Chapter 238 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (4)

Looking at the mental state of these pheasant rabbits one by one, Ji Changze finally picked up a pheasant with a wounded wing: "It looked too awkward, don't raise it. It is estimated that the more it grows, the thinner it gets, and I killed it after I came back today. It eats meat."

Ji Changze's subordinates are very serious about doing things. These two little subordinates have developed affection because of raising this pheasant. Tears are not willing to flow from the corners of their mouths, and they are very reluctant to propose: "Boss, let's stew chicken soup."

"good idea."

"The mushrooms we picked just happened to be dried, chicken stewed mushrooms, those mushrooms were carefully selected by us and kept for our own people to eat, to ensure that they are delicious."

Ji Changze nodded in understanding, knowing that they must want this pheasant to be a little more luxurious in the last chicken life. Look, if you don't see the mushrooms, are they already ready?

No way, his subordinates are as long as he is.

"Okay, I'll leave this chicken to you to make it. Use that big pot to make it and wait until it's cooked well."

Not every subordinate is regarded as a treasure at home like Ji Changze. Some are not spoiled by themselves, and some are not good at home. Every time they eat meat, Ji Changze can find that some of his subordinates will regard themselves as their own. Save the chicken soup to take home with your family.

He didn't say bad, just saved up the team fund, and when he was almost done saving, he bought a big pot and came back.

Although I eat a little bit of meat every time I eat, the pot is big, there is a lot of water, and there are more other things, such as mushrooms and fungus. Everyone can get more in his hands.

You can eat it yourself, and you can bring it to your family.

Most of the parents of these children know that this group of little kids "occasionally" will be lucky to catch some small objects, and then divide them and take them home, but because of this situation, most of the objects are sold for money, and the objects are so small. , Another point, everyone has only that little bit in their hands, even if they take it home from the whole province, parents will not covet the bite of their children.

When they were children, didn't they still catch small fish with only fingertips and put them on a big rock for an afternoon before eating?

At that time, they were not willing to put salt, and these children didn't know where they came from, so they could still get salt.

Although their village is poor, it can be regarded as peaceful. Parents don't want to give the children this ration, so they don't care how these children make trouble.

Ji Changze also knew that the adults in the village didn't take their so-called team seriously. This can't be blamed on the adults. After all, they are just a group of seven or eight-year-old kids. Who can believe that they can really do something big.

He himself doesn't care much about what the adults look like, but other children care about it very much.

The two subordinates in charge of breeding were sharpening their knives and preparing to kill the chickens, while complaining to Ji Changze: "The last time I ate rabbit meat, I finally saved a piece of meat and brought it back to my mother. She laughed at me while letting myself Eat, isn't she greedy for meat? All the dreams in her dreams were eating meat, but in the end I really took the meat back, and she felt like I brought back less meat."

"My dad, too. He never eats the meat I bring back. They only drink it when I bring the soup back."

Ji Changze is the clear one: "They don't think you eat less, but they think you eat less. Every time you bring soup back, they will have a small pot, and they will definitely be willing to drink it."

"Wait, sooner or later I will ask you to bring a pot of meat back, so that they will look at it with admiration."

The two little subordinates were first happy when they heard a pot of meat, and then they stunned their faces when they heard: "What is admiration?"

"Should my eyes be shaved? It sounds so painful."

Ji Changze: ""

He began to mumble.

The little subordinates became more curious: "Boss, what do you mean by Shrimp and Crab?"

"You are the shrimp soldiers and crabs. Forget it, they all grew up together. I can't dislike you. Just wait. Even if you are a small shrimp, I will train you to become a big loach."

Ji Changze returned with a tragic mood of "Eh, none of my subordinates are capable, I'm going to be busy to death". After coming out of the cabin, he looked back at this conspicuous cabin and felt that it was still not working.

The country is not peaceful yet, and the ghost knows when to fight again. What if the forces on his side start fighting before they are cultivated?

No, Guitu Sanku, he has to buy some more shovels and dig a few more strongholds.

Of course, Ji Changze didn't want to do anything with a headshot. When he asked people to dig the tunnel, he first measured the soil here and made sure that it was suitable for digging the tunnel before giving the order.

