Chapter 243 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (9)

In the past two days, the adults in the village felt a bit like in a dream.

After all, the corpses here are all buried, but the corpse from the slaughtered village over there has not been buried yet.

In terms of emotions, Chinese people pay attention to being in peace.

In terms of reason, if you just leave the corpse in this way, there might be some disease.

Because there are too many people to bury them separately, they simply bury everyone together.

Someone suggested that the few surviving girls find their families alone, but they refused.

"Since the big guys walked together, let's bury them together. Under Huangquan Road, it can be regarded as a companion."

Several people searched for the white cloth in the village, draped in linen and made filial piety, and even with the baby girl who was still cured in her infancy, a white belt was tied on her small arm.

Ji Changze stood by the pit and looked at the innocent villagers who died inside. He waited until the sun went down before waving his hand: "Buy it."

The soil fell on the people in the pit.

By the side of the pit, a few girls knelt down crying, and sent the whole villagers to finish the last journey.

Ji Changze walked up to them, looked at the corpses in the pit gradually covered with soil, and suddenly said, "I heard that if people in troubled times lose their lives and too many people die, someone will come to pick them up. Please comfort them and send them away. As long as they are in peace, they will not suffer any crime when they leave.

The crying girls were stunned, looked at the little Douding in front of them with tears, and sobbed and asked: "Really, really?"

Ji Changze is serious: "I have read a lot of books, you believe me right."

In this world of feudal superstition, Ji Changze's words comforted several girls who had lost their families.

Ji Changze taught them a few scriptures and asked them to read to the side of the pit.

"If you recite for more than two hours, the soul of the deceased will be superfluous, and you will be able to rest even more."

The girls learned it earnestly, and knelt on the edge of the pit without daring to read it for a moment.

Wang Qiyi leaned forward, kneeling beside the pit and chanting.

Ji Changze: "?"

He stepped forward and grabbed the subordinate and dragged him away: "What are you doing? Do you have nothing to do when you are idle? I didn't want you to continue to exercise your acting skills? Do you know if it's useful?"

King vinegar. slip. child. Text. learn. most. fast. Fa Qiyi chuckled at Ji Changze: "Boss, isn't this what you just said? The chanting can be overwhelming. I will recite the scriptures to my old father-in-law and mother-in-law, and overwhelm them."

Ji Changze: "? Your mother-in-law's mother-in-law?"


Wang Qiyi pointed to the youngest girl: "Just her, my future daughter-in-law, although she hasn't promised me yet, it must be because the family has just died and the whole family is not in the mood. I believe that as long as I work hard, she will accept it sooner or later. mine."

Ji Changze looked at the girl who was a little taller than the seventeen or eighteen-year-old guy in the village even though she was only a teenager, then looked at the little man Wang Qiyi in front of him: "Work hard, I believe you."

"But don't read the scriptures, I'm fooling them."

Was praised and was happily Wang Qiyi: "???"

His face was dumbfounded: "Fudge?? Fake? But I think the boss is very serious."

"You're not bullshit? How can I fool around if I'm not serious? People are already dead anyway. You can't say something good to make the living people feel at ease?"

Wang Qiyi still didn't understand: "But this is a lie"

"You have a pit in your mind. Is it possible to tell them that people are dead if they die? Do you think they are telling them that when their family members die, nothing will be lost? Or tell them that as long as they recite the scriptures, these dead people are underneath. Can you get better? Do things never mind, how can I feel at ease to let you do the assigned tasks?"

Wang Qisheng was afraid that the boss would beat someone as he talked, so he hurriedly covered his head and pecked at the rice and nodded; "Yes, yes, I understand the boss, the boss deserves to be the boss, and all the fabricated words are so true."

Ji Changze touched his chin and looked at the large pit full of dead bodies.

"However, it may not be true that there are no ghosts in the world. Maybe there are really ghosts coming to pick up people now, but we can't see it."

Wang Qiyi was shivered out of thin air by what he said: "Boss, can you please stop talking, it sounds scary."

"What's so scary? If it's an evil ghost, it would have been a disaster for the world. Since this has never happened, it means that even if there is a ghost, there is discipline, otherwise the legendary Meng Po Tang and the ghost are wrong. of?"

