract."

Hu Erzhu was also excited: "Yes, yes, take the girl out, the head must be our girl's elder, he might even give a meeting ceremony."

Seeing that before they came, Li Cui and Hu Erzhu were already thinking about how to deduct money from the relative of the chief. The person who came to report was a bit of a snobbery on them.

In fact, it is not just that he can't look down on it, but almost no one living on this street can look down on Hu Erzhu's family.

It was okay when they were all workers. Although they were a little bit careless and stingy, they didn't do it too ugly anyway.

As a result, they didn't know what they were thinking. They actually ran to adopt two twin girls. They also proudly said that these two girls were too poor to eat at home, and they were kind enough to adopt them.


Is that kind? That is to bring those two girls back to be slaves.

They were only five years old, so they were allowed to cook and wash clothes to serve the Hu family. In winter, the washing water was not willing to heat them up, so they let these girls wash with cold water. , I have called others like this, and only let them drink some leftover rice water in one day.

If the neighbors couldn't see it, the couple would scold the others for being nosy, and verbally said that their own daughter would use whatever they wanted.

Upright officials can hardly break housework. Even if the neighbors can't see clearly, they don't want to provoke the Hu family with their dirty mouths. In addition, Li Cui was pregnant at the time. Seeing who dares to touch my belly kid" looks like "I can't see it, I can save some food from my mouth for these two girls."

As a result, not long after the daughters of Hu Erzhu and Li Cui were born, these two pitiful girls suddenly disappeared.

I waited for several days without seeing them appear. The kind neighbors couldn't help but ask Hu Erzhu, but they were told impatiently that they ran away.

How can children who are older than they run? What do they eat and where do they live after they run out?

And if this really ran away, Hu Erzhu and Li Cui would definitely go to these girls' house to ask for money for compensation. It would be impossible to suspect that nothing happened.

Later, someone in the neighbors remembered that on the day Z girl showed up for the last time, it seemed that a man had gone to Hu Erzhu's house. After that, the two girls never showed up again.

They all suspected that Hu Erzhu and Li Cui had sold the people, and they heard that the two girls were sick in those few days. Hu Erzhu and the others were reluctant to spend money to treat them, so they made them so sick.

Therefore, some people speculate that the two girls' disease is getting worse and worse. Hu Erzhu and Li Cui are reluctant to pay for them, and they are afraid that they will really die, so they just sell them directly.

Anyway, as for the things they did before, no one believes that they have any good intentions.

However, Hu Erzhu insisted that they ran away on their own, and even scolded the people who cared about the two girls for being nosy. The couple was notoriously troublesome, and the neighbors would sigh at most, and this matter would be nothing more than that. .

After that, just like retribution, the shipyard where Hu Erzhu worked collapsed, and the workers naturally lost their jobs. Then Li Cui was caught stealing from the textile factory, and the textile factory fired her. I didn't even look for a job, and I just came here day by day, but it is naturally impossible to eat for a lifetime like this. The financial resources of their family have gradually changed from the upper middle level in the town to the lowest level.

The reason why the neighbors don't like them is also related to this.

In the past, it was okay for their family to have money, but now that they don't have any money, they are even more stubborn. Any neighbor who grows vegetables at their door can steal it every three to five. Sometimes the door is left open and one can walk in without paying attention to Hu Erzhu. Touch the neighbor's egg.

At first, the neighbors didn't realize that it was Hu Erzhu who did it. They only wondered why their chickens lay fewer and fewer eggs. As a result, they happened to hit the ground once and almost died of anger.

That time the hapless neighbor did not ask for compensation, because Hu Erzhu insisted that he didn't want to steal it, but saw the egg in the neighbor's chicken coop and helped it out.

It's impossible to wrestle with this person. The couple are not working now, they are barefoot and they are not afraid of wearing shoes. It really annoys people and I don't know what they can do. Besides, no one in the town wants to go. Looking for the police, Hu Erzhu really swaggered and left.

After the incident spread, even when they were at home, all households would shut their doors tightly so that Hu Erzhu would not catch the opportunity to steal their belongings.

So, after knowing that the chief who came to look for relatives was actually Hu Erzhu, many people were envious and cursed in their hearts.

