Chapter 244 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (10)

Just as Ji Changze thought, the foreigners are indeed making trouble.

In the first place, foreigners are also humans. It is unreasonable to say that their soldiers have a nerve in their heads, and they will not be angry even if they are abandoned by high-level officials.

Ji Changze and the others were enough to make foreigners angry. Then a few people suddenly popped out and threw piles of military medals at the door early in the morning when it was still dark. They were afraid that they would look at them. I don't understand, but I wrote the sentence Ji Changze asked for in the language of their country.

We admire these warriors, they shouldn't have died.

These three words shouldn't be used very cleverly.

At that time, the high-level staff immediately felt a sense of non-second, and the facts proved that his intuition was still very accurate.

The foreign soldiers rioted.

They were born and died over there, keeping their lives behind their heads anytime and anywhere, but the higher-ups were unwilling to even spend some money to redeem people?

Yes, it was the Chinese who killed the people.

But it was their own people who caused the Chinese to start.

At this moment, their hatred and distrust of the senior leaders even surpassed their hatred of the Chinese.

People close to them gave up themselves and killed their companions with the enemy. The two felt different.

The foreigners have no choice but to do other things because of external and internal troubles.

Ji Changze naturally started hiring people smoothly.

There was no immediate expansion after recruiting people as other forces had speculated, but on this territory belonging to Ji Changze, a city was built vigorously.

The head of the militia who emerged suddenly, contrary to the arrogant advance he had made before, seemed to put on a flinching posture.

At the beginning, many spies entered the city under the banner of joining, only to find that everyone in the city really looked like they were staying here and doing construction with peace of mind.

Everywhere is vigorously engaged in construction, building city walls, digging ditches, those who are recruited are scattered and numbered, but they are also training, depending on the posture, there are quite a few military academies.

But it is true that the state shown by all is that people do not offend me or I do not offend others.

Then, what is surprising is that after the city was established, the militia didn't do much and directly named the place Chang'an Military Academy.

Military school?

What's up?

Isn't this a militia organization?

Today's military academies are mostly officially established, and many students who graduated from military academies can directly work in local government departments.

A military school established by the militia?

Even if he really recruits students and teaches them, can he still arrange positions for the students?

Ji Changze said that he can really do it.

Chang'an Military Academy directly advertised that their military academy is only open to patriots. As long as you are a patriotic organization, the government, no matter who you are, you can come to their military academy to receive the most orthodox training.

Of course, people who come from this kind of organization have to give money.

Those who have no money, then I'm sorry. After graduating from our military academy, you will automatically become a mercenary in our military academy. You will be free after three years. You can only follow the military academy's dispatch during these three years. As for where you will go after three years , That's your own business.

This set of sorrow operations simply makes people confused about what he is going to do.

Nowadays, everyone can't wait to grab the resources of others in a hurry in addition to grabbing their own resources. Military academies have always been their own soldiers to enter, and in the future they can only enter their own camp.

Otherwise, what did the military academy spend so much energy training these people for? Do you block yourself?

There is no such kind of people in the world who sacrifice themselves to perfect others.

However, this militia leader, he did just that.

There is a conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy.

This group of people had just killed so many foreigners, and they made the foreigners dumb without making a difference. No one thought they were so stupid.

There is no such stupid person in the world.

Therefore, they must figure out this matter.

Therefore, after Ji Changze's military academy was opened, many freshmen enrolled.

Naturally, half of these freshmen are just ordinary people, and they don't have the money to pay the tuition. The other half are people sent by major forces.

Because the military academy requires age, the oldest of this group of freshmen is only 25 years old.

Those who are sent are not recruits. Not only do they have rich experience in combat, they are also very knowledgeable in spying.

On the surface, they pretend to be the same as ordinary freshmen, but since they entered the military academy, they have been thinking about how to figure out what the school is doing.

Especially the mysterious Principal Ji.

No one has ever seen this Principal Ji, who was once the head of the militia and is now the principal of the military academy.

Who pays attention to the people in a small village?

Everyone knew that as soon as he showed up, he had already led the militia to kill the foreigners.

No matter how you look it up, you can't find out who this principal Ji is. There are people surnamed Ji in that small village, but the spies have tried it. These people are just honest farmers. They don't know how to ask them. I don't know, how could it be the principal Ji.

But apart from that, there are only a bunch of children left in this village with the surname Ji.

