|The Lazy Man in the Chronicles (End)

Liu Sheng and two classmates stepped into this hotel cautiously with anxiety. Even at night, the lobby was still bright and clean. There were bookshelves and sofas in the distance. At the front desk, there were two young people wearing uniforms. Standing behind the table, there is a big sign standing beside the table with many languages ​​on it stating that this is the service office.

Seeing them coming hesitantly, the two young men both stretched out their hands and made an ancient fist holding ceremony to the three of them.

Liu Sheng had studied the ancient culture of China and knew that this was the etiquette for meeting in ancient times. He was suddenly treated with such seriousness. He hurriedly put down the salute and returned the salute to the two of them.

Although the two foreign classmates did not know the holding fist ceremony, they still followed Liu Sheng to salute in a decent manner.

Seeing them like this, the expressions of the two front desks became more gentle and asked in English: "Which country are you tourists?"

Liu Sheng didn't want to be considered as a national R, so he quickly answered: "I am a Chinese. These two are my classmates. They are both from the V country. This time we are watching the sports meeting together."

Hearing that he was a Chinese, the expression on the front desk became more cordial.

"It turns out that we are Chinese, you can see what size of room you are going to book. This is an atlas of the hotel's current room type."

Then, one of the front desks took out a laptop, pointed the screen at the three people, pointed to the pictures of the various room types above, and said: "The green ones are the ones that have not been decided yet. You can choose the type of room you want to live in."

Liu Sheng's attention was not at all on the room type. He stared at the laptop in shock: "This, this is?"


As if accustomed to this expression, the front desk looked unchanged and calmly said: "It has been transformed into a portable office appliance by our country. It is also called a notebook. You only need to choose the room type here, and we will directly Just do it on it."

Liu Sheng stared at the screen blankly, swallowed, and tentatively clicked on one of the room types.

--Ding! 3 room type-9th floor-No. 11, please place an order.

With the crisp mechanical sound, Liu Sheng and his two classmates were shocked and couldn't help but look around.

"It's nothing, it's just a note from the notebook."

The front desk comforted them proficiently and took the notebook and asked: "Comrade, are you sure that you have booked this room, right? If there are no other questions, please write down your ID card for us, and you can place an order after you have recorded it."

"Huh? Ah, well, just this room."

Liu Sheng hurriedly took out his credentials and spoke to the two classmates in a foreign language. After the credentials of the three were verified by the front desk one by one, the front desk smiled and said, "Okay, the order has been placed. The room for the three is on the ninth floor. On the 11th, when you get out of the elevator, turn left. There is a phone in the room, and the phone is directly connected to the front desk. You can call to ask if you have any questions. In addition, our hotel also provides three meals. If you need it, register here and we will make a reservation. Delivered to the door."

"Elevator? Is it the kind of elevator in the xx building in a certain country?"

The front desk seems to have heard this question many times, and just nodded and smiled: "Yes, comrade, that's the kind of elevator."

Oh my goodness.

Liu Sheng didn't know what to say anymore.

Thanks to the front desk, he was about to turn around and leave, suddenly remembering something, suddenly turned his head, and asked a little embarrassingly: "Well, the cost of the room..."

Liu Sheng was a little upset.

He was shocked when he patronized just now. He didn't expect to ask how much the hotel charges for such a high-end and gorgeous hotel, which is not even more expensive than a well-known hotel in a certain country.

Especially there is an elevator here.

You know, in a certain country, only the xx building has an elevator installed at present. It is said that people who work there are proud of their ability to take the elevator.

I want to know that it must be very expensive.

The family conditions of his two classmates did not reach the point of wealth. If the cost is expensive, it would be a heavy burden for the three of them.

The front desk smiled and said, "Comrades, please rest assured that our hotel is specially built by the state to entertain some foreign tourists. The charges are normal. You can check your room card and the price is marked on it."

Liu Sheng listened, and quickly looked down at the room card in his hand, and saw the price written on it.

Seeing the price, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the price is more expensive than ordinary hotels, it is still within the acceptable range, especially the Chinese currency written on it. Converting the exchange rate is not a problem for his two classmates.

However, at such a price, it is possible to live in such a hotel.

Liu Sheng could see clearly that this naturally does not mean that Chinese people have a lot of stupid money. On the contrary, it shows that China is far different from the past.

If you are really short of money and materials, how can you build such a magnificent building and it is not expensive.

It is precisely because there is no shortage of these three melons that something so good and cheap can happen.

