|My lord, times have changed (1)

Before Ji Changze could check his memory, a fully equipped man with Mucang's appearance as an agent approached and complained: "These weird things have been increasing recently, and we have to come out to work most of the night. , Boss, do you think the people above really think we are some kind of iron wall."

Ji Changze moved his eyebrows slightly, but said nothing.

This person just couldn't help complaining, and when he saw that he was not speaking, he asked others to complain again.

He then began to look at the memory.

From this look, I really saw something interesting.

This world was originally just an ordinary modern world, and suddenly I don't know from which day it will merge with another world.

After the fusion, the spiritual power that belonged to that world was transmitted to the modern world, which was originally an ordinary technological world, and some people with talents gained power in this way.

The abilities of the powers are different. There are good and bad powers. Some powers hide their abilities and continue to live peacefully. Some powers start to use their abilities to help others, and there are fewer powers. Those who use their abilities violate the law and commit crimes.

With the supernatural beings, there will naturally be people who try to restrain the supernatural beings.

The original owner is the head of the department who is responsible for dealing with the mess caused by the abilities.

He is not very old, and this year is only twenty-five years old. The reason why he can become the boss is because of his superior marksmanship, and on the other hand, he used unscrupulous means to trip up several people in order to be superior. Competitors.

On the other hand, the upper level also considers that the original owner has a plot of hatred for the supernatural powers, and can better restrain this group of lawless powers.

Why hate? To make a long story short, when the original owner was fifteen years old, he offended a supernatural person. The supernatural person was good at cursing. Cursing the original owner would not grow up in his life. So, when people of the same age gradually grew up, married a wife and had children To maintain the same fifteen-year-old appearance forever.

At that time, the state department once brought him back to try to help him break the curse, but no matter how hard he tried, the original owner asked to join the state department under the resentment. He was also talented, and he was really a good seedling. In addition, he was an orphan with no relatives. , And now it will never change his appearance and is no longer suitable for living with ordinary people, and finally the above agreed to let him become a member of the constraining ability.

From fifteen to twenty-five years old, the only constant in the heart of the original owner is hate.

He hates the supernatural beings so that he can never be a normal man.

I also hate why the country has to clean up the mess left by these supernaturalists again and again.

According to him, there shouldn't be any creatures like supernatural beings in this world. You should see one and kill one, regardless of whether it is good or bad. They have power beyond ordinary people and shouldn't be alive.

As for the remarks that "the powers are good and bad," the original owner also sneered at it.

There are good and bad? You can ensure that after a bad person dies, he will not come out to cause trouble. Can you ensure that a good person will not change into a bad person in the future?

Is a good person at this moment, will he maintain his original intention for the rest of his life?

Their abilities are far beyond ordinary people, even if the country wants to deal with them, it takes a lot of energy. This is their original sin.

If one day, those so-called supernaturalists on the side of ordinary people rebel, who can stop them?

The above is the idea of ​​the original owner.

He firmly believes that the best way to solve the supernatural beings is to kill all of them, leaving no one behind.

Even if the supernatural person is a baby, an old man, or a pregnant woman.

As long as they are supernatural beings, they should not exist in the world.

He tried his best to climb to the top position in order to achieve the goal of "killing the all-powerful person". If this is a book, he is simply a typical villain.

Everyone knows that the original owner hates supernatural powers and their fancy tricks, but no one has thought that the original owner has this idea in his heart.

After that, the original owner stayed dormant, waiting until the two worlds just leaked aura to the creatures inside began to jump out, various monsters raged, the country wanted to destroy the monsters, and worked hard to hide in front of ordinary people in order not to cause panic. , But the original owner caught a glimpse of the image of the world next door from the monster he caught.

There is a realm of comprehension.

Compared with modern supernatural beings, most of the original inhabitants over there are cultivators. The system is similar to that of the cultivation of immortality in China. There are immortal cultivators who want to improve their cultivation level, and they also have vicious minds and do not kill humans. Seriously magic repair.

What's more miserable is that their world was first discovered by Demon Xiu.

Billions of ordinary people without cultivation bases = training materials/furnace tripods/objects for fun.

As a result, the magic repair began to destroy the modern world on a planned and scaled scale. With a common enemy, the national teams and superpowers who were still on mutual alert immediately united the front and jointly confronted the magic repair from the world next door.

This isn't just a little joke in the past. It doesn't matter if people in their own world fight and kill, it's nothing to do with your world.

Want to destroy our world and let the people of our entire planet become slaves? You are so troublesome.

