|Modern Prodigal (3)

Ji Changze lay in the hospital for another day before he was discharged. The younger brother on the 1st went to complete the discharge procedures. He stood in front of a ward and looked at the girl who was pale and closed his eyes inside.

Lu Zhengkun estimated that on the one hand, he was afraid of family troubles, and on the other hand, he wanted to show his kindness. In addition, Ji Changze was sent to the hospital. According to his understanding of "Ji Changze", the young master would not lack this little money, if not I'm dizzy, and the hospitalization fee may be paid easily.

Then he is now "representing" Ji Changze, and he will be able to sell well by then.

So the girl was able to have such a better ward.

But I heard that her stepfather was very dissatisfied with this, and came over to make trouble several times, and even asked the doctor whether he could let the "good-hearted man" deposit the money in the hospital for his stepdaughter and then take it out and let him take it away.

The doctors and nurses of such brazen people were stunned.

The money was not deposited by the stepfather. The patient is still lying here. Of course, they can't follow the stepfather's will.

So he had troubles a few times, and finally became unbearable at a young doctor and scared him as a legal guardian. He was also obligated to bear the girl's expenses. After that, his stepfather never came again.

The strangeness of this person annoyed a group of doctors and nurses with normal perspectives. In the past few days, Ji Changze sometimes walked in the corridor and could hear them discussing this matter, expressing his sympathy for the girl and contempt for his stepfather.

At the same time, there is admiration for several classmates of this girl.

"Mr. Ji, are you coming to see Sensen?"

Ji Changze was watching, and several young students behind him greeted him friendly.

Because Ji Changze discovered Zhou Sen and sent people to the hospital, they were very grateful to him. When Ji Changze was in a coma, they sent one of the flowers.

"Well, here it is, you come and take care of her?"

Ji Changze also greeted these young children skillfully.

They are all still in school, at the age of seventeen or eighteen, they just can make time to take turns to take care of Zhou Sen. Maybe it seems nothing right now.

But in the memory of the original owner, these few underage students just took care of Zhou Sen for several years. When they were students, they had no money to pay for the hospitalization. Zhou Sen's stepfather wanted to let her die again. No way, he pooled the money to rent a small room near the school and put Zhou Sen in to take turns taking care of it.

A few young people who should have been happily enjoying university life, the entire university, in addition to studying and taking care of Zhou Sen, is doing part-time jobs to make money and bear the rent and various expenses.

Originally, if they waited any longer, Zhou Sen would be able to wake up under such meticulous care.

Unfortunately, it was too late, they died in their best years.

Of course, everything is still alive now.

"The doctor said Sensen is recovering well, Mr. Ji, I really want to thank you. If you didn't send her to the hospital, she might die."

A girl's eyes were still a little swollen, and she had obviously cried, but in front of Ji Changze, she tried her best to smile.

"It's nothing."

Young Master Ji glanced at the sleeping girl with a pale face, and said, "Your relationship is really good."

"Yes, we all grew up together, the same kindergarten, the same elementary, junior high and high school, and each time we are so coincidentally in the same class."

Every child encounters some earth-shattering events when they are young, and every time such a thing happens, friends around him are with them, plus they have never been separated since childhood. This kind of relationship is sincere enough.

Isn't that the kind of friendship Gu Qiu wants?

"She was sent to the hospital by me, and it is considered destined. Don't worry, I will definitely wake her up."

Young Master Ji's words were so coquettish, as if he was very confident, but in the ears of a few students, he just said casually.


The doctors have said that it is possible to lie down like this for a lifetime.

If you are lucky, you may wake up again, but if you are not lucky, Zhou Sen will have to sleep for such a long time.

Several people didn't know what to do. It was definitely impossible for them to give up Zhou Sen directly. They could only work hard to take care of her.

Now this kind-hearted man who looked like the young master of the rich family said that he wanted Zhou Sen to wake up, and they only regarded him as comforting them.

