The treacherous minister who sells his teacher for glory (9) (the treacherous minister still bears the burden of humiliation (two...)

"Why did you come back so soon, miss?"

  When the girl in the yard saw Liu Leping coming back, she hurriedly greeted her and went into the house. Liu Leping found that her mother and Mrs. Ji, who were talking in the house, both shut their mouths when they saw her come in.

  What mother and Mrs. Ji did not want her to hear?

  Liu Leping had doubts in his heart, and without showing his face, he saluted the two elders and sat down.

  Mrs. Ji smiled and asked her, "Why did you come back so quickly? Have you visited Fuzhong Garden?"

  Liu Leping replied, "I met Uncle Ji on the way, and he came back straight after he gave him a gift."

  Originally, it was normal for elders to give gifts when meeting elders, but after she finished speaking, she found that both her mother and Mrs. Ji's expressions changed drastically, and her mother, who had always been calm, stood up directly.

  "What did you say, you met Chang Ji... Master Ji?"

  It's just that I met an elder, not to mention that this is still in his house. Isn't it normal to meet?

  Liu Leping didn't know why, so he still told the truth about the accidental encounter just now.

  After speaking, she looked at her mother's complicated expression and asked worriedly, "But what did my daughter do wrong?"

  Before the mother could speak, Mrs. Ji grabbed the words first. She smiled, but Liu Leping could see that her smile was very reluctant.

  "It's nothing, you are hungry too, Peach Blossom, let the kitchen bring the food."

  The two elders had to act as if nothing had happened. Even though Liu Leping was curious, he didn't ask any further questions.

  After a meal, she felt very good.

  Mrs. Ji is the gentlest and best-spoken lady she has ever met. Perhaps it is because she is a handkerchief with her mother. She is also full of love towards her. She frequently adds food to her during meals. All were Mrs. Ji's smiling face.

  It seems that Mrs. Ji really likes the younger generation.

  The guests and host enjoyed a meal, and chatted for more than an hour. Mrs. Liu got up to leave and was about to go back. When Xu Ma took the mother and daughter to the gate of the courtyard, Liu Leping saw Mr. Ji again.

  He was standing outside the door, talking to the girl who was guarding the door outside.

  When he saw the two of them, he bowed.

  Before Liu Leping returned the salute, he saw his mother's face change greatly and he stood in front of her.

  She was surprised that her mother, who was always dignified, could do such a rude gesture in front of outsiders. Before she could understand it, she saw Mr. Ji smiled reluctantly: "Sister-in-law, why is this?"

  "My husband is only a fifth-grade petty official, and I can't be a sister-in-law to the Lord, and I also ask the Lord to let me go, so don't get in the way."

  The smile on Ji Changze's mouth became more and more far-fetched. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just bowed again and turned away.

  A gust of cold wind blew, and Master Ji's wide sleeves were blown up, making his figure look a little bleak and thin.

  Liu Leping wondered why his mother hated Mr. Ji so much. She obviously had a good relationship with Mrs. Ji.

  Mrs. Liu didn't notice the dazed look in her daughter's eyes, she just turned her head and asked Mammy Xu, "Why does he still have the face to come here."

  Mother Xu knew that Mrs. Liu was worried that Ji Changze was coming for Liu Leping, and quickly explained:

  "Master comes every day, but he doesn't come into the hospital, just to ask if Madam has eaten and what kind of dishes you use."

  "The cat is crying and the mouse is fake! I lost Qian Qian back then, but now I'm pretending to be a good person."

  Madam Liu cursed angrily.

  Madam Xu knew that she was complaining for her own wife, so she just lowered her head and pretended not to hear, and when she sent them out of the house all the way, she whispered to Madam Liu while Liu Leping was supported by the maid in the sedan chair, "Our wife's It means, don't bring Miss Leping here in the future."

  Mrs. Liu was a little startled: "Is Qian Qian afraid?"

  Madam Xu knew what she was talking about and nodded: "Although the mother Wen who delivered the baby died of illness, only you, my wife and the old slave were left to know about it, but what kind of temperament is my master? I also know that few things can be hidden from him, and if Miss Leping comes more often, I'm not sure the master can see any clues."

  Mrs. Liu understood.

  She sighed: "It's just that Qian Qian is going to suffer."

  His biological daughter was in Beijing but did not dare to meet. He clearly liked to look forward to it, but he had to personally decide not to see this child again in the future.

  It's all the fault of Ji Changze. If it wasn't for him, how could Qian Qian do this.