Even the most ferocious abilities in the past are not making trouble at this moment. No one is a fool. They just want a higher status in modern times. If they are really stabbed in the waist by others during internal fighting, they will all be stabbed. Finished.

No one would have thought that there would be traitors in this situation.

The original owner is the traitor.

When everyone was fighting with the magic repairs, he successfully connected with the magic repairs over there, demanding that the other party promised to kill all the capable players, revealing the layout of their world.

The original owner was completely mad, and he didn't care what would happen to his world after the death of these abilities who were the only able to fight against the magic cultivators.

He has worked so hard for so many years, isn't it just to stand in a high position and kill this group of supernatural beings?

As a result, it was just killing a magic cultivator. The country actually stood on the united front with the supernatural powers. He, who wished to kill all supernatural powers in the world, had to be forced to call these supernatural powers brothers and sisters.

Listening to the meaning of the country, I even intend to commend these supernatural beings. When the battle is over, they will recognize the existence of supernatural beings to the world, so that they have the same rights as ordinary citizens, and encourage other citizens to also strive to become supernatural beings.

To play? !

The original owner endured it and endured it into a metamorphosis.

In the final battle, he betrayed the supernaturalists who fought for his own world, watching them die on the battlefield one by one, he smiled contentedly under the unbelievable sight of his teammates.

Then he was cut out by Yi Moxiu.

This is the end of the original main perspective, and there are a few short sentences to follow.

Those who have lost the ability to fight with the magic repair, even if the countries try to fight together, they are ultimately defeated by the magic repair. The entire modern world is reduced to the "material library" of the magic repair. Every day, countless people are killed so that the magic When Xiu extracts their souls to make vaginas, the young and beautiful girls are also reduced to furnace dings, not only to be insulted, but also to be sucked into adulthood.

After the demons wreaked havoc in this world for more than 30 years, the world merged deeper. The righteous monks next door found that something was wrong. They used secret methods to maintain the consciousness of the soul in the vagina before they realized that the demons had captured an entire world. Ordinary people.

When the monks of the right way fought against the demon cultivators, the abilities of the modern world who had grown up over the past three decades took the opportunity to join the battlefield and fight the monks together with the cultivators of the right way.

In the end they won, but the world that used to have billions of people is now devastated. In the end, fewer than 300 million people survived.

Their world has been harmed by demonic cultivation and is no longer suitable for survival. Only under the leadership of the leader of supernatural powers, people from the entire world have migrated to the world of immortality cultivation next door.

They not only lost their family and friends, but also lost their own world.

And all this could have been avoided.

After checking, Ji Changze pulled out his consciousness and rubbed his eyebrows.

There are at least billions of lives borne by the original owner, and he may not have thought of the consequences before he did it.

He never thought that he was cursed by the superpower because he offended the superpower first, and he never thought that the country has cultivated him for so many years, but he has pushed the whole country and even the whole world into the abyss, in the eyes of the original owner. , The whole world owed him, he offended the supernatural person, relied on his own age to bully the other party, and after being cursed by the other party, he blamed everything on the supernatural person.

He even remembered a country that didn't kill people with supernatural powers.

When he usually goes out on a mission, although he can't kill someone with a supernatural power, he will still be cruel to the opponent within the limit he can do. His teammates can't see it, so he relied on his high strength value and his teammate's name Practicing hands is actually sparring.

Everyone knows that the original owner doesn't like the ability person, even his attitude towards his teammates is irritable, but who makes him able to fight, even if he thinks the original owner is too violent and prejudiced against the ability person, there is still no one. Dare to say one thing to him.

After clarifying the previous situation, Ji Changze began to determine the timeline.

The time is now that the two worlds have gradually begun to merge. The magicians have discovered the modern world, but out of caution, they are only preparing to send some men to test. This world of cultivating immortals wants to merge with their world, and still restrain these bear children with one mind.

That's right, for the country, the supernatural beings are bear children.

I don't know if the younger you are, the easier it is to trigger the abilities, or it's because you are young that you are not so cautious about the adult abilities. The country handles 80% of the abilities incidents are caused by younger abilities. .

Even the supernatural person who had fixed the original owner at the age of fifteen was only eight years old. Because the original owner laughed at her parents for being short and broke her skirt, she was cursed by this little girl to never grow up.

The original owner did not put the focus of this matter on "This is a child, I provoke the other party first", but on "This is a supernatural person, why didn't I kill her when he harmed ordinary people".

Because of the shadow brought by that little girl, the original owner was even more disgusted with the bear children.

