|My lord, times have changed (4)

Finally, Ji Changze looked up and down, and determined that the heavenly clothes on the supernatural person were seamless, and then he turned around and crawled down with satisfaction.



Hey! ! Did you just leave me here! !

"Don't be noisy."

Ji Changze sighed, took the time to look up and glanced at the supernatural being who was covered with fur and had a beak in his mouth: "Wait until other people have finished taking pictures and recording videos. Everyone knows that you are a mentally ill person. Let you down."


But anyone with a point of face would definitely not be happy to be spread as a mentally ill person covered with hairs and beaks in their beaks.

But now his mouth is blocked, and he can't even make a protest.

He could only be hung on the tree like this, and watched Ji Changze slowly descend the tree, and stood beside the members of the alien protection team. When ordinary people ran in curiously, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the superpower, making a loud noise. "Confused":

"Is that a bird or a person on the tree?!"

After finishing speaking, I also felt that the team members were not in favor, and turned around and glared at them while ordinary people didn't pay attention.

Witnessing Ji Changze [arranging up the tree, gagging down and pretending to be stupid], the team members of the different protection team hurriedly took the scene: "Okay, it seems to be a person."

"Yes, but how can he have feathers on him? And his mouth, it's a beak."

As I spoke, it gradually went smoothly.

"Why do I watch the beak tied up."

Ji Changze continued loudly: "I didn't pay attention before, how did he get to the tree?"

A member of the alien protection team hurriedly said: "Ah! Ah, I saw it! He had something like a propeller on his head before, then! Look, those things like broken sticks on his head seem to be."

They said what you said to me. The ordinary people who had just entered the woods listened to it, and they all looked up.


"This person used to fly before, right?"

"Seeing that there are no protective measures at all, dare to fly so dangerous, fierce."

"Dude, don't squeeze me, it's a video."

A lot of people who heard about it came to join in the fun in the woods soon. Everyone looked up at the tree with supernatural powers hanging on the tree like a salted fish.


He had given up struggling and looked down.

Waiting until the police car (colleagues of the different protection team) arrived, the "policemen" were setting up cushions underneath, and when they climbed up the tree to fish for people with ropes, the dim eyes of the supernatural person suddenly lighted up hope. Guang, hopefully looked at the "police" who came to rescue himself:


--help me! ! Uncle police save me! ! Take the beak from my mouth quickly! !

The "policeman" focused on saving the person, and didn't even notice what the "birdman" was saying in front of him.

The supernatural person was a little disappointed, but soon as he was removed from the branch, he was slowly put down with a safety rope tied to his body, and the moment his feet fell, he was full of hope again.

The hand hurriedly touched the beak that was stuck in his mouth.

Near, near, nearer...

Seeing their hands falling on the beak, the "police uncles" who had just carefully rescued him suddenly surrounded him and clasped his hands behind him neatly.


Isn't it? ? Why are you detaining me? ?

I am the victim! !

Some people came to watch, and the "policemen" reminded them "kindly": "Please don't go too far. We received a report from the mental hospital. This is a mentally ill person who fantasizes about himself as a bird. If you're too close, he may be frightened, please stand back."


Who is so frightened, I have the ability to take off the beak of Lao Tzu's face to see me and show you what a normal person is!

"Policeman": "He will behave like a bird when he is frightened. Please stand back and don't let the patient be frightened."

The supernatural person couldn't help struggling.

Who is learning from the bird call! ! Your whole family all learn how to call birds! !

I! Normal person! !


The crisp voice of the bird followed: jijijijijijijiji.


Onlookers: "Wow, I really learn how to call birds."

"He has feathers off his body, there is a smell of 502 glue, these are all the feathers from where he got them, he won't go to pull the feathers of other people's birds and stick them on his body, right."

"Mom, his eyes are so fierce!"

"Don't be afraid, this uncle is sick and treats himself as a bird. Wild birds look fierce when they are afraid of people."

Those who are trying to show "I'm super fierce, I'm a human" supernatural power:...you are so fierce, I call my wise eyes that belong to human beings.

In full view, he stayed here for at least 20 minutes, was recorded countless videos, took a lot of photos, the protection team here confirmed the "simple aircraft", "feathers are glued", "beak with rope" "These necessary elements have all been spread out, and only then did they signal their colleagues to take the people away.

