|Ancient Demon Eliminator (2)

After all, Ji Changze's body was still very weak, even if the child wanted to talk to his father more, Lin Qing still looked at the time and hugged him down.

"Okay, it's dark, Yuan'er should go to bed."

Ji Yuan's exquisite little face was obviously unhappy, but his hands obediently hugged his mother's neck. A pair of beautiful black eyes stared at Ji Changze directly, and his milky voice asked: "Then tomorrow Can Yuan'er come to play with Daddy when he wakes up?"

Ji Changze nodded: "Yes."

Ji Yuan was taken away.

The old lady who had hot soup came again, still smiling kindly and asked: "Zhangze, do you want me to feed you?"

"No need to."

Even if Lin Qing had told him before, Ji Changze's attitude towards the old lady was still cold.

He stretched out his hand: "Give it to me."

The old lady puppet immediately gave him the soup bowl in her hand.

Ji Changze just sat on the bed, holding a bowl in one hand and a soup spoon in the other, and drank the soup spoon by spoon with his eyes down.

When he drank, the old lady who hadn't received the instruction was watching with a smile.

If you let someone who doesn't know it, you will definitely think this is a talkative mother-in-law.

She was good at talking, but the son-in-law did not respond with the same good talking.

After drinking the soup, the person on the bed naturally pushed the soup bowl towards the old lady: "Take it and wash it."


After receiving instructions, the old lady kept the same smile as before, and she was about to go out when she picked up the soup bowl.

"and many more."

Ji Changze suddenly called to her, and when she saw her turning around, he said, "You look a little bit hairy."

Lin Qing sent her son to the hut to sleep. When she came back, she said with a calm smile: "My mother is old, she has been losing her hair recently. I took her to see the doctor a while ago because of this. The doctor said there was nothing serious, but it was just getting old."

Ji Changze's face was still smooth, only raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Lin Qing, and said calmly: "What the lady said."

"Husband, go to bed early, you are ill, and you can't bear the fatigue."

Lin Qing smiled forward, helped him lie down, adjusted the pillow for him, tucked the quilt, watched Ji Changze lie down and closed his eyes, and said softly, "I still have an embroidery job. , You go to bed first."


Ji Changze responded indifferently, and didn't mean to feel distressed that his wife had to rush to embroider at night.

Lin Qing didn't know what to do. She was obviously like that before her husband. She didn't feel much at that time. She just felt that the other party didn't care about her, which made it more convenient for her to hide and practice the exercises.

But today, maybe I saw that my husband was gentle with Yuan'er, and now I looked at the other side's indifference to him, and there was a sense of loss in my heart.

Lin Qing quickly packed up the loss and hid him, and smiled at Ji Changze: "My husband rests earlier."

When I went out, I blew out the candle.

After she and the old lady went out, Ji Changze sat up slowly in the dark room.

Because of his weakness, it took him a long time before he assumed a standard training posture.

Outside, Lin Qing went out lightly, went to his son's room to see that he was still asleep, then closed the door and went out to another cabin.

This room has always been locked. She told Ji Changze that it was used to put sundries, and it was filled with things that were difficult to handle and could not be used in daily life.

Usually, she occasionally pretends to go to get things inside. Ji Changze has never followed up. Lin Qing knows that he loves cleanliness and doesn't like to work, which is not surprising.

After she and the old lady entered, Lin Qing removed a dirty-looking wooden board blocking the middle of the room, revealing a small bed and table inside.

On the table were scattered odd and weird things, almost all of which were used by the demon master.

"You sit here."

Lin Qing beckoned the old lady over, let her sit in a chair, took out a wooden box from the bed, took out the hair inside, and put bunches of it on the old lady's head.

It's just a puppet, even if she uses a secret method to give her a body, hair, which needs to grow naturally, can't grow by itself.

Lin Qing could only find a way to make a wig out of hair-like grass and put it on her head.

The grass will soften and fall down after a while, so she has to make up new ones from time to time, and she has been busy forgetting it these days.

After patiently putting the old lady's head so that nothing could be seen, Lin Qing put away the remaining wig.

"You go find some work in the yard, and if anyone comes here, speak loudly to remind me."

The old lady agreed with a smile, and turned around and went out.

