|The Lazy Man in Chronology (19)

Aunt Ji San was still in a daze, and saw Ji Changze say something to Grandma Ji, then turned around and picked up the two little girls from behind the motorcycles on which the other two soldiers were riding.

She was stunned.

The person next to him was also wondering: "What's the matter? Why did you bring two children back?"

"These two kids seem to have problems with their legs."

"Let's go and see?"

Aunt Ji San and her mother also frowned and stared at the two children from a distance. The more she looked at her, her brows became more frowning: "Girlfriend, why does this look like four girls and five girls?"

It's not like, that's her four girls and five girls.

Aunt Ji San's tears came down, and her brain went blank. She ran to the two daughters without paying any attention, half-kneeled and tremblingly looked at them: "What's the matter? What are you wearing on your legs? What's wrong? Why are you so thin?"

Grandma Ji had just listened to her grandson briefly talking about what happened. At this moment, she saw the scene that the mother and daughter wanted to see and her eyes were red: "Take the child back first. It's too hot outside, and then the child feels uncomfortable."

Ji Changze hugged one of the children, and Aunt Ji quickly picked up the other one carefully, feeling that her eight-year-old daughter was not as light as her five-year-old, and she cried even harder.

She hugged her sister Mantou. From the beginning, Mantou was rarely held so cherished. She vaguely remembered that her uncle and aunt held them when she met them for the first time, but it was a pity that she took them out of the Ji family. After the sight range, he put them on the ground and asked them to go by themselves.

Later, they were sold to human traffickers and sent to begging organizations. Since these people can break children's legs to control them, they naturally won't have the carelessness and gentleness.

Later, it was Ji Changze who claimed to be their brother.

His body was clean, as if there was a scent of saponaria, he was careful to avoid the injured leg when he picked them up, gently and softly.

Like him, Aunt Ji San also moved gently, as if for fear of scaring them.

She knew that the child who was sent out at such a young age probably did not remember her, and she was afraid that her daughter would not recognize that she was afraid, so she tried her best to speak with her in a choked voice, "I am a mother, do you remember me? When you were young It's very clingy. Mom always followed me behind my ass and called me, and they knew to help me get things. When I went to work, you just sat under the tree and played by yourself, remember?"

She didn't remember the steamed buns she said, but she seemed to be able to imagine the scene through her mother's description.

Because the two girls who were sent out so embarrassed and now broke their legs, the atmosphere of the Ji family returning was very heavy. Although the others wanted to come forward to find out what was going on, they didn't go up at this time when they saw them like this. Excuse me, just craned his neck to watch them go away with a face full of incomprehension and curiosity.

At this time, the effect that Ji Changze yelled when he got out of the car appeared.

No one thought about "Is it because Ji Changze did something wrong again", but guessed based on the current situation.

"That's Si Ya and Wu Ya? The two daughters that the Ji family gave to others to raise before, I remember they were the daughters of Sanfang."

"It seems to be, the appearance doesn't seem to have changed much, it's darker, thinner, what's it wearing? Isn't the family who led them very rich? Why do they wear these."

"The leg was also broken, and it was clamped with a wooden board. What the hell is this?"

Not only did they doubt, but the Ji family, who hurried back when they heard the news, looked at the thin and weak bodies covered with scars, and they were also dumbfounded.

"This is, what's wrong with this?"

Seeing that the younger brother and sister were wiping the faces of the two girls, Aunt Ji hurried up to help. Second Uncle Ji didn't know what was going on, so he subconsciously looked at his third brother. Third Uncle Ji looked at the two daughters who were obviously suffering. It's a green as never before.

Ji Changze stood up and said the matter again.

Ji's family suddenly became angry.

"What!! When I took the four girls and five girls away, they told us that they promised to be their own daughters. Is that how they treat their own daughters!!"

"If you don't want four or five girls, just give it back to us!! Why do you treat the two kids so much!!"

Sanshu Ji, who had always been honest, stood up abruptly with a dark face, took the hoe in the corner, and walked out: "Bound of a bitch!!! I killed them!!!"

Seeing his brother like this, Uncle Ji didn't even want to keep up: "The third child! I'll go with you!!"