This time, it wasn't that a bear kid made a fuss, but because it was a supernatural person incident, ordinary people couldn't get close, so they sent their entire team.

After figuring out the timeline, Ji Changze closed his eyes and felt the aura in the air.

This familiar, rather thick breath slowly drifted into his body following the changes in his breathing.

After sucking it for a while, Ji Changze felt a lot easier.

I can't blame the two worlds for fusion. This modern world has too little aura, and if there is no more aura, I am afraid that all of them will be played in tens of millions of years. The aura that floats next door is too strong and too explosive. For tens of millions of years, everyone next door will either soar or explode together.

One is too full to eat, the other is not full, and happens to bump into it again, but it's about to merge.

The car was swaying to the place where the supernatural power incident occurred. Ji Changze closed his eyes to rejuvenate his mind. In fact, he was constantly absorbing spiritual powers. These spiritual powers entered his body and turned around in his body. , He was taken as his own use.

By the time the car stopped, Ji Changze had already figured out why the spiritual power that allowed people to cultivate immortals next door would become a supernatural power.

To put it bluntly, the human body systems of the two worlds are different.

It's like eating the same noodles, and some people make steamed buns, and some people make noodles.

It is estimated that there has always been a tradition of cultivating celestial beings in the realm of cultivating immortals. Spiritual power entered the body and began to practice step by step, with the goal of ascending.

The modern world is different here.

Although there is cultivating immortals, no one thinks that they can really cultivate immortals, even if they have spiritual power, spiritual power will go in the direction the master hopes.

As a result, the ability that is more suitable for the law of this world appeared.

What Hercules, what curse, what can go to heaven, there are all kinds of things, and there are all kinds of things. As far as Ji Changze knows, a five-year-old girl's awakening abilities can change a lot. Her attack trick is to wrap people up.

But now, Ji Changze, who knew the laws of the world, thought for a while, leading the spiritual power in his body to turn a few more turns.

The habitual system of pretending to be dead: [Host, this kind of world has never been here before, do I need to exchange abilities? There are also items in the system mall that can make people crazy absorb spiritual power and quickly increase the power level. Should the host send it? It's very cheap, just need...]

After discovering that Ji Changze was absorbing spiritual power frantically and rapidly increasing his power level, it silently shut up.

After a while, he came out unwillingly: [Host, you are cheating...]

Ji Changze: [If I don't cheat, then what I learned in the world before will be meaningless. Do you think there is something wrong with this passage? ]

System: [...No. ]

[But when did the host learn it? It stands to reason that only the props in the system mall can have this effect. ]

Ji Changze thought for a while: [The 32nd world, you also said this when I was studying. ]


It silently pretended to be dead again.

"Boss, here, let's get off the car, eh, I don't know which bear kid is causing the trouble this time, can't these children watch some cartoons less?"


Ji Changze responded and jumped out of the car lightly, squinting to look into the distance.

I saw the bright flashes in the front at night, the kind that really flashed blinds, because it happened to be on the road, and there was a traffic jam here. At this moment, there was a mess everywhere, and the blocked driver got out of the car. Looking over here, there are traffic policemen trying to maintain order.

The first few policemen were wearing a welding mask trying to look brightly, and the teammate next to him couldn't help covering their eyes.

"Is this caused by the supernatural person? Or is it a new attack method?"

Ji Changze didn't pick him up, but strode forward, and when the police wanted to stop him, he took out his ID and showed it to the police.

Seeing that he was released smoothly, his teammates also hurried forward.

Still being stopped, the teammates hurriedly took out their documents and showed them to the police.

However, the police looked at them for a few seconds and looked at them with a slightly complicated expression: "...I haven't heard of this department."

Teammates: "???"

They pointed to Ji Changze, who was walking towards the bright spot in front of him: "Then how can he pass?"

"He is also a policeman, of course he can pass."

Teammates: "..."

Boss, did you secretly give a false certificate?

And Ji Changze has already relied on the fake certificate that he used to pinch out his ability to pass all the way, and went to the bright place smoothly. The staff who was trying to look inside saw him coming and quickly handed him a mask: "Bring on This, otherwise you will be blind."

"Okay thank you."

Although it was unnecessary, Ji Changze took it and thanked him politely, and then jumped directly to the next when the other party did not respond.

Jump and jump -

Finally, the soles of his shoes touched the huge pit ground.

There was a shiny humanoid object lying on the ground. He went up and kicked, but without a response, he took out his cell phone and dialed his teammate's phone.

