Overhead similar to the Republic of China (1)


Ji Zhuzi squatted at the door, looking at the clouds in the sky and let out a heavy sigh, thinking about how to become a rich man.

The youngest sister in the family was passing by the door, looked at him cautiously, did not dare to provoke, turned around and left.

She was about to leave, but Ji Zhuzi saw something in her mouth while chewing, and smelled a scent.

He smelled the scent of eggs, the look on his face immediately changed, and asked with a calm face, "Where did you get your eggs? Did you steal the eggs from the house?"

His expression was terrible, and it was a bit scary for the little sister who was only four years old this year. She was frightened at once, and stood there looking at him stupidly.

"Girl, I want to eat all day long. Even so poor at home, you still steal eggs. It's not ashamed to lose it."

The best job Ji Zhuzi found in his life was run errands with rich people. In his previous life, he didn't dare to expect anything. He only dared to think about making more money, marrying a wife and finding a concubine. But in this life, living a life again gave him great confidence. .

He, Ji Zhuzi, is a person who has lived again.

He is different, Ji Zhuzi is so sure.

The senior officials and lords who he could not agree with in his previous life, the military men who brought Mu Cang, and the wealthy, have fallen into the lower ranks in Ji Zhuzi's heart at this moment.

Who can live such a lifetime again like him? God gave him this opportunity, certainly not to make him as squandered as he was in his previous life. In this life, he can definitely become a senior official and a rich man.

As a result, I felt that I had become Ji Zhuzi of a rich man, and I didn't like my family too much.

Especially his sister from the same father and mother, this little girl who is only four years old, Ji Zhuzi still remembers that this girl in his previous life liked to cry the most. When he was a child, he cried and cried out hungry. When he grew up, he cried silently. Later, she got married. Although the man was a little older, he had a little money in the family.

Ji Zhuzi was still happy for two days at the time. After all, his relatives were rich and could take him. As a result, this girl was not up to date. His man was hooked by a woman outside and was later driven out.

What impressed Ji Zhuzi was not how miserable this sister was, but that he had just become a "top man" in his previous life, put on brand-new clothes, and his hair was smeared with oil. At that time, it was the most glamorous and beautiful in his life. At that time, he invited colleagues who were fellow servants to visit his home.

As a result, I ran into this dirty girl squatting in front of the chicken coop in the yard, stole the eggs and ate them raw.


What a shame.

Ji Zhuzi still remembers his anger and embarrassment at the time. Later, this younger sister died. She seemed to have been hungry for many days at her husband's house. She didn't know what happened and escaped desperately. She only had time to eat a raw egg and died. Up.

He was going to die, and an egg was wasted before he died.

Moreover, it made him ashamed in front of his colleagues.

Ji Zhuzi was so stubborn about it. When he came back from his birth, he saw this little sister eating eggs in her mouth. She remembered the embarrassment that she had consciously couldn't lift her head in front of her colleagues in her previous life. His face became more and more ugly. He stretched out his hand and pushed her to the ground: "You Don't you want to be shameless, didn't the house give you food? Still stealing!"

How did the four-year-old girl understand this? She was pushed to the ground by her brother, knocked her head on the door frame, and cried with a wow.

"Changying and Changying did not steal eggs"

"Hey, you didn't steal the eggs, what are you eating in your mouth? You know how to cry every day when you are a dead girl."

When Ji Zhuzi looked at his sister on the ground, the more unpleasant he looked, he was about to go up and kick, and suddenly a clear boy's voice rang: "What are you doing!"

Although he is still young, his facial features are already very delicate. The small round boy ran over from a distance and raised his head to look at Ji Zhuzi: "Second brother, why are you so fierce and long and surging."

"Who killed her."

When Ji Zhuzi saw the visitor, his expression was a little stiff, and the momentum just disappeared: "She stole the eggs, I just educate her, which children are like her."

"When did Changying steal something? She grew up so big that she never touched anything that was not allowed at home. Also, who told you that she ate eggs? That was the bird egg we went to touch together. , You quickly apologize to Changying."

"Who knows whether it is a bird's egg or an egg, and I apologize, Ji Changze, I will teach my sister, what does it matter to you, what does your little kid know."