What God thinks, it is really a shame to get someone like Hu Erzhu a chief relative. In the future, Hu Erzhu will not necessarily rely on this chief relative to do harm to them.

Because of Hu Erzhu and Li Cui's bad reputation, there are many people who come to watch him, the chief relative.

Waiting for Ji Changze and the others to walk in front of Hu Erzhu, there were already a lot of people behind them, basically all of them came to join in the fun.

"Uncle Hu."

When Ji Changze saw Hu Erzhu's face, he put on a smile, took the gift bag from Brother Jun, and passed it directly: "I really want to come and see you, don't be surprised, come, this is for you and auntie. , You take it, these are all good things, and it took dozens of them."

Huh! !

When Ji Changze said that these gifts were dozens of them, the neighbors who came to watch were shocked.

Dozens of dollars! !

This relative of the chief is really willing.

Not only were they shocked, but Hu Erzhu and his wife, who had made up their minds to find a way to make money from the relatives of the chief, were also shocked.

This relative is too generous.

After they were shocked, they were all excited again.

Then if they have this relative in the future, wouldn't they be able to live a life that they would never even dare to think of! !

"Oh, you're polite, come here, what kind of gifts do you bring." Li Cui smiled as he accepted the gift, looking at Ji Changze with a pair of small eyes, and at the same time thinking in his heart that this relative is really young and must be cheated. While asking: "I haven't had a relationship with relatives for a long time with the head of the house. I don't know which one you belong to?"

Ji Changze smiled and looked very affectionate, but he kept looking into the room with a pair of eyes: "Aunty doesn't recognize me, it's normal. In terms of speaking, I should call you uncle and aunt, but you haven't seen me, but I Grandma, you should have met, let's go into the house and say."

Hu Erzhu didn't want to enter the house.

grandmother? Is it really mother's relatives over there?

The dead old woman never told him that there was such a relative in her family.

But he can't enter the door. It's hard to say a lot of things after entering the door. He has to benefit in front of so many people. Since he is the chief, he must be shameless. Only when he agrees in front of others, he is not afraid of repentance.

Thinking about this, Hu Erzhu stood by the door and didn't mean to go in at all. He just said: "Um, you call my uncle, then you are my nephew, nephew, I haven't had any relationship with your aunt in the past few years. After work, I owed a debt, and the house was ruined. I'm really embarrassed to show you. You're here, we don't even have food for Zhang Luo, otherwise let's go to the restaurant to eat?"

He wanted to take this opportunity to go to the state-owned hotel and enjoy it. I don't know where the chief nephews that popped up were all chiefs, and they must have the money to pay.

When the food is finished, ask if you can give yourself some money or something.

As a result, as soon as he finished saying this, Ji Changze directly took out a handful of money from his pocket and stuffed it into Hu Erzhu's hand with a look of concern: "It's okay, I don't have enough money. I have this money for my aunt to buy vegetables, but , No job? Uncle, tell me what happened, why didn't you have a job? Then how did you spend the past two years? Did your children suffer? Does it matter? Do you need my help?"

Hu Erzhu held the money with a dazed expression.

He just wanted to eat a meal, but the chief relative was so easy to talk about? ?

It feels like I just wanted to catch a small crucian carp before going fishing, and ended up catching a thousand-year bastard.

Take a moment! He got excited!

It turns out that this chief nephew is a foolish silly white sweet! ! !

Great! ! !

In this case, as long as it sells badly, there will be too much benefit from this elder nephew in the future.

Not only Hu Erzhu was stunned holding Qian, but the neighbors, Qi Bing and military buddies who were watching were also stunned.

Qi Bing and military buddies are okay. After a moment of stunned, they automatically made up for "Zhangze/the chief must be worried that the two younger sisters are hungry because their adoptive parents have no money. As expected, it is Changze/the chief, who is so soft-hearted. ".

The neighbors are completely boiling.

That handful of money, it seems that there is at least more than fifty yuan.

This is comparable to real gold and silver, and it is more shocking than a gift of dozens of dollars placed in front of them.

They are more jealous.

What kind of shit luck did Hu Erzhu and his wife go for, so they can actually show up to such a good relative.

