Chapter 241 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (7)

When Xue Wuye was digging the graveyard, Ji Changze was already excited to hear the report from the detective.

The spies are naturally children.

They were the first group of subordinates to put on "special clothes". Everyone was small and flexible and ran fast, like the hiding skills that scared the five girls before, and they are very proficient in each of them. Above is the master of hiding.

Ji Changze dispatched them to the highest mountain nearby, observing the surrounding scenes daily.

No matter how peaceful the surroundings look like, he never forgets that his country is now in a wartime state, so naturally he has to let out a few more eyes to stare for him.

This time, the one who came back was the spy placed in Liu Yanshan.

His face was ugly, he wouldn't be frightened, mainly because he was too angry.

"I watched the foreign soldiers go far towards Xiaohong Village. I was wondering what these foreign soldiers were doing to come to our side, and then I heard Mu Cang sound, I felt something was wrong, so I just went over carefully and wanted to see it. In the circumstances, I just saw an auntie ran out of the village holding her child, and was stabbed to death with a knife by a foreigner who came over."

The excitement on Ji Changze's face sank.

He asked: "Where is the child?"

The spy lowered his head and said uncomfortably: "Sorry boss, those people have wooden warehouses in their hands, I dare not go there, the child was not saved."

He looked like he was about to cry, with his head down and his fists clenched, shaking all over.

"You didn't kill people, so it's not your turn to say sorry to me."

Ji Changze coldly took out the wooden warehouse from his bag for the first time.

He was loaded and said to his subordinates: "Let's go."

"For so many days, let's see how you are doing."

The little subordinates nodded earnestly, brought their weapons, and quietly followed Ji Changze and left from the dark road.

This evening was a good night from the perspective of the weather. The moon was very bright, there were many stars, and there was a freshness in the air.

The little subordinates don't know what the date is this day, and they don't know what time it is.

But the memory of this night was not until a few decades later, when they were very old and full of children and grandchildren, and their memories were still fresh.

Everyone stood on a high place, looking at the stars in the distance.

The nearby ten li and eight townships are very poor. They are reluctant to light the kerosene lamp at night, and they all smear things.

And now, looking from the mountain, at least four villages are lit up.

This shows that at least four villages are occupied by foreigners.

They don't know whether their compatriots are well, whether they are alive or dead.

But according to the spies, the child hadn't let it go. I'm afraid it's too bad.

Ji Changze squeezed Mucang tightly and forced himself to calm down. He took a deep breath and chose a village with the least lights.

Less lighting means that there are either few foreigners in this village, or some of them are asleep, and the persimmons have to be soft.

The group of people quietly descended the mountain and smeared to the door of the village.

Before I went in, I smelled blood first.

It is not the smell of killing chickens and rabbits, nor the smell of killing pigs during the New Year every year, but the overwhelming smell, as if it can drown people and make people want to vomit.

Ji Changze silently took out the face towel and put it on his face, and everyone else did it well.

Confirming that these foreigners did not arrange for a night watch, he whispered:

"According to the previous exercise, they have wooden warehouses in their hands. Be careful. If they are found, life is important."

He waved his hand, and in the night, small children rushed in like a weasel, hiding in every corner.

They knew very well that they couldn't beat the wooden warehouse, so they didn't plan to come up and just stubbornly. They just walked around the houses in the village without making any sound, observing the movement inside.

Having been trained before, how to use the moonlight to detect in the dark, coupled with the previous bandit battle "to protect the family", the little subordinates are familiar with the road very smoothly.

Ji Changze also touched into the village quietly, but he did not observe, but followed the movement and found the houses that made the movement.

At night, what can a group of soldiers who have just washed the village do without sleeping?

There were two or three soldiers in the first room, and a few girls crying.

Ji Changze hid under the window. While listening to the movement inside, he took out a dagger from his bag. It was found in the "treasure house" of the bandits. It was already sharp. In addition, he I took a whetstone with me and sharpened it whenever I found a chance. Now it is very sharp.

Then he took out the cloth strip and wrapped it in the palm of his hand carefully, and tied a knot.