With a small attitude but not at all, Ji Changze snorted coldly: "Do you apologize or not? If you don't apologize, I will tell grandma."


A child is a child. Even if it is a little difficult to deal with, he will only look for an adult when he encounters a problem.

Seeing Ji Zhuzi's face of disdain, Ji Changze knew he didn't intend to apologize.

Sure enough, this second brother who has been annoying since childhood showed a more nasty smile on his face: "Ji Changze, you asked me to apologize to her for a girly movie? Last time I apologized to you because you counted it too. It's the boy in the family, just a dead girl, a money-losing guy who will marry sooner or later, even if I kill her, her girl is dead, the family won't blame me."

He was full of expressions "How can your little kid understand the adult world", and Ji Changze, who looked at him, couldn't wait to kick his ass.

Ji Changze knew that Ji Zhuzi had always had a strange sense of superiority in front of them. Every day, he looked at them with "you are not worthy of talking to me" and "I can pinch you to death with one finger".

He was very upset about this, very upset.

Ji Zhuzi had provoke him before, and he was turned back. After that, when this annoying second brother saw him, there was no expression on his face that made him want to kick him. Originally, Ji Changze still didn't want to kick him. Quite satisfied with the current situation, but Ji Zhuzi has bullied the younger sister he was covering, and he absolutely couldn't bear it.

The little boy looked at Ji Zhuzi with cold eyes: "Second brother, have you forgotten how I let you be beaten several times before?"

The smug look on Ji Zhuzi's face froze again.

This is why he looked ugly when he saw Ji Changze, a seven-year-old cousin. This cousin who was supposed to be a stillborn child in his previous life was born smoothly, but he was just like a monkey at a young age.

Ji Zhuzi provoked him several times, but Ji Changze slapped him severely.

He also couldn't figure it out, he was obviously just such an older kid, how to be so smart about doing things.

But Ji Zhuzi does not have a long memory.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been taught several times and would still provoke Ji Changze.

Of course, Ji Changze's cousin was only seven years old and his small height that he could overlook also gave Ji Zhuzi great confidence.

"Ji Changze, I used to be your brother a few times before. Don't give me bad luck. I am the eldest son of the family. Grandparents love me the most. Do you dare to mess with me and be careful of your ass."

Knowing that this smelly brother must have forgotten the lesson last time.

Ji Changze's little head has very few things that he can't figure out. This second brother is one of the few people he can't figure out.

The main reason is that he didn't understand why the second brother had to get more frustrated and courageous. He tried to provoke him several times as if he had no brains and was beaten back by him several times.

The oldest hen in the family still knows that he was beaten up when he pecked Ji Changze. The next time he dared not peck again, why the second brother is not as good as an old hen.

Ji Changze is very puzzled.

With this incomprehensibility in mind, he turned around, bent down his waistless body, and pulled up his sobbing sister.

"Changying, where do you hurt?"

Ji Changying wiped his tears, and grievedly pulled the third brother's arm: "Changying, sucking, and Changying have a headache, and my butt also hurts."


Ji Changze took out a piece of sweet grass from his pocket and handed it to his younger sister: "Go and eat sweet grass next to me. Third brother and second brother will talk to each other."

"Well, thank you brother." The little girl saw the sweet grass, her crying face immediately turned into a smiling face, she cherished the grass and ran out to find a stone to sit down and eat seriously.

Ji Zhuzi was even more disdainful when he saw this little girl's film giving Gencao a happy blossom.

Such a sister is really embarrassing to him.

Ji Changze silently put his hands in the big pocket he carried, and turned his head to look at the sky.

Seeing that he hadn't moved, Ji Zhuzi let go of his original vigilance a little, and smiled: "Ji Changze, you can only rely on your young bastard when your grandma is there. No one is at home now. , What can you do with me?"

"Quickly get out of me, or you can block it again. I'm not welcome. No one is at home now. Even if I hit you, I won't admit it. What can you do?"

In fact, Ji Zhuzi wanted to really do it directly, but the previous operations of this cousin really made him a little bit imaginary, so now he still just wants to show his tongue.


Ji Changze slowly took his hand out of his pocket. It was a pair of slightly large gloves. He put it on properly, and then reached out and put his hand in his pocket.