When the younger brother No.1 came over, Ji Changze just said goodbye to these young students.

He rushed over: "Ji Shao, why are you talking to these ordinary students? They look so poor."

Didn't the Ji family's eldest master always look down on the poor?

Ji Changze glanced at him wildly, disdainfully: "What? You look down on the poor?"

Brother One: ""

Should he say he can look down on it or not?

It's so hard to flatter, how come you still have options.

Seeing him not speaking, Ji Changze automatically assumed that he looked down on him, and snorted coldly: "According to you, you and I shouldn't be in contact anymore."

Little brother No.1 immediately became anxious: "Ji Shao, what do you mean by this? I am really loyal to you. No one does not have my heart for you. I have a sincere heart. What is it? "

Seeing that he was starting to talk nonsense, Ji Changze pushed him away: "Yes, you guys are all the same in Lao Tzu's eyes."

Little brother one was taken aback.

One kind?

He certainly didn't think that Ji Changze would think that those students were also little brothers.

After careful consideration, it suddenly became clear.


Since Shao Ji is so rich, he thinks that everyone is a poor ghost, isn't it just that everyone is the same? !

Thinking about it, he hurried to catch up.

"Ji Shao, Ji Shao, wait for me. You have just been discharged from the hospital. Brothers will pick you up to pick you up. How about Huanxi Tower?"

When I got off the negative first floor, there were already a lot of luxury cars waiting in the parking lot. Seeing Ji Changze coming, one by one dressed-up young men leaned on the side of the car and waved to him;

"Shao Ji, here."

"Here here."

Many passers-by couldn't help but look over here when they saw this posture. Those brothers not only let them look openly, but if they saw beautiful women watching them, they even whistled at others.

Where is this dude, it is simply a second-rate.

As soon as Ji Changze looked at the way they wanted to unfold their peacock tails for others to show, he guessed that they were not drinking too much, rolled his eyes, kicked a drunkard who was greeted him.

"Fuck you, don't hinder Lao Tzu's career."

The drunkard was kicked and didn't wake up. He woke up all of a sudden when he heard the word "professionalism".

He raised his head dumbfounded, and looked at Ji Changze with a dazed face: "Ji Shao, are you drinking too much?"

"Your uncle's just drank too much."

Ji Changze walked over again, and this time people dodged it neatly, still with an expression of "My God, is it raining red in the sky".

"No, how can you say that you want to start a business? How can you betray our Eat, Drink and Play Alliance?!"

This guy was really annoying, but while he said, he took it in his arms and took it for a long time, then took out a card and handed it to Ji Changze.

"Then, then I'll give you my money, go and do it, wait until the loss is over, then come again! Hey! Brothers!!! Jump up!!!"

After this guy gave the card, he held a pole in the parking lot and threw the pole dance on the spot, with the dubbing voice in his mouth. The scene looked very embarrassing for a while.

Ji Changze originally thought it was already embarrassing, but he didn't expect that the other drunk buddies would actually kick up in cooperation, shaking their heads and shaking their buttocks one by one, just as if the parking lot was regarded as a nightclub.

"It's shameful, it's shameful."

When Brother One said this, Ji Changze thought there was something normal.

Unexpectedly, this guy immediately answered: "How can I sing by myself without listening to music? It's not good to sing!"

After condemning the group of people who did not listen to music, he took out his mobile phone, turned the volume on to maximum, and chose a deafening hi song.

The parking lot was originally underground, and the sound spread loudly. As soon as the music started, it spread out all the way. A group of people suddenly danced more and more. The little brother No.1 also joined in very naturally, and I don't know where to drop a bottle. Drink half of the wine.

Ji Changze: ""

He can be regarded as knowing why Lu Zhengkun can play dude all alone, and this group of people are not very good at their brains.

Fortunately, this group of dudes are only the least reliable group of people in the second generation, and the more reliable ones are in the elite circle. Otherwise, if the second generation is like this, then their parents are really angry.

The phone rang, and he looked down. It was a message from Gu Qiu.

