|Modern Prodigal (10)

The Black Dragon, who could have played handsomely, seemed to feel embarrassed that his tail was missing. After figuring out that the tail could not come out, he performed off the assembly line on the spot.

The barrage is all hahahaha.

Xie Lin was stunned for a few seconds and quickly explained: "The one who was just now should be the chairman of our company. The chairman is relatively young, so he usually likes to joke a little bit, he should be in a lively atmosphere."

Hahahahaha Linzi: No, I want to help the boss

Stop explaining, we all understand.

How serious can I name my company as the chairman of Ji Haoshuai?

So don't digress, what exactly do you have to do to become a dragon, relying on krypton gold?

Xie Lin didn't know either.

He was thrown in without knowing it.

"Well, I don't know how the player becomes a dragon, maybe there will be on the official website."

Some viewers immediately searched, and then came back non-stop and screamed: "This game has no official website at all!"

Schelling: ""

How can a game that will be launched in closed beta without an official website?

But think about the boss of this company is Brother Ji

It didn't seem to be surprising for a moment.

"Maybe it hasn't been done yet, our company, uh, it's relatively busy, maybe it's too busy, so just"

Hahahahahaha so I simply forgot

I'm really going to die here, how did you make the game have a hologram and the official website hasn't been made yet

Lin Zi: I am also embarrassed but I still have to make up my mind

Hahahahahahaha, why is this company so amazing, it can make holographic games so much, and it doesn't even have an official website.

The barrage laughed together, and the more clumsy Xie Lin explained, the harder they laughed. In the end, this poor, young game anchor could only try to change the subject.

Let's continue to explore the game together. I'm an internal tester, so many of the skills in the game can be done without using experience points. Why don't you say what skills you want to see, let me do it?

The beta anchor started silently and ended vigorously.

By the time Xie Lin was released, the entire network was filled with the four characters of holographic games.

People who watched the live broadcast searched for the company's contact information and asked how much the game was sold for.

Some people who didn't watch the live broadcast believed what others were saying, and some were half-believing that everyone was fooled.

And those rich second generations who invested are all stupid.

Whether it's a dude or an elite, they all found that the company was founded by Ji Changze, and they were all bewildered.

I have to say that the company name of Ji Haoshuai is very impressive. Even the second generation of rich elites and the second generation of dudes who have to face a lot of things every day, have not forgotten that Haoshuai is The company opened by Ji Changze.

Then, this company was searched hot.

Hot searches at home and abroad are also on.

People all over the country are discussing this holographic game.

The second generations are really a bit embarrassed.

No, you want to say that "Ji Changze, who worked hard to make progress and finally became a Fortune 500", is easier to believe than "Ji Changze, who started a company and developed a holographic game".

That's holographic.

This has nothing to do with the second-generation non-second generation.

It doesn't even matter whether or not to do business.

Holographic games rely on technology.

It is a technology that has never appeared in reality and only relies on people's imagination.

If it can be done by a rich second generation, then they would have done it a long time ago.

So, what is going on here?

Ji Changze's cell phone was about to be blown.

Those who have invested and those who have not invested are just right to call him anyway.

After Gu Qiuguang sat in the office for ten minutes, Ji Changze answered ten calls.

He felt tired just looking at it, and persuaded: "Or don't pick it up, and explain it one by one in the clockwork circle of friends, or I can pick it up for you."

Anyway, he only used one word back.

Hey, Changze is too sentimental. He obviously couldn't answer the phone calls, so he still had to answer them one by one.

Ji Changze glanced at his distress, his tone was very disgusting and alert: "What do you mean? Such a great opportunity to show off, are you actually stealing with me? Or are you not brothers? Did the good brotherhood of childhood be eaten by dogs?"

Gu Qiu: ""

He wanted to slap himself.

Going to your Changze is too serious for love.

This kid is like a dog.

"Well, yes, it belongs to my company. I said it at the beginning. You don't lose money by investing in me. Let's see. You are not happy to let you invest more money in your shares. Now you know that you regret it?"

"Yeah, I am a genius. I made the holographic game. I am not a genius or a genius."

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, I'm so awesome."

"Yeah, it's too late to call Dad, and Dad will take you to fly."

One afternoon, Ji Changze had been answering the phone, listening to others boasting of admiration, but also not forgetting to praise himself.