A slingshot appeared in his chubby little hand. The little boy pulled the slingshot and pointed it at Ji Zhuzi unkindly: "There is no one at home now, even if I hit you, I won't admit it at that time, do you have any idea? ?"

Ji Zhuzi: "???"

He took a step back subconsciously, and then suddenly reacted {Go to the Vinegar Learning Network to read a book, and sneered: "Ji Changze, do you really think that the children in the village recognize you as the boss and you really are the boss? How old are you and how old are you? You just want to hit me with such a broken slingshot? How painful does it hurt to hit your body?"

"I don't think I will teach you a lesson today, you are really going to heaven."

Ji Changze chuckled. He is still young, no matter how clever he is, he still has children's mischief. At this moment, his face is full of malicious intentions.

"Second brother, you are right, of course the slingshot won't hurt anymore."

He reached into another small pocket with his gloved hand, and took out the small stone bound by many leaves.


The little stone hit Ji Zhuzi's forehead with precision.

The stone was very small. Ji Changze held it tightly. It was only a little bit painful when hitting it, but Ji Zhuzi let out a scream of pain, subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the wound, and then the painful whole person squatted on the ground and yelled for a long time. Did not slow down.

In the ear, there was a crisp childlike voice: "But it's different for a scorpion to beat people with grass."

Ji Changze did not continue to fight, but took off his gloves and took the slingshot, turned his head to look at the sky, his small body stood in front of Ji Zhuzi and raised his head triumphantly:

"How about it! Scorpion grass is amazing! Second brother, you will feel uncomfortable in the next few days. Don't scratch it, it hurts or itchy, scratch it, and it hurts even more, oh, that's biting.

"Second brother, you see, it hurts to cry, you say that you make fun of me all day long, why are you not as good as a little kid, you still cry when you are such an adult, it's a little shameful."

"You are still hitting me, come here, come hit me."

Ji Zhuzi sweated in pain, raised his head gritted teeth, and looked at his cousin grimly: "Ji! Chang! Ze! How dare you sting me with a scorpion grass!! You're done!!!"

The little boy seemed to be frightened by his ugly look and harsh words, with a timid expression on his face.

"Second brother, are you really angry? I'm sorry, I won't dare next time."

Seeing him like this, Ji Zhuzi snorted coldly, and he knew that he was just a little kid, and someone older than him was really angry, he must be persuaded.

But he didn't intend to forgive the other party. He was going to throw Ji Changze into the river. If he could come back alive then, he would die without admitting it.

He wondered how to teach this cousin, his cold expression passed by, and he barely squeezed a smile on his face: "It's fine if you know that you are wrong. The second brother is your own cousin, how can he be angry with you? Go, you accompany your second brother to the river to wash."

Ji Changze's voice was very small, as if full of timidity: "Second brother, do you really forgive me?"

Forgive me, he decided that he couldn't bear this cousin. Anyway, there are many children drowning in the village. Even if Ji Changze really died in the river, others would never think of his cousin.

Thinking about this, Ji Zhuzi smiled more gently: "Of course, you are my brother, I will forgive you for what you do."

Ji Changze in front of him seemed to believe it, his delicate white face showed a look of approval, and he nodded his head heavily: "Second brother, you are so kind, then since you forgive me for the matter just now, you forgive me for the rest of the matter."

"Of course, we are brothers"

Ji Zhuzi was coaxing Ji Changze, suddenly reacting wrong: "What?"

In the next second, the boy in front of him stretched out his hand neatly and scratched his red and swollen forehead.


Countless birds that were startled by the screams flew over the sky.

Everyone in the village knows that after a person is stung by a scorpion grass, they will have severe pain and itching, but you must never scratch with your hands, otherwise the pain can be increased to 80 points at once.

As a result, Ji Zhuzi was so painful that he could no longer stand.

He took a big breath, his eyes full of disbelief fell on Ji Changze, who just seemed to be really afraid of him.

Ji Changze was looking at him mockingly with disdain and sneer.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? You forgive me? The whole village knows that I can't swim. You take me to the river at this time. Do you really think I don't know what you are making?"

"I just won't go with you, what can you do with me? Come on, hit me."