Could it be possible for them to tell the above that Principal Ji is probably a child?

It's strange that they don't use their heads as chamber pots.

The mysterious principal.

Obviously they are just ordinary farmers, even villagers who don't know how to hit Mucang even if they look at it now.

There is also this magnificent building that occupies a favorable terrain.

And this clearly gained the upper hand in front of the foreigners, but did not continue to fight the enclosure, but stayed in a corner, organized the militia into a military academy, did hard work and let others pick the peach.

This is really confusing.

Naturally, spies and their bosses generally can't figure it out. Although these twenty-somethings are still relatively young, they all have gone through a lot of training and done many heavy tasks before being sent here. of.

They know well what their mission is, one by one on the surface disguised. They are seamlessly clothed, even deliberately hiding themselves in the first test of the freshmen.

A qualified spy must be incapable of getting too high, just getting stuck in the middle, and using the golden mean, the next person will neither leave you behind, nor guard you against everything.

The instructor is Ji Changze.

He didn't hide his name, nor did he hide his age. He just walked into the class with a smile under the surprised eyes of the freshmen, and wrote his name on the blackboard.

"I am Ji Changze. Starting today, I will take care of you people."

"I told you before the freshman test, so let's go to the training ground to start now."

The freshmen were surprised.

Why does the military school let a child be their instructor?

They whispered to each other, discussing this matter is reliable and unreliable, the spies also followed various discussions on their faces, but they wrote down this matter in their hearts.

Ji Changze didn't want to explain why he could be an instructor for such a small child. He just brought people to the training ground with a natural look.

Take out the watch: "Ten minutes, run at your fastest speed."


They were not allowed to make preparations, nor were they allowed to press the line, and even this group of people hadn't found a place to stand, the little instructor had already said the beginning.

Everyone was stunned, a few young people took the lead to react and rushed forward.

As a result, a bunch of people swarmed on.

A group of people Wu Yang Wu Yang ran out all the way in an instant, Ji Changze carried his hands back, and went directly on the parallel bars, sitting on it leisurely and admiring.


Wang Qiyi was sent out on a mission, and now with Ji Changze next to him was a woman who had been rescued from the bandit's den.

This person is good at embroidering, likes cooking most, and is also a master of making clothes. His usual hobbies are painting, reading, and accounting.

It stands to reason that this is a civilian who is suitable to stay in the rear.

But who made her grow a cold face.

She herself is very gentle, but once her face is expressionless, it will make people look at her as aloof and indifferent.

No one would think of her as a gentle lily, but as a rose with thorns.

Ji Changze really needs such a long man who is like a villain to stay by his side.

So he drew clothes sketches very carefully, trained the "villain" girl by himself, and asked Xue Wuye to make a set of clothes according to the picture. Xue Wuye: When the freshman entered school, this girl could already do it. It's a glamorous vase very well.

What she is being trained to do now is expressionless, and she doesn't say a word to outsiders.

Of course, she didn't speak because she wanted to shape the persona, but because her voice was too soft and gentle, and she failed to practice many times. Ji Changze simply refused to let her speak outside.

The girl opened her mouth in a soft voice: "You came out directly to serve as an instructor, and you haven't hidden your name. Are you afraid that those people will discover your identity?"

"Don't worry, all these people have ten exquisite hearts and nine zigzag intestines. If I hide and pretend to be an ordinary child, they may find out that I stand up so generously as an instructor. They will only believe that I am behind the scenes."

Ji Changze sat on the parallel bars and shook his short legs, a child's mischievous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sister Ruan knows, for smart people, what kind of things will they believe in?"

Ruan Yun didn't shook his head, Ji Changze said. Shaking his head would make her look lacklustre. Although she didn't know why she lost her temperament when she shook her head, she still changed the habit of shaking his head when talking to others.

"I don't know."

But she knew that although Ji Changze was very stable and reliable on weekdays, he actually had a childish temperament and liked to listen to others to praise him, so she said seriously: "I am not as smart as you are, how can I know ."

As expected, Ji Changze was extremely happy.

He looked at the freshmen who ran fast in front of him and said with a smile: "They will only believe the truth they have unearthed."

"If you show it to them, they will only think that there is fraud."

"But if you find out a false truth, hide it from them, and wait for them to find out after all the hard work, you will believe it."

Just like this military school.

Why did Ji Changze open a military academy?

Is it because he has other considerations?

