Chapter 245 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (11)

A group of spies who thought their life was about to stop here were sent to wash the toilet.

They were still dumbfounded when they got to the toilet. They didn't expect that they would be able to save their lives in this situation. They all breathed a sigh of relief. While calculating what happened today, they washed the toilet seriously.

There were more than 30 people in the audience, and probably only the "really arrested" appointed by Ji Changze were in the mood to chat there.

"I specially changed into the night clothes issued by the school. I was hiding well. Who knows, it's dawn."

"Fortunately, you were arrested only at dawn. I was arrested less than half an hour after I went out."

"Have you found the information? Can you exempt you from penalties if you find the information? I heard that the information is very tightly hidden. If you really find the information, you can always get some rewards, right?"

A student faintly replied: "I found it and asked the instructor. The instructor said that the information itself is a reward and a good thing for us to keep in the school. What else did he say if these secrets weren't put in the information. No one can know."

The students who did not find the information were all curious. Some spies who had not found the information after searching for a while also brightened their eyes. They immediately pretended to be "I am so curious" and leaned in to ask: "What is written on the information." what?"

"Can you show us?"

"Yeah, can you show us?"

The spy who found the two "documents" laughed inwardly when he saw them like this.

Oh, too naive.

The student was not stingy, and weakly took out a piece of paper from his pocket and spread it out; "Look at it for yourself."

The spies tried to conceal their inner situation. Fortunately, the people in the village also cooperated. Anyway, they used to live in the village, and now they also live in the village.

They had all experienced foreign incidents at the beginning, and their children were still under Ji Changze's hands. Even if they went out, their mouths were closed tightly.

His own personal control is strict, and those who have not figured out who Mr. Ji is recruited until now, Ji Changze doesn't care so much about his mouth.

Anyway, the mouth is not strict, but it can help him.

But the canteen aunt kept her mouth tightly closed.

Even though she is cooking in the military academy cafeteria all day long, it can be regarded as a source of origin. Her pro-grandfather was the royal cook in the palace at the time. Later the emperor disappeared, and the eunuchs and maids in the palace scattered and fled.

Her grandfather was frightened at that time and came back to want to teach her father his own skills, but her father has not come back since a long time in business.

The old man was afraid that someone would die before he could teach it, so he broke the rules and passed it to the only granddaughter at home, telling her to teach him when her father came back.

Who knows, her father and her brother died outside and couldn't come back, couldn't learn.

She was getting older, and the fiancé who had studied abroad came back. After marrying the other party, less than half a year later, the man raised a young man outside.

Later, when his in-laws passed away, the newspapers were raging about free marriage, free love, and feudal marriage. The man found such an excuse and wanted to divorce her immediately. He turned around to welcome the second wife who was raised outside and raised the big room.

She didn't return her dowry or anything, because all her family members were dead, and her parents were gone. No one could control him, so the man just kicked her out of the house.

It is hard for a woman to live alone in such troubled times.

She could only make money by cooking noodles for neighbours when they got married. Afterwards, there was a war again. Everyone fled for their lives. She also ran along. After being a refugee for more than a year, I heard that there were militia recruits, both men and women. Here comes.

Such a tragic experience turned a person in her thirties into an'aunt'.

Ji Changze really liked her.

In addition to her cooking delicious food, but also because this canteen aunt looks simple and honest like an ordinary peasant woman, but in fact she is very transparent in her heart.

After her divorce before, she started to learn to read.

Start learning from the simplest, and write on the sand over and over again if you can't learn. By the time Ji Changze is in the hands of her, she will already be able to read a thousand-character essay.

The aunt in the canteen does not stick to what she learns. As long as it is new, she is willing to learn what she has not learned. Ji Changze is studying foreign language recently. He has recruited someone who can speak foreign language to teach him. Finished the meal quickly, warmed it in the pot, and then moved the bench to sit at a position almost two meters away from the two of them, rubbing their hands on the aprons, listening carefully to each of them learning one by one.

Then, she also embraced new ideas.

But she only accepts what she thinks is right.

For example, the new idea from foreigners is that women can work, even if they don't marry for a lifetime and serve as nuns, it is recognized by the teachers.

She agrees with these concepts, but she doesn't think that you have to be a nun to not get married. Isn't that the same as the nuns on their side?

The age of the canteen aunt is not very big in Ji Changze's opinion. He thinks that as long as a person does not encounter accidents, it is okay to live 60 or 70 years old. A person with a life of 60 or 70 years can only live for 30 years. , Where is it big?

But I have to say that the way she speaks has already moved closer to the aunt.

