Chapter 249 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (15)

Ji Changze got the news when he was eating noodles comfortably.

"Ji Zhuzi?"

Principal Ji, who has grown up, is not as naive as he was when he was a child, and would not want to kick the other person's ass when he heard Ji Zhuzi's name. He just asked in a simple way: "Is he still dead?"

Wang Qiyi: "..."

Of course, Ji Changze is not cursing people, he really feels that he can't do anything. He has no brains and is 80% unwilling to do physical work. Ji Zhuzi has long since died.

In this world, a family can only survive in a group. Ji Zhuzi goes out alone, how good he can mix, and according to Ji Changze's understanding of the other party, he will definitely come back if he doesn't mix well. The chance of a good mix is ​​only a percentage. It's zero point zero zero zero zero one.

Ji Zhuzi hasn't returned for so many years. In his heart, he has already given the other party the nickname [Dead Man].

Ji Zhuzi eh.

No brain, no knowledge, no vision, no bottom line, how could he mix well?

It was also thought that Ji Zhuzi hadn't shown up for so many years, and now he was fighting, and he appeared when a certain army entered the city. Ji Changze suddenly thought of a possibility: "He is a traitor?"

Wang Qiyi: "!!! Boss, you have a wonderful plan!"

Ji Changze: Oh, humiliation.

This is not a magical calculation. It is only in the current world, and only when a traitor does not need any technical content, it is only necessary to be a Chinese who can be cruel to Chinese people and can do dirty things.

Ji Zhuzi became a traitor.

It seems not surprising at all.

"Let's talk about it, what's the situation."

Wang Qiyi was no longer the coward at the beginning. After so many years of undercover career, his ability to detect news has improved by leaps and bounds. After discovering Ji Zhuzi, he immediately hid it and came back.

"According to the information I found out, he should have been loyal to a certain country as soon as he left home. It seems that he had picked up a money bag from an officer of a certain country. Later, when the other party found it, he immediately knelt down and was loyal. By my side, it seems to be very respected."


Ji Changze suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, it seems that this time a country enters the city, we should handle it."

Wang Qiyi didn't understand where he got this conclusion.

He was shocked: "Is Ji Zhuzi also an undercover?"

Can't it, Ji Zhuzi's mind is afraid that it was not discovered that he was dragged out and collapsed just a day as an undercover agent.

"What do you think of you!"

Ji Changze's face was speechless: "I mean, Ji Zhuzi's brains are both valued, and it can be seen that the other's brains are not much better."

He lay down on the sofa with peace of mind, and said comfortably: "I was still worried about how to deal with the army entering the city. Now it seems that there should be no conspiracy and tricks. Even if you want to make trouble, it will be a real gun battle. By force, I, Ji Changze, have never been afraid of anyone."

He was able to take a group of child soldiers to fight foreigners when there was nothing. Now he has money and some have weapons. From the side of Ji Zhuzi, he understands that this time the army of a certain country is afraid that the IQ is not much higher. , He was also afraid of a bird.

But what is going on with Ji Zhuzi.

Knowing that he has no bottom line, he can directly surrender to the enemy country. This is too low.

Ji Zhuzi didn't know that he was being studied at all. He walked on the street with a few of his subordinates with pride, and from time to time he reprimanded the people passing by. He met people selling things, and when he saw the ones he liked, he just reached out and took them. , The stall owner was scrupulous about this layer of certain national army clothes on him, daring not to speak.

In fact, he didn't like those things that much, he just simply liked the feeling of doing whatever he wanted, but the other person didn't dare to speak. He walked all the way and was in a great mood, so he almost didn't write the words "little man dezhi" on the top of his head. Up.

As a result, I was happy all the way, and walked to the door, happy and sad.

"Brother Zhuzi, your lord is looking for you."

After receiving the news, Ji Zhuzi's face turned green.

To say that the last thing he wanted to see was the officer of a certain country he had defected to.