The superpower got into the car unwillingly. During this period, he tried countless times to suggest that the police untie his beak and handcuffs, but no matter how he suggested, the policeman in the same car would be the same as if he hadn't seen it.

No, it's not like he didn't see it, he didn't even look at the supernatural person at all.

He was poking and poking with a mobile phone in his hand, and he didn't even give away the light to anyone around him.


It's too much to play on mobile phones during working hours!

Finally, the car stopped, and before he looked out, the policeman sitting next to him was finally willing to look up at him.

He even stretched out his hand directly and took off the beak from the face of the superpower.

This sudden surprise made the supernatural person excited, and hurriedly moved his numb mouth, because he was gagged for a long time and the sound was a bit vague: "I am... a normal person."

"I'm not mentally ill. Someone just climbed up the tree and made me like this. Uncle police, the report you received must be false. I will tell you about the appearance and characteristics of that person. You can get him back quickly. He is about fourteen or five years old, with short hair, wearing a black coat, thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and there seems to be a mole at the end of his eyes, and he is carrying a very large bag. We can face off when we come back!"

The "police" ignored him at all.

The car door opened sharply from the outside, caught off guard, and the superpower sitting by the car door almost didn't fall out of the car.

He tried to hold on to his body, and subconsciously looked up, Ji Changze was standing outside with his arms folded and looking at him with a sneer.

"Oh, you have a good description, it's good, with birdman attributes, it's quite suitable for being a scout."

Supervisor: "...Police, police uncle! This is the person! He is the one who put all these messy things on me!!"

At this moment, he was like a kid who had just been bullied, relying on his parents behind him, and again flaunted his majesty: "Quick! Catch him away! He is a rumors and slander, I want to sue him! I want to go through legal procedures!"

Watching the police uncle got out of the car and walked towards Ji Changze proudly, before he showed a relieved expression on his face, he saw the other party paying a military salute to Ji Changze: "Sir, the task is complete."

And the 14-five-year-old kid who looked like a junior high school student patted the shoulder of the "policeman" and nodded to the remaining "policeman" who got out of the car:

"Thank you brothers, we will bring them back right away."


What kind of brother is this.

Which one is going back?

"No, Uncle Police, you don't care about me, you guys? How can you do this! The police are the guardians of the people!!!"

The "policemen" looked at him like a fool. The young man who had been sitting next to him was probably pitiful when he saw the supernatural "My sky is falling", and said softly to him:

"Young man, don't make trouble with the alien protection team. People are specially in charge of you with supernatural powers. Take a good attitude and strive for lenient treatment. If you don't cause any trouble this time, you will be released in two days. ."


He stared blankly at the police car whizzing away as it came, leaving only himself and this group of strangers in place.

No, he seems to have strength now, it's better to fly...

Seeing that the other party's feet were off the ground, Ji Changze directly took out Mucang and raised his eyebrows at him: "Fly, you can fly another one for me. I can see whether you are flying fast or I am bullet fast."


Wang Can, who had been following him and didn't dare to say anything, hurriedly dragged him down: "Man, you should be honest. The boss is not talking to you for fun. If you dare to fly, he really dares to fight."


Who are these people?

In the end, it was the familiar cabin, the familiar Ji Changze-style sitting posture, and the familiar reading online comments, but this time the job was handed over to the "experienced" Wang Can.

Wang Can kowtowed: "...What happened these days? Has the wall of the mental hospital fall down? A while ago, there was a light bulb man who was broken in love and used himself as a light bulb. Today, he came out again and thought he was. Birdman patients, these two people are not in a mental hospital, right."

As the uncle lay down on the back of the chair, Ji Changze who clicked on the melon seeds spit out the skin of the melon seeds and pointed at Wang Can to the supernatural person: "The light bulb man mentioned in the comment is him."

Wang Can pretended not to hear, and then read:

"Hahahahahahaha my cousin was on the scene at the time, and he laughed to death when he saw the video he sent me. The man was also hard enough to make himself look more like a bird, so he filled his body. Feather, do you know how those feathers got up? It was glued with 502. My cousin said that he smelled of glue when he came down, and the police wore gloves when he took him away."

"This person is hard enough to fight, and Niubi is also a real Niubi. The flying machine, he actually made it, and he really flew in the sky for a while."