Liu Sheng's feeling is very complicated.

On the one hand, he is happy for the development of the country, on the other hand, he is lost because he missed these things abroad.

He originally went abroad to learn advanced knowledge abroad and then return to serve his country. For this reason, even if he encounters some unfriendly people and things in a strange country, even if he needs time to work in order to save some money, Liu Sheng All feel sweet and sweet.

As a result, his country took off before he learned how to become famous?

This is so sour and unbelievable.

When he and the other two classmates walked to a "door" according to the instructions of the staff, he still felt like he was dreaming.

The classmate looked around and asked strangely: "Liu, why are we standing here and not moving, don't we go climbing the stairs?"

"By the way, this hotel looks so high-end, there should be someone to help carry the luggage, we are okay, you are too thin, I think we should hire someone to help you carry the salute."

Faced with two foreign students who were still excited about the luxury of this hotel even if they didn't know the elevator, Liu Sheng's excitement suddenly calmed down.

He tried his best to make the expression on his face look less proud, and tried to calmly said: "We don't need to hire people to help carry our luggage upstairs. This hotel has an elevator, and it is easy to bring luggage."

The two classmates' eyes suddenly widened: "Elevator? Is the elevator you mentioned the elevator I think?"

"Yes, it's the kind of elevator in the xx building, the staff told me just now."

Faced with two classmates who were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked, Liu Sheng tried hard to restrain himself from letting the corners of his mouth turn up.


The elevator door opened. Liu Sheng, who only saw it in the newspaper, was a little guilty because he didn't know how to use it. Fortunately, he saw the staff standing inside. The flustered heart was stabilized at once.

Yes, this is in China, our own country. This elevator also belongs to the Huaguo Hotel. I am a Chinese. I am afraid of anything.

So, Liu Sheng, with his head up and chest tall as he had never seen before, carrying a salute, arrogantly and arrogantly entered the elevator.

When he entered, he looked at the two classmates who hesitated to step forward, and urged: "Come in, let's put down the salute and eat."

The two cautiously stepped into the sleek elevator. Inside, the staff smiled and asked in English because they heard them talking in English: "Gentlemen, what floor do you want to go to?"

Liu Sheng charged her with a reserved smile and said in Chinese: "Comrade, let's go to the ninth floor."

The staff asked kindly: "Are you Chinese?"

Liu Sheng: "I am Chinese."

He said this sentence in a very light tone, but after speaking, a burst of pride seemed to fill his heart in an instant.

He has a hunch that in the future, when Chinese people say that they are Chinese, they will no longer face ridicule and despise, and sympathy for poor and backward countries.

Those eyes will only turn into envy.

Facts have proved that after not using it, his two foreign classmates now envy him very much.

Especially when they clearly felt the elevator ascending, the elevator doors opened with a ding, and what was displayed in front of them was a long and bright corridor with the room number written on the rooms on both sides of the corridor.

All this is too unlike the poor and backward countries mentioned in the newspapers.

Even in a certain country, there may not be such a scene.

All of this was verified even more after opening the door of the room and seeing the TV inside.

"Liu, your country looks good, why is it written like that in the newspaper."

"Oh my God, this TV is so clear and the bed is so soft, Liu, your country is so good, why do you want to study in a certain country? If I am a Chinese, I definitely don't want to go abroad."

Liu Sheng was actually shocked, but when faced with two classmates who only thought it was a mistake in the newspaper, he still tried to make "I am not surprised at all".

"Actually, this was not the case here before I went abroad. It may be that the country has developed during the time I left. I am not surprised at this. After all, China has always been like this. It will make a lot of efforts to achieve the goal."

"Oh my God, has China developed in the past few years? This is too fast. I really should let those reporters who talk nonsense in the newspapers come to China to see it. Before I set off, I also read about China. In the news of the country, it's all nonsense. If such a good country is written like that, do these people treat us as fools?"

Liu Sheng was still bewildered, but when he heard this, he suddenly felt that he was the trouble of those foreign reporters.

International students are living abroad, and they want to know the news in China. Apart from writing to family members, they are reading newspapers. This is also the case for him. It is precisely because the judgment of China in newspapers has never changed that Liu Sheng feels that the teacher said about China. The words that flourish are comforting him.

Pooh! Junk reporter!

It's really just to make people look at it. It's so ignorant of the conscience to write them such a good Chinese country as poor.