At the beginning, he waited for the officer with expectations for the future, but the other party thanked him in front of everyone and said that he would introduce him to work, just when he joyfully thought that his life had finally reversed his fate. At that time, the officer pulled out the wooden warehouse to kill him.

Ji Zhuzi was so frightened at the time, and when he realized that no matter how much he begged the other party, he didn't intend to let him go, so he could only take out his biggest secret and rely on him for help.

He said that he can predict, he can predict many things.

After saying a major event that would happen at the end of that year, Ji Zhuzi saved his life and was taken by the officer. After verifying that the major event did happen at the end of the year, Ji Zhuzi became a respected person. people.

But after his first triumph, he fell into various panics.

Yes, Ji Zhuzi was born again.

But he was a mess in his previous life. Where did he know about the major events of the country and the international war, let him say when a shop closed down, which girl was born with a big fat boy, and which man was infected in which year? It's okay to get sick.

The things he can remember about the war are all about himself.

For other things, the other party just used Mucang to force him to say, but he couldn't tell.

Ji Zhuzi was afraid that he would be smashed and killed the donkey after he had said everything he knew. He told the officer that all his predictions appeared randomly, and that he could not restrain any predictions.

He racked his brains to pull out the big events that he had encountered before, and he could only say some small things if he couldn't find the big ones.

Ji Zhuzi can know what major events are.

It's nothing more than an attack from a certain country, nowhere is it bombed.

The "prophecies" he said are all decisions made by the top of a certain country, and the officers can only witness them. If they can't get in, what's the use of getting in? This prophecy only said that a certain country would attack, and nothing else.

Because a certain country has always been fighting in China, after so many years, Ji Zhuzi just didn't help the last time.

But unfortunately, his "predictions" are accurate every time.

But it's not very accurate, it won't help.

The officer kept Ji Zhuzi instead of handing it in for people to study him, just to make merit through the "prophecy", but after raising this guy for so long, it didn't come in handy even once.

This is very tasteless. Ji Zhuzi can obviously feel that the officer is getting more and more impatient with him. He is frightened, for fear that the other party will think that he is useless someday. A wooden warehouse collapses him, but there is no other way, only every day. All kinds of brainstorming searches for brain memory.

This time when he was called in, the other party's expression was full of impatience, and he asked him straightforwardly if he had predicted it. There was a wooden warehouse on the table, and the officer's hand was next to it, and a pair of Ji pillars answered again. The appearance of killing him directly without a useful prediction.

Ji Zhuzi's heart was stunned.

His "prophecy" has long been used up, where can I find a prophecy?

But after following the officer for so long, he also learned some of the opponent's urination.

Looking at the current situation, it is clear that he can't say anything useful and send him to die on the spot.

What to do? What to do? What to do.

Ji Zhuzi really couldn't think of any "prophecy" that he hadn't used before, and he didn't dare to say that he didn't have a "prophecy", so he could only squeeze a flattering smile at the officer with sweat.

"My lord, I feel it. You will surely have a prediction tonight when I go back."

The other party sneered and tapped his hand on Mucang: "If you don't do anything, you will go home."

Going home naturally means going home.

Ji Zhuzi was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he hurriedly agreed, but he almost collapsed on the ground after going out.

It's over.

Where does he go to look for prophecies.

But it's a death not to find it, and it's too easy to be seen through making up nonsense.

Fortunately, this is the place where he has lived together for so many years. If he makes up a nonsense based on this, he should be able to live forever.

After he returned, he hurriedly searched for the doglegs under his hands and asked them to inquire about the major forces around him, the rich and the free ones.

"Chang'an Military Academy? The militia organized by the villagers??"

Ji Zhuzi listened to the name of the village before the militia was read by the dog leg.

Isn't that their village? ?

Looking at the address again, it really is.

"Chang'an Military Academy is very rich and recruits a lot of students. Their school is very well established, just like a foreigner's castle, but I don't know why. No one has ever beaten them. Maybe it's because the mountain roads are difficult to walk. Hard bones."