Gu Qiu's face was expressionless.

Especially every time Ji Changze hung up the phone, he would continue to boast to him when no one called.

Gu Qiu couldn't stand it anymore.

But he didn't want to be disappointed when he was happiest when he was young, so he thought of a great idea.

――Find someone to share it.

Gu Qiu went out and brought in Xie Lin, who was eating the box lunch.

Xie Lin was originally afraid of Gu Qiu. He was so frightened and stiffened when he sneaked in so directly. He cowered and sat on the sofa cautiously. He didn't dare to disturb Ji Changze who was on the phone, so he could only flatter him. Qiu smiled: "Gu, is there anything wrong with Gu?"

Gu Qiu raised his chin to Ji Changze's gaze: "Listen."

After Ji Changze finished the phone call, he turned to see Xie Lin and was even more happy.

"Xie Lin is here too. It's just right. I'm feeling sad and uncomfortable now. Sit down and listen to me spitting out with Gu Qiu."

Xie Lin was still scared, when he heard Ji Changze who helped him so much, he was sad and uncomfortable. He hurriedly sat down and nodded: "Brother Ji, what happened? Can I help?"

"Hey, how could you help me with this kind of thing? Actually, it doesn't matter anymore, it's just some past events when I was a child. Now that I think of it, I am a little confused."

Ah, the past when I was young.

Xie Lin nodded very understandingly. He knew that Brother Ji came out of a big family, and it was included in TV series. The richer the family, the more various struggles and conflicts of interest, and Brother Ji must have been a child. People who have suffered a lot.

He sat down obediently, although he knew clearly that he could not help much, but at any rate he could be a qualified listener.

Ji Changze had a sad tone and an expression of pain. He took a deep breath before saying:

"When I was five years old, I knew I had a genius brain. Unfortunately, I was born in a rich family. My parents only wanted me to inherit the family business. I wanted them to have a younger brother or sister to inherit. I just want to start a business by myself, but they just think that only one child is enough. There is an only child like me at home. My mother's company and my dad's company will all be inherited by me."

Xie Lin, who was ready to comfort Ji Changze: "???"

He looked at Master Ji with a dumbfounded face and sighed in pain:

"Inheriting a ghost's family business, why should I inherit it? I was only born in a wealthy family. Is this my fault? I am a genius who can start from scratch, but became born with a golden spoon. Young master, I have nothing to do with my parents since I was a child. I have nothing except money. The only people around me who have worked hard on my own are just a group of brothers who have a good time, eh."

Ji Changze sighed long and looked at the two sitting on the sofa: "Gu Qiu, Xie Lin, do you think I am very pitiful?"

Gu Qiu: ""

Schelling: ""

They don't want to talk much.

"I know you are really sorry for me. Look, you can't say anything of sorrow."

Gu Qiu: ""

Schelling: ""

"But it is also very rare. Both of you can only work hard on your own. It is not easy to understand that someone like me who is forced to be locked in an ivory tower by my family and prevents me from working hard and making money on my own is not easy. "

Xie Lin was dumbfounded, completely unsure of what kind of reaction to give.

Gu Qiu slowly closed his teeth, gnashing his teeth secretly.

However, his gritted teeth were too vague, Ji Changze did not see it at all, and was still there wailing lament: "Do you know? I worked so hard to spend money, sports cars, airplanes, as long as I like it, I will buy it, but just how to spend it. , The money in the card is indispensable, and sometimes, the more and more it is spent, I just spent the money my dad gave, and my mom came again. I just spent my mom's money, thinking about them. They would never give me any more money, but because it was a secondary card, they knew that I had no money, and they gave me more money."

"Do you understand the feeling that the money in the card is only a lot more when you work hard?"

She has only felt that no matter how hard he tries, the money in the card is not too much: "No, I don't understand."

Ji Changze sighed, and said quite enviously: "Hey, then you are happy, I really envy you."

Schelling: ""

He watched Ji Changze sit down. After sitting comfortably, he raised his fingers to help his forehead, and said sadly: "But I'm not surprised, how can ordinary people like you understand the pain of genius."

Schelling: ""

Yes, he really didn't understand.

Is this the trouble of the rich?

Ji Changze wiped away a handful of tears that didn't exist at all, with an expression of "My young master, I'm finally out of my head": "Okay, let's not talk about these sad things."

