Chapter 239 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (5)

Ji Changze couldn't believe that there was such a good thing in the world.

He couldn't think of a good way to get Ji Zhuzi to leave Ji's house, but Ji Zhuzi himself asked to separate the family.

Fainted by this huge surprise, Ji Changze sat on his own small bench and asked him about his milk; "Grandma, the second brother really won't live with us in the future?"

Ji's family had just gone through the separation, and the atmosphere was very sluggish, but Mrs. Wang was obviously unaffected. She was still cooking well. It seemed that the grandson's decision to leave the house did not cause any psychological shadow to her.

After hearing the words of the little grandson, her tone was not salty or indifferent: "Yes, he said he wants to live in the city, let him go."

Ji Changze was surprised that his grandma's attitude was so cold.

We must know that even though Mrs. Wang is very indifferent to Ji Zhuzi's body, but it is the eldest grandson, she still loves Ji Zhuzi, how could she not react at all?

"Milk, don't you worry about the second brother?"

"What are you worried about, such a big person, since his wings are stiff and want to fly by himself, let him fly, anyway, he can't lose a person as big as he is. When the money is spent, his kid will come to beg the old lady."

Oh humiliation.

Ji Changze suddenly realized.

I can't blame Grandma for not being anxious at all. She is sure that Ji Zhuzi will not be happy for a few days after going out.

Just according to Ji Zhuzi's urinary sex, don't look at him now that he seems to be arrogant and domineering. You just know that the second uncle is not willing to go out with him. The whole family understands that he is like this, just going out is All sit and eat.

After the money is spent, he will definitely come back with a humiliation.

When the time comes, Mrs. Wang will not have the good temper. She has never been angry with anyone after she has lived for so many years. When she is old, she will be pointed to the nose by her grandson to say that she is separated. That can't be done.

Ji Changze is still very happy.

The nasty ghost can stay away from him day by day.

Of course, the eye drops that should be given are still to be given.

"Don't be sad, grandma, the second brother is not sensible, and Changze is sensible. After Changze picks up the money, he will give it to the second brother. The second brother will definitely not want to leave home."

The old lady Wang held her little grandson, her eyes were gentle and her tone of voice was very kind, but her words seemed to bring gusts of wind.

"Little darling, you are already darling enough when you picked up the money and handed it to the family. Don't worry, your second brother, when his grandma breaks his leg, he will naturally be darn."

Ji Zhuzi left home just like that.

When he left, his mother shed a few tears.

His father was a man who only cared about his own temperament. When he saw his son want to go out to suffer and suffer sins alone, he said a few words that the child is a silly. Others, the uncle in the family died early, and the big room was married early. The girl who went out, the auntie remarried, and Ji Changze and his parents didn't like this nephew too much.

In addition to because Ji Zhuzi made it clear to look down on them, it was also because Ji Zhuzi was always "bullying" their son.

This is the only child of the couple. They have been well-behaved and sensible since they were young, and the two of them felt the same pain. No matter how much they love their nephew and see him bullying their children, it is impossible for them to have any good feelings in my heart.

Let alone old man Ji, the patriarch has always been taciturn, and only told Ji Zhuzi a few words to come home if he can't get through outside alone.

Ji Zhuzi took this sentence as a mockery.

He sneered, feeling that all these people in the family were blind-eyed.

But this is also just right, he didn't want these drags long ago.

And he chooses to leave home at this time also has his considerations.

During this period of my previous life, after a while, there will be chaos everywhere, and everything is messed up. Because their village is remote and there are few people, they have been robbed for several waves.

Ji Zhuzi clearly remembered that in his previous life, the family had not had enough to eat. After a war, foreign soldiers came to grab food and grab girls, but the village did not dare to resist, except that several beautiful girls were robbed, and food was also robbed. After being clean, his life is still alive.

The life of the previous life was called a hardship.

The whole family is hungry. Although Ji Zhuzi is tightly attached to each ration, he is still hungry.

