|My lord, times have changed (3)

Ji Changze had been blowing the wind outside, and his whole body was smooth. Then he threw the weeds he had been holding on, and turned back to the RV. As soon as he passed by, a group of five big and three rough men stood in a row with their faces on the edge of the RV, carefully holding their heads on the water. Do not dare to move the bowl.

Seeing him coming, I quickly stood upright, cautiously showing a flattering smile at Ji Changze without moving his body: "Boss, we know that we are wrong, don't be angry, we will study hard in the future and strive to pass. ."

"Am I angry with you for being unqualified?" Ji Changze sneered, "It's up to me whether you are unqualified or not. Anyway, you will remember them one by one. Who dares to think about where I sit under my butt? Who, understand?!"

Each of the brawny men who were at least two heads taller than the fifteen-year-old Ji Changze shook their bodies when they heard: "Understood!"

They only breathed a sigh of relief when Ji Changze pulled the car door in.

Good guys, before, they only suspected that the boss was targeting their position grabbers, but they didn't expect the boss to talk about it by himself.

This is strange.

When they didn't say anything, they felt that the boss was acting insidiously and started behind his back.

Now that Ji Changze had figured it out by himself, they were relieved instead.

Although the boss is cautious and grudges, irritable and angry, but so bluntly that "because you are grabbing positions with Lao Tzu, I will target you", it makes people relax a lot.

"Look, I'll just say that the boss has been targeting me before. He really hates me for competing with him for the boss position."

"The boss is really getting more and more irritable. He didn't talk about just targeting before, but now he talks about targeting again. Are you guys offending him again?"

"You said, does that curse really only make the boss not long? Why do I think that his mind is as naive as a fifteen-year-old kid, and he has held grudges for so long."

"You dare to say that the boss is naive, let's go, is it because you made the boss angry."

"How dare I? He didn't give us a stumbling block when he provokes the boss. It is probably because of the original competition boss, he feels unhappy."

"That guy just said no before. The last time he competed with him, he said he admired me, and he turned around and took me to the winter swimming. My mother almost didn't freeze me to death."

"The boss also said that he admired me, and he also said that he valued me, and then he used to catch the supernatural player as an excuse to let me participate in the Big Stomach King competition, so I didn't get over after eating it for three days."

"They said they like Wang Can very much. Take a look, take a good look at the child, let the test paper be forced into something, his face was gray when I came out."

As he was talking, a team member suddenly came out: "Have you noticed that the boss likes to value people in a different way than ordinary people."

Others recalled it for a while and found that it was really the case.

He seems to be more fierce towards people who he likes and value more.

At the moment when the truth was discovered, several of the team members who had been "schemed" were shocked, and others quickly recalled whether they had said that they valued them.

People really value it, but the boss is too serious to value it.

"Okay, stop talking, let the boss see it, and write us a note."

When the men heard the words, they shut up one after another, carefully looked at the closed car door, and did not dare to speak anymore.

Inside the car, through the car window, I saw Wang Can standing in a row outside: "..."

He felt that the news in the group was wrong. The leader of this alien protection group was not only a stunner, but also a thief.

Ji Changze, who was leaning on his position to read a book, noticed that he was secretly looking outside, and raised his eyebrows: "What are you looking at? He is still looking at others at 60 minutes."

Wang Can: "..."

He dared not say anything, lowered his head and continued to write the paper.

Finally, when the paper was finished, Wang Can tremblingly handed it over to Ji Changze.

Looking like a junior high school student, the leader of the different insurance group took out a pen with a look of impatientness. Without thinking about it, he just started to correct.

Wang Can made the papers for more than an hour, and he corrected them all in less than five minutes.

After the change, under Wang Can's frightened and careful sight, Ji Changze said: "I was wrong to say that you were sixty minutes earlier."

Wang Can breathed a sigh of relief.

If he remembers eating or not, he immediately burst into a relaxed smile on his face: "It's all right, I forgive..."