"Now it seems that our game should have been a great success. It didn't cost me so many years of painstaking research. I even took my pocket money to build a laboratory and dig in to prevent my parents from discovering it. At the bottom, it's only used by me, it's safe and secure, and the laboratory can cost money very much. The things I buy are the best and most expensive, and I can spend a lot of money every month. I have been counting on me to spend money. After I got too much, my parents drove me out of the house and let me be self-reliant."

"Hey, what I made is seamless, and I guarantee that no one will find it. It's a pity that the laboratory still failed to keep it in the end."

A laboratory built underground?

It sounded like the villain did.

Xie Lin asked curiously: "Brother Ji, why didn't the laboratory be kept? Was it still discovered in the end?"

"It's not."

Ji Changze sighed for a long time, and said angrily: "I planned to dig aside to see if I could dig another laboratory. I didn't expect to dig out an ancient tomb."

Schelling stammered: "An ancient tomb?"

"Yeah, ancient tombs, you said that all the cemeteries were dug out. Of course, they had to be handed over to the country. As a result, because the two pieces of land belonged to me, the country directly paid the compensation and bought the two pieces of land. I am The laboratory is gone. Not only did it fail to lose all the money, but it also made a fortune. You say it's not disturbing."

Schelling: "How much did you make?"

Ji Changze sighed and said a number.

Schelling, who has worked hard to make money: "!!!"

Gu Qiu, who has worked so hard to climb to a high position to get rich: ""

Some people work hard and worry about making so much money. They don't know how hard it is to make so much money, and they won't even make so much money in a lifetime.

And some people want to spend money to lose out, but inexplicably, money loses more and more.

Rao has always been facing this Gu Qiu who has issued a small Buddha system. At this moment, he is trying hard to endure and still bemoaning, "How can money be so good? No matter how hard I work, I can't make myself poor, so I can't let myself. Regal parents threw me out and let me be self-reliant" Ji Changze had the urge to kill.

Too much beating.

It's too much beating.

How on earth did he live to such an age before being beaten to death.

Netizens also feel that the chairman of Ji Haoshuai Company is very inadequate.

You say you.

Either you don't live the closed beta to greet us.

Either you post the live broadcast and sell the game after the closed beta.

Now I have a closed beta, and there is nothing, what do you mean?

There is no official website till now.

The customer service calls are all busy, and finally someone gets through. The customer service said that the price and various styles of the holographic game will not be notified until a few days before the release.

According to Ji Haoshuai's name and the magical way of appearance of the suspected chairman of the company, 80% of this ruthless company has not yet negotiated a price.

The entire game industry has been directly shaken, but you guys come out to say something.

It really doesn't work, can you put it on the official website? !

The customer service was really rushed and had no choice but to upload a message.

When it came to Ji Changze, when the secretary knocked on the door and came in, he saw Ji Dong sitting on the sofa holding a beautiful white cat and looking at a book floating in the air with the president of their family. .

Even if he knew that it was not a real book, it was just a projection created by holographic technology, the secretary still couldn't help his heart beating faster for this whole scene of a mysterious scene.

"Ji Dong, you never release the official website, do you have any other plans?"

Ji Changze leaned on the sofa, letting the white cat scream softly and rubbing himself, and asked in a puzzled question: "Official website? Do we need an official website to sell a game?"

Secretary brother: Sure enough.

He smiled dryly: "Generally speaking, don't you have official websites?"

"Oh, let the bottom do it, let the R&D department plan out one, and then put it on."

Secretary brother: "I'm sorry Ji Changze, the R&D department is working overtime all over, so I may not be able to spare time."

"Huh? Really?" Ji Changze touched his chin and specified casually: "Then you do it, come on, do it well."

The little brother of the universal secretary who was assigned by Gu Qiu to do a lot of things but has never done a website: ""

Should he now say that he does not belong to Ji Haoshuai's company at all, and he completely followed their family Gu to make soy sauce.

Ji Changze: "By the way, you can count as overtime. Give me your account and I will pay you a sum of overtime."

Secretary brother: "!"

"Okay Ji Dong, no problem Ji Dong, just leave the official website to me, I must be beautiful!"

The little brother of the secretary went out arrogantly and motivatedly.

In the afternoon, Ji Haoshuai Game Company finally had an official website.