Later, Nai said that she would go to the elder brother-in-law's house to borrow food. Only when she arrived at their house, she discovered that her eldest brother-in-law and her eldest brother-in-law had been killed. Only the four-year-old nephew was alive.

After inquiring, I found out that a foreigner fell in love with the eldest sister and wanted to forcibly snatch the person away. The eldest brother-in-law tried to rescue the eldest sister and was shot to death.

When the elder sister was struggling, she threw the well. Only her four-year-old nephew escaped because of being hidden in a water tank.

After the foreigner had left, the hiding neighbor dared to come out. He searched around and couldn't find the body of his nephew, and then he was found.

As a result, not only did the milk fail to borrow food, but also brought back an extra mouth.

This incident has always made Ji Zhuzi very upset, but fortunately, the kid died of illness within two days.

It was at this time that Grandpa died.

The whole family finally got through it, but Ji Zhuzi only later learned that he heard that the foreigners killed people casually.

Like in their village, luckily not killed.

Some villages were killed and cleaned, let alone saving food, but their lives were not saved.

Ji Zhuzi later learned that this might have something to do with the foreigners' soldiers at the time. Some soldiers were more fierce and only treated killings as jokes, while some were normal and left after robbing them.

After he came back from rebirth, he didn't intend to stay at home like he did in his previous life.

Too many things have changed in this life.

Look at Ji Changze, wasn't he a stillborn child in his last life?

This life hasn't been a lively response to him.

In case the soldiers who came to their village in this life liked to kill, he didn't live his life again to die earlier than in his previous life.

Ji Zhuzi had planned to leave home a long time ago, anyway, although the city had been a bit harder in his last life, it has not been breached, so his life is definitely still there.

Besides, he is the one who picked up the money bag now.

He should also be the person to be grateful for the military officer of a certain country.

When he does things with the officers of a certain country, he will be his own, so he will naturally not be afraid of them killing people.

Ji Zhuzi had a good plan and left home without hesitation.

As for the family who had raised him for more than ten years, he had never thought about it.

Ji Zhuzi didn't think of any way to get them to leave the village, or to give them a little warning.

He just left, with the pride of the prophet and the longing for the future, leaving behind his parents and grandma like some rubbish, and went to the city alone.

When he was about to turn, he glanced back.

Seeing Ji Changze's small figure standing at the door looking at him.

Ji Zhuzi sneered.

Starting from this day, we are a different world.

Oh, no, maybe the soldiers who came to the village in this life are going to kill people. No matter how Ji Changze can pretend to be pitiful, he will still die under the hands of those soldiers.

Thinking about it this way, he forgave the cousin's previous offenses very generously.

Ji Changze looked at the triumphant expression on Ji Zhuzi's face with subtle expression.

Isn't Ji Zhuzi who is being swept out now?

He is proud of the wool.

Ji Zhuzi is really getting more and more weird.

Forget it, ignore him.

Ji Changze is busy.

Since returning from "picking up" the wooden warehouse last time, he has been studying the structure of the wooden warehouse and the weapon blueprint.

Ji Changze has dismantled the wooden warehouse several times and installed it several times. Now he can confidently say that if he is given enough tools, he can definitely build a wooden warehouse himself.

But the problem is that there are no tools.

Now it is the time to fight, and there are scuffles everywhere. During the Dazheng Dynasty, the people might still find one or two workshops. Now any workshop that is more useful has been circled by warlords.

As for the one in their city, Xue Wuye knew the location and told Ji Changze before, but the problem was that it was a handsome place, and Ji Changze still didn't dare to touch it.

There is no technology, but no tools.

Ji Changze gritted his teeth and announced: "We are looking for the raw materials ourselves!"

The little subordinates who were digging in the basement all looked up at the boss who was talking suddenly; "What ingredients? What are you talking about, boss?"

Ji Changze looked at his subordinates of two or three kittens, and their standard five-short stature, and was silent.