Before she left, Lin Qing sat cross-legged on the bed, closed her eyes, and started practicing seriously.

As a demon master, even if she had made up her mind to live in this small mountain village all her life, and be a gentle wife and loving mother all her life, she would never stop practicing like this.

These abilities are the things that give her the most peace of mind.

Even if someone in the martial arts watched her fall from the cliff with their own eyes, they would definitely think she was dead, but Lin Qing still felt uneasy in her heart.

She must ensure that she is strong enough to protect the family.

So every time, she would hide in this hut to practice exercises under the excuse of doing embroidery. Fortunately, the husband didn't seem to think that she had to do embroidery at night and hurt her eyes. Every time she made an excuse, he showed Let her go.

In the past, Lin Qing thought that this state was quite good, she could practice without any scruples, anyway, she just had to make an excuse.

But today, maybe it is because I have witnessed that my husband is also close to Yuan'er and has fatherly love.

Lin Qing couldn't help thinking.

If Yuan'er didn't rest at this late hour, he would definitely be worried.

However, at the beginning, she was only to give birth to a child and settled here. The husband was ill at the time and didn't like to work, so she should be looking for someone to take care of him.

She didn't care about this. To put it bluntly, she and her husband just used each other from the beginning.

She wanted her husband to give her the identity of a Ji's wife and a son who could get that thing out. The husband wanted someone to take care of it.

So, isn't it normal that he is good to Yuan'er but indifferent to her?

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Lin Qing's mouth.

It seemed that the four years of husband and wife life still made her feel at ease, and she became more and more like an ordinary woman. She was cultivating, and she still had the heart to think about this.

Lin Qing stopped thinking, closed her eyes and practiced with peace of mind.

Every night since she got married, she would excuse her to do embroidery and practice in her hut. During the day, she was a normal good wife and mother, and at night she was a diligent cultivator of evil spirits.

Fortunately, except that the state of the demon master's cultivation is similar to sleep, even if it is an ordinary person during the day and hides for cultivation at night, it will not have any effect on the body.

Lin Qing is the strongest of the younger generation in the martial art, but not only does she rely on her talent, it takes only a few hours for her to sit down and practice.

He waited until the sky was light, and estimated that there would be another hour when the husband would wake up. Then he got up, blocked the wooden board there, and opened the door to go out.

Inside the house, Ji Changze felt that it was starting to dawn outside, opened his eyes and got under the covers, closing his eyes as if he was asleep.

After a while, someone came in lightly.

He gently lifted the quilt, and then slipped into the quilt gently.

He also helped Ji Changze to cover the quilt.

After half an hour, Ji Changze calculated that it was time to get up every day, opened his eyes, and sat up.

Lin Qing, who hadn't slept next to him, immediately opened his eyes, got up and stretched out, smiled and said to him: "I slept very soundly last night and had a sweet dream. How about you?"

Ji Changze glanced at her: "Same as you."

"Have you also had a sweet dream? I dreamt that our family was eating roast chicken. It tasted so fragrant, and Yuan'er didn't even look up."

Looking at Lin Qing's serious fabricating, Ji Changze still maintained a faint look on her face. When she asked what she had dreamed of, she replied: "Same as you."

Lin Qing was taken aback.

Looking at Ji Changze's face, it didn't seem like talking nonsense, but in the bottom of my heart I thought it was a coincidence.

What she made up casually, it happened to be the dream of her husband.

He smiled and said, "It seems that we haven't eaten meat for too long. If I go to the town to buy roast chicken and come back today, we will have a good meal and give you a couple of drinks."

"No need to drink."

Ji Changze stood up and said: "Drinking is a mistake, I won't drink anymore in the future."

Knowing that he was talking about drunk and murdered the child before, Lin Qing felt warm.

"Alright, you are weak, and you always get sick every time you drink alcohol. If you really can't help but want to drink one day, drink hot wine."


Ji Changze got up and said, "Yuan'er is also big. It's time to learn something."

Lin Qing also got up, and after hearing this, he cleared the bed.

She was also thinking about finding a chance to raise her mouth, so that Ji Yuan could learn some self-defense skills with integrity.

Becoming a demon master is more harmful than good, but some self-defense skills can make Ji Yuan's life easier in the future.