When he was tied up, he took out a piece of cloth for wiping the slingshot. Holding the cloth in his left hand and the dagger in his right hand, he lay quietly in the dark.

A soldier inside said two or three sentences, opened the door and walked out.

He still had an expression of unsatisfactory expression on his face, while lifting his belt, he walked towards Ji Changze.

Ji Changze stood expressionlessly in the dark, took out a silver dollar from his arms, and quietly threw it in the front where it could be illuminated by the light. When it reflected, the silver dollar glowed.

It was so bright, the soldier really noticed, with joy on his face, and quickly walked over and knelt down to pick it up.

As soon as he squatted down, a black shadow flashed past his eyes, and then, with a sore throat, he opened his mouth to shout, but was covered by a piece of cloth, and then something struck his throat horizontally.

The cloth covering his mouth was removed.

Are there any yellow pigs that are not dead?

The soldier opened his mouth to call his companion, but found that he couldn't make any sound.

To make sure that the opponent's vocal cords were cut off, Ji Changze pressed the opponent and pierced his heart precisely. With a cold face, accompanied by the cry of the girl in his ear, he pierced the soldier's heart into a hornet's nest.

After the other party had no reaction, Ji Changze made a few more knives, and then unloaded the wooden warehouse on the back of the soldier and installed it on himself.

Obviously, this room was specially used for these soldiers to "vent their vents". They would definitely not stay here. They would open the door and walk out after the "freshness" was over.

One, two, three.

Ji Changze killed people one by one in the same way.

People who have just died, they must be able to smell the blood, but no one noticed that it was wrong.

After all, who had just slaughtered the village, who knew that the smell of blood in the air would come from one's own body?

After the last one fell, he put the "turf" on his back on several people, glanced at the numb-faced girls in the room, and turned and left.

Ji Changze traveled around the entire village and found a total of five rooms used to "make people vent". He didn't say a word, and after killing the last soldier, he climbed to the roof and learned how to call the night bird.

After a while, the little subordinates gathered at the entrance of the village.

Everyone has an ugly face.

The men and children in the whole village were dead, and only a few beautiful young girls were left.

This is something they haven't experienced before.

Since being brought by Ji Changze, everyone has been going smoothly. Although Ji Changze taught them to strengthen the country and made all the external situations clear, they only had a general idea.

When I went to eat the black bandits later, because these bandits did not rob that day, they did not see any bloody scenes, and even the girls trapped on the mountain did not see much details.

And now, they saw it with their own eyes.

These soldiers seemed to only plan to stay for one night temporarily. Naturally, no one would pick up the dead bodies of the villagers, so they were just thrown on the spot or on the open space outside.

Children occasionally found a few familiar faces among them.

There is a young daughter-in-law who got married from their village.

There is also an aunt who has a daughter married to their village. Every time she goes to the city, she will drop by to their village and call her daughter to join her.

When the village head of their village, Shili Baxiang wants to discuss something, the village head will move a bench to their village, talk to their village head for a long time, and then the two will leave together.

The little daughter-in-law is a very shy person. Even if she sees them on the road, the children are embarrassed to say hello. The aunt has a broken mouth, and she always whispers something in her mouth. The children don't like her very much. The village head may have been the village head for too many days. He looked different from other people and brought a bit of majesty. When the children met, they all hid and hid from a distance.

But whether they like it or not, some people are dead.

From a living person who could talk and walk, he turned into a corpse lying on the ground or on other people's body covered in blood.

There are many children.

The big ones, the small ones, some look about the same size as them, and some are smaller than them.

They were killed together, in a room.

The trained children can easily see that this was because the villagers had hidden the children in the broken house in an emergency because of the situation.

Several adults died outside, all lying on the ground and crawling into the house.

The children dare not think too much.

Otherwise they can't help but think.

Maybe they wanted to climb into the house to protect the child at the last moment before they died.

All the children were silent and clenched their weapons.

They are still young and they are very naughty.

But no one can think of something in his heart after witnessing the killing of his compatriots.

Ji Changze saw their depression and sadness, and didn't say anything, but quietly led them to the location of the corpses.