She often criticized her conscientious husband, saying that he was "a maggot in my mind", and was disgusting and let my mind finish eating again.

"It's fine if you don't look at me. People's eyes are very high, but he looked at the one raised outside, and I saw it at a glance. That one, he is not a good person. Look at the dress on his body, where is it? He raised it, as well as the ring he was wearing in his hand. Okay, the one I saw in the jewelry store is such a small one, which can cost half of that mindless net worth."

"He thought he was raising the family by himself, so let's take a look. There are still people behind them. He married them back and waits for the Dongchuang incident to happen. People will make fun of him for other people's elderly parents and children."

The aunt in the cafeteria told many people about this. She told the students who came to her to ask her what to eat at night. She told Ji Changze, who was slowly doing Tai Chi in the courtyard, and Ruan Yun, who was leaning on the parallel bars with a cold face, was actually in a daze Speaking, sometimes it is really impossible to catch people, and she will go to the militia who is standing guard to talk about it.

The only thing is that I never talked to her ex-husband.

According to her, it is: "He did the first day of the first year and I did the fifteenth. Even if I had seen it a long time ago, I would not kindly tell him that he was proud when he drove me away. I will wait and see. His fate."

She may have the talent to be an aunt. After saying these few words back and forth so many times, Ji Changze is really tired of hearing it, so she persuaded her aunt: "It's useless for you to tell us this way. Waiting for your ex-husband's retribution, if you want me to say, why do you wait for it, let's just send him on the road."

The aunt in the cafeteria felt that this was very reasonable.

So, apart from cooking, embroidering, and diligently helping the students turn over the dried quilts, she had one more thing to do, and that was to go to the playground to learn how to play Mucang.

Ji Changze likes her cooking very much. Of course, she mainly likes some of her remarks and three views. She feels that she can bring some good influence to the girls and women soldiers under her control, so she also does not limit her bullets.

When the students were in class, the students on the side of the window could see when they looked out. On the playground, the canteen aunt who had not taken off her apron was aiming at the target, one wooden warehouse for a while, and one wooden warehouse for another.

The bullets are like no money, and I haven't hit them yet.

Next to them, they were stingy and stingy. Every time they played Mucang training, they would scold them for a long time if they played a little bit too far. These new students don't know how expensive the firewood is, and the instructors who wasted bullets are generous at the moment. They stood beside them for a long time, applauding and applauding. .

This is not like Ji Changze anymore.

This young instructor doesn't look at his long and lovely appearance, he doesn't do anything to do anything.

When eating in the cafeteria, he held a bowl and stared at them. No one can leave food. Whoever has leftovers will be hungry for three days.

Those who came from poor families were accepted well, and the plates were cleaner than their faces, but some spies were uncomfortable.

They are not short of money. They usually eat and drink well. It is good to be able to eat these rough grains, and there is nothing left.

When taking a shower, because he is all male, Ji Changze, who is also a male, has set a rule to take the shower within six minutes.

When six minutes are up, turn off the water immediately.

Whether the bubbles on your body have not been rinsed well, have you just taken off your clothes and want to take a shower? The moat outside the city is washed away, but the moat is not for your kid to take a bath. You can take a bath. You must catch two fish and bring it back as a bath fee.

The most outrageous thing is that Ji Changze usually trains something quite formal, that is, he always "makes a small stove" for the big guys.

Of course, he said this word himself.

What Ji Changze thinks is that everyone will fight against the bandits together after the class, and they can also exercise the students' ability to fight against them, and they can also eat the black, ah, no, it is to help the surrounding residents to eliminate the bandits.

So, after taking a tired class, they have to go to the tired bandits. When the bandits are wiped out, they have to work as migrant workers to carry the trophies.

The trophies were all in the storeroom, and Ji Changze took out a super big lock, locked the door, and announced that everyone could take a six-minute battle bath and then go to bed.

Of course, he is very caring.

So he kindly stated that there is no guard in the school at night. If you want to explore the campus, you can find time for yourself at night.

Spies: "..."

Where can I find time?

Get up at 6 o'clock in the morning, you have to wash up quickly and go to eat. You have to go to eat. You have to report for a meal. Anyone who is missing will be found immediately. Regardless of whether you can get a valid reason or not, in the next morning In the next seven days, when everyone has breakfast, you will stand aside and pass eggs.

After breakfast, go to culture class.

After the cultural class, go to the training ground to have a practical class.

Let's have lunch in the morning like a year.

After lunch, during the lunch break, rows of militiamen, holding Mucang, stood at the door of each floor and watched you sleep.