He swayed in front of Ji Zhuzi, looking so proud of the heavens.

Ji Zhuzi gritted his teeth viciously, and slowly clenched his hands on the ground.

"Ji Changze!!"

Ji Changying, who was sitting quietly on a rock eating sweet grass, was attracted by the huge roar. As soon as she looked up, she saw the face of her second brother who seemed to be murdering. She was shocked and hurriedly shouted to Ji Changze: " Third brother, run quickly! Second brother is going to hit you!"

Ji Changze didn't need to remind him at all. When he saw Ji Zhuzi's face, he slipped faster than anyone else. The child was already energetic, not to mention that he loved to run around since he was a child.

After running two steps, I looked back at Ji Zhuzi and saw that the other party was running slowly, so he stopped and waited for him: "Second brother, you are so useless. Why can't you even catch up with me? No wonder there is a big brother like you in the village. They don't like to play with you. Look at you. You have a bad temper, and you can't run long. Who will play with you if you run so slowly."

Ji Zhuzi was angry and hurt, gritted his teeth and continued to catch up.

Ji Changze walked the dog like a dog, and took him for a few laps. Finally, he looked at the sky and looked far away, his eyes rolled, and a tired look appeared on his face.

The child stood on the spot with his hands on his legs, breathing heavily, as if he had lost his strength.

Seeing this, Ji Zhuzi showed a hideous look on his face, speeding up his pace and chasing after him; "Ji Changze, let me see how you run!"


Ji Changze seemed to trip under his feet, and fell to the ground with a thump, his knees sturdy and knelt on the ground together, and it hurts to look at it.

He fell so hard that Ji Zhuzi naturally had no doubts. He chased after him with a smile of excitement, and lifted his slap to hit him.


The child seemed to be frightened, and cried out loudly.

Before Ji Zhuzi was proud of it twice, a roar suddenly appeared in his ear: "Ji Zhuzi!!! Why are you bullying your brother!!!"

Ji Zhuzi: ""

The hideous expression on his face hadn't completely faded away. At this moment, he was already at a loss. When he turned around, he saw the grandmother Wang standing not far away looking at this side with a frame full of anger.

The old lady walked swiftly under her feet, and arrived in front of her two grandchildren in three or two.

Ji Zhuzi's forehead was sore and itchy. The time he just ran was too long. Now he was a little suffocated. His legs were like soft noodles. Before he and Mrs. Wang complained, he exploded with a heart-piercing cry. .

Ji Changze's small body was still kneeling on the ground, and seeing Granny Wang, just like seeing a savior, he hugged her thigh and cried loudly.

"Grandma, you are here, grandma, you will be beaten to death by your second brother if you don't come to Changze again, oh oh oh oh grandma, I'm so scared, if I'm beaten to death, I won't be able to grow up in the future. I took my grandma to the show. Grandma, you said that you like watching the show the most. Without Changze, who can take my grandma to the show?"

The old lady Wang was frightened when she saw the scene of the older grandson chasing and beating the younger grandson just now. Now that the younger grandson cried like this, her heart suddenly softened. She hurriedly put down the frame on her back and hugged the child. , Stop crying, stop crying, isn't grandma here?"

Ji Changze didn't cry all the time. After being coaxed twice, he closed his tears. He was hugged in his arms with red circles under his eyes. He whispered with a choked voice, "Changze listened to grandma, Changze is good."

Oh, her good little grandchildren.

How can you be so sensible.

The old lady Wang became softhearted: "We Changze are really good, let grandma see, where did your brother hit you? Is it still painful now?"

Ji Zhuzi who didn't touch a finger of Ji Changze at all: ""

He said angrily: "I didn't touch this little bunny at all."

"I opened my mouth and said nonsense. Just now I saw you chasing Changze and beating with my own eyes. Changze was beaten and cryed by you."

Ji Zhuzi: "???"

"I really didn't touch him, me"

"Grandma, my brother didn't beat Changze." Ji Changze interrupted the conversation between the two in a low voice, because he had just cried, and he still had a nasal sound.

Ji Zhuzi glared at him fiercely: "Milk, you see it, he himself said that I didn't beat him."

"My brother is right, my brother has never beaten Changze."

