Chapter 237 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (3)

Seven-year-old Ji Changze has a new goal: to make the country stronger.

Why is it a new goal? Because he has set many goals before. For example, after reading a book a day, he has to play Wu Qin Xi every morning, brush his teeth in the morning and evening, and run around the village at night before going to bed.

The previous goals were naturally achieved smoothly. In addition to what Ji Changze said he did, there is also a very important reason, that is, he will make various plans for his goals.

What plan does a powerful country need?

The child sat in front of Xue Wuye's house with his chin on his back, looking at the red sun in the sky.

Xue Wuye said that before their country was called Dazheng, but later, Dazheng disappeared and it was messy everywhere, so he had a new name, Huaguo.

China currently has not only such a name. According to Xue Wuye, the country is now being divided, one piece there, one piece there, some places are occupied by foreigners, what kind of government has been established, and some places have been occupied by Chinese, and they have also been established. What kind of government.

According to Xue Wuye, the current situation is a mess.

The foreigners still act recklessly on their territory. The ordinary people have a hard time. They are actually considered peaceful here, because here is a great man's place. This great man is from a local, not like Some other soldiers let the people under their hands wreak havoc like that.

As a result, many people in their village can still eat eggs during the New Year, and many ordinary people in other regions can't even eat rice bran, let alone eggs.

Ji Changze listened to Xue Wuye talking about various reasons, and made a summary in his heart.

To put it bluntly, it just can't beat it.

Because they can't fight foreigners, they will do whatever they want them to do. Because they can't fight foreigners, even if people from other countries fight on their borders, they can only endure it.

Therefore, Ji Changze divided the big goal of his own powerful country into small goals.

To bear the brunt is to work hard to develop towards weapons.

The Chinese cannot beat foreigners not because there are fewer people, but because foreigners have more weapons. I heard Xue Wuye say that there is a kind of plane called a bomber that flies into the sky and throws bombs.

It's useless for people to run around for their lives. Those bombs are so powerful that even if they don't fall on people, they can still blow people apart.

Ji Changze knew what it meant to be divided, but he hadn't seen it before, so he couldn't actually imagine it. He was still a little naive. When he developed such a weapon, those foreigners could no longer bully people like that.

As a result, the goal has gone from being a powerful country to developing weapons, and then finding a way to figure out how to develop weapons.

After thinking about it clearly, the child ran into the house arrogantly.

"Weapon? I don't know this."

After listening to Ji Changze's remarks that "you must have powerful weapons in order to become a strong country", Xue Wuye laughed for a long time, tears bursting out of his eyes, and coughed a few times under the dissatisfied eyes of Xiao Douding in front of him, indicating that he was fundamentally unsatisfied. Have not studied this aspect.

"Would you not be the fifth master? But you are not a scholar, are you a person with university knowledge?"

Xue Wuye laughed again.

"Reading a book does not mean that everything is good. There are so many things to learn in the world. People, even if they learn every day, they can't finish learning for hundreds of years."

Ji Changze was very depressed: "Oh."

"The fifth master, I went home, thank you for teaching me today."

Seeing that he was leaving, Xue Wuye asked: "You are leaving now, don't you want to learn to make weapons?"

Ji Changze is not like the kind of person who retreats.

"Of course I have to learn, but the fifth master of the village can't teach me, and other people can't teach me. I will wait for Minger to go to the city to find out where I can learn."

Wuye Xue knew this was the case.

This kid doesn't know where he cultivated his temperament. He is obviously a small person, but he has patience and perseverance. Even if he can't do what he wants to do right now, he can do everything he can to do it.

It was really the complete opposite to his second cousin, and he didn't know how these two completely different temperaments came into a family.

"It's alright, you just remember, don't inquire, although you are young, most people don't care about you, but now you are in a mess. If you say something wrong, be careful that others are not polite to you."

"Why do you think I'm stupid? I know these naturally. It is because I am young that I have to take advantage of others' despise, ask and learn more, otherwise, when I grow up, I will no longer be as unguarded as I am now. Up."

"Just like you, Wu Ye, you have lived in the village for a few years, and you are still wary of seeing everyone and you are unwilling to interact with people. That is to say, when I pestered you when I was young, you thought I was nothing. Only if you understand, I am willing to say a few more words to me, I know all about it."

When Ji Changze said goodbye to Xue Wuye, took his sister by the hand and went out, Xue Wuye still hadn't recovered.

He had known Ji Changzejing a long time ago.

Unexpectedly, when he was only a few years old, he could even see this.

