|Ancient Demon Eliminator (3)

Chapter 149:

The more Lin Qing thinks about it, the more he feels that this is the case. Otherwise, why can her husband know something that even Yuan'er does not know?

Especially when Ji Changze saw that she liked it but didn't take credit for it, he was still indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything in his heart:

"If you like it, go back."

The young man named Liu Sheng had a good time.

My daughter-in-law is so happy, he is still so gloomy and dead, even if Ms. Lin was really happy because of her black clothes, now seeing his perfunctory appearance, he was very happy just now, and he will get rid of it now. Nine points.

Deserve it.

Tell you to always look down on people so much.

Obviously they all grew up in the village together, and even this guy was raised by their elders. It doesn't matter if you don't be grateful, and always looks like "supporting me is what you deserve".

Go to him as it should be.

I ate their food and drank their food, but I didn't have a word of thanks.

I don't care if I meet with a dead face, and I always look like "You wait for mortals, I don't bother to talk to you".

What the hell is your arrogance, a guy who is impoverished and unable to produce and relies on the help of the folks.

It's fine now, these outsiders sometimes can't say anything even if they feel upset, but Ji Changze actually did the same with Lin Madam.

Liu Sheng also married a daughter-in-law. Most of the women were sensitive and thoughtful. One thing obviously he didn't have this idea, but the daughter-in-law wanted to think that he did. He was so good at talking, but she thought he was fierce.

If you speak louder, it is even more serious. The wife can cry as if he wants to kill his wife.

At first, he felt stunned, thinking that his wife was too weird, but when the friends who were playing together got married, they only found out.

It's not the temperament of my own daughter-in-law, but everyone's daughter-in-law is like this.

Just take one to go to town to buy things, and when you come back, carry things.

They can refuse after their husbands say that they want to carry them by themselves, and they will struggle to carry the things they bought and walk all the way back, but if their husbands see them struggling to carry the things and don't take the initiative to help them, they will definitely be angry when it's over.

The young guys in ancient times did not have modern news circulation, so naturally they couldn't understand why women had so many allergic feelings. They could only change them once their wife was angry.

But I didn't think it was so bad. After all, if they violated the taboo of the daughter-in-law, after being told that they will not do the taboo next time, the performance of the daughter-in-law will be very pleasant and satisfying.

For men, it's the wish of my wife and children to be hot on the bed. In addition, the family style in this village is very good, so everyone from the beginning "I'm so embarrassed, I feel I didn't do anything wrong", changed Became "Madam, don't be angry! I can! I will never make any mistake next time."

Now, Liu Sheng, who has been evolving smoothly, actually saw an unevolved species like Ji Changze. When he thought of how his lady was going to get angry, how to lose her temper, Liu Sheng couldn't stop laughing with schadenfreude.

But after thinking about it, Lady Lin is also quite pitiful. She is so good-looking and can make money by embroidering. She is so gentle, and she is a good hand at home and abroad.

But I happened to meet Ji Changze, a bastard who didn't work and was raised by a woman.

What's more, Ji Changze is indifferent, but Lady Lin is a good talker. She is angry, maybe Ji Changze has no response. According to Liu Sheng's experience, if the lady is angry with her husband but doesn't take it seriously, then this five-point anger can rise to eight. Divide.

Although he wanted to see Ji Changze's jokes, Lady Lin didn't do anything wrong, why should she be angry with this guy.

So he coughed and said awkwardly: "Ji Changze, you see how happy Lady Lin is, I didn't expect you to go to town to buy clothes for your lady."

The hint is obvious enough.

Now Ji Changze only needs to follow his words and promise a sentence or two.

While Liu Sheng lamented how he was so kind, he would actually help Ji Changze improve the family relationship, while he was not worried about how someone like Ji Changze found a good wife like Lin Niangzi.

Even coaxing his daughter-in-law requires him to be an outsider to help coax, it's useless!

Then he heard Ji Changze still use the standard indifferent tone to say: "Not specially, just by the way."

Just by the way

By the way


Liu Sheng: ""

He was almost stunned.

There is such a thing as Ji Changze in the world, and people have passed the stubble to his mouth, but he didn't pick it up and incidentally threw away all the stubble that was beneficial to him before.

Lady Lin is going to die of anger.

Liu Sheng looked at Lin Qing sympathetically, and then he was shocked to find that Lin Qing was not only lifeless, but even more tenderness on his face.

With Ji Yuan's affairs ahead, she has already determined that her husband is actually straightforward.

He loves Yuan'er very much, but in four years, he has never shown it. If it weren't for the drunkenness and guilt in Yuan'er's heart and held the child close to him, I'm afraid she would not be able to find out in Changze in another four years It hurts the child very much.

Lin Qing thought, everyone has their own temperament, some are keen to express, some don't say but do it, and some don't say but don't know how to do it.

