|Modern Prodigal (1)

The Ji family, who had already exposed the identity of a non-ordinary person, would naturally not be able to live in this small village anymore. After discussing with Lin Qing, Ji Changze and Lin Qing left here with Ji Yuan.

Legends of gods also began to spread in various places.

The demon who will harm people hear that there are still gods in this world, and they dare not act too much. After all, gods are protected by mortal incense, and if they kill people, it is difficult to protect the legendary god. It will not appear suddenly.

The demon masters were also dumbfounded.

This time the demon master is really not good, the reason is that apart from the decline of generations, the other natural is that the only demon master who can deal with their demon.

Now suddenly there is an existence that crushes the audience, how can this be played?

Do you feel uneasy like before?

But some sects have been corrupted for too long, and they are not "monopoly industries". They actually don't want to improve their own skills, but are thinking about holding the thighs of gods.

I heard that he has a mortal lady. Doesn't it mean that the gods also like beauty, and there are also many young and beautiful female disciples under them, if they can be dedicated to this god-sir

Not long after this idea came out, Ji Changze and Lin Qing quietly established a school.

No one knows where it is, and no disciples are publicly recruited.

Lin Qing silently recruited the demon masters that she knew were good or she was diligent, but because of their own sects fighting for power and gains, they were jealous and fell to a miserable end. They recruited the demon masters back to their sects.

Ten years later, the disciples of this school went out to practice for the first time.

Fifteen years later, its name is known all over the world.

Thirty years later, Ji Changze put a small godhead he had cultivated into Ji Yuan's body.

Fifty years later, Lin Qing passed away, and her husband, who now no one dared to mention his name, died with it.

At that time, the demon-killing creatures were either beheaded to death, or they dared to hide their heads. A batch of demon masters who only struggled for power and profit in their heads gradually lost the news, and new blood was born. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Some demon who advocated self-cultivation and did not kill were named as registered disciples of the Jiyuan school under the leadership of the fastest-growing male fox. From then on, as long as they do not violate their vows, they can no longer hide in Tibet. Live upright in the sun.

Suddenly, this world still felt like a hundred thousand years ago as the eradication master was blooming.

Ding! The mission is complete, please choose vacation or continue the mission.

Ji Changze: Continue the task.

"Today, I would like to thank Shao Ji for the treat, come! Everyone, Shao Ji!!! Hey, Shao Ji is drunk, so let's drink it by ourselves. Who, hurry up, I didn't see our Shao Ji getting drunk. Don't you? You don't have to hurry to send people to rest, so lacking eyesight."

The sound of drunk and obviously drunk sounded in his ears. Ji Changze felt a little dizzy in his head, presumably because the original owner drank too much.

Two staff members helped him up and walked out: "Where can I send Shao Ji?"

"Go to the top floor, didn't Ji Shao not pack there for a year?"

The two didn't talk much, they carefully supported Ji Changze all the way, put him on the bed, covered him with a quilt, turned on the air conditioner, and put him in place, before turning around and turning off the lights and leaving.

As soon as they left, Ji Changze opened his eyes, got up and looked around.

It's a big floor-to-ceiling window.

Outside is a beautiful night view, tall buildings are built, but not as high as the floor where he is located, so the lights on those buildings and the river bridge naturally become the beautiful scenery under the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Ji Changze immediately confirmed the identity of his current body: a rich man.

The people who had just drunk now felt that he was drunk and naturally wouldn't make noise. Ji Changze was able to stand quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, enjoying the night view while checking his memories.

The rich are not the original owner, but his parents.

The original owner, a famous prodigal in Beijing.

He is famous not only because he spends money, but also because his parents are all famous characters.

His dad, Ji's veteran.

His mother, Liu's old Dong.

Both of them are rich n generations, childhood sweethearts, business marriages, and harmony between husband and wife. Not long after they got married, there was such a love crystallization of the original owner, and they were afraid of losing them in their hands and holding them in their mouths.