This evening, countless foreign tourists who came to China who wanted to watch the sports meet cheer for their own country scolded the newspapers all over the place.

What about poverty? What about backward?

It is said that 80% of the population in China are in a state of food?

Look at this big hotel.

Look at that notebook.

Look at this elevator again.

There are also street lights on the street, flat and clean ground on the ground.

Are you telling me that this is poverty and backwardness? ?

Look at the ruddy-faced, simple and generous Chinese people.

You tell me they can't eat enough? ?

You can't make up nonsense. The most ridiculous thing is that a country as big as China is here, and the evidence of good development is solid. However, the nonsense of a few newspapers is actually not exposed, but all. I believe that China is still the sick man of East Asia.

Nonsense! Magic no!

Many foreigners who are full of superior emotions at the bottom of their hearts, after witnessing all this, their lofty heads lowered unconsciously, and their mouths that spoke English loudly and proudly were also closed tightly. Those proud, complacent and complacent, they turned into an instant. Embarrassment and anger become anger.

These, naturally, a swarm of blame was on the newspapers that smeared China with ridicule.

Compared with those people who were full of thoughts of "I am superior, lowly Chinese want to lift me up" before they came, those foreigners who simply want to come to watch the sports meet and cheer for their own country do not have so many dramas. Up.

After making sure with the staff that the lights are on all night in Huaguo, and there are police officers on duty, a few courageous foreign friends went to the street together.

This evening, they tasted Chinese food, played a Chinese ring game, and flew sky lanterns with many Chinese people, and on the bright bridge, they watched the stars and dots caused by the cruise ships in the river.

Late at night, there were very few people on the street.

In their advanced but chaotic country, you have to be very careful when walking on the street at this point, but they noticed that several students in school uniforms and braids walked in front of them, talking and laughing. Their smiles are wanton and innocent, and their steps are brisk and not nervous.

A huge roar came from a distance. A team of Chinese policemen were patrolling the street on motorcycles. When they reached the female students, they slowed down and shouted: "You are college students, you have to go to class tomorrow, so late. I'm still playing outside, go back quickly. I'm going to be scolded if I'm not energetic in class tomorrow."

The students were joking, looking at the police with trust and closeness. One of the female students who had their doll's head cut off shyly lost something in their direction, and then they seemed to have done something bad. Laughing is making trouble again, you push me and I push you to run away.

They are not afraid of encountering any bad guys on the way home, because there are police officers on duty at the front and end of each road, and there are people living in houses along the road, and there are surveillance everywhere.

If something really happens, you just need to shout, and residents and the police will hear the movement and help. Even if the criminal runs away, the police can also bring people to justice through surveillance.

Under such various security guarantees, no one dared to commit a crime long ago.

They joked and ran away, and the police were a little helpless, but they had no choice but to continue patrolling the streets with the students who had received the latest education of this era.

Motorcycles whizzed past, and several foreigners saw the petals on one of the policemen.

What the short-haired student just lost turned out to be beautiful petals that represent blessings and beauty in China.

One of the foreigners who had been happily playing Le Diandian for a night suddenly became startled.

He said with some envy: "The public security of the Chinese people is really good."

His friends patted him comfortably on the shoulder: "I heard that China has banned wooden warehouses. It is illegal for their ordinary people to hold wooden warehouses. Only law enforcement agencies can have wooden warehouses, so law and order is good."

"No, it's different."

He shook his head, his eyes full of envy: "I can see that the police in China are very friendly to the people here, and they have the same attitude towards us. Just now they took a look at us and did you notice it."

The friend wondered: "It's just a normal glance. Is there any difference? I didn't notice it."

He smiled bitterly: "Yes, it's different because of the usual glance."

"Recall, if we were in our own country, at this time of the night, we were walking on the road and met the police, what would they think of us?"

Several people recalled, and they were all silent.

They looked down at the dark complexion on their arms and sighed.

If you are in your own country, the policemen who are law enforcement officers who clearly should protect them, if they really see them on the street at such a late night, their eyes will surely be disgusting and vigilant, as if they were some heinous criminals.

If you encounter a few more grumpy people, it is not impossible to be forced to search directly.

The grievances and indignation in the memory are in sharp contrast to the joy they saw the Chinese people send flowers to the Chinese police.

Today, when they felt the peace, security and peace of mind in China, they were only a little envious, but now, they enviously wished that they were also Chinese.

Many foreign tourists have been admitted to Hua Guo Hotel one after another.