Nagasawa is probably the case.

Just like buying her clothes this time, he knew she liked black clothes, but she didn't know where she exposed this.

She has never mentioned it, nor has she ever bought even one piece of black clothes.

Lin Qing thought, it was the look in her eyes.

Maybe it was her eyes that looked at Yuan'er's black clothes that were exposed.

Husband, he didn't ask why she liked it but didn't buy it, but just left home and bought one for her.

Lin Qing has already determined that her husband has a temperament that he can't say he can only do it.

What he said was just by the way that she didn't believe it.

Why didn't he stop by to town when she didn't think about asking for black clothes before, but did he go today?

Lin Qing suddenly.

She thought, maybe the husband knew that she was only a wife responsible for him.

She put on an attitude that was unnecessary except for husband and wife responsibilities. Even if the husband cares about her and knows her attitude, I am afraid she will not show it.

After consciously thinking about it, Lin Qing held her clothes, her heart warmed.

Even the eyes looking at Ji Changze were full of tenderness: "Thank you, husband, I know what you want, thank you for your hard work."

Liu Sheng: ""

Wait, this is not the same as saying.


What about anger?

What about asking "you just didn't take me to heart"? What about the remarks of "hit your chest with a small hammer"?

Ms. Lin, why don't you play the cards according to the routine? ?

Taking a look at Liu Sheng with a bewildered face, Ji Changze took a step towards him, squinted his eyes and sniffed, his tone was light and even a bit disgusting, he said, "You smell so bad, you have a nasty smell."

Liu Sheng: "???"

"You only smelly, I only took a shower yesterday!"

Seeing his denial, Ji Changze's eyebrows moved slightly, and instead of arguing with him, he just turned to Lin Qing and said, "Go back."

Lin Qing's eyes fell on Liu Sheng subconsciously because of his previous remarks.

Speaking of sorrow, she was the first to think of spirits, but she looked up and down Liu Sheng, and she didn't notice anything wrong.

When she is outside, she will hide her ability to eliminate the demon, so as not to be noticed when she accidentally uses it. Although this is a small village in a ravine, she is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Lin Qing's abilities are too strong, even if it only reveals a little, as long as there is a demon master passing by, he will definitely find the clues.

Therefore, she saw that Liu Sheng had a ruddy face and good spirits. She didn't seem to be provoking something at all, so she didn't use her ability to investigate.

Husband always loves to be clean, and Liu Sheng has pigs in his house. Maybe he just smelled the odor of pigs on Liu Sheng's body.

Ji Yuan, who had been holding his mother's hands all the time, listened to the adults obediently, raised his face and sniffed like his father, and immediately covered his nose with his stinky wrinkled face after sniffing.

"Uncle Liu Sheng, you really smell so heavy."

If only Ji Changze said by himself, Liu Sheng still felt that this person must have disliked him and retaliated against him.

But replaced by Ji Yuan who is well-behaved and sensible

He lowered his head suspiciously and sniffed his body.

No, it's clean, it's just a little sweaty.

Isn't it normal for a man to have sweat and smell?

"Liu Langjun, let's go back first, we are still cooking at home."

Lin Qing greeted Liu Sheng, turned around and walked home with her husband and son.

Liu Sheng was still here and there, and while he was smelling it, he heard Ji Changze say to Lin Qing in front of him: "You don't look good in your clothes today."

Lin Qing looked down at her peach-pink dress, agreeing: "My husband, you have a good eye, then I will listen to my husband, so I won't wear this one in the future."

Ji Changze nodded: "Well, don't wear it in the future."

Lin Qing, who didn't want to wear it for a long time, but couldn't show her maverick was in a good mood: Now, her husband said that she's not good-looking. As a lady, it's normal that she doesn't want to wear clothes that her husband finds not good-looking. Up.

I can finally get rid of the peach pink, happy.

Glancing at her husband happily, Lin Qing suddenly discovered that her husband was quietly looking at her secretly happy herself, his eyes were still as smooth as before, as if he knew everything and understood everything.

Lin Qing was stunned suddenly.

She suddenly realized that Ji Changze didn't really dislike the clothes.

He just saw that she didn't like it.

It's like that black suit.

He saw that she liked black clothes but it was not easy to buy, so he bought it with her by the way.

The clothes on her now are the same.

Since the husband can tell that she likes black clothes, he can also tell that she doesn't like peach.

He didn't know why she didn't like to wear it.

But he respected her, didn't ask, nor did he treat her as if she hadn't seen it, but as a husband, he helped her to get rid of the peach fan in an open manner.

Yes, respect.

Lin Qing has only now truly realized that Ji Changze is not indifferent to her. His observation is so subtle and many things, perhaps he has already seen it.

He just didn't say anything, didn't reveal it, just watched it silently.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing was shocked.