Ji Changze retakes the test paper on the table.

Wang Can was frightened, his smile gradually disappeared.

"Sixty points is an overestimation of you. You can see for yourself how much you are wrong. At any rate, you are a supernatural person. You can't even compare to an ordinary poor student. Do you really think that you are a supernatural person and you can sit back and relax? Ordinary people have no supernatural powers so they can find a job. Just like you, can you find a job? I ask you to fight with supernatural powers now. Have you ever been able to fight? You can even fight me who rely on technology However, you still don't care! What's so good about you! Keep your head down!"

Wang Can, who dared not say a word when he was being trained, said, "Ah? What head?"

Ji Changze stared at him gloomily: "Your stupid brain with a self-satisfaction and pretentiousness without failing the test at sixty points."

Wang Can: "..."

He curled his neck and quickly lowered his head.

The height is enough, Ji Changze moves his wrists, and goes up to be a skilled brain collapse: "You still! You still think that you are quite capable! Make trouble! Cause a big traffic jam! Make me get up in the middle of the night to work overtime! Let me wipe your ass! You! Special! Dare to make Lao Tzu work overtime next time! Lao Tzu! Take you! Butt! Chop it!!"

The car door opened, and the members of the alien protection team carefully poked their heads out holding the bowl: "Boss, half an hour is here, can we get in..."

After facing up with Ji Changze, who was gnashing his teeth and was full of irritability, Wang Can's brain collapsed, he silently swallowed the rest of the words, and hurriedly said, "My boss, are you hungry this night and want to eat supper? , We will cook noodles for you outside."

After speaking, he closed the car door in a hurry, turned his head and ran.

Other people's voices can still be heard faintly outside: "What are you doing? Didn't you ask the boss if you can let us go back?"

"Quickly, quickly, cook the noodles."

"Why are you cooking noodles? You are hungry this night."

"Let me tell you, the boss is angry with Xiao Wang inside. I'll just say why he was so angry today, and he still remembered that Xiao Wang caused him to work overtime, so this fire started today. I told you You said, he is getting angry now, let's not go in and be cannon fodder. When the boss finishes venting his anger on Xiao Wang, we will send the noodles to him. When the boss is full, we want to sleep. After he finishes eating, we will fall asleep. It's safe."

Wang Can: "..."

No, are you just acquiescing to leave me alone?

Sure enough, it was a cold and warm world. Before I had a mouthful of a little king, I threw me down to attract firepower when something happened, and ran outside to hide.

Sure enough, the teacher said that the society is full of old fried dough sticks.

His face was bitter, and his brain collapsed was not as painful as he imagined, but the more he was afraid of the irritable leader of the different protection group, the more angry he got out of the wooden warehouse and sent him back to the West.

I can only honestly admit my mistake: "I was the wrong boss, and I will never dare anymore. I will be a good man in the future, and I will never use abilities, and I won't be noticeable anymore."

Seeing that he had a good attitude towards his mistake, Ji Changze closed his hand, just staring at him and looking at him a little.

Children make trouble, mostly idle.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. From now on, you will go to school honestly and practice abilities during the end of get out of class. I will make up lessons for you. For abilities like yours, I will learn Optics. I just happened to dabble in it. I can make up lessons for you. I will make copies of your schedule in the future. You can make up lessons at these times except for meals and sleep."

Wang Can: "...I'm that, liberal arts student."

Ji Changze looked at him with a face full of "you are inexplicable": "Can't liberal arts students learn science knowledge? Who made the rules? You call him and I will talk to him."

Talking while talking, but moved his hand to the wooden warehouse.

A natural look like "what I say is the truth. If you disagree, then I will send you to see the truth."

Wang Can: "..."

"No, no, I learn what I learn."

He bit his scalp and forced himself to review the previous content, and studied it with the spirit of learning that had never been so attentively before for more than half an hour. The group of people outside estimated the time and knocked cautiously on the door.