After moving in, they overturned their previous impressions of China without exception.

Even some people are already thinking about working in China for themselves or their children.

The same is true of Liu Sheng's two classmates. They originally went to a certain country to learn advanced knowledge. Since there is a place that is more advanced than a certain country, it would be a bit more of a loss to stay in a certain country.

Many people like them were shocked to discover.

Hua Guo, a country that has fallen into the mud after being glorious, has actually stood up again.

When they saw the Hua Guo Hotel, they could say that their country also has it.

When they saw the elevator, they could say that the elevator in their country was the first to be launched.

When they see the streets at night, they can say that it is not just a street lamp, and their country can be safe if they want to.

When they saw the notebook, they hesitated for a long time and couldn't speak clearly.

At the opening of the Games, they can still think about whether their country can also have such a technology while zooming in and broadcasting the content on the stadium on the huge screen.

When the students sitting in the auditorium, dressed in clean and tidy clothes, holding still a bit heavy mobile phones to take pictures and video, fell into sight, they were silent.

Naturally, in the audience, Ji Changze, who was watching the game while eating and drinking, had to be handed over to drink his mouth water, was completely unnoticed by others.

Official camera video recording, live broadcast.

Several times, the camera stayed on Ji Changze who was eating and drinking comfortably and comfortably. Ge Youtan looked like "I'm useless, I'm proud", and after a few seconds he passed by casually.

There is a TV at home, and the viewers who are watching live TV don't feel anything wrong. Only a few people noticed Ji Changze, and after murmured "this guy is handsome", they forgot about it.

This time the Games held in China ended in perfection.

Hua Guo specially arranged Hua Guo Hotel for foreign friends, and the charges are not expensive. No one thinks that the government is flattering foreigners to please foreigners.

Everyone thought, is this unknown?

Show our strength to them and let them know that our country has been reborn a long time ago.

The facts have also proved that this Games is a perfect appearance for China.

Yes, our country was not as strong as yours before, and our technology could not catch up with you.

But it's different now.

We caught up.

Our younger generation is already playing mobile phones, but you haven't even developed a mobile phone.

Our government is already using laptops for office work, but you haven't reduced it yet.

Our country has super rice, which can increase the yield per mu more than ten times than before, but you still have to import it from our country.

Once China was beaten under your feet. It was obviously a war of your own country, but it was going to be fought on our country. You invaded our country, burned our treasures, killed our citizens, and stepped on our backbone. Give us the title of sick man of East Asia.

But so what?

As long as the Chinese are still there, the Chinese will be there.

As long as the Chinese have a backbone, the Chinese will have a backbone.

And now, Hua Guo stood up again.

No one feels that Hua Guo has no confidence to be so public.

They are not stupid. Since the Chinese can possess technology on these things, they will naturally not fall behind on their weapons.

At the end of the sports meeting, many people left in a hurry.

Many countries understand that the way they treat China is about to change.

For Liu Sheng, who has suffered in China and discriminated against abroad, he feels more deeply about these changes.

The status of the country in the international arena has improved, and even the status of Chinese people with them has been brought up together.

After all, everyone knows that Hua Guo protects shortcomings.

If the Chinese have an accident abroad, it is hard to guarantee that the Chinese Embassy will not do anything.

The shopkeeper who used to write brazenly on the door that the sick man in East Asia was not allowed to enter quietly took off the sign.

The street gangsters who always blackmailed the yellow race changed their targets.

Even the foreman of the shop where Liu Sheng worked before suddenly raised his salary. Liu Sheng learned that it turned out that his boss had secretly deducted part of his salary foreman himself, and now he sees that Hua Guo is not easy to provoke. Did not dare to continue to deduct it.

In Liu Sheng's heart, he was happy that he had never been bullied, not because he was not being bullied, but because Hua Guo kept him from being bullied.

He thought that in the future, China will definitely become better.

But the only thing that puzzled him was that he had no children and no other relatives. Why did the teacher who was a student like him always ask him to help buy chocolate and send it back to China? He also pointed out the best one.

Teacher, is it appropriate for you to love chocolate so much at such an age? Are your teeth still alive?

Liu Sheng continued to worry about the teacher's teeth. He didn't know that the teacher bought chocolate for a young researcher named Ji Changze until he returned to China.

Looking at the various research materials on Ji Changze handed to him by the teacher, Liu Sheng bit the chocolate and meditated.