Ji Zhuzi looked at him triumphantly.

In other words, if a child is a child, how could it be able to beat him.

However, as the seven-year-old little Douding was talking, his voice sobbed again, curled up in the arms of the old lady, and his tone was full of fear: "Brother, Nagasawa tells grandma that you haven't beaten Nagasawa as you said. , You won't hit me anymore"

Ji Zhuzi; ""

It's not.

What do you mean by this?

You say this as if I threatened you not to tell others that I beat you.

Although he admitted that he did have such an idea just now.

But the problem is that he didn't touch any of Ji Changze's hair.

Ji Zhuzi was angry, and met Granny Wang's angry eyes.


"Milk, I really haven't beaten him, Ji Changze said this on purpose, he just wants you to misunderstand!"

Granny Wang Haha: "He is only seven years old this year, does he understand this? Can he understand?"

He really can.

Ji Zhuzi looked at Ji Changze, who was silently silent to him while avoiding the sight of Granny Wang: "Look at him!"

Granny Wang looked down.

Ji Changze put his little soft arms around her neck again, and relied on and whispered: "Grandma, Nagasawa, don't let grandma feel distressed. For the sake of grandma, Changze won't annoy his brother anymore. Ze won't hide."

Ji Zhuzi: ""

He looked at Granny Wang with an ominous premonition in his heart, and he saw that the other party was looking at him fiercely.

Ji Zhuzi has always been afraid of Mrs. Wang from his last life. Even though he was the only male in the family in his last life, Mrs. Wang has always loved him very much. All the delicious foods and drinks at home are closely related to his expenses, and he is still afraid. She bothered her again.

Mrs. Wang loves him very much, but her love is not unlimited. She also loves the girl's movies at home. Although only a little bit, she rejected the previous life Ji Zhuzi's proposal to let his sister and sister change his relatives. In Ji Zhuzi When she wanted money to buy a house in the city, she disagreed with Ji Zhuzi's proposal to sell the sisters to the elder.

This has always made Ji Zhuzi very dissatisfied.

They were all girl movies. What happened to him getting back with a wife for him? Also, selling to the big master, the big master is so rich, it's still delicious to them.

But he dare not disobey Granny Wang, Granny Wang is very strong. Ji Zhuzi knows that although he is the most favored in the family, the parents, uncles, uncles, aunts and aunts in the family listen more to his grandmother's words. The grandmother gave an order, how can they do? If he hurts him, he will only obey the instructions. In the previous life, he knew that he would really tear his face and couldn't do the grandma, so he could only endure it with uncomfortable heart.

Fortunately, this dead old woman got a serious illness and died. The old man Ji died a few years ago. The rest of the family could not hold him down, so she married her younger sister to the rich old man smoothly. .

It's a pity that even an old man can't hook up if he's unbelievable.

Thinking of his previous life, Ji Zhuzi was angry again. He wanted to maintain the image of his last life saying no to each other at home, but before he opened his mouth, he first saw the grimace in front of him who was not dead.

Ji Zhuzi's air brush loosened.

He glanced at Ji Changze, who was full of grievances.

Isn't it just pretending to be wronged? Who can't.

Ji Changze is just a kid, if he learns his tricks, Ji Changze can't do anything about it.

Thinking about this, Ji Zhuzi quickly showed aggrieved expression on his face.

Ji Changze knew his plan just by looking at him.

The little guy wiped his tears with disdain.

Pretend not to pretend, look at the expression on this face is stiff, for fear that people can't see that he can't pretend?

Ji Zhuzi's voice also fell aggrieved: "Grandma, you are reasonable. Just now Ji Changze hit me with a slingshot, and I chased after him when I was angry."


I don't know the point of the complaint. Is the slingshot the point? The point is clearly whether the scorpion grass is good or not.

Ji Changze snorted coldly in his heart. For the nth time, he couldn't figure out why he was so smart but had such a stupid cousin.

He felt boring to fight with Ji Zhuzi.

He waited patiently for Ji Zhuzi to squeeze out a few tears, and gave his opponent ample opportunity to resort to methods, before he said: "Yes, I hit the second brother with a slingshot."