A group of people hid in the darkness and picked up the wooden warehouses where Ji Changze killed the soldiers.

Mucang is not enough, some children did not take it, including Ji Changze.

They quietly entered the darker darkness again, sneaking into the various rooms.

These soldiers slaughtered the entire village clean, and they naturally fell asleep without any vigilance, and then died in pain with their faces in their sleep.

This time Ji Changze did not allow the children to disperse as before, but controlled everyone to enter three or two rooms together. He stood in the middle listening to the movement and made sure that if something went wrong, he quickly stepped forward and killed each other.

Fortunately, it went well.

Those people probably never dreamed that the Chinese people who had been oppressed by others really had the courage to call the door. They coveted to sleep on the bed comfortably, so they died in the bed in the end.

One night, Ji Changze led people, so quietly, without making a sound, and killed the people who had killed their compatriots one by one.

In the early morning, a surviving rooster that hadn't been eaten by these soldiers began to croak, the bloody smell in the air became heavier, and one of the soldiers yawned.

He thought of the beautiful girls who were left by them yesterday, with an expectant smile on his face, and he planned to get up in the morning to be refreshed.

After getting up, he opened the door and went out. After sneezing with the smell of blood in the air, he walked towards the room where the Chinese girls were held in memory.

But from a distance, he suddenly saw several corpses in military uniform lying on the ground.

The soldier was puzzled at first, and then suddenly became vigilant. He raised his gun, looked around cautiously, bowed his body, and walked forward cautiously while observing the left and right.


Mucang sounded, and he knelt on the ground uncontrollably with a sharp pain in his leg.


The soldier screamed, Mu Cang separated from his hand and fell to the ground.

He wants to pick it up.

--boom! boom!

Two consecutive gunshots passed, and both of his palms were penetrated by bullets, and the screams went up a step.

After confirming that the opponent was not lethal, Ji Changze put away the wooden warehouse and got down from the tree.

The other children came down one after another. Some children gritted their teeth and looked at the soldier, with red eyes going up to make up the knife, but he stopped him.

"Leave this to those sisters."

Ji Changze still had consideration. The talents in the village died less than one day and one night. The girls who were locked up had no human appearance. Although they were still conscious, their expressions were better than those caught by bandits. The girl who gets up is even worse.

The bandits arrested the girl for long-term "use", but these soldiers did not care about the long-term and short-term. Ji Changze heard about Xue Wuye before that most of the soldiers had to go on their way. They might just kill and play. After the girl, it is normal to kill one by one.

Xue Wuye told Ji Changze that this was just to inform the children of the brutality of these invaders, so that he should not hold the mind of underestimating the enemy.

It's just that Ji Changze didn't expect that he could actually witness this with his own eyes.

He took a deep breath and eased slightly.

The soldiers who entered and left the girl's room last night were handled by Ji Changze alone. He was afraid that the girls would make noises when they saw them in shock. He always did it quietly.

They have been squatting here for a long time, and they are sure that there are no fish that slip through the net. Ji Changze then took people to those houses to release people.

When the door was opened, the girls in the room curled up and tried to hide themselves, but because the rope was tied, it was useless to do so, so they could only look at the door with fear.

It was not the terrible soldiers who came in, but some children.

The girls were stunned, staring at the children blankly.

Their tears were already running dry, and they couldn't cry at this moment, and their voices were already hoarse. They were in a trance and didn't even notice the expressions on the faces of these children and the weapons on them. They were stunned for a few seconds. , Suddenly reacted, and whispered to them in a whispered voice like weeping blood:

"Hurry up!!! Hurry up!!! Hurry up! Don't be here!!! Hurry up!!!"

"Hurry up and hide, be obedient, there are bad guys here, hurry up!!"

They have been tortured and can't distinguish the current situation.

For a while, the villagers were chased and beaten as if they were hitting something, and for a while, all the children in the village were hugged and fleeing.

There were loud laughter from foreigners all around, as if it was fun to see people trying to escape in order to survive.

The sound of Mucang sounded.

One, two, three.

