|Modern Prodigal (2)

It was the first time that Ji Changze encountered this kind of situation where he came to life and died at a speed, and he was in a coma right after the speed of life and death was over.

I fell asleep in a faint night, and when I was awake again, my head didn't faint, but my body was weak.

As he opened his eyes, he thought, the original owner's memory does not include the passage where he is easy to get sick.

"Ji Shao, Ji Shao, are you awake Ji Shao?"

As a dude's fighter, there are many cash machines that don't actually have much money. Ji Changze is so down. Many dudes are more concerned than serving their parents. After three meals a day, they can't wait to live in the hospital. .

Now the first person to find that Ji Changze wakes up is the little brother No. 1. He was sitting on a chair and playing games with Erlang's legs upturned. Yu Guang found that Ji Changze was awake, and the game was not playing anymore. He leaned forward with a surprised face and held his hand. Sumi Changze's hand made a tear in his eyes.

"You finally woke up Shao Ji. If you don't wake up, my brothers will almost cry to death."

Ji Changze: ""

He shook off his little brother No.1's hand: "Fuck your uncle, it's disgusting, let me throw it away!"

Little brother one quickly released his hand, and began to pour water eagerly: "Ji Shao, are you thirsty? I'll pour you water."

Ji Changze, whose mind was finally sober, sat up while propping up his body, thinking that it was indeed a drinking accident. Why did he just call a driver?

He should call a bunch of staff to go to the side of the road to help find him. He is a rich second-generation, and he still lacks the money for hiring people?

IQ went online, Ji Changze looked around and found that something was wrong.

The house is full of bouquets. It is not the most expensive but more expensive. It is obviously not a day's work to make it so crowded.

"How long have I been dizzy?"

"Three days, three whole days, but it scared us to death, don't you know, Ji Shao, these days brothers took turns to take care of you, each of them lost a lot of weight, and no one went there for three days. To play, just ask God to worship the Buddha every day, hoping that you will wake up as soon as possible."

Ji Changze opened his mouth to ask about the girl's situation. He changed his mind temporarily when he remembered his personal settings. He frowned and looked around with an unhappy expression on his face: "Where are my parents? I'm sick and they haven't come to guard me? "


The little brother No.1's expression froze, and he smiled at Ji Changze in a jealousy: "We didn't dare to tell my uncle and auntie."

Otherwise, Ji Changze went to the hospital with their feet in front of him, and if his parents knew about it, their juniors would have to eat the top.

Although Ji's father and Ji's mother are not easy to discipline them directly, after a call, their elders still don't open their ass.

"So we will take good care of you first. Unexpectedly, you were fainted for three days without waking up. The doctor said that your body was too weak and you were exposed to the rain. In addition to emotional tension, the fever continued to go down and the fever went down again, and the fever went down again. If you have a fever again, it will become like this."

"We wanted to tell my uncle and aunt today, but I didn't expect that Shao Ji, you will wake up now. It's a coincidence."

Taking a look at the silly little brother No.1, Ji Changze sat upright against the wall and asked, "Where is the woman I was sent to the hospital?"

"Is it the one in the car accident? It seems to be a vegetative person. Lu Zhengkun said that since you were sent to the hospital by Shao Ji, the brothers should follow suit and pay for her medical expenses. Shao Ji, this kid just wanted If you want to fawn on you, don't have a new love and forget your old love. I have been with you for the longest time. Lu Zhengkun is a fart."

The little brother No.1 Barabara said so much, and when Ji Changze's ears came to his ears, he extracted a few key words.

He frowned and asked: "Lu Zhengkun didn't surrender?"

"Turn yourself in? Why turn in? What did he do?"

Seeing the dazed look of Little Brother One, Ji Changze guessed it. He skipped this question and asked directly: "Has the police caught the person who hit the woman?"

"Caught it, it seems to be an old man, he said he didn't see clearly at night and hit the person, and then he ran away. Ji Shao, let me tell you that the old man even dared to drive without a driver's license, so he stole the roadside. Car, I heard from the nurse sister, that the old man walked tremblingly as if he was getting into the soil. I felt that he could not hold the steering wheel securely, and he could even hit people with the car. It's amazing, it's amazing."

The little brother No.1 began to talk about whether he could go to Bengdi 857 at the age of an old man, and be the most beautiful old man by then, etc.