Her kung fu is the strongest in the sect, even if she is the head, if she is not able to beat her by just fisting without using exercises, ordinary people also have good fists, so teaching Ji Yuan is not eye-catching.

It's just because the husband looked like a weak scholar, she knew that most scholars among ordinary people looked down on people who knew how to fist and felt that this was a crude martial artist.

I've never mentioned it because I'm worried that Ji Changze will oppose it.

He is Ji Yuan's father, and Lin Qing doesn't want to cause Ji Yuan to reject martial arts because of this.

Today Ji Changze actually took the initiative to mention it, and Lin Qing would naturally not let this opportunity pass.

She smiled and said: "If you have free time, let Yuan'er follow you for enlightenment, and in the afternoon, let him zazama step, maybe the body will be stronger."

Afraid that Ji Changze would disagree, she didn't say that she wanted Ji Yuan to practice martial arts.

Ji Changze did not refuse to let his son Zamabu, nodded, and said while dressing, "It's time for him to train."

Seeing him not only did not oppose, but also agreed very much, Lin Qing smiled.

She thought, as expected, the husband still loved his son, and was afraid that the child would be as weak as him.

Lin Qing's eyes became more gentle, and he stepped forward to help Ji Changze fasten his belt, and said, "Then you will take Yuan'er to read in the morning. I will go to town to buy roast chicken and sell the embroidery work by the way."

"it is good."

Ji Changze responded and walked directly outside.

Ji Yuan also got up. The little guy was sitting on the bed clumsily pursing his lips and dressing himself seriously. When he saw his father push the door in, his eyes lit up and his clothes weren't worn properly, so he hurriedly got out of the bed and put on his shoes. Ran to Ji Changze.

He raised his head and called him: "Daddy."

"Daddy, are you better today?"

Ji Changze reached out and picked up his soft son: "It's much better."

"Your mother is not here this morning, you follow Dad."

Ji Yuan was immediately happier. He naturally likes to follow his mother, but his father, who has never taken him very much, still has a huge seductive power nowadays.

But after thinking about it, he still asked: "Where is my mother going?"

"Go to town to buy roast chicken."

"Roast chicken!!"

The child's eyes suddenly brightened, which was only a little doubtful.

Children are always greedy.

"You go get your clothes on, and follow your father to read after you have eaten."

"it is good!!"

With the temptation of his father and the roast chicken, Ji Yuan is like a small butterfly when he gets off the ground. After he has put on his clothes, he flies here and then flies there to clean up the house.

When it was finished, I went to Ji Changze to claim the credit: "Daddy, I'm fine."

"Okay, let's see what your mother has cooked."

Ji Changze stretched out his hand.

Ji Yuan looked flattered for two or three seconds before carefully placing his little hand in his father's palm.

Father's hands are different from his.

It's different from those of the uncles in the village.

The hands of the uncles in the village were hard and calloused, and he would feel painful when he held his hand.

My father's hands are not so hard, but they are not soft. My father's fingers are very long and the nails are clean. It is empty when holding his hand.

Walking beside his father, he could smell the fragrance of saponaria.

The uncles in the village may wear only one piece of clothes for ten days. They are so stinky that they don't need to change it. But his father is different. He loves to be clean. He changes clothes and wears almost every day. There is no sweat on his body, and he smells fragrant. It's very comfortable.

Although the uncles treated him very well, his nose was so good that he smoked it every time. Therefore, Ji Yuan still liked the feeling of standing next to his father even more.

It would be great if the uncles were like fathers, taking a shower and changing new clothes every day.

If those uncles knew what Ji Yuan was thinking, they would be full of complaints.

Who doesn't want to be clean, but clean is not just a matter of talk.

Taking a shower every day, how much firewood is needed, and changing clothes every day, they also want to wash and change clothes every day, but the problem is that the clothes can't be dried in one day. They have only a few clothes together. How can it be like Ji Changze? The same, a closet of clothes.

This shows how dissatisfied the original owner is.

A lady who didn't let him support her family, bought him new clothes, let him eat and drink at the highest level in the village, and wasted firewood every day to boil water and bathe for him.

If you change to any bachelor in the village, I am afraid you will have to be grateful.