Ji Haoshuai's official website, which has attracted countless fans only by relying on the internal beta live broadcast, soon poured into a large number of players.

Then, the players faced this ugly and explosive official website dumbfounded.

To be honest, it's not the kind of ugly that can make people die in place, high paraplegia is about the same.

After being ugly for a round, everyone was a little excited and relaxed, and then began to introduce game introductions and company establishments.

Everything is so satisfactory, it seems that there is no problem, if Jianzhi Jianghu's introduction is not "as long as you don't die, you are a winner."

What the hell is this?

Why do they have an ominous premonition after watching it?

Shouldn't the general introduction to such large-scale games start with an ups and downs of the past, who is the protagonist, who is the main sect, and who is the more leathery character in the sect?

What the hell is such a brief introduction that is not a brief introduction?

The players looked confused, but as long as it is a holographic game, let alone a one-sentence introduction, even if there is no introduction, they are willing to hold money.

The official website specifically marked the company's chairman, shareholders, and investors.

Ji Changze's name is unfamiliar to many people, and they can't be blamed. A second-generation ancestor who eats, drinks and has fun, who cares about his name, if it is Ji's son or Ji's prince, then everyone Maybe it will be clearer.

However, it was actually annoying to be moved by Ji Changze's sincerity at the beginning. It was the second generation of elites who grew up together and turned their faces and only meant to invest money, but many of them are quite famous.

As a result, their phone was broken.

While the second generations were surprised that the money that was originally thought to be given out for nothing could bring back income, they were surprised that Ji Changze could have such an achievement, and regretted why they didn't invest more money in the first place and took some shares. How good is it.

Take a look at Qian Tainu and Gu Qiu, they can now be regarded as getting rich in one step smoothly, although they were not short of money in the first place.

But while answering the phone, the second generation was dumbfounded.

No, shouldn't you find the person involved?

What's it like to come to us?

When the annoyance is overwhelming, the second generation will not be so temperamental when they are impatient by these people saying that they are all the same, and when they answer the phone.

"Yes, that's right, I invested, but just casually, don't ask me any more mess, I don't know anything."

There came the roar of the parents: "What kind of tone are you! Did you talk to your parents like this!!"

Second generations: ""

After being cross-examined and knowing why they should invest in Ji Haoshuai Company, this group of generations was satisfied and hung up the phone.

Ji's father and Ji's mother can be said to be the slowest step to receive the news.

Moreover, they did not find the news themselves, but the second-generation parents told them after learning the news from their sons and daughters.

Both of them were dumbfounded.


Nagasawa, who can only eat, drink and play, has made a holographic game?

Ji's father and mother's first reaction was that this was false, and that handsome Ji's chairman was definitely not their son.

But the old friends said swearingly, they finally called the phone with a blank face.

"Yes, it's me."

Ji Changze admitted very happy: "I have liked games since I was a kid. I told you when I was a kid that I will start a game company when I grow up."

Ji's father and mother: ""

The main point now is whether you started a game company? !

The point is clearly that you opened a holographic game company!


This is holographic! ! !

Even they can't have such technology.

"Hey, where did you find the talent? It's almost like a dream."

Mother Ji felt like she was dreaming.

Ji Changze seemed to be afraid that they would not be stimulated enough, and replied: "You don't need to dig, this talent who developed the holographic game is me."

Jifu: ""

Ji Mu: ""

The two have always been very stable, but today they are really not stable anymore.

"You, you say it's you? But you didn't get good grades since childhood, and you haven't been exposed to this aspect."

"Who said I haven't been in contact with it. Didn't I study computers in university? At that time, I already learned almost, but I didn't bother to go to class to learn what I had already learned."

Speaking of this, their son is still very resentful.

"If you didn't stop me from starting a game company since I was young, maybe I would have made holographic games long ago."

Jifu: ""

Ji Mu: ""

You never told us that you wanted to make the game a holographic game.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. I'm a bit busy developing new technology. Also, parents, you guys will help me manage the company. Gu Qiu said that my company is messy. Can you blame me? Which genius is going to do? I personally manage a group of stupid ordinary people, how can I understand their thinking."

Ji's father and Ji's mother looked dumbfounded all the time, until Ji Changze hung up the phone, they didn't respond.

"Old Ji, are our parents Ze a genius?"

"It seems so?"