Teammate: "Boss, you finally answered the phone, how about it? Are you a supernatural person? Do you need our support?"

Ji Changze: "It was preliminarily speculated to be a supernatural person. I kicked it and didn't respond. I guess I was dead and buried it on the spot.

Humanoid object lying on the ground: "..."

Seeing that Ji Changze really hung up the phone and picked up a small shovel hanging from his waist and started digging and spreading soil on him, he was clever and jumped up to avoid being buried alive.

"I, I, I, I'm still alive!!"

"I know."

Ji Changze calmly replied while digging the hole: "It doesn't matter, he will die in a while."

This person: "..."

His shiny face showed an unbelievable look: "Aren't you from the alien protection group? Why do you want to kill as soon as you come up?"

Shouldn't it be to ask him what happened first, why he was in such a big pit, why his body was shining, and why he fell motionless here?

As soon as he comes up, he will kill people and bury the corpses.

"You disrupt public order and waste social resources. Isn't it normal for me to kill you?"

Ji Changze is fast and strong. After a while, he digs out a hole, points to the inside, and says to the supernatural person who is still full of "I don't believe I don't believe": "Okay, don't waste time. Go in by yourself."

The supernatural person took a step back silently: "...I don't, you are deliberately murdering, I want to report you."

Ji Changze didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out Mucang and pointed it at his forehead: "Go in by yourself, or should I kill you and put you in?"


He tremblingly sat in the pit, tears on his bitter face: "Are you really going to bury me alive?"

Ji Changze thought about it too.

"You are right, burying alive is not very humane."

Seeing the light of hope burst out of the face of the person with the ability, which was like a glowing hairy egg, he went on to say: "Then kill and bury it."

Without waiting for the person with the ability to react, Mu Cangkou aimed at his forehead.

The supernatural person was so scared that his hair was standing upright, and the light on his body was frightened at once. Without the light, the hole immediately became dark, and no one could see anyone.

The person who probed the brain above found that the light was gone, and shouted to the next person: "What's the situation below, is the colleague who just went down still there? I'm replying."


In the darkness, the supernaturalist heard this person make an impatient noise, and then he seemed to turn on the flashlight of the mobile phone, and the hole lit up again. He had been blinded by the light source on his body before and could not see the face of the supernaturalist. Only then did I discover that this man looked like he was only a teenager.

Ji Changze, who was about to bury him alive when he was a teenager, stretched out his leg and kicked him: "Get me up and talk about it, why are you disturbing public order here."

Seeing that he took out a familiar little book, bit the pen holder and looked impatiently and lowered his head to start recording, the person with the supernatural power breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the familiar way to open it.

Every time you are caught by a different security team, you must first explain your identity, and then explain the reasons for doing so, and then announce how to judge based on the severity of the circumstances.

He is already familiar with the road.

"My name is Wang Can, and I was born in a cold winter..."

Ji Changze interrupted directly: "Talk about abilities."

Wang Can: "...My ability is to emit a violent bright light, sometimes accompanied by the ability to dissolve everything. Today I am broken in love, my girlfriend..."

Ji Changze interrupted again: "Ability: glowing light bulb, occasionally as sulfuric acid."

"Let's talk about it, this is the first time this has caused trouble."

Wang Can, who was about to grieve about his love, said: "...I can't remember, but there was a reason before, the first time it was because of..."

Ji Changze raised his eyes coldly and glanced at him under the light of his mobile phone flashlight.

Wang Can: "..."

"Three times, just three times."

Ji Changze: "Do you know that you will let the ordinary people know about the existence of the supernatural person? Did our alien protection team make it clear when we met for the first time that every supernatural person must ensure that their identity cannot be revealed to them? Ordinary people?"

Wang Can: "I know, but..."

Ji Changze wrote and painted directly in the notebook: "Knowing the law and breaking the law."

Wang Can: "??? No, sir, I didn't know the law to break the law, I just fell out of love today, and then I..."

Ji Changze raised his eyes and asked him: "Do you know that the supernatural person cannot do things that would reveal his identity?"

Wang Can; "...I know."

Ji Changze: "Then do you think that if you make such a big pit on the road, and then lie in the pit like a light bulb, causing a big traffic jam, will it not be in the news?"

Wang Can's voice gradually weakened: "...but...but I have a reason..."

Ji Changze continued to write; "Knowing the law and refusing to plead guilty, the crime is increased by one, and it is recommended to be shot directly."

Wang Can: "?? You can't write like that, I didn't say that! You are twisting my meaning, I want to report you!"