That is to say, children, half-year-old children, barely have enough energy, most of them don't have to work on the ground, and they can have a lot of time every day as long as they finish the tasks arranged at home, so many children get together, even if they do work. Without an adult's agility, he could quickly dig out the secret tunnel that Ji Changze wanted.

The road to the city was still far away, and Ji Changze simply figured out in his mind what kind of basement he would dig this time as he walked.

The basement, of course, the more secret the better.

The land boundary of Scorpion Grass is good. People in the village don't like Scorpion Grass. If you find Scorpion Grass on the way you often walk, you must pull it out, but no one cares about the road that you don't usually walk. Then, some scorpion grass grows. It became a piece, and gradually, people in the village didn't like to go there anymore.

Dig there to keep it secret.

Also, it needs to be bigger, the bigger the better, and the bigger you can put more things.

What else is there.

You have to get some wood to support the middle. The underpass can only support a few, but the basement is not. If not unexpected, it will be a place where they will spend a lot of time in the future, so they must be safe.

Fortunately, he read all Xue Wuye's books on architecture, and he should be fine by then.

Breathability and sound insulation must also be fixed, and there must be vents, otherwise it will not be smoked if it is burned in winter without ventilation.

Ji Changze thought as he walked, adding a little bit of color to the basement model in his heart. He didn't find it so hard, and he even enjoyed it a little bit.

I have to say that although I always feel that I have so many subordinates and many things, but he still needs him to personally order, but it feels really cool to use my brain only to order others to do things.

He just thought about things all the way and walked towards the city. The vegetation here is very high. Even if the weather is cold now, it is still enough to drown a child in it. It is not afraid of snakes in such a cold day. Ji Changze is so careless. Move forward.

As he was walking, he suddenly heard a "bang"! .

In just one second, Ji Changze thought a lot.

No one will set off fireworks regardless of the year. What's more, the fireworks factory in the city seems to have exploded some time ago. In this case, the probability of someone buying fireworks and setting them in the grass is too low.

So this sound, is it the legendary Mucang sound?

Ji Changze quickly lay on the ground, listening to the movement quietly.

There were a few more gunshots, and there were voices.

"Don't run!"

"It's useless for you to run, you are all injured, where can you go after running!"


Then, there was a scream.

Ji Changze sniffed.

His nose has always been very good, and he smelled blood right now.

He lay on the ground, quickly took out a large square scarf from his back pocket, tied it behind his head and covered his face, then turned sideways to look at a few pairs of shoes running past in the grass in the distance, one of which was lying on the ground. Yes, there is a wooden warehouse nearby. It seems that the wooden warehouse fell to the ground when it fell injured.

The person didn't notice that his wooden warehouse had fallen, and struggled to get up, and then continued to run towards Ji Changze.

Relying on his familiarity with the terrain, Ji Changze quickly turned the direction, but the other party seemed to think the same way, and the two of them happened to meet.


Ji Changze recognized this man at first sight. Isn't this the son-in-law of the family who sells pork in the city? I've been helping out at the pork shop before.

He doesn't like this person very much, because every time the other party sells meat, his attitude toward the person buying the meat is not very good. The nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes. Ji Changze always feels that he looks down on them.

This person gave him the same feeling as the second brother he hated the most.

The man didn't know whether he recognized Ji Changze. Seeing such a remote place could just cause him to hit a child when he was being chased and his eyes lit up.

When Ji Changze found a look of ecstasy in his eyes, and when he began to pull out a pig-killing knife from the knife belt hanging around his waist, he guessed what this guy wanted to do.

Take him hostage?

Ji Changze seemed to be frightened and stupefied, lying on the spot blankly, looking at the other party with the excitement of capturing the object, and slowly approached him.

Because of the injury on his leg and trying to avoid others, he came here on his stomach like Ji Changze.

Seeing the kid on the opposite side staring at him stupidly, a grinning smile appeared on the trapper's face. The next moment, his smile froze.