And over there, after Hu Erzhu realized that the eldest nephew was cheating, he was composing words in his heart to help him find a good job. Ji Changze had already spoken by Barabara himself:

"Uncle, don't worry about work, I'll find it for you. If you have any difficulties at home, just tell me. I have everything for food and clothing. I can bring it to you. By the way, brother-in-law, we just came here. Did you see a supply and marketing agency here?"

neighbors:? ? ?

Damn it? ! ! !

Isn't this not only giving money, but also giving food and drink to help find a job? ! !

What kind of fairy relative is this? ! !

Qi Bing was thinking about whether he should persuade his brother-in-law not to be so generous. It's really impossible for them to take the child away and give them some thank-you money. They can't just support the whole family.

But after hearing what Ji Changze said, he nodded: "Yes, it's over there at the intersection."

"Okay." Ji Changze nodded, and said to the nearest soldier next to him: "You go buy some good meat and bring it back."

Brother Jun nodded and turned around to buy meat.

Seeing him go, Ji Changze said to the dumbfounded Hu Erzhu: "Uncle, let's eat at your house tonight, let's eat braised pork."

"Ah, ah, good!"

Hu Erzhu is not only excited now, but he is floating to the sky.

This, this, this is too easy to talk about.

How can this be the king of a thousand years, this is the king of a thousand years! ! !

The neighbors around looked at the fluttering appearance of "Ma Ye, I was smashed by the golden pie", and they were so numb that they couldn't even feel jealous.

If you want to ask them what they are thinking at the moment, it is estimated that the answer will be like this:

Xie Yao, at this moment, I just want to be Hu Erzhu.

Just when Hu Erzhu and his wife were almost happily going to heaven, Ji Changze suddenly asked, "By the way, are your three children at home?"

Hu Erzhu didn't doubt that he had him, and he blurted out: "What three children? There are only two children in my family."


The white and pure young chief frowned slowly: "Don't you have a son and two daughters in your family?"

Li Cui snapped back: "Oh, my nephew, you have a mistake. My family has only one son and one girl. My girl is just three years old this year, but she can be called someone. Wait, I'll hold it over for you to see."

This eldest nephew is so generous that he will definitely give him a gift when he meets her daughter.

Just thinking about entering the house, Ji Changze suddenly reached out and stopped her: "Wait, didn't your family adopt two daughters before? Or did I go to the wrong door?"

Seeing him with an expression of "Did I admit the wrong person", for fear that the relatives of the chief who got it ran away, Hu Erzhu quickly explained: "I didn't admit it, I didn't admit it. My family used to bring back two girls from the countryside to raise them, but they lost it. So now we only have two children in our family."


The young leader who was still facing them and the whispered face suddenly sank, and his voice became anxious: "When did you get lost? Where did you get lost? Did you call the police? What did the police say?"

Hu Erzhu was startled by Ji Changze's sudden change of face: "This, this, it has been lost for three years, what are they doing to the police, they ran away by themselves, and the two girls lost their film."

"Lost! Lost! Just! Lost! Lost!"

Ji Changze's face was terribly ugly, almost gritted his teeth and repeated what Hu Erzhu had just said, and behind him, the expressions of Qi Bing and military buddies also sank.

They knew how much Ji Changze was looking forward to meeting his two sisters all the way. For this reason, he had always been sloppy and even willing to please the sisters' adoptive parents. As a result, this adoptive father actually told them that the child was lost in such a casual tone? ?

Seeing the chief's face pale with anger, one of the soldiers stood up coldly, staring sharply at Hu Erzhu with eagle eyes:

"You make it clear where and when the child was lost."

Hu Erzhu didn't know why he just lost two worthless girls. The silly head nephew who was so talkative was so angry, he subconsciously swallowed with nervousness: "This, it's been so long, how do we remember? ..."

Ji Changze's face was ugly, and he rudely snatched the money from Hu Erzhu's hand: "I'm going to find the child. You don't want this money until you find the child."

After a pause, he said, "Same as a gift."

Brother Yijun immediately grabbed all the gifts in Li Cui's hand.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and Hu Erzhu and his wife were dumbfounded.

Li Cui looked at the money and gifts taken away in pain. How could he really wait for Ji Changze and the others to find someone. Although I don't know why the chief nephew had to find someone, both of these girls have been sold for three years. I don't know if I'm alive. If they can't find it for a lifetime, is it possible that they won't be able to touch this money and gift for a lifetime?