At three o'clock.

When Ji Changze raised his head, Gu Qiu was standing less than two meters away from him, leaning on a car to quietly maintain the face of President Ba looking at him.

So close, he lifted those long legs and walked two steps to arrive, and he still had to send text messages.

Ji Changze: ""

Forget it, people in the elite circle may not be reliable.

He walked directly over, slapped the other party's shoulders and embraced his shoulders: "I didn't tell you to leave the hospital today, how did you know?"

In the presence of so many dudes, Gu, an image-conscious elite, is always reluctant to speak, and only silently shows his mobile page to Ji Changze.

I saw in the circle of friends, all of the series were sent by the second generation.

The attached map is also the hospital parking lot.

Take our brother Ji out of the hospital and come out today. Hi, is there any younger sister with him?

Congratulations to Shao Ji for being discharged from the hospital, how about going to Bundi today?

Only Shao Ji can make up so many of us. Is there any pretty lady out there tonight?

It seems to be flattering, but in fact they are all dating girls, and they don't even want to cover up. It is very real.


Young Master Ji was full of disdain: "Gu Qiu, you're better off than you, look at these guys, who are these guys."

Gu Qiu was happy when he heard these words, but with so many people here, he still had to hold back his words and was too anxious. He looked around with an indifferent tyrant's face, and grabbed Ji Changze's arm. Pulling him to the vinegar school to release the fastest, get out of the car.

"As long as you know."

As soon as he got in the car and closed the windows, Mr. Gu finally no longer needed to hide and tuck him, and said very proudly: "You know how unreliable your group of fox friends are now? And that Lu Zhengkun, do you know? Know what good things he did? He actually ran to the place I used to stop me, and then showed me how good his relationship with you is, what kind of person is this? Your eyes are too bad, how did you make such a friend ."


Young Master Ji got into the car and slept in the back seat all over, with a disdainful grunt: "Even he is my friend? Not even a follower."

Gu Qiu, who was applying eye drops to Lu Zhengkun insinuatingly, was still thinking about saying something else, and he was immediately happy when he heard this.

"You said it earlier, I gave him face and said three words to him. I knew he was a thick-skinned delusion, so I just turned around and ignored him."

He held the steering wheel, and while driving, he murmured: "What did you say before that you wanted to start a game company? Are you playing e-sports? Or researching games? By the way, didn't you even say that you wanted to start an entertainment company? Speaking of it, the last time you gave so much money to a person named what, wouldn't your kid just plan to start a game company at that time, right?

Oh, by the way, how is the entertainment company you started before? I haven't heard you mention it for a long time, are you still alive? Do you want to save it? "

"Live a shit, die."

Ji Changze lay lazily on his seat, and answered quite confidently: "I started that company for beautiful women, but in the end it seemed to be just plain, so I just closed the door."

"That's a pity, I said before to help you check."

Gu Qiu was not surprised. If Ji Changze opened the company and didn't close the door, he would be surprised.

"Let me tell you, the only thing I have persisted in since I was a child is games. I must make a game company, develop it, and become one of the world's top five hundred. When that happens, let a group of beautiful women call me President Ji."

Ji Changze said these bragging words too smoothly, saying that the small company that hadn't opened yet became a business empire.

Gu Qiu just smiled and said nothing.

He is too aware that this hair is too small.

When is this not the case when starting a company?

Anyway, it is to blow up the cowhide and enjoy the admiration and praise of others. When the company goes bankrupt, then go to the next one.

Of course, these words have another purpose.

Ji Changze behind him started to take out his mobile phone and ask his parents for money.

"Dad, let me tell you, this is a business empire with a promising future. Although you don't like games, you can't ignore my talents, and I really waste a lot of effort in this game company. You know how hard I work. Is it? I have started this plan when I was ten years old. You only need to invest a little bit of money for me, a little bit, and you can gain a lot."