After a few minutes, it was confirmed that the person was dizzy, and Ji Changze released the hand that was firmly holding his acupoint, and quickly searched the other person.

After a while, the guards who were chasing this man came over.

"Boss, I found it."

"People have passed out."

Ji Changze hid in the distance, watching the guards violently lift people up and carry them away.

He looked down at his outfit.

He is dressed normally. The children in the village usually wear it like this. He just covered a square scarf and showed his eyes. The person probably didn't recognize him.

The child lay motionless on the ground for more than half an hour, making sure that there was no one here, then crawled in the direction he remembered, and picked up the wooden warehouse that he had been staring at since falling on the ground.

This is Kukura.

Ji Changze excitedly hugged it up and down and looked up and down, after thinking about it, he took out the things he had just found on that person from his big backpack.

A sharp pig-killing knife, this can be used to kill what they have caught, the knife bought before is cheap, or too small.

Ji Changze counted a handful of silver dollars, and there were eleven. Hearing from Xue Wuye, one silver dollar can pay back one thousand copper coins. These eleven silver dollars are probably more than their family's possessions.

He was very stable, only put the silver dollar back into his pocket carefully, and continued to look at the rest.

A lighter looks ordinary on the outside, but when Ji Changze first searched it, he found it in the mezzanine of the other's clothes. If it weren't a treasure, what did he hide so tightly for?

And he didn't find a cigarette.

Ji Changze fumbled for several times and didn't see anything wrong. He was suspicious that he was thinking too much, but he recalled it carefully.

That's right, when he went to buy pork with his grandma last time, he clearly saw matches on the table next to the stove. Lighters are usually used by wealthy people. This guy is the son-in-law of the pork shop and doesn't lack meat. Eat, but I'm definitely not so rich, and I don't smoke yet

Absolutely tricky.

He didn't give up on the fire, and it really couldn't. Now Ji Changze was sure that this thing was hiding something, so he simply slammed it directly at a stone.

After smashing it open, a piece of paper was exposed inside.

What the hell?

Ji Changze opened the piece of paper, and he, who had always been steady, couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise.

This is actually an installation drawing of a weapon.

Why is he so lucky?

Just thinking about learning how to make weapons, such a thing came to my door.

Ji Changze could vaguely see that this weapon was like a wooden warehouse. It was long and looked very cumbersome, but since it was hidden by that guy so cherished, it must be a good thing.

He quickly put it into his big pocket cherished.

There was nothing good about anything else, a watch and a few letters. Ji Changze opened it and read it, and found that it was very cryptic.

It looked like an ordinary letter from home, telling his mother to go home sooner if he got sick.

But this guy can carry weapon drawings with him, and Ji Changze doesn't believe that these letters are not tricky.

It's probably a secret sign or something.

These things are not like silver dollars. Silver dollars are all the same length. They can be spent anywhere. Watches are not good. This thing is very expensive. He goes to the pawnshop on his front foot, and anyone who wants to find this watch on his back foot will be able to smooth it. Follow his footprints to find him.

Ji Changze thought for a while, and dropped the watch casually on the ground following the route the person had just ran over.

The envelope was dug in a hole in the ground. Although it was buried strictly, he didn't specially turf the piece of soil. A discerning person knew it had just been dug.

Get it done!

Ji Changze clapped his hands, packed his belongings, and continued to move towards the city.

He had already achieved his purpose of going to the city before he entered the city. He was supposed to go home, but since he agreed to give a message to the little subordinates, he still had to go there.

When they arrived in the city, the familiar people found someone who wanted to take a message and told them what they wanted to say. Ji Changze weighed his bag.

Now it is not an ordinary bag, it is a bag containing eleven silver dollars.

Don't say that the money is his child, even if it is put in front of Mrs. Wang, it is enough to make her gloomy.

Farmers often don't have a silver dollar in their lives.

It's not that you can't earn so much, but you have to spend it when you earn it, especially for families with many children, who are poor and vain to have children, and then poor and vain to raise children.

It's useless to change money into silver dollars, anyway, it will be spent sooner or later.

The Ji family is also like this. Although the family raises chickens, ducks, and pigs in some years, the meat cannot be eaten in the family's mouth, and it is sold for money.

