Chapter 251 Overhead similar to the Republic of China (End)

The reason why Ji Changze opened the military academy in the first place has now come to fruition.

A group of skillful students with skill, IQ, and responsiveness. In this troubled world, as long as they are there, there will not be too many casualties.

The war started completely.

No one thought that in the end in this war, the darkest horse was actually a military academy.

Not only the performance on the battlefield, but also outside the battlefield.

Some students in the military academy wore red hats, shuttled in the crowd, soothed lost children, took care of the elderly who could not run, and evacuated to safety with ordinary people who could not understand the direction, and led when there was no food. They opened up wasteland and farmed.

Wars have always led to death most easily, but far fewer ordinary people died on the battlefield.

War brought hunger, panic, coldness, and poverty.

This is what ushered in when we lost national protection.

And Ji Changze led this group of students, like a big hand, protecting these Chinese who could not see the way forward.

Maintain order and take care of the young and old.

Wang Qiyi stood on the preaching stage, talking over and over again.

"The more the invaders are like this, the less we can be chaotic. We take good care of ourselves and live well. This is our greatest support to our compatriots who go to the battlefield!!!"

Ji Changze stood upstairs and looked down. Xue Wuye stood beside him: "Changze, you really did it."

"No, I haven't completely won it yet."

"No, I mean, you really did protect our country."

Xue Wuye smiled contentedly: "Changze, thank you."

"Why do you say such nasty things suddenly."

Ji Changze put on a little red riding hood: "Didn't the next door be attacked by air? I'll help, do you want to go together?"

"No, I will continue to study drugs."

Xue Wuye stood upstairs, watching the Little Red Riding Hood walk away.

He felt that he was really timid at the beginning, and after taking revenge, he hid and pretended not to see the outside world.

Obviously, he is a medical student, and he can also dedicate his little strength in this chaotic but still gentle country.

Xue Wuye turned around and returned to the laboratory.

The stingy guy Ji Changze was very generous when he helped him set up the laboratory. He bought everything he needed.

Xue Wuye took a deep breath.

So, you must never disappoint this little guy's kindness.

The Little Red Riding Hood's car quickly arrived in the next city.

There was smoke all around, and Little Red Riding Hood had already arrived. He was helping the wounded to walk here. Ji Changze got out of the car and told others around him: "Pay attention to safety, life comes first."

"Don't worry, instructor."

"No problem, boss."

Beside the countless piles of rocks, a man was digging desperately, his hands were already dug to the point of blood and blood, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

While digging, he cried and begged people who passed by: "Help me, please help me, please help me, please"

"My son is a soldier. He went to war. He is a soldier. He went to war for us. Help me. This is his child. If anything happens to him, this child will be his last bloodline. "

"I beg you, please"

But now that the air strikes will not come again, everyone can't take care of them anymore, and where can they find time to listen to what other people are saying.

In the dust, with crying from all directions, there was chaos everywhere.

It is normal that such a noise is not audible for help.

Men are getting desperate.

He digs, but no matter how he digs, the piles of rocks still seem to stay there a lot.

"Help me, please help my grandson, he is only eight years old, please, please, please."

When he was crying in despair and his sight was blurred by tears, one of his hands suddenly grasped his bloody hand, which was digging frantically.

The man looked up blankly and met a young face wearing a Little Red Riding Hood.

"Uncle, you rest by the side, we use professional tools to open it."

One, two, three, many people wearing red hats trot over as they greeted them. They pried open the stones, calculated the angle, and patiently piled the stones without crushing the trapped children. Move away little by little.

The body of the child underneath was exposed, and the man nervously tried to lift him away from the rock that was pressing him, but was blocked by the red hats.

"Wait, don't remove it now. His legs are so purple. Ask the doctor to move them, or take the child out directly, and the legs may be scrapped."

"Ah! Okay, okay, I won't move, I won't move, I'll be watching, ah, Xuxu, Xuxu, can you hear grandpa talking? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you can come out right away Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

The doctors in Little Red Riding Hood quickly ran over with the medicine kit. After a quick examination, they took a series of measures to slowly move the child out of the rock.

The child remained silent until he was lifted and put on a stretcher before crying.

"Okay, okay, stop crying, Xu Xu is so brave."

This kid should have read books and was so scared that he didn't forget to choke and choke and say thanks: "Thank you, uncles for saving me."

