|The Lazy Man in the Chronicles (20)

Even if Ji Changze's starting point is hard to say, when he wants to accomplish this, the military buddies, experts, and even the leaders of the research institute where Qi Bing works are doing their best to give their help.

After all, Ji Changze has created one miracle after another.

First, cultivate the mortal enemy of the great white moth, then solar panels, then motorcycles, batons, and walkie-talkies.

These things alone are enough to shock people, not to mention that they are all made in extreme time and placed in front of them.

Ji's family didn't know that, on the day the motorcycle baton walkie-talkie was delivered to the police station, information about all of them and the relationship between relatives and friends were sent to the capital along with Ji Changze's various information.

At the same time, several soldiers arrived in this seemingly ordinary town within a few days. They did not show up, but hidden in the dark, divided into four directions, southeast, northwest, and secretly protected Ji Changze for 24 hours.

Although no one has ever told this young talented comrade who can always bring miracles how high his authority is now, but Ji Changze clearly feels that everything he is doing now is silky smooth.

In the past, what parts he wanted was all military comrades who went to major factories and took out documents to ask for the various discarded parts they were asking for, and then struggled to find a way to find a car to transport them back.

On one occasion, in order to bring back some relatively large materials, a comrade soldier even found a trailer and towed it back by himself.

Previously, watching Ji Changze beat and beat slowly to piece together a motorcycle, the parts were flying all over the floor, the military comrades didn't say anything, but their hands were always distressed, picking up these parts with one less part. .

It's different now.

As soon as Ji Changze said that he wanted xxx, the comrades in the military would be generous, and he could get a batch of brand new xxx on the same day, very generous, proudly waved his hand: "Chief, you can use them, these are all brand new and they are guaranteed to be easy to use. Tell me what else do you want, and I will arrange it for you right away."


Looking at his performance of "the poor turn the rich", Ji Changze guessed that he should have been protected by the national father in the protection circle now.

Although China is still relatively poor, it is still a country. With the backing of the whole country, Ji Changze has gone.

He spoke very unceremoniously and made several long, long lists.

As he listened to Ji Changze while recording, the proud and confident expressions on the faces of comrades gradually disappeared.

He waited until Ji Changze finished his babble before he asked carefully: "All of these...all."

Ji Changze affirmed: "All."

Brother Jun: "Aren't you studying rice? These and those things that don't look like studying rice."

The young, talented researcher who has been carefully protected by the state is very confident: "I didn't say that I only study rice."

"I also said before that I wanted to study artificial rainfall and airplanes. Now it's fine. Artificial rainfall requires airplanes. It's just right to study together. You said it's a coincidence."

Brother Jun: "..."

He has only heard of one technology that has been studied for three years, and he has never seen Ji Changze like this, where three technologies have been studied together.

"Whether it will be too good to study the three projects in this way, as the saying goes, if you don't chew too much, if you don't chew..."

"How can you know if you can't chew it before you chew, maybe others can't chew it, I just chew it up."

Brother Jun: "..."

Forget it, you are a genius, you have the final say.

Anyway, there are projects that haven't worked out a result after several years or even more than ten years. Ji Changze's previous achievements are enough for him.

Just as Ji Changze shut himself in the research institute and indulged in researching food every day, the outside situation was gradually changing.

In the beginning, only the country began to promote solar power generation, and solar power generation was extended to rural areas.

At first, the common people were a little scared and resisted the legend that they could generate electricity as long as they were exposed to the sun. After all, it was something they had never touched before, but after knowing that the country wanted them to use it, they were scrambling to use it.

The current state of China can be said to be unable to catch up with other countries in terms of technological development, but in terms of the degree of national cooperation, it can really leave behind a large part of the country.

Slowly, the people discovered that this solar panel is useful. It allows them to cook without burning wood. After installing the electric light and this thing, they don't light the candle that hurts their eyes at night, just gently pull the rope. , The light bulb will light up, and the room will be bright without choking people.

Without wasting time to acquire resources such as firewood, they can free up their hands for other tasks.

Later, it was the emergence of bb machines.

Unlike the original history of development, it is not as scary as the expensive one, and it can still be bought with gritted teeth.

Then, Hua Guo began to vigorously crack down on pornography and crime, especially focusing on human traffickers. The police stations in every city ushered in handsome black riders. Police comrades who needed to go out also had electric batons and walkie-talkies.

With these, it is not surprising that the police have the upper hand in the fight against criminals.