Because he has big plans?

Because he intends to use this military academy to do something?


He didn't know what he could do to open a military academy.

But as long as he opened this military academy and recruited new students directly, others would not know what medicine he sold in the gourd.

People, don't be afraid of difficult things.

What they are afraid of is that they can't see through, guess through, and don't understand what's inside.

Ji Changze put a foreigner together, but he didn't hide the matter.

All the major forces who have a bit of a brain can see that he is deliberate.

So, just after other people took the impression of the militia leader's scheming and sophisticated methods in their minds, Ji Changze did such an unexpected thing as the opening of the military academy. No one would think that he just opened it casually and had no purpose. .

If you are a stupid person, an ordinary person, you might just want to open a military school.

But would a person who stumbles a foreigner do a purposeless thing?

Who believes?

They would only firmly believe that this principal Ji has buried a plan that is very deep and impossible for people to penetrate.

And when they didn't understand this plan and figure out what was in the military academy, they would never dare to act rashly.

Otherwise, no one knows whether this military academy, which everyone can't see now, will bite them abruptly.

Blue sky, white clouds, Ji Changze sat on the parallel bars, smiling extremely innocently.

"We are going to live a peaceful life for a while."

In this world, those who have a certain status are not stupid people.

It is precisely because he is not stupid that he can seize the opportunity to find a place to breathe.

Once upon a time, militiamen were a piece of fat that everyone wanted to eat when they saw it.

After Ji Changze pitted foreigners, the militiamen were very hard to eat.

But after he opened a military academy and did things that people couldn't figure out, this big piece of fat turned into poisoned rotten pork anytime and anywhere.

No one dared to take a bite for fear of poisoning his mouth.

"It won't last long. After others find out that there is nothing in our place, I'm afraid someone will take action."

Ji Changze smiled: "Who said we have nothing here."

"There are so many things."

He pointed to the running freshmen in front of him: "I won't do business that loses money. These people will become my power sooner or later if they are trained."

Ruan Yun didn't understand: "Isn't it saying that you will leave freely in three years?"

"It takes at least three years to train them, three years, can't I still win their hearts?"

The opening of the military academy was indeed a random move by Ji Changze. What he wanted was that he himself couldn't think of what he could do. He couldn't do it himself, and outsiders naturally couldn't do it.

However, the way is all people come up with.

Those people thought he had some conspiracy, but he just wanted to teach these students well, anyway, no matter who it was, they all wanted to beat foreigners, and they didn't lose money.

Of course, it would be even better if you could instigate a few countermeasures.

Ji Changze thought about the itinerary of this group of students in the next few years, and the students on the field only ran for less than five minutes.

Everyone seemed to be trying their best to run, and finally one person seemed to be too hard to escape and fell to the ground, and the one behind him immediately stepped forward to help.

"Classmate, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter to me, classmates, leave me alone, you can run first."

"I'll help you, anyway, I can't run anymore, you see that your leg is bleeding."

The other side supported the student who fell, and the two slowly walked forward, and soon they fell behind the large group.

There was no one before and after, and the two men gritted their teeth and talked without moving their lips.

"how is it?"

"I just took the opportunity to watch it many times. The child instructor was talking to a woman, and the woman was not easy to look at."

"I also looked at her. She has at least eight hidden pockets on her body. She looks like a dagger hidden in her boots. She also has a wooden warehouse on her calf. At a glance, she has at least five weapons on her body."

"Finally, did you see her hair? It looked like it was braided, but there must be no more than three steel needles hidden inside.

"He is a great character, but I don't know if he is also an instructor."

"What about the kid? I just saw it, and only saw a pair of wooden warehouses around his waist. There is no more beside him."

"Me too, he just looked like in front of us in the classroom, but after we ran away, when he talked to the woman, he looked like a normal child."

"His surname is Ji, I wonder if it is related to the principal of Chang'an Military Academy."

"Check it slowly, it will be long in the future."

The two were talking, turning sideways slightly and hearing the sound of other students running over behind them, they immediately opened their mouths: "Okay, classmates, I'm almost resting, let's continue running together."

"Okay, then you be careful."

"Thank you."

"It's all right, all classmates."

These kinds of encrypted conversations were conducted by many people in various strange ways within ten minutes.

Ji Changze didn't see it, and waited for ten minutes before blowing his whistle.

The little instructor jumped off the parallel bars with a straight face.