"Boss, the noodles are cooked, add ham, egg and parsley, it's very spicy and numb."


Wang Can keenly noticed that Ji Changze's face looked a little better when he heard the food. The expression "How are you so stupid, you still don't understand such a simple thing" on his face disappeared, and he opened the door and jumped down. , Went straight to the pot.

By the side of the pot, when he saw him coming, one of the team members hurriedly took a bowl to give him noodles, and handed it to him with a face full of fawning: "Boss, your noodles, I put you many sausages."

Wang Can: "..."

No wonder the reporting department doesn't think that Ji Changze treats the supernatural person like there is any problem, because he treats his colleagues the same way.

"Xiao Wang, come down and eat noodles."

One of the team members ran to the car and called him.

Wang Can got out of the car and realized that his legs were weak.

Scared, absolutely scared.

I don't know why, Ji Changze seems to have a fierce air in his body, and the fire seems to be able to suppress people's breath.

Obviously he is a supernatural person.

Wang Can rubbed his chest and thought, this might be the suppression of the aura.

He whispered to the team member who called him: "Is your boss a bit fierce."

"Well, let me tell you."

The team members also whispered together: "Our boss is not only fierce, but also very careful. Don't offend him. I will sue you. Before, we chose the boss of the different protection group. Several of us have signed up. Good guys, you can stab them. It was a hornet's nest. During the first time, we looked at us with gloomy eyes. Later, when he became the leader, he kept asking us a few troubles secretly. Then we also doubted it, but if there is no evidence, we just kept guessing."


Wang Can, who has not yet left the school, was filled with righteous indignation: "How can this be done! Everyone is playing fair. Why did he not let you sign up, and he was looking for trouble behind his back. It was too much, so you didn't complain to him? Just because If you sign up, it will be directed at you. This reason is too untenable."

"Yeah! We also felt untenable, so when we discussed it behind the scenes, we guessed whether he knew that we used to secretly call him the nickname "Little Shorty."

Wang Can, who is about to continue condemning Ji Changze, chokes: "..."

How can one be called short as a man, even if it is really short.

His unequal heart smashed, and it became cold. Then think about Ji Changze's fire that seems to be able to blow up the whole person, and sigh with sincerity: "It's amazing, you are still alive."

The players also felt that they were strong without being beaten to death by the boss.

He continued to recall and guessed according to Ji Changze's character: "It is also possible that the boss did not expect that we were so rubbish and dared to sign up, causing him to waste so much time."

"We are really wrong about this. Then he never said that he thinks we are unqualified. If he said that he hadn't said it, it would be fine. If we had known that he would have so many and still hold such a grudge, we would definitely not dare to give it to him. From the nickname."

While speaking, the team members suddenly patted Wang Can's shoulder gratefully: "Speaking of which, we have to thank you."

Suddenly a bad feeling arose in Wang Can's heart: "What do you mean?"

The team members sighed: "When you didn't come before, the boss looked gloomy every time he looked at us, as if he wanted to kick us down by himself. Since you came, he hasn't looked at us like that."

"He changed to look at you this way."

Wang Can: "..."

"We guess, you caused him to work overtime before, and caused a wave of hatred, so now the boss's attention is on you, and he can't worry about tossing us. He is tossing you all over."

Wang Can: "...No, no, you didn't tell me when you got out of the car, did you say the boss likes me?"

"Yes, he really likes you."

The team members passed on their experience like "I'm here": "This is how the boss likes people."

"Before he said he admired me and wanted to promote me, but last time he went to clean up the mess for a fire superpower, he almost kicked me over. At first, I wondered if he deliberately wanted to retaliate against me. But after a few days of observation, I discovered that the way he likes a person is to treat you with behaviors that he thinks will be good to you."

"For example, you, the boss likes you so much, that's why you need to study hard and practice your supernatural powers. He valued me before, so he took me to various dangerous places to exercise me. You get used to it."

Wang Can: "..."