Ji Changze thought he believed this.

Ghosts are also transformed into humans. In troubled times, ghost errands will be gentler.

He turned around, propped his chin and started looking at the sky again, thinking about what to do next.

People who are dead are dead, and those who are alive must live well.

What he didn't know was that behind him, what was supposed to be an open space was full of dead people.

"Slow down, don't squeeze, drink Mengpo soup before going down."

A skull was making Mengpo soup. When he turned his face to see many crying children in the line, it sighed, lowered its head and began to stick skin on itself. Soon, the skull that was originally very scary became A "normal person" who is very thin and very thin.

The skinny kid handed a bowl of soup to the five-year-old child who was sobbing in front of him, and softly coaxed him: "Drink it, it's delicious, there is meat in it, and after drinking this, forget what should be forgotten. , Don't be afraid."

The child looked at him carefully with tears, and when he saw that he was not wearing a military uniform, he asked in a low voice, "Uncle, am I dead? I saw my stomach was broken by a knife. Have you reached your parents?"

"Why? Isn't your father and mother right behind you?" The little ghost said softly, pointing to the child behind him, and the child's father and mother hurriedly saluted the ghost adult.

"But, but my stomach is bleeding, and it hurts. There is a knife in my stomach."

The kid squatted down, touched the child's head, and said softly, "Be good, after drinking the soup, you won't remember the unhappy things, and your stomach will no longer hurt."

The child took it ignorantly, and drank it in two mouthfuls.

The child's mother stood aside, looking at everything around her with a panic face, and carefully bowed to the little devil: "Sir, where are we going?"

The kid looked at the fear on her face and the ignorance of the child's eyes, and said softly, "The dead in vain will sleep for twenty years before reincarnation. Twenty years later, they won't be what they are now."

"Go, you have worked hard in this life."

With the sound of the scriptures, the dead lined up to leave.

Several little ghosts stretched their waists: "I heard that more than 30,000 people have died today, eh, the underworld is about to explode again."

"What's the situation? Didn't it mean that the above is much better than before?"

"It's much better. Once before, 130,000 people died in one day, which is 100,000 fewer than before."

"What's the situation this time?"

"A city was attacked at night. The residents were sleeping and most of them didn't run out. In addition, many villages in this area were slaughtered, and many dead people were still thrown on the ground. Souls were floating everywhere. We still need one. Go look for them one by one, eh, go back, some are busy today."

"Where are those foreign ghosts?"

"Do you care about them, love to float, cross the ocean to invade our side, okay, I see how long it will take them to float before they can float to their own country."

"They don't look like us, they will send ghosts to foreign countries to bring back our own ghosts, and let them float and love it."

"Speaking of which, this group of ghosts is lucky today, there are still people seeing off, hey, this kid"

A ghost drifted up to Ji Changze strangely, lowered his head and sniffed him: "The smell on him is so strange, it doesn't look like we were born here."

It reached out to touch it tentatively.

Ji Changze suddenly turned around, his sharp gaze swept around in front of him.

Imp: ""

It stiffened and dared not move.

Wang Qiyi ran over: "Boss, what's the matter?"

"It feels like someone is watching me."

"No one, isn't this the two of us?"

Ji Changze swept in front of him again with a stern face, and then slowly turned around after confirming that it was indeed empty.

The kid just breathed a sigh of relief and was about to extend his claws again. Ji Changze, who had just turned around, turned his head abruptly, so sharp that it didn't look like a child's gaze, like a knife, scraping every inch in front of him.


Not daring to move his hands anymore, the little devil floated back.

"How? Is it from another reincarnation?"

"I don't know, but this one is not easy to provoke and scares ghosts very much. Next time you see you stay away, otherwise I am afraid that he will be destroyed directly by his ghostly way."

"Are you nonsense? Isn't this just a living child?"

"You can't do it."

They were discussing. The more Ji Changze looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He frowned and walked over slowly. He looked around carefully, and his sharp gaze passed over the little ghosts, even if he knew he couldn't see them. The little ghost still subconsciously stood up all over his ghost hair.