This child is really not in the pool.

Thinking of him just now vowing to make the country stronger again, Xue Wuye suddenly felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Maybe, maybe he really can?

"I want to go to town tomorrow."

As soon as Ji Changze returned home, he pulled Granny Wang's sleeve and made his request.

A crying child has sweets, and he always asks generously for what he wants. Anyway, the family is willing to give the best, but he doesn't want to give it, so he will find a way to get it himself.

Granny Wang showed a look of surprise on her face: "We Changze also want to go to the city to play?"

and also?

Ji Changze frowned slightly: "Grandma, who else wants to enter the city?"

"Your second brother, when he woke up today, he said he wanted to enter the city. Otherwise, grandma asked your second brother to take you to the city?"

In today's village, the teenage boy is already considered a half-year-old, and can be used as an adult.

Ji Changze refused: "I don't want my grandma. My second brother doesn't like me at all. I'm afraid he will take me into the city and then throw me away."

The old lady only thought that he was beaten by the second brother yesterday and there was still a shadow, and she touched the little grandson's head affectionately: "Why? Your second brother wouldn't do this, you are his younger brother."

Come on.

Most people would definitely not do this. After all, the whole family knew that they would not deal with it. If Ji Changze was really lost, he would be the first to please.

But the second brother is different. This guy is stupid and stupid. He doesn't know how to cover up when doing bad things. He might actually do something to lose Ji Changze, and then stupidly think that as long as he sprinkles it casually. If you lie, no one will find out that he was deliberate.

Ji Changze is not afraid of his second brother, but he is afraid of trouble.

He hugged Granny Wang's sleeve, raised his small face pitifully, his eyes flushed suddenly: "Grandma, please grandma, Nagasawa doesn't want to be with my second brother, my second brother is fierce, and Nagasawa is scared."

"Oh, my little boy, it seems that yesterday we really scared our little boy."

Looking at the pleading little grandson, the old lady Wang immediately softened her heart and hugged him up and coaxed: "Okay, okay, grandma won't let the second brother take you."

Ji Changze took the opportunity to say: "Will our family send out someone to buy something on this day of every month? Who will go today? Let me follow him."

"Your second brother is going today."

Ji Changze: "?"

Ji Zhuzi?

He is so stupid, do you remember what to buy?

Mrs. Wang softly explained to Xiao Sunsun: "Your second brother is also old. It's time to help the family. But now he has injuries and can't go to the field to do farm work. It just so happens that he also wants to go to the city. He went shopping in the city."

The expression on the face of the culprit who caused Ji Zhuzi's injury became even more pitiful, and his little hand softly encircled Granny Wang's neck: "Grandma, then can I go by myself, I don't want to be with my second brother."

"No, no, you've only been there once or twice, and you haven't walked the road well, and you are young. If you meet someone who fled the famine on the road, they will kill you and eat it and put it in a pot to cook."

Mrs. Wang's fright was useless to Ji Changze.

But he knew that Mrs. Wang loved him so much that it was impossible for him to go to the city alone when he was only seven years old. He calculated his mind and changed his words: "I suddenly remembered that Xue Wuye would also go to the city today, otherwise Shall I follow him?"

"Master Xue."

The old lady respected Xue Wuye very much. In addition to being a scholar, another reason was that Xue Wuye taught his grandson for free.

Free two characters, accented.

Such a person who is willing to teach his children without being named or profitable, and willing to teach his children without receiving a penny, is a great and good person.

Such a reliable and good person, of course, must be believed.

"Okay, then, you go to the chicken coop to pick up an egg and send it to him. Please ask him to take you to the city."

"No, I took Changying to pick out the bird eggs yesterday. I just give the bird eggs to the fifth master. This is Changze who wants to go to the city to play, but he can't spend the things at home."

My dear grandson is so sensible, and the look in his eyes becomes even more affectionate by Mrs. Wang.

How can you be so obedient and sensible.

She was immersed in "My dear grandsons are so good, so good." Ji Zhuzi, who had been bored in the house all morning, came out. When she arrived in the yard, she said: "Milk, the city is far away, so many things come back. I'm too tired, or you can give me an egg and I'll hire a cart."

Granny Wang looked at Ji Zhuzi's gaze suddenly disgusted.

"You're such a big person, and you can't carry something? If it doesn't work, don't go and let your third uncle go."

Ji Zhuzi: ""

Even after he was born again for several years, he still wasn't used to this grandma who didn't want to give anything like he did in his previous life.

The city must be going.

