Chapter 242 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (8)

The girl over there was crying while holding the child.

The little subordinate here is still reporting to Ji Changze what they have speculated on the scene: "I saw a pot for decocting medicine in the yard, and medicine sprinkled on the ground. It is impossible for a child of this size to survive for so long. It made a sound, so we guessed it might be her parents who gave her the medicine."

"Yes, it should have been given the medicine. My uncle said some time ago that he didn't know why anyone didn't get it at night. He found the doctor in the village and prescribed the medicine. He said that he could fall asleep after drinking it. They might have fed this to my sister. medicine."

Ji Changze nodded, his frowning brows still did not relax.

"It is still easy to cause problems when feeding adults' medicine to children. We have to go to the doctor as soon as possible."

And the situation was so urgent at that time, the couple probably didn't have time to pay attention to the dose. If the dose is large, it is still fatal to the children.

Because they were anxious to take their children to see a doctor, Ji Changze and the others quickly took Mucang and left the village.

When he reached the entrance of the village, Ji Changze looked back.

The village is still that village, and the house is still that house.

But there was very little smoke, the children ran around, and the adults were walking on the road carrying farm tools, and they came across a scene saying hello.

It is impossible to appear here again.

The girls staggered to follow behind. No one dared to look back at the village where she grew up. The young girl holding her sister walked forward step by step with tears in her arms.

She asked Ji Changze: "Can I join you too?"

Ji Changze glanced at the little baby she was holding in her arms, and thought for a while or said, "You will die in a war. If something happens to you, what will your sister do?"

She hugged her sister tightly, and said dumbly: "But if everyone thinks so, no one will resist them. At that time, even if my sister grows up, she will still be ruined and beaten to death by those people."

"it is good."

Seeing that she thought thoroughly, Ji Changze nodded and agreed; "You also practice with us. If something happens to you, as long as there is one person alive in our team, we will definitely take care of her."

When the other girls heard their conversation, they all said they wanted to join.

Ji Changze looked at them with anger and hatred in his eyes.

He knows that they are indeed better than before. They will change their minds under the hatred and become the women who Ji Changze has always thought "this is the right way" before. They will be more assertive, more able to learn, and more able to dominate themselves. Life.

But he would rather them stay the same.

Such a change is too painful.

Although we won the battle smoothly, no one was happy on the way back.

They won, but it was too late.

When he was about to arrive, Ji Changze suddenly stopped.

He saw the white strip of cloth tied to the big tree in the distance.

There are enemies.

The little subordinates also saw it, and their originally heavy expressions suddenly became anxious.

"Those foreigners went to our village?"

"What's the matter? Didn't you leave someone in the village?"

It stands to reason that if something is found wrong, some of the people who stayed will come out to report the letter.

Ji Changze's complexion was darkened: "They may not be able to get out."

They quickly detoured to another mountain. Ji Changze looked towards the secret road they arranged outside the village, and he saw that a group of foreigners were stationed there.

Looking further away, there are also a group at the entrance of the village.

"The trap we set at the entrance of the village was triggered, otherwise the foreigners would have entered the village long ago."

Ji Changze quickly came to a conclusion.

He took Mucang off his back, and finally showed a sneer on his face: "In other villages we can only sneak in, now we are in our territory, huh"

The little subordinates also took Mucang to try their hand.

They all touched the only gun in Ji Changze's hand before, tried it, and were taught how to open the wooden warehouse correctly. Of course, this teaching method was explored by Ji Changze himself.

Although this was the first time they took Mucang to fight, no one flinched, and the eyes were full of coldness as Ji Changze.

Having just witnessed the misery in other villages, it is time for them to vent their mouths.

This group of people ran into Mu Cangkou.

In the village, all the adults gathered under the ground in a daze.

Several children listened to the movement vigilantly, and asked them again: "Are you sure no one has fallen on it?"

The adults looked at each other and no one spoke.