Not to mention that this lady also comes with a quick job. One person can clean up the house in order. She goes up the mountain every day to gather firewood and cooks and cleans up the fire. But she is tired and never yells. The puppet can't feel tired, like twelve. The time has been spent in this house. The puppet doesn't need to sleep, and he doesn't need medicine to see the doctor's mother-in-law.

Although the son-in-law is rarely willing to live under the same roof with his mother-in-law, except in the village.

But this doesn't mean that they don't want a mother-in-law like the old lady.

Therefore, all young people about the age of the original owner are very envious of the original owner's good luck.

A beautiful lady who makes money, is considerate and gentle, and has such a capable mother-in-law, even her son is cute and cute.

He must have done some good deeds in his last life, otherwise how could he get such a good and happy family with his character.

But when it comes to the original owner, even this is not enough, that's not enough.

Now that Ji Changze is replaced, it is naturally different.

He took his son by the hand and went to the yard. The old lady and Lin Qing were busy cooking. Seeing them coming, Lin Qing raised his head and said hello: "There will be a while before we can eat. You can wash yourself first."

So, the young and the young went to the steps outside the yard, took the willow branches to rinse their mouths, and then washed their faces.

People in the village can't get enough food, so naturally they don't have the habit of being so particular.

This was what Lin Qing and Ji Changze taught him after they got married, and I made it clear that I hope he can brush his teeth like this every day, sooner or later.

The original owner had just gotten married at that time, and he didn't have the righteousness to eat soft rice. He still consciously lowered his head after eating soft rice, so he listened honestly.

After the child was born, the teeth were naturally taught to do so.

Lin Qing inadvertently raised her head and saw that the father and son were both standing right there, brushing their teeth in exactly the same way. Together, they brushed their teeth on the left side, brushed on the right side, brushed on the top, brushed on the bottom, and finally put their mouths in their mouths. The contained salt water spit out.

The movements are neat and uniform, coupled with the similar appearance, make people want to laugh.

When washing his face, because there was only one basin, Ji Changze watched his son wash first. The little guy first rolled up his sleeves and exposed his chubby white arms, avoiding wet sleeves, and then squatted down, holding water to his face. Shoot.

After washing all parts of the face seriously, finally pat it again with water, then pick up the towel and wipe the face carefully.

"Daddy, I'm fine."

He gave up his position.

Ji Changze also performed the same action, and the father and son poured water into the yard together.

The original owner has never taken his son to wash in this way, so Ji Yuan today is quite excited, and the smile on his face has never come down.

He ran to pull the old lady's clothes: "Grandma, what are we eating today?"

"It's still the same as usual."

The puppet replied with a smile, his hands kept moving.

Lin Qing said: "Mother is going to the town this morning to buy a roast chicken. You obediently follow your father to read the word. At night, we will eat roast chicken."

The happy family quickly sat at the dinner table.

The old lady didn't sit, but walked into her house alone with a small bowl.

After all, puppets are not humans and cannot eat human things.

Therefore, Lin Qing asked her to excuse that her teeth were broken and that she could not eat what they were eating. Usually, no matter what they were eating, she would go to the house alone with an empty bowl.

After living together for four years, my husband never realized that it was an empty bowl. Thinking about it now, Lin Qing also feels a little bit magical.

Thinking about it, Lin Qing glanced at her husband who was silently eating.

However, the husband has always been indifferent to everything, which is normal.

Ji Yuan had long been accustomed to eating his grandmother's meals alone, and only took his little spoon seriously and ate the rice in his small bowl.

One was serious about eating and not caring about others, the other was reticent, and the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became confused and embarrassed.

Lin Qing simply cleared his throat and said, "I went up to town, and the embroidery collector said that the money has risen, and I can get an extra silver or two. Eating roast duck can be considered a celebration."

Knowing that she didn't actually make money by selling embroidery, she used the money she had hidden before. After all, she used to be one of the best demon masters in the school, and the banknotes she carried with her were tens of thousands of taels. Ji Changze's reaction was flat:


Strive to create Lin Qing who "although our family is poor, but occasionally there are some small surprises": ""

The reaction is so plain, and there is no polite sentence. You have worked hard. These are all words you earned back with your hard work. It seems that you really have no feelings for her.

Fortunately, Lin Qing didn't expect her husband to like her at the beginning. As she didn't notice Ji Changze's cold reaction, she continued to fabricate: "I plan to buy some clothes this time. Do you have any colors you want?"