Ji Changze has already heard it.

This time, Lu Zhengkun was still doing the same trick again, and found a ghost to die for him.

There was no surveillance and no witnesses. The victim had become a vegetative and could not be a witness. The heavy rain that night washed away a lot of marks, and there were so many cars passing by. He just had to find someone who was willing to take the money to commit the crime. , This matter is difficult to pull on him again.

Ji Changze asked the little brother one who was still talking non-stop, "Where is the car I lent Lu Zhengkun?"

Little brother No.1 was stunned, thinking for a long time before remembering; "It seems that this kid took to wash it, but I didn't know what was going on when I was washing it. He fell off the car and was crushed by the truck. Don't worry, Shao Ji, he bought a new one and will pay you back. It is guaranteed to be exactly the same as the previous one."


Ji Changze asked again: "Where did that car go after it was squashed?"

"Scrap car yard, Lu Zhengkun said that this is a car that Ji Shao drove. You can't let people sell second-hand parts. It seems to be melted. This thing he did is pretty decent. How can we let those Erdao dealers get things from Shao Ji? Spoil it, I won't give it to them if I destroy it!"

Oh humiliation.

Ji Changze felt that if it wasn't for this Lu Zhengkun's Three Views, they should be able to talk and see how this matter is handled, one-stop service, beautiful.

There is no evidence, no physical evidence, that is, no evidence.

Although he heard what Lu Zhengkun said, Lu Zhengkun was talking with him one-on-one at the time. That night everyone was drinking and drinking. A drunkard heard what he said, and the person involved denied it. At least legally speaking, there is no such thing. Any evidence that Lu Zhengkun was sent in.

If you replace it with the fool who is the original owner, Lu Zhengkun only needs to stand firm and say that he has never said that, but the original owner was drunk and heard the wrong meaning, the original owner might really be confused and feel that he heard it wrong.

After drinking too much, who can guarantee that his memory is true?

Ji Changze's fists began to itchy again.

"Shao Ji, why are you rubbing your hands? Are your hands uncomfortable? Come and I can rub them for you."

Brother No.1 deserves to be the one who has been with the original owner for the longest time. The flattering is so neat, the thief will naturally come up to help Ji Changze squeeze his shoulder and beat his leg, just like a standard dog leg.

Ji Changze, who returned to his IQ, searched his memory for Little Brother One, and found that this guy was quite loyal. When the original owner was hacked by the entire network before, most of the people fell into trouble. Only a few people did not believe that the original owner could do such a thing. All kinds of running for him.

Little brother No.1 is one of them. In the memory of the original owner, there is also a snot and tears when he came to visit him, as if the original owner was not temporarily detained or was already lying in a coffin waiting for the soil.

Later, the evidence of the original owner was revealed one by one, and the younger brother No.1 found that he was really not wronged, and finally ran over and cried, and never came again.

At that time, in addition to the little brother No.1, there was another person who came almost forward and backward, but it was different from the crying station of the little brother No.1. The man only looked at the original owner deeply for a long time, and then said a good reform and left.

Yes, it was very much like the guy standing at the door watching him now.

Ji Changze again looked at the man in suit and leather shoes at the door, a man with no wrinkles on his body and clothes.

Oh, what does this look like, this is clearly what it is.

"Brother Qiu, Brother Qiu, you are here."

The little brother No.1, who had never stopped his mouth, turned his head and saw the person standing at the door. His face immediately burst into a flattering smile, and the end sounded with a strong desire to hug his thigh.

Pidian stood up and gave up the throne: "Brother Qiu, sit on the chair for you."

"Gu Qiu, are you here to see if I am dead?"

Ji Changze spoke with a mockery, after all, he is still in a state of arguing with the young Gu Qiu.

In fact, the original owner didn't treat people as young at all. When he was young, he played with Gu Qiu at all. But when he grew up, Gu Qiu entered the elite circle and began to make a name for himself in his family. His status is higher, and others. People also respect each other, saying that Gu Qiu and Ji Dashao are young.

The original owner has been spoiled since he was a child, and the stars around him hold the moon. Everyone thinks that he is his little brother. Otherwise, he would not call Gu Qiu as Gu Qiu. In his heart, Gu Qiu has always followed him as a child. The little fat guy who wants candy behind him.