The old lady Wang didn't believe Ji Zhuzi's words, but she was taken aback when Ji Changze said this, and asked quickly: "What's the matter? Changze, what are you doing with your brother?"

Nagasawa has always been well-behaved, saying that he was inexplicably mischievous and beating people, but Mrs. Wang didn't believe it.

"Who told him to bully Changying? He also said that Changying was a girl. Grandma, if you don't believe me, ask the second brother and he said nothing."

Ji Zhuzi's first reaction when he heard this was to deny it, but when he saw Ji Changze's neck looking in the direction of Ji Changying, he immediately woke up.

This Ji Changze, who has always been a good monkey, could give him a chance to speak, this time he took the initiative to give him a chance to deny it, there must be a trick.

Ji Zhuzi also didn't want to be so wary of a seven-year-old child, but Ji Changze was really "stigmatized." How did he think that he felt like this? Plus, just ask Ji Changying about this. He simply asked Ji Changying. Have a headache and admit it quickly.

"Yes, I did, but no one in the village said that about the girl at home."

Ji Changze whispered: "If he only talked about Changying, he said, he was a male, and he would only apologize to the male, and he would hit the money-losing guy in the family as soon as he wanted to."

"Grandma, the second brother said, there are also men in the family who are valuable, like my mother and aunt, and grandma, you are all money-losing goods, you are a dead girl, oh I don't want him to say that about you, grandma, and my mother. And auntie, grandma, you hurt your second brother so much, and he still wants to beat you."

"Changze doesn't understand what a male is, why can a male beat the woman in the family, so he can not work. Changze doesn't want this. Changze likes to help his family, and Changze doesn't want you to work hard."

Ji Zhuzi: "???"

Ji Zhuzi: ""

Although he really thought so in his heart, he really didn't say it.

Mrs. Wang's eyes were completely cold when she saw him.

She is a woman herself, and she thinks that the men in the family are precious, but this does not mean that she can tolerate the men in the family and look down on the women in the family.

What do you mean?

My old lady didn't eat plain rice at the beginning. Your grandpa worked there, and I didn't work less. Why? With the grandson that we supported, now I start to look down on and despise me as a woman?

Moreover, when Ji Changze reminded her, she just remembered that Ji Zhuzi, who is now a teenager and considered an adult in the village, hadn't worked much since she was a child.

At the beginning, it was because he was the only male in the family and he was young, so the whole family took care of him carefully, fearing that he would die, and offering him everything that was delicious and delicious.

Later, Changze was born. Ji Zhuzi is no longer the only male in the family, but is also the eldest son. The family has always taken care of him. He has never taken the initiative to help with work, because he is so used to him. No one thinks there is anything wrong.

Let's take another look at the family member Ze. Although he is only seven years old this year, he has been helping to do what he can do since he will run around, such as sending food and water to the ground, helping pick vegetables, choose vegetables, and wash vegetables. Sometimes the farmer's family is too busy to work, and he cooks the food with Changying, who is only four years old.

Males are precious in the farmhouse, if only Ji Zhuzi is a male, he would be fine.

But isn't there still Changze?

The same male, Changze has been helping the family with things, never making trouble, look at Ji Zhuzi, how old he is, he has never been to the ground, and he has never done any work at home.

Moreover, he bullied his younger siblings.

Now he even thinks that he is a male, so he can look down on the whole family.

Even if he is really the only male in the family, he may not work or eat for nothing, but he must not be confident that he can bully his sister casually.

This is how many spoiled males in the village treat their sisters in the family as their belongings and sell them casually.

She can't control other people's homes. In their own homes, girls are definitely not as important as boys, but boys can't abuse sisters.

The more Mrs. Wang thought about it, the more she felt that it was time for Ji Zhuzi to take care of her. With a cold face, her subordinates gently hugged the little grandson, and said to the elder grandson: "You come in with me."

Ji Zhuzi: "Milk, I can explain it"

"Explain a fart, explain it, and come in for me!"

Ji Changze obediently put his head on Granny Wang's shoulder, winking at the Ji Zhuzi behind.

Ji Zhuzi: ""

He gritted his teeth and followed in the door with a face full of dissatisfaction.

"Changying, go and call your father back."