Together, their assets are enough for the original owner to live happily for a thousand years.

Both Ji's father and Ji's mother had a bad experience when they were young. As a rich n-generation, it is inevitable to live in a big family. They are cousins ​​and sisters in double digits, and they have struggled since they were young. For a lot of losses, the friendship between the two of them during their childhood sweethearts was cultivated in this way.

It was hard to fight the upper ranks all the way, and when they became the best people in their own group, they were all close to thirty.

Only when he was thirty did he have such a precious son as the original owner.

Because of their childhood experiences, the two stand firm, as long as one child, give him all the love, to ensure that he will not be like they were when they were young, drowning in many brothers and sisters without the care of their elders.

As parents, they have tried their best to give the original owner the best fatherly and maternal love.

It is a pity that the original owner did not grow into a happy prince under such love, but was arrogant and arrogant.

Both Ji's father and Ji's mother did not intend to hold the power and not let go. They hoped that their son could take over the property. It was not that they wanted him to turn his hands for the cloud and rain, but only to ensure that he had the ability to protect himself. rest assured.

The original owner didn't even think about becoming a boss or Dong. He was the only son in his family. Even if he didn't care about this, the money was left to him, so what would he do with his energy?

He is just addicted to spending time and drinking, and having fun everywhere.

If this were the case, the original owner would have been an ordinary rich second generation in his entire life. Although he didn't make any contribution, he could still be regarded as a life of unrestrainedness.

Unfortunately, he is too prodigal.

Compared to other prodigal sons, the original owner is simply the fighter in the prodigal son.

What is expensive? He buys anything, sports cars and the like are all new ones when they come out. Private jets are not enough. Not counting the most expensive ones, you have to treat the audience.

Of course, playing this way will not bankrupt his parents' company.

But his parents were really bankrupt by him.

In fact, how did the parent company go bankrupt in the end? The original owner's own memory is all confused.

I only know that the initial cause was a rainy day. His friend, a friend of Hupengou, was drunk at night and drove the original owner's car and hit a girl.

At that time, he clearly saw the girl being hit and flying, and she was full of blood in the grass trying to crawl. At this time, most people sent people to the hospital.

But this person has always been reckless and reckless. He didn't want to get out of the car when he hit someone in the rain, so he drove away and then went to the place to meet the original owner. The two were happy and handsome together.

This person was cool all night, but the girl was so badly injured that she couldn't make a call for help, and she didn't have the strength to help herself. It was originally at night, and it was raining, and the passing drivers couldn't find her at all.

When she was found the next day, even if she was sent to the hospital for rescue, she became a vegetative.

Originally, she just couldn't move when she was hit. If she could be sent to the hospital for treatment at that time, she would definitely not become a vegetative person, but the perpetrator did not, but chose to go away.

As a result, a young girl could only feel the passing of her life on such a rainy night, her consciousness blurred, and she watched cars driving past her, but no one found her in the grass.

The original owner only found blood on his car the next day, and when I asked, the guy actually told the truth boldly.

The original owner didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his attitude, and hit someone when he hit someone. Anyway, regardless of whether the person was slightly injured or seriously injured or died, the compensation fee is just a drop in the bucket for them.

They hadn't heard of anyone who drove and hit people before. As long as the money was paid more, they could still reconcile.

If this matter is stopped, the original owner is just the hapless car being hit by the guy who borrowed it, but he just got involved in this matter.

The girl's father died early, and her mother inherited two properties. The mother and daughter had a good life at the beginning. Even if her mother remarried later, she agreed with her stepfather to not have children before marriage.

It was just a few years of calm. Her mother died unexpectedly. Her custody and family property naturally fell into the hands of her stepfather. The stepfather soon remarried. This teenage girl was in extreme time from the little princess that her mother spoiled. Become a wild species of low status in the family.