Still sitting and knitting a sweater, Xue Wuye looked at the crowded people: "Didn't there be more than 50 who went to the cave? Adding the more than 50 is almost the same."

"How long can the trap at the entrance of the village stop those foreigners?"

"It can't be stopped for long."

A child with a serious face, listening to the movement above, said: "Although the trap is very big and deep, but there are many foreigners, even if they fall in front and die a few, they can climb over after they slow down and cut down the tree. ."

Xue Wuye still didn't worry much.

He didn't think that Ji Changze would just be a trap.

"Let's talk about it, what's the next move?"

The child handed it an admiring look: "Fifth Master is really amazing. I even know the last move, but I don't know what it is. The boss did it himself. He just said he did, and didn't tell me what it was."

"I know."

Wang Qiyi raised his hand weakly, and whispered: "Boss jealous... Slippery. Children learn the best. Quickly announce that when he asked us to dig the pit, he calculated the length specially. Those people want to cut down the tree. In the past, we needed to chop a thick tree of about the same length. We cut down all the surrounding trees. The only tree left that was long enough, we also made hands and feet."

Ji Changze and the others moved quickly and carefully towards the foreigners.

In the distance, you could vaguely see that the foreigners had just cut down the only tall tree and put it on the trap. They tried it first, and after they were sure they could walk over, one person climbed up first.

The rest of the people also followed. Five or six people climbed quickly in one tree.

Then, as if his feet were slippery, a person suddenly stiffened and let go of his hands and fell underneath.

Then, the rest of the people seemed to be frightened by his sudden movements, and they all fell together.

Those people only thought they were thinking, and let the rest of the people move forward with a stern face.

Then, the second batch, the third batch.

One by one fell down, all underneath were all kinds of wood spikes, and at that height, they would not die or be disabled if they fell.

The foreigner finally found out what was wrong, and stopped to observe the tree.

"I'm good at climbing the tree. The boss asked me to do this. Before I climbed up and filled the tree with all kinds of small nails. Only one pointed tip was exposed. Cares, but it's sharp enough to pierce people's clothes."

The small nails were still sharpened by him and the boss for a long time to ensure that they were sharp enough.

"Then every morning, I wear thick clothes that I can't wear and climb up, and put on the tree the medicine that the boss bought. It is expensive. The boss said that the medicine is not deadly, but it can make the body stiff and the heartbeat speed up. Fainted for a while."

Xue Wuye: "?"

"Every day?"

Wang Qi nodded: "Every day."

Xue Wuye was really a little dazed now: "He had guessed that foreigners would fight over?"

"It's not."

Before Wang Qiyi asked why it is necessary every day, the boss's answer was: "The boss said, be prepared for it."

Just because I was prepared, I asked Wang Qiyi to wipe the medicine every day, or was it expensive?

"The boss said that although money is important, life is even more important. We need to take more precautions if we live in troubled times. If nothing happens, then we will lose a little money. But if something really happens, it can be done. Help."

Xue Wuye; ""


They are really dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the foreigner came over.

Suddenly, the foreigners fell into a trap at the gate of their village but they didn't even know it.

Suddenly, the children in the village who seemed to them to be playing around all day quickly called them together, and then led them along the secret tunnel that they still didn't know about. They even took them to such a safe place. A little comfortable place.

And now, these little kids, who were considered by the adults to be just children and need to be protected, have been discussing the various traps they had laid before in a serious manner.

This world suddenly became so unreal.

But looking at Wuye Xue, who knows the truth, they feel a little relieved in their hearts.

Anyway, there is also an adult's knowledge.

However, in the know. Xue Wuye is also stunned.

He asked: "If it's just applying medicine, it will be useless after all the medicine is consumed?"

It seems that this method can only delay for a while, and it is still useless for foreigners to enter the village.

"No, the boss said, foreigners will give up entering the village through the trees before the drugs expire."