The more capable Gu Qiu is, the less dare to offend him, except for the second generation who rely on his parents behind him, the other flatters who are not very favored at home.

Later, the two people broke up, that is, the original owner unilaterally cut off contact with each other, and the followers around him were very courteous to Gu Qiu.

Obviously, Little Brother One is one of them.

Although he hugged Thigh Two, he didn't want to annoy Thigh One, so he wiped the surface of the chair with his sleeve diligently, and turned to Ji Changze and said Gu Qiu's kind words:

"Ji Shao, Brother Qiu has come to see you every day for the past three days, and I have been very concerned about it. Everyone is brothers. Just let me know if you have anything to say. You can see how much Brother Qiu cares about you."

"Fuck you, just say it if you want to die."

The second generation on the hospital bed cursed, lifted his chin, with an expression of "Uncle, I'm talking to you to save you face": "What's the matter, let's Gu Shao start to pretend to be deep again?"

Gu Qiu frowned, obviously forbearing Ji Changze's yin and yang strangeness. As a leader in the rich second-generation elite circle, he has the characteristics of the current overbearing president. He is handsome and taciturn. He is still a hanger, which is very deep.

Because of these characteristics, after he gradually emerged, someone in the company actually wrote about his colleagues, and then was passed on to the original owner and laughed at him for a long time.

Ji Changze knows too well why the original owner laughed at the deep, domineering and reticent "General Gu" written by the very talented student girl.

He clapped his hands, and I looked like an arrogant young master: "Okay, you want to pretend to be dumb and go out, but don't obstruct my eyes in front of me."

Gu Qiu pursed his lips, frowned slightly, and took a cold look at the little brother No.1, who was standing next to him watching the show with a low eyebrow and wiping the chair.

Little brother No.1 understood in seconds: "Then that, Brother Ji Shaoqiu, talk to you, I'll go out and wander around."

As soon as he left, Gu Qiu spoke immediately.

The hoarse, broken gong voice rubbed like sandpaper, even if it was standard in Mandarin, it was still terribly ugly:

"Ji Changze, you have never finished, such a small matter, as for such a grudge?"

Yes, President Gu Qiu, he is not taciturn, nor is he indifferent, he does not speak, but his simple voice is not good, afraid that others will laugh at him.

Therefore, Gu Qiu practiced the indifferent master's stunt. The promise is "Yeah.", if you don't promise, it is "Huh?", and the anger is "Heh.", the longest sentence ever said is "Get me off."

But he also only pretended to be in front of people who didn't know, facing the hair that grew up together since childhood, Gu Qiu naturally didn't have to hide it.

He was very angry with a tyrant's face, and went up and down on the chair in twos and threes, full of resentment: "I just said you, you kicked my foot and almost didn't let me in. In the hospital, I kept it for more than a month before the bruising disappeared. I'm not angry at all. You are angry with a ghost."

Obviously, Mr. Gu, who can only be indifferent and unspoken outside, is suffocated. One mouth is a string of Balabala: "I grew up together for so many years, brothers for so many years, you just ignore me for this little thing. Why are you so careful? Did I start that thing first? Didn't that Lu Zhengkun start it first? Good guy, you kick me after one or two words, you really treat me like a brother?"

Not really.

Ji Changze sympathizes with this big brother.

In the eyes of Mr. Gu, he and the original owner grew up together. When they were young, other children disliked his unpleasant voice and didn't play with him. Only the original owner was willing to take him to play and buy him food.

When he grew up, he became more powerful. No one dared to dislike him. Everyone held him. Even if they didn't want to hug their thighs, they wanted to form a good relationship. When everyone complimented him, only the original owner. This good brother is still treating him like he used to, being rude to him, scolding him from time to time, calling him a black name.

This is pure, no matter what happens, no matter how his status changes, there will be no more changing friendships.

As a result, Mr. Gu ignored those people who came up after he had gained power. Only when facing his consistent good brother Ji Changze did he consciously feel the warmth of friendship.

When I was young, I begged you to play and you didn't play with me. When I was growing up, everyone cried and begged me to take you?

Take a look at my brother Ji Changze. When I was young, no one played with me, only he was willing to play with me. When I grew up, I had status and power, and everyone was flattered. Only Ji Changze ignored me.