"After seeing the photos of the scene, a brother of mine simulated his kind of aircraft based on the tools left at the time. It can take people to take off, but it is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will really go to heaven. Don't you Imitation blindly."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha I can laugh about this for three years hahahahahahahaha!"

I have to say that it feels quite different to laugh at yourself in front of others, and laugh at others in front of others. Wang Can didn't dare to lift his head at the beginning, thinking about it, and gradually became better, and even became more emotional.

"In the future, you may receive a text message like this: Hello, I am a bird. I am now trying to find a way to go to heaven. As long as you are willing to fund your xxx account, I will give you a bird when I succeed in going to heaven. Eggs as a reward."

"The talent upstairs, hahahahahahahaha."

"But I remember that the patient who thought he was a bird seemed to be a man. Can a male bird lay eggs?"

"I think I can go to heaven, what's the difficulty of laying eggs."


His face was flushed with shame, and he lost his previous pride and vitality, and the small mosquito yelled the same: "You, you can't ruin my reputation like this. Although I am a supernatural person, I also have human rights. You can't do it well. Do you want to discuss it with me? Do you have to use this way! How will I behave in the future?"

Uncle Ji Changze raised his legs: "Oh, human rights."

He took out the recorder and pressed the switch, and inside it came a triumphant voice: "I won't cooperate with you, what can you do with me?" ]


Seeing that he was speechless, Ji Changze cast a glance at Wang Can who was looking at them carefully: "Continue reading."

"Huh? Good, good."

Wang Can stood behind Ji Changze and gestured to the person with the ability to cheer.

The supernatural person felt much better when he saw him comforting himself.

Knowing that there are other people with abilities who are kind to him, made his fragile heart a little better.

"Hahahahahaha, I even picked up a piece of hair on the scene. I hope this big brother will treat him well. If he goes up next time, he may not be so dead."

"No, only do I think this patient has something in common with the previous patient? They both showed up at night, and the same thing was in their mouth when they were taken away and they couldn't talk. And you can observe the video of them being taken away before. It's not that they are very emotional and seem to be struggling. I have a guess, is it possible that they are not mentally ill people, but people with special functions, and they were forcibly gagged and taken away by the relevant authorities after they showed up."

When he read this comment, Wang Can began to feel a little uneasy. As he read it, he cautiously looked at Ji Changze's face.

When he finished reading, he found that after Ji Changze sneered, his legs almost didn't feel soft.

"Bo'er, the thing I had done before, Bo'er was pretty good. I think this netizen found out because he didn't deal with facial expressions well. It's none of my business. I didn't know when I was taken away. Cooperate more, you know the boss, right? Punish him if you want to."

Those who are still immersed in the "Sure enough, everyone with the same abilities can show goodwill to each other even if they don't know each other": "..."

No, you just asked me to cheer, and you sold me in a blink of an eye, what a face!

Wang Can pretended not to see his jaw-dropping expression.

If so much effort was wasted before the alien protection team that really harmed, and the identity of the person with the ability was exposed, Ji Changze would not be sure what to do when he was furious.

Of course he runs as fast as possible.

Ji Changze stretched out his hand: "Give me the phone."

Wang Can hurriedly handed the phone to him like a dog: "Boss, this, this, this comment is here, should we contact it and let it be deleted."

"How many times have you taught you, the more you encounter this situation, the less you can't delete comments, and the more you have to cover up, they will have to find out."

Maybe it's because I saw enough jokes about flying supernatural powers today. Ji Changze didn't get angry. Instead, holding Wang Can's mobile phone, he quickly switched accounts and commented below:

[This story is justified and well-founded. I can't hide it anymore. In fact, I've seen it a long time ago that the light bulb man is not the light bulb but he himself. The bird man is a real bird. But it will become a human being. I don't know if you still remember the war in xx years, eh, since that battle, ordinary people have been wiped out of memory, and only those of us who have fought for the country still remember. Up. ]


After finishing this passage proficiently, Ji Changze pressed send and threw the phone to Wang Can: "You go to the electronic branch of the different protection group and tell them to follow the passage I just sent."

Wang Can: "...Where is the Electronics Division?"

Ji Changze looked at him disgustingly: "You have been here for so long without knowing the location of the electronic branch? Behind the decorative painting in the toilet, you just pushed in."

