|The Lazy Man in Chronology (17)

Asking the trafficker information from Wang Ermazi went smoothly. With Ji Changze (saw)'s introduction to goodness, this shameless Wang Ermazi, who is famous for slippery without leaving his hands, seems to have a sudden enlightenment, correct evil and return to the right, and answer questions. Call a tie.

Seeing his appearance, I can't wait to shake out all the colors of those traffickers' underpants, if it weren't for him to know.

When asked about the information from Li Cui and the others about the man who bought the two sisters, he asked Wang Ermazi, he thought about it, and it immediately popped out.

"There is a big mole on the nose, walking with a limping, and a man who can speak the local dialect. This seems to be Basan who is active in the city."

Wang Ermazi carefully looked at the saw on the table, trying to recall Ba San's message: "Although he also buys people, he basically doesn't abduct and sell them. They buy them directly from the children's homes, because they are not abductees. Here, I'm not afraid of parents looking for them, so he usually sells these children to locals."

Even if China now prohibits the buying and selling of people, for people like Ba San, the child belongs to the parents. As long as he buys it from his parents, he can do whatever he wants, so he never tried to covertly send people to him. I went to other places, but generously sold these children to locals.

Hearing that this person would not send the child to another place, even the police comrade behind Ji Changze was relieved.

They knew very well how much Comrade Ji wanted to find his sisters. In order to help them find their sisters faster, they even equipped them with such a good car, a baton that can generate electricity, and a walkie-talkie that even the capital does not have.

But they belong to the local police station, no matter how well equipped, it is impossible for all the people in the police station to help Comrade Ji find his sister and take a motorcycle to go outside.

It's good to be local, as long as the children are still there, they are confident that they can find them.

Ji Changze also breathed a sigh of relief. He had been seizing the time to do various things before, just trying to find the two sisters before the original timeline. Although the memory of the original owner is ambiguous, it is certain that the older sister of the twin sisters was found in the younger sister. It was sold to a stranger the day before.

As long as one day in advance, she can avoid being taken elsewhere.

Wang Er Mazi is a person who can gather a large number of younger brothers. He is well versed in the truth that "If you want to pull someone into the water, you must make sure that the other person drowns, so as not to get up and get revenge on yourself." He was asked about the truth. How can I catch him where he is active? Not only does he talk about everything he knows, but he also starts to make suggestions:

"Comrade police, I told you that catching Basan is too easy to catch. He is a gambler. By the way, you go to the Changjia restaurant. There is a gambling shop in the basement. Basan is usually there during the day. As soon as you catch one, if you can't catch it there, you can go to Xiaoqing Street at night, in the building where the red lanterns are hung. It is a prostitution place, and Ba San goes up every night. By the way, gambling and gambling are also illegal. Yes, he buys and sells people and gambling, can he stay in jail forever?"

"When you arrest someone, don't say that I told you where he was. I squatted for two years at most. After I go out, I don't want to be sacked."

"By the way, comrade police, I'm not counted as guilty and meritorious, then if I do meritorious service, can I be a policeman? You just said that the black car is called a motorcycle, right? I also want to be a policeman and ride a motorcycle. Not to be a policeman?"

Ji Changze didn't listen to Wang Er Mazi's talking there anymore, and when he got the news, he went out with a saw.

The police comrades said very intimately: "Knowing that you are in a hurry, we will arrest people today."

By the way, they bought gambling houses and prostitution establishments that they had never been able to find before.

As a result, criminals in the entire city have suffered today.

Those policemen who have never known where their nests are all of a sudden seem to be clairvoyant. During the day, the casino was taken away, and the rest of the people were so scared that they ran to the "Little Red Mansion" at night to ask the girls to comfort themselves, but they were taken together with the building. .

The two largest "recreation" places in the city were all gone. The lawbreakers in the city were all energized, and no one dared to appear again.

If before, they would dare to step on the tip of a knife to get out even if the police really took them out of their nest.

But now is different. These policemen don't know where the good stuff came from. They used to run fast enough and they were not afraid of being caught. Now the policemen are all riding on a huge black thing that makes a loud noise. It doesn't take much effort. Can catch them.

Revolt? Dare to resist a stick that would make a person fall to the ground in an instant and fell on him.

It's useless for them to run away and flee in batches like before. These police officers also carry a black and inky object the size of a turning head. That thing can make people talk from far away, even if They deliberately attracted these policemen to disperse. As soon as the policemen who came alone took this thing to ask for help, a large number of policemen would arrive in front of them with the huge roar of the black horse in a short while.

Those little gangsters who saw the police smiling in the past, and even dared to provoke a few words before escaping, are now dumbfounded.

How to play this so much! ! !

This is cheating, cheating naked! ! !

If this is the wailing of punks, then for ordinary people, this is a great thing.