The financial situation of his family should be around two thousand coins.

Feeling the weight of the silver dollar, Ji Changze thought about how to spend the money.

When he was walking around and looking at his little abacus, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of him.

Second brother?

Didn't he come to buy things? What are you doing in the alley?

Ji Changze squinted his eyes, instinctively awkward, thought for a while, looked at the nearby terrain, and walked along another road.

Five minutes later, Ji Changze was at the other end, peeking along the hole in the wall at what Ji Zhuzi was doing.

Ji Zhuzi was looking for it in the alley, carefully, not letting go of a corner, and Ji Changze who was watching said that it would be nice if he could do this when he was working.

Without knowing that his behavior has been discovered, Ji Zhuzi is still looking for it.

He clearly remembered that on this day in his last life, a steamed bun seller stopped here and found a bag full of three hundred copper coins.

That was three hundred copper coins, even if Ji Zhuzi in his previous life became a subordinate of a wealthy family, only two hundred copper coins a month.

The man who sold the steamed buns picked up the money and was happy for several days. He told the neighbors about it as an example of his luck.

Later, I heard that the money was dropped by an officer of a certain country.

Although it was said that a certain country was the main force in the fight against China, this country is different from other countries. Other countries fight to grab a hand, but a certain country is eyeing China's vast land and resources.

They are very gentle towards the various methods of the upper level and the people below, and they are very polite and speak very well.

Some ordinary people who didn't know the truth were used to the robbers who burned, killed, and robbed. Suddenly they met a robber who spoke politely and seemed to respect them, and immediately felt that the other party was better.

The man selling the steamed buns disappeared. Everyone said that he had made a fortune. It seemed that he had returned the money to the officer, and the officer gave him a hand, saying that he had found a good job for him.

He made money, he didn't want his wife and children, and he never came back happily.

His wife and children shed tears all day long, and countless times in the street scolded themselves for being bad guys, jealous, slippery, and learned, first hair, heart, left her and the child alone to have a happy life, crying while scolding.

Therefore, this date has always been remembered clearly.

When he was drunk countless times, he was thinking how good he would be if the person who picked up the money and returned it to the officer of a certain country in the first place.

If that were the case, he would have been able to get rid of this poor life long ago.

And when the country is bombed, he will be by the side of the officer, and there will be no danger. Although it is their country that was bombed by a certain country, what does it matter? It is enough for him to save his life.

Ji Zhuzi searched and searched.

Finally, he found the bag of money under a wooden board.

He held the bag of money as if he was holding his own future destiny, and his face also showed an ambitious smile.

Ji Zhuzi went out with the money, and his voice was loud enough that Ji Changze on the other side of the wall could hear it.

"I picked up a bag of money!! This luck is also great!"

Ji Changze: "???"

His face was full of question marks.

First of all, let's not say why Ji Zhuzi knew that there was a bag of money in it, only that he had picked up the money so loudly.

He is only a teenager. He came to the city alone. He is not afraid that he is considered a half-year-old young man. Would he still find the money to rob him?

Moreover, he could see from the cracks that there had been a fight in this alley, the ground was messy, the ground was full of broken wine bottles, and there were blood stains on the walls.

The mess all over the ground is obviously to cover up these bloodstains.

Besides, who lost the money bag so much that it was thrown under the wooden board and pressed so hard? ?

That clearly means that I don't want people to discover it and hide it specially.

There must be no blood on the money bag, otherwise Ji Zhuzi would not carelessly hold it in his hand.

Since there is no blood, why hide it?

It must not belong to the person who hid it, otherwise, why do you want to hide your money bag?

Is that the owner of the blood stains?

Just now Ji Changze looked over and embroidered the money bag.

Although the embroidery shop also has a purse for selling embroidery, if it is all over the street, the person will not hide it.

Therefore, this wallet must be very special.

He not only hid the bag, but also kept the money. One shows that he is not short of money, and the other shows that he knows the owner of the money bag and knows that the money bag is only owned by the other party.