"It's nothing, you continue to dig. Let's eat rabbit meat in the evening and treat you well."

He climbed the tree neatly and began to worry again.

Even if he does find iron ore, someone will have to dig it. You can't really rely on these youngest children who are not ten years old to dig it.

But where does he go to find someone.

People, lack of people.

Without iron and nothing else, Ji Changze could only put his sight on the trees.

There are mountains here, mountains, not many other things, many trees.

Since you can't make an iron weapon, let's make it with wood.

Didn't the previous dynasties also have no thermal weapons? Flies up instead of fighting.

Wang Qiyi, who couldn't even hold a shovel, was responsible for delivering water to everyone. He took the bamboo tube to collect the water from the mountain spring, and then handed it to everyone who was working. He ran back and forth very diligently.

Ji Changze watched him run over and over again like a busy wasp, and threw a small stone on him.

Wang Qiyi looked up blankly; "Boss?"

"Aren't you stupid, you don't get tired from running around? You can't just take a basin of water. Whoever drinks water, you use a bamboo tube to get water in it."

Wang Qiyi suddenly realized: "Yes, it can be done like this, the boss is the boss, so smart."

Ji Changze looked at his subordinates disgustingly, and sighed long.

"You talk about you, all of you stupid, how can I rest assured to leave the matter to you, now I want to find a basis, no one can help me out."

Wang Qiyi was said to be stupid and not angry. He smiled and said, "Boss, what is the basis?"

"It's our base camp."

"Then it's fine in the village. I think our village is pretty good. Boss, you didn't say that you will find a place that is easy to guard and difficult to defend in the future. Our village is uphill and the road is not good. Go, there is no way to lean against the mountain behind, I think our village is pretty good."

"Yeah, what you said makes sense."

How come you are in the village without thinking about it before?

It's easy to defend and difficult to attack. It's still a place where I played from a young age to a big place. I don't even need to explore a new place. The mountain vinegar school is the fastest in the back. The adults basically can't go up except to collect firewood, but they are a group of people. The child had already figured out the back, and knew exactly what it looked like inside.

Is there a more suitable place to build a base camp than a village? !

Ji Changze was instantly energetic, and a series of plans popped up in his mind, but as soon as his eyes fell on his few shrimp soldiers and crabs, he instantly said: ""

Such a small number of people are enough to do.

It seems that it is time to continue recruiting.

The adults in the village seldom spend their leisure time, and they do things all day, purely for survival.

But they are also very content, the only fun is to chat while doing things.

Today's chat is the group of little kids in the village.

"Have you heard? The young grandson of the Ji family, the one named Changze, is recruiting children to join his team. He also said that when the time comes, everyone will have meat and soup to drink together."

The person who said this said it with a smile, apparently only taking this matter as a joke.

"Do you still have to hear? The stinky boy in my family went, oh, he was very happy to be selected. He said that he wanted to enter before, but Nagasawa was not happy. He said that he was too skinny, and he said that he would want to do it in the future. Eat more and run more, let yourself gain weight quickly, fortunately, you can become the one that is valued in the team."

"Hahahaha, the kids nowadays are still playing tricks."

"No, I asked him about what your team does every day. This guy's mouth is closed. He said that the first rule of the team is not to tell anyone other than the team their plan of action. action plan."

The man finished speaking, and the smile on his face became even bigger.

For them who work hard all day, talking about the children at home can make them a lot easier.

"Hahahahaha, anyway, let them do the work well at home. I think this kid from the Ji family is very smart. At this age, teenagers are willing to recognize him as the boss."

"I'm a sensible person. I've heard Mrs. Wang say it many times before, saying that she has been helping the family with things, and it's so small that the pillars of his house won't work."

"Hey, by the way, his column went to the city. I heard that he rented a house and wandered around the street every day, telling people that he had picked up money. How could the Ji family want him to go to the city alone?"