The crime of abandonment is against the law. Of course, the stepfather can't really throw her away. He just didn't give her living expenses and asked her to do more work at home. Some people asked, saying that her family was not well-off.

Naturally, he never mentioned the two houses of her mother.

She managed to get through to seventeen, and her birthday will be three days later. After eighteen, she no longer needs a guardian in the legal sense and can be the master of herself.

Unfortunately, her consciousness ended on that rainy night.

The stepfather originally regarded her as a drag oil bottle, and naturally accepted the perpetrator's monetary reconciliation smoothly. After receiving the money, he decided to terminate the life of the stepdaughter and plan to give up the treatment.

This news was learned by the girl's friends. They tried their best to stop it and wanted to make the matter worse, even if their initial purpose was to let the girl's stepfather not terminate her life and fell into the eyes of the perpetrators. These people want to find out about him.

Just a few poor students, there are too many ways to rectify them.

He not only rectified himself, but also took the original owner to rectify together.

The original owner readily agreed, and even the most ruthless one was him.

It's not that I think how good the relationship is with "friends" and how much I want to give him a head. It's just that it's fun to play with other people's lives like this, watching them have hope several times and then fall into despair several times.

Several students noticed that someone was targeting them, and they didn't know where the ability came from. They actually found the original owner along the way. A male student was excited to find the original owner and wanted to confront him.

During the dispute, the male student died under the original owner.

The original owner was also dumbfounded.

He doesn't take human life seriously, but he knows that this is a deliberate murder, no matter how rich the family is, it is impossible to protect him from prison.

The most important thing is that the male student said that the female students knew that he had come to the original owner.

So when he disappeared, they would definitely know it was him.

The original owner panicked and found the "friend". The two of them simply did nothing. When the students did not respond, they bought a replacement ghost with cancer and killed them one by one. Cheng's male classmate was an illusion that they were killed by a dead ghost with them.

He told the police on behalf of the dead ghost that he found out that he had cancer and his life was not long before he saw the youthful vigor of these students on the roadside. He was jealous that they had a good time but he could only die. This was why he wanted to put on a few backs before he died.

These are all lies, of course, he is a substitute for the dead, just because of the money they gave to the original owner.

If the money is sufficient, even if he dies, his family will be able to live well.

From the perspective of the original owner, everything is perfect.

The matter is resolved, no more annoying people will trouble him, and he can still be his prodigal happily.

But the "friend" started asking him for money.

The "friend" held evidence of his murder in his hand, as if he had pinched his death vein. If he didn't want to go to jail, he could only give money.

The amount is getting bigger every time, even if the pocket money in the hands of the original owner is beyond ordinary people's imagination, it is not enough.

There is no way, he can only trick his parents into trying to get ahead, enter the company, and secretly use his power to get money.

Having tasted the sweetness of taking money arbitrarily, sometimes even if a "friend" doesn't ask him for money, he will take the money by himself.

It is naturally impossible for him to steal money, it would be too easy to be discovered.

It just divides the money that should have been used to buy good materials only a little bit to buy cheap materials.

Because more and more are needed, the materials are getting cheaper.

But the problem is that he changed building materials.

With no external force at all, the building built by their company collapsed, and more than 500 people died.

The society was shocked, the family members were sad, and the government held accountable.

For a time, the company's reputation fell below its lowest level, employees left one after another, and all kinds of real and fake "black materials" broke out. People would not look at this as the "prince prince" causing trouble, but would only see the entire company.

After that, just when everyone was in distress, the vegetative girl in the hospital woke up.

She noticed the strange death of her friends. She also noticed that the murderer's home was originally impoverished. But less than a few years after his imprisonment, the whole family moved. She found the family's current residence along the way. I found that they are now very rich.

This shows that there is another hidden story.

When the girl continued to investigate, the original owner's "friend" noticed her movements, but he did not intend to kill her. After all, this girl is very smart. After finding out a little clue, she immediately went to the police station to file for the record. The clue doesn't really mean anything, but if she dies somehow, it will definitely attract the attention of the police.