"It's only ten minutes. Look at how you are out of breath. Is your foundation so bad?"

Ordinary young people who want to come to the military academy to find food and eat are mostly poor at home. They can't help but naturally don't dare to offend Ji Changze. After being reprimanded by him, they bowed their heads in shame and didn't dare to say anything.

Most spies bow their heads like those around them.

A voice suddenly appeared from the crowd; "Instructor, if you can't look down on us, you can run for ten minutes and let us take a look."

Ji Changze looked at the person speaking with a cold face.

When the other party saw him looking over, there was a jealous look on his face.

"You mean you are not convinced of me?"

"Instructor, if you don't want people to be dissatisfied with you, then prove to us that you are worthy of being our instructor."

Ji Changze only glanced at it and knew that the other party was a spy.

The spy brother wasn't really dissatisfied with him, he just wanted to explore Ji Changzedi in this way.

To be honest, Brother Spy did nothing wrong with doing this.

Even in other military academies, there are a few thorns. Most of them are noisy when the school just opened. Generally, the instructors don't care about these young people. They prove themselves with the force value and beat the other party to crying father and mother. Then they will be punished for one or two months, and the matter will be over.

This can be regarded as a means used by the instructors to establish their prestige.

When the spy did this, it was determined that he was fine in doing so.

A young man in his twenties was just when he was full of energy. He was not convinced by a child instructor. It was normal.

What's more, this kid instructor made it clear that it was a target launched by the military academy, and he always tried to test the opponent's abilities.

However, he was wrong this time.

Ji Changze stared at him coldly for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled.

He smiled at his age, and with such a smile, there is a small pear vortex on his right cheek, and he looks like a child who is innocent and innocent.

It's just not so pleasant to say: "This is the military academy, and I am the instructor. Since you are not convinced by me, what are you doing here?"

The child's voice was childish, and it sounded a little sweet. Unfortunately, every word spoken was full of mercilessness: "What? We Changan forced you to come? Since you came with money, you still have to show this. The look of contempt, do you want me to treat you as an uncle?"

The spy was dumbfounded for a moment.

This reaction is wrong.

Normally, shouldn't the instructors immediately show off their strength?

Looking at the little Dou Ding who was standing in front of him with a sweet smile and softly speaking, a bad premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.

It turns out that he guessed right.

Ji Changze smiled and said: "Since this classmate is dissatisfied, we in Chang'an are unwilling to force others. The tuition will be refunded to you. If you leave your school uniform, go back wherever it came from."


He was so dumbfounded, but now he still has to maintain a jealous personality, it is impossible to take the initiative to intercede, he can only ride a tiger like this.

Spy Two: ""

He pretended to be sympathetic, and said: "Instructor, this classmate is probably not dissatisfied with the instructor. He is still young, and he should only be on the upper hand. The instructor will spare him once."

"Yes, I'm still young."

Ji Changze's tone is still gentle and gentle: "But I'm still young, I'm only eight and a half years old this year, he is full of blood, and I'm full of blood."

"Come here."

Two people holding Mucang standing on the side of the training field immediately came up. Ji Changze waved his hand and smiled unchanged: "Take this classmate out and refund the tuition to him. If he doesn't want to leave, he just collapsed."

As soon as the words came out, the scene was silent.

The spy was also a little dumbfounded, and Mu Cang who was looking at the other party did not dare to resist, so he swallowed his saliva and was taken away with his stiff face.

"Is it scared you? I'm sorry, I can't bear grievances at a young age."

Ji Changze still speaks briskly, without any anger at all: "Everyone is older than me, so I will bother you to tolerate me a little more on weekdays. Of course, if you think that I am a talking person now, you can't tolerate it. If the students speak, it's still too late to leave. I can remind you that after the test today, starting tomorrow, if you want to leave, I will not refund the tuition."

"Well, is anyone going to leave now? Stand up if you have, it doesn't matter, I won't be angry, everyone is free."

No one moved, no one spoke.

Ji Changze lowered his eyes and looked at his watch: "Three twenty one, okay, three seconds have passed, next time you want to go, I won't refund the money."

"Okay, the big guy, continue to test, the next one is to test your climbing ability, have you seen that way? Whoever climbs first, who wins, okay, let's start."

This time the students all had the experience of the last time. As soon as he said the beginning, a group of Wuyang Wuyang ran over again.