"Forget it, I'd better stay away, it looks scary."

It's finished anyway, and the little ghosts ran away.

Wang Qiyi looked at Ji Changze walking around in the open with a dumbfounded look: "Boss, what are you looking for?"

"I don't know, I think there is something here."

Ji Changze stretched out his hand and waved the air in front of him, thoughtfully: "It seems to be gone now."

"There is nothing, nothing."

Ji Changze still felt wrong.

He suddenly asked Wang Qiyi: "You can see ghosts with bull's tears, right?"

Wang Qiyi: ""

"Do you want to ask this question?"

Ji Changze: "Yes, I think there is a ghost here."

Wang Qiyi: ""

Wang Qiyi: ""

"I'll chant the scriptures, boss, did you not sleep well last night? Take a rest early today."

He dabbled and ran away.

Only Ji Changze was left in deep thought facing the open space that he could no longer perceive.

If there are ghosts, can these ghosts be used by him?

He is worried that there are too few people under his hands. Wouldn't it be great if ghosts can count?

After Ji Changze returned, he conducted a series of experiments.

He tried all of the bull's tears, hell at midnight, living in tents in the graveyard, etc. He tried them all, trying to seize every opportunity to recruit soldiers and horses, and even bought incense and various cakes for sacrifices to try to lure them.

It's a pity that this is a spiritual world, I really want to hell, I can only die.

After a whole lot of tossing, Ji Changze, who had nothing to toss out, had no choice but to give up this path. He didn't know that he had really attracted a lot of ghosts who were able to move freely. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he put out "Come to me" Let's work here. The face of the pro-and-boss "Pros, three insurances, one gold package, food and housing, guaranteed to be cost-effective", the little ghosts were scared away by his horrible aura of "God blocking and killing God, Buddha blocking and killing Buddha" as soon as they got close. Up.

Maybe it's really a hero in troubled times?

How could there be such a guy who almost scared the ghost to death before he got close.


Ji Changze, who didn't know that he had missed a batch of ghost subordinates, sighed helplessly.

Lack of people.

Now their organization has passed the clear road, and all the adults in the village have joined the organization.

Of course, there are also some people who put forward "what kind of home a child should be" in a shameless and shameless manner, and it should be an adult to be a home. But Ji Changze understands that there will always be a slut out of 100 good people. So it was just a good-speaking person who picked up a piece of wood and broke the other's leg. Since then, no one has said anything about children who are okay.

Although the only person who said this was the one who said this.

After all, Ji Changze recruited almost all children of the right age in the village, and the adults in the village were relatives of these children.

They are inherently simple, and when they know this, they will only feel that "my child has done a good job at such a young age, and I am so proud." Who would think "my child has done a good job at this young age, I want to grab it." I will do it myself".

What is the picture?

Do you have a brain, a plan, or a skill?

Except for their strength, how can they compare to this group of children?

So the guy who was crippled by Ji Changze not only failed to get the sympathy of others, but was also cast aside.

Even the children's achievements have to be grabbed.

Bah, shameless.

Bullying a group of children.

Bah, do you want a conscience.

The crippled person: ""

Who is bullying who?

Is he good with the lame man? ? ?

But no one listened to his remarks.

His reputation in the village was not very good. His parents loved him the most, but he cheated the family's money to gamble. When he came back, he only told the gambling shop to take his sister to repay the debt.

When the gambling shop came to arrest people, the brothers and sisters at home happened to be at home, and they hurriedly stopped. After asking the whole story, the old couple gritted their teeth and paid back the money, then drove the man out and told him directly that he was going to be owed a debt. They won't care if they are killed.

All the gambling shops knew that he had no money and would not let him in to gamble. From then on, he lived in a shabby hut, where he could not do things like stealing chickens and dogs.

Everyone in the village knew his virtues and guarded against him. Slowly he went to the city to steal something, but was later caught and beaten before returning to farm honestly.

So this time he said to Ji Changze with an expression of "what do you kid know?" He said to Ji Changze that he wanted to kick the group of "elders" out of the team and let the adults come "that is him". Instead of Ji Changze.

Then, his leg broke, and he lay and howled in the broken house every day.