"you are welcome."

The headed Ji Changze touched his head; "Your father is also saving others."

"Okay, send the child to the tent and observe again."

The child was carried away on a stretcher.

Along with this stretcher, there are many stretchers lying on different injured people.

This is why Xue Wuye said that Ji Changze protected the country.

The Little Red Riding Hoods shuttled in the flames of war, and even if they only detect a fallen Chinese, they will rescue the other party from the predicament.

In the beginning, it was just the city where the military academy was located. Later, more and more 520 came.

As long as it is where the flames of war are lit, there will be Little Red Riding Hood.

The people who fled in a panic also had hope, even at the last moment of their lives, they could leave with peace of mind when they saw Little Red Riding Hood.

After that, it wasn't just students in the military academy.

More and more people joined the team of Little Red Riding Hood.

They are not military academies, nor have they received training. They may have been just ordinary people before, farming, selling fried dough sticks, selling water on the street, and groceries on the streets.

But during this period, they all became Little Red Riding Hood.

Wherever they encounter disasters, they rush to the past, whether tired or hard, not giving up any Chinese, that is the purpose of Little Red Riding Hood.

By protecting the Chinese, isn't it protecting the country of China?

Standing in the midst of the chaos, Ji Changze curled his lips when recalling what Xue Wuye said.

Saying to myself: "I'm just taking the lead."

Look, isn't this that after taking the lead in retrograde, more and more people will go retrograde behind.

If those enemies want to use war to defeat their Chinese, it would be wrong. War will only make the Chinese more united and determined.

Since the appearance of Little Red Riding Hood, the number of deaths in China due to war has dropped significantly.

Everyone is united, farming, hunting, making canned food and clothes. Even if the rear is frugal, the best must be sent to the front.

They are not on the battlefield, but they will also use what they are good at to help the country.

With the leadership of someone, it doesn't seem to be that scared anymore.

One by one traitors were killed or assassinated in the street. If someone suppressed them by force, they would get double the force of the rebound.

With the people of the whole country twisted together, the battle known as the most united in the history of China is over.

It is not just the unity on the battlefield, but the unity of the people across the country.

Little Red Riding Hood is also famous in the world.

In this country's chaos, little Red Riding Hoods have slowly appeared in other countries that have been invaded. They either wear red turbans or dye white cloth red and wear them on their heads. They are active in the most dangerous places to help. To his compatriots.

"Little Red Riding Hood represents not only peace and help, but also resistance to those invaders. The logo of the World Peace Organization is a Little Red Riding Hood."

"Why has China always been the most united country in the world? Because at the end of the xx campaign, the number of people in Little Red Riding Hood had exceeded half of the total number of people in the country. That is to say, if you walk on the street, out of a hundred people Fifty of them are Little Red Riding Hood."

"The number of people in China was already large. Under such circumstances, after everyone fought, the invaders quickly left China and left war compensation. That money was used to help lose their homes because of the war. People from other countries did not expect that the money was claimed publicly, but in the end, only one-third of it was taken away."

"In other words, two-thirds of Chinese people gave up the opportunity to claim this heavenly fortune. The war compensation has continued to this day, and it was renamed Hua Guo Charity Fund. Because the founder makes money well, it is considered to be They don't accept donations and still function well."

"Come on, check if you are obedient and preview, who is the founder of Huaguo Charity Fund?"

The students below immediately bowed their heads quickly, one by one.

The teacher randomly nodded a student next to him: "You answer."


He got up cautiously: "The founder is uh"

Probing back: "Ji Changze?"

"Yes, good, sit down."

The teacher nodded with satisfaction, and continued walking around in the classroom, saying: "At the beginning, the remaining two-thirds of the money was kept and used by Ji Changze. He himself is a master investment and has invested several times, so even if he does good deeds everywhere, The remaining two-thirds of the compensation is still increasing. Even now, the descendants of the Ji family, the grandson of Ji Changze's cousin, once announced the bill after taking over. The money can still be used for a long time. a period of time."

The bell rang after class, and the teacher did not delay the get out of class. Anyway, the next class is also hers.

"Okay, everyone, take a break, next class we will talk about Wang Qiyi's undercover road."

As soon as the teacher left, the students immediately discussed in twos and threes.

Someone asked the student who had just been asked to answer the question: "Have you previewed? You actually know the answer. I thought you were getting cold when I saw you being called up."

"What? It's not necessary to prepare for this. This kind of extraordinarily unreasonable thing is not something that gods and people can't do. Ji Changze definitely did it."

"Yes, wasn't Little Red Riding Hood built by him in the beginning?"

"I remember that Ji Changze was interviewed before. He once said that he formed Little Red Riding Hood at that time. In fact, he hoped that the national army was like Little Red Riding Hood. However, at that time, the army went to war and could only be organized by the people themselves."

"It doesn't seem to be bad. In peacetime, aren't the soldiers just like Little Red Riding Hood? When there are difficulties and dangers, they are the first to save people. Ah, my dad is a soldier. He said, he didn't. To be born in that era to be Little Red Riding Hood, in this peaceful era, we must be a soldier who helps others."

"Ji Changze is really amazing. A character like him would be a big man if he lived in a peaceful age."

As soon as he said this, the other students suddenly stopped talking, looking at him with an expression of "Are you Cuntongwang".

"?what's happenin?"

"Are you stupid? Ji Changze is still alive. Although he is 116 years old this year, he is alive and well."

"But that battle is not all over a hundred years, I forgot, he was only sixteen years old."

"People's sixteen years old, our sixteen years old, nothing compares to nothing."

"But at the age of 116, it's almost time. It's a pity. He heard that after the victory of China, he gave everything he had on his hands to the country and went to travel around."

"What a pity, Mr. Ji Changze said. He has lived so recklessly and recklessly in his life. The only regret will be fulfilled when he dies."

"Regret? What regrets would someone like Mr. Ji Changze have?"

"I don't know, he never said it."

In the afternoon, the entire network issued obituaries announcing the passing of Mr. Ji Changze.

A newly deceased person was being taken away by a ghost chase. Suddenly he noticed that Gui chao looked down at his mobile phone, his expression changed drastically, and the green oil became pale and pale.

"It's over! It's over! Ji Changze is dead!"


Another ghost opened his eyes wide in shock, and hurriedly leaned over to take a look.

Then, his face changed from pale to pale green.

"It's over, ah, is the underworld shuffling the cards again? Are we going to serve this big demon? Hurry up and call the boss and let him run away, hiding in the coffin or in the tree, ice It doesn't matter if it's in the block, save the ghost life first."

The person who just died was a young man. He died in a car accident with blood on his body. He was so horrified to hear the two ghosts, and he was a little confused: "How do you react? Is the Ji Changze the Ji Changze you are talking about? Wow! Me He died on the same day as such a big man, but why are you so scared? Grandpa Ji is very good, but he established Little Red Riding Hood."

The ghost snarled at him: "He has been thinking about us for more than a hundred years! It's weird not to be afraid!!"

The two ghosts almost shivered back.

But after going down, he didn't actually see the big demon king's foot boss stepping on the reincarnation pool, but it was still safe.

"Have you not received the news? That one is coming down!"

"Ah, your news is too late. That person is dead, but he hasn't come down yet. It seems that a colleague who finally mustered up the courage to pick it up, but was completely empty."

"Eh? It's empty? Don't people come to the underworld when they die?"

"I don't know, we guessed, it might be that this meritorious person is great, so let's go to it, although we don't know if there is any above, but since there is the underworld, what should there be in the sky?"

Hearing this, the ghost breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if you don't come, it's fine if you don't come.

Just let that one go to harm the above.

Worthy of being a host, even if he loses his memory, he can complete the task very well.

Ji Changze woke up in the pure white space, and his memory was restored within a second. He thought that before he died, he still wanted to wait until he died to catch a bunch of ghosts as his subordinates, and laughed.

"It's not bad to have no memory, it's a lot more joy of exploration."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, the next world, and don't forget my points."

I also hope that Ji Changze, who has just recovered his memory, can be a little confused and melancholy system:

Okay, now we will jump to the next world.

As for those who are not on vacation, it doesn't bother to ask.

The host will definitely not go anyway.

Ji Changze opened his eyes again, and there was someone in front of him who almost pointed to his nose and cursed: "Your Majesty, you trust a treacherous minister like Ji Changze, and you will convict the Gezhou prefecture only by hearing his words. If it is spread out, You must be considered by the people of the world to be a faint king!!!"


Ji Changze understood in seconds.

It seems that this time, it was a traitorous minister.