Ji's family, Ji's father listened awkwardly to his son's various big talks on the phone, and grinned dryly at the old friend sitting opposite.

"It's Changze, this kid always likes to be so whimsical."

Ji Changze on the other end of the phone was suddenly unhappy.

"What whimsical? Dad, how can you say that to me, do you know how hard I have worked? Do you know how many years I have studied this idea? Fifteen years! Fifteen years, Dad! Fifteen years of time! You! How can you take it with you with a whimsical sentence!"

As an older boss with a poor ear, Ji's mobile phone will inevitably be louder. Ji Changze beeped here, and the old friend sitting on the sofa over there immediately heard it clearly.

He haha ​​laughed, and said to Father Ji: "Old Ji, isn't your father Ze only twenty-five years old? What is he studying? He started studying when he was ten?"

Father Ji: "Ah, kid, nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense, these are my hard work, Dad, you must help me this time."

"How can I help!"

No matter how much Jifu loves this child, he still wants face in front of his old friend. He coughed and whispered his son: "I told you a long time ago that the game industry is not easy to enter. I It doesn't work with your mother. Why are you going in? If you have a lot of money, you can't afford to spend it, right? If you make a small mess yourself, I don't care about you. I will never invest money."

Ji Changze hummed over there.

"Okay, if you don't give me the money, I will tell mom that you slept outside last week drunk and still smelled of perfume when you came back, and I also saw lipstick on you"

"I told you that there was a woman who gave me a set and showed me through, you shut up, you are my own son, how cheating is that?!"

My son said that he would not eat his set.

"Then you are still my own father. Your son wants to start a company. Isn't it justifiable if you don't give me money?"

Ji's father was choked.

I glanced at the old friend who was smiling, and didn't want to mess around with this bastard again: "It's alright, I'll pay you some money."

"But I tell you Ji Changze, no matter how you mess around, it's useless. Your mom and I will leave the company for you. If you play for a few years, you will come to the company to work honestly. Don't think that your mom and I are still paying There is no fear in you, you"


Ji Changze hung up.

Jifu: ""

This bastard.

Had it not been for his own life, he would have broken his leg long ago.

"Come on, let's continue talking."

The old friend chuckled: "Changze wants to start a company? You are a father, why don't you support me and still pour cold water on the children?"

"You said that you want to start a game company. You look at this kid when he grew up. Don't you know what kind of temperament he is? Running a train full of mouths has never been reliable. I don't expect him to start a company. I am willing to grow old. It would be nice to come back honestly and inherit the family business."

Old friends also laughed.

Neither of them think that Ji Changze's game company can make a name, but the child is only twenty-five years old, and he can play for a few more years. They old guys are so hard, not just to get How are the children and grandchildren?

When you are thirty years old, you can catch them and cultivate them. After all, the family business must be inherited.

Ji Changze over there rolled his eyes immediately after hanging up the phone.

"Old man, belittle me all day long."

"Did you say he is such a father? My son said that he wanted to move forward and start a company, and he had to spend fifteen years of hard work. He didn't encourage him, and he still said that I can't do it, waiting for my company to become bigger and stronger. It's more profitable than his company, and I have to throw the ledger directly to him."

Gu Qiu who was listening in front felt that Uncle Ji was really innocent.

So where is it to belittle, isn't that just to tell the truth?

But the experience of playing with Ji Changze since childhood told him that he shouldn't be telling the truth at this time, or just wait for this tantrum to turn his face.

So he nodded and said, "Yes, how can my uncle not believe you."

"Isn't it just that an entertainment company, a catering company, a travel company, and a cosmetics company went bankrupt? As for?"

Gu Qiu: "Yes, as for?"

"Every day I say to inherit the family business and inherit the family business. Who wants to inherit their things, I, Ji Changze, I am a young man, who is destined to make a fortune in the game industry. At that time, I want to buy my games all over the world. Everyone knows my name, do I lack the property inheritance? What else do you say unless they go bankrupt, otherwise they will never agree to let me stand on my own. Oh, I don't!"

