The treacherous minister who sells his teacher for glory (10) (the treacherous minister still bears the burden of humiliation (Sanhe...)

After Hu Fang returned to the house that day, he locked himself in the study, wrote quickly, and wrote a letter.

  This letter was written by a man who burst into tears and was in pain. Through his years of study, he vividly recalled in seconds how painful and sad he was with Ji Changze.

  He deeply realized how profound Ji Changze's scheming was, and how he witnessed how terrifying the man used to entrap his enemies.

  Focus on describing the eunuch and Master Zhao.

  Finally, I wrote about Ji Changze for some reason, and he took him into a small group for some reason. At first, everything was fine. At first, Ji Changze felt a little naive. And a little bit of stupidity.

  result! ! !

  As it turns out, he was wrong.

  The people of the discipline party are all old foxes!

  All of them have been cultivating for thousands of years, and they look innocent on the outside, but in fact, they are all bigwigs in the entertainment industry!

  They also teamed up with Ji Changze to hide it from him.

  After writing this, Hu Fang suddenly froze, thought about it, crossed out the sentence, and changed it to, they obviously did not discuss, but they had a tacit understanding when the spies came to eavesdrop and pretended not to see it.

  Good drama "My eyes are not bad but I'm blind".

  only him! !

  kept in the dark! ! Being out of tune with them, having all kinds of doubts and looking for evidence, afterward, those disciplined party members achieved their goal and turned into a silly and sweet appearance in front of him.

  It was almost as if he was being tricked by a three-year-old.

  Outrageous! !

  frenzied! !

  After writing the three-page complaint letter, Beard put down his pen contentedly, took the envelope, and sent it to his friend in Gezhou.

  Although I know that Shengyan can't help him, it is good to have someone share it with him and scold Ji Changze.

  And doesn't Shengyan hate Ji Changze the most? Friends scolding the same person together is also the sublimation of friendship.

  Liu Shengyan in the distance didn't know what happened in the capital. After receiving the yellow ginseng, he took people to Gezhou without stopping.

  When they arrived in Gezhou, the prefect of Gezhou had obviously received the letter and had already taken off his official hat and uniform, waiting for Liu Shengyan to arrive.

  After Liu Shengyan passed the decree, he did not defend himself. Without saying a word, he asked his subordinates to tie him up and walk out by himself according to the meaning of the imperial decree.

  Looking at the back of the Gezhou prefect who seemed to be ten years old at that moment, Liu Shengyan sighed heavily.

  "Even if the prefect can survive this time, I'm afraid this will hit him very hard."

  Huang ginseng is no longer an official body, and only wears ordinary robes to follow Liu Shengyan. Hearing this, he also sighs: "Unfortunately, what he has done is good enough."

  In exchange for the two of them, I have no confidence that they can do better than the prefect of Gezhou.

  As soon as the signs of the disaster appeared, he immediately sent urgent documents to the capital, not only one, but also quickly opened the warehouse and put food on it. Until the situation got out of control and the refugees got out of control, he did not run away directly, but always Persevered as a target to the end.

  It is clear to the officials how terrible the runaway refugees are.

  Especially when these refugees see the terrible reaction of their parents who are supposed to take care of them, they also know very well.

  At that time, even if the prefect of Gezhou went directly to Beijing to plead guilty, the risk level was lower than that of staying in Gezhou.

  Under the circumstances, he could be torn to shreds at any time by angry and hungry refugees.

  But he has stayed until now, always sticking to the government office in the most difficult and dangerous times.

  But it is such a good official, but His Majesty dumped such a big black pot.

  The two looked at each other and sighed very tacitly.

  Because the prefect of Gezhou failed to report the disaster in time, the disaster was out of control and the people were struggling. Therefore, His Majesty decided to let the people deal with it and tied the person to the open space. Anyone can go forward and do whatever they want to him, even if the prefect of Gezhou dies. There, His Majesty will not pursue it.

  The news quickly spread throughout the city, and people were talking and looking at each other, not knowing how to react to such a thing.

  They came there with a sense of temptation, and actually saw that the prefect was tied up and tied to the sun by the five flowers, and his face was flushed with the sun, and he looked like he was about to faint from the sun.

  "This, is this really the prefect?"

  "I have seen the prefect, and this is the prefect. That's right."

  "Can we really do anything to the prefect?"

  "The prefect is a good official. When the disaster was at its worst, he was running around all the time. How could His Majesty punish him?"

  There was a lot of discussion, and so far, no one dared to step forward and do something.

  Liu Shengyan and Huang Ginseng stood together, looking into the distance with a heavy heart.

  Huang Renshen asked, "Sir, do you think these people will let the prefect go?"

  Liu Shengyan shook his head: "I don't know either."

  In this world, if you are not a good person, others will know what you have done and appreciate you.

  Too many to be blamed for doing good deeds.

  To the only yellow ginseng (in his own opinion) who knew Ji Changze's "true face" except himself, he said with great regret: "I have been thinking about why Nagasawa did this and why he has the right to dispose of it. Hand it over to the people, after thinking about it all the way, I figured it out."

  "He thought that the prefect is a good official, and the people will definitely appreciate his kindness and will never do anything to him."

  Liu Shengyan shook his head and looked at the skinny people, everyone looked like a corpse: "He probably didn't expect that the situation in Gezhou would be so bad, the prefect... I'm afraid his life will not be saved."