"I want black."

When Ji Yuan heard this, Le Diandian raised his hand.

As a child, his favorite is black, because he thinks it will look like an adult and cool when worn.

Lin Qing looked at her son very softly: "Okay, just buy us black clothes for Yuan'er."

The son is with her.

She also likes black clothes the most.

To be precise, most demon masters like to wear black, not to mention handsome, it is especially suitable for tracking monsters at night, wherever they hide, they will not be found at night.

It's a pity that ordinary women rarely wear black, most of them are some fresh colors. Lin Qing doesn't want to be noticeable, so she can only follow the trend.

God knows how uncomfortable she is when she wears that pink, tender, tender clothes every time she wears that pink, tender, tender clothes as an exterminator who can kill demons at the age of eight.

Just thinking about it, I heard Ji Changze say: "Cyan."

After he said this, he raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Qing, and said, "It's also time for you to buy some new clothes. Can you figure out what color you want?"

black! black! black! !

Lin Qing screamed frantically from the bottom of her heart, but it was a pity that when the words came to her lips, they changed into: "Naturally it is pink powder."


It's really hard to be an ordinary good wife and mother.

Black is so good-looking, why can't ordinary women appreciate it.

Seeing her doing this, Ji Changze lowered his eyes and continued to eat.

After dinner, the old lady cleaned up the dishes and went, Lin Qing went to town, only Ji Changze and the children were left in the house.

"Father, what are we learning today?"

The child raised his head and looked at his father full of Confucianism.

Ji Changze touched his head and said lightly: "As a child of your mother and me, you have a lot to learn, and you will be very tired. Is Yuan'er afraid?"

Ji Yuan shook his head: "Yuan'er is not afraid."

"it is good."

Ji Changze took him to the study. Yes, as a poor villager, Lin Qing even prepared a study for the original owner.

Pen, ink, paper and inkstone are all available. Ji Changze lays out the paper directly, grinds the ink, and the brush is soaked with ink and falls on top of the paper.

"Does Yuan'er know what to learn for the first time literacy?"

Ji Yuan shook his head dazedly, recalling what he had heard from the school when he went to town with his mother. He stumbled and said: "In the beginning, human nature is good."

"That's what another kid wants to learn."

Ji Changze simply sat on the seat and hugged the little child: "Come on, Dad will teach you to hold a pen."

After teaching Ji Yuan to hold the pen in the correct posture, he took Ji Yuan's hand, took his hand, and wrote a word together: kill.

"Yuan'er, come, remember how to write this character, every stroke must be done according to what Dad taught you."

Ji Yuan listened ignorantly, obediently following his father's strength, and wrote down one after another "kills".

"Remember it?"

After writing a full page, Ji Changze lowered his head slightly and asked his son.

Ji Yuan nodded obediently: "Remember."

"Okay, try using your hand as a pen, like this."

Ji Changze opened the window, put his index and middle fingers together, using his hand as a pen, quickly wrote a "kill" in the air, and then hit it out with another palm.


The stone facing Ji Changze's direction in the distance outside the window suddenly exploded, and the stones were torn apart and scattered on the ground.

Ji Yuan's mouth turned into an o-shape.

Seeing the effect so good, Ji Changze is fairly satisfied.

It's not in vain that he practiced all night last night.

"Yuan'er, come, try like Dad did just now."

Ji Yuan is a child. He doesn't understand that this kind of power is not something a normal person can do. Hearing his father say so, his little face blushed with excitement: "Daddy, can I be as good as Daddy?"

"If you do it right, you will."

Obviously, Ji Changze's words gave the child full confidence.

He stretched out his chubby little hand, remembering what he had just learned, imitating his father, writing a small killing character in mid-air with his hand as a pen, and then patted it decently.

Naturally, there is no response.

The little guy's confident expression immediately turned into a bewildered look. He raised his head and looked at Ji Changze, his eyes filled with "Why didn't you have the effect of daddy's fight just now".

Ji Changze was not surprised that Ji Yuan hadn't played lethal power. Seeing that Ji Yuan had a look of disappointment on his face, he calmed down and said, "It was true at the beginning. You are diligent in practicing. After a long time, you will naturally be like me."