Gu Qiu: ""

He opened his mouth and couldn't follow.

To be honest, Ji Changze's model has been heard at least three times.

Even the tone content is the same.

What is destined to make a world of cosmetics in the entertainment industry, catering industry, and tourism, and what makes the whole world use the things produced by his company.

The words are the same.

Then, every time it was like this, the big talk started and the bankruptcy ended.

Ji Changze is still in Na Barabala: "They are all blind, everyone doesn't believe me, everyone thinks I don't believe me, heh, what a thing, men can't say no, Master Ji, I will let them see what a blockbuster is called. , The smart bird can fly first, Gu Qiu, do you think my idea of ​​starting a game company is great!"

Gu Qiu: "The amount is pretty good."

"Yeah, I think about it. I don't just want to engage in e-sports, but I also want to do research and development. I will develop a game that the whole world wants to play. I think about the name, and I will go all over the world!!!"

Gu Qiu; ""

No, is it the name that matters when developing a game?

It's technology!

It's vision!

It is the result of the efforts of various staff.

Of course, the boss's wise vision is also indispensable.

Let's take a look at my own hair

There is a vision, but an appreciation of beautiful women.

As for wise

The long one is quite clear

He listened to Ji Changze in the back enjoying what the business empire everyone admired for Barabara, all kinds of fidgeting.

In the end, Gu Qiu decided that he must speak up against his ears.

You can't just watch your own useless and inexplicable self-confident brothers embarking on a path that is doomed to lose money. Don't stop, say something about the head office.

"Nagaze, I think so"

"So my parents just don't believe me. Gu Qiu is still hello. Only you believe in me, trust me, and give me money. Even my parents don't give me money because they believe in my ability. Only you. Willing to help me this way, maybe this is my brother."

Gu Qiu:

Ah, brother.

Yes, yes, this is brother.

Even if my brother knows that you are not good, he must stand behind you and tell everyone aloud: My brother is good!

Ji Changze: "By the way, what did you just tell me?"

Gu Qiu gave a dry cough, and his unpleasant voice squeezed out: "I'll just, I want to ask you, if you still lack money, I can still invest more money here."

"It should not be enough at the moment. I will ask my mother for some more money. It should be almost the same."

The elder Ji's young master, who was confident and gnawing at the old, finished speaking, and dialed the number of the Queen Mother of the Ji's family. He came up to be skilled in asking for money.

The queen mother gave a gentle smile, indicating that money is not a problem:

"I can give you money, but baby"

The young master immediately burst out a blue vein on his forehead: "How many times have I said it, how old I am, so you are not allowed to call me that."

"Okay, mom doesn't call that, Nagasawa, this is the last time. You go to start the company you want to start, and the company closes. You will come back and be a successor. You can't be willful anymore, know? If you agree, Mom pays money immediately."

As a person with no childhood, the Queen Mother of the Ji family is very tolerant of her son's preferences and fun. Anyway, as long as she doesn't touch the things that can't be touched, eat, drink, and play, she keeps one eye open.

After all, they've all been young, and it's normal for young people to like crazy play. There are many people in their circle who only decide sex at the age of 30.

The line the queen mother drew for her son was thirty years old.

Before the age of thirty, she must hold people down and let him learn how to deal with various affairs honestly.

Ji Changze happily agreed.

"Okay, don't worry, mom, I will make this company bigger and stronger, and it will be stronger than you and dad in the world. Then you will just look up to me."

"Wow, is that so? Nagasawa is really good. Mom is waiting for you to become bigger and stronger."

After hanging up the phone, the Queen Mother of Ji's family threw the phone aside and raised her chin to the beautiful secretary; "Prepare, my son will be in the company about three months later, oh, no, two months, one and a half months is also possible."


After asking for money with rich parents, Ji Changze raised his chin proudly at the front Gu Qiu: "Look, isn't the money coming?"