This is what true and unpretentious friendship should look like.

The more rude Ji Changze treated him, the more he felt that this was true.

However, the above are all from Mr. Gu's perspective.

From the perspective of the original owner, it means that he has taken in the younger brother since he was a child. Gu Qiu is only the fatter and more edible one of the younger brothers he has collected.

When he grew up, Gu Qiu went to the elite circle, and he no longer liked to flatter him as he did when he was a child. He didn't start talking. The two of them didn't play the same thing, and he didn't want this little brother very much.

Since it's all dispensable, of course he is not polite to speak to Gu Qiu.

All in all, this is a wonderful misunderstanding.

President Gu Qiu still feels that he and Ji Changze are getting younger, and that Ji Changze's brotherhood for him should be as deep as he is for Ji Changze. Therefore, the two had only had a dispute last time, and Ji Changze worked so hard. After kicking him, he was a little sad.

So this time, since childhood, Mr. Gu, who had always been in conflict every time he took the initiative to seek reconciliation, was strong and did not seek reconciliation again, but he just held up and hoped that Ji Changze could come to apologize.

As a result, I waited and waited until the news that Ji Changze was hospitalized.

He was taken aback, for fear that the only good brother would be separated from yin and yang, and he could not take care of the shelf of "you won't coax me, I won't care about you", and he came non-stop.

For three days, every day, he finally waited until the person woke up, and he didn't even care about getting angry, so he just said it directly.

Ji Changze still put on the posture of the eldest master, saying very arrogantly: "If you don't apologize to me, this matter will never end."

Gu Qiu: ""

He felt that his brother was very elementary school chicken, but thinking about it, he also seemed to face friendship like this. There is nothing ridiculous about eighty steps and a hundred steps, so he confidently followed the elementary school together.

"I didn't start this matter first. Lu Zhengkun, he said it first. You can kick me. It's obvious that he mentioned it first. If you don't get angry with him, you won't talk about it, and you will kill him every day. Take it to play together? You and I grew up together, and he is a fart who came here in the middle. Do you want me to apologize for doing things like this?"

When Ji Changze watched Gu Qiu talked about the primary school chicken with a tyrant's face, he still felt that it was quite Coke.

In fact, to be honest, President Tyrant, ah, no, it was Gu Qiu. From the perspective of the original owner, his kick really deserved it.

It was a sunny day. Lu Zhengkun had just broken into the dude, thinking about a good relationship with the original owner, he said a few words to the original owner in a suggestive tone. The main idea is that you can't just play like this, but you are the boss of the Ji family. Master, if you inherited the IQ of your parents, you will definitely be able to make a big business, so you can find a way to start a company so that people don't seem to think that we can only eat, drink and have fun in the future.

He is calculated. The second generation may not know that eating, drinking, and having fun like this is a waste of wood. If someone says in a tone like "I plan for you", even if they can't listen to it, they will think that the other party is real. Caring for yourself can bring the relationship closer.

It happened that Gu Qiu was there that day.

Gu Qiu originally thought it was not good for the brothers to always eat, drink and have fun like this. He had to understand some things about managing the company. Otherwise, the current assets have changed too much, and how to deal with it in case of death in the future.

So he followed along and said a few words.

What annoyed him was that Lu Zhengkun, an outsider, said these things. Ji Changze was not angry. His good brother who grew up together said the same thing. Ji Changze got angry on the spot and kicked him directly.

General Gu was wronged, General Gu was sad, and General Gu felt that he was actually inferior to an outsider.

However, he did not look at what he was talking about.

Although Lu Zhengkun was saying something to persuade people to make progress, he had to flatter one sentence. It can be said that he has used the invisible rainbow fart to the extreme.

And what about Mr. Gu? Because he didn't want people to hear his unpleasant voice, he got into the ear of the original owner who was drinking Hi, and said to him, "Yes, you are such a waste now, but there is a high chance that your company will be killed in the future. , I think you have given up all these messy things. I will take you to the elite circle. I believe that as long as you work hard, you will be able to rescue them."

The original owner never thought of him as a child.

You are a follower. You used to blow my rainbow fart every day. Now that you are in a high position and become more capable, you dare to scold Lao Tzu for trash?

Is there something special about keeping Lao Tzu going?

I want you to control?

So, that kick went out.