No one in the village feels pitiful for him, even his parents are ashamed of him.

What kind of person.

Even if they are illiterate, they still know the normal truth. The organization established by other people's children went to save people in spite of danger. They also recovered a batch of wooden warehouses, and finally saved the entire village and killed the people surrounding the village. Foreigners.

I'm done with everything, you come pick peaches to eat?

What good things do you want?

Why is the skin thicker than the city wall?

Some people were worried that this kid would be bad-hearted and would cause trouble in the future, and suggested to Ji Changze to drive people out of the village.

Ji Changze categorically refused, his face full of righteousness: "Now there is a turmoil everywhere outside, and his legs are still lame. At this time, driving him away is equivalent to letting him die. Anyway, it's a village, even if it doesn't matter to his face, It also depends on the face of the old righteous uncle."

Then I came to persuade Ji Changze's elders with a sigh and admiration: "You are still good at Changze. I have lived for decades, and I am no better than you as a child who is transparent and not holding grudges."

"In fact, it's all because of the face of the old uncle, who is still a village doctor in the village at such an age, so hard, I don't want him to worry too much about this son."

Ji Changze waved his hand with a face of helplessness: "Anyway, he is just yelling, let him yell, anyhow, if you are in a village, stay a line, and then meet each other, we can't rush to kill, and I will suffer if I feel wronged. "

The elders left with admiration.

Looking at the posture, I was planning to go out and find someone to brag about Ji Changze.

Seeing him gone, Ji Changze continued to lower his head to write and draw on the notebook.

Now he is basically the person in charge of an entire village, and he has to do a lot more than before. He has to make decisions about all these personnel, but he is very busy.

Wang Qiyi, who was responsible for copying, looked at him carefully and asked, "Boss, do you really think that the old righteous uncle will not drive away the Wednesday code? He sees your eyes like a poisonous snake, and I am afraid of him. I really do it on you."

Ji Changze wrote casually, and replied with one heart and two use: "Wednesday, this man has no conscience, a white-eyed wolf, I don't know that he only knows grudges, and if I don't drive him away, he will find a chance to retaliate.

Instead of knowing which people he saw outside and what things he did after driving him away, I didn't know what was going on when I came back and bite me. It's better to just put people in the village like this, and even if he really wants to do something. , I can also know in advance. "

"Also, he is not guilty of death now, and I can't do anything to him. When he commits a capital crime, then I will kill him, and I will be considered justified. Everyone sees that I tolerated him. Repeatedly, it's him who doesn't know whether to live or die. If I kill him, people will only say that he deserves it."

Wang Qiyi: "??? But you didn't just say that you should stay on the sidelines so that you can meet each other in the future??"

Without lifting his eyelids, Ji Changze opened a piece of paper, and continued to write one, his tone was neither salty nor light, and extremely calm:

"This is only suitable for peaceful times. Now there are wars everywhere, and people are dying every day. At this time, leaving the enemy alive, it is not called staying in the line, it is called staying in danger, cutting the grass and removing the roots, and it is suitable for the current way of survival."

Wang Qiyi: ""

Listen to understand.

"But I don't understand. Boss, if you think so, why do you want to say that on the face? It makes sense. I believe that even if you say it, people will understand you."

Ji Changze finally put down his pen this time.

He looked at the shortest brother in silence for several seconds before he asked, "Is there paste in your brain?"

"What kind of people are the least wary of people? Those who are good and talkative, who are the most wary of what kind of people? People who are full of abacus and take ten steps."

"If I tell others this, people will guard me in whatever I do in the future, and I must not be a hundred times more tired than before? I will never think about things."

I was reprimanded, but Wang Qiyi was not uncomfortable at all. After all, it was commonplace.

He coughed a few times: "Boss, we have cleaned up several places in the past few days, killed many foreigners, and confiscated a lot of weapons. Is it time to show up now? But the boss, you said that there are now everywhere. Spy, if we are really exposed, will there be a spy infiltrating then?"

Ji Changze continued to write: "More than that, there will be people trying to buy people from our village."

Wang Qiyi became nervous all at once.