The name Ji Changze fits in the annals of history as soon as I hear it, and it is written into history books.

xx years later

In a forum, one person posted: "History Dog watched the video of the xx-year sports meeting today. Guess what I found, the main building will post the picture."

Passing by the water friends, I clicked in and saw that the main building was a clear screenshot, which is nothing. After all, everyone knows that the camera was able to record high-definition video in the year of the xx Games. I heard that this was specifically for the purpose of recording this Games. Specially researched out.

[What did the host let us see? What's so nice about the previous photos. ]

[People used to dress in a trendy style. Look at the blue shirt. Isn't this the popular style this year? Sure enough, popular is a circle. ]

[Wow, is the venue of the first China Games so beautiful? I saw the motorcycle! ! Wow! ! Police brother! ! I remember this time period when our Chinese black horse just appeared! ! Oh, wailing black riding uniform tempts me! ! ]

This building was quickly crooked to China. How handsome the black horses are, and so many people can't hold them. As a result, because of popular voting, the police brothers and sisters of the police station are still riding handsome motorcycles to work. , Only occasionally use police cars.

While chatting in full swing, the original poster came out and took another screenshot of the middle part of this screenshot: [You pseudo-face control, such a big handsome guy can't see any face licking the screen, black riding brother. ]

After seeing the person she took the screenshot, the forum was silent for a few seconds, and then got up one after another.

[Ah ah ah ah, it's my male god, it's my male god! ! ! ]

[Is that brother Ji! ! Is it our enchanting genius brother Ji who is so wise and handsome to explode and change the entire Chinese science and technology circle with his own power! ! ]

[Awei is dead, Awei is dead again, look at my male god, this thief pulls the beautiful facial features, look at the curvature of the chin, my God, how did he eat sweet potatoes so good, he still shook his legs ! ! ! I announce that I will sway my legs for a whole day today! ! ]

[It turns out that the male god went to watch the first sports meeting? But this is also normal. I remember that he also participated in the architectural design of the venue this year. ]

[Fuck, can my male god still build? Sure enough, it is capable of literature and military. ]

[I am also in the Department of Architecture! ! Rounding up I am the same as the male god! ! Rounding up again I am with the male god! ! After rounding up, our children can make soy sauce! ! ]

Someone stood up and said, "The male god belongs to everyone, some people should not be too yy":

[Please, you want yy to yy celebrities who eat with their faces, OK? Mr. Ji Changze eats with his talents, don't be like a fan circle. The mobile phones and computers you play now, the floating irons that you sit out every day, order takeaways and deliveries. These robots are all developed by Mr. Ji Changze, who are serious researchers. ]

[One to say, don't you think that having a more talented male god upstairs makes you more unable to restrain yourself? ps: My man, but this does not affect my licking the screen. ]

Owner: [Not only did I take screenshots, I also recorded all the screens related to Ji Changze, and the screens are recorded below. ]

After reading it, the comment was another rainbow fart.

[As expected of my male god, the salted fish is paralyzed so beautifully. ]

[What does the male god eat? It tastes so delicious. It seems that his mouth has never stopped in every scene. When it comes to the male god, he really likes to eat. I heard that he had just emerged in the research institute before and went to study. Rice is gone, and the love for eating is deep. ]

[Upstairs, as far as I know, Mr. Ji Changze has a big appetite, but he was born in a poor family in a rural area. His parents died. It was his grandmother and aunt and uncle who raised him, but the conditions at the time were difficult, even his family members. He loves him very much, and he often doesn't have enough to eat, so he dropped out of school because of family conditions, and he observes rice in the fields every day, trying to find out the rice that can produce high yield per mu.

The locals did not understand his behavior, and some people felt that he was making excuses to escape from work. In addition, Mr. Ji Changze was suffering from narcolepsy at that time, and he often fainted when others were working in the field, so the husband at the time was actually not well-known. How good, until he solved the famous white moth invasion of a certain country and made solar panels, the local people knew that he had misunderstood Mr. ]

[Oh my God, I only know that male gods like to eat, but I didn't expect that there would still be this one, oh, oh, ooh, love my childhood male god. ]

[Distressed plus one, I watched a documentary before, and it said that male gods like all kinds of food, which made the colleagues in their institute feed all kinds of food, but after eating for a few years, everyone else in the institute has eaten their stomachs. Yuan, the male god, eats the most and has not eaten fat. At the time, I was envious of it. I didn't expect that the male god was so hungry when he was a child and grew up to love to eat so much. ]