Ji Changze sneered.

In the dim environment, the sound of Mu Cang's loading accurately fell into Wang Can's ears.

Wang Can: "Sir, you are right. I was really ignorant before. How can I influence the public because of personal emotional problems? I really feel my mistakes deeply and promise that I will never make them again in the future."

Ji Changze: "Plead guilty?"

"Plead guilty! I confess!"

Wang Can carefully glanced at the notebook: "Sir, can you cross out the refusal to plead guilty just now and the rest?"

Ji Changze glanced at him: "What benefit can you give me if I cross it?"

Fuck! The people in this different protection group are good dogs!

Actually wanting benefits from him is really blinding this youthful and handsome face.

Wang Can cursed in his heart, reluctantly took out his wallet, and handed it forward: "There is 10,000 yuan in it, and I will give it to you."


In the dim pit, there was once again a sneer that tied up Wang Can's hair.

Ji Changze: "The crime of bribing a staff member will add another level."

Wang Can: "...Isn't this what you just asked me for???"

"You will slander and slander the staff at will, then add one more time."

Wang Can shut up decisively.

But shutting up his mouth doesn't mean that Ji Changze will let him go. He took off the backpack he was carrying and pretended to take something out of it. In fact, he used a power to condense a light bulb.

After taking out the light bulb, he patted his face in Wang Can's expression "Why do you still bring a light bulb when you go out" on Wang Can's face: "Open your mouth."

Wang Cansheng was afraid that he would have another moth, so he gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.

Then Ji Changze put the light bulb in his mouth.

Wang Can: "???"

He panicked and wanted to take out the light bulb. As a result, he couldn't take out the light bulb that was so easy to get in, so he could only be anxious.

During the time he was anxious, Ji Changze started hanging wires directly on him, and then patted his head: "Adjust your brightness to the light bulb. If it is the brightest, it can only be on the light bulb."

Wang Can: "???"

He can't.

He is one of the most useless abilities, and he never thought about practicing abilities. Every time he got into trouble, he didn't control the brightness of his body. Moreover, even if he did practice, he concentrated the brightness on a light bulb. It's too difficult to get on.

However, he couldn't tell that he wouldn't come, so he could only watch Ji Changze's face full of "Your boy dare not cooperate with me", his expression gradually became cold.

Ji Changze: "Okay, count ten. If you can't do it, you will die."

Mu Cangkou reached Wang Can's forehead again.

Ji Changze didn't have any nonsense, and just started counting.

"Nineteen, eight, seven, six, five, four..."

Wang Can: Damn, you count so fast, I suspect you just want to kill me! !

I don't know if the desire for life is too strong, he gritted his teeth and got confused, but he actually managed to make the light bulb gradually light up.

"It's enough if you don't cooperate early."

The cruel and ruthless Demon King is still complaining that Wang Can is too late.

Almost not scared to death, Wang Can, who had never tried to control his abilities before: "..."

What do you know so much! !

I didn't know anything at all before, but now I can do it, I'm scared out of it! !

However, there was still a light bulb in his mouth, and he couldn't speak at all. He could only watch with grief and angrily as Ji Changze took out his backpack and poured out a bunch of broken mirrors on the ground.

Wait, why are there so many mirrors in your bag.

Forget the palm-sized ones. This almost has a half-person mirror. How did you take it out of the backpack? ?

He almost stared out his eyes, but it was useless. Ji Changze didn't even look at him at all, let alone answer his questions.

After finishing all the mirrors he took out of the backpack, he shouted at the top: "It's okay underneath, please pull us up."

Above, when the teammates who finally got in heard Ji Changze's voice, they quickly threw down a rope, and Ji Changze got the rope down.

Teammates: "???"

"Boss, what's the matter? Is there something going on underneath?"

"It's okay." Ji Changze was busy tying people, while shouting to him: "This kid is not honest, I will tie him up."

Honestly and tremblingly, he didn't dare to move a step, for fear that a Wang Can who accidentally angered Ji Changze and was brainstormed: "..."

The person whose mouth is gagged by the light bulb has no right to speak. He can only let Ji Changze tie himself up in grief and angrily, and then tie it to another rope thrown down on it.

When he was taken up, Wang Can almost thought he was a zongzi, spinning around in the air, being lifted up little by little.

When he put it up, he could still hear people from the different protection group complain about his weight.

"This buddy should lose weight, why is it so heavy, fucking, why is there a light bulb in his mouth, so flashy, buddy, what are you doing with such a good light bulb, you can't think about it."

