|Modern Prodigal (11)

The price of the holographic game released by Ji Haoshua shocked everyone.

Whether it is Lu Zhengkun, who is counting on his price to be so high that most people can't afford it, so that his company's game can make a living.

Players who are still holding their own savings and planning to smash the pot and sell iron but also want to feel a holographic game.

It's hard to believe that holographic games are so cheap?

Of course, this cheap means that the price is too much less than their psychological expectations. Compared with other games, the selling is still quite expensive.

But these money is not worth mentioning in front of the holographic characters.

As Gu Qiu saw before, the types of game usage are divided into three categories.

The first type is the cheapest holographic helmet mode. The operation is very simple. You only need to wear the helmet to enter the game. The disadvantage is that it can only be online for four hours a day. After four hours, even krypton gold is useless. The advantage is the price. It's cheap, small in size, and you can walk around with it. It's enough for social animals who have less than four hours of play time in most cases.

The second category is the holographic machine.

Compared with the helmet that only needs brain, the holographic machine is more inclined to use both hands and feet. The immersive game also needs to cooperate with the real body. This game is suitable for players who do not mind moving more. The price is more expensive than the holographic helmet. Three times, the online time cannot exceed eight hours.

The third and most expensive one is naturally the holographic warehouse.

Like people's previous fantasies, people only need to lie in them to come to a whole new world.

Ji Haoshuai Company even stated that as long as the spirit is relaxed enough, even if people are playing games in it, the body is still in a deep sleep stage.

What does this mean?

It means that the hours that must belong to sleep time can be used.

However, this is not available to everyone.

The price of the holographic warehouse is terribly high.

At this price, even the second generations need to work hard to get together to afford it. Those second generations who have invested in Ji Changze don't have to worry. The generous Ji family not only paid them dividends according to the agreement, but also One person gave a holographic warehouse.

After busy buying, buying and buying, it's finally time to enter the game.

Wang Yu is a game anchor, but he is not the same live broadcast software as Xie Lin. He can be regarded as a half fan of Xie Lin. He was concerned about Xie Lin because of his technology when Xie Lin was not popular, and then Xie Lin's live broadcast room. Being dominated by black fans, Wang Yu saw the clues and continued to watch Xie Lin live without being affected.

Xie Lin was there when he first broadcast the internal beta of the holographic game. After watching the whole process, he experienced the same shocking and exciting mood changes as other audiences.

As soon as the holographic game went on sale, he couldn't wait to buy a helmet and came back to live the first holographic game.

It's not that he doesn't want to buy a holographic warehouse or a holographic machine. Isn't it that he can't afford it?

After putting on the helmet, Xie Lin originally thought he would have to adapt, but he didn't expect it to be like a crossing, and then opened his eyes, he had reached a silver-white hall.

In front of the lobby, a cute little yellow chicken appeared, and asked him in a sweet voice: "Hello player, since you are online for the first time, please name it. The length of the name cannot exceed five characters."

Wang Yu thought for a while, and named him Wang Yu Dashuaibi.

"Ding! The two characters in the name content trigger the hidden content of Dragon Emperor. As the player who touches the hidden content for the first time in the whole server, you will get a gift from Dragon Emperor: a beautiful, smooth and dazzling dragon scale."

He was still stunned, and a black dragon scale appeared in front of Wang Yu, floating quietly in the air.

Wang Yu: "?"

Will the plot be triggered as soon as it goes online?

He asked the little yellow chicken: "What can dragon scales do?"

The little yellow chicken said solemnly: "This dragon scale is beautiful enough, with a bright appearance, and extremely hard. It can be used as a decoration."

Wang Yu: "??"

He asked a little dazedly: "Isn't this the dragon scales of the Dragon Emperor? Isn't it what kind of weapon can be used?"

Little yellow chicken: "It's just a dragon scale. What kind of weapon can be used. Maybe after you learn the forging skills, you can use it to make a very hard one. Anything can be broken."

Just know!

How could the dragon emperor's dragon scales be such a tall thing as an ornament.

Wang Yu looked forward to the little yellow chicken.

Little yellow chicken: "Soup spoon."

Wang Yu; ""

Hahahahahahaha I really want to laugh hahahahaha

It's really ridiculous, hahahahahaha.

Originally, it was supposed to be the first one to trigger the hidden as soon as the host European Qi was launched. I did not expect that the hidden plot was only for a dragon scale hahahahahaha

The barrage laughed into a ball.

The little yellow chicken didn't look at Wang Yu's speechless expression, and continued: "The face the player uses at this time is the real face. You can adjust the face, but you can't adjust it more than 30%. Please adjust it by the anchor."

Only then did Wang Yu discover that he actually had a body, and it was his own body, even a scar left by cutting vegetables in the palm of his hand.

No wonder buying a helmet has to enter information, it turned out to be for this.

A huge transparent screen appeared in front of him, on which was his own body, the naked one. The little yellow chicken also said very intimately: "Players, please rest assured, although you have used the live broadcast function, we have already Code automatically for your body, no one can know that you are not wearing clothes before you put on clothes."

Wang Yu: ""

You just talk, why do you talk so loudly?

Barrage: Very good, now we all know that the anchor is out of clothes.

Hahahahaha I'll just say why there is still a mosaic

I laughed at this game, ah, ah, ah, it's a pity that the student party didn't have money to buy it. My parents bought one, but this game is very one-player, so I can't use it if my parents are bound. I'm so greedy

Wang Yu didn't have much obsession with his own appearance. He tentatively reached out and clicked on the eye area. The eyes immediately enlarged, and adjustment information such as the corners of the eyes, the eyelashes, and the tail of the eyes were also marked next to them.

Sure enough, high-tech.

He looked at it again, and clicked that the overall face value increased by 30%, the pain sensation was adjusted to zero, and then he chose the sackcloth sent by the system.

The little yellow chicken reminded: "You are going to Kaifeng city. It is best to adjust the length of your hair."

Wang Yu, who is stubborn, touched his stubbornness, then looked at the various long hair hairstyles displayed on the adjustment page, and shook his head: "Forget it, what long hair do I want for a big man."

It's just a game, there is no need to be so serious.

"Okay, please confirm your final image. Friendly reminder. Once confirmed, it cannot be changed for life."

There are more and more barrage, some people reminded: the anchor, you should be cautious, and then see where you want to change it, this is impossible to change in your life, I remember the staff said when I bought the helmet, enter the identity information Later, even if you buy a new helmet, you will still enter the game as before.

"Thanks to this big brother for reminding me, but I am also pretty good in all aspects. As a rough man like us, we don't need to care about the image."

"Come and come, let's take a look at the legendary Kaifeng city after I squeeze my face."

Wang Yu decisively chose to confirm.

Then, after a white mist, he appeared in a forest.

Wang Yu has the impression of this forest. Xie Lin appeared here for the first time online. It seems that this is the legendary Novice Village.

There are already many people in the forest intermittently, and more people appear out of thin air.

Whether it's visual, tactile, or taste and hearing, this place is truly like another world. Players are excited and walk around to see, some people go to study trees, and some people happily go to the stream. Catch fish.

Wang Yu could hear the fish catcher shouting to his companion: "Look, this fish is also the real one. I don't know if it can be eaten. This is amazing."

The companion was also walking towards there with a smile, and suddenly his face changed before he even reached him: "Wait?! There is a snake!"

A snake with a uniform body of yellow and black was lying in the grass, spitting out a letter and raising his body to look at the two of them.

The player who caught the fish was also taken aback. He suddenly realized that he was playing a game, and then instantly relaxed: "What are you afraid of? This is a game, a snake in the game. Even if it does bite, we feel pain. But it's adjusted to zero, and it doesn't hurt even after biting, and I'm afraid of what it does."

With that said, in order to show that he was really courageous, the player strode over and grabbed the snake.

Sure enough, the snake was irritated and opened his mouth and bit at him viciously.

The player laughed and laughed: "Bite, bite, I don't hurt, hahahaha, let's take a look, don't tell me, this snake looks a bit like a cobra, I don't know if this game prevents pets, I raise it How is it? I dare not touch the snake in reality. It is always okay to keep one in the game, right?"

His companion is obviously a little afraid of snakes, and hides away speechlessly: "You put it down quickly, even if it's a game, it's panicking when you look at it."

"Fine, put it down, isn't it just a snake? Look at your courage."

The player put down the snake, and shook his bitten arm indifferently: "I'm gone, didn't I say what Kaifeng city is going to? Let's hurry up, and we have to study in the evening at night."

It seems to be two student parties who go to school and have money to buy helmets.

Wang Yu, who was poor when he was in school, silently expressed his envy in his heart.

It was the first time everyone entered the game, and people simply gathered together and walked together. At first they were very confused, because no one knew where Kaifeng City was, and they didn't even have a map.

Fortunately, a woodcutter soon came over here. He was obviously an NPC. When I asked in the past, he was successfully guided. Everyone talked and laughed and walked in that direction.

There are also some Buddhist players who come to observe the holographic environment in pure time, instead of going to Kaifeng City with them, they just played nearby.

Wang Yu personally watched a slender girl in a bunting outfit climbed up a tree in twos and then picked the fruit on it to eat, and didn't forget to get down a cewxco and give it to her companion as soon as possible.

Cowhide cowhide.

He did not forget his identity as the game anchor, and while following the large group, he introduced the current situation to the audience: "We can now see that the ancient background is selected in this game, so the landscape and water flowers and plants are vegetation. They are all dense, and there are snakes running around, but I don't have the guts of the big brother just now, so just take a remote look."

"Well, the layout of this game is really very detailed. The path we are walking now is obviously a small path that has been changed by people walking too much. You can see that these grasses have traces of being trampled on, and this By the way, this is obviously a set of rabbit tools used by households to catch rabbits. I saw my grandfather make it when I was a child, and it was similar to this one."

"Well, we have been walking for 20 minutes. The scenery on the roadside has been changing. The real thing can't be more real. At this time, we can already see the distant city from the top of the mountain. That may be our purpose. Kaifeng City, the road is a bit far away. I don't know if we can reach Kaifeng City before the online time runs out on this road."

Wang Yu was muttering along the way, but it was fortunate that this was a game. After walking for so long, he was not tired at all, and even more and more energetic. In reality, facing the computer and mobile phone all day, suddenly his eyes are full of green and different scenery. , Sometimes you can see all kinds of small animals, anyway, he accepts it well.

Finally, walked outside the city of Kaifeng.

The huge Kaifeng city stood in front of a crowd, and the NPCs who went in and out were all dressed in detailed clothes, and Wang Yu's eyes were all a little useless.

"There are also people who defend the city. This is armor, right? How is it designed? It's so handsome."

"Look, we have reached the gate of Kaifeng City now. We can go in and see what Kaifeng City is like. The little yellow chicken also said before. Except at the beginning, it will not appear again. All kinds of tasks are triggered. It depends on the players themselves, so if you want to learn martial arts and fly to the sky with light power, you have to find a way to trigger the martial arts mission yourself."

"Okay, let's go in and see"

"Eh?? Eh?!! The fourth child? The fourth child, what's wrong with you, the fourth child??"

Wang Yu was explaining. He suddenly heard someone yelling in a panic. He turned his head and looked around subconsciously. He saw that the student party who caught the snake was lying on the ground holding his heart and looking ugly. Controlled convulsions.

"I'm rubbing me, I don't know what's wrong, I don't know what's wrong with me, what's wrong with me, why, why do I still have big tongues and tongues"

Because the pain is zero, he now has no idea where his body is abnormal, so he can only speak with his tongue while letting his body twitch.

His classmate leaned against his lap with a dazed expression on his face, and didn't know what to do.

At the critical moment, two soldiers in armor walked over.

"What happened?"

"Brother, no, eldest brother, it's not right, sir, is there a doctor here?" The classmate came to an NPC and asked as soon as he caught a life-saving straw.

"What is a doctor?"

"No, no, doctor, is there a doctor?"

One of the soldiers squatted down in front of the student party, took him with two blood-holes in his arms, and shook his head: "The doctor is not saved. He was bitten by a poisonous snake. Now it is poisonous. There is no cure for medicine and stone."

He looked at the face of the student party again: "It is obvious that the poison has entered the heart, and there is no doubt that there will be death in a stick of incense."

Student Party: "???"

His classmates: "???"

No, just play a game, do you want to be so real.

Who will be bitten to death by the snake in the game?

Facts have proved that Jianzhijianghu can really do that.

The players watched as the student party died unwillingly. The soldiers also kindly said to the dumbfounded classmates: "Look at your appearance, are you a foreigner? Now that the person is dead, it's better. Get into the soil as soon as possible. I know where the coffin shop in the city is. I will take you to buy it."

Classmate: ""

"Thank you, my lord, let me slow down."

The soldier sighed and left, and the players could still hear him sighing to the fellow soldiers: "How can you get bitten by a poisonous snake? You should be more cautious when you go out."

You should be cautious. The student party, who forced himself to death, almost didn't bring the viper with him as a pet at the time.

The classmates went offline to ask the student party what was going on and where was the resurrection point. Because this magical game didn't even give a novice guide, most players were curious about what would happen to the game's characters after death, so they all waited in place, only A small number of players entered the city directly.

Wang Yu also wanted to know what would happen after the game character died, so he found a stone and waited for the classmate to come back. Fortunately, these two people seemed to be in the same dormitory, and it took less than three minutes before and after, the classmate went online again. came back.

"The fourth child said that he entered the pure white space after death, where we pinched our faces. The little yellow chicken told him that after death, he would have to pass the first seven days. Only when the corpse has been buried in the earth can he re-enter the cycle of reincarnation. But at this time because his original identity is dead, even if his name and face are the same as before, all NPCs who have dealt with him will treat him as a new person, and all the foundations he laid before his death will be thorough. disappear."

Wang Yu understood: "In other words, all his equipment, weapons and gold coins are gone."

"That's what it means."

Then this game is pretty ruthless.

Once the player dies, all the previous hard work is wasted. This is just a good start, and there is no time to do anything. If you have been operating in the game for a period of time, it will not be equivalent to decades of hard work. Call back before liberation?

It seems that life should be cherished even in the game.

After Wang Yu secretly reminded himself, he asked casually: "How long are the seven days in the game in reality?"

Classmate: "The ratio of reality to game time is 1:1."

Wang Yu: "In other words, in reality, you have to wait seven days before you can continue to play?"

The classmate nodded.

The players shouted in exclamation.

This time is too long.

And there is also the setting of entering the land for security. If the student party does not come in with the classmates, other players will definitely not care about his corpse. Wouldn't it be impossible to enter the land for security and never play again?

Wang Yu: "Is there a problem with this setting? If this is the case, then the game company is not afraid of complaints if you buy the game and you can't play it?"

Classmate: "The fourth child said the same at the time. Then the chicken told him that Ji Haoshuai company is willing to recycle all the helmets sold at the original price within three years. As long as he doesn't want to play, this helmet only needs to be within three years. Anything you buy can be returned to the company, and the company will buy it at the original price."

In other words.

Just love to play or not.

Wang Yu: ""

Okay, that's what this company can do.

But where is the reason for doing this?

Although it is a holographic game, he doesn't believe that this game company doesn't want to make money. It has to make money. Why is it so harsh on consumers? This is unscientific.

The student party asked the same.

The answer of the little yellow chicken is: "The purpose of the sword pointing to the rivers and lakes is that as long as you do not die, you are the winner"

Hear all the players here; ""

No wonder the official introduction is just such a sentence.

Dare to love is such a meaning.

Wang Yu thought about it in more detail, and said to the audience: "I think this setting is quite good. Holographic games are still different from ordinary games. Holographic games are too real. It seems that everything is true. The same, if you do all kinds of things with the mentality of playing games in this situation, it doesn't matter if you die anyway, it can be resurrected anyway, maybe because the game is too real, the player may also subconsciously do this in reality.

There is no pain in the game, and it can be resurrected after death. It is different in reality. The official setting is probably also considered in this layer. "

It seems to be eh, this holographic game is really too real. If death and resurrection are so easy, it would be terrible to get used to it in reality.

So that's why this holographic game has an ancient background, and everyone is required to wear clothes that match this era. The game should be distinguished from reality.

I believe that the official doing this must be the same as the anchor said. This is the consideration. After all, it is the first holographic game and all aspects must be considered.

Ji Haoshuai has done a good job at this point. Regardless of the unreliable name, the chain will not be dropped at critical moments.

While thinking about all kinds of serious things in the barrage, in the office of Chairman Ji Haoshuai, Ji Changze and Gu Qiu sat on the sofa and looked at the holographic projection. The projection was exactly what Wang Yu's live broadcast.

Gu Qiu watched with relish while eating popcorn. Seeing Wang Yu said this, he turned his head to ask Ji Changze, "Did you really think about it like this when you set it up?"

Ji Changze chuckled the popcorn.

"No, I just want to watch the players wailing and scratching their hearts and wanting to resurrect, but it's not the time to resurrect. Hahahahahaha, it must be fun."

Gu Qiu: ""

He knew it.

In the live broadcast, Wang Yu and the others figured out this rule. They wrote them down before moving forward. When they reached the gate of the city, the soldiers dutifully asked them to register. Who are their surnames? Where are they from? How old are they? What kind of relatives and so on.

The players were worried at first that they didn't know where the writing came from. They saw that one of the options in the registration form was Huaxia City, so they quickly filled in.

After Wang Yu finished filling in the line, he did not forget to say to the players: "It seems that Ji Haoshuai company is still very considerate. Aren't we from China City? I saw the unlucky student party who was urged by I still found this game very difficult when the poisonous snake was killed, and it seems to be fine now. Just be careful and avoid all dangers like you are living in real life."

Ji Changze, who was watching the live broadcast, judged as he ate popcorn, "Tsk tut, I think it's so beautiful."

Gu Qiu: ""

It seems that Changze's problem of watching people's jokes since childhood can't be changed.

As the main founder of this game, Ji Changze's prediction is naturally very credible.

Sure enough, Wang Yu was stopped outside the city wall.

"Those who have committed crimes are not allowed to enter."

Wang Yu: "???"

He had a blank face. He had just entered the game, and he was a whiteboard identity. Why did he commit a crime.

"No, this lord, I have never committed a crime. What crime did I commit?"

The soldier rolled his eyes at him: "How do I know what crime you committed."

Wang Yu: "???? You don't know what crime I committed, what are you doing to stop me?"

The soldier pointed to his short hair: "Since he has been tortured, he is naturally a criminal."

"Although you are now free, you still cannot enter the city."

Wang Yu; "???"

"What? What Kun?"

It was the student who dragged the student party to this side who heard the sentence back; "The torture is a punishment in ancient times. The ancients always pay attention to the parents of the body, hair and skin. The meaning of the torture is to cut their hair, buddy. The hair is still short. I guess this NPC thinks you have broken the law before and will not let you in."

Wang Yu: ""

With a dumbfounded face, he touched his very beautiful inch head; "My hair is a bit shorter, so I won't let me in???"

"This game is so real, and it's normal to do that. You can ask him how he can let you in."

Wang Yu: ""

He asked with a dazed face.

The soldier told him very solemnly and ruthlessly that he must wait until his hair grows out before he can go in, because it takes a cycle for the hair to grow. This period is equivalent to the contempt period of the prisoner. When the hair grows out, everyone will let go. His discrimination, thinking that his punishment has passed.

The classmate said that he didn't know if it was true in ancient times, but it was obviously set like this in the game "Jian Zhi Jiang Hu".

He patted Wang Yu on the shoulder and made a cheering gesture: "Come on, buddy! I believe your hair can grow out, if the game characters can grow hair."


"Am I not comforting you? Look at our fourth child. He is still in a corpse state. When I went off the assembly line to see him, he held his helmet and howled for a long time. You just can't enter the city. Better than the old four."

Wang Yu: So too.

It's better not to enter the city than to die and wait seven days.

The classmates dragged the body of the student party into the city, and the soldiers showed him the way where the coffin was laid with enthusiasm.

However, he did not plan to buy a coffin at all, and the person is not really dead. He intends to find out what the people here are using to dig pits when they die. He has to throw the student party in and bury it, so that he can wait until the other party seven days later. resurrection.

The players who used the long hair to go into the village, all went in. Only Wang Yu with short hair squatted pitifully at the door. After squatting for a while, he had to be driven by the soldiers because he thought he was. Staying here affects the appearance of the city.

Wang Yu; ""

He squatted in a different place silently.

Laughing crazy in the barrage.

Today is the day when the players are online for the first time. Many anchors have also started to broadcast their first holographic game. Wang Yu is not very popular. There are not many audiences, but because he is really too tragic, the first time. The game is just because the hair is blocked outside the city, and it is considered a criminal, and many viewers come here in admiration.

I went to his live broadcast room specifically to rush him hahaha.

Wang Yu: ""

He looked at his rising heat and the fans who kept jumping up with numbers, and the full screen hahahahahahaha. He could only feel pain and happiness. While squatting nearby, he wondered what he had to do to get in. .

He stayed for almost two hours, and fortunately, he didn't feel any pain at all. He didn't feel tired at all. Finally, he simply sat on the ground and began to analyze for the audience what kind of occupation the various NPCs passing by, and who was in the family, he went up to talk to the other party. Will not pay attention to him and so on.

It turns out that these NPCs will pay attention to him, and they really talked to him like a real person. When Wang Yu asked what they were doing at home, the NPCs also answered.

When Wang Yu gradually became happy, he was driven away by the soldiers again.

The reason is that he harassed the people, some people reported that he looked unkind, and even questioned people's net worth, obviously intending to step on it.

Wang Yu: ""

What kind of NPC, it is so special that it will report people.

He could only sit a little further away, and didn't dare to come forward to talk.

Hahaha once again appeared in the barrage.

Give it up, anchor, you are now a criminal with the "I am a criminal" sign in the eyes of others. You ask so many questions, who is not afraid

This game is so real I love it hahahahahahaha

Laugh to death, do you really have to wait until your hair grows out before you can enter the city? Hahahahaha

My brother bought this helmet too, I have to tell him, don't use short hair image, otherwise you will not get into the city hahahahaha

"Laugh, laugh, I can definitely get in."

Wang Yu is a very strong game anchor. He doesn't abandon or give up. Even if the remaining online time is running out, he still sits on the ground and waits for the opportunity.

Finally, the opportunity came.

A group of soldiers wearing golden armor and riding tall horses went out from the gate of the city and hurriedly toward the woods, looking very anxious.

Wang Yu was shocked.

This is a mission!

He hurried up, and casually grabbed a commoner who came out with these soldiers and asked: "What happened? Why are these adults so anxious?"

The common people's eyes have been catching a glance on his head, and his face is full of "I'm so scared" and replied: "I heard that wild beasts appeared in the mountains and forests to hurt people. Now everyone is going to kill wild beasts to save people. "

Beasts hurt people.

Is it a side task?

The task of the players is to kill the beasts?

The unbeatable Xiaoqiang Wang Yu immediately got up and headed in that direction. He ran fast, confused, and really ran to the scene.

As a result, he was speechless when he saw the half-dead people lying on the trailer.

The beast is hurting people, but it is obviously not a task, because the players who were injured are the players who came with them before. When they went to Kaifeng City, these Buddhist players stayed to watch the scenery and enjoy the mountains and water.

Then, he was injured by the beast.

It seems logical to think about it, such dense forests, such a good environment, and ancient background, it is normal to have wild animals.

The players are all lying on the cart with a look of love.

While the soldiers were investigating everywhere, Wang Yu leaned in and asked in a low voice; "Eh, what kind of beast is it, isn't it handsome? Did you see its teeth when you bit you?"

"Saw a fart."

The player clutched his waist, his face was full of grief and indignation: "When I saw the tiger, I knew that I was cold, but before catching the cold, it would be nice to take a close look at the tiger. After being bitten, I just thought, take a screenshot to see if I was bitten by a tiger and put it on the Internet to pretend to be forced, but it bit me, good guy, Quante is a mosaic, what the official thinks, my own blood, not yet Let me see it by myself?!"

"Mosaic? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

The player lifted the linen cloth covering his body with one hand; "Look."

Wang Yu saw that they were all mosaics. He comforted the players who wanted to appreciate his bloody state: "Fortunately, I heard that the security system used in the Jianzhijianghu game is the Jinjiang system. What about Jinjiang? You know? The mosaic is normal."

As he was talking, suddenly his eyes rolled.

The smile on his face suddenly became ill-intentioned, and patted the player on the shoulder: "Brother, did those soldiers say anything to you?"

"Ah, I've said that, I want to send us to the city's medical clinic for treatment."


Player: "Why are you laughing so much, why do I always think you want to do bad things? Ah!!! What are you doing! Don't be so crowded, although I don't hurt, I will die! Why are you squeezing my wound so badly that I die? What should I do! I just heard that I will have to wait seven days to live if I die!"

"Brother, bear with me, do me a favor and do me a favor."

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Yu hid under the linen and was transported to the city by the soldiers along with the injured group of players who were still chatting.

After entering the city, he found an opportunity, took advantage of the soldiers not paying attention, lifted the linen cloth and drilled out.

The injured big brother was chatting with him, and when he saw him suddenly go down, he turned his head subconsciously.

I saw Wang Yu standing on the ground, waving at him triumphantly: "Brother, I'll take a step first. You take care of your injuries and don't give up treatment."

Then, Wang Yu saw a look of shock on the face of this big brother.

As for being so shocked? Isn't it just a witty mix into the city?

As soon as Wang Yu finished thinking about it, he turned his head and met several Nagaki warehouses and the gloomy street patrol soldiers.

Wang Yu: "I can explain"

"How dare to break into Kaifeng without permission, come on! Put to death!"


With a scream, Wang Yu fell to the ground in a mosaic and stretched out his hand to the big brother who had been chatting all the way; "Brother!!! Please!!! Help me bury it!!!"

In reality, he took off his helmet and quickly got off the bed to turn on the computer.

Trash Ji is so handsome! ! You pill sooner or later! !

This kind of scene has happened many times to countless people on this day. The players fancy show what it means to die well, to be stunned, to die heroic, to die without knowing that they are dead, and so on.

However, the more abused, the more they want to play.

When various discussions on the Internet were endless, Ji Changze came to the hospital with a holographic warehouse.