  On the other hand, it should be said that they are husband and wife, and Liu Shengyan is also scolding Ji Changze.

  Ji Changze, the sinner.

  He had had a hard time walking all the way, and now he had to take a long detour to deliver letters. It was rainy and cold here, and the ground was still full of mud. If a person walked in it accidentally, he could sink into his legs. Liu Shengyan was the only one. A weak scholar, he felt like he was going to freeze to death after walking for less than an hour.

  I can't complain that this is a place of exile, it's too bad.

  After complaining all the way, he still did not give up. When it was almost dark, Liu Shengyan found a place to redeem people.

  This group of exiled people came here to work as coolies, and they had to pay 300 gold to redeem one person.

  The three hundred gold redemption rule is naturally set by the emperor.

  Anyway, as an emperor who needs money to eat, drink, and have fun, he is determined not to let go of even a little money-making opportunity.

  Three hundred gold, not to mention the petty officials who were exiled here, even those who have savings at home are very difficult to take out.

  People who have money to redeem people have their children redeemed on the first day they are sent here, and the rest are naturally no money at home, and they will stay here for at least 20 to 30 years.

  As soon as the Redeemer Secretary entered, most of the prisoners who were working in the distance quietly looked over, guessing which one was redeemed this time.

  "No newcomers have come recently. Could it be that someone has collected enough money?"

  While people were working, they were discussing whose family might come to redeem him. Some were interested in it, some were not, and just kept their heads down.

  One of the middle-aged people was not interested. He was limping on one leg and limping when he was working.

  It's not that he doesn't want to go out, but he knows what's going on in his home. There is only an old mother in his family who can't walk well. Although his wife does a good job in embroidery, she can sell it for a few dollars on weekdays. To collect three hundred gold is like a fantasy.

  After speaking, seeing Huang Ginseng begin to open the letter, he hurriedly moved the stool over there, and followed him with a very natural appearance.

  "Okay, let's go, someone has come to redeem you."

  Yellow ginseng red eyes, said solemnly:

  Liu Shengyan put on his boots and stood up to greet him: "Master Huang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

  He was stunned: "Yes, I am yellow ginseng."

  In the letter, I hope that Mr. Huang can help Liu Shengyan, help him calm down the refugees, appease the people, and successfully complete the disaster relief, which Liu Shengyan can understand.

  Yellow ginseng was taken aback.

  "At that time, I also believed that Master Ji was a villain who would be punished by Jie Ji, a villain with deep scheming and viciousness, so he directly stepped on his foot and was exiled smoothly. ...I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Mr. Ji knew everything, but he didn't say it, he deliberately cooperated with me..."

  In the end why do this, in the end why.

  Yellow Ginseng was even more at a loss: "Who?"

  After all, it was Ji Changze who stumbled him, and he was sent here.

  This is what Yellow Ginseng is talking about.

  Liu Shengyan understood this.

  Huang Ginseng smiled bitterly: "I've been demoted, so don't call me an adult."

  In the circumstances of his family, even if he sold the whole family, he couldn't make enough money.

  Eh, Nagasawa...

  He was desperate, trying to figure out what Ji Changze was selling.

  Thinking about it, isn't this what Ji Changze helped him silently for more than ten years before, but he never revealed a single point in front of him?

  Liu Shengyan stared at his face: "Master Ji Changze Ji."

  Wait, you figure out, didn't Ji Changze cause you to come here? ?

  "So you asked Ji Changze to pretend to hate you and send you a charge at will to send you to this remote place. Although you were exiled, your family escaped."

  "I also think that Master Ji is a villain. It turns out that this is not the result of my conspiracy, but that Master Ji deliberately helped me. I, I still misunderstood him like that, I'm really sorry for your painstaking efforts..."

  Huang ginseng limped to the gate under the envious gazes of others. The petty officials confirmed his identity and let him go. He looked familiar, stared at it for a few seconds before pulling it out of his memory.

  When did Ji Changze help Yellow Ginseng?

  Huang Ginseng had a complicated expression, he opened his mouth hesitantly, and didn't know what to say, but looking at his expression, he did know something.

  Yellow Ginseng was stunned.

  After reading the letter, it is better not to read it.

  Hasn't he been harming yellow ginseng in various ways? Just because the yellow ginseng was reduced to this place of exile, isn't it because of Ji Changze?

  He was very grateful to Ji Changze, and he told the "truth" back then.

  Then ask the victim Mr. Huang, and it will be clearest.

  It can be seen now.