The villagers who lived together day and night fell down, and they were dragged into the house with terrible laughter and the sound of Mucang.

Then, there is a long torture that is worse than life and death.

Now, they can't even see their surroundings a bit, just mumbling:

"Go fast, run fast, don't be here"

Many of the children's eyes were red immediately.

Ji Changze didn't cry. He wanted to kill the invaders with a single blow, but his hands were very firm, holding a dagger to cut all the ropes from these girls one by one.

At the next moment when the tie was loosened, a few girls who were still barely rational stood up with a dazed face, picked up Ji Changze and ran out, still whispering to hurry up and so on.

Pushing the door open, she saw the soldier who was kneeling on the ground under the pressure of a few children who was breaking his leg and wounding his palm.


The moment she saw the military uniform, she collapsed to the ground.

I opened my mouth to shout, but couldn't make a sound for a long time.

If it weren't for Ji Changze's closeness, he wouldn't hear the short, small voice like being pinched by his throat.

The girl hugging her trembled violently, shook her hands and hid him behind her, making a short and rough cry.

In extreme fear, she couldn't even scream.

Her mind was blank, but it seemed to be filled with a lot of things.

She wanted to ask, why?

Why do you do this to them?

They just live quietly as usual.

The sky is blue and the clouds are white.

The big guy went to work in the field, and when he talked about something funny, he would laugh together. The child ran in the field, bringing water and food to his parents, while she waited for the food to be ready, while filling the soles of the shoes.

There was the laughter of children running by, and the second child from the fourth uncle's family ran over and said to her, "Sister, my father said that I would let you go to my house for dinner at noon."

Everything is so peaceful and beautiful.

Then, there was a sound of Mucang.

Then, a corpse fell down.

They opened their eyes wide, as if looking at the sky and asked: Why?

Did we do something wrong?

Why kill us?

"why why why"

Ji Changze was shielded by her, and her body trembled severely as she kept repeating these words in her rough voice.

She is so scared.

She did not understand.

They did nothing wrong, her parents, siblings, elder brother, sister-in-law, and niece who was just learning to walk, and nephew who was still in the infant.

Why kill them.

Why is it so.

"Why we, what we did wrong, we change, we, we change"

A hand belonging to the child suddenly fell on her shoulder.

"You didn't do anything wrong."

The girl shook violently, turned and trembling to look at the child standing behind her.

There is no expression on his face, but his eyes look like adults, with a gentle and soothing touch.

He patted her on the shoulder and said, "It is the fault of these invaders."

"No matter how hard we try to please them, I hope they can conscience find that we let us go, they will not let it go. If we want them not to hurt us, we can only kill them and drive them away."

"Kill them and drive them away?"

The girl repeated these words blankly, her eyes filled with confusion.

"Yes, kill them and drive them away. We can't drive them away except by force."

"Sister, don't be afraid. Look, he has no weapons now. We have killed other people. He can't hurt you."

Ji Changze's voice was low, and slowly took the girl's hand, pulled her to stand, and guided her to slowly walk in front of the soldier.

"Don't be afraid, they can never hurt you anymore."

The girl stared blankly at her soldier, who showed hatred and horror in front of her.

There was a huge anger in her heart suddenly.


Opening her mouth, the tortured young girl with a haggard face looked at each other, her eyes slowly condensed with hatred: "Why do you hate me?"

"You killed my whole family!!"

"Go to die! Go to die, die to die!!!"

Her body, which had always been very weak, seemed to burst out of great strength, and rushed to punch and kick the soldiers.

She bit her with her teeth, she used her hand to pinch the other person's neck, and she tried hard to use everything she could use as weapons.

Then, one by one the girls were brought out.

They joined in.

The children stood aside, watching them vent.

Finally, Ji Changze held Mucang against the soldier's forehead.


There was a sound of the wooden warehouse, as if it were a signal, and the girls all fell to the ground softly.

They were panting heavily, tears long gone, but the immense sadness in their hearts still made them unable to breathe.

Family, friends, the elders who watched them grow up.

It's all gone.


Ji Changze didn't know how to comfort them.