Can't kill, and can't let her find herself.

As a result, the "friend" simply sold the original owner.

Not only did the original owner not surrender himself after the murder, but also the murder of several other innocent students in order not to expose his murder was exploded.

This incident was originally true. At that time, all the hands were handled by the original owner himself, and it was natural to find out after an investigation.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about more debts. By the way, he also gave the original owner the name of the perpetrator of the collision. Anyway, the original owner was present at the time of the reconciliation, and it was normal to give him by the way.

He was arrested and imprisoned. When his parents knew the bad news, they couldn't believe that his son was such a brute and exhausted. Ji's father was the first to fall, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and never woke up again.

Mother Ji survived to the end, but it was a pity that everyone pushed the wall down. In the end, these two unlucky parents, who were considered powerful people no matter where they were, were dragged to death by their rubbish son.

Apart from his parents, several young students and more than 500 innocent passers-by were buried with the original owner.

The sins are too heavy to describe.

Ji Changze closed his eyes and began to play the original character as usual.

Zhang Yang, a prodigal son, is a fool in the eyes of many people. Although they are twenty-five, they are still messing around every day.

If there is any line to dig, it is that he is addicted to games recently and wants to establish a game company, but he has met with double opposition from his parents.

Both Ji's father and Ji's mother have a shadow in the game. When the two tried their best, they started a game company together, but they couldn't die again.

The game industry has since become difficult for them to get involved.

Another reason is that the original owner of the game company originally wanted to dig some game masters to accompany him to play games. Nowadays, e-sports are rampant, and the high transfer amount of game masters is scary, even for Jifu Jimu. It would be too prodigal to spend so much money just to let these people play games with their sons.

Because the original owner failed to realize this "great idea", he invited a lot of friends who he couldn't even call his name all night, so as to vent his unhappiness.

Of course, this episode ceased to exist within a few days in the memory of the original owner. The original owner who was used to changing his mind quickly forgot his dream of a game company and started thinking about a luxury auto show.

Ji Changze repeatedly chanted a few words about game companies in his heart, and there was a spectrum in his heart.

He almost figured it out before he went to look at the timeline.

The moment he saw it, Ji Changze frowned suddenly.

He got up quickly, patted his dizzy head, took the elevator downstairs, found the car in the memory of the original owner, and saw blood on the front of the car.

Has been hit.

But the original owner didn't remember the exact address where the girl was hit. He didn't know where she was.

Ji Changze turned around and ran back to the hotel. He found the floor where he was all night. When he turned on the elevator, he saw a drunken dream.

What kind of people have what kind of circle, the rich second generation is naturally not like the original owner and his friends, but there are many elites, but the two sides don't bother to interact.

Many people whose names could not be named fell on the sofa, lying on the table, and some even slept directly on the ground. A few blushed, it was obvious that the young drunk man was holding a wine glass. Looking around for people to clink glasses, he turned his head and saw Ji Changze, dangling from his feet:

"Shao Ji, you hiccup again, are you here again? Come on, brother respects you, thank you Shao Ji for hosting."

Ji Changze bypassed these drunks, searched in the crowd, and quickly found the guy who was being surrounded by the crowd with a smile and smug drinking.

"Shao Lu, brother should thank you for what happened a while ago. Come and toast you."

"Shao Lu, happy today, let's go one brother."

"I also want to thank Lu Shao for the girl who introduced me to me a while ago, oh, she's pretty good, it's really good, it's better for us Lu Shao to have a good eye."

A group of people were enjoying themselves, and a fist slammed on the table with a violent sound.

"Lu Zhengkun!!!"

This loudly frightened everyone, and they turned their heads unhappy to see who was not long-eyed who dared to come over to cause trouble, and saw Ji Changze's face.

Shao Ji!

They dare not mess with it.

The anger on everyone's faces suddenly turned into a courteous smile.