He is not afraid of spies coming from the outside, after all, they are outsiders, no matter how hard they work, they will be guarded by themselves.

But it would be terrible if the villagers were bought.

You know your own people, and betrayal from your own people is the most deadly. This is the truth that the boss taught them from the beginning.

"Then, that, how to deal with it, there are so many people in our village, what if someone is really bought and we are caught off guard by then?"

Ji Changze took a deep breath.

He really doubted whether his plan to send Wang Qiyi out to do the task was absolutely right or wrong.

Wang Qiyi is so clever, can he really survive after going out?

But thinking about so many subordinates, Wang Qiyi was the one with the most unpleasant and best acting skills, and he had no choice but to accept this reality.

"Otherwise you think I kept the Wednesday code just to find the right opportunity to kill him?"

Wang Qiyi was at a loss: "Wednesday code, what does this have to do with Wednesday code?"

"Wednesday is not seen in the village, and his reputation is not good. Not only in our village, but some people in the city know this. In addition, he just offended me and was interrupted by me. Now he hides in the house with his throat every day. I can't hide this. You think that if someone wants to buy someone from the village, he should buy someone who has no grievances with me or even rely on me to take care of the children at home, or buy someone who has hatred against me. It's OK to kill me on Wednesday?"

"That must be Wednesday code!" Wang Qiyi slapped his big leg and finally understood: "As expected of the boss, it is clear."

Ji Changze: "You follow me more these days, and I want to make up lessons for you."

With such temperament, he really doesn't worry about getting people out.

A new force has emerged in the Guangnan area.

Although it was a small force, this group of non-governmental forces actually destroyed a group of foreigners with their own power.

And their own numbers are not enough for a group, and even before they become an organization, they were just a small village before.

In today's age when a little bit of turmoil and telegraph is too busy to stop, the news quickly spread to all parts of the country.

After confirming that this was indeed a non-governmental force, most of the forces did not care much about it.

On the foreigner's side, I heard that the high-level officials had issued an order saying that this force must be wiped out and revenge for their army.

Saying that they have only a small village where a thousand people are barely reluctant, the foreigners have sent out five thousand people, which is already very prudent.

It's a pity that it failed again this time, five thousand to one thousand. Not only did it fail, but it was also captured a lot. Over there, it directly declared that the world wanted these soldiers? No problem. Give food and money, and they will let people go.

Otherwise, just leave them to imitate a certain country and kill them on the spot.

Foreigners can't help it.

This force seems to have pinched everything.

They are non-governmental organizations, not official organizations. No matter how much pressure they press with the government, it is useless. Moreover, the other party still doesn't know how to get the newspaper. Now almost everyone in the country knows that a Chinese village rose up when foreigners slaughtered the village. Rebelled, formed a militia team independently, and killed the foreigners.

As a result, the foreigners sent out 5,000 people to besieged and killed. Not only did they beat them, they also detained a group of prisoners. They didn't give money or let them go.

The deadline is just around the corner. If you don't let anyone go, these prisoners will be killed on the spot just like the Chinese people who were killed by a certain country before.

An old man was sitting at the dinner table and was about to read the newspaper while eating. He picked up the newspaper in his hand and read it, his brows loosened, and he laughed: "Unexpectedly, there are such powerful soldiers in our country! It's time to kill these foreigners' spirit! Even dare to slaughter the people of our country!"

In a tea shop, the farmers who were rushing to sell vegetables in the morning took their burdens and walked a long way to the gate of the city. Tired and sweaty, they sat down and asked for a penny and a large bowl of tea, sipping heavily. Clear the lungs.

After hearing a good cry, the vegetable farmer looked up curiously and saw a few people dressed as students sitting on the other side looking at the newspaper with excitement.

"Good deduction!!! It was obvious that they attacked our army first and killed so many people in our army, so they still have the face to ask for war damages. Now it is time for them to compensate us!"

"I'm afraid this is the hero of the Green Forest written in the playbook!"

"A thousand people against five thousand people can still win, so these foreigners are nothing but that!"

"Shhh, don't say such things outside."

"What are you afraid of, this is the place of Hu Dashuai, is it possible that those foreigners can fly over and collapse me?!"

