Chapter 250 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (16)

When the artillery fire sounded, the people who heard the sound were all startled and screamed, rushing in panic.

In the war years, even after experiencing a brief period of peace, when they hear such a little wind and grass again, these ordinary people who have experienced exhaustion and despair will still be like rabbits that see snakes, panicking and running for their lives as fast as they can.

What can be done?

They are all ordinary people.

Because they often don't have enough food and do very hard work every day, they don't have much strength in their hands, and they don't have weapons at home. Where can they dare to resist those who hold weapons?

Just in the midst of this escaping, the street sellers selling steamed stuffed buns, those who drove small grocery stores, and those who just came out of the clothing store.

Many such seemingly ordinary people walked out of their boundaries one after another, closed their eyes, and listened quietly to the sound.

After determining the direction of the military academy, they quickly glanced at each other, then spread out, and began to do what they had prepared for a long time.

Of these students who graduated from school, some of them entered the various systems of government openly, and the other was turned into hidden piles and planted in various parts of Ji Changze's lair to ensure that the hidden piles could come to support quickly whenever there is a situation.

A student who has experienced strong training is not terrible.

But if they were replaced with one hundred, one thousand, and they could turn into instructors after they left the school, with the support of Ji Changze, an instructor with huge financial resources, the situation would be very different.

"Don't panic, everyone. Let's go to the air-raid shelter. I know where the nearest air-raid shelter is. Line up in an orderly manner and follow me."

A white and innocent young man went retrograde to the fleeing crowd and opened his arms to stop them from running away without any purpose.

The people who have been flustered for a long time will listen to this, and they will go on their own as usual.

The young man was not angry, but took out his gun and fired a few shots at the sky.

-Bang Bang Bang!

After the gunshots sounded, the crowd screamed in horror, and after the screams, it was quiet.

"Everyone, you can listen to me now, follow me, and I will take you to the air-raid shelter."

A woman was pale and looked in the crowd: "Sanya, Sanya!!"

"My daughter, my daughter is gone, have you seen it? Have you seen such a tall little girl?"

She was searching in a panic anxiously when a little girl was suddenly tucked into her arms.



The woman's tears came down all at once, and she hugged her daughter quickly. She raised her head with tears on her face, and saw a young man with a bright smile standing in front of her: "Don't thank me, my eyesight is just a wait. Yes, I won the best exploration award in school."

"Hurry up, or you won't be able to keep up with the big team, it's my senior sister who is here to take you, she is fierce."

"Thank you, thank you."

The woman hugged the child and followed the army away in a panic.

The young man was about to turn around and go somewhere else when he was hit on the head suddenly. He cried out in pain, clutching his head and looking at the tree without anger: "Senior Sister, you hit me again."

"Who told you to talk behind your back."

The elder sister is in her twenties, with a whistle around her neck and a simple bunting suit on her body. She sits on the tree with her legs dangling: "You kid, I graduated before you. I respect the seniors. "

"The instructor said, the school doesn't do that."

"So, isn't this already graduated and not in school? Get out now. I really don't understand why the instructor didn't let me go to the battlefield. Isn't it okay to let anyone come to maintain order?"

She jumped out of the tree, went straight through the crowd to carry a fallen old lady, touched her leg bones, and blew a whistle. Immediately, a student in a red hat carried the car and ran over quickly: "Senior Sister. "

"Broken, you can pull it away."

The young man looked at her with a hard-hearted mouth and curled his lips. From the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw a child crying in the distance, and ran to him quickly: "Children, are you lost with an adult?"

Outside the military academy's city walls, the enemy could not even enter the door and fell under the fire that seemed to never lack ammunition.

Ji Changze shook the crossbow arrow in his hand, and when the opponent wanted to escape, an arrow passed, and the highest-ranking adult fell down with an arrow.

"Do you know how he died?"

When Wang Qiyi listened to Ji Changze's question, he tried his best to open his eyes to see, and then replied very seriously; "Of course you shot to death the boss! Boss, you are so amazing!!! It's so amazing!!!"

"No, he was stupid to death."

Ji Changze raised his eyebrows, looked at the Ji Zhuzi who was running around the various corpses in a panic towards the distance, and gave a tut.

"I actually believe that Ji Zhuzi is so abruptly smashed to death."

"I'll go out and you will clean up the mess. By the way, you haven't been back for a long time, do you know how to clean up the mess?"

Wang Qiyi really didn't understand, he thought about it a little dazedly, and then tentatively replied, "Burn all these people to avoid the plague?"

"Half right."

Ji Changze hung the crossbow arrow on his arm: "Remember to touch if they have any money or anything on them. Could it be that they screamed and beat us so quickly, didn't they leave something as compensation in the end?"

If you invade someone else's country, do you still have to be confident in asking them to help collect the corpse?

The more I think about it, the more angry.

"Instructor, you are here, do you want to...Ah! Instructor!!"

A student stared blankly at Ji Changze riding away, feeling his head blankly.

The instructor is very irritable today.

Ji Changze is indeed very irritable.

The enemy came to fight, he was not surprised, after all, he was from a different country.