"Ji Shao, aren't you drunk? Are you awake?"

Lu Zhengkun was also taken aback. Seeing Ji Changze looking at him with a displeased face, he smiled calmly, took his shoulders closely, and said with a little bit of teasing: "What's wrong with Ji? I didn't sleep just now. Are you here? It's upset that I sent you up and delayed your porn?"

Yes, in addition to the name of the prodigal son, the original owner also has a nickname for the love and care of young people.

For this all-night party, the original owner specially asked these friends and friends to bring more beautiful girls over, just to make it easy for him to show up, but before he could see the target, he just drank and got down.

"Fuck your uncle, don't talk to me about this."

Ji Changze coldly asked him, "What's the matter with you? So many people ask me to borrow a car, and I only lend you one person. In the end, how do you repay me? What's wrong with the blood on my car? How can I drive it like this?!"

"It turned out to be for this."

Lu Zhengkun didn't take this matter seriously at all. As one of the few trash boys with a bit of a brain, he had already figured out Ji Changze's character and naturally knew how to deal with it.

"Isn't it just a car, do you still have a few cars? If you think it's dirty and don't want to drive, just ask your uncle and aunt to buy another one. They love you so much, and they certainly won't refuse."

He knows that Ji Changze loves to have a personality. After saying those words, he has not forgotten to add: "Who in the circle doesn't know that we Ji Shao has the most relaxed hands. It's just a car. Why should I be angry with my brother? , Brothers toast you a glass, as an apologize."

If this was left before, Ji Changze would follow the original owner's temperament and follow him a few times, but now there is a young child's life ahead of him, and he has no time to spend with Lu Zhengkun.

He slapped off the wine glass that Lu Zhengkun handed over, with a grumpy expression: "Don't tell me these are useless, that car I just like you just made it like this for me, today you don't give me a decent one. Reason, don't think I will let you go."


The wine glass fell to the ground and fell apart.

The smile on Lu Zhengkun's face froze, and everyone else was taken aback. Seeing Ji Changze's ugly face, he didn't dare to joke anymore.

Although Ji Changze is generous in his actions, they all know that the young master of the Ji family is the most open-minded. He can't eat any grievances, and he has done a kick on his belly before, which shows that his life is getting angry. How six pros don't recognize it.

Of course, since then, he hasn't gotten smaller in reason.

The atmosphere suddenly stiffened. Lu Zhengkun managed to squeeze a smile, drag Ji Changze to the corner, and laughed regardless of his ugly look: "You said you were so majestic and what you were doing. It scared the brothers. In fact, the car is nothing, just I hit someone on the way."

"That blood probably belongs to that person. If you are really angry but I get your car dirty, I will buy you a new one tomorrow and pay you."

He was in pain when he said this.

Lu Zhengkun is different from Ji Changze, who has been held in the palm of his hand since birth. The situation in his family is more like that of Ji's father and mother when he was a child. In a big family, there are only about thirty people of his generation, including himself. His own brother, he couldn't even get out of it when he stayed inside.

Unlike this group of dudes, who mostly just want to be drunk, dream, happy and have fun, Lu Zhengkun is serious about his career.

But how to do a career?

He is not spoiled, and naturally he will not have as much money as Ji Changze likes. He has no connections or money. He doesn't have any of these.

It stands to reason that Lu Zhengkun, who is dedicated to his career, should go to the elite circle.

However, the elite circle of others looks down on him.

He doesn't have money, he doesn't have contacts, and he doesn't have skills. If he enters the circle, he asks for it from the circle in all directions, but the others in the circle have no benefit.

Compared with the dude circle of "As long as you want to mix and like, you are your own", Lu Zhengkun can't get into this extremely difficult elite circle even if he squeezes his head.

He could only retreat and came to the dude circle, all day long, enduring the disgust and jealousy of the dude in his heart that was obviously a trash but still spoiled by the wealthy dude, trying to find a way to get money from them.