Ji Zhuzi's face was overjoyed. The road before his village was notoriously difficult to follow. If a large number of troops were to be launched, it was indeed time-consuming and labor-intensive.

But, he is from the village.

He is too familiar with the way into the village.

Ji Zhuzi was not relieved, and even ran to take a look, confirming that although the original small village has now become a big castle that makes people feel uncomfortable at first glance, the road is still that way.

He immediately gained confidence and went back to find an officer.

Said that he predicted the route of attacking the Chang'an Military Academy. After the attack, on the one hand, the army of a certain country could stand up and on the other hand, they could also get a lot of money.

Because Ji Zhuzi made his promises, and the "prophecy" he had made several times before, the officer really believed it.

As everyone knows, when they were just determined to attack the Chang'an Military Academy, within an hour, the news was quickly sent to Ji Changze.

To tell the truth, Ji Changze, who sent people to engage in spy warfare and almost came up with a top leader, was familiar with ambushing people around the enemy.

The army of a certain country has just arrived for less than five days, and the side has become a sieve.

Attacks also take time to plan.

Moreover, the military academy is indeed in a good location, and it is also very suitable for military garrison, so you can consider moving in after the battle.

The officer planned here for about half a month, and then set off under the vow of Ji Zhuzi.

"My lord, I predicted that their military academy would follow this way, yes, this is the route."

"Yes, although they also have weapons, they are only the amount of a military academy. We can crush them to death with one hand."

"A non-threatening opponent, a generous return, let alone your lord, you also brought the entire army."

Their army itself came to fire the first shot of the war.

It is not more than enough to deal with a military academy.

Under Ji Zhuzi's various rainbow farts, they really went to the military academy smoothly.

Ji Zhuzi volunteered to step forward and shout:

"The h army is in love with your military academy. It is your blessing. If you know, you will open the door and greet the adults. If you don't know, don't care about my feelings of being a Chinese."


As soon as he finished speaking, a stone was thrown from it, which happened to hit Ji Zhuzi's head. He yelled in pain, and looked up angrily: "Who?!!! Who is it!!!"

Ji Changze stretched out his head: "What's the matter, you know who it is that you can fly up to hit me?"

Ji Zhuzi looked at his face for a moment, and shouted, "Ji Changze?"

"Remember me, I thought you were a traitor and forgot all the Chinese people. I said Ji Zhuzi, you brought them to attack your village. In order to be a dog in a certain country, do you want your parents?"

Ji Zhuzi's eyes suddenly showed excitement.

"Are you begging me to let you go? Dreaming! I said at the beginning that you can't get along with me like that. If I leave home, you will regret it sooner or later! Now, I am loyal to the H army. If you kneel down and beg me , I might still leave you a whole body, if you are acquainted, open the door..."

"Stop stop--"

Ji Changze really didn't bother to listen to this guy's nonsense, cut his ears and interrupted him directly.

At this time, he still looked down on himself like this, and thinking about the dark losses Ji Changze had let him eat when he was at home before, the expression on Ji Zhuzi's face became distorted.

"You don't look down on people for me. How about your broken military academy? Do you have weapons? Our soldiers are all well equipped. Today I will let you know how to write death words!!!"

Ji Changze yawned and waved: "Okay, let's start fighting."

It's already this time, and he's still so self-conscious.

Ji Zhuzi wanted to learn from the officer's sneer, but he froze before the corners of his mouth rose.

A large cannon was pushed to the side of the city wall, and wooden warehouses were erected. With the loud noise, five bombers also flew over.

In a flash, the situation on both sides turned over.

Ji Changze didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered: "Fight!"

In this battle, everyone can see who loses and who wins.

The military academy occupies the terrain, has many people and strong weapons, and coupled with air superiority, in contrast, the long army of a certain country is like a trekking through the mountains and rivers who came here to deliver food.

It is recorded in future history books that since this battle, all kinds of forbearing Chinese have completely risen.

But now, no one thought that the first shot of a certain country's war would be fought.

Unfortunately, it is a dud.