The best way he could think of to comfort them is to leave a violent person to vent their anger, but now it seems that this trick seems to be less effective for the girls who were ruined overnight.

"Boss! Boss!!"

Several small subordinates in charge of the search ran over quickly, and the one who ran in the middle was holding something cautiously, his face was at a loss.

Ji Changze's eyes were sharp, and when he saw what they were holding, he was taken aback: "This is?"

The child who was only nine years old this year was holding a baby who seemed to be only a few months old. He also looked stiff and shocked, and replied stupidly:

"We found her in the weeds at the back of a house."

There are still two adults in the house, who have fallen to the ground and died for a long time. Looking at the scene and the door opened by violence, it should be that the group of foreigners were already outside at the time, and they had no time to hide their children in the ruined house, so Open the window and threw the child in the weeds.

The child holding the child's eyes were red, and he told Ji Changze what he had discovered: "The adult at the window can also run out. They did not run. We guessed that they might have been seen by foreigners as two people entering the house, afraid that they would run away. After being chased by foreigners, the child will not be able to keep it."

Therefore, the possible way of life is right in front of them, but the two of them can only hold back their fear and stay in the house, and finally both fall down.

When they died, they even deliberately turned their backs to the window, and dared not look at the position of the baby in the dying, for fear of attracting foreigners' attention.

In fact, they may be aware of it, and they will not be able to protect their children by doing so themselves.

Even if he avoided foreigners, how could this be a little baby who was only a few months old, alone outside, could survive.

But what if?

What if you can survive?

They didn't sacrifice in vain. The child just lay quietly in the weeds for many days. Although she was pale and kept her eyes closed, she was alive.

A few months old baby just avoided so many foreigners.

Ji Changze carefully took the child from his young subordinate, holding her face skillfully.

Touching her hot forehead, he said, "She has a fever, take her back to see the doctor."

The young girl who was holding Ji Changze to escape stared blankly at the baby, and suddenly stepped forward quickly, looking at the sleeping baby. She thought she would have no tears long ago, but her tears still fell.

She opened her mouth and said excitedly in an already hoarse voice: "This is the doll in my uncle's house. This is my cousin. She and she have just turned two months old."

"I hug, let me hug her, please let me hug her, I, I am her sister, let me hug her?"

Even the numb-faced girls behind them had a little more hope in their eyes.

The arrival of small lives is always full of expectations.

Ji Changze handed the child to the young girl and watched as she took the child slowly and stiffly as if treating some rare treasure.

Looking at the baby in his arms.

Suddenly, she thought of Uncle Yao.

Uncle Yao is weak and has studied, but he has only studied for a few years. He is always weak and sick, and he always goes to the city to join the army, but every time he is rejected because of his weakness.

Uncle Yao did not give up, and entered the city as soon as he found an opportunity.

Everyone in the village knew that Uncle Yao wanted to join the army, fearing that he would actually enter the barracks and die outside, and no one would dare to marry him.

Uncle Yao could not find his daughter-in-law. Once in the city, she brought a dumb beggar back. She said that she was his daughter-in-law in the future. The family of the dumb beggar was killed by a certain countryman. She also hated those invaders and supported Uncle Yao very much. Join the army.

Her father and mother didn't understand Uncle Yao, so she persuaded him that he had all his daughter-in-laws, why would he still think about joining the army all day long? What if he died on the battlefield? Think about it for the family.

She was there at the time, remembering that Uncle Yao smiled. She forgot what she looked like when she laughed. She only remembered that Uncle Yao, who was always thin and pale, had dark eyes and said:

"I want to join the army, just for my family, brother, if our country is really gone, none of our family can be kept."

"The country is where the home is."

And now, the home is really gone.

At this moment, after losing her relatives, the only Uncle Yao who had blood connections with her became everything to her.

She trembled, trying to touch the little hand of the baby in her arms. When she was about to touch it, she suddenly stopped and looked at her blood-filled hand. She shrank and put it back, cherishing and careful, using her own. Face, carefully touched the child's cold little face.

Feel the child's faint breathing.

In an instant, tears fell like rain.


Only when the country is there can you be home.