  When we arrived at the inn, we finally didn't have to step on the mud, Liu Shengyan breathed a sigh of relief, and then he talked about the business: "I am here to redeem you, because I am entrusted by others."

  However, after reading Huang Ginseng, there were tears in his eyes, and his face was full of gratitude, as if he could not wait to enshrine Ji Changze.

  "This this..."

  Liu Shengyan hurriedly took out the letter from his bag and handed it to Huang Ginseng: "Master Ji entrusted me to give this letter to you, please take a look."

  Seeing that it was Liu Shengyan, his doubts became heavier. The situation in Liu Shengyan's family was not much better than his. The two of them were half a pound. Where did the money come from to redeem him? The two have no friendship, so why did they come to redeem him?

  There is a play! !

  He was busy working when the little official who looked after them suddenly walked towards him, he was startled, and hurried to work harder, for fear of being beaten again, but he didn't expect the little official to walk up to him and just ask him, "Are you? It's called yellow ginseng, right?"

  Liu Shengyan thought about it, he clearly saw it but didn't say it, he just silently followed Huang Ginseng's plan to help him, which sounded a bit familiar.

  How could someone come to redeem him?

  "Master Ji, Master Ji is really a good person..."

  Liu Shengyan: "???"

  But looking at the surrounding environment, the calluses and blisters in his palms, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, finally, finally got out of here.

  "I'm a low-ranking official, and I can't save myself. What's more, it's Your Majesty who wants our lives. How can anyone in the world compete with His Majesty? I thought, why would it be a death? ."

  Holding this letter along the way, Liu Shengyan was dying of curiosity, but it was Ji Changze's letter to others, and he couldn't peep at it.

  Liu Shengyan hurriedly asked, "What exactly happened in the first place, does Mr. Huang know the inside story?"

  "Liu, Master Liu?"

  "At that time, I saw that His Majesty was going to take me and wait for these former eldest prince's old ministers. At that time, three old eldest prince's old ministers had already been charged with various crimes. Not to mention their own lives, their family members were also affected and sold."

  Therefore, he can only leave after working for twenty years.

  Yellow Ginseng shook his head, his tone shy.

  Before reading the letter, Liu Shengyan only had three question marks in his mind, but after reading it, it turned into eighteen.

  But what is the meaning of the words "I helped you as you wished, and now is the time for you to shine and help me" that was stated in the letter?

  "Do not."

  He also wrote to reassure Mr. Huang that his family lived as before, and his two children also went to school. They were talented and studied very hard. Liu Shengyan also understood these things.

 In the distant capital, it was estimated that Liu Shengyan should also meet with Huang Ginseng. Ji Changze finished drawing a picture and straightened his waist to look at it.

  This picture is nothing but a map of the capital.

  Naturally, this is not a memory found in the original owner's mind, but a map that Ji Changze drew after walking around the capital in the past few days, going up and down, inside and out.

  Because of this, he recently took a few days off without going to court.

  No one impeached him.

  Although being a villain has a bad reputation, it also has advantages, that is, everyone knows that Ji Changze is not easy to mess with, like some officials with a good reputation in the court, such as Hu Fang's grandfather, Mr. Hu, who is among the literati He is very praised, and he is also a very respectable old man in the DPRK.

  But it is precisely because of this that if political opponents point at him and scold him, he can only scold him in a more refined way.

  It's not okay to hit someone with your hands, and it's even more impossible to retaliate after the fact.

  Ji Changze is different.

  He is famous, he will be punished, he has a small stomach, and his methods are vicious. If someone accidentally steps on his shoe, he can send someone to exile.

  After so many years, Ji Changze has demonstrated to his colleagues in the DPRK and China what it means to pluck a hair on me and I will break your wings. Except for a lucky stunner like Liu Shengyan, no one would impeach Ji Changze on such a trivial matter.

  They kind of comfort themselves.

  It's just right that Ji Changze doesn't go to the court. He is a traitor who can only mess up the court. It's better not to go to the court for a lifetime.

  The emperor didn't care much, he was furious at Longyan.

  Because he just went to see his own battalion, and the picture he saw was unsatisfactory.

  The cause of the incident was because Zhou Quanxiao was cut down by him last time, and the emperor was thinking, who should take care of the 70,000 soldiers in the imperial city.

  The foundation of the Wen Dynasty is very good. The father of the emperor, the father of the emperor's father, and a series of ancestors all did a good job, worked hard and worked hard.

  Otherwise, the emperor would not be so powerful, and the Wen Dynasty could last so long.