The police suddenly launched a strong attack, and 80% of the lawbreakers went to jail, and the lucky ones who weren't caught didn't dare to rise up. They all honestly hid at home and tried to wait for the limelight to pass.

The people are happy.

In the past, those little gangsters who were charged for protection fees, always sneaked on the streets, arrogantly walked on the street, and threatened to see who was not pleasing to the eye, they were gone, and they were sleeping a little better.

Rumors about Heiqi also gradually spread.

Of course, in the face of positive people, rumors are not like spreading about Wang Er Mazi.

In the street, because the "big brothers" who were yelling five and six were all arrested before, the common people talked louder than before when they went to the street. Talking about the gossip of the police comrades who had caught the "big brothers" was very confident.

Two aunts who were enjoying the air without "big brother" in the street strolled and chatted.

Throughout the ages, both the village aunts and the city aunts have been good at gossip. These two aunts are even more versed in the essence of gossip. Aunt a starts with: "I have a friend."

"The grandson of her third aunt's fifth aunt worked in the police station. I heard her say that the good things that the police comrades are now matching are not given by the above, but a chief comrade specially made them for them. I heard that the capital There is no police station, just their police station."

Aunt b was very cooperative and surprised: "In our place, there is even a chief who specializes in making things? Then since this chief can do so many good things, will he still make airplanes?"

a The aunt thought about it seriously, and answered honestly: "I don't know, but since I can make cars, I should also make airplanes."

"Oh, this is not the point. The point is, I will tell you quietly. My friend said that the reason that the chief had made such a good thing for the police station was that they hoped that they could find this comrade chief who was sold by a trafficker. My sister."

"The chief's sister will still be sold by traffickers?"

"No, didn't you find out? This time the arrests were made by the traffickers. If you want me to say that they have smashed big goods this time, they are the chief's sister. Anyone dares to traffic them. ."

"However, although a group of children were saved from the trafficker, the chief's sister was not there. I heard that the parents who lost their children are about to burst the police station."

The news of the incomplete gossip information is that they didn't know that Ji Changze was looking for his sister who had been missing for three years, but the spontaneous brain made up for the trafficker who just abducted the person.

"Now that comrades in the public security have so many good things, when they catch people, I heard that they still encourage the people to report criminals. They say they want to suppress, what is the atmosphere, and what to do, do you know? ?"

"I don't know, you don't know everything I know."

"Hey, I won't remember it for a while."

While Aunt A was trying to remember, a timid voice came from next to him: "Is it clear..."

"Yes!!" The aunt clapped her hands, her face was full of joy: "Isn't it just to clean up! To clean up the atmosphere!! It's really old, I can't remember this."

After she was happy, she remembered to see who had remembered the word for herself, turned her head, and found that it was two little girls with gray heads lying on the ground by the side of the road.

Thin and small, because his leg was broken, he could only lie on the ground. At a glance, the whole body including his face was gray, and only one pair of eyes were dark and bright. At this moment, seeing the aunt looking over, both of them were a little timid and a little afraid Shrunk.

The younger girl mustered up the courage and begged dumbly: "Auntie, OK, give me some money."

Ah, it turned out to be two little beggars.

These two aunts both have jobs and are not short of money, otherwise there would be no such leisurely gossiping, and now seeing such a poor little beggar, my heart feels a little weak.

One of the aunts took out a yellow pancake from her arms, squatted down and stuffed them sympathetically: "It's so pitiful, such a small doll, with broken legs, if you let your parents see it, you might feel more distressed. "

The two little girls have heard these words too many times, and at the moment they just numbly thanked them: "Thank you auntie, auntie, you are so kind, you will definitely get a good return."

This is a word that has been trained. Although it is no longer allowed to talk about cows, ghosts and snakes, these blessings will still make passers-by happy.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, the aunt who originally just wanted to give something to eat took it out of her pocket and put a dime in the bowl in front of them: "Poor, let's buy something to eat."

She gave the money, turned around and continued walking with her companions while gossiping: "That chief is really a good brother. In order to find his sister to do so many things, it would be nice if that stinky boy in my family was so promising, this guy, don't She said she was protecting her sister, and the two brothers and sisters were fighting at home all day, which made me worried."

Seeing them walking away, a dangling man walked out of the alley, snatched the yellow cakes from the two girls, and took the money from their bowls. Before leaving, he reprimanded: "All Get your energy up, I just asked for such a small amount of money today. I don't want to eat tonight, right?"

They used to come to collect money at night when there was no one else. Anyway, the little beggars broke their legs and couldn't run. But recently, the brothers were caught a bunch of them and they were really short of money. So they just stared at these little beggars. beggar.

In the distance, the aunt who just wanted to look back happened to see this scene and frowned suddenly. Seeing that she was not leaving, the other aunt asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go, go to the police station."

Without knowing that the enthusiastic aunt was about to report herself, the man took a few more curses before leaving.