"The second and third uncles don't need to go. They have sent me to the police station. They will have to squat for at least a few years to get out."

Ji Changze yelled, and stopped the two uncles: "The most important thing now is to heal the leg injuries of four and five. They are young and haven't finalized their shape, so they should be able to treat them."

The two girls who had been sitting quietly, letting Yuki's second aunt, Yuki's third-aunt, wipe their faces, held hands tightly together. When they discovered that the Ji family did not dislike them, their faces were distressed and even willing to find someone to settle accounts for them. After that, they slowly relaxed their tight bodies since they entered a strange place.

Ji Changze turned around and touched the heads of the two of them, and asked in a low voice, "Does Four Girls and Five Girls have names?"


Si Ya was a little bit more courageous than her younger sister, and after a careful glance at her brother, she said timidly: "My name is Mantou, and her name is rice porridge."

steamed bread? Rice porridge?

This name is a bit sloppy even in the eyes of the Ji family, who still call their daughters at home.

It's rare for Grandma Ji to have a gentle face toward people other than her grandson, soften her voice, and ask the two granddaughters in a soft voice: "Who got these two names for you?"

Mantou flinched, but when he glanced at Ji Changze, he was less scared, and whispered, "I thought."

"Oh, four of us, no, our buns are really smart, and we will have a name. Your sisters were not as smart as you when you were your age." Grandma Ji heard that she was thinking about it, suddenly for a while. Exaggerated.

"Then let's eat steamed buns and rice porridge at night. Grandma will make big white steamed buns and white rice porridge for you. Then kill a chicken. You will have two chicken legs today. We will cook the remaining chicken in chicken soup tomorrow. Let's have steamed buns and rice. The porridge is so good, you must give it a reward."

Facts have proved that her old man has not lived in vain for so many years. Just a few words made the two granddaughters who were already nervous and relaxed, and watched her loving grandmother's eyes get closer.

"Come on, the second one, you go to boil the water and prepare to take a bath for the steamed rice porridge in a while, the third one, find out if there are any clothes for a big girl like steamed rice porridge in the house, and if you don't have one, go get it. The egg changes to the next door."

Grandma Ji smiled, not as heavy as the others, but with a relaxed look: "The steamed buns and rice porridge are good. After a while, take a comfortable hot shower. After the shower, your hair will be dry. After dinner, my grandma will cook for you, and until tomorrow, I will take you to the city to buy nice clothes."

Seeing the two granddaughters nodded, she looked at the second aunt Ji who was standing there blankly: "The second child, what are you doing, don't hurry up to take a bath with steamed buns and rice porridge, second child, go and run for a while. Come, invite Doctor Liu to show our rice porridge and steamed buns to see our legs, the third child, go to the captain to ask for a leave. Tomorrow you and your wife will bring steamed buns and rice porridge to the city to buy clothes with me."

Obviously, after discovering that Grandma Ji, who was facing them and Yan Yuelu, gave orders to the rest of the Ji family with an attitude of "I am the eldest of the family, everyone should listen to me", the expressions of the two girls became more relaxed.

Compared to the situation where the whole family treats them well, which can make them at a loss, the sisters who have lived outside for a long time are more accustomed to having a boss (grandma Ji) directing everyone to be good to them with a strong posture.

They were obediently taken away by Aunt Ji, one by one, and their expressions disappeared.

In the heart of the little child, the second aunt Ji obviously listened to Grandma Ji's words. Since Grandma Ji asked her to take good care of them, then this strange second aunt would definitely not behave like a guilty one.

Seeing the two girls being taken away, Grandma Ji exhaled.

Ji Changze, who had already understood it a long time ago, gave her a thumbs up, and the rainbow fart waved in waves: "Milk, you deserve it, there is such a thing."

"Of course, I can always coax children, as long as I want, there is no child I can't coax me badly."

As she said, she glanced at her sons and daughters-in-law who were still out of shape, frowning in disgust: "Okay, what are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up and do what I just said!"

"Ah, good, good..."

The second generation of the Ji family hurriedly went away.

With Grandma Ji taking the lead, Ji Changze also relaxes. At night, the family sits in the courtyard. The steamed buns and rice porridge sit on chairs with backrests to prevent them from sitting unsteadily due to leg injuries.