When there were cracks in the mirror of General Gu's sad friendship, the original owner had no mirror at all.

While President Gu was waiting for him to apologize, the original owner had already defined President Gu as the former follower who was kicked away by Lao Tzu.

General Gu's friendship is doomed to tragedy.

Of course, things are different now.

In the face of Mr. Gu's "wrongfulness", Ji Changze still insisted: "You point at Lao Tzu's nose and scold Lao Tzu for trash. You don't apologize for this, and I will definitely not forgive you."

"Yes, I said it, but I didn't say it alone. Although Lu Zhengkun didn't say it directly, isn't that what he meant by his words? Why are you just mad at me and ignore him?"

In terms of friendship, Mr. Gu, who is a very elementary school boy and a young man, focuses all on "You are so partial to him".

Ji Changze: "I don't care about his ass, you apologize to me!"

Gu Qiu was very stubborn.

"It's okay to ask me to apologize, but he also has to apologize."

"Okay, what you said, I asked him to apologize, if you don't apologize to me, I will kick you again!"

The young master spoke, and Gu Qiu felt at ease.

He also wanted to open his mouth and care about how well he was in a coma for three days in the hospital. Someone knocked on the door outside.

President Gu, who paid great attention to image, immediately shut up, and the expression on his face instantly returned to the indifferent boss.

"Who? Knock on the door and come in directly."

Ji Changze yelled impatiently, and the door opened. Lu Zhengkun walked in with a bunch of flowers and said with a smile: "Ji Shao, it's me. I heard that you woke up. I ran over halfway through the meal. Now, are you okay? Yo? Mr. Gu is there?"

Gu Qiu coldly glanced at Lu Zhengkun, who smiled a lot after seeing him, and gave a cold hush.

In this case, you ran over halfway through the meal, as if you cared more about people.

Lu Zhengkun really thinks this way. As a person who wants to go to the elite circle, every time he speaks, he strives to improve the affection of others towards him, especially Ji Changze, who is stupid and rich towards the master. Rainbow farts constantly, always flattering each other.

When I said that just now, Ji Changze, an idiot, must be moved.

His confident thoughts just came out, and he heard the young master Ji on the bed saying in a very yin and yang tone: "Eating? I have been fainted for three days and have not eaten for three days. You You still want to eat?"

Lu Zhengkun: ""

if not? Does he even want Ji Changze to be dizzy for one day and he can't eat for a day?

Gu Qiu, who hadn't eaten today, glanced at Lu Zhengkun expressionlessly, expressing his disdain in his own unique style of the boss: "Heh."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

He smirked dryly, and said in embarrassment, "Shao Ji, it's brother, so let's go, you are discharged from the hospital, brother treats, go to Huanxi Building for a good meal."

As soon as these words came out, he felt a pain again.

Huanxi Lou is the most expensive restaurant in Beijing. Eating a meal is nothing to a favored young master like Ji Changze, but to Lu Zhengkun, who has managed to save so much money, it's not a meal. , That's bloodletting.

But he has given such great sincerity, Ji Changze should be satisfied.

Sooner or later he will deduct the money paid today from Ji Changze.

"Come on."

The prodigal son Ji Changze expressed disdain for this: "This young master still uses you to invite?"

Hearing this, Lu Zhengkun was overjoyed.

What does this mean is that Ji Changze doesn't want him to pay?

Then he heard Ji Changze say: "I'm not used to eating Huanxilou's food. It's too tired. Just ask the brothers to eat. Just because I just woke up, I will ask them to have a meal to celebrate."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

You don't want to eat me, please fart.

But Ji Changze had already spoken. He wanted to indulge in each other, but how could he refuse, so he could only endure his heartache and nodded: "What Ji Shao said is, then I will invite everyone to Huanxi Tower for dinner today to celebrate Ji Shao."

Forget it.

Eat as you eat. Most people in Huanxi Tower still don't go there often. Since he treats guests, of course he has to get his face back. As a treat, his image will be generous and rich in the eyes of others at that time, which is convenient for future affairs. .

Just thinking about it, Ji Changze took out WeChat, found the group chat, and sent a voice in front of Lu Zhengkun: "Tonight at 8 o'clock, please go to Huanxi Tower. To celebrate my recovery, I have to go home and recuperate. Eat, let Lu Zhengkun organize, and you will find Lu Zhengkun when the time comes."