Wang Can was shocked: "Is the electronic branch in the secret door of the toilet?!!!"

OMG! It has to be so strict that the door position needs to be placed in the toilet.

Ji Changze thought for a while: "It's okay if you say that."

Wang Can was suddenly excited.

Which teenager does not have a martial arts dream, although now martial arts has become a fantasy, it is good to be able to see the kind of secret door in the martial arts TV series that I watched as a child.

Even those who are half-dead and sorrow that their reputation has lost their reputation and become a birdman have become energetic, and they don't care about the sorrow. They look at Ji Changze with bright eyes, and whispered and forced: "I I, I, I want to go too, can you let me go and see too."

Seeing Ji Changze glance at himself, he immediately understood and quickly admitted his mistake: "I know I was wrong, and I will never expose myself again next time. Please, please, let me go and have a look together. I promise not to run. I If I run, I will be Wang Ba Laozi."

"It doesn't need to be as serious as Wang Ba Lao."

Ji Changze began to click and click on the seeds again: "If you run, just shoot it to death."

There was a stiff expression on the face of the superpower, but he didn't even think about running, and he slowed down within a few seconds, looking at Ji Changze hopefully: "No problem, I promise not to run, take me with him."


Ji Changze spit out melon seeds without embarrassing the other party much. He raised his chin to Wang Can: "Take him over and tell the branch that he wants to redeem his merits and help make this happen. Let him today. He stays in the branch."

Work for a day in a country with hidden doors! ! !

The two supernatural beings have never felt the four words of atonement for merit so pleasant as they do now.

Wang Can even glanced at the supernatural power a little enviously, slightly jealous, and squeezed out a sentence with a dry effort: "Then I, I want to help circle together."

"After all, I am also under suspicion, and this is half of me."

Ji Changze: Click, click.

He spit out the melon seeds and looked up and down at Wang Can: "It's okay, then you two will be working there all day. When the electronic branch gets off work, you get off work when."

"Eh!! No problem!! Thank you boss!!"

The two left happily.

Ji Changze continued to eat melon seeds, one of the players in the corner who had always regarded himself as a transparent person was very incomprehensible.

There is something wrong with these two people's brains. They are so happy to work in a hard place like the electronics branch, or is the way of thinking of the supernatural beings really different from them?

He was thinking about it, Ji Changze looked at him wandering, and threw a melon seed: "What do you want! Go and work for me, either training or learning knowledge. Those with supernatural powers must learn it, you ordinary people. It's easy to be upright and confident! Get out of here!"

The two powers over there didn't know what they were about to face.

They ran to the toilet excitedly, and they saw a decorative painting hanging on the toilet.

Wang Can rubbed his hands in excitement: "Why didn't I think about it before, it could be a secret door here."

The flying ability person also rubbed his hands: "This is so handsome, just like making a movie, do you think it's all hackers? This is really a national department, right? Oh my god, our country actually has such a hacker department. , My previous dream was to be a hacker."

"Me too, no, I'm so excited."

The two cheered each other up and hid in the toilet to tidy up their instruments, then took a deep breath and pushed open the secret door together.

The wall with the decorative painting really moved as soon as it was pushed, slowly, slowly, as the door was pushed, as if the sound from another world had also reached their ears.

There are also all kinds of pictures they can't imagine--

In the large bright office, there are various young people wearing headphones and typing on keyboards. The air-conditioning wind blows through their dwindling hair. Everyone has a venting and decompressor on their hands.

"Where was the x-12 data stored last time, why can't I find it?"

"Take-out, whoever's take-out, has been left at the front desk for 20 minutes and no one will take it."

"My mine, sorry, sorry, I just didn't know how to mute the phone, but I didn't receive the call. I would like to invite you to dinner after get off work."

"Oh my god, fucking, I can't scold this mentally retarded, boss, boss, you help me scold him in Zu'an words!! I'm so pissed off I'm so pissed off!!"

"Hello, is it Ms. Liu, ah, hello, madam, we are xx company, our company's truck crashed into your home last time, ah, yes, yes, all the pits in the yard are our company The fireball was caused by the truck because of a small explosion at that time."