"If you ask me, I really know a little bit, let me tell you, this Ji Zhuzi"

The attitude of the adults is the same as these men.

Come out for fun, but no one really takes the "team" seriously.

A team formed by seven-year-olds, no matter how powerful it can go, it's just what the kids want to play around.

Let them play. When they are fourteen or five years old, they don't have time to play like that.

As for the children all of a sudden disappeared and suddenly appeared again, it did not arouse the adult's idea.

Children could scurry around, not to mention that they still like to scurry together now, maybe they went to play in an abandoned house.

When the adults were not serious about it, Ji Changze was taking the group of children from the tunnel to the cave.

"Today I will teach you how to write. No one is allowed to be lazy. If anyone is lazy, he is a traitor!


The children nodded seriously.

For them, the traitor is a very serious and serious crime. Not only is there something delicious to read here, but there is less work to do than before, so they are unwilling to be traitors.

When a group of children were writing on the ground one, two and three seriously, Ji Changze took a pen and paper and began to draw pictures of the wooden weapons he imagined.

The money to buy paper and pen is naturally not silver dollars, but the team fund. Ji Changze also specially keeps the account, reminding himself to pay the money back.

I don't know if he is really talented.

Although it was the first time I drew a picture, it went smoothly, and the model of the weapon he wanted to make appeared in his mind very quickly.

They are going uphill here, and if an enemy really comes up, tools like stones can be thrown away.

Then, he can make a sling.

The first is the general appearance. The catapult needs a place to put it soaked, and then it needs a fulcrum. This fulcrum can pick up all the heavy stones. Then you need to buy some parts. Of course, it's not impossible to make it yourself. It just took some time.

Ji Changze naturally couldn't have the patience to teach these children with different talents to read. He chose to bring out a few smart ones, first taught them, and then ordered them to teach others.

He himself drew eight pictures in one afternoon.

All of them are drawn in accordance with the steps of the weapon map "picked up" before.

After the disbandment, Ji Changze went to Xue Wuye's place with his own drawings like a treasure.

"Did you draw?"

Xue Wuye was shocked to take a closer look at the drawing, and the more he looked at it, the heavier the amazement in his eyes.

"Is this all you came up with or did you read it from a book?"

"Of course I figured it out myself. How could a bookstore sell books teaching weapons."

Xue Wuye was even more shocked.

He asked the child in front of him: "So, these weapons are all you thought of yourself? How and why do you have such a great ability, but no one can draw them even after reading a book."

Ji Changze proudly patted her breasts; "Wuye, you think, books are written by people, didn't those various weapons at the beginning? They were all made by people with a little bit of research, since everyone is the same. It's a human being. It may not be possible that they can do it, but I can't do it. Besides, don't you say that I am a genius, Wu Ye? Since I am a genius, I am naturally better than ordinary people."

Even other geniuses can't do what they are now.

Wuye Xue was really surprised by this student.

He asked Ji Changze: "What are you going to do with these paintings?"

"A powerful country needs weapons, and I naturally want to use it as a weapon."

Speaking of business affairs, Ji Changze also became serious: "Fifth Lord, the last time I went to the city, I saw that there were a lot more patrolmen in the city. I am afraid that there is going to be another war. I think, let's take precautions early. Make some self-defense weapons, and when the fight really starts, our village will also have the ability to protect itself."

Xue Wuye: "You already thought of this?"

He thought, maybe the praise of genius was not enough for Changze.

This child is really amazing.

"The pictures are pretty good. I have seen many weapons in an ancient book before. They are no different from yours, but who do you want to do? This kind of thing is not easy to find outsiders."

"Who else can I find? Naturally, I took my group of subordinates to explore for themselves."

Ji Changze shrugged, the expression on his face was calm.

"Do it yourself? Will you?"

"Hey, if you don't know it, just study it hard. Whoever is born will lose everything. Anyway, there is not much else in the mountains. There is a lot of wood, which is enough for our experiment."