Wang Qiyi replied: "Several groups of people have died. It is impossible for those foreigners to risk letting them go up. Even their chiefs can't give this order. Isn't that letting people go to die? Therefore, they will choose other ways. "

Xue Wuye: "Do you want to say what other methods are, Changze had already expected it?"

Wang Qi nodded a little, with an expression of "Isn't this taken for granted?": "Sure."

Xue Wuye: ""

Looking at the expression of the child opposite, he even began to wonder if he was not normal at all.

"Cut down trees and climb over is the safest and fastest way, but if this method can't be used, they will use some more dangerous methods."

"The boss said that at this time, they will probably choose to throw the rope to the opposite side and hook up, and then people will climb along the rope."

――Ji Changze and the others went up to the tree, watching the foreigners take out the rope they carried, and the grappling hook circled a few times, and suddenly threw it on the opposite tree.

The place where the tree appeared is really suitable.

It seemed that it was specifically designed to make people catch the grappling hook.

Of course, the reality is also true.

Wang Qiyi in the basement explained solemnly: "The opposite tree is particularly suitable for hooking the rope. It is suitable for all aspects because the boss took us to plant it according to its location."

Xue Wuye: ""

Villager: ""

No wonder a tree suddenly appeared at the entrance of the village. I heard that the group of children planted trees from other places in the past. They still thought that the group of children were playful.

did not expect

Xue Wuye asked, "You guys did tricks on that tree?"

"No, the boss basically doesn't use the same method twice."

Wang Qiyi: "We just deliberately didn't plant it very strictly, and we still go to loosen the soil every day. It may be okay to stand for one stop, and one person's weight is barely enough, but if there are too many people!"

On the other side, Ji Changze and the others have found a good location, staying quietly on the tree, watching the busy side of the village and finally fixing the rope, this time they were cautious, first sent out a person to climb up, and stepped on the opposite side. After the mud was on top, he waved at the opposite side to let them come over. "

This time, it was not a single person but a bunch of people. They hung upside down, grabbing the rope and climbing towards the opposite side.

In the basement, Xue Wuye discovered the loopholes in this plan.

"No, but in this case, won't there be a foreigner who can climb over smoothly? Oh, I see, you mean, he alone can't beat so many of us."

Wang Qiyi shook his head.

"How could the boss let foreigners into the village? They all have wooden warehouses."

"The boss told me before that although the foreigner who was playing forward crawled over, he could be sent out for a test death. His status is certainly not high enough, that is, a soldier who is sent to death. Since it is a soldier who is sent to death, he is on the opposite side. He must not dare to walk around before the people in Crawl over, so he will definitely stand at the end of the rope."

"Then others started to crawl over, and he would stand on the side to help."

"When the tree cannot hold the weight of those people, and suddenly falls down, the people climbing on the rope will fall. The moment the tree falls, the rope tied to it will pull and then bang!"

At the entrance of the village, Ji Changze and the others watched the tree fall. The people who were on the rope screamed and fell. The person who passed by was not shocked, because while those people fell, he was first killed by a sudden flying arrow. Up.

The foreigners were very confused for a while, thinking that someone was attacking them, but after all kinds of panic and vigilance, they discovered the rope above the fallen tree.

This is a trap.

The person who arranged the trap counted every step they took, even including where the person who climbed the first would stand, otherwise the arrow would not be so precise that it would be inserted into his heart.

Inside the trap were all screaming colleagues, and on the opposite side lay a corpse pierced by an arrow.

The foreigners are scared.

But after discussing it for a while, they were even more angry and decided to enter the village anyway.

Wang Qiyi is still over there. "They will definitely not give up at the beginning, so they will think of other ways, such as letting people go into the trap, grab the ground with a grappling hook and climb up, and then when the time comes Everyone can get into the trap and climb to it."

"But they won't be able to come up after they get down."

Xue Wuye guessed: "There is poison here too?"

Wang Qiyi's expression was complicated: "It's not a poison, but it's almost the same. Anyway, I'm quite scared."


A small soldier was tied with a rope and slowly let him down.