Lu Zhengkun: "???"

Isn't it? Are you clear? What does it mean to let him organize?

He is the one who paid for the treat.

How come to Ji Changze's mouth, it seems that Ji Changze pays for a treat, he is only entrusted by others to organize it?

Obviously it was the money he spent, so why did the benefits come to Ji Changze?

Lu Zhengkun almost didn't vomit a mouthful of blood in his heart, but even so, he didn't think that Ji Changze was deliberate.

After all, Master Ji is not short of money. As everyone knows, going to Huanxi Tower to eat is meat cutting for Lu Zhengkun, and it is just an ordinary meal for Master Ji.

He invited more guests in Huanxi Tower, so he didn't want to deliberately take away the gratitude of this meal.

But, awkward! !

After spending money, it's still not good enough, and I'm so angry.

Lu Zhengkun's breathing was a bit unstable, but after thinking about the benefits that Ji Changze could get after he was pleased, he calmed down a little bit in his heart.

Take a look at Gu Qiu, who was sitting next to him with an expressionless and cold posture.

Isn't this just the benefits and connections?

Gu Qiu, who has already gained power in the Gu family and is considered to be a well-known figure in the elite circle, is Ji Changze's young man.

If his relationship with Ji Changze gets better, Gu Qiu sees Ji Changze's face, can it help his career?

Thinking about these benefits, Lu Zhengkun felt much better in his heart.

The smile on his face was incredibly sincere, put down the bouquet, and naturally handed the water poured by the little brother No.1 to Ji Changze: "Ji Shao, drink water."

Ji Changze happened to be thirsty, so he took it and drank it.

"You just came here, I have something to tell you."

I'm coming.

Lu Zhengkun was shocked and guessed what Ji Changze was going to say.

He must have hit someone.

Although Ji Changze was in a coma for three days and even drank alcohol before going into a coma, he did not forget that the other party pointed to his nose three days ago and told him to surrender.

Since he drove the poor man out in the middle of the night and sent it to the hospital, it shows that this matter is quite important in his heart.

Although Lu Zhengkun himself didn't think there was anything wrong with hitting someone, it would be quite troublesome if Ji Changze accused him of hitting someone.

Fortunately, he had finished the finishing work. At that time, a group of people who heard Ji Changze let him surrender were drunk, so he just found a few excuses and just perfunctory.

As for Ji Changze.

Who would believe what a drunk young master said?

He led a few words, maybe Ji Changze himself would feel that he had misheard it, after all, you don't know what urinary sex he had after drinking.

Lu Zhengkun was confident in his heart. These words were thought out of his brain during the past three days. They were logically perfect and reasonable. He also practiced in the mirror many times to ensure that his tone was sincere and his expression was normal.

He is confident, as long as he is asked to speak out, even if Ji Changze doesn't believe it, any passerby can believe him.

Seeing the young master leaning on the bed opened his mouth, he wanted to speak.

Lu Zhengkun was ready to refute.

Ji Changze: "You apologize to me now."

Lu Zhengkun: "It's not what you want to apologize for?? What apology??"

Wasn't he the one who was beaten before?

He was ready to sell miserables and said, "It's okay, Shao Ji, I don't blame you, you just drank too much."

Why did he apologize? ? ?

Ji Changze ignored his awkward expression, and arrogantly demanded: "If you ask you to apologize, then apologize, so much nonsense."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

He wanted to ask, "What did you say clearly?" He was afraid of angering Ji Changze, who has always been unreasonable. He could only hold back his aggrieved situation and bow his head with such a sullen expression. apologize:

"Sorry Shao Ji."

"You don't have enough true feelings. You have to have more guilt and guilt expressions. It is best to have three points of guilt and three points of regret and three points of sincerity, and the tone should be richer."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

You treat me like a dye plate.

What kind of shabby young master, playing with people? !

He especially wanted to say, "Grandpa, I won't take care of him", but he glanced at Gu Qiu who was sitting aside.


Ji Changze is surrounded by ready-made contacts.

I will endure!

"Sorry Ji Shao, I was wrong, Ji Shao, your lord has a lot, so don't be angry with me."