Gu Qiu listened clearly to the mother-child conversation because he was on hands-free all the time: "My aunt said, if this company can't get up, you will be caught in the company."

"I know, isn't she saying that I can't get up? My company will definitely be a big hit, earning money every day, and I will become the world's richest man by then. Why does she have to take me back?"

Seeing that Li Zhiqiang honey juice became small with confidence, Mr. Gu just didn't know what to say.

No, why do you think that you can successfully start a company if you start something?

He reminded euphemistically: "But, Nagasawa, I don't think starting a company is a joke, you have to have experience."

"I have, haven't I opened so many companies before?"

Gu Qiu: ""

Discuss the experience of how to make a wealthy company fail quickly in two months?

He coughed: "It's not just the experience of starting a company. You have to understand your own products. For example, if you didn't understand cosmetics at all before, you had to open a cosmetics company. It was not because you didn't understand. Does the product you sell go bankrupt before it opens?"

Ji Changze said: "I know what you said."


Know that you still look confident?

Then Gu Qiu heard his family say it naturally: "When it comes to understanding games, no one has a deeper understanding than me. Do you still remember the dark and windy rainy night fifteen years ago."

Gu Qiu: "You can't see the moon on rainy days."

"Oh, it was only rain. On the night it rained, my game failed to pass all night. On that day, I swore to start researching the game. For this goal and dream, I would not sleep at night or during the day. Eat, study hard every day."

Gu Qiu: ""

You don't sleep at night because you play games all night, and you don't eat during the day because you are sleeping, okay?

"Later, in order to be able to make games by myself, I studied computer at university. From here, you can see how hard I have worked for my dreams."

Gu Qiu: "But you often skipped classes when you were in college. You will not stay in school for more than ten days after a semester."

Ji Changze is very righteous and confident: "Isn't this normal? Of course I won't attend classes anymore. I only know things by myself, but I still learn what to do. Isn't it painful to be idle?"

Gu Qiu was already speechless.

He knows that Ji Changze loves to pretend to be forced, but this time he is too bragging.

Also learned

If this is taken out, even a three-year-old child would not believe it.

However, he is Ji Changze's brother.

Brothers, even if you know that this is bragging in the bottom of your heart, you must cooperate!

So he opened his mouth with difficulty: "Then you are really awesome."

Ji Changze waved his hand: "No, it's only a few hundred times better than your vulgar fans."

Gu Qiu: ""

So, wouldn't he feel embarrassed if such a guy who uses all idioms indiscriminately, playing so big?

He decided to euphemistically remind his brother not to be so fluttering anymore. It doesn't matter if he listens to this kind of boasting. If he blows it to others in the future, they will not laugh to death.

"Then Changze, since you all learned to cough and learn to computer, then you didn't start a game company after graduation. After graduation for so long, it seems that you have not only closed down, opened a few companies, and are all playing."

Ji Changze sighed sadly.


"You don't understand, I was not playing, but doing business."

Gu Qiu recalled his life after graduating from the primary school.

Spending money like dirt, spending extravagantly everywhere, spending money indiscriminately can not be described as lavish, there are a bunch of people wherever they go, because these people eat and play are Ji Changze's money.

Buying a car, buying several cars and several cars together, buying them but not driving them, put them in the garage for good looks, when buying a car no longer makes him feel fun, he started buying a plane.

In short, it is two words: Prodigal.

All kinds of defeats, defeated style, defeated the level, if it weren't for the uncle and auntie to be too able to make money, he would have lost the family property.

Just about this, Ji Changze actually said, is that doing business?

Gu Qiu almost didn't laugh out loud.

However, because he had to maintain his taciturn personality all the year round, he had long been used to the expression on his face without any major changes, and he didn't smile in the end.

Forget it.

Anyway, uncle and auntie have money, let him play.

When the game company went bankrupt, he was arrested to "reform", and it would not be too late to comfort him.

"Where are you going now? Have a meal?"

"What to eat, I just want to eat, I'm going to dig people, the game company, of course, I have to dig a few people who can play games."