When the lunch break is over, it's cultural class again.

Then the actual combat class.

Finally, at 7 o'clock in the afternoon, all the courses for today are over.

Ji Changze announced: There is still evening self-study.

Do you think late self-study is for you to read in the classroom at night?

Wrong, Ji Changze's evening self-study was a group of people who went to various places vigorously to suppress bandits, hunt, and sometimes part-time to dance the lion dance in the town.

By the end of the evening self-study, it was at least 11 o'clock in the evening, and everyone was tired like a dog.

Go out to explore the internal environment of the school?

See if there are any tricks in this school?

Tired half-dead legs can't move, can't get up, what kind of probe?

During the day, I was stared and couldn't spare time, but no one was staring at night. The problem was that they couldn't make it.

Even if I barely get up, walking is a problem, let alone climbing a wall.

The spies were speechless and choked.

They can understand the suppression of bandits.

But what the hell is Lion Dance?

Do you know how tired it is to jump around on a pole in a lion's skin?

Seeing that the normal students were so happy because of the cheers from the audience outside, they couldn't wait to shake these people up.

Wake up, you guys!

This is a military school!

You should learn to kill Mucang, assassinate, and various methods of detection!

Although these schools are also taught...

But what the hell is the Lion Dance!

Ji Changze's reason is very valid. In such troubled times, learn one more skill to be prepared. When necessary, you can still make a living by dancing the lion dance.

Spies: "..."

Normal students agree with this. They came to the military academy because they didn't have the skills. Lion dance can be considered a craft anyway.

In this way, the instructors are really good, so soon they began to consider the means of making a living for them in the future.

Spies: "..."

They wanted to sway the shoulders of the students again and screamed.

You wake up!

Find out, he collects money!

We dance, and he asks people who hold temple fairs to collect money!

However, the simple and poor people did not know how the spies rushed past the thousands of grass and mud horses.

They still happily learn to dance the lion dance, learn to sing, learn to change their faces, stretch their hands out of the pan, condense water into ice, and learn all these juggling skills.

The students are very happy because they have learned new skills.

Ji Changze is also very happy, because since he divided this side as his own territory, because they have been Buddhists, never fight, only fight bandits (bandits: I will go to you), temple fairs under the mountain are more and more frequent.

Therefore, every time he takes the students to the screaming temple fair, he can make a fortune.

What can he do.

The bandits are just a little bit, and they are gone (bandits; go to death). He has so many militiamen, so many students, and the students go to cultural and combat classes every day. After sweating so much, I must eat something good.

With so many mouths open, even if he has a wealth of wealth, he can't help but eat this way.

Fortunately, these students were obedient and fooled. Ji Changze pulled them to make money several times, but he discovered the correct way to use them.

As for what the spies who knew what he was doing thought, he didn't care.

Anyway, they have to be consistent with those simple students, even if they are suffocated to vomit blood, it is impossible to say it.

After discovering that this group of students could make money, Ji Changze suddenly felt that running a military academy was the most correct thing he had ever done.

The eyes of the spies became much gentler.

What a spy is this?

This is clearly a golden hen who can lay eggs.

Most of these spies spent money to go to school. They didn't spend a penny of his money, but he made a lot of money. What kind of people can do this?

Ji Changze immediately unearthed the various uses of the spy students.

He took everyone to dig a hole in the playground.

Divide into teams, whoever digs the fastest and deepest is the winner.

The person who wins can go to a secret room of the school for a stroll.

Ordinary students are not very interested in secret rooms. They come to school to earn a living, and they are completely uninterested in what is in school secret rooms.

But spy students are different.

Secret room.

How can they not go to such a place?

As a result, ordinary students do what they can, and the spies are competing one by one and want to turn into little digging experts, one by one can dig, and in the end they will almost have a shadow.

The whistle sounded and everyone stopped immediately.

Ji Changze observed these pits.

Big and deep.

"Good, good, all good."

He was very satisfied, selected a winner, and gave him a golden key: "You go to the second floor of A. There is a basement on the first floor. This is the key."

Of course the winner is the spy.

His excited eyes were full of joy.

After working so hard for so long and working so hard as a cow and a horse for so long, I can finally see something real.

Holding the golden key, he couldn't wait to make three and two steps, and ran forward quickly.

The remaining spies were unwilling and looked at his back with envy.

How come the winner is not them.


"Okay, the rest, go, go to the river and continue to compete."

The rest of the spies were immediately shocked and looked at Ji Changze in surprise.