And Ji Changze guessed that this person was hiding under the board when he was in a panic. Otherwise, if he has a clear mind, just hold the fire and burn it directly?

A person who is not short of money will panic because of what is happening in an alley with blood stains and traces of fighting?

The child quickly simulates it.

The man killed someone. The deceased was someone he knew. He killed the person accidentally. He took the corpse in a panic and left the money bag here to make the person who found the corpse think that this person was Was robbed and died.

If he doesn't take the money bag with him, one is too flustered and can't think of a good way to deal with it. Second, it's also possible that so much money with him is easy to attract attention. He may not have his own money bag, but using the other party's, that's simply It just blew up brightly.

Therefore, he chose to hide the purse here.

This is where someone lost the money bag, it is clearly a scene of murder and hiding evidence.

The murderer is a person who doesn't need much money, and may wear better clothes. Otherwise, he would not take a purse, drink alcohol, and appear on the street at night. There are many people here during the day, even if no one is in the alley or outside. There are also business people sitting there, and they can see clearly at a glance.

Knowing the deceased, if you are anxious, you will not be such a brainy person.

There will be a curfew here at night. Ordinary people are not allowed to wander around in the city at night, and the other party should have drunk and could run out at night. It must be a soldier or a member of the government. Can drink, his status should not be low, how can he be a small officer.

Grandma seems to have said that there is a military camp of a certain country stationed here. Some of the soldiers inside are generally locked in the barracks. Occasionally, the officers who come out are officers. Those officers will go to dances and so on. They are kind and polite to people. .

After she finished speaking, she added, "Be polite and useless. Before bombing the capital and killing so many of us, now I wiped my face and want to pretend to be a good person? Ah! What kind of politeness did they say, what is particularly good for the people? Ah, my old lady didn't believe a word."

So, the person who hid the purse was an officer of a certain country?

The person who killed him should have been a certain country. Although the people of this country looked kind, Xue Wuye told Ji Changze that a certain person had killed tens of thousands of ordinary people. He was always wary of this country.

If this person killed a Chinese, he doesn't have to hide in this way. Although it's a bit heartbreaking to say that, it's true. The Chinese have a low status. For these foreigners, they are killed if they are killed. It's nothing good. Covered up, you can just find an excuse to get past it.

Only people whose status is similar to them will receive such solemn treatment of killing and throwing bodies to cover up evidence.

Ji Changze took another round and sighed after confirming that the logic went smoothly.

Therefore, Ji Zhuzi offended an officer of a certain country.

He preached so loudly that he had found a purse in this alley. Was it for fear that the person who hid the purse would not look at him?

But people have already shouted outside, and he is going to stop it now. If it is counterproductive, Ji Zhuzi may not listen.

The guy is stupid and doesn't say anything, but he always feels that his brain is very smart, and he will definitely not listen to him.

Where did the second uncle and the second aunt go wrong, and how did they give birth to someone like Ji Zhuzi to be his cousin.

Ji Changze was very worried.

It's not that he is worried about Ji Zhuzi's death, but that it will affect his family.

However, even though Ji Zhuzi was stupid and broke the matter out by himself, it was considered a crooked attack. Even if the person wanted to kill Ji Zhuzi, he would not use simple and rude methods.

Ji Zhuzi will not be killed directly.

It should be killed by a roundabout way.

At least he died so that no one else would think he was killed.

Now that the money bags are picked up and passed by Ji Zhuzi everywhere, if the Ji family suddenly has an accident with the whole family, the people will not be stupid, they must have found it.

It was determined that there was a high probability that the family members would not be affected, so Ji Changze was relieved.

No way.

He has to research weapons quickly and train his team as soon as possible.

He never wanted to see the situation where a small shrimp could squeeze them to death.

Ji Changze glared at what he could do, pulling his hind legs to provoke Ji Zhuzi, who was the number one, and turned away angrily.

Bad luck.

How come you have such a cousin.

In addition, he had done all the logic just now, and every point could be matched, but why Ji Zhuzi knew that there was money in the alley, but Ji Changze couldn't figure it out.

If he saw the murderer hiding the money, he shouldn't go out so ostentatiously.