After hearing this, Ji Yuan became happy again, and asked excitedly, "Daddy, what is this, why haven't I seen it before?"

"This is only a daddy can do it. You are a daddy child, so naturally you should, but don't tell anyone until you learn it."

Ji Yuan asked: "Don't you tell my mother?"

After he finished speaking, he saw his father's expression as if he had a meal. After a few seconds, he said softly: "Naturally, you don't need to hide from her, but you haven't learned it yet. It's better to wait until you can be like your father before telling her. ."

These words sounded in the ears of young children, that is: you are not doing well enough, let's hold back and practice quietly, wait until you do well enough, and then go to your mother to show it.

He immediately nodded happily and agreed: "Yes, Yuan'er will definitely practice well."

The child ran to practice diligently, unaware that the father who taught him had actually just learned this trick last night.

Seeing him running to make gestures in Nabi, Ji Changze crumpled the paper with the killing character into a ball, still using his hand as a pen, wrote a fire character in the void, and patted it on the paper.

The clumps of paper burned silently in an instant, and in an instant, they burned clean and there was no ash left.

After the corpse was destroyed, Ji Changze laid out another piece of paper, tapped some ink, and wrote the words for normal enlightenment on it.

The morning passed, and the child who had learned a few commonly used characters from his father ran to practice his killer calligraphy.

He is also patient. At such a young age, he can't get anything out of practice, but he can keep repeating the same action. If he fails, he is not annoyed. He only presses his lips to encourage himself. After that, he has confidence again. Continue to practice full.

Ji Changze leaned aside, watching his movements gradually change from unfamiliar to proficient.

It seems that Ji Yuan has followed Lin Qing's talent.

In such a short period of time, there is already a look.

Although he can't really use this trick because he hasn't got the bottom of his cultivation technique, it is conceivable that when he cultivates the Qi that belongs to the demon master in his body, the power of this trick is absolutely sufficient.

When Lin Qing came back, she saw her husband leaning against the door as if he was in a good mood, while the son over there didn't know what to do alone, waving his little hands around, quite happy.

This warm scene made her look down and opened the yard door to come in: "I'm back, Yuan'er, let's see what my mother brought you."

Ji Yuan heard her voice and hurriedly hid the back of his hand behind him.

He hadn't forgotten his plans with his father, but he had to develop his skills before showing it to his mother.

When the time comes, my mother will be very happy to see him so good.

Lin Qing didn't pay attention to his little movement, only put down the wooden frame behind her back, took out the candy inside, and beckoned to his son: "Look, I bought you candy."


The little guy suddenly forgot everything in surprise, and happily ran forward to take it: "Thank you, mother."

Thanks, I couldn't wait to hold the candy and ran into the house: "Grandma, grandma, look, my mother bought me candy."

Ji Changze glanced at Ji Yuan's cheerful back, and said to Lin Qing: "He is very smart and his enlightenment went well."

Lin Qing is well versed in how husbands and wives get along, and praised him: "It's also thanks to the husband's teaching."

"You bought the clothes?"

"I bought it back. I bought two sets of the cyan shirts you wanted, and another set of light blue. I will try to fit them later."

Ji Changze asked her: "How about you?"

"I bought it naturally."

Lin Qing showed her husband a set of pink clothes in a wooden frame.

But Ji Changze's reaction was very flat. He only glanced at it, and he seemed to be disinterested, and said, "The clothes are still not enough, just because the ink is gone, I will go to town to buy, and buy a few more by the way."

Seeing him look like "I am not interested in your clothes at all", Lin Qing felt a little anxious in her heart.

It shouldn't be, why should she be anxious, didn't her husband always care less about her?

"Then you take the money."

She put away the inexplicable emotion that shouldn't exist, and handed the money bag to Ji Changze.

It's just right for her husband to go out now. After all, she just wants to test whether her son has the talent of being a demon master and teach him some punching techniques. If it is possible, it is best for her to get out of breath. With

Seeing the pale feet of the opposite party slowly and slowly walking away, she called the puppet to come and let the puppet go and clean up the clothes he bought and cook.

On the other hand, I found my son who was happily eating sweets in my hut, smiled and touched his head, and said, "Yuan'er, mother will teach you some fun, okay?"

Ji Yuan looked at his mother ignorantly and nodded obediently.