But Ji Zhuzi.

Bring the enemy to hit one's own people.

And that stupid officer of a certain country actually believed Ji Zhuzi's words.

His second brother is really, getting more and more prosperous, and he has become a traitor.

He is riding a horse, Ji Zhuzi uses two legs, of course he can't run.

Ji Changze successfully blocked Ji Zhuzi by the river.

"Nagasawa, Nagasawa, please spare me, I don't want to, if I don't help them, they will kill me, Nagasawa, Nagasawa is really...really, we are brothers, if you are Kill me, grandparents will be sad..."

Under the crossbow arrows, Ji Zhuzi knelt down and desperately begged Ji Changze.

Ji Changze slowly put down his crossbow arrows, his face expressionless: "Really?"

"Really, really Nagasawa, you believe me."

Ji Zhuzi kept begging: "We were all unhappy when we were young, but you have the upper hand. Didn't I succeed in hurting you once? Changze, let me go, I am willing to accept punishment, I know me Guilty, don't kill me, don't kill me, okay?"

Then he heard Ji Changze say: "Okay."

Even after so long, his facial features have not changed much, but the beautiful and jealous young man stretched out his hand, with a bright smile on his face:

"Second brother, I will pull you up."

Ji Zhuzi looked at him suspiciously for several seconds, then tremblingly stretched out his hand slowly, and took the younger brother's hand.

After squeezing tightly, Ji Changze pulled him to his feet slowly.

As soon as he stood firm, he smiled at the younger brother: "Nagaze, I know you won't be able to bear it. I really want to apologize to you all the time, you...Go to death!!!"

I just showed my feelings just now: "Haha...hahahahaha, I'm dead, I'm finally dead...I knew it, I knew you were so in the way, when you were a kid, I should choke you to death..."

"I won, I won..."

He relaxed and celebrated, and was about to flee away, when a voice suddenly came from behind: "Second brother, do you know why you can't beat me every time?"

Ji Zhuzi froze, and his blood seemed to freeze.

Unbelievably, he turned around slowly and stiffly like a woodcarver.

Then he met Ji Changze, who was soaking wet and wringing out his clothes.

Seeing him, Ji Changze smiled at him.

"You lost because the weakness you saw was deliberately shown to you by me."

He tossed his hair into the water, shrugged to Ji Zhuzi, and said in the innocent tone that Ji Zhuzi hates most:

"Everyone knows that I can do everything, but I'm not afraid of water, right."

"From childhood to adulthood, everyone has seen it. When others are playing in the water, I don't go to the riverside. So, ah, I know I'm not easy to mess with, know that I'm good at it, then if someone wants to deal with me, Don't you think of drowning me?"

Ji Changze smiled with his eyes narrowed, and easily told the desperate Ji Zhuzi: "This is also a good way to catch the mice hiding in the gutter, but only for the inner ghost. There was one who was crippled by me before. Yes, just like your second brother, you wanted to drown me, but when I saw that I got up from the water like a water ghost, wow, I was so scared that I committed suicide by drinking a bomb. It's really scary. , I'm still a child, so I can see such horrible pictures."

"Count it down, the person who wants to drown me, second brother, you are the thirteenth. Do you know why the twelve people in front of me knew that I could swim, but the news was not revealed at all?"

Ji Zhuzi was shaking all over.

After staying with a certain countryman for so long, he can already understand the meaning of this sentence.

Why didn't those who discovered the secret reveal it?

Because only the dead can keep secrets forever.

Ji Changze walked towards Ji Zhuzi step by step.

Ji Zhuzi's legs were limp, unable to move, and looked at Ji Changze with great fear.

This time, Ji Changze will not let him go.

He clearly knows this.

Perhaps he knew that he was bound to die, but he didn't want to lose even more.

Ji Zhuzi's hands clenched the soil on the ground, he was scared to pee, but he was still trying to show the pride of the winner: "Ji Changze, do you think you will win if you kill me?"

"I'm telling you! I can't die! I'm a person who is favored by God! Even if I die now, I can still survive. I can survive before you are born. When the time comes, I will definitely Strangle you! I won't give you a chance to grow up! Nothing will change without you at that time!"

Ji Changze narrowed his eyes, and stopped with his hand holding the crossbow arrow.

Seeing him like this, Ji Zhuzi regained a little confidence, and laughed wildly and proudly: "You were a stillborn child in your last life, so I didn't guard you at all in my life, but my next life will be different. What can you do if you kill you as a baby? You won't grow up."

"God asked me to live again, there will be a second time, a third time, you can't kill me, because I'm a person taken care of by God."


Ji Zhuzi slammed to the ground with a face full of disbelief.

Ji Changze drew an arrow from him.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder you always feel that you are against peace."

Ji Zhuzi trembled, feeling the passing of life in pain and fear, while looking at this younger brother who had not become a stillborn baby in fear: "You, aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid that I will live again and kill you?? "

"What am I afraid of? The worst thing is not me, brother, believe me, your mind, even if you live a hundred times, it will end in a tragic death unless you give up harming others."

Ji Changze wiped the blood-stained arrow and curled his lips:

"But I think, the mistake of letting a scumbag like you live again shouldn't happen again."

He turned around and took two steps, then suddenly turned his head to look at the place where Ji Zhuzi was.

After watching for two seconds, he gave a slightly regretful tut, mounted his horse and left.

Beside Ji Zhuzi, Guizai hides a little flustered behind another Guizai: "He was looking at us just now, right? He was looking at us, right? Sure enough, it was as terrifying as the legend, and he just took a look. I'm almost scared to death."

"You are already dead, how can you die again? I heard that the one who hasn't given up on arresting us and helping him do things, fortunately, he can't see us. Okay, let's escort the criminal away quickly. , Traitor, scoff."

But this time, the sin ghost is not because of a brain problem. When he was arrested and taken away, he kept clamoring that he didn't want to go, and he wanted to resurrect.

Resurrecting a ghost, after committing so many sins and wanting to be resurrected, it is too light to suffer and suffer.

After Ji Changze returned, he locked himself in the room, and the few younger brothers who had been recruited because of this incident looked at each other.

"What's wrong with the boss? It doesn't look very happy."

"Yeah, it's terrible. I'm afraid to go in and report. I'll come back tomorrow."

"But what happened to him? He won the battle and seized so many weapons. Shouldn't he be happy?"

Wang Qiyi sat on the sofa with a deep face, touching his chin with his hands, eyes full of thought: "I know why the boss is like this."


Wang Qiyi: "Because the boss executed Ji Zhuzi himself."

"That traitor? Didn't the boss always hate him? How could he be unhappy after killing him?"

"Yes, but Ji Zhuzi is bringing people to destroy us. According to the boss's temper, he will definitely give him hope before he dies, and then let him despair, and finally he will be in a good mood after a quick start. It's right to come back."

"Tsk tut." Wang Qiyi slapped his lips.

Pretending to be deep: "You guys, still don't know the boss, our boss, he, don't look terribly fierce on the outside, he actually has a very, very kind heart."

"Is it a cousin, I got along for so long when I was a child. Although I usually hate it, but it must be very uncomfortable to actually kill the other person with his own hands."

The little brothers looked at each other; "Is that right?"

"It turns out that the boss is such a softhearted person."

"Then let's not bother the boss, let him be alone."

The group left with pity for the boss, sighing along the way.

"So, the boss is such a good brother, why doesn't Ji Zhuzi know how to cherish it."

"I thought the old meeting was like a cat playing with a mouse, playing with Ji Zhuzi before killing it. It seems that I still don't know the boss, Brother Qiyi, or you are good."

"That's, my undercover agent for so long is not white. It is my strong point."

Inside the room, Ji Changze lay down on the table with a depressed look.

Ah, so sad.

Obviously, I have felt the existence of a soul for so many years, so why can't I see it?

If only you could see it.

So many ghost power resources, what a good subordinate, if it is a ghost, you should be able to go through the wall, and you will not be discovered by listening to the news, and so many dynasties have passed, a lot of people must have died before, even if only left One tenth is enough for him to call.

Moreover, ghosts don't need to eat or sleep, so they don't even have to pay their wages.

Such a good subordinate, how can it be, how can you not get it.


Sixteen-year-old Ji Changze sighed on the table.

He suddenly sat up and looked to the side of the table sharply: "You! Don't move! I know you are there!"

It's just that a ghost who passed by froze in place, looking at this terrifying living person who had already spread fame with a horrified face.

"You are not allowed to move, I want to try again, where are my bull's tears?"

Ji Changze took out bull's tears from the cabinet and dropped them on his eyes, looking expectantly at the position he felt.

Still nothing.

The excitement on his face immediately went down, frowning in disappointment.

Wouldn't such fresh bull's tears not work? It seems that the wishes of ghost subordinates may really not be fulfilled. What a pity, there are so many good subordinates who don't need salary.

Gui Cha felt the momentum of his body sinking because of disappointment, and shrank into a ball: "Well, that, can I, can I go..."

Ji Changze couldn't hear it, but he also happened to wave his hand: "Let's go, let's go."

Ah, depressed.

Lack of people, why these ghosts are so useless, no matter how hard you try, you can't see them. However, Ji Zhuzi was killed by him, and his grievances are so heavy. Maybe he will become a ghost after death. Since he is a ghost, he should be able to let him Can anyone see it?

Thinking about it, Ji Changze became energetic again, took out a dagger and sprinkled glutinous rice on it, eager to try.

Ghost difference: "..."

mom! ! Is this killing ghosts? ! !

He jumped off the building with a breeze and escaped.

When I fell downstairs and collapsed, I tried my best to inflate myself and stand up. When I was done, I floated away like flying.

Sure enough, this road should not be taken, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, it is terrible, you must quickly change the jurisdiction before this person dies, otherwise it is really hard to imagine that living is so terrible, and how scary it will be to die.

Outside, a few subordinates who had just gone out came in and put a bunch of delicious things neatly on the table.

"I hope the boss can feel better after eating delicious food."

"Hey, our boss is good at everything, but he is too soft-hearted."