"Why haven't you seen it all the time? You are his father, watching him grow up since he was a child, haven't you noticed anything wrong?"

"Then you're the fuck, you didn't find out."

"I'm busy, don't you know?"

"I'm busy too, almost as busy as you."

The couple looked at each other.

"Then, let's find a personal management company for Changze."

"This kid, I have seen before that he has no talent in managing the company. I didn't expect that even a genius would still be like this."

Relying on their strong hearts, the two of them firmly accepted the news that "my son who eats, drinks and has fun is actually quite good", and went to select management talents for Ji Changze together.

To maintain a company well, management talents are indispensable.

Just like Ji Changze's company, regardless of the current scenery, there are actually many hidden dangers, messy position relations, almost invisible R&D department, and a magical situation that even art and company planning does not have. If you want to build an official website, you need to next door Gu Qiu. My secretary sometimes comes to the rescue.

In short, four words: mess.

Gu Qiu had long seen this situation not pleasing to the eye, but before the holographic game came out, he assumed that this company was only a prop for Ji Changze to practice hands.

After that, I suddenly learned that the company was developing a holographic game, and the world's attention was overwhelmingly falling to the company. Gu Qiu still handled it reliably at critical moments, and didn't have time to care about it.

As for the secretary, this is a universal brick, and move it wherever it is needed.

In just a few days, he has been qualified for no less than six positions in Ji Changze's company, of course, for money.

It is conceivable that the young secretary, who is busy as a dog, finds that Ji Changze is leisurely licking a cat in the office, watching a movie with a projection, and does not even know where he moved to an office. The potted plants are completely irregular when they are placed on the office floor. mood.

In particular, he also heard Ji Dong say to the phone that he is developing new technology. "

Whose's research and development technology is to watch movies with cats in a potted plant.

"Ji Dong, are you busy?" He knocked on the door and asked deliberately.

Although Ji Dong sometimes likes to call people a bit, he should still find it conscientiously.

Ji Changze lowered his head and looked at the kitten in his arms intently, and then called a quick reply: "Well, I'm busy."

Secretary brother: ""

Hey, missteps, and I want to know how thin skinned it is to be able to play with President Gu so well.

"What are you up to? Can you read these after a while? Because Mr. Gu went back to the company today for something, there should be nothing you can do today, so can you not let me see these today? , My side"

Ji Changze suddenly asked the secretary who was standing far away: "What are you doing while standing so far, I can eat people?"

"No, no, sorry, it's because my cat's hair is allergic"

The secretary believes that Ji Changze is lazy and has spent the whole morning playing cats in the office. He is just a simple secretary. Why should he be asked to see what the chairman should see is so cruel.

Although Ji Shao is usually unreliable, but when he is busy, Ji Shao is doing various leisure activities, he shouldn't have the heart to watch him go and become a dog.

"Ah, cat hair allergy."

The eldest master leaned on the chair, and after casually saying such a sentence, he snapped his fingers, and the white cat on his knees snoring and snore instantly broke down into various small light blue data blocks. Disappeared to the ceiling.

Secretary brother: ""

Ji Changze, who was still sitting in his original posture, raised his eyebrows at him triumphantly: "How's that? Isn't it handsome? Did I snap my fingers?"

Secretary brother: ""

He answered dryly: "It turns out that it's not a real cat."

"Huh huh, you guys didn't know what was going crazy before, and he insisted on raising a calf in a holographic game. I just plan to study the projection of the cow he likes in reality. Now it seems that the effect is not bad. Not bad."

The secretary brother didn't know for a while whether he should be shocked that Mr. Gu wanted to raise a cow, or whether he was shocked that Dong Ji had been studying the success of people raising virtual pets in reality.

But speaking of research, you were just watching a movie.

When he just thought of this, Ji Changze snapped his fingers again.

The projector, together with the projected movie, was scattered into light blue data, and flew to the ceiling like the white cat before it.

The potted plants on the ground are the same.

Even the table in front of the projector disappeared.

The secretary's brother looked stunned.

He had been thinking about when the table was moved in before, and he never expected that it was holographic technology.

"This this"

Rao didn't quite understand these professional knowledge, he also discovered that Ji Changze's actions were even more powerful.

"Ji Dong, if you just hit two snaps, will they obey and disappear? Then, how do these judge the meaning of your snaps? Is there any new technology in it?"