Ji Changze replied in the affirmative: "Yes, this time the winner can still visit the secret room, of course, because it is the second game, this time the secret room will be smaller."

Little is not afraid.

You can see it.

Ji Changze continued: "Those who are tired of digging can choose the next rest. It doesn't matter. We are just entertaining. It doesn't matter if we win or not."

You do not matter, we do.

The spies are determined in their hearts, and it is impossible for them to give up this opportunity if they are killed.

There are quite a lot of normal ordinary students.

Regardless of just a single digging hole, they are still very tired after a long time. They are not very interested in the secret room. They simply quit and rest. It is rare that the instructor allows them to rest.

The spies didn't have a rest. They followed Ji Changze to the river with high spirits. After being divided, they looked at the scene in front of them with firmness in their eyes.

Must win this time! !

As a whistle sounded, everyone tried to dig again.

Ji Changze wandered around a few times and persuaded: "If you feel tired, you can rest on the way, you don't have to force it."

The more he was like this, the more spies gritted their teeth and refused to give up, and took out the strength of suckling to dig with shovel desperately.

Because it is a group, when someone withdraws from the same team, they can only work harder.

The students who quit are still persuading, "Students, don't forget it, see you are tired and sweaty."

It's a ghost.

You know what a fart.

The spy scolded his mother in his heart, and he forced a smile on his face: "No, I'm just like this. I must do my best when I'm in charge, otherwise I feel uncomfortable all over."

"So it's like that, you're really good."

The student looked at the spy with admiration, and when he saw the scene, there were still so many tired hands trembling and still insisting, which was also a sigh.

There are still many persistent people like this classmate.

It's really worth learning.

The spies all dug vigorously, and Ji Changze blew his whistle when he saw that they were almost dug.

Brushing on the ground immediately collapsed several times, panting heavily.

"Well, the winner is judged, and I'll give you the silver key."

"The rest, there is a third round. Those who want to participate will come with me."

Ordinary students who had withdrawn long ago were still hesitating to go, and saw that these classmates who had just been soft-legged and sweating profusely stood up with difficulty and got up and followed Ji Changze.

They were shocked.

"Classmates, it's all like this, are you still going?"

"Go...Of course I want to. I'm...just...not accept defeat."

Even though he was weak and still admirable, the ordinary classmate who just wanted to take a rest was inspired and immediately said: "Then I will go together, I want to learn from you!"

I just found an excuse and didn't expect to find myself a spy of a strong competitor: "..."


Ji Changze said that it is definitely not going to be fatal, but he can still get rid of them half-life.

There were six rounds of competition in five hours.

Finally, after he announced that today's game was over, almost all the students who were still participating in the game just fell on the ground and gasped for breath.

Ji Changze stood in front of the big hole they just dug out and applauded:

"I didn't expect you to have such perseverance. I admired you. Well, for everyone's persistence, I will reward you for taking a hot spring today!"

Even though I was very tired, many students cheered when they heard the hot spring.

Some spies were taken aback.

Before they came, they naturally remembered all the surrounding information in their hearts. There are no hot springs within 18 kilometers of the surrounding area.

Someone asked carefully: "Instructor, where shall we go to the hot spring?"

"It's at school."

Ji Changze sat upright in his exclusive chair: "Our school is notoriously well-paid. Considering that this is a military academy, you have to carry out a lot of actual combat exercises every day. Every day, you feel sore and uncomfortable. We specially dug one. Hot springs come out to provide all the students in the school to take a bath to relieve fatigue after practicing."

The students were surprised: "Instructor! Really?!"

Spies: "...Don't believe me, Ji Changze is so stingy, how can he really dig a hot spring for them, and can the hot spring be dug out if you want to?"

"Instructor, is the hot spring ready?"

Ji Changze: "Well, it's almost there."

Hehe, listen to your nonsense.

A spy immediately asked, "Then may I ask the instructor, where is it?"

Ji Changze looked at the spy.

He is really miserable.

After six rounds, he worked hardest, but he couldn't get the secret room key every time.

Now the whole person is lying on the bottom of the pit in big characters, almost as if he could go to heaven.

Ji Changze jumped into the pit lightly, squatted down beside him, and picked up the shovel next to him under the slightly conspicuous gaze of the opponent as he approached.

Suddenly dug beside the spy.


"Hot hot hot hot!!!"

The spy jumped up like a rabbit, clutching his waist and shouting frantically.

Ji Changze pointed to his boots.

"Now you know why I asked you to make boots in my self-study last night? Don't doubt the instructors, the instructors are for your good. Look, now everyone puts on the boots, aren't you afraid of getting burned?"