"Yes, yes, I'm really sorry. The truck driver of our company was worried about taking responsibility. When no one in your house took the car away, our leader also contacted the police after finding out about it. That's right, yes, we understand, you Our company will definitely compensate you for this loss. Yes, can you estimate the price of the things you lost? Eh, okay, trouble you, just call this phone directly."

"――Well, I'm really sorry, this is our mistake, sorry, sorry sir, please don't swear, please? We will definitely compensate, yes, according to the price, okay, okay, then you inquire The lawyer will call me back again, ok, goodbye...I am going to explode!!! Is there a bubble in the mind of that silly person!!! I smashed the car, I want to find one The truck driver fell asleep as an excuse for accidentally rushing over. The owner just scolded me to death. I can't reply, ah, ah, ah, so angry!!"

While this beautiful young lady was angry, she violently tapped her hand to vent the decompression artifact.

Looking at the other people in the house, most of them looked like social animals.

Replying to a message while eating takeaway.

I'm so angry that I still have to keep talking with a smile.

The various dances of both hands on the keyboard almost became afterimages.

The expressions of the people present were different, and there were all kinds of things, but they did not have the various battles of the tall hacker alliance that they had imagined before.

The two supernaturalists who had just come out of the toilet stared at the scene in front of them blankly. They only felt that the place in their hearts storing all kinds of tall fantasy was broken into pieces.

Just stood there for about three minutes, and finally someone who hurriedly passed by holding the documents found them.

"Huh? Who are you? New here?"

Wang Can hurriedly explained their intentions again.

"In this way, you can show me the sentence sent by Team Ji."

Reading the passage sent by Ji Changze, she nodded: "Okay, no problem, just follow the way of the Ji team. Since the two of you are here to help, follow along."

At this moment, although the fantasy in my heart is broken into pieces, but they are about to turn the tide (their fantasy), change the situation (also fantasy), and redeem their merits (this is true), the two are still happy again and happy. Follow this sister who is a supervisor on the card to go forward.

Then he was arranged to sit in front of the adjacent computer.

The sister in charge gently taught them to open a file on the desktop.

The two opened with excitement, then looked at the string of account passwords inside and fell into deep thought.

Sister in charge: "These are all accounts, and the passwords are written on the back. Your task is to use these accounts to log in to the platform, and receive similar comments under the comment that the Ji team responded to. Just reply to more than nine thousand floors. Remember, one-third of the accounts just like this comment, otherwise all replying to the comment will give the leader a thumbs-up, and the data will appear to be abnormal."

"Also, remember to switch the ip. There is a way to teach how to switch. Each account must be switched once. There is software that will automatically select the ip at random. Reply to comments cannot be copied and pasted. You must type by hand."

After finishing talking, she asked the dumbfounded two people: "Understand? Is there anything else that can't be done?"

Wang Can: "..."


I understand, but I understand, the problem is...

"Isn't this a navy?"

Sister in charge: "The navy can't be as strict as we are, but if you think so, it seems okay. Now that you understand, let's start. I will arrange for an old man to take you, and he will teach you how to say the same thing. Xiao Zhou, come here, take them two, and speak according to this comment."

The young man named Xiao Zhou was also unambiguous, and showed them on the spot.

I saw him crackling his hands on the keyboard, leaving a speech with different ip and different accounts.

[I also remember xx years, eh, that year, I went to the battlefield with my best brother, but in the end I was the only one who came down, I will never forget you, Wang Wei, seeing today's peaceful and prosperous world , I believe you will laugh even under Jiuquan. ]

[Wang Wei: You never know what role you are in your friend's mouth. ]

[Hahahahaha I have seen a person named Wang Wei on your watch list, Aite, thank you. ]

[I will never forget the xx years, the old squad leader of Team 175, and the little boy who likes to sing. After they retired, they chose to forget these memories. I chose to keep them. There must always be someone who remembers all this. ]

[Hey, my brothers and I fought to the end in the war that year, but now the brothers choose to forget one by one, and I am the only one who is still struggling. I will apply to forget these things in the second half of the year. , Maybe it's better to be an ordinary person. ]

[Unexpectedly, there are so many people who still remember, Cuihua, I don't know if you can't see this comment, but I love you, I will love you forever. ]

[The xx years war, I heard my grandfather talk about it, but I always thought it was just grandpa talking nonsense about Alzheimer's. I didn't expect to see so many people who have experienced xx years here. Do you remember my grandpa? His name is Wang Tiezhu, and he told me that he belongs to Team 891 and is responsible for fighting against the Zerg. ]