Ji Changze took out his mobile phone to show Gu Qiu: "Look, how is this guy?"

Gu Qiu glanced at it and frowned slightly.

"Isn't this the game anchor who messed with you? Why did you think of digging him?"

Is it because you want to dig people under your eyelids and study them slowly? That's not good.

Ji Changze knew what he was thinking as soon as he looked at Gu Qiu's eyes. To be honest, if it were the original owner, he might really think so.

Speaking of this game anchor is also unlucky. Originally, he was an anchor in a guild. He signed the contract in a silly manner. The contract is an overlord contract. No matter how much he makes money, it will be the guild. He himself was surprised that he only saved a little savings.

Originally, the contract was about to expire, and he also made a name for himself. Seeing that a good day is coming, when the anchors made an appointment for an offline party, something went wrong.

Another anchor fell in love with a beautiful little anchor, who used the means to get people drunk and wanted to use it. He saw the clue and went up to stop him. He stopped and fought.

The anchor was very powerful, and after some manipulation, he became jealous of others, and he started directly after getting drunk. At that time, he was just taking advantage of his subordinates and had not had time to get things done. Even if the little anchor tried hard to speak for him, there was no evidence. In addition, the two people did not have that anchor red, and they were brought another wave of rhythm.

They said that they were not popular, so they wanted to rub other people's enthusiasm. After a wave of black in the whole network, he became cold.

When the contract expires, the guild has terminated the contract with him, but his reputation is also stinking, not to mention that he can't make money, and he will be hacked every day when the live broadcast is opened.

This anchor also left school at a young age and started live broadcasting. He had no experience, and because he had no anti-attack ability to live broadcast as soon as he left school, it was a time of depression, but because there were still some old fans before, he could still live.

Then, he hurriedly attracted Ji Dashao's attention.

In fact, he didn't do anything, just matched Master Ji during the live broadcast.

The young master plays a batch of game dishes, what can't you do, spray the teammate first, anyway, it's not your fault that I can't play, it's that you can't lead me, a bunch of trash old men scold you and you can't return your mouth.

The anchor spoke again.

He didn't scold him, just said something calmly, "It was clearly your mistake just now, where did you fail to fight well" and so on.

Then the young master took a grudge.

He was unlucky when he was live broadcast at the time. If it was just a passerby, it would be useless to hold grudges, but his live video contains the name of the young master's game, and it was forwarded to the young master by one or two generations.

So, it's terrible.

When a fan was fighting power, the young master stood on the side of the anchor who had an antagonism with the anchor. He smashed a lot of money and cursed the anchor every time he spent money.

The local tyrants who smashed so much money made the sunspots happy again.

"What he did before" was turned over again, and a group of people happily engaged in his mentality like the New Year. He was already miserable, but now it is even worse.

It's already mixed to the point where you can only make money from generation to generation.

In the end, it was the sin of the original owner, and the opponent was really good at playing games. Ji Changze felt that it would be better to pull it.

ten minutes later

The young anchor sat on the chair with a dazed expression. Opposite, sat the ruthless tyrant Gu Qiu and the arrogant second-generation Ji Changze.

Ji Changze: "Speak up straight, I want to dig you."

Gu Qiu: "Yes."

Ji Changze: "I mainly fancy your talent."

Gu Qiu agreed: "Yes."

Ji Changze raised his legs generously: "Of course, I'm easy to talk about. It doesn't matter if you don't agree."

Gu Qiu coldly glanced at the opposite side: "Heh."

"money is not a problem."

After saying this, Young Master Ji began to dig his pockets for a long time, but couldn't get it out: "Huh? Where's my card??"

The card was gone, he silently looked at the headmaster who was sitting with a blank expression on his face.

Gu Qiu: "Understood."

With a cold face, he took out a blank check and patted it on the table.

The boss tyrannical dazzled and looked at the bewildered anchor, his voice was cold and deep, and his words were like gold:
