|Modern Prodigal (End)

When Ji Changze passed by, Zhou Sen's friends happened to be there. They were still in school, but two of them were day-students. Usually, they would take turns here to accompany Zhou Sen at night, and most of them gathered in the hospital during holidays.

Because this time, Lu Zhengkun, a "well-wisher", was responsible for the medical expenses. They did not work part-time and earn money to support Zhou Sen as they did in the original timeline, but they didn't need to take care of anything less.

Ji Changze came here from time to time to look around Zhou Sen, because it was Ji Changze who discovered Zhou Sen and sent him to the hospital. His friends had a high affinity for the Ji family young master, and they smiled when they saw him. Stand up to greet.

"Brother Ji is here, come to see Sensen again?"

"There is business."

Ji Changze still smiled wantonly and waved to the back. Several muscular men in black suits and sunglasses came in carrying a holographic bin.


They looked at the strong man dumbfounded: "This, this is?"

"Ah my bodyguard, after all, this young master is handsome and rich, and he is still such a powerful genius. He always has to worry that someone will try to mislead me, so he hired ten or twenty bodyguards to follow."


"One, ten or twenty??"

The eldest master touched his chin and replied uncertainly: "Maybe there are about thirty?"


They looked at the bodyguards carrying the holographic warehouse, and they only counted five.

Ji Changze knew what they were thinking as soon as they looked at them, and waved his hand: "The remaining two dozen are coming up in the next wave because the elevator is overloaded. I guess it will take several batches to come up."


"Well, that's not the point, let's see what I brought to classmate Zhou Sen."

The holographic warehouse was put away, Ji Changze patted the lid of the holographic warehouse, his face was triumphant: "Look, the holographic warehouse, developed by our company, this is a good thing, you should have seen it in the news?"

The students nodded their heads with curiosity in their eyes. They leaned over and took a closer look. The tall and smooth lines, the silvery white full of technological sense, and the appearance that resembled a coffin but had to be said to be so handsome.

"Brother Ji, this holographic game was developed by your company?"

They had watched the news before, but because they were busy with their studies, they also had to take care of Zhou Sen and had no time to play. Secondly, everyone was poor and couldn't afford it, so just watched it and didn't pay much attention.

But holographic games are epoch-making, and everyone knows this.

And now, Ji Changze moved a holographic warehouse directly to the hospital.

The holographic warehouse, full of high-end atmosphere and high-end grades, was lying there quietly, and the students couldn't help but bring some caution in their eyes.

Under their careful gaze, Ji Changze's expression became more and more proud. The young master lifted his chin, stretched out his hand and pressed the button, and the lid automatically opened slowly.

Under the sight of everyone's expectations, the inside of the holographic warehouse appeared.

Pink mattress, pink bedding, pink pillow, and even a pink Peppa pig doll appeared in front of everyone.


"This, the inside of this holographic warehouse is quite warm."

"Of course, this was arranged by me personally. Although I am a man, this young master has always been suave and romantic. Everywhere I go, beautiful women take the initiative to hook me up. My girlfriend doesn't have ten thousand and eight thousand. It's for you girls. It's normal to have a higher level of understanding."

Female students: ""

The only male student looked at them with a surprised look, and his eyes revealed the surprise that "you girls like this".

Ji Changze is Zhou Sen's lifesaver. No matter how they want to say "My old swan, we girls don't like this. They are pure fans. Well, most girls don't like them." Maintaining a smile and nodding in agreement.

Ji Changze: "Well, let's put Zhou Sen in."


"Where to put it?"

Ji Changze had a straightforward expression of "Why do you still ask me?": "Put it in the holographic warehouse. Didn't I say that Zhou Sen would wake up?"

The young master patted the holographic warehouse: "The holographic warehouse is different from the other two holographic equipment. It is directly linked to the thinking brain. As long as Zhou Sen is put in, she might wake up."

The students were dumbfounded.

Before, Ji Changze had said that he would wake Zhou Sen up, but the few people only regarded it as a young master who was accustomed to boasting and had never taken it seriously.

Who can guarantee that a vegetative person can wake up?

Even though they were so expecting her to wake up, their reason was clear, and they could only see fate if they wanted Zhou Sen to wake up.

And now, Ji Changze stood in front of them, vowing, "She will wake up."

Several people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

How amazing are holographic games? They know, can holographic games actually wake up vegetative people?

They thought it was too amazing, but they couldn't restrain themselves and were full of hope.

Ji Changze had walked up to Zhou Sen, looked at the instrument on her body, and asked, "Can she move it?"

"Yes, yes, Sensen can breathe spontaneously."

The reason Zhou Sen's friends have been unwilling to give up her is because she has not been brain dead, she can breathe, her heartbeat and blood pressure have gradually returned to normal. Her body will respond to external stimuli, but her consciousness cannot respond. .

She hadn't been down for that long. Although she was thinner than before, and her face was not bloody, she looked no different from sleeping.

These students are still young. They can't weigh the pros and cons like an adult. They decide to guard Zhou Sen together based on their feelings, and wait until she wakes up.

Now, even if it is nonsense to think that holographic games can awaken the vegetative people, but looking at the friends who seem to be sleeping, several people can't help but raise hope.

Zhou Sen was carefully placed in the holographic warehouse.

She was pale, and she was not so violent when she lay in a patch of pink.

Ji Changze personally picked up the patch and stuck it on both temples of her.

"Well, now I'm waiting to see if she can go online."

Zhou Sen felt so light on himself.

It was light and fluttering all around, even with herself, as if living in the clouds.

She has been here for a long time, and it seems that she has no time. Zhou Sen feels that her body has adapted to this place, and she feels a little anxious inexplicably.

Maybe because school is about to start, how can she lie here without going to preview?

If she doesn't get good grades if she doesn't prepare well, and she won't find a good job after graduation. If she can't find a good job, how can she get rid of the family?

Zhou Sen didn't know how long she had been thinking about it, suddenly, she heard a clear voice calling her in her ear.


Is it her friends?

She opened her eyes slowly and saw a chicken.

"Hello players, since you are online for the first time, please name it. The length of your name cannot exceed five characters."

Zhou Sen looked around blankly, everything was pure white, except for a chicken, there was only one control panel in front of him.

The little yellow chicken said seriously: "Please name the player."

"Where is this place?"

As soon as Zhou Sen asked, the memory suddenly rolled up.

She was walking on the road, her body suddenly felt severe pain, and her whole body was flying. Then, she realized that she had been hit by a car and her body was hurting. Zhou Sen could only try to raise her head and look at the perpetrator, hoping that the other party could send it away. She went to the hospital.

Sitting in the car, the perpetrator only glanced at her impatiently, and quickly disappeared in front of her as he drove the car.

She was hit directly into the grass, trying to get up to ask for help, but she didn't have any strength on her body. She opened her mouth, and the sound she made was faint and barely audible.

It was raining heavily, and the sound of the rain overwhelmed her call for help. Cars passed by on the road, but she could not be found in the grass.

Finally, there is total darkness.

Zhou Sen lowered his head and looked at his hand: "Am I dead?"

After speaking, I realized that the word "death" was covered with a beep.

The little yellow chicken came over cutely: "Players can say anything in the game, but in the pure white space, please pay attention to your words. The pure white space is equipped with a Jinjiang system and a green environment. You deserve it."

"Please name the player."

At the urging of the little yellow chicken, Zhou Sen hesitated and said, "Zhou Sen."

After a series of operations, she appeared out of thin air in a small wood.

There were still people in the woods. Seeing the green light when Zhou Sen appeared, there were still people lying down.

"Mom, another local tyrant."

"I can afford a holographic warehouse, still so young, I admire it."

"The price of the holographic warehouse was so scary when it came out, but now it has sold more than a thousand units. Sure enough, I am only poor, and there are still many rich people."

Zhou Sen stood there looking at them with a blank face, and cautiously stepped forward and asked: "Hello, where is this place?"

The player who was spoken to was a little confused: "Novice Lin? Didn't you look at the guide before going to the game?"

"Game? What game is here?"

Player: "???"

"The sword points to the rivers and lakes, no, you are all up, why don't you know what game, fucking, this holographic warehouse won't be a gift from your family, right?"

If you are admired, the rich will still play.

Sword refers to the arena? Holographic warehouse?

"Drive! Drive!!!"

Zhou Sen was still stunned. A line of soldiers in silver-white armor arrived on horseback and stopped in front of Zhou Sen. The leading soldier handed over a token:

"Yinjiawei, please go to the Healer's Hall with us."

Zhou Sen took a step back subconsciously with some fear, wondering why these strangers came to her.

The players are excited.

"Silver Armored Guardian!! Is the Silver Armored Guardian next to Dragon Emperor!! Ahhhhh, I have only seen the Silver Armored Guardian introduction on the official website. This is the first time I have seen it."

"Is Long Di the handsome chairman of Ji?"

"What are you doing, don't forget that people's NPCs are not connected with reality. If he is in a hurry, he will directly arrest you and go to jail. I won't help you bury it when you die."

"Eh, would you like to point your face? I buried you twice after you died. If it wasn't for me, would you come here alive?"

"You are so embarrassed to say, how did I die? The first time you went to provoke the Golden Armored Guardian, and ran away if you provoke someone, but then I was arrested by someone with me. The second time, you insisted on going wild fishing. As a result, a pack of wolves were attracted. You ran fast. It took me so long to die before being mosaiced."

"Don't mention the past, we are now discussing why this young lady recruited Yinjiawei?"

"I can go to you!"

Zhou Sen didn't know what was going on, but some players saw that she was very scared. Although she didn't understand, she leaned forward and whispered to comfort him: "Miss Sister, you go, the silver armor guard is the personal guard of the dragon emperor. Awarded, Dragon Emperor likes all kinds of awards the most."

In the end, Zhou Sen sat on the tall horse, carefully squeezed the silver armor guard's armor, and left Novice Forest in the envy of players.

She could still hear someone behind her enviously saying: "It's great, there is a horse to ride, I thought of walking for more than half an hour to get to Kaifeng, and I felt tired."

Zhou Sen didn't think horse riding was good at all. She actually didn't want to follow this stranger to a stranger place at all, but these people didn't look very easy to provoke. She also had weapons. She didn't dare to resist. Can sit cautiously and immediately wonder what the situation is.

It seems to be a game here?

Holographic game?

So she still crossed, right?

The horse ran fast. Zhou Sen sat on it and watched the horse ran into a city. Many people in the city found it was a silver armored guard, and they all looked up with envy and curiosity.

"Is it a new mission? Silver Armor Guard actually appeared on the stage."

"The one sitting behind is the player, I have seen her name, oh, green, tyrant father!"

"I don't know if the rich woman lacks leg accessories, I think I can do it."

"The Dragon Emperor hasn't drawn a lottery for a long time. Will the Silver Guard appear to come to the lottery."

A humanoid mosaic appeared on the street, and he was crawling forward with difficulty: "Ji is so handsome, take the jujube pills! Why do you still fall to death after practicing light gong ah ah ah ah, buddy, buddy, please help me bury it," I will thank you very much after I am resurrected. Thank you buddy. A good person is safe in his life."

The silver armored guards rode Zhou Sen through the capital city on horseback, and finally arrived in front of a towering city. They rolled over and got off their horses, leading her to stride over, and said to the guard standing at the gate of the city: "Zhou Sen, take it Healer's Office."

The guard yawned and made an ok gesture: "o a few k."

He took Zhou Sen and walked inside: "Did Miss Sister win the lottery? What did you win? Miss Sister, you are a holographic warehouse player. Oh, wow, envy, I wish you a big prize, do you know that, I also won the prize, My prize is that I can become a guard of the Medical Hall, and I will be paid every month. As long as I stand here for two hours a day, it's enough to give me 8,000 gold coins a month, which is super cost-effective."

"Miss sister, you don't like to talk, Goddess Gao Leng, I understand. When it's there, go in, Miss Sister. The doctor's office does not let the guards in, but it seems that I didn't see anyone else in. It was the first time you went in. People, can you come out and tell me what's inside?"

Zhou Sen hadn't dared to speak, for fear that he would make more mistakes. He wanted to figure out the situation first before speaking. Even though the guard looked friendly and talked to her enthusiastically along the way, she did not dare to speak.

When we arrived at the gate, the door opened slowly automatically.

The guard urged her to enter, Zhou Sen took a deep breath and stepped in cautiously.

After entering, I was surprised to find that this place was completely different from the ancient situation outside. The silver-white hall, various windows, and even the slogan "Overtime is okay, just pay for overtime" was hung on the wall.

Before she could react, a gentle female reminder sounded in the sky:

"Patient Zhou Sen, number one, enter the doctor's room."

Zhou Sen stopped vigilantly, not daring to go any further.

Then, there were mixed footsteps.

Someone is running here.

She held her breath nervously and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then, there are a few young boys and girls in ancient costumes.

Their faces were full of excitement, and someone cried, and ran towards her in strides:


"Where did you go to elementary school?"

"Mochen Elementary School."

"How old are you this year?"

"It's almost eighteen."

"Do you know how many years it is now?"

"Do this question."

After a series of tests, the white-haired doctor excitedly took the form and looked up and down, and said to Ji Changze who was standing aside: "Her memory is completely okay, and her reaction ability is normal, even if she really can't wake up in reality. , She should and can continue to sustain life in the game by relying on the holographic warehouse."

Ji Changze looked at Zhou Sen who was laughing with his friends, and smiled: "No matter how good the game is, there is no reality. It is best if she can wake up, and then she can live in reality and enjoy the game. Isn't that better?"

"That said, it is a miracle that she can have consciousness in the game now. Although it took three months to awaken her consciousness, she woke up anyway. There has never been a precedent for awakening a vegetative person in this way before. , If other vegetatives can also be awakened, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world."

"Don't make a sensation in the world. Now that this news has not spread, there are already a group of foreign friends who want to buy holographic games. Our company can't build them. If this is a sensation in the world, then it will be impossible to make money."

After Ji Changze finished speaking, he bowed to the old doctor: "Anyway, thank you very much, you are so old, and it is too hard to make time for Zhou Sen to go online every day."

"No hard work, no hard work, some of the old problems in the game are gone. Although the age cannot be changed, it feels like I am back in my twenties. If it weren't for the reality, I would be busy. I really can't wait. Stay here all day."

The old doctor laughed.

He said these words were not compliments. When Ji Changze and the others decided to use the holographic warehouse to awaken Zhou Sen's consciousness, the whole hospital didn't report any hope.

The reason why vegetatives are vegetatives is that they have no autonomous consciousness, and holographic games rely on consciousness.

The chance of waking up is too low.

At first, Zhou Sen did not respond much, but Ji Changze refused to give up. He still spared a few hours every day to put people in the holographic warehouse, and specially invited the old doctor to enter the game to guard.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Sen actually woke up.

Although it took three months to wake up, but this is a vegetable.

After telling Zhou Sen of the specific situation, everyone left the game and guarded the holographic warehouse in the ward.

They held their hands nervously, watched the pale girl in the holographic warehouse trembled a few times, and slowly opened her eyes.

"Sensen!!! You woke up ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Surprised screams and celebrations resounded throughout the ward, and Ji Changze leaned on the door frame for a long while before leaving.

The system suddenly appeared: What is the host thinking?

It's nothing, just thinking, when everyone can't see the hope of saving a person, is it a long torture for people who refuse to give up this person?

The system does not understand.

It proposes: If the host wants to know, just ask?

Moreover, these people seem to be very happy.

Ji Changze smiled: They are happy because the people they are waiting for have returned. If Zhou Sen can't come back, they will never be as happy as they are now.

"By the way, the person who saved you is also the chairman of the Holographic Game Company. He is really good. I will introduce you to Ji, eh? Where's Ji?"

"Just still there."

"Maybe I'm leaving now, isn't Ji brother always doing this? If you do a good thing, you can learn to make the fastest."

Zhou Sen's waking up was a great thing for her friends, and it was a nightmare for Lu Zhengkun.

The first thing she woke up was to accuse Lu Zhengkun of running away.

Lu Zhengkun was already struggling with the company's affairs, but he didn't expect that when he had accepted his decline in the family's status and would have to work harder in the future, Zhou Sen would suddenly appear.

Isn't she a vegetable anymore?

Isn't it possible that she won't wake up in this life? !

Then, he knew that it was Ji Changze carrying the holographic warehouse and put Zhou Sen in, just letting the opponent find consciousness in the game.

Lu Zhengkun: ""

Ji Changze! ! !

This kid can hit him no matter how badly he is.

"What's wrong?"

When Ji Changze "kindly visited" Lu Zhengkun, he "incidentally" told him the truth: "I know I remembered it correctly, you just told me that you hit someone, oh, it's not wasted that I worked hard to develop a holographic game to call people wake."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

He was dumbfounded.

"You developed a holographic game just to make that woman identify me??"

Ji Changze's face was "what's the matter, this young master did what you did, you bit me" with a beating expression: "Oh, your kid dared to drive Lao Tzu's car and hit someone, that's my new car!!!"

"What if I don't let you pay?! I know you won't admit it, look, it's not let me get caught."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

Gu Qiu who came with Ji Changze: ""

He originally thought that Ji Changze was doing a holographic game again, and he sent it to Zhou Sen as soon as he developed a holographic warehouse.

In the past three months, I ran so diligently in the hospital, waiting for Zhou Sen to go online all day long watching the game, wondering if Changze was too kind.

Did he watch Zhou Sen last year?

As a result, I never expected it.

From the very beginning, Master Ji was to pit Lu Zhengkun.

Lu Zhengkun was going crazy.

"You are crazy!! You are so crazy to make a holographic game for a car!!!"

"You know what a shit, I bought a new car. I didn't drive it a few times by myself, so you gave it to me and hit someone. If you don't kill the young master, you are already very polite."

"Didn't I lose you a new one!! I lost it!!!"


Young Master Ji raised his chin arrogantly, and looked at Lu Zhengkun with contempt:

"Even if you buy a car that is exactly the same, it is not the same car I used to be. I used Lao Tzu's car to hit someone and still had an indifferent attitude. And that girl, do you know if it wasn't for me to rush over in time, She is about to die. You hit someone with my car. When she died, she turned into a ghost and squatted on my bedside to see what I would do when I went to the bathroom. You are such a beast."

Lu Zhengkun: ""

When he saw Ji Changze, he was completely looking at a mental illness.

Ji Changze criticized the other party for a bunch of things such as "Drink Lao Tzu's wine in the bar without my consent", "I'll treat your kid to fill the big head there", "My new clothes are just like you, you bought the same style, this young master hates it most. After waiting for the reasons, I made a summary:

"I've seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago, so just stay in there and reflect until you die!"

Lu Zhengkun: ""

"You are crazy!!! crazy!!!"

Ji Changze assumed the posture of a winner and left proudly, leaving only Lu Zhengkun roaring there.

Holographic games can actually wake up vegetative people! ! !

This news spread quickly along with the case of the second generation of the rich who had borrowed a car and hit a person.

When the family members of the plant people were happy and worried that they could not afford the holographic warehouse, they learned that the holographic helmet was also effective.

Then, more and more people discovered the benefits of holographic games.

People with physical disabilities enter the game as normal human bodies.

People who are seriously ill and painful all enter the game without any pain.

Elderly people who are covered with senile diseases enter the game, and their bodily functions are restored to the disease-free and disaster-free when they were young.

Although it can only be normal in the game, it is still what it should be in reality, but for many people, it is already a great comfort.

In reality, players who are unable to work due to disabilities enter the game and work hard to earn money in the game. The gold coins earned can be sold to the krypton gold bosses in the game in exchange for real coins.

People who are seriously ill can also forget their pain in the game and gain temporary peace.

Old people can also try to avoid the various discomforts of old age, they can run in the game and do various activities.

Just as Ji Changze has always said before but no one believes it.

He changed the world.

Under the attention of everyone, Ji Changze, who was interviewed for the first time, stood on the stage. When asked why he could develop a holographic game, he smiled confidently:

"Because if I don't work hard, my parents will be pressured to inherit the family business."

Sixty years later, in the game.

Zhou Sen and her husband sat on the hillside together, looking at the scenery in the distance, and remembering the past with a smile.

Suddenly, a warning sound came from the sky.

"On xxxx year x month xx day, the dragon emperor soared into the galaxy, standing as an eternal falling star."

The sky changed suddenly, from white to black, and the sky lit up with stars.

Zhou Sen's husband sighed, "Mr. Ji Changze has passed away."

Zhou Sen was taken aback: "Why do you say that?"

"When I saw him in an interview before, he said that the game sets the plot after his death. When he passes away in reality, the dragon emperor in the game will soar, and he will become the brightest star in the sky in the game world. ."

"It turned out to be so."

Zhou Sen raised his head and looked at the galaxy in the sky.

"I saw it, the brightest one is Mr. Ji."

She sighed: "Mr. Ji is really a very good person."

Zhou Sen's husband hugged her and said softly: "You are also a very good person in my heart."

Zhou Sen closed his eyes and whispered: "I think my friends are gone, eh, in the past two years, one by one, they all left."

"It's okay, let's go to them and have a barbecue together."

The two leaned against each other and slowly closed their eyes with a smile.

In reality, the doctors stood by the holographic warehouse and announced the death of the couple.

Their children cried quietly, and there was sadness, but fortunately, their parents spent their last time in the game. They did not feel too much pain, but died silently in the game.

In about the same time period, Lu Zhengkun was about to die.

When he was released from prison, he was very old, destitute, and didn't have the money to buy a holographic game. He had to bear the pain alone among the elderly people wearing holographic helmets or with holographic warehouses.

When he was dying, the doctor was in humanitarian concern and asked him if he wanted to eat or do something.

Old man Lu Zhengkun: "I, I give you a piece of advice, don't borrow someone else's car."

Ji Changze over there received a system prompt:

Ding! mission completed!

The host, the system friendly reminds, the host has too many worlds, the next world has triggered the double points task, the task can choose whether to give up.

Ji Changze raised his eyebrows, this was the first time he heard the saying of double points.

Double points, there is no free lunch in the world, let's talk about it, what is the price.

System: In the next world, the host must independently seal all memories and perform the task as a whiteboard. After the task is completed, all worlds will get double points. If the task fails, the world will deduct double points.

He sighed: It sounds very biased towards the tasker, it doesn't look like your style of painting.

System: 100% of this task appears in the highly difficult world.

Oh humiliation.

No wonder.

The high difficulty world itself is difficult, generally divided into two types, the whole world is difficult, such as the supernatural end of the world, and the other is that the starting point is difficult, and the task person loses his memory, which is even more difficult.

For the former Ji Changze, there is no difference between the high difficulty world and the ordinary world, and he will successfully complete it anyway.

But if you lose all your memories, like a blank whiteboard, it's hard to turn around.

Ji Changze directly asked the system: What is the probability that the tasker will complete this world in the past?

The system answered quickly: 0.75%

It suggested that the host is not in favor of accepting the task. After the host has sealed the memory, the system will not be able to contact the host, and the host will fight alone.

Ji Changze smiled: Small system, what you said seems like I wasn't alone before.


It also seems to make sense.

Okay, I take this task, go, seal up the memory, and go to the next world.

System: However, losing memory may suffer a lot.

Ji Changze understands the meaning of the system. He has no experience accumulated in multiple worlds, and has lost various previous synopses, plus a highly difficult world, plus he has to complete unknown tasks without memory.

It's quite difficult.

But thinking about getting double points in the future, it's still worth a try.

Go away, you have the right to take a vacation in the next world, see you in the next world.

Ji Changze waved his hand and stepped directly into the aperture.

Ding! The world mission: change the original ending


On an ordinary winter day in Shangliu Village, the three daughters-in-law of Ji's family who lived at the end of the village was awakened by a real pain and uttered a burst of pain. Ji San was awakened by her daughter-in-law's pain and hurriedly got up and put on clothes with several patches. Go call someone.

The old man Ji and his wife, Mrs. Wang, got up when they heard the movement, put on their clothes, and commanded their son who was flustered for the first time with a child.

"Yes, take these three copper plates to invite Zhao Wen's wife to come, and say that your daughter-in-law is about to give birth, and invite her to come."

Mrs. Wang took out three copper plates and handed them to Ji San, who was in a panic. Watching him run away in a panic, she sighed, "Why do you have a baby at this time?"

Old man Ji also sighed: "Forget it, since it's about to be born, it's the first time that the third child has a child. It is also a good thing to add a baby in the family."

"I heard that there is going to be a war again. When the time comes, there will be a real fight. There is a child in the family. It is not easy to hide. A little older child can know that there is no sound. What can I do with such a baby doll."

The old lady Wang was full of sorrow, but she could only wipe her hands, and entered the mud house that separated the two rooms only by blocking the bricks.

"Older three, don't panic, Wendy will be here soon."

Naturally, it is impossible for such a poor family to feed their daughter-in-law to replenish their strength.

In the other half of the room next door, Ji Er's family was also awakened. Ji Er's wife was going to put on clothes to have a look, but when she got up, her arm was pulled.

Ji's second wife lowered her head and saw that it was her five-year-old son.

"Mother, what are you going to do?"

"It looks like your third aunt is about to give birth. I'll go and help."

A five-year-old child named Ji Zhuzi still held his hand and held on to him: "You don't need to go, there is grandma there. It's too cold when you go out in the bed on such a cold day."

Ji's second wife was still hesitating. It was a dead end for a woman to give birth. She went out to help, and somehow she could boil some hot water.

"Okay, you just listen to the pillars, don't you just have a baby? Whoever doesn't have a baby, the third wife and daughter-in-law are so noisy that they don't let people sleep." Ji Er turned over impatiently. Body, he just pulled the daughter-in-law down.

Ji's second daughter-in-law didn't dare to violate her husband's will, so she could only lie down with worry and anxiety about her concubine.

Ji Zhuzi was listening to the screams of the third aunt next door and covering his ears impatiently.

He knew that the third aunt would call this one night in the end, and finally gave birth to a stillbirth. After experiencing this incident, the third uncle and the third aunt were shocked and never had any more children.

Yes, Ji Zhuzi was born again.

He clearly remembered that in his previous life, because there was only one man left in the family, his family's money was tightly spent on him. He finally entered the city and found a good job. He just took the money he saved and went to Hua Alley to look for it. A prostitute wanted to drive meat, so she went to war.

The bomber kept bombing. He only saved his life when he ran into the air-raid shelter in a daze. However, he did not expect to encounter the enemy's army and was forced to take them to the air-raid shelter. He thought that at least he could survive, but he did not expect to be killed. killed.

When I opened my eyes, I went back to my childhood.

When Ji Zhuzi was thinking about how to live in the future, the screams of the third wife of Ji next door stopped abruptly, and then there was a cry of a baby.

Then, Zhao Wenpo said in a happy voice: "Congratulations to the old sister, congratulations to the old sister, and have a big fat grandson again."

He raised his head incredulously.

What's the matter, isn't it a dead baby? Why are you alive again?

Next door, the little baby was wrapped in a swaddle, he chirped, because he was still young, he couldn't see anything in the fog, he could only listen to the voice.

He actually didn't want to cry, but it seemed that babies were born to cry, so in order to avoid others think he was weird, he still cried very hard with his throat a few times.

Grandma Wang held her grandson in her arms and looked at the other person looking around with her eyes open, her heart softened: "This child can open his eyes when he is born? Very good, better than his brothers and sisters."

The baby who heard this sound blinked in the fog. He felt that the voice of the speaker was so emboldened, it sounded like a person of high status.

When you first arrive, you must first allow yourself to quickly gain a favorable position.

So, the little baby tried to show a soft toothless smile at the person who made the sound.

"Ah! Will you laugh at such a young age?" The old lady Wang held her soft grandson and watched him smile to herself in surprise. In the bottom of her heart, she liked the little grandson a little and held her softer.

The little baby didn't quite understand why he did that just now, but he felt the cherishment from the other party, and he was relieved, and he went to sleep contentedly.