The two children, Nono, did not dare to speak. They waited until the man was gone before the younger girl swallowed. She licked the pancake hand reluctantly, and whispered, "Sister, I'm hungry."

The older child quietly stuffed the side of the cake that had just been secretly broken down in his palms into his sister's mouth, told her to lean on her back to the direction of the man, and whispered comforting: "Hurry up, don't let him see it."

Although I was told, my sister chewed cherishedly for a few times before swallowing it reluctantly. She was hungry and dizzy, her eyes turned black, and suddenly weakened: "Sister, I remember, we seem to have an older brother too. "

"Not the elder brother of the uncle and aunt's family, but the elder brother of the family."

The two sisters were only five years old when they were sent away, and eight when they were sold. Their previous memories have long been blurred. They only know that they were adopted by their uncles and aunts. When the uncles and aunts treat them badly, they will naturally think If they are by their biological parents, will their biological parents be nice to them, and will they let them eat.

But they are too young, no matter how they recall, they can't think of their parents, they only vaguely remember that there are parents, grandma, and an older brother at home.

The older sister patted her back: "I remember too."

My sister said, "Do you think our brothers will come to us too? Uncles and aunts said that our family sold us to them because we can't support us. Then they might not want to send us away. They just didn't. When we have money, they actually want to support us."

She comforted herself and her sister in an innocent and hopeful way: "Maybe they will come to us when they make money and are not afraid of starving us to death."

The elder sister listened quietly, her eyes fell on her lap, which had been drugged and splinted. A few days ago, someone said to buy her, and the "big brother" sent her to treat her leg, and waited until her leg injury was not so serious. , She was about to follow the stranger.

But her younger sister wants to stay here.

The elder sister does not want to keep the younger sister, but she has no say.

Although she is the same age as her younger sister, she is more mature in mind than her younger sister. She also knows that their situation is different from that of the chief's sister.

Can a child from a poor family be the same as a child from a rich family?

But she couldn't say anything to break her sister's dream, so she could only promise: "Mi porridge, you behave, my sister will come back to you if she makes money in the future."

The younger sister cried quietly. She didn't want her sister to leave. None of the children who had been taken away could come back. She was afraid that her sister would die.

But they can't walk, and escape is even more impossible.

In the evening, the two sisters and other begging children were thrown into the small room. They cuddled together and listened to the "big brothers" outside discussing something.

"Recently, you have recruited people to put on the highlights, but don't bring back any fresh faces. The group of papers went crazy and they are arresting people everywhere."

"I heard that the leader's younger sister is missing, don't worry, brother, we have the shortest goods in our hands for two years, and the leader can't find us."

"That's right, we do things well. These goods are no longer needed at home. Even if their biological parents see them on the road, they won't want to go back. The chief can't find this."

In the hut, the children who heard this numbly bowed their heads, and no one said anything.

The younger sister comforted the sad sister in a low voice: "Sister, don't listen to them. We are not sold by mom and dad. We are sold by uncles and aunts. If mom and dad see us, they will definitely take us home."

The elder sister patted her hand and said nothing.

She didn't tell her innocent sister, it was just a dream that would not come true.


Suddenly there was a door breaking outside.

Then came a spirited and solemn voice: "Don't move!! Police!!!"

"All hold their heads and squat down!!!"

The numb and quiet children in the hut became restless and looked carefully at the closed door.

The door opened, and a young policeman guarded his baton in front of him. After seeing the environment inside the house, he sighed with relief: "Captain, there are children, they are all locked here."

A figure ran over quickly. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, showing his long legs completely. He had a pale face and a gentle face. Behind him was a tall soldier in military uniform: "Chief, please slow down, chief. Fell."

The twin sisters stared blankly at the young man who was inaccessible to them like the moon in the sky, and did not dare to say a word.

Is this the chief who finds his sister?

He looks... so good-looking.

The people under the control of the police are still shouting: "The kids on our side are all bought with money. The latest one has been bought for two years. There is no chief sister at all! The wrong person was caught, and the wrong person was really caught. People!!!"

"Honest! What you buy with money is also a crime and illegality. This is whether the trader knows it!"

Brother Jun looked at Ji Changze, who was staring at the child in the house, and thought: "The chief, have you found it?"

The heart of the child in the house was beating uncontrollably.

Even if he knew he didn't have this brother, he couldn't help but yearn for him to come to him.

Come find your own...

For these "little beggars", this sentence is something they dare not dream of.

Including twin sisters.

Ji Changze moved.

He slowly, slowly, as if unable to believe it, walked in front of the two sisters.

They hugged them under the sight of them looking at them eagerly, their hearts beating wildly, and they were eager but not daring to expect.

The two sisters were stunned.

They were stunned, listening to the soft and excited voice belonging to the "chief" in their ears: "Four girls and five girls, brother will take you home."


Their brother, really came.