"Hey, there is no need to look for it, it is not lost, but we gave it to others to raise, to passers-by. I don't know where they live and can't find it." It's not good to know that selling the child , She also thought she was smart and changed her mind.

After finishing talking, he stared at the money in Ji Changze's hand eagerly: "I have said, give us the money, my nephew, our family really has no rice to cook."

However, she was destined to be disappointed.

Hearing what she said, the expressions on the faces of those who came here to find relatives could no longer be described as ugly, especially Ji Changze, who was almost grimaceous: "You gave away my sister casually? You went for adoption at the beginning. What did they say? They said that they would treat them like their own daughters, and that they would be returned to our family if they really didn't raise them. I really thought my sister could live a good life with you, but you told me I, you gave them to a passer-by who you don't even know???"

Hu Erzhu and Li Cui's eyes widened.

"Wh, what is your sister?? Are you from those two girls and their parents?"


Ji Changze directly pulled out the Mu Cang at the waist of the soldier next to him. Mu Cang's mouth pressed against the forehead of Hu Erzhu, who was closest to him, with a cold and scary tone: "Say, where did you get my two younger sisters!"


I've just experienced it-envy-so envy-really envious-why this young chief has to look for two girls' neighbors when they heard that Ji Changze was actually the brother of those girls, and it exploded all at once. Up.

Looking at Ji Changze's angrily wishing to shoot Hu Erzhu, after the panic, he was excited by the good show.

I can't blame others for being so angry, and good people give them to them. Now the big bags and small bags are both sending money and gifts, obviously they want to walk around as relatives.

In the end, they knew that their sister had been lost for so long, and they were also angry when they were replaced by them.

The old lady who led the way didn't expect it to be such a plot. Seeing Ji Changze's anxious eyes were red, after thinking about it, she said loudly, "They didn't give away the two girls at all, or sold them to traffickers. I heard them say that the money from selling the two girls is enough for them to eat for a month."

Qi Bing:? ? ? Damn it! ! !

He looked at his brother-in-law again, and saw that Changze's forehead immediately showed blue veins after hearing this, and his fingers immediately squeezed on the trigger, as if he was going to kill the two assholes who sold his sister.

"Changze, don't get excited, don't get excited!"

Qi Bing hurriedly snatched Mu Cang away and handed it to Brother Jun: "We are looking for them, as long as the people are still there, we will definitely be able to find them, and we must ask them who the traffickers are. If you kill them, four sisters and five sisters. It's hard to find."

Hu Erzhu was frightened in a cold sweat, and stood trembling on the spot, unable to speak a word.

He, he almost was shot to death just now.

In my ears, there was the painful and weak voice of the young leader who claimed to be the brothers of the two girls: "I, I thought they would live well here. Before I came, I wanted to give my salary every month. Half of their adoptive parents help them live a good life, send them to school in the future, buy them bicycles, and let their family eat meat all at once. How, how can it become like this... Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, what should I do now."

Fragile, self-blame, and painful, but I did not forget to emphasize the [salary] [half] [bicycle] [family eating meat].

Hu Erzhu and Li Cui: "..."

Half salary, meat, bicycle? ?

"Extremely painful" Ji Changze added: "I even think that as long as they are willing to treat the fourth and fifth sisters well, even if my adoptive parents can raise them for the rest of their lives, I will definitely provide them with delicious and delicious food."

[Lifetime] [Delicious and delicious] Add the accent.

Hu Erzhu and Li Cui already felt his heart hurt.

Ji Changze: "If they are willing to return the fourth and fifth sisters to me, even if they ask me to give them 10,000 yuan, I am willing." Of course, he does not have 10,000 yuan.

Ten thousand yuan? ? ? ! ! !

Ten thousand yuan! ! !

The two people listening to the side can no longer breathe.

They even began to enjoy it uncontrollably. With this ten thousand dollars, how they want to spend and enjoy and be happy.

And at this moment, Ji Changze gritted his teeth and passed it: "But they actually sold the four sisters and five sisters to human traffickers!! Brother-in-law!!! I want to call the police!! I want them to stay in prison for a lifetime!!!"

Ten thousand yuan, eating fragrant and spicy, suddenly turned into a tearful prison.

Hu Erzhu and Li Cui: "..."


Poured one.


Pour another one.