The loosest in this circle is Ji Changze. He naturally wants to approach Ji Changze. However, there are too many people who want to approach Ji Dashao. It took him a lot of effort to get there. Ji Changze looked familiar in front of him.

But even if he was only familiar, he made some scheming, it was enough to get a lot of money from Ji Changze.

This time he borrowed the car not because he really liked the car, but because he was sure that Ji Changze liked to be praised by others, so he pretended to like and admire him for having money to buy this car.

On the one hand, this will bring the two closer together and give him an excuse to get closer to Ji Changze. On the other hand, he can borrow Ji Changze's car. In the eyes of others, their relationship is very good. When doing errands, He also wants to get to the banner of Ji Changze.

Who could have imagined that Ji Changze, a guy who has always been generous and loose hands, became stingy. Isn't it because he got blood on the car and was so angry.

As a result, he had to promise to buy a new car for Ji Changze. You know, that car is scary and expensive. Even if he already has a lot of savings in his hand, this car can take away most of his net worth.

But you can't buy it. If he says, "This car is a little dirty, I'll send it to you to clean it." Ji Changze, a guy who has never been short of money, might be able to turn his face on the spot.


If you wash a dirty car, it's brighter than a new car, so it's not uncommon for this young master to drive it.

It's so inhumane.

People who are envious and jealous can't wait to replace it.

I thought that he was bleeding, Ji Changze would definitely be satisfied, but he didn't expect that the young master of the Ji family standing in front of him not only didn't look better after hearing this, but it was even more ugly.

"You hit someone?! Where did you hit? How about that person?"

Lu Zhengkun was stunned. This reaction was wrong. Shouldn't Ji Changze pay more attention to the new car?

But he still replied: "It seems to be sealing the road. I don't remember clearly. I don't know what happened to that person. I shouldn't be able to die. I will drink the bar today. Tomorrow I will buy you a new car and pay you. If you just lose some money to that person, it will be over."

Distressed, so much money, I have to use it to buy a car.

I hope that the poor ghost who was hit doesn't make too many mistakes.

He thought painfully, and at the same time he wanted to grab Ji Changze's shoulders: "Walk around, drink, don't think about these things, tomorrow I will definitely handle this matter properly, that poor ghost is mostly in the middle of the night. He's still walking on the road, maybe it's deliberately touching the porcelain, isn't it just relying on the lack of monitoring?"

Ji Changze endured and endured, but still couldn't endure it. Of course, he didn't need to endure it either. At present, it's normal to have no endurance. So he nodded the back of his hand and motioned to the other side to look down at his clenched hand: what?"

Lu Zhengkun: "Fist."

The next second, the fist slammed into his face.

Accompanied by Ji Changze's scolding: "I can go to your mother!"

The severe pain hit, Lu Zhengkun staggered while covering his face. His hands were slippery. When he lowered his head, he found that the hands covering his face were covered with blood.

――Ji Changze beat him to the nose and bleeds.

As soon as this thought came up, stormy punches and kicks fell on him.

"Fuck you uncle! Dog son! I won't beat you to death today! How dare you hide!!"

The few people who were looking here not far away saw a fight, and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him to fight: "Ji Shao Ji! Don't fight, what's the matter? Hurry up, stop it."

"Shao Lu, what's the matter?"

Lu Zhengkun didn't know what was going on. He wanted to scold "Ji Changze, you're fucking sick", but when he saw the angry face on the other side, he immediately cleared his mind.

This is the only son of the Ji family, and he can't afford to offend him.

So he could only endure the breath with nosebleeds on his face and pain all over his body: "Young Master Ji, it's your brother's responsibility that the brother has soiled your car. Don't be angry if you fight as well."

It's now, and he still feels that it is more important to get Ji Changze's car dirty than to almost kill a young student.