He could only endure the breath, bit his molars, and returned to the house with a stiff expression.

Originally, if I just went back to the house, then it didn't care about Ji Changze.

But who did Ji Zhuzi give him a glance before entering the house?

Ji Changze couldn't stand this anger.

With a cold snort from the bottom of his heart, he hugged grandma's neck tighter.

He said in a very low voice, "Grandma, my elder brother wanted the pallet because he felt tired. My elder brother didn't do much work since he was a child. It's normal if he can't stand the suffering. Or you can give your elder brother an egg. Grandma is angry."

Mrs. Wang refined the keywords accurately.

Ever since she was a child, she has never been mad at her.

A little bastard.

My old mother worked so hard to bring you up, and all the people of my age have gone to work. Do you still live at home all day long to enjoy the good fortune, life is so comfortable, and you still have a face to be angry?

"Don't worry about him, he is used to it."

The child's voice was soft: "You can't ignore your elder brother. If your elder brother is angry, he will have to be angry for a long time. Grandma has to coax him. The elder brother won't be angry until he eats something delicious."

Granny Wang: ""

It seems so.

Ji Zhuzi was always angry with some inexplicable anger. Every time he had to coax someone, he still had to take the food to coax.

Thinking about it now, she wondered what was wrong.

This stinky boy, wouldn't he pretend to be angry and cheat him to eat and drink.

Ji Changze continued: "My brother must be angry. Otherwise, when his uncle and dad went shopping in the city, he didn't tell me to find a cart. He might be angry about the beating yesterday, or I would tell my brother. Apologize, I apologized, my brother might forgive grandma."

Granny Wang: ""

Forgive her?

Why did the little bunny forgive her?

I feel that the city is far away and the things are heavy. Why didn't other people in the family say anything when they went to buy them? Now it's their turn to have a pallet truck.

White-eyed wolf.

The more the old lady Wang thinks, the more angry, the more angry the more thinking.

She originally belonged to the top of the food chain at home, so she couldn't bear it now, and immediately put her little grandson who was in her arms gently on the ground.

Ji Changze has a well-behaved face: "Grandma, are you going to apologize to your brother? My brother is so fierce, and Changze feels sorry for grandma, or let Changze go to read for grandma. Go vinegar for books. Learn the Internet cafes."

"Good Changze, grandma is not going to apologize, don't worry."

After that, Mrs. Wang gently touched her grandson's head with a full face. Turning around, her face suddenly changed. She looked around, picked up the fire stick, weighed it in her hand, and felt very comfortable. Went inside.

Within a few seconds, Ji Zhuzi's screams came from inside the house.

"Milk!!! What did you hit me for!!! I didn't provoke you again!!!"

"Ah!!! It hurts!!! What are you doing! Did Ji Changze tell me that I stared at him?!!!"

Then there was Granny Wang's powerful voice; "Are you still?! Still staring at your brother?! I let you stare! Let you stare! Let you ask for an egg! Let you be yin and yang strange!!"

Ji Changze sat in a chair obediently, holding his chin and admiring the sweet screams of his cousin.


Let him stare at himself.

I hate it.

However, this pesky is always too lazy to take a step, how could he suddenly want to go to the city? He didn't know anyone in the city, so what did he do in the city?

Ji Changze left a secret in his heart to remind himself that this was wrong, so he went into his cabin, rummaged and found out the slingshot he used for self-defense, as well as the bird eggs and small fruits he saved. I entered the bag I was carrying and ran out.

Running all the way to the bottom of the big tree at the foot of Cunwei Mountain, Ji Changze tied a long red ribbon in his bag to the tree.

He changed this belt with a bird's egg. I heard that it seemed to be taken from the wedding dress of the bride in the next village. It is said that the man she had set up was on the battlefield. He had an appointment to come back and get married, but he brought it back there. It was news of the death that the bride couldn't stand the shock. She was almost crazy that day and cut all her precious wedding dresses into one piece.

The tattered wedding dress was thrown into the river, and then picked up by the children in the next village and replaced by Ji Changze.

The terrain of their village is a slope. The head of the village is the highest and the tail of the village is the shortest. The tree is tall and big, so no matter where you stand in the village, you can see this tree.

Not long after the red belt was tied, two children ran over.

"Boss! Boss! Here we come!"

Ji Changze sat on the tree, looking at his little servant condescendingly, with a satisfied expression on his face: "Well, very good, you two are the fastest, so let's be tied for first place. One person will reward one bird. egg."