Hearing this, Ji Zhuzi's face suddenly changed.

In general, there is only one possibility to call his father back in this situation, and that is, Mrs. Wang feels that she is still not strong enough, so she calls her son back to beat his grandson.

He numbs his scalp when he thinks of being beaten, and he hurriedly pleaded: "Milk, I know it's wrong, next time I really won't be able to, milk, I am weak and can't help beating, please take it."

In the end, it was the beloved grandson, and the old lady Wang was full of determination. At this moment, being so begged, she couldn't help but hesitate a little.

Ji Changze suddenly "sobbed".

Mrs. Wang paid attention and immediately transferred: "What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

"Well, my knee hurts." Ji Changze looked pitiful and lowered his head decadently: "Brother Gang chased me. I was so afraid that I fell and fell on his knees."

While talking, he suddenly looked at Ji Zhuzi.

Ji Zhuzi: ""

He began to feel uneasy.

Sure enough, the child shrank timidly in the next second: "I'm sorry, brother, Nagasawa fell by himself. Nagasawa didn't say that he was chased by his brother. Don't stare at Nagasawa."

Ji Zhuzi: ""

He stared: "You!"

"What are you, you!" The old lady was really angry and came up: "Don't let me in, you beat your brother to tears, and you scared him!"

"I do not have!"

"What are you doing not as big as your staring eyes!"

Ji Zhuzi with really wide-eyed eyes: ""

Ji Changze Lala the old lady's sleeves: "Don't be angry, grandma, I dress thickly, it should be fine, and my brother just knows that I am wrong."

The old lady Wang turned into a breeze for a moment. She first glanced at her cute little grandson with affection and love, and then when she looked at her grandson, she was full of hatred for iron and steel: "Look at your younger brother, if you don't hold any grudges, then look at you. Such a big person still bullies his younger siblings."

Ji Zhuzi: "Me, me, you!"

"Don't hurry in for me, who taught you those words?! What girl film is losing money? I tell you Ji Zhuzi, our family doesn't say that. What about your sisters and sisters, it is not your turn to intervene."

A quarter of an hour later, Ji Changying returned with Ji Er in a hurry.

After a while, the two little peas sat outside the door, listening to the screams of the second brother being beaten from inside.

Ji Changze sighed like a small adult, and while pulling out two thick cotton pieces from his knees, he said to Ji Changying: "Changying, why do you think the second brother is so annoying? Obviously you and the eldest sister are quite good. It's normal."

Ji Changying shook his head: "Changying doesn't know."

"Yeah, I can't figure it out, why does he want to kill me? Look at his eyes, you can't wait to throw me directly into the river, isn't he the one who provoke me first?"

Ji Changying didn't understand, and patted his hand: "Don't be sad, third brother, Changying likes third brother, and elder sister also likes third brother."

"I'm not sad. I'm just worried. I have to act first to be strong. By the way, Changying, today my brother taught you to act first to be strong. The meaning is that if someone wants to disadvantage you, you should kill him first. "

"For example, today, your third elder brother and me, first beat your second elder brother, and then deliberately annoyed him, when he was so mad, he took the opportunity to beat him again, and finally, pinched his grandmother home At the hour, I deliberately asked him to chase me, so that grandma can just hit me with my second brother, my brother teaches you, next time, if someone bullies you, you are younger than him, and when you can't beat him, just do it. ."

Ji Changying listened ignorantly: "Brother 3 is amazing, Brother 3, who taught you this?"

"Is it still worth teaching? Just think about it."

When Ji Changze finished speaking casually, he sat at the door obediently, watching Mrs. Wang and Ji Er go out to pick vegetables again, and immediately sat obediently.

"Grandma, go with your uncle, Changze will help the second brother pour water."

"Pour some water, let's play with Changying."

Seeing the two go away, the boy lowered his head and put on the bag, put on his gloves and took out the slingshot with all his face on his face.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

"I'm preparing to act first. Listen, third brother asks second brother to sing for you, and ask him to express his apologies for causing your head and butt pain."

Ji Changze tiptoed in with a slingshot.

A minute later, Ji Zhuzi's screams sounded again in the house.

"Ah!!! My ass!!! Ji! Long! Ze!!!"