Someone said: [There is a joke. Mr. Ji's information was not made public at the beginning, just because he was afraid that he would be lured away by foreign food. Mr. Lin, who worked with Mr. Ji, once said, who wants Let Mr. Ji help, get a roasted whole lamb, and promise not to bark, he will come by himself with the smell, which is enough to prove that Mr. Ji loves to eat and drink. ]

[Hey, even if most people like to eat, they will not love this kind of researching rice in order to eat more. As expected, they are still hungry and feel sorry for Mr. Ji Changze. ]

[Distressed plus one. ]

[Distressed plus two. ]

[Distressed plus one ten zero]

[Obviously talented people are contributing to the research of rice for all Chinese people, but they have to be misunderstood as not doing work. They are obviously narcolepsy, but they have to be regarded as deliberate laziness. Mr. Ji Changze is really pitiful. ]

[Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I feel that if I continue like this, I will pour one at home. As a result, Mr. Ji Changze developed super rice that year. Their entire county is an experimental county. Since then, my grandfather has never been hungry anymore. Now he I also cherish the food and bought a picture of Mr. Ji Changze every day, asking God to bless him. ]

[At the beginning, the super rice experiment field selected the hometown of the male god. Is your grandpa and the male god the same place? Then, what photos do you buy? Go straight to the real person! ! I heard that although the male god has not been married in his life, he loves his family very much and refuses to leave his hometown to live in other places. He said that if he is gone, the sisters are bullied and no one will support him. My male god is really good. Brother, if I had such a big brother, I could laugh out loud in dreams. ]

[How old are the male gods, don't let your brother anymore, if you want to be a granddaughter male god, you will dislike your IQ. ]

[My male god is so good that he will not dislike me! ]

[I remember that Mr. Ji refused to leave his hometown and insisted on taking care of his sisters. It seems that his two youngest sisters were abducted and trafficked. Mr. Ji made motorcycle police baton walkie-talkies to find his sister. Although the younger sisters were found back later, Mr. Ji seemed to have left a shadow. From then on, he insisted on staying in his hometown and never took a step out of his hometown in his life. Even when the country awarded him the award for moving China. , It was his brother-in-law to accept the award on his behalf. ]

[Oh my God, this story is warm and miserable. Mr. Ji must be a very gentle and fragile person. Otherwise, why would he eat delicious food because he was hungry when he was a child, and would not leave his hometown because his sister was lost. ]

Fragile and psychological shadow Ji Changze was lying lazily on the recliner while eating snacks while reading the forum. The netizens who watched it felt sorry for themselves and almost didn't laugh out loud.

He really hasn't left his hometown for a single step in his entire life. To be precise, he rarely leaves the door.

But it's not because of anything else, but because of sheer laziness.

Anyway, what he wants will be delivered to him, so why is it so troublesome to go out on his own?

Wake up every day to exercise in the gym, eat a delicious breakfast, then read the show, read the post bar, have a delicious lunch at noon, then continue to play the show, play games, eat gossip, and eat a delicious meal in the evening. Take a walk in the large room, and then you can sleep comfortably.

Salted fish, lazy, but cool.

After browsing the forum for a while, playing the game again, just after clearing the level, Ji Changze suddenly felt that his life was passing by.

It seems it's time to die.

He played another game, and then uninstalled various entertainment software in his mobile phone, as well as previous records of online chats with people, and after considering his inheritance, he made sure that even if he left for five years After the surviving sisters were able to settle down, they opened the bookcase and took out a rather obscure and high-depth book for reading.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, the guard knocked on the door and asked for a meal, but did not get a response. He suddenly felt a sudden call. After no one answered, he reported to his superior and forcibly broke the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the great Mr. Ji Changze leaning against the bed with his eyes closed, holding a book in his hand, his expression calm, he had no breath.

Although it is not a surprise to know that Mr. Ji will pass away at his current age, the eyes of the guards who grew up listening to Ji Changze's deeds are still red.

One of the guards tremblingly called his superior: "Captain, Mr. Ji, he... has passed away."

In xx years and x days, Ji Changze, who started the era of science and technology in China, passed away without any illness and pain. He was still reading before his death, and a generation of national treasures left. Even if this age is considered joy and mourning, the whole country still mourns.

Before he died, Ji Changze, who hadn't forgotten to consolidate his very strong personality, had already opened his eyes again.

Wow, there are abilities in this world.

And he is the one who opposes the supernatural power.