For a while, police comrades were wearing uniforms and helmets, with electric batons hung on the left side of their waists and a small bag hung on the right. The scenes of black horses roaring through the street in a line became a scene of various cities in China.

Heiqi has also gradually become synonymous with police comrades. I have to say that although everyone respected police comrades in the past, since the police comrades have been linked to the black horses and become handsome, the number of young people who want to become police has greatly increased. There are more and more girls who want to start families with police comrades.

Many criminals have been hit and disappeared. In the past, because these criminals died and were not stiff, even if the police were to catch them, they would always be able to run away one or two people who retaliated afterwards and did not dare to report. Take the courage.

Reporting criminals is a matter of justice!

Criminals dare to retaliate? ! In broad daylight, there are black riders patrolling the streets every day. Who would dare to be so rampant? See if the black riders don't chase them ten streets on motorcycles, and then drag them back with a truncheon, and sentence him to death! !

The people are not afraid! And they can also be proud. After having common enemies (various criminals) with the country, their confidence is unprecedentedly high. I heard that their walkie-talkies are technology that is not available in foreign countries, and they want to spend money to buy them from China. Well, why do you want to buy it abroad? It's not that the police comrades in our country are envious, they don't.

Can police comrades in their country have batons and give them such a sense of security. Can they chase eight streets in order to catch a thief? !

Most Chinese people don't know what's going on in a foreign country, but this does not prevent them from knowing that their country is getting better. Living in such a better and better country, they naturally hope that they can get better and better. Actively report any guy that will drag the country back.

And in a small county town, there is still a gossip that "because the traffickers abducted the chief's sister, it was only because the traffickers abducted the chief's sister, that the chief noticed these criminals" gossip.

One day in a certain place, a young student spent money to buy a newspaper and went home. His family was a family of cadres. Although he was not rich, he was indeed safe from food and clothing. Influenced by his parents with high education, he grew up very much. Studying hard, this hard work has paid off. His grades are among the best in the class and he is a role model for his classmates.

As a child of a cadre family, he can save money to buy books and newspapers. After being elected as the monitor at the beginning of this year, he observed the economic status of his classmates and found that most of the students still had no money. Can buy newspapers to read, so every time he bought a newspaper, he volunteered to stand on the podium during the break time and read the contents of the newspaper.

His move received a enthusiastic response from his classmates. Everyone kindly called this event the "Class Leader". Even the teachers praised him for sharing the content of the newspaper with everyone. Even several teachers would be there at this time. Go into the classroom and listen to him read it.

The young student is very happy that he can let other students know the content of the newspaper and share a little bit of the joy of growing up in the country, but after he was excited for a while at the beginning, he slowly became a little uncomfortable afterwards.

It's not that he doesn't want to read the newspaper anymore. It's just that he gradually discovered that although the country has worked hard to give some happy results in the newspaper, as his knowledge becomes wider and wider, he can also discover more and more that the country has experienced In fact, the scientific research results that have been studied with hard work have already existed in foreign countries.

It feels too powerless for them to try to catch up, but only to catch up with the technology that others have already eliminated. He was even frustrated to the point where he could no longer concentrate on learning as usual, and he often came to listen to the "squad leader" The teacher found out that he was wrong and talked earnestly with him, encouraging and comforting, before he recovered.

Even so, every time he thinks about the country and catches up to xx technology, he still can't help feeling depressed all morning.

But recently this state has become less and less.

He found that the country gradually began to publish scientific research results that other countries did not have.

A country has studied solar panels that have not been developed for a long time! !

A certain country has completely conquered the white moth, a pest that it couldn't help it, by our country! !

my country implements artificial rainfall! !

Our country has developed a mobile phone that allows people to talk even if they are thousands of miles away!

my country has the first stealth aircraft. Although it is not the first country to be developed, its stealth capability far exceeds that of a certain country in terms of technology!

One by one, every time he read it, he couldn't help being so excited that the voice involuntarily amplified, becoming passionate and eager!

The classmates and the teacher did not think he was too noisy, but they also followed their expressions with excitement. Every time they finished reading, everyone would applaud and celebrate happily. They happily discussed what skills are needed. These things are not available in foreign countries. Our country is really here. I work hard to become strong and so on.

But on this day, when he got the newspaper and saw the contents of the newspaper, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief. After making sure that there were no flowers, he stared at a large line of the newspaper, reluctant to move it for a while.

On this day, he didn't wait until the morning class was over before standing on the podium as usual, but as soon as he arrived in the classroom, he immediately went to the podium.