Ji Changze nodded in satisfaction. Before Lu Zhengkun could be happy, he waved his hand first, with a look like "The emperor told the eunuchs around him to retreat": "Okay, you go, remember to give the person to me in Huanxi Building today. Good hospitality."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

He was vomiting blood out of anger.

What kind of person is this! ! !

If it wasn't for money and connections, he wouldn't wait to coax this young master.

If he is allowed to find a chance, he must step this young master under his feet, and then

Ji Changze: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up, I have something to tell Gu Qiu, don't delay things here."

Lu Zhengkun: "Eh, good Shao Ji, I'll leave right away."

With a heavy blow from the bottom of his heart, Lu Zhengkun, who is only in the real world, left with a heart that was about to vomit blood.

He comforted himself.

This time there are still gains.

Anyhow, I know that Ji Changze and Gu Qiu have reconciled.

Then Gu Qiu's network can naturally change from Ji Changze to himself.

While thinking about how to make Gu Qiu treat himself as his own, he walked out lightly and closed the door by the way.

As soon as the door closed, Ji Changze immediately said to Gu Qiu triumphantly: "Did you see it? Lu Zhengkun apologized, it's your turn."

Gu Qiu, who knows that Ji Changze is not partial to Lu Zhengkun, is also okay. He doesn't mind verbally lowering his head and apologizes neatly: "Okay, I was wrong before, and I won't be the next time."

"It's good to know, but it's not enough for you to apologize. In this way, I wanted to start a game company before. My parents won't give me money. Would you sponsor some?"

Gu Qiu glanced at Ji Changze, who was righteous and confident, and asked him, "In addition to me, have you ever found anyone else?"

"Of course not, how could I ask those cats and dogs for money? If I don't have money, I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to open my mouth with them before I have friendship with me."

Gu Qiu, who automatically ignored the word "no money", focused his attention on "friendship." In a moment of comfort, he took out a blank check and handed it to Ji Changze: "You write the numbers yourself."

Ji Changze looked strangely at Gu Qiu who actually took out a checkbook directly from his arms: "Why did you bring the checkbook with you when you first publish it? What age is this?"

President Gu Qiu said that this is normal: "You don't understand. Many times you don't need to talk if you use money to solve it. I carry this with me, which can save a lot of things."

Ji Changze was not polite, and wrote a string of numbers on it, and threw the pen that was originally clipped on the checkbook to Gu Qiu: "Okay, brother, I've written it down. I'll give you the shares back."

Gu Qiu didn't think he could really toss out anything at all. He glanced at him and said with a sincere feeling, "I'm quite content if you can let me divide a thousand dollars."

Although he gave a sum of money that he was destined not to receive, Gu Qiu, who had reconciled with his brother, was still very happy. Especially Ji Changze said that he only asked him for money. Doesn't it prove that Ji Changze only trusts him?

Mr. Ba, who feels much more comfortable, returned to the company.

The next day, he "ran into" Lu Zhengkun at the coffee shop he frequented.

Lu Zhengkun, who lost countless money in a short period of time, wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and took advantage of Ji Changze's momentum to turn his hair-haired little Gu Qiu into his own backing.

So, he came to pull investment.

Naturally, to attract investment, we must first get closer.

This is what Lu Zhengkun said: "Mr. Gu is busy, don't you know, the closest brother to Ji Shao is me, and we have been playing around during this time."

Mr. Gu, look at how good my relationship with Shao Ji is. Invest in me.

He also said: "I heard that Mr. Gu, you and Shao Ji are young, so let me talk to Shao Ji, if you have time, the three of us get together?"

So you always believe that I know Shao Ji very well, right?

He waited for Gu Qiu to bring him closer because he knew Ji Changze very well.

However, in Gu Qiu's eyes, it was a pheasant who didn't know where it came out. He took advantage of the conflict between him and Ji Changze to take away his brother status, and he wanted to show off in front of him. It was a green tea expression that he told Ji Changze. , Let them "three people" get together.

Why do I want to get together with my brother? It's up to you to talk about it? Show off your mother? ?

Gu Qiu looked at Lu Zhengkun's eyes cold.

"Get out of here!"

Lu Zhengkun: "???"

Gu Qiu walked away with an unhappy expression all over his body for several seconds, but he still hadn't figured it out.

No, what went wrong? ?

Isn't he bragging about his friendship with Ji Changze enough? ? ?