This time I still used the grappling hook to grab, but this time I grabbed the opposite ground.

After the soldier got down, he was about to walk to the other end, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He took a flashlight to illuminate the environment on the ground and screamed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

He collapsed and shouted in his own country's language: "Snakes!!! There are snakes! All are poisonous snakes!!! Ah ah ah ah!!!"

The foreigners now know why the fallen soldiers have not responded to them, because there are all poisonous snakes underneath.

When Ji Changze heard this sweet scream, he was satisfied.

There are already many venomous snakes here, and the villagers pay attention to their protection every day. They also have herbal medicine for treating foot snake venom. Although there are always some bites every year, as long as the medicine is taken in time, there is no life worry.

Originally, the snake's nest was easy to be underground, not to mention that a huge deep pit was dug underneath. Ji Changze took the little brothers to arrange the snakes to survive. Now the weather is getting hot, and a snake has gradually formed inside. Nest, he sometimes has to worry about these venomous snakes moving, and from time to time he thinks of ways to feed some snakes' favorite things.

The people in the village are all locals, and they have long been used to poisonous snakes, even if there are more snakes here, it will not be a hindrance to them.

But for these foreigners who don't even know what kind of snake it is or how to detoxify, these poisonous snakes can be deadly.

Birds screamed in the sky.

Cuckoo Cuckoo's is very nice.

The foreigners didn't take it to heart. After all, this place is close to the mountain. Isn't it normal for birds to call?

However, these bird calls were made by Ji Changze.

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo"

The little subordinates on the surrounding trees listened to the frequency of the bird's call, and quickly loaded the wooden warehouse they had prepared and aimed at the bottom.

In the basement, Xue Wuye asked: "What if they don't walk from the entrance of the village? Although it was a little harder to climb the mountain by detouring, it was a little harder, but in the end they were able to get around the village."

Wang Qi nodded: "Yes, so much has been laid before, in fact, it is to wait for them to walk up the mountain."

These arrangements seem to be to prevent the enemy from entering the village through the entrance of the village, but in fact they are meant to force people who want to enter the village from the entrance of the village to take a detour from the mountain.

As for why it is on the mountain

"The empty village entrance is not good for Tibetans at all, and it is not easy to fight. There may be deaths and injuries in the fight. But if they walk up the mountain, there are trees and grass everywhere. As long as they climb up the tree that has been prepared, then The fake leaves we made before are just enough to block people and iron plates."

Xue Wuye: "Iron plate?"

Yes, iron plate.

Ji Changze and the others were standing on a tree, but they were all iron plates surrounded by fake leaves. He bought this iron plate at a high price.

The purpose, of course, is to block bullets.

The foreigners climbed the mountain with difficulty and headed towards the village.

When they reached the tree where Ji Changze and the others were hiding, the cuckoo screamed, and the third cuckoo scream just fell. The four children scattered into four corners pulled off the rope tied to the tree at the same time.


The sharp, sharp arrows rained down.

The screams sounded, and many people fell down almost immediately.

The subordinates hiding in various corners began to frantically open wooden warehouses there. It didn't matter if they were not allowed, the main reason was to let these foreigners have the concept of "enemies everywhere".

In all directions, including above, the sound of Mucang kept on.

The enemy was caught off guard, and soon fell over a large area. The enemy who reacted began to cover himself, while fighting towards the place where the sound of Mucang sounded.

But the surroundings were all green. Ji Changze and the others put on green clothes and quickly painted green paint on their faces. In the chaotic situation, these people couldn't see where the enemy was, so they could only avoid and open the wooden warehouse.

There were also bullets that hit Ji Changze and the others, but they were blocked by iron plates, but they clanged a few times, causing no harm at all.

When the sound of Mucang sounded, the people hiding in the ground panicked.

Especially the adults whose children are still outside, with all their faces eagerly waiting to climb out to see the situation now.

"The wooden warehouse is opened, and the wooden warehouse is opened, what should I do, we don't have a wooden warehouse."