Wang Can: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

"Yeah, I just said a few words, why I cried, I won't stop it, people, who doesn't have a special hobby, you like to eat light bulbs, don't worry, we people, we have seen strong winds and waves, no Will look at you in that strange light."

Wang Can: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!"

"Hahahaha, it's okay, no need to express gratitude, they are all Chinese, nothing."

Wang Can: "..."

He gave up struggling.

When Ji Changze came up, he saw this guy standing in place with a look of lovelessness, standing upright like a zombie, and his teammates hurriedly surrounded him when they saw him coming up.

"Boss, what's the situation? This is the light just now?"

Ji Changze: "After this person fell out of love, he suffered a severe mental disorder. Under dementia, he mistakenly thought he was a big shiny light bulb, so he secretly dug a hole, hid in it, bit the light bulb, and made the light bulb through the principle of mirror reflection. The light was focused together, and finally it emitted such a dazzling light."

Wang Can: "..."

Teammates: "..."

Everyone is silly.

One of the teammates took a sneaky look at Wang Can, then quietly ran to Ji Changze and whispered: "Boss, then, in this case, this person is just an ordinary person? Then should we hurry and leave the person to the local police? ?"

Ji Changze looked at him with a foolish look. He raised his hand and slapped him on the head: "Are you stupid? What I just said is the version that you can tell ordinary people, you! When! Have you seen it! A light bulb! It shines so brightly!"

Every exclamation sentence is a slap.

I was still lamenting that I was so miserable, and Wang Can, who was uncomfortable when he was broken in love and met such a demon, saw the devil. No, Ji Changze was so fierce to his own people, and there was a bit of comfort in his heart.

But soon he couldn't comfort him.

Barabara, the members of the alien protection team, told the police what Ji Changze had just said, and the police saw Wang Can, who was tied up by Wuhuada, suddenly looking strange.

They took a flashlight and took a picture underneath. This time, there was no strong light blocking it. It really went smoothly to the broken mirror and shovel at the bottom of the pit. With so many mirrors, it seemed that they had planned for a long time.

Although this argument is nonsense, but in this magical world where news looks like a movie, no strange things seem to be so unbelievable. Therefore, Wang Can, who still has a shining light bulb in his mouth, is just like that. Defined as a mentally ill person who has just lost love and is deeply affected by mental disorders and treats himself as a light bulb.

The car owners who were stuck here, and the reporters who heard that there was a heavy traffic jam with unknown light-emitting objects, witnessed the scene of the mental patient being sent to the police car.

The policeman also stood in front very kindly, telling the reporters not to turn on the flashlight: "The patient's mood is very unstable, please don't use the flashlight to stimulate him, thank you, thank you for your cooperation."

Wang Can with a numb look: "..."

Thank you, reporters now know that I am a mental patient and I am very emotionally unstable.

On the local news homepage the next day, this was the first one.

The comments below are hahaha, and some people teamed up to try to watch the big hole that was dug out.

"Hahahahaha I laughed so hard. Although this little brother is very sympathetic, I really can't help but hahahahaha."

"No, it's too much to think of yourself as a light bulb when it's broken in love. It's too hahahahahaha."

"Facts have proved that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, you are not afraid of becoming a mental patient. It is possible to brighten the light of the bulb to that level through the various refraction of the mirror and the size of the hole. The minimum is 211."

"I experimented in my own yard last night, and it didn't make much light. Ask that great god, did I dig too shallow?"

"Hahahahaha buddy, now the whole world knows that you are broken in love, it's really a miserable light bulb."

Wang Can: "...Do you have to read these comments without expression and emotion to humiliate me?"

Ji Changze took off the phone with a cold face.

"I'm not interested in humiliating you, I'm just kindly letting you see how others think of you, don't you think you should thank me?"

Wang Can gritted his teeth: "I really thank you!!"

"you are welcome."

Ji Changze: "Since you can still be grateful to me, it seems that you are not so hopeless. You can still be rescued. I can get rid of your third felony."

Wang Can: "...Aren't you from the different protection team!!! Isn't your task to protect us?!!!"

Ji Changze: "It seems that you made a mistake. The mission of the alien protection team has never been to protect you who are capable."

"We just guarantee that the existence of the supernatural person will not be shown in front of ordinary people."

"Don't worry, with the aftermath of our alien protection group, no one would think that you are a supernatural person."

Wang Can: "..."

No one thought about it. Now everyone thinks that he is a mentally ill who suffered a crushing love-breaking blow.