  The reason why no one dared to violate the Wen Dynasty is because it has placed great emphasis on military force since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Of course, this emphasis on military force does not mean that the generals speak in the courtroom, but that the military power representing the value of force will definitely be held in the hands. In the hands of those whom the emperor trusts.

  The people trusted by the previous emperors had such a style of painting: loyal and loyal, dedicated to His Majesty and the Wen Dynasty and then to death.

  to their generation of emperors.

  The style is quite different.

  Whoever is weak can win, and whoever is least capable is most likely.

  The reason is; in this way, even if the military power is in the hands of the opponent, he can't have the courage to rebel.

  It sounds reasonable at first, but when you think about it, it's all wrong.

  As the emperor's confidant, you can be a waste, but as the leader of so many generals, you are a waste who can't do anything except eat, drink, and play. What will happen to the soldiers below?

  But the emperor will not think about this layer.

  Anyway, no one from the Wen Dynasty came to fight, and these soldiers were raised only because of the rules established by the ancestors. If this rule could not be broken, the emperor would not want to waste money on so many people.

  The emperors of all dynasties were very gentle towards the 70,000 personal soldiers guarding the imperial city, after all, they were their last city wall.

  This generation of genetically mutated emperors is rather strange.

  He despised these personal soldiers very much, and even had a headache at the thought of so many of them eating and drinking, and wished to find an opportunity to let them all die in battle and not eat so much money in one day.

  So, as a "step dad", there is also a Shangguan who does everything for himself, and how these personal soldiers live can be imagined.

  They don't want to go on like this, but being a deserter is a death sentence, so they can only live the most difficult life in this most prosperous capital, waiting for one day to starve to death and freeze to death.

  The emperor didn't want to see them in the first place. This time, in order to find a new person to control 70,000 personal soldiers, it was rare to have a little bit of professionalism and went to the camp to see these personal soldiers.

  Then I saw a bunch of people who were languid and bony, and looked at people who couldn't even hold their knives.

  He was about to write disgust on his face.

  Do you expect such a person to protect me?

  Then there is something that he might as well commit suicide faster.

  However, not only could he not disband these people on the spot, but he would continue to allocate military salaries to support them, and he had to find a suitable leader for them, and this person had to rely on him extremely, just like that Zhou Quanxiao In the same way, it is impossible without him, and can only rely on his cronies.

  Who else?

  The emperor thought and thought, and Ji Changze's face flashed in his mind for the first time.

  But soon, he quickly took the face away.

  Ji Changze can't.

  Zhou Quanxiao was a complete idiot, but Ji Changze was a wise man, and the emperor was most reluctant to do such a thing by entrusting military power to a wise man.

  But apart from Ji Changze, who else can reassure him?

  Otherwise, let Ji Changze work for a few years first, and if he sees any disobedience to him, he will also be cut.

  Ji Changze has been in power in the court for many years, and there should be a lot of family wealth in the house, and then he can send it again like Zhou Quanxiao.

  But... he still doesn't want to give military power to a person who is too smart.

  Ji Changze knew exactly what the emperor was thinking.

  This emperor of them is incompetent and very happy. It's not that he doesn't know what's right or wrong, but he knows but doesn't care. Of course, he also knows that people in the world care about this, so he will skillfully throw the blame after he does something wrong.

  A very sensible scumbag.

  If there were no emergencies, the emperor would not have handed over the military power to Ji Changze, a man who already had great power in the court.

  Ji Changze was not in a hurry at all.

  but! He must not fall. Fall!

  Fuquan agreed, and immediately set up a car and went to Hu's house.

  As for why the beard side knows...

  He clenched the quilt tightly and burst into tears.

  "Fuquan, go and invite Lord Hu to come, and say that this official has something to discuss with him, and then call all the adults who have made good friends with this official."

  Don't say that Ji Changze sent someone to call today, even if Ji Changze came over in person and wanted to hack him to death and look at him with sullen eyes, he would never compromise!

  The second uncle in the house, who has always been uninterested in the affairs of the government and only eats, drinks and plays happily every day, is very happy to hear this. He bluntly said that although Ji Changze has a bad reputation in the court, he is so powerful that the beard can become friends with him, at least in the short term. There is no shortage of benefits.

  "That sharp mouth is so nasty, my lord! We must teach him a good lesson!"

  The people of the First Ji Party immediately nodded in praise: "That's right! Brother Hu is right! My Wen Dynasty, except for Your Majesty, only our Lord Ji can do this!"