Ji Changze walked to Ruan Yun's side, smiled and gestured with his hands in the shape of Mu Cang, pointing to his head: "If I were to be more cruel, Mu Cang just slammed him so directly."

"Sister Ruan, give me the Mucang hanging on your calf."

Ruan Yun immediately lowered his head, pulled out the wooden warehouse from his calf and handed it to Ji Changze.

This wooden warehouse is very small, after all, its main purpose is to be easy to carry and make Ruan Yun look good at bluffing people.

Ji Changze took Mucang and shook it in his hand for a while.

Suddenly turned around and turned to the spy brother who had just taken off his school uniform and put on his own jacket in the distance, smiled and pulled the trigger.


The sound of Mucang resounded throughout the training ground.

The students who had been climbing were strained by the sound, especially the spies, who immediately turned and looked in the direction of Mu Cangxiang.

I saw the spy brother who had been announced to quit school stiffly standing on the spot. On his head, there was a beautiful hole in his hat, and white smoke was still slowly emerging from the hole.

Ji Changze closed the wooden warehouse, returned it to Ruan Yun, and whistled at the other party.

"No thanks for your gift."

No matter how many trainings and missions you have done, it's not the same if you're almost dead. The spy brother was so scared that his back was covered with cold sweat, and he didn't dare to say anything, for fear that he would say something more about this moody The child could really kill him in a wooden warehouse, so he turned around and left in a hurry.

As a result, today, on the first day of students entering the school, everyone knows that the Jieluo Renzhi will not work.

That night, half of the students were suddenly called out of bed when it was time to turn off the lights at night.

Holding a lantern made of glass, Ji Changze smiled and looked at the students who had already washed themselves.

"Tonight, we have a special training."

"You are divided into two teams. One team is responsible for sneaking into various places in the school to find the materials we have hidden, and the other team is responsible for capturing these people. You are selected as the capture party."

"Of course, the arrested party is selected at random. This is also to prevent you from knowing the number of people."

He waved his hand, and the two people behind him stepped forward and distributed a car of school uniforms of different colors to the group of students.

"The team of students responsible for sneaking in did not give them a new school uniform. They only let them dress as they please. They may wear day uniforms or night clothes, but no matter which one they are, they won't wear them anyway. Put on the current new school uniforms, and you will be responsible for catching those who don't wear these uniforms."

Seeing this group of students change from being dumbfounded to knowing the situation and quickly getting up and changing their clothes, Ji Changze said slowly; "From now on, the whistle is sounded at dawn and the end is over. At that time, if your team does not catch all of them back. All of you will be punished tomorrow. Of course, if you catch everyone back, those caught will be punished tomorrow."

"This is not just an exercise. I hope you will treat this as a real battle, and treat them as real enemies. Don't be hippy and smiley and think of them as classmates. If you catch someone, you can chat and chat. I didn't say that before the end, you are all enemies. ."

"The winner has a reward. The content of the reward is confidential. Let's start."

A group of young people hurriedly put on their boots and ran out like rabbits coming out of their nest.

Ji Changze waited until three o'clock in the morning before randomly choosing three dormitories, calling people up and asking them to look for the materials he had hidden everywhere in the school.

Although the plan of this school was a temporary idea, as a good principal, Ji Changze would not treat students harshly. The dormitories are all standard double rooms. Even if compared with other military schools, the conditions of their Chang'an Military Academy are considered very good.

Of course, the two-person room means that there are three dormitories and six people.

More than one hundred and fifty students, to arrest six people.

If you can't catch it, it's too incompetent.

Before three o'clock, a spy had already masterfully disguised the bed and opened the door cautiously.

After three o'clock, a spy also opened the door and went out.

They groped around carefully, and many people put on the night clothes that they had sneaked in, but the lights were bright outside.

Before he walked a few steps, he was caught upright.

When suddenly he was swarmed by a group of people, two words flashed in the spy's mind: It's over.

After they caught him, they did not torture him, but twisted him to the large classroom, tied him and threw it in the corner, and then left the guard without a word.


He recognized that the guards seemed to be a few students during the day, and hope rose from the bottom of his heart, and he spoke carefully: "Classmates"

"To shut up!"

The students immediately looked at him vigilantly: "Who allowed you to speak?! Don't speak!"


Isn't this group of people just entering school for a day? Why are you working for the Chang'an Military Academy now?

This unscientific!