At this moment, Xue Wuye really admired Ji Changze.

He is smart, there is no doubt about it.

But at the same time, his most admirable point is not his cleverness, but his temperament that can quickly figure out and solve problems no matter what happens, and is willing to endure hardship to implement it.

This kind of stability can't be done by adults.

"Wuye, I think so. You see that the terrain in our village is quite good, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is also very easy to dig tunnels. It is better to dig tunnels everywhere. Let's dig it out of ten and eight, each tunnel. Some can walk and some can't, and then build a basement underneath. Those weapons that are easy to handle are placed in the basement, and those that are not easy to handle are hidden on the mountain."

"Also, look at this topographic map. I drew it. You can see if it is correct. If it is not correct, I will trouble you to help me change it. You see, our village is in this position. Go to this position, if an enemy comes up, we will use this catapult, like this"

Ji Changze has been chattering about his various plans, it is not that he talks about it, it is that no one besides him understands these except Xue Wuye.

Xue Wuye understood.

He looked at the child who seemed to be shining all over, and suddenly felt that he was very useless.

A seven-year-old kid knows that he will do so many things after he wants to make the country stronger. He is so old, but he does what he tells himself to be patriotic, but he does nothing in his hands.

Just thinking that he was an individual, he dispelled the heart of going to the battlefield and lived in this small mountain village.

He is not as good as a child.

"Look at Fifth Master here, I think I can dig a trap here. I like to dig a trap the most. I thought about a lot of things to put in the trap. We can put that kind of wood tip or scorpion grass in it."

"I'll do it."

Ji Changze, who was talking with N Bo N Bo, was suddenly interrupted, and it took a second to react: "What?"

"Let me do that weapon."

Xue Wuye smiled and rolled up his sleeves and showed Ji Changze the cocoon in his palm: "I have always liked to do some carpentry work, but most of them are gadgets, but they are also more experienced than you in doing weapons. Let me do it, I can always make it through a little bit of exploration."

Ji Changze looked at him in surprise: "Fifth Lord, are you going to join us?"

"Well, yes, give you this little slipper as a subordinate."

Xue Wuye gently smiled and stretched out his hand and rubbed Ji Changze's head: "I taught you the power of the country. You can't be busy there, but I'm just watching."

"We work together. If one day fails, then two days, if two days fail, then three days, one year, two years, ten years, even if it's all for nothing, our children and grandchildren will inherit our will, as long as Hua There is only one Chinese left, and our country is still alive."

Ji Changze caught Xue Wuye wrong: "Wuye, how can we work so hard until the generation of our children and grandchildren has not been able to make the country strong."

"And I won't have any offspring, so I don't want to marry a daughter-in-law and have children. My second uncle was always drunk and yelled about marrying a daughter-in-law and having a child. He was tied up when he was young and didn't marry a daughter-in-law. How chic."

Xue Wuye smiled.

"You say that now, it won't be the case when you grow up."

Ji Changze curled his lips.

No, he felt that he was already thinking of an adult.

That's how Xue Wuye joined Ji Changze's National Protection Team.

The advantage of being an adult is that he doesn't need to hide like Ji Changze and the others. He just buys any tools he wants. Regarding the few silver dollars that Ji Changze gave him, he said that this is funding for research weapons, and Xue Wuye also I never asked where these silver dollars came from.

He only followed the secret road, led by Ji Changze down to the big cave, accompanied by chickens and rabbits, beating and beating, researching hard, he didn't need to get the raw materials, and these little adults-like children chopped them by themselves. The tree was transported to the cave.

Xue Wuye knew before that Ji Changze had assembled a group of children in the village, but he only thought that the students only took them around to catch fish, pheasants and rabbits. He didn't expect that they had already built such a big stall.

Even adults, I'm afraid they can't do everything as they do now.

It seemed that Ji Changze had thought about it everywhere. Before he came, he still wanted to help Ji Changze and their "base area" to improve and perfect, but after he came, he realized that the perfect here does not need to be perfected.