God, if this is a new technology, it will definitely cause a sensation again.


Ji Changze took out the other hand that had been blocked by the table, and a small remote control was lying quietly in his palm.

"Those were all operated by remote control just now."

Secretary brother: ""

"Then why do you snap your fingers? Isn't it enough to just use the remote control?"

Ji Changze is confident: "Because snapping his fingers is more handsome."

"Isn't this easy to understand?"

Secretary brother: ""

Sorry, I don't understand your rich world very well.

In the end, he could only watch the cat watching a movie, touting "Ji Dong, you really love your work, but you are so hard to test", and then resigned to see the pieces that the chairman should see.

As soon as he left, Ji Changze held the remote control and pressed it a few times. Immediately, a para-virtual figure of Gu Qiu appeared in front of him.

"Why, am I busy?"

Gu Qiu obviously didn't know that he was using holographic technology to video with himself, and he said with his mobile phone; "I was patronizing your company before, and I have accumulated a lot of things here."

Ji Changze smirked at him: "I received news that the Lu family had released the game ahead of schedule."

Lu family, which Lu family?

Gu Qiu reacted for a second: "Lu Zhengkun?"

"Yes, it's this kid. This kid has offended me before, and later used power for personal gain, trying to get their game to collide with mine. His little ninety-nine, I know exactly."

"Now that the situation is not good, I am afraid of being crushed by us, so it is released in advance. This is what the spy he sent to our company told me personally."

Gu Qiu: "?"


How about making a TV series? Just start a company and get a spy out?

"No, that spy still wanted to inquire about our holographic game. I put him in the R&D department as he wanted. As a result, the R&D department was testing the horror copy. The kid was so scared that he was screaming in it. After catching it, ask what to say, hey, I'm so courageous."

Gu Qiu recalled the big python: "Human nature is natural."

"In short, I want to release the game ahead of time. Didn't he plan to bump into me before? Then I'll bump into him."

Gu Qiulue hesitated: "But if you release it in advance, many things must be dealt with urgently. Although you are very capable in developing games, you have never been good at managing the company. Can you manage it?"

The wayward Ji Shao leaned back: "Yes, did you manage it?"

Gu Qiu: ""

He raised his hand and pointed at himself: "Me?"

"What are you dreaming about, so tired, I won't go."

Ji Changze dragged his voice: "Grow up together."

"Ji Changze, don't give me this set, I won't eat it."

"The bamboo horse is so small."

"You're not a kid, how can you fool you?"

"Brotherhood is deep."

"You can't always direct me to do things, you should also direct others."

Young Master Ji was lazy and confident: "Apart from you, who else has a good relationship with me and strong ability? Gu Qiu, you are my best friend."

Gu Qiu's soul of friendship instantly became enthusiastic.


He is Ji Changze's best friend. Who does he help?

Should Changze rely on Lu Zhengkun?

The unreliable guy who pleased Changze before, even ran to him to show off his power, and even threatened Xie Lin because of jealousy of the friendship between Chang Ze and Xie Lin, making Xie Lin so angry.

Now, why is he targeting Changze?

It's not because Changze didn't cut off contact with Xie Lin and this guy for him.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Gu Qiu got up, the expressionless President Gao Lengba's face was full of reliable expressions: "Okay, I'm here."

At this time, Changze should read a book and find out who is his best brother.

Gu Qiu came happily.

So, the eldest master of the Ji family can quit again and continue to stroll and fish.

Ji Changze said.

In fact, he didn't want to fish.

Isn't this set by the original owner?

It would be weird if he suddenly started doing this and that.

Of course, fishing is really happy.

Just when Ji Changze was comfortable and enjoying a time that was more comfortable than a vacation, Lu Zhengkun over there was relieved just after he confirmed that the game had been launched in advance, and received the news again.

Ji Changze's company's game was also launched ahead of schedule.

His feet were soft and he almost didn't fall to the ground.

The company's game was originally going to be online early, because he made a strong request to run Ji Changze for a long time. Now the two games collide, and the game that their company has prepared for such a long time must be terribly lost in front of the holographic game.

And he, the person who caused the game to fail to go online as originally planned, will also face the malice of the entire company and even the family.

At the same time, players all over the world are caring.

Holographic game! ! we are coming! ! !