Grandma Ji was still eccentric at the dinner table this time, but the eccentric object changed from Ji Changze to the two granddaughters who had just returned home.

"Come on, each person has a chicken drumstick. This chicken drumstick is stewed with potatoes by grandma. It tastes good, and it tastes great with steamed buns."

Ji Changze took a steamed bun to eat, and saw that all his uncles and aunts were afraid of running away from the steamed buns and rice porridge in the blink of an eye. He kept staring at them, but he didn't realize that the two little girls who had just returned home were completely stared at by them. Stiff, dare not move.

He swallowed the steamed buns in his mouth and persuaded: "Uncle, you guys hurry up and eat, and I will tell you what I did in the institute after eating."

Grandma Ji, who finished the chicken thighs for the poor granddaughter, glared at her sons and daughters-in-laws: "If you are surprised, hurry up and eat. If you don't want to eat, just go out and work for me."

Grandma Ji's prestige at home is not so strong. When she spoke, even if the four of them wanted to stare at the steamed bun and rice porridge, they still hurriedly ate the rice porridge in their own bowl.

Two laundered Bai Shengsheng put on clean clothes, one of them braided two pigtails, dressed as if they were envious of the girls in the city before looking at the chicken drumsticks delivered to their bowl, and swallowed drooling. , I want to eat but I don't dare.

After carefully looking up at the people on the table, they found that the others hadn't noticed them but were eating their own food, and then he was relieved and started eating without raising his head.

When they bite the tender chicken thighs, their eyes became hot, and large tears fell silently into the rice porridge.

The chicken drumsticks are so delicious.

It turns out that this is the feeling of being at home.

It turns out that their family also loves them and is willing to give them the only two drumsticks.

Ji Changze found the two little girls crying while eating. He didn't make a sound and only ate his own meal silently. The army brother and the police who were left to eat were sitting at the table that Grandma Ji gave them separately.

At this moment, they all looked at Ji Changze with the same goal.

The military buddies have to make sure that their protection objects are under their noses all the time, while the police are purely curious about the status of this big boss who can make so many good things at home.

Seeing that Ji Changze ate three or four big white buns in one breath, and drank three bowls of porridge before putting down his chopsticks. Before they could admire "Comrade Ji can really eat", he saw Ji Changze go to the kitchen and took two more buns. Finished gnawing.

After the gnawing, I went to the big tank at the entrance of the kitchen and looked at it. After reading it, I regretfully asked, "Milk, why do we just order rice? This is not enough for me to eat for a week."

A police comrade who just got up to put the tableware subconsciously glanced at the rice jar: "..."

The rice is enough for him to eat for a few months, but is it not enough for Comrade Ji to eat for a week? Comrade Ji, this is so edible.

I found a little difference between genius and ordinary people.

The rest of the Ji family are accustomed to it. After all, Ji Changze is famous for being able to eat and not do it. Usually he tries his best to be lazy. If he is lazy, he will eat when he has nothing to do. When he is idle, he will eat. The bigger you come, the more you eat, and the more you gain weight.

Grandma Ji, who has always loved her grandson, didn't even think about it: "This year's rice harvest is not good, and so much has been distributed. I will enter the city tomorrow. I will buy some of the food stamps I left before, but now there are not many food stamps, so I probably won't be able to change them. How much, so, will the milk stew potatoes for you in the future?"

Ji Changze sighed and looked helpless: "Well, eat potatoes as you eat potatoes. When you stew potatoes with milk, put more fish."

I was cherishing the steamed bun and rice porridge when I heard that there was not enough food at home, so I hesitated to stop my chopsticks.

Mantou whispered, "Grandma, I'm full."

The rice porridge also followed timidly and said: "The rice porridge is also full."

They finally had a home, but they didn't want their family members to be hungry.

Anyway, they eat very little every day when they are begging, and they will only eat a little every day to save food for the family.

No matter how clever the two are, they are just children. Adults can guess what they are thinking at a glance. Seeing the two children who sat obediently and refused to take another bite, the hearts of the Ji family were almost softened.