But Ji Changze, who created this place, still feels that this place is not perfect.

The adults in the village with children found that their children were getting busy.

Every morning, I ran out just after dawn and didn't eat at home at noon. I came back late in the evening. When I asked, I said I ate outside.

Where did these children get the food?

The adults questioned, but when they discovered that these children had actually assembled into a small team, they took turns to patrol the wooden warehouse every day, and they also caught traps together and used the money to buy food. They were really good. Quite pleasantly surprised.

After all, everyone is poor. Of course, it is best to have a bite of food left. Children can be self-sufficient, and occasionally they can bring some soup to the house.

Some people naturally became interested in taking advantage. They wanted their children to take their younger siblings to eat and drink, but they were sternly rejected, saying that they would not be allowed to be in the team if they did so.

They were all in the same village. It was true that they wanted to take advantage, and it was true that they were not so cheeky. After being rejected, the adults stopped mentioning it.

When the children in the family are getting busy and stay away from home all day long, if they are sure that they are all together, they are very safe and are not hungry, the adults will not care about it.

Anyway, as long as the family's affairs are not delayed.

Almost 90% of the children in the village, as long as they are able to work, all become Ji Changze's subordinates.

At first, Xue Wuye was afraid that so many children would have a lot of thoughts and finally what they were doing would spread out, but he found that he still underestimated Ji Changze.

The daily routine in the team is like this:

In the morning, everyone reads words together. After the words are read, they have a delicious meal together. During the meal, Ji Changze took the time to brainwash them.

As long as we continue to work hard like this, we will definitely be able to eat meat every day.

There are many people in the village who cannot eat several meals a day like ours, and there is still meat.

What? You are so obedient, what will we eat tomorrow.

I have to say that although this trick is a bit simple and rude, it does work.

For the children who couldn't fill their stomachs before, they finally cherish the good life they have now, and they cherish it more than anyone else. Coupled with the presence of Ji Changze, a brainwashing genius, it is very smooth. These children's mouths are very strict. Even if the parents asked, they didn't reveal a word.

Of course, this is also the reason why Ji Changze rejected those unreliable and big-mouthed children when he first selected the candidates.

There are more people, so there are more things to grab, and now that he also has the principal and the silver dollars, Ji Changze took Wang Qiyi to the city and bought a bunch of food and put it in the basement. .

For these children who couldn't fill their stomachs before, these foods have been enough to eat for a long time.

Xue Wuye still didn't understand.

Sitting and eating the sky is not like Ji Changze can do.

He held back for several days before he couldn't hold back and asked Ji Changze.

Ji Changze smiled.

"Of course it's impossible to sit and eat, but to make money, we must have capital. We don't know anything now, how can we make money?"

Nothing, what do you mean

Xue Wuye quickly understood what this sentence meant.

After Ji Changze taught his little subordinates about the same, he led them out in a sunny day.

Did not bring Wuye Xue.

Weak in body, Wu Ye, who can only sit on a recliner and bask in the sun every day except for making weapons, was classified by Ji Changze as a staff member, and was left with Wang Qiyi.

Xue Wuye squinted in the sun for a while, and when he woke up, Wang Qiyi was left beside him.

The little guy was not sad at all being left behind, and smiled at Xue Wuye in a naive way: "Wuye, I have learned a new lame performer, you can help me see it."

Xue Wuye: ""

Nagasawa can really go to heaven day by day.

He originally thought that Ji Changze was going to make a trap again, but it turned out that a group of children didn't come back until it was dark.

The children are emotionally polarized.

Part of them was so excited that their tails could not wait to rise to the sky.

Part of it was pale and soft, and seemed to be frightened.

Xue Wuye: "?"

Why did you go here?

Seeing him standing there and looking at this side, Ji Changze tried to restrain his excitement, restrained the urge to lift his chin proudly, and walked up to the adult with a swagger.