"I think the weather is approaching for them. Look, even the militias organized by ordinary people can beat them like this. What is there to be afraid of! They are also embarrassed to pressure the government to destroy the rebels, me! If they didn't go to the village first, how could ordinary people be forced to resist?"

The vegetable farmers were itching to hear, but only to hear that it should be a good thing for the Chinese people.

But this group of students knew at a glance that they were in a good family. They were humble and didn't dare to move forward. They could only endure the curiosity in their hearts and listen carefully. When they entered the city, the newsboy ran over happily.

"Extras, extras, our militia won a big victory with one thousand against five thousand foreigners."

Everyone seems to be talking about it on the street.

The vegetable farmers were selling vegetables while listening to the people on the street discussing it. It was almost a little more than an hour before they figured out what was going on.

At this moment, even if they knew that the militiamen were far away from them, they were proud of each other with all their heart and soul.

That's it!

Foreigners deceive too much!

Just let foreigners know that they are not easy to bully!

Ji Changze knew very well that when they were still weak, he thought he should engage in public opinion or engage in public opinion, so under his supervision, some of the younger brothers who were literary talents were about to get bald in their hair, and only then joined forces. Write out a manuscript that was nodded by Ji Changze.

Then, he submitted the article to the newspaper.

The boss of the newspaper is a patriotic person. Even if he knew that doing so might offend foreigners, he did not hesitate to post it, and he did not forget to indicate in the newspaper that if the boss of the newspaper was stabbed and killed one day, please remember to kill him. One does not matter, there are thousands of newspaper bosses standing up.

――This is the superficial situation.

The reality is that Ji Changze directly purchased a newspaper and fabricated a boss. The boss's original household registration, current household registration, name, age, wife, household registration, how many children, etc. were all made up. Yiwu Sew.

Troubled times also have the benefits of troubled times. Only if you are willing to pay, even if you want to "resurrect" the dead, there is no problem.

After that, the "boss" ordered the newspaper to be issued.

This manuscript that almost didn't make those literary talents write crazy is really good.

In the beginning, it was the foreigners slaughtering the village. Several relatives from the neighboring villages found out that they stopped the foreigners by the way. The relatives witnessed the tragedy and ran back to their own village while it was dark, and then stayed at their own home. I saw another group of foreigners at the door of the village. They were terribly scared, and their hearts were filled with despair, and then they slaughtered the group of foreigners.

After desperate, they detoured back to the village and informed the villagers of this terrible situation.

The whole village trembled with fright. This was true. It was tiring to dig the graves, but they knew they might be killed if they didn't run far. So, with the encouragement of Mr. Xue, the only scholar in the village, Xue Wuye: I'm not , I didn't. They picked up farm tools and shovels, rose up against digging the pit, and finally, when it was dark, ended the battle and dug a big pit.

The foreigners were killed by them. They thought that they had escaped, and from then on, they could live a peaceful and peaceful life, planting the land, weeding, and resting at sunrise and sunset.

Unexpectedly, another group of foreigners arrived, and they kept saying that they wanted to avenge their dead comrades in arms, but they were the first to slaughter the village.

They killed so many ordinary Chinese people, but they did not allow these innocent people to resist.

In their eyes, the Chinese people who have been stepped on by them even breathe wrong.

For the first time, the villagers realized what it was like to subdue their country, even if their country hasn't perished, but these foreigners can't wait to bully and slaughter their "subjugated slaves" at will.

This time, they picked up Mucang and launched a fierce resistance.

They would rather die in battle than guard their country.

Fortunately, they won.

They did not kill the remaining foreigners. They are different from this group of invaders. They have a conscience. They will not take pleasure in killing like that group of people. They will only kill when foreigners don't give money. these people.

The lives of these people are in the hands of the foreigners, and the lives of the Chinese are also in the hands of the Chinese themselves. Here, they encourage everyone to join the army and resist the foreigners together. The following is the address of the army: x province x place x place, Please contact Mr. Ji.

Yes, Ji Changze chose the simplest and rude way of recruiting; advertising.

At this time, it has never happened that any force has openly advertised in the newspaper, let alone this kind of innocent white lotus atmosphere.