The two children immediately showed excitement on their faces, and they quickly stood up to Ji Changze and said, "Thank you, boss, we will be faster next time!"

After a few minutes, another child ran over.

Because he was in third place, he only had half a bird's egg, but he was also very happy, holding half a boiled bird's egg to cherish small bites.

The children who came later found that the first three were already there, and their faces couldn't help showing disappointment, but they all stood still.

When the last child arrived, Ji Changze slid down from the tree, carried his hands on his back, and walked up and down in front of them solemnly.

The eldest of this group of children was eight or nine years old, and the youngest was seven years old. They all stood there obediently and let Yuji Changze look at them.

Seeing that they were silent and just waiting to speak for themselves, Ji Changze satisfactorily stated the purpose of calling them:

"To call you here today, there are two things to say."

"First, I am going to the city today. If you have anything to bring, or your message, just tell me later."

"Second, I want to tell you that you have passed the test."

Confusion appeared on the children's faces.

The eldest and eldest child asked, "Boss, what's the test?"

"Of course it is the test to be the person I value most."

Ji Changze lifted his chin, his face was written "This is your glory, you should celebrate it."

"Before, I couldn't trust you very well, and I couldn't confirm whether you would listen to me, so I only took you to do small things like digging traps, catching fish and birds, and selling straw sandals for money."

"But, after such a long investigation, I found that each of you has done a good job, and your mouth is very strict. I have never told an adult. This is very good and very good. Therefore, I announced that in the future, I will bring I want you to do more important things."


"What is more important?"

"Will there be meat?"

"Boss, what's the important thing?"

Ji Changze waved his hand, and the children who had just asked various questions immediately shut up, but their curiosity couldn't stop them, so they could only look at him like this.

"Powerful country, you know?"

The children shook their heads blankly.

Ji Changze stood on the big rock. This was the "throne" he specially chose for himself. He specially asked his classmates to lift it from the river to this place, just to stand on it when he could talk to show his boss status.

"A strong country! A strong country! You know that we are Chinese, right! But, our country is a little weak now, so our new task is to strengthen her! Strengthen her! Let our China change It's better than a foreign country, and when that happens, no one in our country dares to bully."


A bunch of standing straight children shook their heads dumbfounded.

Ji Changze choked.

His small head is a bit regretful.

He has such a clever mind, how could there be such a bunch of stupid subordinates.

But think about it, he is too young, except for this group of subordinates who are also children, no one wants to recognize him as the boss.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to do what I say."

It was the eldest child who raised his hand, and when Ji Changze nodded, he stood up and asked, "Then boss, what are we going to do?"

"I will help you think about everything. If a country wants to become strong, it cannot lack talents. Therefore, all you have to do is to become talents."

The little subordinates still had unintelligible expressions.

Ji Changze simply and rudely divided talents into three categories.

"Stand here if you feel you can fight, stand there if you feel you can't fight, and stand in the middle of the station if you feel you can fight."

The little subordinates quickly stood still in accordance with his instructions.

When they finished standing, Ji Changze looked at the unmoving Xiaodouding at the end: "Wang Ba, why don't you understand."

Wang Ba was full of face and tried to stand up straight and replied: "Report to the boss, I can't fight, and I don't have any brains."

Ji Changze: ""

He looked up and down at this subordinate, who was eight years old this year but shorter than a six-year-old.

Wu Ye only told him that those who could be beaten were called military commanders, and those who could not be called officials. He didn't tell him what he could not be called without using his mind.

"Okay, then what do you say you will."

Wang Ba really thought about it seriously: "Boss, I can act, I can act really well."

Immediately a child came out to testify: "To the boss, he can act, and he often cries for us to see."

Acting, he will too!

Ji Changze looked at Wang Ba's eyes suddenly pleasing a lot, and waved to him: "Come, come here."

"Then you are the bait."

Wang Ba knows what bait means, but he doesn't understand why people can also be used as bait.

Ji Changze told him: "You pretend to be a good bully. Do you know how to pretend?"

The tears of Wang Ba's eyes fell, and he looked at Ji Changze with a pitiful face and sobbed: "Old, boss, do you think my appearance is good for bullying? I pretend, do I look like?"

"Very good! That's it, but you shouldn't just pretend to speak, shake your body, and show fear in your eyes again, yes, yes, that's it, ok, you pretend to have weak legs again, and you want to run without the energy No, you can't move this leg. Your legs are soft and you can't move. You have to back up with your hands, eh! Yes!!! That's it!"