Lin Qing stayed in his son's cabin and began to teach him to inhale into the body.

"Yes, sit cross-legged, feel the breath circling slowly under the belly, and then try to control this breath. Did you feel it so quickly? We Yuan'er is really good."

As a result, when the child couldn't figure out the situation, he could smoothly draw air into the body at a speed faster than Lin Qing's back then.

Lin Qingxi's not working.

In addition to the demon master, life expectancy is longer than most ordinary people, and the body is much healthier than most people. All this depends on entraining the air into the body.

Ji Yuan has learned how to draw Qi into the body. Even if he doesn't learn the skill of eliminating demon masters, his life span will be prolonged and his body will be much better than his peers.

She happily took her son to practice many times, and when the old lady came to ask her if she wanted to eat, she realized that it had already arrived, and Changze had not yet returned. This was something that had never happened before. Nothing can catch up, no food.

After all, Lin Qing came here from the tip of a knife. She felt a little uneasy in her heart. He didn't leave the child at home, but brought him with him. He warmly said, "Yuan'er, Daddy hasn't come back yet. Shall we pick him up?" "

"Okay." Ji Yuan replied obediently: "Yuan'er wants to show dad my newly learned qi."

Lin Qing's expression froze, and then she remembered that she was so happy that she forgot to tell Ji Yuan and couldn't tell the story.

But I can't tell others that Ji Yuan understands, but I can't tell his father

What excuse are you looking for?

She thought about it, and she really came up with one.

Kneeling down, holding his son's hand, and softly coaxing: "Yuan'er, you just learned the beginning, but in fact you have not reached the point of proficiency. Why don't you wait until you are proficient, and you can make daddy feel very good. Let's go and show Daddy again, have you learned it, okay?"

I thought the child would have to ask why he had to learn to do it for his father, but Ji Yuan tilted his head and nodded without asking a word.

Milky voice said gruffly: "Yuan'er understands."

He understood, after all, Dad had told him this once before.

It's just that he doesn't understand, why do his parents ask him to learn well before they can tell the other party, why don't they teach him together?


Lin Qing took his son by the hand and headed towards the village road.

When she rented a house, she deliberately chose a house far away from the village, so that someone would suddenly push the door and come in when she was doing something that was not good for ordinary people to see.

After walking for a while, I just saw Ji Changze in the distance as if he was holding a dark thing, walking slowly toward this side with his iconic slow steps.

From a distance, she couldn't see clearly, so she could only move on.

Ji Changze indeed took a black dress and walked towards the house. Someone of his age saw it and sneered: "Who pretends to show this weakness, there are no elders here."

"You are holding black clothes, right? Tsk, you don't earn a penny all day long, so I am embarrassed to buy new clothes for myself."

Ji Changze stopped and looked at the person who said this. When the person saw him looking over, he stared at him unconvinced.


Isn't this the first passerby whose family love chicken almost got into the stomach of the original owner, ah, right, boy?

His expression was still faint, and he only said, "This is not for me, but for my wife."


The young man looked even more disdainful: "You buy black clothes for women to wear? Tsk, do you really think you are a young master and don't eat fireworks? It's unlucky for Lady Lin to follow you, a waste person who can't even support a family. She worked hard. Doing housework for you, it's strange that she can like it if you give her this black body."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Qing coming.

Fixedly staring at the black clothes, as if dumbfounded.

Tsk, sure enough, look, people are stunned.

He thought about it, but saw Ji Changze lift up his clothes and said lightly: "I bought you the black clothes."

Also take credit.

Don't make Lady Lin cry again for a while.

But seeing Lin Qing stepping forward in surprise, took over the black clothes with affection, and looked like he couldn't put it down.

"Thank you husband, I thought I thought you didn't know that I like black clothes."

Young man: "???"

What the hell? ? ?

Lady Lin, why do you need to be so strong for your husband's face? ? ?

Contrary to what he thought, Lin Qing said these words sincerely.

Even looking at this sight, which has always been respectful like Bin Fujun, is more tender and emotional than the previous gentleness.

She had never thought that she had a light attitude towards everything, as if Ji Changze, who didn't care about anything, would know her preferences.

Does that mean that, in fact, he treats her just like Yuan'er?

Have a heart, but don't know how to express?