Others like to value a person with all kinds of care and preparation, while Ji Changze likes a person with all kinds of training for each other's ability to improve.

Xueba would like this way of emphasizing very much, but how could he be able to handle it with a scumbag.

"Then, then me, I'm not good, I'm good, let me learn "Optics", I am a liberal arts student, that is especially science, I am like a mountain, how can I learn, I I didn't expect it, the supernatural person would actually have to learn this."

The team members patted his shoulder sympathetically: "It's okay, brother, all of us have survived this way. You only need to hold on to the end and have the next more important person. Then you will not be able to escape the sea of ​​suffering like us. Yet?"


Wang Can finally felt a little hope, and looked at the team members hopefully: "Then how long did you wait for the next one?"

Player: "Aren't you the only one? I've waited for almost a few years."

Wang Can: "..."

Wang Can: "..."

His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't squeeze a word out of his throat.

"Okay, don't think about it, let's eat, you think so, although the boss is a bit fierce, but his original intention is really for your good, right? After you learn this, it will not be easy to use the power in the future. In fact The boss is not that scary, as long as you can be a good person, you will be fine."

As he was speaking, he paused suddenly, and added: "Of course this standard of excellence is set by the boss himself."

"Just, optics, you know."

Wang Can: "..."

He felt that there was no one in the world who was more bitter than himself.

Before reaching the pot, Ji Changze just finished eating quickly, put down his chopsticks, yawned, and a little sleepy on his face. This drowsy look was a bit in line with that teenager's face.

"I'm going to sleep, you guys will be honest with me, after a while, I will clean up everything after eating. No noise is allowed when getting in the car. Who dares to disturb me to sleep, I let him sleep with his head next to his butt."

After hearing this, they were still stunned. How could it be possible to sleep with their heads next to their ass? After a few seconds of reaction, they realized that this sentence translates to "I twisted his skull off".

One by one, he quickly touched his neck: "Yes, yes, don't worry, boss, we will never bother you."

Ji Changze was yawning and was about to go to sleep.

This is not a pretense. He really wants to sleep. That's how a teenager's body is. When he's full, he gets sleepy.

As soon as I put my hand on the doorknob to open the door, everyone's mobile phones rang.

He paused, and turned his head abruptly, it was a grumpy squirt: "Which power person is making trouble again! Can't these power people make trouble during the day and working day? It must be at night, it must be in Lao Tzu Make a noise when you want to sleep!"

Even if the anger was not directed at them, other people still inexplicably felt a surge of anger, suppressing them to breathe.

If you make it concrete, it's as if the air is suddenly compressed and you dare not move.

No one dared to move, including Wang Can who was a supernatural power.

Waiting for Ji Changze to take out his mobile phone cursingly, he cursed twice, and slammed the car door hard: "His uncle, go, go to the east side."

He got in the car, and the other people suddenly relaxed, and they all followed and breathed.

Wang Can struggled to open his neckline so that he could breathe more easily, and squeezed out his voice from his throat with difficulty: "I, I rely on, the boss, he is so scary, I couldn't breathe just now."

"Who isn't, I really rely on his aura, is this the world of the strong?"

Someone asked Wang Can while panting, "It stands to reason that you are a supernatural person. You should not be affected by ordinary people. You can't do that."

Wang Can thought for a while and thought: "Maybe I'm too useless, eh, I'm a well-known useless in our group of supernatural beings. If someone's water system can open a water plant, I can only send out a light as a light bulb."

The team members comforted him: "It's okay, Xiao Wang, don't you dig out the power generation function? You can open a power plant in the future."

They didn't think much about it. After all, Ji Changze had started the fire before. It was scary. He was slowing down. The window of the car was opened roughly. The head of the different security team who was irritable because he couldn't sleep smoothly yelled at them: "It's all stupid. What are you doing while standing there! Why don't you get in the car and follow me to see which turtles and grandchildren are making noisy at night!"

"Come here, boss, don't be angry, we are here."