Ji Changze strode forward and gave the two children a painful brain collapse: "What do you think, you two little bird stomachs, you can't eat much until you eat it. There is not enough food at home because your brother can eat too much, hurry up. Eat well, people will easily get sick if they are not full enough, and they can grow up quickly if they are full, and you can grow up quickly by eating and drinking enough. When you grow up, you can earn money to buy food."

Seeing the two children who were ignorant and hurriedly picked up their bowls and continued to eat, Ji Changze leaned against a tree in the middle of the yard, with a entangled expression: "How come there is not enough food..."

The upright military buddies put down their chopsticks when they heard that there was not enough food.

How can you let the chief have no rice in the pot?

Such talents should worry about national affairs, scientific research results, and if they worry about enough food, it is their negligence.

"Chief, in addition to your salary, you also have food stamps, and there are also a lot of them. It's just that your food stamps are sent directly from the capital. It will take some time. After a few days, the food stamps will come. Don't worry about it."

Ji Changze didn't relax his eyebrows because of what they said. He still looked like he couldn't figure it out: "We are obviously very hardworking, especially me. I am simply the most diligent person in the village. How come our family still doesn't have enough food."

Ji's family: "..."

Military buddies: "..."

The police comrades spent a very short time with this Comrade Ji, and they still don't understand the nature of his laziness. Hearing this, I feel distressed: "This year is a dry season, and the harvest is not good. It is normal. There is no way. For dinner."

Ji Changze: "Sure enough, artificial rainfall is needed. My tools are right. By the way, my tools are in the police station... No, I remember the weather last year was good, and my family still didn't have enough food."

"This matter is very difficult to understand."

With an expression of "I have found a mysterious and unsolved mystery" on his face, he opened his fingers and counted them one by one: "Look, our family members work hard and have not been delayed for a day, and I often go there. At the tooth-fighting festival on the mountain, our family can still catch fish and eat fish, and even touch the bird's eggs to eat. As a result, the food is still not enough to eat. This is too strange! Right!"

"It's so weird, it's so weird." Ji Changze circled in the yard: "Don't you call me a genius? Why can't a genius solve this problem? Why are we so diligent and still can't eat enough."

After listening to him, the people with black lines on their faces: "..."

Second Uncle Ji: "...Maybe, it's just you...cough cough cough!!"

Talking about this, he found his mother-in-law staring at him, and he quickly changed his words: "That's it, it's just that we ate too much."

"A lot? Where is it? Isn't it the amount for adults? Five or six steamed buns, three bowls of rice porridge."

Others: No, we don't eat that much, only you have this amount.

Ji Changze made the final conclusion, with an expression of "this is the truth": "So, the output of rice is too small."

He sighed: "This year's rice is not good, why is it so useless, just so little harvest, if it can harvest, our family will not worry about not enough rice."

other people:"???"

How innocent rice is! !

People grow up honestly and produce sturdy fruit, but because you can eat too much, you are put on the "no" hat.

Is rice shameless?

Even the military brother who has always had a filter for Ji Changze couldn't help but twitched his mouth, thinking about how to euphemistically inform the chief "don't think about it, it's just that you ate too much" without affecting the chief's face. Just listen to the head of Ji's conversation.

"So, we have to find a way to cultivate rice with high yield!!! If ordinary rice can yield 50 kilograms per mu! Then we will cultivate rice that can yield several hundred kilograms per mu!!!"

These words were so loud that even the military buddies who had never heard of such things couldn't help but listen to them.

If such rice can be cultivated, wouldn't the people in China who are still struggling with food and clothing no longer have to be hungry?

There is no need to eat fragrant and spicy food, as long as you are full, as long as you are full.

The military buddies who are happy to imagine that the people of China no longer have to be hungry: "Chief, you, your idea is really too big..."

Ji Changze: "Aha! When it is cultivated, I will eat eight bowls of rice a day!!"

Military buddies: "..."

Ji Changze: "I still want to eat noodles!! Eat four bowls!"

The military buddies sat down in silence.

The fierce emotions that were excited, admired, and wished to regard the other person as a great man just now seemed to go with the wind with eight bowls of rice and four bowls of noodles.

The chief, you are worthy of being.