The children listened quietly for a while, and they all showed relief on their faces.

"The sound of this wooden warehouse doesn't sound like only a foreigner is driving. It's an exchange of fire. The boss must have gotten the wooden warehouse."


"Is this, is this real? They are just children, where do they go to get Mucang?"

"The boss received news last night that some foreigners had arrived in a nearby village, and he took them with them. They must have killed those foreigners and got them to Mucang." Wang Qiyi finished the analysis very confidently and was serious again. After listening for a while, continue to say: "We must have the upper hand. I heard the sound of these foreigners Mucang becoming more and more confused."

Xue Wuye: "?"

Isn't the sound the same?

Where do you hear which voice is from?

"This is so easy to distinguish. The boss arranged it early, so he must now hit the wooden warehouse on the tree we arranged before. If he didn't climb the tree, he would just run away and chase. The sound of the wooden warehouse would not be so. Concentrated, the sound level is about the same after a long time, so they must still be there."

Xue Wuye: ""

Are kids so good now?

Seeing him silently looking at himself with a complicated expression, Wang Qiyi smiled at Xue Wuye: "The boss taught me."

Xue Wuye; ""

That's ridiculous.

The sound of Mucang outside gradually became less chaotic, with a few clicks.

Wang Qiyi listened and said, "Foreigners are almost dead. The boss and the others should be chasing and killing the rest now."

Xue Wuye: "Can you hear this too?"

"Yes, because the boss has arranged it before. If this happens, he will arrange for someone to hide on the way the enemy escapes. You listen to these wooden warehouses and it's far away, but there is only one wooden warehouse and one wooden warehouse. When you open it, you know that the hidden people are chasing and killing those who fled."

Wang Qiyi finished speaking with a serious face, and said to Xue Wuye: "Actually, I didn't understand when I first started learning, but the boss taught me to listen and think more. I tried it and found that just follow the boss. It's very easy to come up with this in the end."

Xue Wuye: ""

It sounds reasonable.

But is it easy? ?

Mucang's voice became less and less, and his nerves suddenly tense: "Will you really run away from foreigners?? Didn't you say that the foreigners in our village are just a team? If foreigners run out to report, then That's terrible."

Ji Changze's subordinates only had so many people in total. No matter how many wicked ideas he had, he could only beat a hundred people with fewer enemies and more.

"Fifth Lord, don't worry, the position of the people that the boss arranged to chase and kill on the road is considered good, and it can just force the rest of the people to run on the road where the boss wants them to go."

Xue Wuye: "Is there something waiting for them at the end?"

Wang Qiyi gave Xue Wuye a thumbs up.

"The fifth master is worthy of being the boss's teacher. He is very good. The boss often said that he is now like this because he is taught by the fifth master."

For a moment, the villagers who were still blankly surprised, shocked and dreamy, looked at Xue Wuye's eyes suddenly full of admiration.

It's almost like watching God.

Xue Wuye: ""

I am not, I am not, really not me.

He smiled dryly: "Actually, I didn't teach much. Changze is self-taught and self-taught."

However, no one believed him.

Mrs. Wang held the hand of Xue Wuye excitedly, and she couldn't wait to offer him up and burn him up. "Fifth Lord, don't be humble. He is a child who knows what, if you didn't teach him, how would he know this." "

Xue Wuye: ""

He just knows everything as a child.

No one believed his explanation at all.

Everyone looked at him with admiration and admiration.

"So you are Wu Ye Xue" all over his eyes.

Xue Wuye: ""

Forget it, anyway, it's not the first day.

Outside, it was exactly what Wang Qiyi said.

The subordinates arranged by Ji Changze deliberately drove the escaped to the finish line.

It's Ji Changze's favorite trap package.

After the last person fell, all the people hiding in the woods did not move, all lying motionless.

In the basement, listening to nothing outside, the adults began to become anxious again.

"What's the matter? Why is there no sound?"

"What's wrong?"

It was still Wang Qiyi who stood up to appease everyone: "It's okay. In this case, they killed everyone, but the boss has always been very cautious. He must at least take them to hide quietly in place for an hour, and make sure that they have not slipped through the net. The fish will go."

So, while everyone was relieved, they looked at Xue Wuye with admiration.

"This is also taught by the fifth master, right?"

"The fifth master is really smart, and he deserves to be a scholar."

Xue Wuye: ""

Although he felt that it was useless to struggle at the moment, he still wanted to rescue him.

He didn't have the ability to calculate every step of the chain.

"This is really not what I taught, but Changze is smart."

"Yes, yes, Nagasawa is smart."

"Then do we have to wait another hour? My doll is still outside, and I don't know if it's injured."

Mrs. Wang is the one most worried about.

"Zhangze is young, and Mucura may not be able to hold it, eh, bastard, no, one by one, can we go out and see now?"

Wang Qiyi did not agree with them to go out.

"The boss said before that if this happens, no one will be able to go out unless he picks them up in person. He has to hide in it all the time, and the boss will definitely bury the body. Otherwise, what is the risk of illness? "

Xue Wuye: "Virus?"

"Yes, a virus, so I have to wait a while."

Speaking of this Xue Wuye, he is full of energy.

He digs for half a night last night, isn't it just to help?

"I dug out the pit where the corpse was buried last night. It was around the entrance of the village. I also left a mark. Changze should be able to see it. It saves them the time to dig the pit, and they should come back sooner."

The adults around: ""

Yesterday there was no such thing, so you dug the hole where the corpse was buried first?

You said you didn't teach it?

Xue Wuye, who was pleased that he was helping, felt the sight of the people around him: ""

With Wang Qiyi's comfort, plus various explanations.

After experiencing just now, although the adults are very anxious to go out to see their children, but they don't want to mess with the children, they nodded anxiously and agreed.

One hour passed.

Ji Changze and the others came out of their hiding place.

First, I went to the trap at the entrance of the village to make up for the knife. I made sure that there was no livelihood inside. I changed into snake-proof clothes hidden nearby, and went down the rope left by the group of foreigners. Everyone worked together to pull the corpses up.

Ji Changze followed the mark and found a deep pit as expected.

He sighed: "The fifth master is really sweet."

Then the little guys were busy carrying the corpse and throwing it in. Of course, you must search before throwing it in.

Because there were foreign troops nearby, Ji Changze, who was previously hidden by the little subordinates in the village, did not put it back as it was. Instead, he covered it with turf and other things to restore the trap to surface peace.

In the end, it was confirmed that the corpse had not been missed, and the traps were all made to their original appearances. It was discovered that there was no shovel after being buried.

They went out in a hurry to kill people last night, and they killed another wave when they came back today. Who went out to kill people with a shovel?

Ji Changze moved his shoulders: "Go, go back and get a shovel."

The village was really empty, and Ji Changze and the others were not surprised. They went down the secret road and saw a lot of people.




As soon as the children who were still quite calm saw the elders in the family, they burst into tears, crying and threw themselves into the arms of their relatives.

"Foreigners killed the people in Li Village, it's terrible, dad."

"Mother, those foreigners are not human!!"

"Ouuuuuu grandma, my grandma was scared to death."

All of a sudden, it became a group crying meeting.

Ji Changze: ""

He looked around and met Xue Wuye, who looked almost like himself.

The two were silent for a few seconds.

Xue Wuye said: "Are you finished outside?"

"Not yet, the corpse was thrown into the pit and not buried yet. Didn't this bring them back to get the shovel? Speaking of this, you are still careful, or we have to dig a pit outside."

Xue Wuye: ""

I don't know why, I always feel that Ji Changze praised him for digging a grave in advance.

He digs with the idea of ​​helping these children to share the burden, but when they really killed the foreigners, he once again felt that the kid was really enchanting.