If he didn't see it, Ji Changze saw it just now. Ji Zhuzi made it clear that he knew there was money in it and he was looking for it.

Regardless of the situation and the logic, Ji Changze is not clear about this.

If he killed the person, it is unlikely.

If Ji Zhuzi killed someone, he would either have the confidence behind his back to show off his strength, or he would be afraid that someone would find that he was hiding far away, and he would definitely not come back in such a fair manner.

Ji Changze intuitively felt that something was going on with Ji Zhuzi.

He kept a secret in his heart, and he could still hear Ji Zhuzi's voice wishing to announce the world, and then he thought that this guy had attracted the attention of an officer because of his IQ.

No, the more I think about it, the more angry he gets, and he can't swallow this breath if he doesn't smash Ji Zhu.

When Ji Changze returned home, he happened to see Mrs. Wang burning a fire in the kitchen, and it seemed that he was planning to cook dinner.

He stopped, quickly adjusted the expression on his face, and ran towards the kitchen with excitement on his face.

"Grandma Grandma!!!"

"Hey, is this coming back from the city? Is it so happy to go to the city? Then grandma will take you with you next time."

The old lady Wang caught the little grandson who threw herself into her arms, and talked to him tenderly and lovingly.

"Grandma! Here you are!"

Ji Changze handed the three silver dollars to Granny Wang in the same way.

The old lady Wang hadn't seen clearly what it was at first, but when she saw that it was a silver dollar, she was shocked and quickly took it over and took a closer look.

It is indeed a silver dollar.

How could Changze have such a precious ocean?

"Where did it come from?!"

"I picked it up."

Ji Changze said what he had prepared a long time ago: "Isn't there a river beside the city? I want to wash my hands there, but I found this in the mud. I dug for a long time and dug out three. Grandma, this is a big ocean, right? Give it all to grandma."

"Oh, ah, ah, ah, my dear."

Mrs. Wang was so excited that her words were uncomfortable, and she was cautiously holding three silver dollars, her hands trembling.

These three silver dollars may be just one month's salary or two months' wages for the people in the city, but for their hard-working peasants, they save a little and are enough for the family to spend a year. .

Mrs. Wang had been worrying about the grain in the ground. The momentum of the food in the land was not very good. From now on, the family will be hungry and full. Now the three silver dollars are added, which can be regarded as life-saving money.

Moreover, what made her most gratified was that Nagasawa knew that it was Ocean and money, but he gave her the silver dollar without hesitation.

You know, children are not greedy for money, just like that Ji Zhuzi, a teenager who steals his mother's money, happened to be discovered by his mother today, and is now planning to wait until he comes back to beat him. People.

Look at Changze again, this is Da Yang, three in total, so they were actually given to her.

Ji Changze is still inviting credit: "Milk, I think you always sighed these days and said that the food is not enough. Don't be upset. Dayang is worth money. You can buy food. Changze wants grandma to do it every day. Eat full and happily."

Mrs. Wang, who was very pleased at first, almost didn't soften her heart when she heard this.

"Nagaze of milk, really good, milk knows you are a sensible."

Holding the little grandson and shouting obediently for a long time, she cherished the three silver dollars and said to Ji Changze: "Now, we have done a good job in Changze. What do you want to eat? Let's make milk for you."

"Is an egg okay?"

"Yes, of course, let's eat without cooking, put more oil in the milk, and make you a scrambled egg."

The long, well-crafted child like a boy next to the Bodhisattva shook his head.

"I don't eat, I want to feed it to milk. Grandma, you have eaten very little these days. Changze knows that you want to save rations. Grandma is the hardest. This egg should be given to grandma."


How can this kid be so good.

Granny Wang's eyes were red with emotion, and she held her little grandson and didn't let go.

Ji Zhuzi always said that she was partial to Changze, and this stinky boy didn't even look at it. He knew that he wanted this and that from him all day long, and he never felt sorry for her a little bit.

As for Nagasawa, she has known to help her with things since she was a child. Every time she had a backache, she was very worried to beat her back and pinch her shoulders with a small fist. She ate a little less to save food, and Nagasawa could find it. , I tried every means to collect herbs from the mountains to subsidize the family.