Ji Changze took the lead in applauding, and a bunch of small subordinates immediately followed and applauded.

He took out a bird egg from his bag and handed it to Wang Ba.

"You have to learn from the bastard, and see how fast and well he learns things, this is the talent! Excellent talent! Come, reward you with a bird's egg."

The bastard, who has been eating and drinking with his subordinates but has not contributed anything, holds the bird eggs, breaking his tears and blooming for laughter.

"Thank you, boss, I will practice well in the future."

Ji Changze was also very happy. After being happy, he became dissatisfied with the name Wang Ba.

"How can someone from Ji Changze be called Wang Ba? Did your parents give you a big name? From now on, we will call you according to your big name."

The bastard stood up from the ground and shook his head: "Boss, my name is bastard, and my nickname is Shitdanzi."

Ji Changze: ""

This bastard has to focus on training, how can he be called a shit egg.

"Then, if I give you a name, isn't your name Wang Ba? After all, it is your father and mother who gave you the name, and I can't change it. You will be called Wang Qiyi from now on."

"Wang Qiyi, July 1 adds up to eight, it doesn't mean you have changed your name."

Ba, no, it was Wang Qiyi. He also heard that this name was better than his previous one, and it was still taken from his original name, and a snot bubble suddenly appeared happily.

Nodding vigorously: "Thank you, boss, then I will be called Wang Qiyi from now on."

Ji Changze was also very happy to see that he was satisfied with this name.

He had the impression of Wang Qiyi that this subordinate was short and knew nothing, and seemed to be dumb every day. According to Ji Changze's income standards, he did not look down on Wang Qiyi.

But Wang Qiyi's family situation is a bit special.

During the war, a group of men went to the village. His father was one of them. Then he died on the battlefield. Wang Qiyi and his mother took her son to live alone, but the family was too unlucky. His mother fell from the mountain. I was lame, I couldn't do much farm work, and now I have a broken leg. The mother and the child are disabled and the other is young. They have a very hard time.

Otherwise, Wang Qiyi would not be eight years old and grow so thin and small and shorter than a six-year-old child. When he recruited soldiers and bought horses, Wang Qi eagerly approached him and said that although he was weak, he was able to work. He can do a day's work.

Ji Changze was soft-hearted and recruited people.

Of course, Wang Qiyi can stay for so long because he is really obedient and willing to work. Although the strength is small, he is really willing to work all day unless Ji Changze gives him a rest. Time, otherwise he would not even rest.

But now that he has the advantage of being able to act, Ji Changze looks even more pleasing to Wang Qiyi.

"Okay, I'm going to the city again. It's roughly like this today. Come and tell me what you are going to do today."

The only literate boss squatted on the ground and picked up his imperial man. With a wooden stick, he wrote and painted on the ground.

"Today I will gather firewood."

"I'm going to mow hogweed today."

"Today I want to look at my sister, my house is not at home today."

"I want to wash clothes, a big basin."

The children in the village are not like Ji Changze who can do nothing all day without saying anything. The adults are busy with all kinds of life, and the children in the family must also follow along to share the burden for the family.

Like younger children, they just watch their younger siblings cook.

The older ones have more to do. There are all kinds of things like cutting pig grass, collecting firewood, and washing clothes.

"Okay, it's all clear."

Ji Changze quickly assigned the task to what he had recorded on the ground.

"You two are going to mow the hogweed, and the one who wants the hogweed to put the back basket there."

"You three, go to Xiaolouzi's house, take all the clothes you need to wash, and then bring the group of children over, wash the clothes over there while watching their younger brothers and sisters."

"You go to collect firewood, remember, follow the same route, put bundles and bundles in place, and walk the same way when you come back, and then put the firewood away and wait for the person who wants the firewood to come back and pick it up. Up."

After arranging the people to do the work, he started arranging to "fight" again.

"You guys, go and take a look at the trap we set up earlier. If you have something, send it to the forest and put it away. You two, go to the river and see the net we made before."

That's right, the reason why Ji Changze's team has become the object of the children in the village want to join is because as the boss Ji Changze will arrange various arrangements so that the children who would have been busy all day only spend one morning or even not even one morning. Can handle everything.

Moreover, you can also eat meat.

They have always admired Ji Changze for this, so the young children who have reached the age have tried various ways to join in.

Ji Changze himself felt that this was too simple.

The tasks that the children in the village have to do are all the same. Anyway, they are almost the same. Instead of so many people working in a scattered way, it is better to distribute the tasks so that only a part of the people will repeat the tasks in one place, and finally everyone will do each other. Take away your "task".