The students entered the classroom one by one. No one was late. Everyone cherished the opportunity to learn. When he discovered that he actually went to the podium early today, everyone was puzzled.

Finally, all the students arrived.

The teacher walked into the classroom with a book, and was a little surprised when he found him on the podium, but did not go up and drive the people off. Instead, he moved a chair and sat back in his mixed expression of surprise and dream.

"Classmates! I want to tell you a good news!!"

His voice trembled a bit, but he didn't care about it anymore. Looking at the curious eyes of the classmates below, he waved the newspaper on his hand and pointed to the large line on it.

"Our country has developed a kind of high-yield rice, and now it has been confirmed through experiments that its yield is 16 times higher than ordinary rice per mu!!!"

"Do you know the concept of this!! Ordinary rice yields 50 kilograms per mu, but this kind of high-yield rice can yield 800 kilograms per mu!! As long as this kind of rice is promoted throughout the country, our country will welcome it? With a good grain harvest, our citizens will not have to go hungry, even!!! We can still use the rest of the grain to produce, in exchange for the resources for building the motherland!!!"

The more he talked, the more excited he was, and he looked like he could not wait to stand on the table and shout, but no one criticized his impropriety, because other classmates and even the teacher were excited after hearing what he said. , Unstoppable cheers sounded in the classroom.

These students, who are working hard every day to learn knowledge, are more aware of the country's difficulties than ordinary Chinese.

Are Chinese people not hardworking?

No, they are very diligent, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. They are willing to be in the field every day, and they are willing to work all the time to support their parents and children.

Do the Chinese ask too much?

No, most Chinese people only require food and clothing.

But after the war, even if the country is working hard to build, even the Chinese people are working hard, but they can't get enough food.

No matter how hard they work, they can't harvest the food that fills the whole family.

Even for the students sitting in the bright church, some of their families are unable to get enough to eat. Most of them rely on state subsidies to study along the way, hoping to change their home and country through their own efforts. This everyone.

They firmly believe that as long as the country becomes stronger, their families and people will no longer have to suffer the pain of starvation.

At the same time, they also clearly know how important it is for the people of a country to have enough food and clothing, and how different it is that a country can have food to support the people of the country and even export it.

Now, the country says: Don't be afraid, we won't be hungry anymore.

Tears rained down.

Although he is less than forty years old, the teacher with white hair on his head has red eyes, immature, because the poor students who use the lamp every day to study at night and seize all the time to study wiped a pair of eyes with two big dark circles. The cadre's family students, who hadn't been hungry much, but knew the meaning of high-yield rice, burst into tears.

This day is nothing less than a carnival for the people of the whole country.

The country didn't just briefly say "what have we cultivated and how can it be?" as it used to be. Instead, it took a lot of space to describe in detail that the country will promote high-yield rice throughout the country and teach How can the village officials make these rice grow well, and when they mature, what kind of yield and how much rice they can bring can be eaten for as long as a family of four.

The country stood up, loudly and proudly telling all citizens:

Chinese! The country promises you!

There will be no more children waiting to be fed but not getting enough to eat.

There will no longer be elderly people who can't do anything to worry about wasting food at home and throwing themselves into the river.

There will be no more women who are pregnant but have miscarriage due to insufficient food.

There will no longer be strong labor and nourishment falling into the field.

Even ordinary farmers who are illiterate and do not understand major national events can realize that the hardships of their Chinese people have passed.

During the people's carnival, Ji Changze lay on the old chair made by beating and beating himself, eating the fragrant rice that he had just made from the laboratory.

After eating four bowls of rice with red sun-dried meat, he put down the bowl contentedly and burped.

Facing him, staring at his stomach with worry and worry about whether this country's treasure will be broken by the military brother with a proud look on his face.

"Look, I'll just say it."

In my heart, I was thinking about whether to get something appetizing, so the old man did not respond, "Huh? What?"

I was rushing to commend this cadre who made great contributions to the country. As soon as I pushed through the door, I saw their big baby who made the country want to hold it in the palm of my hand, and it was so witty that my face was written on my face. Ji Changze patted his stomach contentedly:

"I just said, rice is not enough to eat, it is not a problem of rice eaters, it is definitely a problem of rice, you see, now the problem is solved, it turns out that what I said is right."

"It's the rice problem, eh, I really deserve to be a genius."

"By the way, the computer you helped me get back is too big, too wasteful of parts, and too difficult to move. I want the police station to have co-criminals and lose children's information. I'm worried."

"I think there is a problem with this computer."