Where is Ji Zhuzi?

Being lazy, stealing money, having a bad temper, looks like the whole family owes him all the time.

She doesn't care who Changze cares.

"Hey, grandma doesn't eat them. Eggs are a good thing. You eat them and you grow up. Grandma is so big and won't grow longer."

"No, I want grandma to eat."

Ji Changze pointed to the place where the old lady put the silver dollars: "Isn't this ocean worth a lot of money? It's all so much money? Let's lay two eggs, one for me and one for grandma. The eggs are delicious. Changze wants grandma to eat. ."

"Eh, okay, you, my grandson, milk's great grandson, milk loves you the most."

"Changze also likes grandma the most. When I grow up, I will strengthen the country, strengthen our country, and become a general. Grandma, you are the grandmother of the general. You can sit and enjoy the good fortune every day."

"Hey, we Changze still knows the powerful country, so we are really good boys."

The grandfather and grandson are making each other, Ji Zhuzi is back.

He just sneered when he heard this conversation.

It's still a powerful country.

In the past few years, it was about to be bombed by bombers. What kind of country would it be stronger?

Ji Changze usually looks shrewd, but now it looks average, and the situation can't be seen clearly.

He had all thoughts about it. When he got on to the officer, he would do things with a certain country, earn big money, play with beautiful women, and fight for a higher position. Then it would be much better than being a subordinate of a rich family.

Feeling that someone was looking at him with a cold gaze, Ji Changze knew that it was Ji Zhuzi without looking up.

He was too lazy to talk to each other, got up and said, "Then grandma, I'm going to play."

Mrs. Wang smiled very kindly: "Go go, be good."

Ji Changze ran past Ji Zhu, his eyes turned around on the money bag he was carrying.


If only there is a way to let Ji Zhuzi take the initiative to break away from the Ji family.

But this is too difficult, normal people will not leave, half a teenager, eat more and sleep a lot, work is not good, except for his family, who wants to support him.

And now there is chaos everywhere. If he leaves Ji's house, he may be robbed by someone out of the door. Although Ji Zhuzi is stupid, Ji Changze doesn't think he is that stupid.

As a result, when he went out and assigned tasks to his subordinates, when he came back, he saw that the house broke up.

Ji Zhuzi blushed and stood in the middle of the yard with a thick neck, looking like his nostrils turned upside down: "When we separate, we separate! Grandma, you want to divide our house, and we don't want more. One thousand coppers, one thousand us. Just go out and live on your own, and you don't want a penny in the future!"

Ji Er and his wife are dumbfounded. They want to persuade but are pushed back by Ji Zhuzi: "I am the eldest son, and the family is in charge! Why should I hand in the money I picked up? This family must be divided! You don't If I am willing, I will separate it by myself! I will live it by myself!"

He knows how much money the family has. One thousand coppers counts as half of the family property. Of course, the chickens and ducks are not required.

But Ji Zhuzi doesn't care about these.

He picked up the officer's money, and he would replace that one who sells steamed buns with a promising future.

In this case, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want these chickens or ducks. The point is to leave the house as soon as possible. He doesn't want to share his wealth with these poor families.

Granny Wang's face was pale.

"Okay, points, second child, you can tell, you and your son, still stay at home."

Ji Er looked around: "I, I will stay home."

Ji Zhuzi sneered: "Okay, Dad, this is what you said. After that, I will be rich, but I won't be filial to you."

The home is still divided.

After signing, Mrs. Wang took out three silver dollars and put them on the table: "Didn't you ask why you should hand them in? Because Changze also picked up money today. He picked up three oceans and gave them all to me. , Now you understand, get out!"

Ji Zhuzi: ""

Three oceans? ? ?

He had to know that he was going to Ocean, what copper coins would he want.

But now the words have been signed, and thinking about his great future, he still resisted vomiting blood and sneered: "You will all regret it!"

Ji Changze, who witnessed this scene, was stunned.

He took back what he had said before.

Ji Zhuzi, he is really so stupid.