"Fifth Lord, I will take them to destroy the bandits in Maoershan."

Bandits of Maoershan


Still take them

Xue Wuye: ""

"That group of bandits would get together to drink on this day of the month. I knew we weren't suitable to show our faces, so after discovering where they were buying wine, I asked Wang Qiyi to dress up as a beggar and go to the door of the pub to beg, and then touched it. Where is the wine jar, I put medicine in it, let alone, the medicine is really expensive."

Xue Wuye: ""

"As soon as those bandits fell, we didn't immediately go up, we intercepted them on the way down the mountain. Any bandit who didn't fall wanted to go down the mountain to find rescuers. They were all clicked by us. You see these are scared. I have told them several times that these bandits are doing all things evil. I don't know how many traders have been killed. He also robbed several big girls in the neighboring village next door before. He is still afraid."

Xue Wuye: ""

He finally found his tongue and reluctantly said: "I'm afraid it seems to be normal."

"Fifth Lord, are you afraid of ghosts too? Don't be afraid, as long as we are doing good things, no evil will invade!"

Xue Wuye: ""

Who is afraid of ghosts?

He was talking about killing.

You are only seven years old.

At the age of seven, he took a bunch of small beans and killed a group of extremely vicious bandits.

Isn't it normal if you are not afraid?

Ji Changze is really not afraid.

Those bandits are not afraid when they kill the merchants to rob property, why should he be afraid?

He also had a headache to do psychological construction for his little subordinates.

Xue Wuye watched the child as hypnotically, and said to the scared subordinates: "If you are scared, think about the people killed by the bandits. If we are in a peaceful and prosperous world, I won't say anything about you. , But now it's messed up everywhere, you guys know this too, right.

It is possible that we are just talking right now, and a few foreign devils will pop out to slaughter the village. At that time, will you be afraid to be useful anymore? Come, tell me, is it useful? "

The little subordinates shook their heads with pale faces: "It's useless."

"By the way, it's useless. Against those people, either he died or we lived. If you are really afraid to kill them, then you, your parents, and your grandma will die!"

"Boss, my grandma died last year"

"Then do you think your grandma was dug out from the graveyard to whip her body?"

"Don't want to"

"That's not enough, think about it, you are not killing people, you are doing it to protect yourself, protect your parents, protect your grandfather, what you did is a good thing, right? If those traders who were killed by the bandits knew , I must also thank you for avenging them, is there any reason?"

"It seems to be eh."

"Yeah, if you think so again, the bandit is nearby, right? He used to snatch the next village next door, right? Then he might come to snatch our village. Your sister looks pretty, they come. If you are robbed, do you want your sister to be robbed?"

The little subordinate imagined this scene, and his face immediately became hard to look: "I don't want to!"

"Yeah, so if you kill the bandits now, they can't rob your sister. Come and tell me, what did we just do?"

The little subordinate straightened his spine suddenly, his face was no longer pale, his legs were no longer soft, and his eyes were lightened.

I was very proud and said loudly: "I'm going to protect my sister!"

"Yes! That's it! Let's not kill the bandits, but protect our family. Okay, let's cook, and have a good meal today."

The little subordinate went arrogantly.

Xue Wuye: ""

Was Changze thinking so far-reaching? Thinking about it this way, it seems that those bandits must indeed be wiped out.

Ji Changze turned his head to see the indescribable expression on his face, and asked curiously: "Fifth Lord, what's the matter?"

"Not really, do you really think that way?"

"Of course not. I saw that the bandits had money and went to the dark."

Xue Wuye: ""

"Then what you just told him?"

"Oh, ah, see that he is scared, afraid that he can't make it through the bottom of my heart, I'm just giving him an excuse, but it can only be used on them. They are all children, like you adults. , I won't use this trick, don't you believe it?"

In fact, Xue Wuye believed: "Ah, yeah, you are right."

He was completely convinced in his heart.


This is an evildoer.