She always felt that Changze was cold-tempered and didn't care what she did.

She thought that they belonged to a plastic couple.

But now, Lin Qing suddenly came up with an idea.

Is it possible that the husband does not care about what she did, but knows that she does not want him to know what she did?

So, what did she think she had misunderstood her husband?

Lin Qing was really restless, she didn't expect it.

She thinks that each takes what she needs, the plastic couple, in fact, from the beginning, Changze was tolerant of her.

What about her?

What did she do for Changze?

Four years later, she didn't even know her husband or what he did silently.

Lin Qing was silent for a while, cleared up her mood, and said, "Husband, thank you."

I watched Ji Changze say that Lady Lin's clothes were not good-looking, and she was not allowed to wear them in the future. As a result, Lady Lin was not only not angry, but also happily agreed, and even thanked Ji Changze's Liu Sheng: ""

He was tuned by his own wife. The brain he had taught was a little down at the moment.

Liu Sheng didn't think in strange directions, but thought that what Ji Changze said were good things for the woman.

Although he can't understand why it can be a good thing to say that clothes are not good-looking.

But there have been a lot of things like this before.

For example, last time, Mrs. Liu Sheng said that he wanted to eat celery. He said that there was a lot of celery in the vegetable field, so he picked it for her the next day, but forgot the next day. He was afraid that the lady was upset. He said that it must be dawn. Go pick it.

Then the lady said: "No, you don't want to pick it, even if you don't want to pick it, I don't want to eat it either."

When Liu Sheng heard that the lady didn't want to eat, she immediately dispelled the idea of ​​picking celery at dawn, and slept comfortably all night, when she woke up, she found that the lady hadn't slept all night, and there were two big dark circles under her eyes.

The gaze looking at him was also full of anger.

Liu Sheng asked her what was wrong, and she said it was all right.

Asked if she was angry, she said no.

So Liu Sheng went to work with peace of mind, and when he came back with his peers, talking and laughing, he happened to meet the lady and went back together. As a result, she cried as soon as she went back.

He said that he didn't take her to heart at all, and he was using her as a washing and cooking woman. She wanted to eat celery, but he didn't pick it.

Liu Sheng: "???"

Didn't you say that you can't eat it? ?

When he asked this, the lady became even more angry. She said that it was angry, and she couldn't hear her angry.

Liu Sheng still didn't understand.

Over time, he gradually found out.

Women are more sensitive and sometimes always say something insincere.

You speak kindly to her, and she says you are violent to her.

You ask her if she is angry, and she says no, but she is actually angry.

You said to pick vegetables someday, and she said no, but she still wanted it.

She thinks how she treats you attentively, you have to treat her attentively too.

But the problem is that even though Liu Sheng understood this truth, but several times, he couldn't get where the lady was treating her with heart.

If it weren't for the lady-like scolding him for wasting his own heart, he didn't know that she just took more than a month to make him a piece of clothes. The stitches were fine and dense, and every thread was found and cut. In order not to get rid of him, he also specially washed it with hot water and then dried it in the sun. The sun was loose and soft and comfortable to wear before letting him wear it.

Then he said, "You made this dress for a long time, so I learned how to learn needlework from my mother." He pointed the popular and always gentle lady at him for a long time. Even before, she sympathized with his hard work every morning. All the eggs were given to him. She hadn't eaten an egg for two months and he was bald when he was so unscrupulous.

During that quarrel, Liu Sheng knew that the lady had done so much for him.

Since then, even if he can't understand the woman's thinking mode, he will still try to do things according to the woman's thinking as much as possible.

So now seeing that after Ji Changze finished speaking, Lin Qing not only praised him, but also looked so touched, Liu Sheng silently remembered it.

He didn't even think about "Lady Lin is so weird, I can be so happy in this way, I'm afraid it's not used to being abused."

Instead, it turned to "It turns out that women like to listen to this kind of thing, and their women are really weird."

After remembering what Ji Changze had just said in my heart several times, Liu Sheng returned home with confidence.

At home, the lady is cooking, holding a handkerchief to wipe sweat from her forehead from time to time, and she is especially careful not to let the ash get on her skirt when she fan the fire.

I don't know since when, she loves to be more and more clean, every day, no matter how tired, she must wash refreshingly. She also bought incense in the town and wiped it with heart every day.

Liu Sheng agreed with her very much. After all, the lady has become fragrant and soft. Isn't he the one who enjoys the blessing?

"Husband, are you back?"

Seeing her husband's return, the Liu family's wife was happy, she put the fan aside, ran over with her skirt, took out another handkerchief, and earnestly helped him wipe the sweat on his face.

Yes, she disliked the smell of her husband's sweat, which was not like her own handkerchief. She wiped it with fragrant sweat, so she specially prepared another handkerchief, one to wipe her husband and one to wipe herself.