[I remember! ! I'm from Team 891. We had an agreement at the beginning. If anyone has a grandchild, we should recognize a relative, a good grandson, and call grandpa to listen to. Grandpa will tell you how we killed the Zerg queen that year. . ]

[Can you be more serious! Can this kind of thing be said on the platform! Back then, three orders and five applications from the country made you tight-lipped, is that what you did! Be careful. I asked the country to erase the memories of all the people involved. ]

Papa Papa mastered one person and finished a circle of people, Xiao Zhou stopped his hands and turned to look at the two supernaturalists: "How? Do you understand how to do it?"

Two people: "..."

"You, you, this, this doesn't..." Their brains are already a little confused: "Aren't we going to hide things from ordinary people? Can we hide it like this?"

Xiao Zhou laughed: "That's how you can hide it. When one raises a question, but the others are playing tricks, then this person's doubts will also be regarded as playing tricks, and even people passing by will join in. No matter how much this person doubts, no matter how seriously he studies the explanation, no one else will believe that he is serious."

"After you learn it, I will post a few of them. I'll take a look. Once you have sent nine thousand, there will never be anyone who sincerely doubts the existence of the supernatural being."

Two people: "..."

So the navy still controls public opinion, right?

In the end, they sat in front of the computer, imitating Xiao Zhou's teaching, and changed various ip accounts to fine-tune the stalks.

Sure enough, as Xiao Zhou expected.

As more and more people play stalkers (in fact, most of them are the two of them), passers-by have also joined the stalker state, and they are serious about what they have experienced in xx years and what happened. .

No matter how hard the layer master who made the skeptical remarks said, "No, I really found something wrong based on the details." "Listen to me, look at this photo, although it is vague, the birdman does not look like the top of his head. There is a flying machine." "I'm really telling you the truth", no one believes it anymore.

Everyone laughed.

[Layer master, don't make trouble, it's not good for you to expose the truth of the year. ]

[Why hold on like this, this is probably the soldier of the year, ah, it has been so many years, if it weren't for us to defend the country back then, you are still being used as fertilizer by the Ant-Man soldiers. ]

[Eh, you are still too young, the master, you haven't experienced those years, so naturally you don't understand the pain of flying with itchy wings, and everyone chooses to fly at night, not to disturb the people, so caring. ]

After being told by a group of netizens, no matter how firm the master was at the beginning, he unknowingly began to wonder if he was thinking too much.

Think about it, too, how could there really be people who can fly in the world.

And when the person was discovered, there was indeed a broken simple flying vehicle beside him, so why did he think that the person could really fly? The truth is right in front of him, why did he have to go in the impossible direction? Think about it?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was thinking too much. In the end, he gave up the questioning, and became happy that so many people liked and commented on one of his comments.

However, the two abilities who worked so hard to maintain the situation had a bitter face, and worked overtime until late at night before they were considered to be off work with the electronic group. When they were off work, the first time they did this kind of get off work, they only felt that their hands were numb. Thousands of comments must be typed by hand, and each comment must be switched to a different account.

I thought that everyone filed out from the toilet after get off work, but they were both ready to pull the toilet door, but found that the staff of the electronic group had finished greeting and turned around and walked out the door.

Two people: "..."

So what is the point of installing such a hidden door in the toilet?

Wouldn't it be enough to just walk through the door? ! ! !

"It doesn't make sense." The supervisor's sister took out her mobile phone and opened the software to take a taxi. She said casually: "It's not the Ji team of your different protection group. I was too lazy. I thought it was too far to walk from the different protection group to the group, so I just drove it. The door was opened two days ago, don't you know?"

Two people: "...???"

"Then why do you want to open it in such a hidden place like the toilet? Can you just open it in the main hall directly?"

"The load-bearing wall, how can you open a hole? All other places that can open the door are the team's bedroom, and there is only one toilet left. Don't worry if you don't open the toilet, we usually don't walk through your door and won't look at you. Go to the toilet."

Two powers: "..."

They numb their faces, numb their hands, numb their mentality, and numbly return to the alien protection team from the toilet.

The various fantasies about the state sector in my heart were all shattered and could not be shattered.