There are spies who are caught just as soon as they come out, and naturally there are also spies who are cautiously evading people and spying around in secret.

The spy brother was frightened and cautious all the way and walked on various life and death lines before he touched a locked room. He carefully picked the lock and took a closer look at the situation inside the house.

Everything looks normal and normal, and all the pianos are placed inside, and there is a huge piano on the top.

Is it possible that this military academy still teaches music lessons?

While feeling strange in his heart, he wandered around carefully, but he couldn't find out where the problem was.

On the podium, he took two steps, looked at the huge piano carefully, but found nothing wrong. When he was about to go down, he suddenly felt something was wrong, stopped in place, and stepped on the ground tentatively.


With joy in his eyes, he immediately got down, took out his dagger, and began to carefully pick up the bricks in the direction of the bricks.

The bottom is really empty.

The spy was overjoyed, put on his gloves and put his hand in.


He snorted, held the scream in his heart, and took out his hand to see that it turned out to be a mousetrap.


Looking further down, I saw many mouse traps underneath, and there were still some dead mice on them.

It doesn't seem to be for defensive purposes.

He has rich experience in spying, and he naturally knows that the more he is afraid of mice when he hides the secret room in the house, there are so many mouse traps here, there must be something strange.

He endured the pain and took the mousetrap off, but did not dare to turn on the flashlight. He gritted his teeth to avoid the mousetrap by the moonlight, walked around carefully, reached a wooden box inside, and took it out carefully.

On the top of the wooden box, there is another mechanism lock.

He has seen this kind of mechanism, and if it is not properly opened according to the mechanism, the box will destroy the contents by itself.

Fortunately, this spy brother is professional.

The Vinegar Literature was released soonest. He sat cross-legged on the ground, took a deep breath, concentrated, cautiously, and finally opened the box just before dawn.

Then he saw a small box lying inside.

Brother Spy: ""

He gritted his teeth and continued to unravel.

After half an hour, the small box opened.

A blank piece of paper was quietly placed inside.

Old tricks.

He laughed disdainfully, and took out the small bottle specially used for decryption from his pocket, and carefully sprayed water on it. As expected, the font slowly appeared on the paper.

Before it was all displayed, the door suddenly opened, and a man in night clothes hurriedly hid in.

The two looked at each other.

Brother Spy was a little flustered.

The student was relieved.

"Brother, I'm being chased and killed. The information I just found is handed over to you. I'm going out to attract firepower now. You hide, and you must hide it."

Brother Spy: "?"

Own person?

Why didn't he know before, could it be something hidden?

The man didn't have time to say more, and quickly handed the small bottle he had been holding to the spy, then he took a deep breath, opened the door and ran out.

Sure enough, there was a loud noise from outside.

"Catch it!"

"Catch him!"

At this moment, even if he didn't know each other before, the spy's heart was moved and tragic.

This brother

I will remember you.

You sacrificed for me and for the organization.

He looked down at the piece of paper he found, and the information on it had been completely revealed.

I saw a line written on it:

Although the instructor Ji Changze is eight and a half years old this year, he still likes to collect wine. If you want to bribe him, you can give him wine.



What, what?

He opened the small bottle with a dazed expression and took out the note inside.

After spraying the potion as usual, the fonts were also exposed on it.

The cafeteria aunt likes young and handsome students very much. As long as you dress up a little more handsome and sweeter, she will give you more food with a shake of her hand.


He stared at the two pieces of paper blankly, and did not react for a long time in a daze.

He went through all kinds of hardships, and even sacrificed a companion, but it turned out that this stuff was written on such a solid piece of paper? ? ?

What about playing tricks? ? ?


The door was pushed open from the outside.

Many people stood outside: "There is one more inside!"

"Quick! Catch him!!"

Ji Changze slept comfortably, and after blowing a whistle announcing the end of the mission, he watched the students in their new uniforms running around and standing.

"Have you all caught it?"

"Muslim, all caught!"

"Ah, very good."

Ji Changze nodded in satisfaction: "Let's go, go see them."

He was taken to the classroom responsible for releasing these "captives".

As soon as he opened the door, the little instructor met the people in the room.


Everyone heard him say with a smile: "I sent six people to look for information, did you bring back thirty?"

"Yes, yes, these classmates of ours are very motivated. I didn't send you to be arrested. You yourself were very enterprising, and you were arrested very sacrificially. It is worthy of praise. All clean the toilets for a month."