  The anger of the people needs a vent, and the prefect who was pushed out at this time is the best vent.

  Yellow ginseng also guessed this.

  As an official who is dedicated to the people, being protected by the people under his rule that he has tried so hard to protect makes him even happier than gold falling from the sky.

  "There are really people."

  Both nodded respectfully.

  The man turned his back to the audience, but the voice was a young man.

  "Someone went up."

  Liu Shengyan was very pleased: "I didn't expect that the folk customs here are so simple, and it is also the prefect who grows melons and grows beans and gets beans."

  What he said in a long line was a sensational one, full of anger, but also revealed tragic and firm.

  It should have been known long ago that since the image of those ruthless traitors is a disguise, then he proposed this method to "punish" the prefect, it must be only a superficial phenomenon.

  It's just that all of this is based on the health of these 70,000 people.

  "In the year of the flood, you let the people run away, and you stood in the most dangerous place until the end. Now there is a famine, and it's all messed up. You are still running around all day to help."

  More and more people joined the cheering team.

  Who else but Ji Changze?

  Chef Anwei clasped his fists: "Master Ji just told me to wait, no matter what happens, as long as the prefect comes to the stage, I will read it on the stage according to the words I memorized earlier, and then there will be the first person to speak. , the people will naturally follow behind."

  Choking up his words, he took out a bamboo tube, opened it and handed it to the prefect who was kneeling under the cool sun, and put it to his mouth.

  At this moment, it seems that everyone's heartbeat has slowed down.

  It is naturally impossible for 70,000 people to squeeze into the capital. They usually camp in the western suburbs. On the one hand, the western suburbs are open to live, and it is very convenient to practice martial arts. On the other hand, the western suburbs are facing the city gate. It is also convenient to support in emergencies.


  In the early morning of the second day, Ji Changze went straight to the western suburbs with his team.

  "You're only forty this year!! But because of us, you're tired and full of hair!! Caomin doesn't know what His Majesty is thinking, but Caomin knows that people need to repay their gratitude. Today, Caomin is standing there. On this stage, if anyone wants to move the prefect, Caomin will fight with anyone!!! I will die!! And I will never let good people be bullied for no reason!!"

  If it's not yellow ginseng, who else could it be?

  Liu Shengyan: "...So when he proposed this method, he had already decided like this?"

  Nagasawa... In the end, he carried them behind his back, how much he paid silently behind his back.

  Everyone's tacit agreement did not make a sound, and it was good to hear what the person who went up was going to do.

  Liu Shengyan: "???"

  In the end, more and more people came to the stage with little food or water, scrambling to feed the prefect who loves the people like children.

  "What is he doing up there?"

  They all know that now the people have decided to save the prefect.

  Wasn't that the groom he hired to bring him all the way? ? ?

  In the government office, Liu Shengyan listened to his subordinates in silence. After a while, he said, "So, you are not a groom, you are a secret guard."

  "That's how it should be! Since the prefect came to our Gezhou, what thing did he do that was not for the sake of the people!! If we insulted the adults, wouldn't it be no different from beasts!!"

  His mouth was dry, his words were hoarse, and he was crying, but at this moment, it was very pleasant to the ears of Liu Shengyan and Huang Ginseng.

  "Although the little one doesn't know big characters, he doesn't understand the slightest bit of benevolence, righteousness and morality. The little one doesn't understand what His Majesty's decree says, but the prefect, you have always been kind to us. Back then, the corrupt officials forced We are selling our daughters and sons. After you come, lord, you will rectify the corrupt officials, recover the stolen money bit by bit, and help us redeem the children who were sold at home. If the money is not enough, you can use your own salary to make up for it."

  When a few familiar faces retreated from the crowd, he became even more confused.

  By the time he finished speaking, the people below hadn't reacted yet, and there were already applause from the crowd.

  And this is even more surprising than His Majesty's withdrawal of his life.

  "Lord Prefect, drink some water."

  The prefect had already saved his will to die, but he did not expect such a turning point.

  Before he took two steps, he suddenly heard a loud noise from behind.

  In the capital, Hu Fang started to practice calligraphy contentedly after sending a letter, completely unaware that his brother Liu had betrayed.

  The people standing below were discussing in a low voice, and everyone's eyes fell on the person who went up, including Liu Shengyan and Huang Ginseng.

  "Then, isn't that ours?"

  Huang Ginseng was also very confused. He turned his head and saw Liu Shengyan staring at him for a few seconds. After a few seconds, his face suddenly became enlightened, and he quickly waved his hand: "It's not me, it's not me."


  Liu Shengyan continued; "Master Ji sent you here to do this? No, how does he know what will happen to Gezhou?"

  "Thank you... thank you folks..."

  "it is good!!!!"

  Liu Shengyan and Huang Ginseng were both very nervous at this moment, they couldn't help holding their breath, staring at the man.

  After he finished speaking, he looked at another person: "You are not a cook either, you are also a secret guard. I can't blame you for being a cook because your food is so delicious."

  He couldn't bear it, but he had no choice but to turn his face away and said, "Sir, I can't see this, I'll go back first."

  At this moment, Liu Shengyan's heart is really dense and complicated.

  This is already the best ending, and this matter may be passed down as a good story in the future.

  The two were laughing when they suddenly saw the young man who was the first to come on stage turned his head and jumped down, and turned to face them, his face was very familiar.

  The cook and guard: "Your Excellency has always been thoughtful."