  His father in the house was very angry about this, and felt that he was clinging to the villain. The last time he heard that Ji Changze was coming, he rushed to chase people away. He was quietly encouraging his father, and he listened to Ji Changze's three words to frighten his father away.

  Beard Fang: "..."

  Suddenly hearing such a righteous word, I watched so many times and every time I only listened to my ears, "Sir, who are we going to do this time?" It's pleasing to the eye, lord, it's better for us to stumble him." The beard Fang suddenly came to the spirit.

  Beard Fang, who didn't want to hear all these messes, just burst into tears.

  I don't know what is wrong with Ji Changze. Since the last time he accidentally heard the other party's threat to the eunuch in charge, this guy announced that they are "friends".

  "Yes, young master, since you are awake, don't stay in bed."

  "I also think that sharp-mouthed behavior is really inappropriate. How can you humiliate a small official in public? Who gave him the right?"

  Going out, many people came up to chat up.

  He changed his mind, and felt a little guilty about his behavior of listening quietly on the surface, but actually complaining frantically in his heart. He coughed an embarrassed dry cough and joined in.

  Grandpa may see Ji Changze's ability to fall behind, but his old man has always been a Buddhist, and he has no reaction when he hears this.

  Ok? ?

  What kind of sin did he do? Why did he encounter such a thing every time.

  Well, that's fine.

  "How can you curse yourself like this, young master, get up quickly, if you don't go, I'm afraid Master Ji will come to find you directly like last time, and then you will regret it even more."

  "Master, the person sent by Ji Mansion said that if Master Ji said that if the young master is unwilling to go, he will come to invite the young master in person."

  He originally thought that after he and Ji Changze had such a good relationship, everyone would yell and beat him when he went out.

  Hu's family, Hu Fang, as the only seedlings of this generation, has a huge courtyard and countless servants who greet him. When he is at home, he has always been more comfortable than anyone else, but today, he has been shrinking in bed and refused to accept it. come out.


  Beard Fang: "..."

  I don't know how Ji Changze recruited these people. The good officials of the court are just like the students of the school.

  Even his cousin, many good people have come to inquire recently.

  How could you just give up on sugar-coated cannonballs because of this idea, get addicted to it, and discuss affairs with those from the Disciplinary Party!

  Go with him in the next dynasty, go with him when they meet up in the previous dynasty, occasionally make an appointment to have a few meals, and even take him to listen to Ji Changze and his party members discussing any conspiracy and tricks together.

  "What if he comes or comes? Can I still be afraid of him? I won't be afraid of him."

  Beard Fang really felt the benefits.

  I can't complain that so many officials have lost themselves in money and money. It feels really good to be sought after by people wherever they go.

  Not only is it superficial, but it seems that he really treats him as a good friend when getting along with him on weekdays.

  As a result, not only did I not feel the disadvantages, but I also felt so many benefits.

  He lowered his head, looked at the map of the capital on the table, reached out and knocked on the location of the imperial city, and smiled.

  Unexpectedly, the members of Ji Dang are not used to such bullying. Hu Fang feels that he has changed a little bit towards the members of Ji Dang.

  The servants gathered around the bed and coaxed him out in a warm voice: "Young master, come out, Master Ji's post has been handed over."

  Half an hour later, Beard Fang knelt down on his mat with a numb expression on his face, surrounded by people, quietly and sadly listening to their rhetoric.

  "The pointy mouth is really arrogant recently! Your lord, you are only a few days in the future, and you look complacent and arrogant all day long. He even insulted a small official in public, which is too deceiving!!"

  Beard Fang wrapped himself into a thick cocoon, buried his head in the quilt, and muttered: "If I don't go, I'll say I'm sick, and I can't get out of bed."

  Because his grandfather is a great scholar and an official family, those people feel that he is their own, and every time they don't shy away from taking him on the sidelines.

  He is grandfather's grandson! ! The eldest grandson of the Hu family.

  Since Ji Changze introduced him to those disciplined parties, many people in the courtroom would nod their heads when they saw him from a distance. Several shops under his name also opened the green lights all the way, and even many officials would specially let their servants go far when they bought things. On the way to his shop to buy.

  Beard Fang in the quilt: "..."

  I still remember that when he was in the Imperial College, there were many students forming groups, and that was what they were discussing all day long.

  As the saying goes, go there when you have the chance, and go when you don't have the chance to create an opportunity.

  The people of the discipline party are rampant and domineering, and they will actually fight for innocent petty officials in private, which is beyond people's expectations.

  Absolutely not! !

  The next person came to report again.


  Must fight to the end! ! !