Everyone, including Wang Can, got into the car one by one like a quail, sitting on their seats properly and no one dared to make any movement.

A team member ran to drive, and Ji Changze, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head and glanced at the quail behind him coldly: "I'm all idle, don't you want to paint a cannon? It's a practice!"

"Practice, practice, let's practice."

Wang Canzheng sympathized with the players who watched "Obviously they are worthy of strength but have to work hard for their brains". Before two or three seconds of sympathy, Ji Changze's firepower was transferred to him: "And you! It's so embarrassing to take the test. I'm free, you can't read a book if you have this time? The country will depend on your generation in the future. You will also build a fart. You can't use it with abilities, quantum communication, solar power generation, laser weapons, unmanned driving , Face recognition, these are all optical, do you know that."

Wang Can cautiously: "I have learned to generate electricity now..."

"You can do a solar power generation now. You can't even handle laser weapons. I'm so embarrassed to take a look, look at it, look at it, you guys, you are really inferior to the next generation, you are mad at me, you! Look! What look! Drive and watch the road!"

After stunned everyone, Ji Changze let out a long sigh, closed his eyes and started dozing.

The car stopped after almost half an hour.

Other colleagues who were in charge of detecting the movements of these supernaturalists saw this familiar RV breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly went over and opened the door: "You are here, the supernaturalist he..."

The rest of his words choked in his throat after seeing the situation in the car.

Inside the car, a few muscular members of the different protection team are huddling together and looking carefully at writing and drawing. In the back position, Wang Can sits upright and looks like "I love learning, learning and loving me" while reading and doing madly. notes.

The car is full of good breath of love of learning.


I remember that my old colleague never mentioned to me that all the protection groups love to learn.

Ji Changze, who was sitting in the co-pilot, took off his blindfold and jumped out of the car with a grumpy expression: "Let's talk, what's the situation."

"Oh oh oh, you are the Disciplinary Team of the Alien Protection Team, right? This is an ability player that has not been registered before. It depends on the flight type. Now people are still flying in the sky because they are not flying high. Ordinary people have noticed, and some people have posted video shots on the Internet."

"We can't communicate with the supernatural beings in the sky, nor can we delete the videos circulating on the Internet. After all, you know this kind of thing. The more you delete, the more others will think it is true. Coming down, it's okay now at night. In the daytime, there are more people here. If someone looks at it with binoculars or something, it won't be able to hide it."

Ji Changze looked at the direction the colleague of the detection team was pointing, and really saw a small black spot in the sky flying around. Someone underneath noticed this situation and got together in twos and threes. Take video and take pictures.

He took the telescope handed by the other party and looked up into the sky.

Sure enough, he was a supernatural person, and he was flying around in the sky with his face full of excitement, seeing someone underneath looking up, and beckoning to them excitedly.

He is about seventeen or eighteen years old.

It's also a troublesome age.

"Bring the drone."

As a different protection group who has fought with supernatural powers countless times, their tools can fill one, four rooms and two halls, and there are at least ten drones alone.

The team member manipulating the drone controlled it to fly towards the superpower. Ji Changze took the binoculars and watched the drone fly to the other side. The other side was curious about the drone, but there was no intention to attack.

"Talk to him and let him down."

The team members nodded, and said in a steady and convincing voice: "Hello, I am a member of the foreign protection team of the national department. We are responsible for supervising that the supernatural person cannot appear in front of the public. I know that I have just become a supernatural person. , Your mood must be very complicated and scared, please trust us, we..."

"Heterogeneous protection group?! God, is it the dragon group!! Are there any other supernatural beings in this world?! Do they also fly? Am I a rare species now? Will you give me money? Am I famous."

"...Shall I say these things later? Please cooperate with our work."

Powerful person: "No, wait, you won't lie to me and dissect me. Do you have any evidence to prove that you are a member of the country, and why don't you let others know about the power person's existence? They don't know about me. Exist, then you can do whatever you want with me."