Ji Changze's fist was about to move, but he was still sane, and he knew what was most important, and pointed at Lu Zhengkun and cursed: "I'm driving in my car and hitting someone, and then throwing people there. Your beast is more conscientious than you. , Either you surrender or I call the police, you can handle it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Lu Zhengkun's even a little dazed expression that his focus was actually being hit by someone, and turned and hurried away.

"Ji Shao, Ji Shao where are you going, Shao Ji?!"

"Shao Ji?!"

Ji Changze ignored them, drank the stars one by one, couldn't count on any of them, and it was useless to call them.

Of course, he who is still dizzy in his head can't count on it.

Fortunately, he has the ability to make money.

Ji Changze held up his dizziness and pulled a staff member casually: "Find me a driver. I want it now."

Three minutes later, Ji Changze rubbed his brows and sat in the co-pilot, and said to the driver: "Go to seal the road."

Not far from there, Ji Changze called an ambulance in the car and called the police by the way. The original owner estimated that he could not drink well. Alcohol was still working. He was very dizzy now. When he got to the place, he turned on his mobile phone to search a little bit. .

The driver understood him when he made a call in the car. He didn't need to say when he got out of the car. He also followed behind and searched from the other side.

"Ji Shao, it's raining so heavily, please hold an umbrella."

"no need."

Umbrella is a hassle, and direct exposure to the rain without the umbrella can make his mind clearer.

Ji Changze wiped the rain off his face, and carefully followed the grass on the side of the road to find it. It was four o'clock in the morning, and the rain was the heaviest. It was so loud that people couldn't hear it, let alone listen to the grass. There may be a little movement in it, they can only find it in the most primitive way.

Fortunately, when his clothes were all wet and could no longer be wet, Ji Changze saw the girl lying in the grass with a pale face and eyes closed quietly in front of him.

Her face was scary, and the rain hit it and fell down her face. The blood on her body had completely wetted her clothes. The white skirt became a red skirt. The nails on the soil were all muddy. You can imagine that there is no Before she passed out, she tried so hard to ask for help.

Ji Changze hurriedly took off his coat and covered her face, and shouted to the driver on the opposite side: "I found it, you can get the umbrella quickly. You can't move her now."

When the ambulance came, I saw a luxury car parked on the side of the road. In the distance, two people drenched in water were squatting beside the unconscious girl under umbrellas.

The girl was taken to the ambulance, and Ji Changze followed, tremblingly watching the doctors and nurses check her vital signs.

He didn't want to tremble either, but the original owner's body was really a bit squeamish. He didn't feel anything when he was emotionally tense. Now that he found the mood and relaxed, his body began to tremble constantly, looking next to him. Her nurse sister couldn't bear it, she found a white lab coat that made him shiver and put it on.

After sneezing, Ji Changze improperly looked at the girl who was in a coma.

The original owner's memory is not very clear about this paragraph. He only knows that the girl was found and sent to the hospital the next day. This time he should have been at least a few hours early, and he didn't know if he could change her. The fate of becoming a vegetative.

Although in the end she could wake up even if she became a vegetative, but at such a young age and spent several years in the hospital bed unconsciously, Ji Changze still felt that this was too cruel.

Seeing that the girl was sent to rescue, he sat in a chair outside, shivering for a long time before remembering.

its not right.

His current status is a dull prodigal, and his prodigal won't change his clothes when he gets soaked.

Sure enough, the original owner is not good at drinking, and even his brain is lost along with it.

Ji Changze opened the software and chose a store to buy a few pieces of clothes for them to be delivered quickly. After sneezing several times, he later realized that he raised his hand and touched his forehead.

Oh, it's not that I lost my drinking, but I lost my fever.

No wonder I always feel a little silly today.

Dizzy, weak, and black in front of my eyes, I am afraid that I will be dizzy.

Before he fainted, Ji Changze hadn't forgotten to grab a doctor's leg, pulled out a black card from his pocket and handed it to the other side tremblingly: "Password 123456."

Even if the distinguished and wealthy people faint, they will not forget to pay the hospitalization fee first.