Amidst the sound of crying, Mrs. Wang came by herself, hugged her little grandson and started crying:

"Why are you so courageous, you dare to do so many things at such a young age, let your grandma see if you are hurt, oh oh oh my Nagasawa, blame your father and your uncle for being useless, big man , I want you children to protect it!! Hey, your palm is full of blood, and your hands are a little swollen."

Ji Changze was hugged.

He suddenly reacted.


He is still a child.

It's better if adults can't do some work.

For example, burying the corpse or something, why have to drag the corpse so hard to bury the corpse? Adults can do this much faster than their group of children.

He immediately softened down and fell into the arms of Granny Wang, who was familiar with the road, and responded softly and complained: "The swelling of the hand is the result of stabbing someone with a knife too hard, and he stabbed too many, grandma. Look, look, my fingers are a little swollen."

Granny Wang focused on her swollen hands. After hearing the grievances of Xiao Sun and Sun, she felt more distressed. Holding Ji Changze's hand, her distressed voice was eight points higher:

"Yeah, yeah, grandma's good grandson, you have suffered old sins, come, I'll bring the medicine and wipe it for you."

"Well, it hurts, grandma, be gentle, each of those foreigners is stronger than a cow, and the meat is thicker, but it's hard to stab."

"Bah! This group of black-hearted things! The flesh grows black-hearted! Changze doesn't cry or cry, this group of black-hearted people will definitely have retribution!"

Wuye Xue who saw Ji Changze's face change all the way with his own eyes: ""

Do you still use "sure"? ? ?

What Ji Changze said was that when he stabbed someone, his hand was swollen when he stabbed too hard.

Stabbing people! ! !

Stabbed too many! ! !

You can imagine how bloody and brutal this is.

Then the old lady distressedly held Ji Changze's swollen hands after stabbing too many people, and said, "We Changze is so pitiful, those people who were stabbed are really rubbish and thick, so why did my dear grandchildren stabb them? That's it with a few hands."

Xue Wuye: ""

Seeing Ji Changze, who was full of "I'm just a well-behaved child" written all over Ji Changze, the complex emotions in his heart returned home as if he could not walk home.

"Cute boy" was tired with his face: "Uncles and uncles can go out and bury the foreigners, we haven't slept for a long time, so tired."

The eldest spoke up, and the rest of the children did not take care of it anymore, snuggling in the arms of their relatives and nodding frantically:

"Yeah, yeah, we haven't slept since last night."

"Daddy, help us bury the foreigners. I'm so tired I don't want to move."

"I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."

No matter how daunted the adults were before, at the moment they are holding their children, their hearts are still soft.

"Well, well, go to sleep, just sleep like this, and father will hold you back."

"Relax, leave the rest to us."

Parents hugged their sleepy dolls and walked out of the secret road carefully.

Ji Changze was also sleepy. He yawned and was hugged and dozed off by his father. He squinted his eyes to sleep while thinking about things in a daze.

At least today, the village is safe. The tails are swept clean. Other foreigners will not find any abnormalities. Although the newly-acquired girls have no previous experience, they should have great potential because they have a strong force. The foreigners suddenly start to slaughter the village outside. If you are in chaos, you still have to establish your own power

Thinking about it, he fell asleep.

The old lady Wang followed and kept reprimanding her son: "You go slower and don't hold my grandchildren."

The sun hung high in the air, and the adults who had placed the children in their families began to bury the corpses seriously.

While throwing soil into the pit, they sighed distressedly: "They slept so hard that they were very tired at first sight."

"My knees are all knocked out."

"Ji's Changze's hands are swollen, but Mrs. Wang feels distressed."

"That group of foreigners is really hateful, they are just children."

Xue Wuye, who was in charge of leading the way, listened to these words, looked down at a corpse in a strange state, and twitched his eyes: ""

"Fifth Lord, don't you say so."

Xue Wuye: ""

He gave a dry smile.

"Yes, they are still children."

There is no rule that children cannot be cruel.