"Yes, I don't believe in you. I want to ensure my safety. Only if everyone knows the existence of me as a supernatural being, you dare not move me."

Player: "..."

This is the first time he has encountered such a capable person with an ability to replenish his brain.

He turned his head to look at Ji Changze and asked: "Boss?"

A green vein emerged from Ji Changze's forehead and grabbed the microphone: "Don't give us conspiracy theories. You still think about how many days will be impeded to hinder public order. Come down to me."

"What's your attitude, you really belong to the state department? I want to report you."

When it's over, the other team members feel that their hairs are erected, and the boss can't hear these two words the most.

Sure enough, Ji Changze began to sneer.

"Okay, just say you don't cooperate with me."

The ability person relies on his own confidence in the sky: "I won't cooperate with you. What can you do about me, I am a ability person, if you are really a different protection group, you will fly up to find me."


Ji Changze turned his head to look at the players: "You all heard, he himself said he would not cooperate."

Team members: "...but but, he may be young..."

Ji Changze turned his head to face him with his fifteen-year-old face: "Who do you think he and me look younger."

Team members: "..."

Wang Can's heart beating on the side.

I'm coming.

According to the group, Ji Changze will brutally attack people who don't cooperate.

According to the regulations, the above-mentioned abilities do not cooperate with the protection team. In order to prevent him from exposing all the abilities to others, no one can say a word even if Ji Changze killed him.

Ji Changze is obviously not as cruel as in the legend, at least before he killed the opponent, he asked the other side coldly: "Are you sure you won't come down?"

The above-mentioned supernatural person naturally didn't know what he was about to face, and was still dangling about with pride: "I won't go down, you come up."

Ji Changze turned around and got into the car directly and took off his big backpack.

He took out a crossbow and arrow from the inside.

Wang Can: "..."

No, is it really going to shoot people directly?

Compared to his shock, the players were obviously calmer.

"Head, you can't reach this height with a crossbow or arrow."

"Yes, the range of crossbows and arrows is not that far."

However, Ji Changze was so angry that he couldn't wait to tear the other party's appearance. He didn't listen to advice at all. He squinted at the leisurely supernatural power above, and sneered: "Did you see the woods at three o'clock? Go there. Prepare to collect the corpse, no, pick up people."

Wang Can: "..."

You just said that you missed your mouth, you were talking about collecting corpses, right?

The players didn't think that Ji Changze could really use crossbows and arrows to knock people down. After all, this height was not just for fun.

"Boss, or you should calm down first, you can't reach others either."

Ji Changze flew over with a cold glance.

The person who was still whispering just now shut up, silently turned and headed towards the grove.

Wang Can looked at the players and then at Ji Changze, wondering who he was following.

Although it's safer to follow the team members, he still wants to see if Ji Changze can kill people (as a second-hand man who has no research on crossbows and arrows, he has no idea about the range of crossbows and arrows).

While hesitating, Ji Changze glanced at the team members who had rushed to the edge of the small forest, slightly squinted at the superpowers in the sky, sneered, and the crossbows and arrows were directed at the opponent.


The arrow flew out.

Directly, with a clear goal, headed towards the capable person who was still in the sky.

If Wang Can is watching with a telescope, he can see the crossbows and arrows wrapped in a layer of transparent gas, full of fierce aura of direct flight ability, before he can fly to the front, he has just learned how to fly and he is already happy. The psychic of Nse was already stiffened by this terrifying aura, and could not help falling down.

A supernatural person in the sky: "???? What the hell is it?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A figure fell screaming in a vertical state, and fell directly into the grove under the surprised eyes of people.

Then, there was no more sound.

The ordinary people who were still videotaping were taken aback by this incident.

"What's the situation? It seemed like a person just now?"

"It's really a man, I heard him screaming."

"Fucking, how did he get up? Isn't it a human being? I'm not mistaken."

"I made a video. Although it's too far away and it's not clear, I can be sure that it is a person. Look, the video."