Naturally, Liu Sheng, who is a big five and three rough, can't find this.

He enjoys the gentle wiping of sweat from his wife, and his thoughtful words.

"My husband has worked hard. Go and sit down quickly. Come, warm water and put salt in it. This is what I learned from Lady Lin. She said that if you sweat a lot, drinking some salt water is good for your body, and you can feel better. Have some strength."

Pulling Liu Sheng to sit down, the Liu family gave him a bowl of salt water, and then picked up the pu fan used to fan the wind, and gently fanned him: "Do you work a lot today? Look at your sweat, and the food is still worth it. No good, or do you have a mouthful of soup first?"

After being done like this by the lady, Liu Sheng's hard work all morning was wiped out, and even a little fluttering, feeling that he was full of energy, and he could go to work for a few more hours.

How about marrying a wife?

Before marrying his wife, he could only be paralyzed by his own salty fish when he worked. How could he be like this, someone handing water and someone playing a fan.

When my father and mother hadn't followed the eldest brother, she wouldn't take care of him so meticulously.

Just relying on the lady's kindness to him, even if she always had inexplicable thunder spots, she was always angry suddenly and strangely, and Liu Sheng felt it worth it.

Women are always sensitive, fragile and thoughtful.

Isn't it the same with the other young daughter-in-laws in the village? It's normal.

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng wanted to repay the lady.

He immediately thought of Ji Changze's perfect example.

Think of the surprised, happy, and grateful appearance of Lady Lin. He had a bottom in his heart and coughed dryly. Following Ji Changze, he looked at his lady and said, "The clothes on you don't look good."

The Liu family's lady smiled softly on her face, barely squeezed out a dry smile, and asked: "Really? I bought this new dress."


When Ji Changze said this, Lady Lin didn't reply back?

Liu Sheng already felt that something was wrong at this moment, but he continued to imitate Ji Changze, with a stubborn cough, and said, "Don't wear it anymore."

The dry smile on Lady Liu's face couldn't last, but she still asked, "What's wrong with you today?"

Liu Sheng: "It's okay, just telling you not to wear this ugly dress anymore."

After that, he waited for the lady to give him a gentle and grateful smile like Lady Lin did to Ji Changze.

As a result, he didn't wait for the smile, raised his eyes, and waited for the angry eyes of his own lady.

Liu Sheng: ""

He groaned in his heart, instinctively as if he was flattering this time.

Sure enough, the eyes of the Liu family were red, and she pointed to his nose and yelled: "I haven't seen you pick this dress in the past. I have chosen this dress for a long time. When I wear it out, people say it looks good. Why are you here? Isn't it pretty here and you don't want me to wear it?"

"I don't think it's not that the clothes are not good in your eyes, it's because I'm not good. I said that I save money and make clothes by myself. You have to say that you don't want me to work hard and let me go to town to buy ready-made clothes directly, okay. At that time, I only thought that you were sympathetic to my hard work, but now that I bought it back, you are picking different things like this again."

"Well, am I not worthy of these clothes? Do I deserve to wear hemp clothes for the rest of my life to make you look down on?!"

She finished cursing in one breath, threw off the handkerchief on Liu Sheng's body and turned her head away, looking very angry.

Liu Sheng: ""

According to his experience, the lady is so angry that no one is bad for three days and five days.


He obviously did what Ji Changze said, and his words and tone of voice were exactly the same.

Why did Ji Changze's lady accept it happily.

For his wife, even if you are not happy, you still have to have such an atmosphere.

It's weird.

Liu Sheng really couldn't figure it out, struggling to touch the back of his head.

After thinking for a while, finally clapped his hands.

Figured out!

Look at him so stupid!

Before Ji Changze said this, he had just bought a black dress for Lady Lin.

Lady Lin was also very happy at the time.

Therefore, the effect was not good, it must be because of the lack of the black clothes.

Thinking about it, Liu Sheng hurriedly opened the door and went out, planning to go to the town to buy black clothes for the lady and coax her while it was not too late.

Inside the house, seeing him go out, still in such a hurry, the anger on the Liu family's face disappeared a little.

Seeing her husband's direction, he must have gone to town to buy her something to make amends.

Humph, the Liu family's wife pulled her handkerchief, thinking, since the husband is like this, it shouldn't be deliberate before, she just doesn't blame him.

Just don't know, what he is going to buy her to pay her apologize.

Liu Sheng came back under the eager expectation of the Liu family's wife. She was a little awkward but still expectantly greeted him, and then saw her own minister in black, black clothes that even men may not like to wear. Gave it to her.

Not only passed it, but also smiled proudly:

"Lady, look, the clothes I specially bought for you, look, how dark."

Liu Sheng was very proud of the clothes he chose. He chose the clothes specially for a long time. It was very dark. Look, it was as black as her lady's face.

"Huh? Lady, why are you so dark?"