The Chinese looked at their compatriots heartily, and sighed with enthusiasm that they really did something that many people dared not do.

What the foreigner sees over there is a completely different perspective.

The newspaper wrote throughout the article, "We are innocent villagers, foreigners are deceiving people so much that we have to resist a little bit. Who knows that you are so brazen, you know that you are an aggressor, and you dare to come and avenge you? We can only work hard to resist. As for why we just want to resist but you have lost so many people, ask yourself this question.

Anyway, either send money or we kill people. Of course, even if we kill people, you can't accuse us of being cold-blooded, because we said that we intend to imitate a certain country. If you accuse us, you are accusing a certain country.

And, we said, don't kill if you send money. If you die in the end, you should be blamed. An army that even its own soldiers is not willing to redeem it, yo yo yo, there will be people willing to do it for you. Are you desperate?

Who doesn't know that your great empire is very rich. If you don't know, it doesn't matter that we helped you publicize it. We didn't give you any money. It can be seen that we didn't care about our soldiers at all.

Of course, if you give it, we will get to the correct position to make money. If you have the ability, you will come to fight. We dare to detain someone and ask for money once we fight. If you are not afraid of bankruptcy, just come.

"Shameless bastard!!!"

After reading the newspaper, an officer tore the newspaper to pieces angrily.

"Give him money! I want to see if he takes the money for life!"

"But now the news from the outside is very unfavorable to us. The adults have already warned us and let us do things low-key. At this time, if the Chinese people are outraged at this time, we will lose a lot."

The officer's expression was ashen, but now the situation is special, and he can only endure this breath.

"Okay! I will bear it. When this incident is over, I will immediately take people to destroy these shameless Chinese, as well as the newspaper that dared to slander our empire's reputation. I will cut off the meat of the newspaper boss!"

He swallowed, gritted his teeth and approved the money and food.

On the third day, Hua Guo was still outraged.

The newspaper boss disappeared. In the home where he lived, bullet holes were found, and there were blood stains on the ground that were not dried.

At the same time, someone broke out that an officer among the foreigners once pretended to go out and cut off the boss of the newspaper.

Then the situation of the newspaper boss's house is suddenly different, no matter how you look at it, it is a perfect scene of murder and destruction.

The "militiamen" were enraged and declared the deal void. Since the foreigners were unwilling to redeem their soldiers, they would not say promises to kill them secretly and force them to turn their faces. Who doesn't know that the newspaper boss is theirs? Killing at this time? Isn't it just forcing them to take the initiative to abolish the transaction? If you really want to save people, can you just send the money directly?

Isn't it just not willing to pay, and not willing to be prestigious in the eyes of soldiers?

Shameless foreigner! We have seen you through!

When other people thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case. At this time, the foreigner killed the newspaper boss, didn't he just announce a turnaround?

For a while, Chinese people talked a lot, and everyone in the foreign army gradually became self-defeating.

They all know that they are rich, but the high-level officials are unwilling to rescue the captives. So why are they born to death?

People are impetuous, just such an opportunity.

After taking the telegram, Ji Changze glanced at the non-existent identity card of the newspaper owner and threw it into the brazier.

Wang Qiyi asked him: "Boss, will they find that these foreigners actually died during the battle?"

"At the beginning, we killed them directly with Wanshikeng, but they never showed up. How could outsiders know about things that many people in the village don't know."

One thousand people fight against five thousand well-equipped foreigners. If you win, it's okay to say, how many thousand people are still prisoners? What dreams do you want?

If it weren't for the terrain, they couldn't even kill people on the spot.

However, it was not in vain. No, these foreigners can still help if they die.

It's all right now, but it can be regarded as letting these foreigners who have nothing to do in Tucun know what is called external and internal troubles.

Ji Changze stretched his waist and said, "Let's announce it, saying that all the foreigners were killed by the angry militia, and then all the medals found before were sent to the gate of the foreigners' barracks. It was clearly written: We admire bravery. Soldiers, they shouldn't have died."

Those ordinary foreign soldiers were so stimulated, it is estimated that they will be able to fry the pot.

Sure enough, he still likes digging holes the most.