Wang Can, who was still shivering because Ji Changze actually shot people down with a crossbow and arrow, suddenly noticed that the people around him had witnessed the whole process, and he panicked: "Boss, what should I do? They recorded the video."

Ji Changze gave him a glance, "You said, how should we deal with this situation?"

Wang Can thought for a while, his eyes lit up: "I threw all their mobile phones in the water, wouldn't they be able to spread it!"

"Throw it in the water."

Ji Changze nodded, and the next second when Wang Can saw him nodding and raising a grin, he waved at him: "Come on, head down."

Wang Can: "..."

He counseled and bowed his head.

Sure enough, the next second was a brain collapse, and the familiar irritable voice came from my ear: "I will throw you into the water! Can't you be so mentally retarded!"

"You also throw other people's mobile phones into the water! Are you afraid! I'm afraid they don't know that this is an unnatural phenomenon that the country does not allow to spread! Brains! Brains!"

After waiting until his head collapsed, Wang Can looked up cautiously with a bitter face, "What should I do? So many people have seen it, and some people have recorded the video. Just now, the supernatural person made a sound. They must all know that this is a person. ."

Ji Changze turned around and went to the grove: "Take my bag and come with me."

"Oh oh oh, boss, your bag is quite heavy."

When the two of them arrived in the grove, the members of the alien protection team were looking up at the supernatural power hanging on the branch. They were worried. Seeing him coming, they rushed forward: "Boss, he just happened to be hanging on the tree. It depends on the situation. It's because the back collar happened to be caught by the branch, and the person is fine, but the tree is too thin, how can I get it down?"

Seeing that someone is coming to the bottom, the superpower above immediately brightened his eyes and waved his hand: "Help! Help! Help! Please get me down."

After yelling for help, he saw the next child who seemed not too old took the backpack carried by the person next to him and carried it on his back, climbing the tree neatly.

The supernatural person was moved in tears.

There are still many good people in this world. Such a kid who seems to be in junior high school is so helpful.

Ji Changze climbed the tree very fast, and in a short while he reached the branch where the superpower was hung.

Seeing him coming, the other party rushed to him silly and said, "Thank you, little brother, he will repay you after he is rescued. You are really a good boy who is righteous and brave."

Ji Changze looked at him, showing a typical smile.

Then hung the backpack on another branch and began to dig out.

Feathers, feathers, all feathers.

There are also some messy sticks, which he quickly assembled and fastened to the waist of the supernatural person.

Supervisor: "...what are you doing?"

Ji Changze tied a "safety belt" to him, and replied without looking up: "Make a simple aircraft."


Ji Changze: "You are a person who wants to make a flying machine by yourself. In order to fulfill this dream, you even dressed yourself as a big bird. As a result, the flying machine failed and you fell from the sky because of good luck. Come on, this didn't cause casualties, right?"

Ability person: "???? What mess? I am an ability person, I can fly!"

Ji Changze: "So you don't accept the statement just now?"

"How can I accept it, you're completely open your eyes and say blind me, don't you, don't you!!"

"Huh?? Hmm!!!! Hmm!!!!"

Ji Changze looked at the ability person whose mouth was gagged by the beak prop and could only scream, and he thought for a while, and clicked the button next to the beak.

The beak immediately uttered a crisp and sweet bird's song: "Kick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick."


He looked at the person in front of him dumbfounded, who was looking at him with a beak covered in feathers and nodded in satisfaction:

"Okay, since you don't accept it, I'm good at talking, so change your words according to your wishes. You are now a mentally ill person who thinks of yourself as a bird and wants to go to heaven. Do you have any objections."

stranger;? ? ? Of course I have it! !

He is crazy.

Ji Changze; "Ah, if you don't speak, it's acquiescence."


He watched the face of the person in front of him "I understand I understand":

"Choose to be a patient who treats himself as a bird. I have to say that your decision is a little stranger than ordinary people."

"But I won't discriminate against you, no thanks."