Not only can I complete the tasks assigned by my family, but I also do a great job, so I can naturally do other things with the extra time.

This is also very simple. There is no one in their village, but Ji Changze has only studied on the mountain for a period of time before figuring out how to catch rabbits and pheasants.

He experimented time after time to make traps, and then taught the "subordinates" how to make them, let them put traps everywhere, and finally did not eat the things they caught, and sold them for money.

Ji Changze's little aunt's house went to the town to sell meat, so he brought these things and said that someone in his village gave him candy and asked him to exchange it for money.

Of course, the other party would not think that these objects were caught by children. After giving the money happily, Ji Changze took the money back.

Part of the money is a team fund that cannot be touched, and no one can touch this money.

He takes half of the remaining money, and then divides the rest equally.

The team fund is used for rewards.

When some people make outstanding contributions, Ji Changze will take out the money from the team's fund and give it to the other party, and give it to the other party in front of all the subordinates.

Although the money has gone through layers of exploitation, it has to be said that for children, especially poor children, it is still very much.

Follow Ji Changze and recognize him as the boss. Not only does he work less every day, he also eats meat, and he can also get money. Naturally everyone wants to follow him.

As for Ji Changze himself divided into half, no one thought there was anything wrong.

Had it not been for the boss to teach them this, would they know how to catch things, and could they allocate time to catch things?

Naturally it can't.

Moreover, even though everyone is going to do traps now, but like Ji Changze, who arranges everything so that they can do everything with ease, they still can't do it themselves.

Of course, Ji Changze won't admit that these subordinates "have stiffened wings and didn't think about flying solo but admired him more" because he kept instilling all kinds of "the boss is the best" and "the boss is the most powerful" to the little subordinates. "The idea of ​​"Follow the boss to eat meat, but be miserable without the boss".

The seven-year-old Xiaodouding is not guilty.

He didn't lie to others. He did what he promised to let his subordinates have money and meat.

As for why he wanted to "recruit troops and buy horses", in fact, even Ji Changze himself didn't know why before, as if it was instinct, and subconsciously told him that he must have his own person.

And these people must be loyal to him.

If it's for making money, he can make it himself, and he doesn't need to separate out another layer.

Now Ji Changze is clear.

He "recruits troops and buys horses", that is to strengthen the country! !

As expected of me!

Xiaodou Ding Ji Changze praised herself from the bottom of her heart.

It turns out that I knew I was going to strengthen the country early. No wonder Wu Ye said that I was a genius. Hey, I was a genius.

After all the people were arranged, Ji Changze asked the two small subordinates he appointed to take care of their belongings: "How is our property?"

That's right, every time he talks about these things, he adds "we" specially. This will make the subordinates have a sense of maintenance of the things, so that they can take care of the things more carefully, and it can also increase their awareness of the team. Sense of belonging.

When Ji Changze analyzed this with Xue Wuye, Xue Wuye still looked at him with weird eyes for a long time, and then yelled something enchanting.

"Report boss!"

The two little subordinates stood straight and answered very seriously: "We take good care of them. Every day we look for the freshest weeds and insects to feed them. The rabbit we caught last time also gave birth to little rabbits, so many."

"Well, good, I'll go and see."

Ji Changze praised his two little subordinates in a decent manner, and led them towards the forest.

There is a big wooden house in the woods.

If you think that the wooden house is where they put things, you are wrong.

There is an underpass under the wooden house.

Not a long secret path.

After passing the underpass, it is a basement.

If you think that it is a place to put things, you are still wrong.

In the basement, remove a table inside, and there is an underpass underneath. After entering the underpass, walk inside for about ten minutes. The place where you left is a cave.

The front of the cave is full of stones, but Ji Changze took the little subordinates to move it in bit by bit to ensure that people can't get in. The outside of the rock is still covered with vines.

Those vines were also specially dug and planted by Ji Changze, just to block a hole here.

Every time, they would only enter the cabin and come to this cave from the underpass of the underpass.

Although they were all from the village themselves, Ji Changze felt that he should still do this, and his things must be hidden.

Although digging the tunnel is time-consuming and delays things, he hasn't had this trouble since he bought the shovel. Anyway, his little subordinates can dig it, and he only uses command.

Walked all the way to the cave through the underpass through the underpass.

In the huge cave, there are three or two pheasants, five rabbits, and a brood of little rabbits.

Ji Changze looked at them with a satisfied smile on his face.

That's right! This is my country.