He turned and climbed up numbly: "The hot spring is in the pit that you just digged. Did the instructor treat you well? He also reserved this hot spring for you to dig, so that when the new students enter the school in the future, you can do it. Bring them to dig the hot spring, and then proudly said to them: Look, this is the hot spring I dug out by my own hands."

The spy: "..."

Other spies: "..."

Ji Changze kindly reminded them at the bottom of the pit: "Come up quickly, or you will be drowned in a while."

A group of people dragged their sore legs and climbed up with difficulty.

Ordinary students didn't work hard, and they were so excited when they saw the hot springs for the first time. The focus of attention was not on the instructors asking them to dig the hot springs by themselves, but excitedly chatting around the little instructors.

"Instructor instructor, how did you know that there is a hot spring here?"

"Yeah, it looks pretty ordinary when it's not dug up here."

"Can we really come to the hot spring every day from now on?"

Ji Changze raised his hand to calm them down, and then slowly nodded: "Yes, this hot spring is the welfare of the school. You come to soak whenever you want. Don't be too happy and train well. , Study hard, otherwise it would be a waste to give you hot springs."

The ordinary students who have never seen the world have been ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"Thank you instructor!!!"

"We will train well!! We must live up to the hot springs that the school gives us!"

Spies; "..."

A hot spring dug out by yourself, does it look like it was given to you by the school?

When they couldn't figure out why these classmates were so stupid, suddenly they remembered that they were studying the history of a certain country these days.

The teacher in the lecture mentioned many times that people in a certain country usually like to soak in hot springs, because hot springs can delay aging and relieve fatigue. A few more soaks can be bala bala bala...

Anyway, the benefits of various hot springs are all true and false.

Just knowing that hot springs are good, the school gave them a hot spring in a blink of an eye.

Their reaction seems normal.

After thinking it through, the spies: "..."

Wipe, it's a routine.

So many people have worked so hard for so long to produce the results, so Ji Changze justly picked the peaches.

For the first time, everyone thought of the first five rounds.

They don't believe that the instructor just pointed out a random place in the first five rounds.

Sure enough, that night, Ji Changze announced that they had succeeded in diverting water into the fields.

Under his wise leadership, he not only exercised the students' actual combat ability, but also dug a long water channel for the fields. In the future, it would be much more convenient to water the fields.

Spies: "..."

It always feels like they were sold by others and they were given back to count the money.

Then, the spies in the lower chamber returned.

They glistened with excitement.

Secretly told the spy who came with him.

"Drawings!!! Inside are all kinds of drawings!!!"

"Weapons, there are full of weapons in there!!"

"A lot of money, it's all money!"

Unfortunately, there are too many drawings and they can't take them away. They can only read them in general. Complex drawings can only be written down by professionals and high-IQ spies who have never forgotten them. It is impossible for a spy with such a powerful level to be remembered. It was sent to a small force like Ji Changze that just got up.

Let alone the weapons, they certainly can't be taken with them.

More money...

As a result, they could only endure the itching in their hearts, while trying to send a letter outside to inform their master that this school really has something in it, and the secret rooms were built very secretly. They would not be able to get in unless they had the key. According to speculation, they saw The secret room of the school is definitely only a small part, and there must be even more powerful secret rooms in the school.

But fortunately, this school doesn't mind students going in for a visit, as long as they complete the task, they can enter the secret room.

The next development route became clear all at once.

Do the task, get the key, and enter the secret room.

That night, Ji Changze took his army of children and sneaked away the contents of several secret rooms.

Oh, this is all his family background.

How could it be placed in a place that has already been exposed.

No, he has to dig a few more hidden passages, arrange a maze inside, and then the destination is the secret room, and then dig another secret room under the secret room to hide it.

Hi, this is too short of people for construction.

Fortunately, there are such a group of two fools for him to call, anyway, it is not his people, no matter how the call is distressed.

I don't know if these two idiots will "take the initiative" to expand the canteen according to his wishes. The canteen is too small and he has long been displeased, but the expansion requires money and people. Where can he go to find someone.

At the same time, the spies who have witnessed "a small part" of the military academy's casual exposure are so terrifying, are trying to figure out who the person behind it is.

First exclude the little instructor Ji Changze.

It definitely won't be him.

Who can it be?

Is it really the aunt of the cafeteria?

Ji Changze also said today that the cafeteria aunt felt that the cafeteria was a little too small and wanted to expand, but she didn't have time. Would they take their little rest time to listen to news about the expansion?

Good idea, just do it.